Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 May 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1920 -FOUTRALL EXPERT NEWSPAPER MAN Londen, Eng, May 10.~Charleg M. Buchan, the famous English in- ternational football player who 1s "joining the sporting staff of, the Daily News and Westminster Ga- zette, and will begin his journal- istic duties in June, is no mew- comer to the profession of writing for the press. Tus aaily footbatl lessons in the Daily News and West- minster Gazette during the past sea- gon are regarded as having pro- vided the best tuition ever given by a well-known footballer in a newspaper. He has shown clearly how the game should be played. emphasizing the finer points, and developing the possibilities for all budding aspirants of the funda- mental advice he has given. Charles Murray Buchan, who 1s retiring from active football, was born at Plumstead in 1891, and entered senior football while still a pupil 'at the Woolwich Polytech- nic' Secondary School, The tales of his prowess in those early days make his development into one of the finest forwards in modern foot- ball only a logical sequence, He assisted the Arsenal while still at school, and, after playing in the Kent league, became a profession- al at the invitation of Leyton. In 1911, before he was 19, he signed on for Sunderland, with which club he remained for 14 seasons. Be- fore coming south again as cap- tain of the Arsenal in 1925, he had scored over 200 goals, while the number he has inspired in oth- er forwards is legion. To see this tall, angular figure dribble the ball down the fleld has becomre ome of the chief delights of the game. Buchan has played in four inter- nationals, and last year led the Arsenal in the Cup Final, his first appearance in the Final having been for Sunderland at the Crystal Palace in 1913, "His ability as a strategist is equalled only by his powers as a team builder, and it is in him that Arsenal have found the lever to lift them out of the danger- ous position in which they found themselves three years ago. JUDGMENT FOR $2,000 GIVEN IN SWEEZEY LIBEL ACTION Montreal, May 9.--Judgment for $20,000 damages wtih costs and interest was awarded by Mr, Jus- tice Duclos today in the libel action taken by R. O. Sweezey against the Transportation and Power Corpora- tion, J, A. E. Dion, counsel, and T, M. Robillard, balliff, in respect of an allegation made by defendants in an action they took against him, to the effect that he had acted with intent to defraud, libel which had further been spread by circulation of the writ for the action and the declaration which accompanied the writ, The defendants have announced their intention of appealing. Ad _---- OPENING COURT HELD IN LONDON 700 Presented to King" and Queen at Buckingham Palace London, Nay 10.--The first of a series of five courts was held In Buckingham Palace Tuesday night and lacked nothing In the regal splendor whieh is always assoclat- ed with these functions. In accord- ance with the custom of long stand- ing, the Diplomatic Corps, the rep- resentatives of overseas Dominions and of foreign countries were es- pecially invited to this first court of the season. About 700 presentations were made in the Throne room. The de- butantes had a day of long ordeal, fist waiting to be photographed in their court gowns in fashionable photographers and then running the gauntlet of thousand of admir- ing eyes of the populace while waiting in a queue in tha Mall for the Palace doors to open. The royal circle assembled In the Throne room included, beside the King and Queen, the Prince of Wales, Princess Mary, the Duke and Duchess of York and Prince George. The room was ahlaze with lights playing over the beautiful flowers plentifully displayed, while the uniforms, jewels and gowns fully maintained the brilliancy of the courts of former years. The Queen wore a dress of cream "land gold lace, hand embroidered gin cut crystal and diamante, With BRICK Builder's Supplies Lime, Cement Hardwall Plaster Mortor Colors --Field Tile-- & Sewer Pipe Mr, Builder:--We are in a position to supply any order regardless of color, prices are not to be compared with anywhere, Rug Brick, Stock Brick, Bark Brick, Pressed Brick, Wire Cut Brick, Factory Face Brick, and Sand and Lime Brick. We guarantee that our Prices will meet all outside competition--OQur Location enables us to handle your requirements with the utmost efficiency. quality, etc., and our McLaughlin Coal & Supplies OSHAWA BRICK DEALERS 110 King St. w. Phone 1246 re Sale - aE A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN ALL OUR BEST COATS Regular Values up to $42.50 Tomorrow A Special KOTEX OFFER a train of Irish point lace lined with gold chiffon tissue with a de- sign of gold leaf. She wore a diamond crown with the lesser Star of Africa, and her diamond ornaments included the famous Kohinor. The Duchess of York wore a white fleur de soie gown emwuvroid- ered with diamante and an em- broidered satin train. The King appeared in the uni- form of a field marshal, while the uniform of the Prince of Wales was that of a colonel in the Welsh Guards, WHALES INFEST FISHING BANKS Schooner Captain Says Monsters Interfered With Operations Boston, May 10.--There were so many whales on Georges Banks last Saturday that they interfered with fishing, Captain Stillnran Smith, of the Gloucester schooner J, M, Marshall, reported when the vessel docked at the fish pier yesterday. Old timers on the water front can- vassed the possibility of reviving the defunct New England whaling industry. : Captain Smith and members of his crew said they saw whales In numbers, some *of them as long as the vessel, The fishermen said it was unusual to sight whales in these latitudes at this season and that of late years a whale was a rarity at any time of the year. One big whale approached the vessel, evidently attracted by the cod-fish which were being taken on the hand lines, Mark Amero, a member of the crew, was almost pulled averboard as the whale foul- ed his line. He let the line go and lost his catch. SEARCH FOR LITTLE GIRL ENGAGES MEN SEVEN HOURS Lambton, Que., May 9.--For seven hours yesterday, the entire population of this Beauce village hunted through maple groves for three-year-old Renee Lambert, daughter of a resident, .She was missed at 3 o'clock in the after- noon, A general alarm was given and everyone dropped work on hand for the hunt, At 10 o'clock the wee girl was found asleep, curled up in a sugaring shanty not 100 yards from her father's maple trees. PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver ---- Bowmanville MELBOURNE E. TURNER, Representative INSTALLS PRINTING QUTFIT FOR THEATRE (By Staff Reporter porter) Bowmanville, May 10 Ross manager of the Royal Theatre here is having installed in his theatre a complete printing outfit which will in future take care of all his adver- tising work. The press was pur- chased in Torento, and will be in operating order within a few days. MOTHERS GUESTS OF C.G. 1 T. GIRLS y Staff Reporter) Soi May 10--The Cana- dian Girls in Training entertained their mothers at the school room in Trinity United Church last night, Each of the six groups gave a ten- minute entertainment which took the form of tableaux, drills, sing-songs and short one act plays. Instrumen- tal numbers were given during the |gaf intermissions by the different mem- bers. At the close of the entertainment games were played and contests held. 20 MUSKELLUNGE ARE KILLED ILLEGALLY BY USE OF SPEARS Coldwater, May 10,--Pleading guilty to charges of fishing and spearing muskellunge in contra- vention of the Game and Fisheries Act, C, Boland, William Boland, J. Hamilton, and J. Scott of Mid- land, and J, Southorn, and R. Hawke of Coldwater, were tined $20 and costs by Magistrate H, Gover today, The sextet appeared in court on information laid by District War- deny Peter Stevenson of Orillia, who, in company with overseer James MacGregor, found them with 20 muskellunge, averaging about twelve pounds in weight, which had been killed with spears, Four of the fish tipped the scales at 22 pounds. The men were ap- prehended at about 2 o'clock in tne morning at Magchadash Bay. The fish, many of them dripping with spawn, were taken to Orillia by Warden Stevenson, and from that point were shipped to Toronto where they will be delivered to the Department of Game and Fish- eries at the Parliament Bulldings this morning, Sportsmen are highly incensed over the affairs, which constitutes two glaring breaches of the Ontario game laws, The "lunge'" season does not open for nearly two months and spearing of these game fish is unlawful at all times, BOLD PURSE THIEF SOON. PUT IN CELLS Niagara Falls, Ont, May 9,-- Edgar S. Gerow, aged 23, was to- day sentenced to not less than six nor more than twelve months for theft, He pleaded guilty, Mrs, Emily Smith told the Court that she was walking along a qulet street last evening, when the ac- cused jumped on her and grasped her by the throat, and stole her purse. He then ran away and threw the purse away after emptying it. Mrs. Smith gave the alarm, and within half an hour, so good was her description Gerow was in the cells, He had been previously con- victed of theft, Niagara Falls is facing the possi- bility of a tax rate of 49 mills on the dollar, The Committee of the Whole had agreed on a rate of 42.7, but the Solicitor had advised the Council that a large deficit must be made up this year, making necessary an additional 6.1 mills, The Council has postponed decision on the Budget, but is agreed that the rate should pot be higher than 46 mills on the dollar, { + SEA-GOING BLIMP New York, May 10.--*Blimp landed American Trader Ambrose Light." This cryptic message to The Associated Press by radio to- night was believed to signal the successful completion of another step forward in aviation, The Am- erican Trader of the American Merchant Line, left today with a specially constructed platform on her after-deck, constructed as a landing stage for a blimp. The ex- periment was designed to prove the ability of the airship to land on and take oft from the deck of a vessel at sea. SE Wan Ontario Motor Sales Simcoe Street South Motor Mechanic Man who has had experience on Chevrolet automobiles preferred. ed (SIR ESME HOWARD DISCUSSES WORLD PEACE PROPOSALS Says Nations Will Gradually Discard Weapons of War Cleveland, May 9.--While wars and rumors of wars make it expedi- ent not to discourage all prepara- tion for national defence the trend of thought among the nations, par- ticularly those of Europe, is in the direction of permanent peace. Addressing the delegates of the American Peace Society, under whose auspices the conference 1s being held this week, Sir Esme Howard expressed the opinion that as the powers beome more accus- tomed to the idea that wars belong to a past and barbarous age they will undoubtedly be able to dis- card their naval and military arm- aments entirely, but this will be accomplished little by little, he d. The British ambassador criticiz- ed those journalists--who try to "keep allve public interest in the drama of human nature" by con- stantly predicting wars, "There is more joy on earth over two sinners who break each oth- er's heads than over ninety and eight just men who keep the peace," he asserted. "This is then, I am convinced, one of the princi. pal obstacles in the way of educat- ing in the ways of peace." The attitude of the daily press, so far as news values are concern- ed inevitably means "flaming head- lines" to announce even the remote possibility of a conflict of some kind, whereas if the cause of trou- ble is removed by negotiations this hardly receives any notice iu the back pages, said the speaker. But he hastened to lay the blame for this not on the press, but on some "inherent kink in the brain of hu- mranity." "In spite of the journalists who are always predicting wars,' he sald, "every year that passes sees an improvement in the European situation, Nowhere in Europe to- day is there more impressive evi- dence of a desire for peace than in Germany, but it is well, so long as wars and rumors of wars have not dled away, not to discourage all preparation for defence. Apparently W, T. R. Preston's initials do not stand for "Won the Round' Preston.--Chatham News, = WHEAT CRASHES IN CHICAGO PIT Early Advance of Two Cents Followed By Downward Rush Chicago, May 10.--A erash In the grain market today knocked the price of wheat down 53% to 6% cents, shaking bulls to their heels. Thomas Howell was credited with leading the selling of wheat, but nobody wanted to take the other end of it, The blow fell on the market afterit had advanced a couple of cents from a lower open- ing. This happened early in the day, and never again was wheat able to get up. At the end prices were close to the bottom, with May wheat that sold at 1.71% only a dozen days ago down at the hum- ble figure of $1.52. Such wrenching readjustment of speculative positions as was forced by the decline often put the tech- neial condition in a position as sensitive to buying as it was to selling before the break. The action of the market seemed to indicate that the Government estimate of a winter wheat crop of 479,080,000 bushels was far larger than longs had supposed it would be, Rains in the Western winter wheat belt also helped the decline along. The panicky rush to get out that followed, obliterated all sense of value for the time being. The only object was to sell wheat and stop losses that were mounting:as the market declined, The wheat market has become Diamond Jubilee : SIMCOE ST. UNITED. CHURCH May 13th to May 20th, Inclusive SPEAKERS AT SUNDAY SERVICES Il am. May 13th DR. DOUGALL, Pastor 7 p.m. May 13th REV. A. J. JOHNSTON, B.A., DD. . Victoria College, Toronte 11 am. May 20th REV. S. D. CHOWN, D.D., LL.D. General Superintendent of forer Methodist Church 7 p.m. May 20th REV. W. H. SEDGEWICK, D.D. Metropolitan Church, Toronto ~ Special Music at all services. Special Programs every evening during week except Saturday. You are welcome at all services. Souvenir Booklet with full Program available at Johns Music Store. ll 4 BT, _-- I -------- more of a two-sided proposition on |and the future is largely dependent the break of 18 to nearly 20 cents |on weather conditions. from the recent high point, and prices are hack to a level that puts Chicago more in line with other markets, The trade has largely shifted from an overbought to a slightly increased short interest, The only disturbing speech on the horizon of Canada's prosperity is the wild speculation in stocks. It does not mean production or the addition to Canada's wealth. a ---- 54 Church St. Donevan & Smith, jp the direction of Messrs, velopment Engineers, the splen- skilled De- --_ -- ~ Pea Meal has advanced in price, but we still believe that it is the best value in feed. $48.00 00 per ton HOGG & LYTLE Y . Limited Phone 203 HE striking individu. 1 of each separate homesite in "Hills Dales" is one of the secrets of its charm, Beautiful hills top locations unfold a pan- orama of far-flung hori zons; sunny slopes hint of the lawns that soon will be; charming little shady nooks reveal the possibilities that await the inspired architect. Lots large and deep, on the did natural beauty of landscape in "Hills & Dales' has been preserved and enhanced. The varied topo- graphy gave them ample scope for . their genius, and they have capitals ized to the full the wonderful scenic charm that Nature has provided, The rolling hills and gentle slopes "bave been made into beautiful and "HILL ideal building sites that follow the valleys and skirt the heights--home- sites that offer to the architect and to the builder the grace of individu- ality and distinction. In this prop- erty the home will be built to fit the land, and the infinite variety of topography makes possible & choice of location that will measure up to any treatment, The preparation of "Hills & Dales" has been complete. Nothing has been left undone that would add to its beauty or utility, Neither work mor expense has been spared to make it RIGHT--every detail has been care- fully studied and worked out, The result is seen in the splendi¢ home community that has come into be- ing -- Oshawa's finest residential strict, sn & Dales" choice, hills, in the valleys, on the spreading meadows -- the varied topography of "Hills offers endless PALES" If you want to know the tue satisfaction of home owner- ship locate your home in the district Homesites in "Hills & Dales" may be purchased on very con- venient terms, and at the price of ordinaty building lots else- where. Our cars are at your ser- vice, and courteous guides will show you the beauties of this splendid collection of homesites. where Oshawa's finest restricted homesites are now being selected by scores of your friends 28 KING ST.E. OSHAWA

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