PAGE FOURTEEN Lk UoHAWA DAILY dies, DAL, MAY |, 1940 SB (4%6)--Aclanta. Cable Trio. WTAM (100)--Clev ; '}72 5 CY te " 22)-- Cin Neca, ¢ i aM « ) veland, Instrumental < wiz I engin " : Studio. {9.15 WHK (265 5 3 by ae . » E to-Find AY 'The Loncertiers, | 2.30 WE RO av Rede. a '1 4 MU RST (2N)-St, Pagl. Coon Saidersy AF (BBN A oe higay Progra | NBC Red Chan Valais D'Or Orche 4 AF (9)=N.Y. National Symphony WHK (265) Cleveland. Master Sing- dg ™ ) ra ; 5, WS Te s ng )' ) } ) | ) S : WEA WWE WSAL RSW | . WHO, WOW. WIC. | RKVOO (39) Tulsa, Jane Collier, | | '£ 3 y : hestra. ers, 1 PROGRAM : NR (288)~Chicago. Classical. WIZ (50=N.Y, Tango Oschestra 0% RAD (0 RN (HD ackeons ilies Recital WIM CM Mibwaukes. The Wes: Nic, hicagen * The Ramplecs,: WITD (366)--Mooseheart. Concert. Ber. : 'N\ 3 WMAK (315) buffalo, Musical Mus. | 2.65 Wr (273)--Atlantic City, Subway K } 0 \ | E { IMAC Colson. Dance, of + Special Opportuni WRYC (20-NX. Gelaso Mandolin | 10008 RNG Alatia tadg Res © 2 a WCAE, VTAM, 'Q 3526)=N.X. cluso andolin X NC (517)=Toronto. Jess Applegat! V "(3373 = Nashy 10% ht's Hest Features Yiie Kon, Weeos Wo, "ou ariel, rogtann: as PRIeEath \ =] E L S NSM. (37) Nashvifle, (Reguliy' barn A brand new car at a greatly reduced price, Davenport. Organ, PWN (100) ana a NC (7 X ) ( Havana, Fete, WWNC (297) Asheville, Barn dance. | | 630 p.m. ae Blue Chain: --~OM Melodies | 19.39 Yau Ao, UO. Devotional Wok rs TY Bamiomer Lite IR nana. 1 WANE 'C)- ashens a . MOTO 2.00 CECA (357)-- Toronto, Star Entertainers | 1) oo WAC (238)--Akson, O: Organ tle Symphony. 2 WIBO (306) -Chicago. Popular. is {rb olumbus, ance ok: E R if woo (39)--Phila. Verdie Brass quac- Ww (222)=St, Paul, At Sammy. Ft. Yoeal Te fn LA hil Ungae. No \ > We AL (285) -Northhield. Dance, R CITY S VICE, LTD. 800 CKGW (312)--Tosonto. Concert orches- ho Nd ge omens hour: dians," YW, ye a Tumner. Asie: WCAU (260)--Phila, Piccadilly orch- 26 Athol Street West tra and quartet. WoF dt on Soi. : : : WLW (128)~Cinci. Mawailan enter : \ ; {FY 2n-rui 900 WLS (#5)--Chicago. Metropolitan | Yaa ah Chicago. ome ics. | 810 WBZ (333) -Springiicll. Boston Sym. tainers, 8, <k Tt DU EARL a, State, CADILLAC, LASALLE and OLDSMOBILE CARS ; "i pL 2 ¥ 0 a ia S . ¢ AC T - 9) > ance. ap WHE (363)--Cleveland. Accordion en: | 4 sh @or-Atiaata. Homemaker's hr. | 8. ta Hou: ton. Sogve studio. ETRE a A bk Fh WEF 1" J nko Wn) Rash, Orchestra, Fe---- : ue Network =A. 'music: AH (231)--Columbus, teh " 1 203) =X an OL. bi Red ~~ Chain--Arme Johnson: er 10.00 NBC Red Chaini--Dave Bernie dance Viz, WBZ, WRC. ® Raw, a. In NH oasNivate, tao bots N : i VEAF, KsD, Wii0, WH. ** -- orchestra WAIU (283)=Columbus, ©, - Dispatch WMAQ (418)--Chicago. Popular song LRN £317) Toronto. Casa Lowa. " Ia. - % + FCF, music. \ he NBC Pacific hai WI on MS (00)-- Hot Springs. OM fiddl r a gsi El He» Ral Sek WEA (Gah--Columbrs, ©. Food" fox oh (9 Davensart Yost RC Facibe Chain Saugus Nighy : - : d ticed that the plate zlass winaow NOT SCENERY ONLY as : "RVA. WSBT t. : 145 WCAE (461)--PRitts, The Night Caps. KH, KOMO, X wo id AY, Baltimore. Dance pro. fw. . n ® a . Mi \ Wek, WOO, WRVA, NERD aap Ouchegtr. y LI emg RAV; Fo Be iba ie a Pe ag oles, Whig Whe, Ottuwa Journal) ERNOON PROGRAMS WHO (535) oiues. Organ. Sa . Commerce. BZ (33)-Springheld, Mass. Jert ¢ police were called, but the . 5 ourists spent CFCF (111)=Montreal, Mt, Royal or-| 900 NBC Blue Chain Keystone Duo, Bal. KFAU (285)~ Noise, Idaho. Cone -_ omm-- Lowe 4 $100,000,000 in Canad chestrd. ladeers: WIZ, WRAL, KDKA, WOAL WHI (06) --Chicaro. Your Hert es ; Willi (280) Rochester. Dance, intruders had . gone. Their only -anada last year Regular Da time 11.45 ph £ WI-Red Deer, Alta. Musicale. KFAL (319)--Lincoln. Popular pre- ih gh Chicaga. Your, Hour, 30 xn 1PANCE TO THESE er hs ole Thdoty wis threo sold and diamond and not all of it for scenery either. --- c ram, 1 He llae so +0 } ie wa Statler 'em he « 3 L y PE he Fv) ge, 1 wachean wien BOY ot Chicaso. Poptie soloists: Wik (461) --Dallas. Wintergarden pro- ans: WEA, WCAE, WWJ, KOA, WOR (422) Newark, Roscland. brooches, valued at $1,000. If they | Ce Programs Cagney. WHA an Mester, | {ingan. WSAT (361)-Cinci. Maids of Melody 1% Doe Hie Nien" Tara WSN 'Gi2)-5i. Petersburg. Dance (had been a little sooner they would Ar -- i \ ic. >») ARN nt. «A 5 aat 'Sh 76) hy aN a ly we. wogram, q o $45 a.m. Red Network: --Tower Health," Wis a, mer Doh. tet. to Kestpont ie Wn a (176)= Ailanta. Rogers Red Head] 800 KOI, (39) Council Blois, tra NRO (4051-Mpls St. Paw). Dance. have had a much greater haul. Only TE from WEAF, WCAE, WEEL WGR, WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Melodies. WRR (361) Dallas. Musicale, i KER Pi Hotston Pane. WEBI (336) Chicago, Orchestra, half an hour before this Lady De- Correct Glasses WON (AD) Newark. Moming gym. ERAvnS (0 EE ou Wot re eversburg. © Mosca WN os bieago, , Janusee. a, Tam Jus GN (6) --~Clicago. The Revelers jterding's maid had removed jewels . Correctly Fitted 6.00 CKCIL (37)=Toronto, Setting Up ex- | 1245 WSM (337)~Nashyille. Farm and home Band. RSTF vps Paul, Doers 5 WBBM | (9) Cieap riginal I (355)--Des Moines, Ihilbreak's. [TY Worth many thousands of dol. By program, il FEATURE TALKS Nighthawks : WOW (508) ~Omaha. Orchestra. dars in readiness for Lady Deterds W. A Har WARM aom-Nevark. Sunnse hour | 1253 CFCA (357)=Toronto. Chimes from EE -------- | 283 WaAD {isi--Chicago. National Lea: | ensem---- h MCA (DN.Y. McAlpin's orches- | ing's journey to France. her lady- 0. . e gue US d qt y 9] . ------------------ 1 1 Sa 3 ¥ iseball, Chicago vs. New York: ANC (yo Auhesille. Orchesten. |ahin having left just before the 3 Ki $ Piametriet 15 WMAD (118) Chicago, Dance orches- | burglars arrived. ing St. W. Phone 838 AR USC u--Chicago. YMCA. ea | 100 KTHS. (500)=Hot § Noon cou . jie Huet h ¥eMbuaky Ea] 7, 5 (300)=Hot Springs. Noon y id also iN. / ha ERT (461)--Shenandoah, Ta. Sunrise woo Ly Sal Fam Iv. PE CHIROPRACTIC 3 CL La Shenar loa ) J lower talk, W lo , la. y ))-Kansas City. Country- . E. Steckley, Chiropractor and Druze ore £45 ; bh Wy u "ua 4 ; { Side less Therap t, will be ie oe Mice, 116 ! h33 WEED CR) For Better Values x I ( a1) G v Da we s Club, A AH " Sw chats. 3 oh: Rik. 227)--Clarinda, la. "The Boss. WRVA (254)--Richmond. Noon prog. Simcoe street worth, every afterncon '| 7 whl Toit. ie stores. DIAMONDS WHAT (3X shithawk cer WEA (992)=N.Y, Morning devotions: Wal re -Alanta. Music, and Monday, Wednesday and, Fridry RYOKO: (30 Uristow, Sunday School B * Jowaliv 3 Shh A a (35)=Detroit, Organ. evenmge. | Korenoons by appointmeir, thes ; urns' Jewel t HE (Copyrighted, 1028) ed Networki--"Cheerio" from WWNC' (27)~Asheville,, N.C. Lunch al we oY pRpLoIime WGN (16) Chicago, Sam 'n Ment, swelry lore Coprvigiied, | PEAR, WEEI, WGY, WRC. or music. )=Ashevi u Residential call nade in town and AVON (375) Davenport, ar tu Ya us Simcoe dD, Phone 380 -- REPAIRING WATCHES --_ 4 district, Consultation is q ' (3735)--Davenport. Happy hour. | 113 WGHP (278)=Detroit. Detroit trio. Y Ni one 22 : TOO |, Cp] ve a= Cineh Healthul | exer | * i WHO Sher ee ok inch. fee at office. Phone 221, . JN Wa i ile 1alk. Cash or Terms BURGLARS TOO LATE OUR SPECIALTY cises. i " eon music. : ur TY Alhae --Lhicago, dio photas ALTY WEAQ (48) --Chicago. U. of Chicago| 130 CNRA (476)=Moncton, N.Bi. Musicale. " logue." Ja FOR VALUABLE HAUL Rue : a Earl KFNF (461)=Shenandoah, la. Farmers WAR @16) - Pitts, Home Radio Club, - 2.30 WEMC (484) --Uervien Springs. Early concert. oe . Wort! _-- ------ morning music, ROIL (319)=Council Bluffs. Pianist. 5.00 KPRE (20) Houston. Hal 1 wit | London. May 10.--Finding the i aston, alt hour with - a y 9.00 Blue Networki--Roval S. Copeland: ---- bay i id oor of hls wife's bedroom loe i KDKA, KYW, WIZ WHAM, 7? arson, . ; | door of his wife's bedroom loc ked ow Wiz WR. " i ii Saturday Programs by nop Gio ~Chattanvoga, Sunday We Repair Anything Bought at. 9.30 one night recently, and on- ° ° IG 2)=1 . Mom $1 Wor Py ewelr p aining answor J 3 . NITE CRGW (312)=Toronto 1 100 paw. CNC ' WRITAL (261) Reh wed ible y Store taininz no answer to hin call, Sir THE JEWELER If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time (300) Sunday Denver. Park, Ascot, called a servant to watch the corridor while he went outside, There he found a ladder: = | Maced avaingt the wall, and no- | u music. i WEAF (192)-N.Y, Pa a Trio: . ss Whar (500)=Ft, Worth, Morning mu- WRC, worl Thassas ne . 10.00 Jenson, (105) ~Mpls.-St. Paul. "Fireside (On Oh EULERS or sicale. ™ . REL fui WRC (139) --Wash, Organ, : . Philnsonhert . i tde awas H Nhat (370)=Kansas City," Morning | 445 WHT (J06)--Chicago, Alterncon mu. 18 Simcoe Strcat South 10.30 WGN (116)--Chicago. 'The Hoss Race EE ---- ible lesson. . » Sic, : WHO (535)=Des Moines. Victor prog. | 33g WEElI (508)--Boston, Musicale, Ww 53) it, "Tonight's Dia- JM 3)--Chicago, it LA 2.30 WWJ (353)=Detroit. onight's ia: wu (148)--Chicago, Musical pot EL CINDERS--Snap Suto It 9.45 Wis (345)=Chicago. Home question | 2.00 WEAL (492)=Chicago. Popular re: awa Railroads. 10 King st, W. : Phone 189 | cale. (317)~"Toronto. Feature Students, TT Henvl Deterding, f Buck y ROIL (319)=Council Bluffs, Recorded hour, 0.00 KOA (326) ' Saban BASSETTS | $e Y Inekhyrst Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Osh. | TE By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb X. ek quests, iy " . bE - 1000 WCPL (48)=Chicago, Municipal prog. WGHP (278) Detroit. Home hour, ly Ik ae (] WGN (416)~Chicago. Home manage: WIE Qu) Phila, Orchestra; vocal, . f NEVE ' / CONVERSATION NEVER CLEANE Wir period. Chicago, Women's hour. 2.20 NEL it te. Fars Service, OF WORK NG : BABE R RP CARPRIS TR COOKED CABBAGE | GIVE WLW (2B-Cincl. Neten's Hur 2.30 wi BO (306)--Chicago, Afternoon mu- HE NE L HAVE, MY i EL Be ain. REST IEA y. "Keeping Fit." Wiz (439)-N.Y, Musicale. pA Bit Hoe, OF 'RE IN DON'T WANT TO 30:15 Red Network :-- dio Houseliold Insti- WOR (122)--Newark, Ruseland orches. THE Ah TARAS TW BOX NO ENUISTME Red NVEAF, WEEL WTIC, WIAR| 300 CNRO (13) --Ouawa, Musicale, E HANGNAILS | CR WORKING NTS Wiel AY Kcen, wriT, Wile, WGR, WEAT (#2-N.Y. Manas Trio; ALREADY! 1 DEATH, VE IN TRE ARMY OF 8 NERAL HOU I RE nna. chy; LI'L sTARVE ov WOR, YOLI'D BETTER SHOULDE EE --_ a Cio anions Fiddle." i : J A! YOUR ¥ JARONS AND START R WWI (333)=Detroit, Musicale LTE | COUBLE~ IMING! HARDWOOD FLOORS || tice tinimncy hae dur) fl # . A HE \ FoR hi 1. FT OR THEIR SAN " Wu HN =Phila, Grand t and Laid by Expert Mechanics bids ly i hila rand organ and ts. oor! ike new 4.00 KFADB (319)=Lincoln. Orchestra cou, ALS 4 finished } KOIL (319) Council Bluffs. Organ, B. W. HAYNES KRSO (227) Clarinda, Ja. Women's hr. 161 King St. W. WADC (238)-- Akron, WADC Request program, Office Phone 481, Res, 18072 | WAU (261)--Phila, This and That Re- vue, En -------- WDAF (370) Kansas City, String trio id WHO (335)=Des Moines, The Ambas. sadors, 4.30 CNRS (330)--Saskatoon, Special music, o n WHAS (326)--Louisyille, Studio prog. R | WLS (315)--Chicago, dport service, : WIMI (299)--Milwaukee, Studio prog Well, just. call Wo Red Nerwork i Wakieri WEEI, WRC, 0 y Vs WE, WTIC, WCAE. by] | ( ys 77 Ait: Hayton, the Roofer WHAP (300)--Ft. Worth. Musicale, : J 0 i 2 : ] He'll fix it KMOX (300)--St, Louis. Afternoon : ¢ a | | 7A music, ; v i % y Set an Estimate Ww Wad Ua Ahicagn, IE 4 1 an AER i AEE 18 ur St. . Phone 1643 AAM (349) Newark, Dinner dance. E Li 4 WAAT (246)--Tersey City, Orchestra, EA WTMJ (2) Milwaukee. Buddies hr. BRINGING up FATHER hid 5.15 CKGW (312)~ Toronto, News; music, : I ---------------- ROW (HHHi- Toronto, iewes mre. TY Lu a A Roa He re, on h Or YES -OR: CARVER HE OPERATED ON ME, TOO (Now YOUVE | 5.30 WEI (405) Phila. Hotel Adelphia || OPERATED ON ME - BUT IFEEL A LITTLE | GOT ME HE 1D -- : (y CAN'T FIND MY 4 WIP (399) Phila. Dinner mus 0) -- Phila, Dinner music, THEY TOLD ME HE 2 ; "ds Fell Bros. IRR (ni very WONDERFUL NERVOUS: THEY SAY HE FEELIN NOW = | THE TROUBLE | ( SBATCHEL- : 1% VERY FORGETFUL- HE | NERVOLS- . x , DOC? -- py -- By Geo. McManus 615 WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass, Singing F [4 The LEADING JEWELERS Wr 100) Cleveland, Hotel Cleve DOCTOR: : | LEFT A SPONGE IN A : ¢ ' Joc 6.30 REAR (19)-Lincoln. Dinner concert. 2 PATIENT YESTERDAY: Established 1880 WBAL (285)--DBaltimore, Dinner niu ] iV, 5 Neeeny gang : : sic, g WHK (2635)~Cleveland, Orchestra. » ! Simcoe St So 6.45 WOC (375)--1Davenport. Chimes conc. 12 » South g FOR THE KIDDIES R 5.00 pm, WEBH (366)--Chicago. Drean Daddy Davis, WOES (349)-N.Y, Uncle Gee Bee. 5.15 WMA) (418)--Chicago, Topsy Turves I'ime. 6.00 KYW (326)--Chi , Uncle Bob. WIP (349)--Phil; 6.10 WGN (416)--Chicago, 6.30 WIM) (294) -- Milwaukee, Hawkins, 7.30 WFAA (545)--Dallas, Children's hour. 830 KPO (422)--San Francisco, Big Broth OOF STREET NORTH "CONCERTS TONIGHT 6.00 p.m, NBC Red Chain:--South Ses 2, / ' jh J ---------- A---- landers: WEAF, WWI, ; V 44 : . ih i | WCSH, KOA. © 1928 by Ini) Feature Service Inc Great y / : Hi ly { i EE " CKCL, (337) Toronto, Studio music. stan; rights reserved / : | WCAE (461)--Pitts, Studio program. 6,30 KDKA (316)--Pitt Program, ' * LOANS WPI (308) Josten. Pianist, TELLING TOMMY WHN (394) -N.Y. Artists revue. WMAK (345) -Buffalo. Musicale. WHEK (265)~Cleveland. "Sixty ( lub A ON MOTOR CARS id 7 BSA Ww WIR, KY, Bb A TRAVELER IN THE RANCH COUNTRY Ps. To BLED KINGFISHER NESTS IN A BURROW : : ; We will loan you vioties on Me a g OF THE WESLOPTEN S265 THE BURRON Ci RADAR, a THER NESTS 1 THE GROUND. your motor car. or if you cau CFOA (357) Toronto. Musicale. ING OYIL STANDING AT THE ENTRANCE ) . IN THE GROUND TBF SraLL BROWN SHALLOWS ARE SEEN FLYING - fl 50 THEY WiLL BE HANDY TO OUT GF HOLES 1H A STEEP BANK DY/ERHANGING dR ; if) THE WORM SUPPLY ? WEBB 27) --Brooklyn. Musicale, not meet your present pay- WW (42% Cinci, Organ, 10 A LARGE BURROW It THE GROUND ments we will pay off the WNAC (161) Boston. To be announc- claims and renew your pay- 715 W : TOMMY. ments for any term up to H twelve months and insure ers. 2 'BB 389) ~Chicago., Cc t 1 your car. Sce Swanson, Ger- WEBM (359) Chicago. Concert ore man & McKenzie, 2 King 'BZ (333) Springfield, Mass. Musi , ob . street cast. Phone 940. | WEAF (492)-N.Y., Home song hour. WIW (428) -Cinci, Island Oueen. WMAK (345)=Buffalo. Violin recital Ts. J (285)--Baltimere. Jubilee Sing- . MINGFISNER EL 34€ BURROMING OWL 1S ONE OF | CR AE, THEY ARE EITHER \ y A NUMBER OF BIRDS THAT NEST : BANK OR ROUGH-1 : StoBiE-FOR LONG © AIR ALL 1M BURRONS IN THE GROUND . AIA] : 77 30775 MILT MRRELETS GOULEMOTS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN HRN 2 ITS NEST ISAT THEEND OFA -1°1" : AND OTHER SEA BIRDS NEST AT THE END BURROW FROM 5-10 FEET LONG. 5 3 - > OF BURROWS IN THE GROUND. ---- a ; = £51908. 1p Rag Features Syn. Inc | Groat Brite rights Fiall ; Private Wire System TILLIE THE TOILER--Iit Certainly Looks That Way 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above CP.R. Office [AELLO, MUMSY ' WONT BE FROM Row - rr HOME FOR DINNER * YER AN Phones 143 and 144 THEN WE' ba ] ND ON TWLIE i'm THEN EERE LSOWE 0 A SHOW 1 2 "pNE GR) MAN AND YOU'RE THE REASON G LOOKS THA WAY TILE FOR SALE-- CRUSHED STONE CHIPS for DRIVEWAYS WATEROUS-MEEK LIMITED Iv King Fantini Sundare dnc Gront Britain sghte eens. BN