3 Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Stal Reporters and Corvespoadents COURTICE + Courtice, May Stalter, Lockport, N.J., Mr. W. R. Courtice recently. Stalter was a former resident this community and was in Oshawa attending the funeral of his brother, Mr, Chas. Stalter. Miss Nicholson, Toronto, teacher of No. 8 school was guest of Mrs. Blake Courtice Friday. Master Harry Gay has been con- fined to his bed for a few days with grip, but is improving now. 7.--Mr. "Joseph y called on Mr. former * Bible lesson, Our Sunday School is On Thursday evening the Young People's meeting was held with a good attendance. The President, Miss Hattie Osborne, was in the char throhout the whole program. The first part was in charge of Miss Arn- old, The Bible lesson was read by Miss Hazel Rundle and the topic, "What Is Success," was dealt with] by Mr. W. R Courtice, The second part was in charge of Miss Francis Hancock and a piano solo by Miss Hazel Rundle, a reading by little Miss Florence Courtice, "who is coming out as a fine little elocution- ist" and a vocal solo by Mrs. Al- bert Rundle concluded the program. Friday evening the choir met for practice at the home of Mr. and] Mrs. Kenneth Courtice. After the] y regular practise, Mrs. Courtice serv- ed a most appetizing lunch and an- |. other social time was ¢njoyed by all present. Mrs. Courtice as usual, was most gracious and entertaining in her home, Sunday the services were well at-| ¢ tended as usual. Our pastor, Rev, H. J. Stainton, B.A.B.D,, preached two excellent sermons, In the morning his discourse was on the life of Queen| y Esther. A vocal solo was nicely sung by Miss Francis Hancock during the] i service. In the afternoon at the Sunday School the devotional part] | of the session was in charge of Mr, H. F. Osborne's class, Master Clare Courtice presided, and after the hymn, Mr. H. F. Osborne led in prayer. Master Jack Gay read the largely attended and those who are in charge will be busy from now un- til June making preparations for the anniversary, which comes the second Sunday and Monday of that month, June 10 and 11. Reserve the date as our people are serving a supper this year on Monday and a good program is being prepared for the] afternoon. Look for particulars later, Sunday evening our pastor preached | { - --_----r --r = \ I One box of ||! KOTEX | ie With every two boxes you buy for : lor, sr, and Miss Taylor, and Mrs. David = Johns were guests of J. \Vounacott, Charles, with Mr, J. J. Smith. Master Charles remaining for a few days, Pascoe received SPECIAL |: on mother-in-law, from the text "Is There A Life Be- yond the Graver" Next Sunday is Mother's Day and will be observed in the morning aud in the afternoon. A fine program will be presented at the Sunday School session, Everyone is welcome. Solina, May 7.--Miss Edna Rey- nolds was a guest 'of Miss Ward's, Scarboro, on Monday. Mr. Charles Shortridge, Miss Vera and Master Charles Shortridge were at Brooklin on Sunday. Mr, Arthur Taylor and Mrs. Tay- Toronto, and babe Mrs. N. Yellowlees and Miss Grace and Master Donald with her mother, Mrs, Caltin, at Brampton, Mrs. Fanny Reynolds has return- d to Solina accompanied by her son Nelson and wiic and Howard and Barbara, oi Toronto. Mr. Alired Hardy, Hampton was a guest of Mr. Harvey Hardy, Miss Irene Hudgins, Oshawa, was a visitor of Miss Dorothy Harris, Mr..and Mrs. Mack Soanes, Osh- awa, Misses Margaret and Katherine and Pauline were guests of Mrs. E. . Black's, taking Mrs, K. Soanes on o Lindsay. Mrs. Soanes visited Mrs. Black during the previou week. Mr. Albert Hillis, Taunton, spent Sunday: with Messrs John, William and Thos. Baker. Sunday at Eldad there were 103 at Sanday School and a church full o listen to a splendid program by Rev, Mr. Bick, The missionary pro- gram was taken up by Mr. laylor. The subject taken up was the Elgin work in Trinidad. The Beacon Light class were all present and the follow- ng took different parts on Trinidad, Maurice Baker, George Werry, Wes- cy Yellowlees, Frank Westlake and Bobby Smales and Bruce Tink, these papers were short but given, interestingly Mr. and Mrs, Charles. Rundle, Osh- awa, Mr. Frank Bray, Enfield, Mrs. M. G. Rundle, Misses Dérothy Rundle, Bowmanville, were the guests of Marie and J. T. Rundle. and Mrs, Everett Hoar and Bowmanville, werc visitors Mr. Sorry to report 'that Mrs. W. N, a bad shaking-up vhen she fell in the stable. Luckily Mr. and Mrs. John Found, Eben- here were no broken bones, zer, Mrs, Will Lymer, Maple Grove, vere the guests of W, T, Baker, Mr. Howard May, Mrs. George May, Toronto, and Mrs. \V. J. Bragg, Jowmanville, were guests of Jobn aker. Miss Dorothy Harris riends in Oshawa. Mr. Donald Harris is riends in Whitby. Mr, Thos. Baker visited his sister, visiting 15 visiting Mrs. McMullen in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McBride and son dertram, oi Peterboro, were guests i Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Tink's ov- r Sunday On Friday night several young men 1] women gave Mr. .and Mrs, A. Reynelds a chivari on their re- urn from their honeymoon, Mr. Rey olds treated very fiberally and they wmrneyed to Courtice and Enniskil- 'n to enjoy their treats. On Saturday night there will be an xhibition game of football between team and the Eng- he 0 Solina's regular lish all-stars team at the communjty grounds at 6.30 o'clock, tae ZION Zion, Mayy® Mrs, Arthur Lang- 1uid was moved from the hospital Saturday to the home of her on Simcoe street but .on Monday her so much worse that outh, Oshawi, mdition wa IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 Dr. Trick moved her to Toronto General Hospital to be under the care of a specialist, Dr. Graham, who also visited her in Oshawa hospital. She is suffering with abscess of the kidney and expects to have am op- eration soon. \We hope for the best news possible and that her health may be restored. Mr. Norman Leach has a new car. Honor your mother by being at church next Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock when all the mothers, fathers and children will be expected. A var- idd program is being arranged and also a pageant will be given and spe- cial music. A christening service will 'also be held for any who care to bring their babies along. Mr, and Mrs. William Michael and family, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Delbert Flintoff's, Mr. Jas. McMaster and gentleman iriend of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents. Seeding is in full swing at pres- ent and we hope for continued warm weather. Mrs. Foster Snowden will enter tain the Women's Association at her home on Wednesday, May loth, at 2.30 o'clock when all the members are asked to attend as the special com- mittees will work out their annivers sary plans at this meeting. Subject for roll call "Mother." Visitors al- ways welcome at our mectings, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, May 8.--Little Eddie Northcote will undergo an operation today in the Oshawa Gen. eral Hosplial for the removal of an eye, While playlug a couple of weeks ago, he accidently run in to a pitch fork which punctured the eye. Our' best wishes for a successful operation are extended to the parents, Mothers' Day will be fittingly recognized in our church and Sun- day School next Sunday. You are cordially invited to come, Mr, and Mrs, D, Stewart and boys, Mr. and Mrs. F. R, Kirby and children, all wity the Selomon family on Sunday. Mr. Roy (Cappy Foster), of Ed: monton, Alberta, was renewing old times and visited neighbors he liv- ed beside, before going to Alberta where he has been the past. six- teen years. Mr. Foster was sur- prised at the growth of North Osh« awa, While here he visited Mrs, W. Glover, Mrs, Tom Solomon. My, and Mrs. Allan Roe and three children, of Lamore, Calls fornta, motored from there aud visited Mr. and Mrs, J. McPhail, their cousins. They proceeded to Maxdflle, Glengarry County, on Saturday and will stay for a visit on their return trip, They came from California in about 10 days, Glad to know that both Mr. and Mrs, Henry Dearborn are improv- ing. The friends and neighbors were much concerned and are de- lighted to know they are getting well again apd hope the weather will rtay nice so they will come along fast. meet this Thursday night. An in- teresting program is being prepar- ed. Light refreshments will be served. SAILORS NOT FARMERS (Barrie Examiner) The annual northward trend of the species genus hobo of Georgian Bay ports is even more pronounced that ever this Spring. During the past "week applications for relief at Barrie stores, homes and public in- stitutions have heen quite numer- ous, They are all "sailors," so they state. Without exception they were offered work on farms hereabouts where there is a great shortage of help, but politely - refused, they said. One stoker's back: was too sore to saw a little wood for his meal, but he looked strong enough to make the coal fly. The Home and Sehool Club will ' How small a Down Payment is required to place this Orthophonic Victrola in your home. Our customers ave surprised when they learn how small a sum will place am Orthophonic Vie. trola im their home. and hear the latest Victor Rec- ords, reproduced with astonishing realism on 'one of these marvel ois instruments, Get us to tell yon about our plan whet © you play as youn par n this way, you have tha use of your Ortho phonic Victrola. many months be- for you buy it Come In today a eed L} ). £ Brown [for your Orthophonic Victrola| "Enjoy your OSHAWA home... MORE" Drop in J the Order. "This used to be such a dull corner , , . Permalak certainly does brighten up the house." Color is so cheering in a room--the new colors-- Permalak colors. A spot of one of the beautiful Permalak reds or yellows in a living room, a glint 'of orange in the hall, or a soft restful Permalak green in the bedroom. There is a wide range of colors, every one of them rich and lustrous, You'll enjoy using them, So easy to apply. And they dry in no time, This little booklet *' The New Art of Color in Interior Decoration" is yours for the asking to the company at Montreal. BEANDPRAM-HENDERSON . From your dealer or write direct CLEVE FOX HARDWARE 20 Simcoe St. South is 15 Simcoe St, North EE ---- TT SUPREME LODGE OF It will surprize you to know-- KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS IN MILWAUKEE The Supreme' Lodge Knights of Pythias will meet in Milwaukee, Wis., on August 13, instead of De- troit. Mich., the host city selected by the last supreme lodge conven- tion. Announcement of the change in place of meeting was made by a proclamation {issued by Supreme Chancellor, Richard S. Witte, and was read before the local lodge last Friday night by Bro. C. Gillard, keeper of records and seal. "The Supreme Lodge is the high- est controlling body of the Pythian Order," sald Bro. E. Tattersallh, chancellor commander, who outlin- ed to the members the composing factors and governing powers of that body. "It is composed of rep- resentatives from every grand do- main according to Pythian popula- tion. Every domain has two repre- sentatives, regardless of the size of its membership, while those over 10,000 members have three repre- sentatives and the number increas- es to a point with five as a maxi- mum. "This body enacts all laws and directs the executive activities of It also has control over the Insurance Department and di- rect management of fits affairs through a board of control com- posed of nine members, three of whom are officers of the supreme lodge. Changes in the ritual cere- mony and direction of all auxiliary branches are within the powers of the supreme lodge. It meets vv- ery two years and each grand lodge elects from its membership who have become past grand chanmcel- lors, representatives who serve for a term of.four years "The interest of all members of the Order is turned toward the next session of the Supreme Lodge ve- cause of the'efforts made to deter- mine upon a definite objective in which all subordinate lodges -may participate. A survey has been made by a special committee com- posed of all past supreme chancel- lors to determine upon some ma- jor welfare work in which the whole membership may have a part, The first meeting of this committee was held at Indianapo- lis, Ind., in January and at tnat time members of the Board of Con. trol of the Insurance Department, the members of the Supreme Tri- bunal and officers of the Depart- ment composed the investigating body. "Following that conference Su- preme Chancellor Witte announc- ed that it would be the aim of the committee to determine upon a common contact in service, a medi- um of activity which would en- list the energies and efforts of all Pythians, conserve the membership by giving every one a part to per- form and on the whole give to the American people something defin- ite and tangible and upon such a broad and effective scale as to be considered by all people as a wor- thy objective for a fraternal soci- ety of nearly one million mems= bers." Announcement was made at the meeting that the Insurance De- partment had walved the monthly payments upon all certificates for the months of March and August for this year. Also that this branch of the Order had paid nearly $2, 000,000 in 1927 to Pythian widows and orphans. It was also announec- ed that tha Supreme Temple of Py. thian Sisters would hold its bi- ennial convention in Milwaukee on the same date as the Supreme Lodge convention. EVENS IT UP (Halifax Herald) What the punctual man gains in keeping his appointments he loses waiting for the other fellow. ay Now try "Improvement No. 47" Pressureless Touch--writing with. out effort--ig Parker Improvement' No. 47. Now the light weight of the Parker Duofold itself is sufficient to start and keep it writing, All writing effort is forever ended by this feature, Try it free at the nearest ~ pen counter today, _ Get non-breakable barrel, Five flash. ing colours, Be sure to look for this im. print, "Geo, S. Parker --DUOFOLD." *The Parker Duofold Fountain Pen is trade to give lifelong satisfaction, Any ¢ "fective parts will be replaced without sarge provided complete pen is sent to the factory with 12c for return postage and registration, And you can have this *guarantee fore ever against all defects, THe PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANT, LGW @ TORONTO 3, ONTARIO Bt. Parker Duofold Duofold Pencils in the *' Fashionable Five' Colours to match Duofold Pens, $3, $3.50, $4 ---- -- REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we cam repair and male it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Offiefal Watch inspector for Canadian National and Osh- 10 King St. W, awa Railroads, Phone 189 -------- I -------- -- ha | A limited quantity for a limited time, For Sale at Jury & Lovell King St. E. Simcoe St. S. Phone 28 Phone 68 OAKL: 7158 [59 [by 42 3 bo lbs wor D PARK- 9 0\w | 72\73 | 2 [75] AM CAOILLAC a 2427 453) 4/1 Zz V9/ 2 ow Va" - A AVENE AVENLE lelelaelalalelale o 9879 ANS RN Heed Its Warning causes more ailments than all other diseases, and is the result of not ha bowel movement. * and sallow SECOND--King Street water main passes along in front of the property and water mains will be laid on part of Cadillac St. North immediately. THIRD ---A most important factor is that Mortgage money can be secured \ for your building operations. SOME OF THE VERY IMPORTANT REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD *# BUILD YOUR NEW HOME OR INVEST IN LOTS IN OAKLAND PARK: FIRST --All the property can be sewered in the new St. Julien trunk sewer. Our Office is on King Street East in Oakland Park. Come and see us any time, or phone 2770 for any further information required. H.P.BULL SALES AGENT Oakland Park is a Registered exclusive residential district with fair building restrictions that will increase the values of your property continually. If you will look over Oakland Park, you will agree with many prominent citizens in Oshawa, that it is the most beautiful and desirable dis- trict in Oshawa and will be for many years to come.