Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 May 1928, p. 6

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WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times s tavites the co operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a.postcard or phone 35. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ackney, of Utica, were recent visitors in the sity, . * LJ Mr, Howard Davidson, of this city, Jesendy visited his parents in Camps ellford "a Miss H. Yelland recently attend- ed the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs, Herbert Davey h Cobourg, Miss Irene eis was delightfully surprised yesterday when the mem- bers of the Accounting Department, General Motors, presented her with 8 cut glass water set, prior to her marri tomorrow. Mr. Deans read the address and Miss Preston re- sponded. | Still Going Strong at Lamble's KING ST. E. Mrs. Oonah Warne is to be the guest of her father, Mr. A. J. Lacey and her sister, Miss Greta Lacey, in Cobourg for a few days. - » \d The Toronto Conservatory of Music will hold its annual closing concerts in Massey Hall on May 135 and 16. 3 [ . 4 @ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Waterson, who arc en route from Florida to their home in Vancouver, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. allsday, Sim- coe street north. - Ld The TE] is announced of Ola May, oldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Medd, Port Perry, to Russel Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lane, Port Perry. The marriage will take place in June. - * . » Mrs: H. M, Smith and Master Claude, Carnegie Avenue, are leav- ing for Montreal Wednesday and are sailing Friday on the "Asounia' for a three months' visit with rela- tives in England. LJ * * Mrs. fired Tennyson and baby arrive 1 town this evening from South America to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. \W. G. Grose, Colborne street east. Mr. Tennyson will join Mrs.' Tennyson here on Angust 10, Ld Ld Rev. Dr, W, P. Fletcher left yes- terday for Dayton, Ohio, on Mission Board work, Rev. Fletcher will re- turn to Oshawa to be in charge of the Sunday service in the Christian Church, * LJ) L Mr, and Mrs, L. G. Greenaway, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Thelma Julia, to Mr, Ralph Welsley Flintoff, eldest son of Nr. and Mrs. R. W, Flinto 1, Drew eet, Oshawa. The marriage wil ke place the middle of June. LEGION AUXILIARY HOLD WHIST DRIVE A whist drive was given last evening at the home of Mrs, I. Patfieltl, 113 Ontario street, under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxili- ary Post 43, Canadian Legion, Mrs. MacDonald was awarded ladies' first prize and Mrs, Cowle the second. The gentlemen's first' prize was won by Mr. P, Sharrard and the second by Mr. W. Rowe, Re- freshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, H, Gay and Mr. Armitage. The next whist drive will be held Wednesday, May 16, at the home of Mrs, W, Collins, 254 Bruce street, ne Set en GOLF WIDOW'S LULLABY Hush-a-bye Baby, pretty one sleep Daddy's gone golfing to win the Club sweep, If he plays nicely--I hope that he will-- Mother will show maker's hill. him her dress- honre Hush-a-by Baby safe in your eot, Daddy's come home and his tem- | per is hot; Afigels watch 'over you -- from Heaven Daddy went round in a hundred and seven. --From angels "Punch," HONORED BY SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD LEAVING THE Last evening immediately after the meeting of the Sunday School Board of the. King Street ' United Church, the members of the board gathered in the Sunday School room and pre- sented Mr. and Hrs, A, J. Bell with silver candlesticks and a silver flower basket. Mr. Hagerman expressed the regret of those present on Sk such valuable members of the Sunday School when Mr. and Mrs. Bell move to Bowmanville, where they are to make their home. Mr. Hoehn and Miss Reta Vokes made the presenta- tion. Mr. and. Mrs. Bell feelingly replied. Refreshments were served and a social hour spent. . LAMBTON, WHITBY LEGIONS WILL VISIT OSHAWA TOMORROW Lambton and Whitby branches of . the Canadian Legion will tomorrow evening be guests of Post 43 of this city, at a social in the Oshawa Club rooms over the Standard Bank. This is a return visit from each of these posts, who have previously been hosts to the Oshaw: branch. PLEASANT MEETING PAST MISTRESS CLUB On Tuesday afternoon, May 8. the Past Mistress Grand Club held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs, Gibson, Arthur St. The guest of honor of the occa- sion was Sister Gill, Past Mistress of Vimy Ridge, 1.0.B.A,, Whitby, The next meeting will be held on June 12 at the home of Mrs. N, i, Hall, 69 Hillcroft street, REGULAR MEETING ELIZABETH LONG MISSION CIRCLE The regular meeting of the Eliz- abeth Long Mission Cirele of Sim- coe Street United Church was held on Tuesday evening, May 8. The program was very interesting and Miss Jackson gave a talk on her mission work at Nelson House, AFTERNOON TEA PROCEEDS $32.00 An afternoon tea was held at the of Mrs. W. A, Luke, King street east, on Saturday afternoon under the auspices of the Elizabeth Long Mission Circle of the Simcoe Street United Church, The pro- ceeds amounted to $32. BROWNED STEW When browning stew meat be- fore adding water, fry it quickly over a hot fire. Then add hot water to keep the juices in the meat, SINKING FRUIT You must put fruit-cake into a { hot oven or your fruit will sink to the bottom. Dredging fruit also helps®to keep it from sink- ing. le No. 101% =A square heel stocking in serv eight hem. Famous for its ws. doe 102% gly designed to give the comes in a service weight, silk to the with the trim "Slipper Heel" appearance of a glior ankle. This num silk to the hem. @Both numbers are obtainable in the newest shades _ that will lend 2 smart touch of _style to your spring costume. Style No.T 101% 8195 FULL FAVZHIONED JILK HOSIERY Jtigle No. 101 SQUARE. HEEL Jtyle No.102:x SUPPER. HEEL Which? MADE IN CANADA ® Trade Mack Regd. To ently tues, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 19s Practical Apron An apron that entirely covers the skirt is made with bib section at front and back. Note the large, roomy pockets! It is practical and very attractive, made of Eng- lish broadcloth, printed sateen in small floral pattern, cretonne.in chints pattern, and Nile green chambray with pockets and bind- ing of chetked gingham. The pat: tern is cut in small, medium and large sizes. The medium size re- quires 23% tA 82-inch, 2% yards 86-inch, or 2% yards 40'inch mate- rial, and 4 yards binding. Price 25 cents the pattern, Many styles of smart apparel may be found in our Fashion Book. Our designers originate their pat- terns in the heart of the style cen- ters, and their creations are those of tested popularity, Diuught with- in the means of big woman. Price of ihe a Bk A cents the copy. PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find .,....,. coats, Please send patterns listed be- low: ws 210 wo ob ow se vie DIB aemensow REICH DUP || | J --. emesmonn BIB0 ni seo POR LER 2) Name Vi RSA ied AdATOBS (00s vos von amiiom 120 Province , wee Price, 20 cents each, 4 stamps or colp. Wrap coin arefully, | Fashion Notes Many of the morning and sports dresses have straight backs with the fronts giving the impgesson of two pieces, with pleated skirts and sashes on the hips, knotted in front, Paris says straw hats, particu- larly natural colored panama and peanut straws are hack in favor, and of medium size, with plain ribbon bands tied in a bow or tail- ored knot, the uncolored straw hats are seen with many kinds of costumes, while the most fre- queent -form {is natural colored straw of fine flat weave, tied with a band and how knot of black cire ribbon, Paris notes that the pewter green, a new spring color, is close to the lava green introduced last winter, while jade. chartreuse and lizard are other greens used -ex- tensively, but the most fashionable shades are a composite of gray, yellow and blue and they are usually dull in tone and are nearly always used in dull-surfac- ed materials. If you want lots of eolor and still seek something you have not grown tired of, you can find fit among the prints and nothing is more charming, or feminine, or practical, For afternoon frocks one fam- ous Paris house uses great quanti- ties of pleating at the bottom of the skirts, ribbons three or four times wrapped around the waist, forming a sash, and handkerchiefs kept on the two shoulders and fall- ing in front of the bodice, American films in France seem to be doing a fade-out minus the usual happy-ever-after ending.-- Chicago Evening Post. Household Hints STAINED-FLOOR VARNISH The following mixture {is fine for polishing floors: a half pint of linseed oil, same turpentine aud one plat both vinegar aud m.eth- ylated spirit. SUMMER CURTAINS Inexpensive tan cotton curtains, put on rods outside bedroom doors permit the doers to be left open fof air nights and yet Insure wri- vacey. ¥ In sealing fish, immerse the whole fish in watar and remove the scales under water, thus avoiding the discomfort of having scales flying all over the place. INTOLERABLE A perfect housekeeper was she Aud order was her law, A neater, tidier home than hers Nobody ever saw, A speck of dust on anything To her would mean disgrace. . She Sg have everything arrang- With nothing out of place. So every book was on its shelf With every chair just so, And all the mantle bric-a-brac Ranged in a proper row; And of waste stuff of aay kind There was no scrap or shred, And every newspaper was burned As soon as it was read, Her ways were so methodical, Her tidiness so great That no one had inveigled her Into the marriage state, A bit of clutter in her home She never could forgive, T'was wonderful--but, oh, it was No place in which to live! DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL Port Arthur May 10.--~Acciden- tal death was the virdict arrived at by Coroner Laurie, after an in- vestigation at Hydro last night in- to the death of W, E. Denford, re- llaf operator, who was instantly killed yesterday, when his hand came in contact with a live electyic pole which had not been discon- nected, though he himself had re- ported everything was "dead." KNOX AUXILIARY MONTHLY MEETING MOST INSPIRING The regular monthly meeting of the Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church was held Thursday afternoon, May 10, in the schoolroom of the church. The president, Mrs, A. C. Reeves, con- vened the meeting and the deto- tional exercises were conducted by Mrs, E, Hall, Secretary Mrs. A. R. Hamilton réad a 'letter pertaining to the sectional meeting to be held on May 17 in Knox church. The treasurer, Mrs. R. Meek gave a gratifying report. The study per- iod was taken up by Miss M., Sin- clair and dealt with the hospital work of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. The Welcome and Wel- fare secretary, Mrs. W. Dandy, re- ported receiving 15 names since the last meeting. At the close of the meeting a short business session was held to discuss the entertain. ment of the delegation from Tor onto, Whitby, West Hill and Ash- burn, who will be in attendance at the sectional meeting. * * Our Daily Recipe BANANA WHIP Four to six ripe bananas, 2 ta- blespoons lémon juice. 3 table- spoons sugar, 1-2 cup finely chop- ped nut meats, few grains salt, 1-2 cup whipping cream, few drops vanilla, 1 tablespoon powdered sugar. Peel and scrape bananas, Force through fine sieve or potato ricer. There should be about 2 cupa, Add lemon juice, sugar. salt and nuts, Mix well and chill thoroughly, Serve in sherbet or parfait glasses garnished with cream whipped un- til firm and flavored with vanilla and sweetened with powdered su- gar, ORANGE MILK SHAKE 1-2 cu porange juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice if desired, 1-3 cup evaporated milk, 1-3 cup water, sugar to taste, Mix the sugar with fruit julce; then beat in dilut- ed milk slowly, Cool with ice to suit taste, The most pleasing re- sults are obtained by thoroughly shaking the drink in a shaker or fruit jar. 207 Susceptible Polieeman (bowled over by fair motorist) : My fault, miss, I ought to 'ave stepped back. Girl: There, now! If struck, _Caresses Every ---- you're noi just the sweetest constable I've eves -- i ---- Curve Five Styles to § In whatever position you rest, the Marshall fits every curve of the body, insuring won drous comfort --and truly healthful sleep' combinations of Thirty kinds in afl © different. Each wrapped "clear . All its swoct beavnty Ask him to show them, Every day. Bread More delicious triumphs than you thought possible Perhaps you think you know all the delectable, irresistible flavors--the subtle, bewitching and flavors--that can be brought forth from spices, fresh eggs, the purest shortening, fine sugars and flours, from fruits, extracts, chocolate, nuts, raisins, peel . .', conjured forth by the magic of sweet oven- heat, controlled by the genius and artistry of a great cake- master. Ifyondo...z surprise awaits you. A mew surptise every day. ©) P delicate smells Every one in crystal- Mas, who Daily SJPPFise J BREAD COMPANY IMITED Albert Lee, Manager at Oshawa

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