. Rose early last April. A copy of the Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phone, Houge 18--Ottice 484 Whitby Council | -..Grand Jury's References Resents to Condition of Streets "Reeve Jackson Charges Jury Exceeded Its Duties When It Concerned Itself With Streets Which Were Sole. ly Property of the Town (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 9.--Whitby's town council strenuously objects to ref- erences concerning the condition of the roads surrounding the county court house made in the present- ment of the grand jury at the Spring assizes of the Supreme Court held here before Mr. Justice report forwarded by Dr. Bascom, registrar, upon the suggestion of Justice Rose, was included among the communications read by Town Clerk Frost at the council sessions, last Monday night. In making mention of the roads ed that they were im very poor shape and were a disgrace both to the town and the county, It pointed out that motorists found it difficult to get to the court house over these thoroughfares and that several cars had to be drawn out. Reeve Jackson charged that the juny had exceeded its duties when it concerned itself over streets which were solely the property of the town. The reeve thought it un- fair that such a report should be made and broadcasted through the whole country by thé press at a time when unpaved streets ana roads in every town and district mn the province were .suffering, He also believed that the grand jury had not really written the present- ment but simply endorsed it and considered that the jury should not have assumed responsibility for something it had not written. Re- ferring to a statement that some opinion that this had emanated from certain ¢~unty officials, Deputy Reeve Underwood' sup- ported Reeve Jackson 'in his com: tention and as chairman of the county property ccmmittee he did not think that the grand jury was correct in dekcribing offices in the court house as unsanitary. Several members of the council mentioned tLag at the time of the Spring as- sizes it was impossible to repar the roads and when Reeve Jacksen. seconded: by Deputy Reeve Under- | woed, moved t the registrar's laid on the table communication unanimous the motion received support, py A communication was 'received from the Imperial Oil Company protesting a - bill of $75.56 for water, the services of the fird brigade and equipment in fillitg a 9,000 gallon gasoline tank. The oil company claimed thai other municipalities had charged considerably less for similar ser- vices. The council opined that all the items included represented actual cost to the town and ap- proved the bill. It was not definite- ly known however whether the tank had been filled once or twie and if filled but once, as suggested by the oil company, provision was made to reduce the bill by $2.25 representing 25 cents per thousand gallons for 9000 gallons, A number of applications for sewers and sidewalks were referred to the streets committee and also an application for installation of a gasoline pump made by Jos. Heard and Sons, Councillor Mowat, required |, rik. OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1926 mending the purchase of six swings for children to be erected in the town park. The committee will call for tenders. Counc. Broughton attempted to censor Counce. Threadgold, chair- man of.the streets committee, for renting a tractor on trial without calling a meeting of his committee. A warm debate resulted. between the two councillors on the matter and it became evident from state- ments made by other members that the council had expected the chair- man of the streets committee to hire this particular tractor for a 15 day period on terms suggested by the tractor company. Counc. Broughton however was not satis- tied and still insisted that nothing should have been done before call- ing a meeting of the streets com- 'mittee. fi Upon recommendation of the finance committee accounts for the 'month totalling $1220.66 were passed 'including, finance,- $87.96; streets, $244.08; fire yf light, $1.48; town property, $71.81; paid and not passed, $809.36, FROM ALL CANADA ottawa, May 8.--One hundred and. nineteen tyepwritten pages of reasons why the broad-casting rights of the International Bible Students' Association should be suspended were tabled by Hon. P. J. Arthur Cardin, Minister of Mar- ine and Fisheries, in the House of Commons today, and show that pro- tests against she' programs of this organization were received from nearly every Province of the coun- LOGATION NEW CLUBHOUSE Officials of the Bowling and Tennis Club Meet at Grounds (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, M Officials and di- rectors of the Whitby wn Bowling and Tennis Club met at the club grounds on Brock st carly last night to consider the best ible Situation for a club EY Ahbeh a tion was not exact ermine it was finally decided to bring water and sewer connections in from Brock street to a point midway between the south-cast corner of the bowling greens and the north-east corner of the first set of tennis courts. Members of the club are pleased with the progress being made in the development of the club's property which ;when properly equipped will include. spacious bowling greens, four ¢lay tennis courts, badminton courts and possibly quoit greunds. Work has already been commenced on the bowling greens and the tennis courts, and it is thought that the latter will be ready for use by the end of this month, The complete grounds occupy a whole town block with the excep- tion of a small strip to the north- west corner, T0 IMPROVE PARK MEN' ARE SO UNORIGINAL (New York Evening World) Arthur McCaffray of Chicago was pronounced dead by a Coroner's jury his grave was dug and his friends ordered flowers. Then he walked into the house, ining that he'd been taking care of a sick friend for sev- eral days and had neglected to no- tify his wife. Considering the dram- atic quality of the occasion, a woman wishes Arthur might have risen to it 'with something better than that old one! All the white man wants to do in the Orient #s to take orders and give orders.--Publishers Syndicate. EE -- ------ Si adulterated. In the a hristies FIG mply scrumptious . . . Christie's - Fig Bars. Wholesome, too, and especially good for youngsters be- cause the filling is made with genuine Smyrna figs--pure and une stone or on the *pbowe, dweys ask for SIBERRY'S chairman of the property commit- of the offices in the county court tee, brought in a report recom- were unsanitary he hazarded the try. surrounding and leading to the court house, the grand jury report- PAY-DAY SPECIAL "Arrow" Made Broadcloth Shirts Regular Price $2.00 200 only, Genuine Broad. cloth Shifts in plain white, perfectly made, full fitting and finished with soft reversible cuffs and separate soft collar. Absolutely the best yalue Sizes 181; FOR ATHLETICS Council Will Assist South Ward Ratepayers' Association '(By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 9--The council will give assistance to the South Ward Ratepayers' Association in their 'en- deavour to make the south ward park suitable and to plant grass seed, the town to assist them by loaning a grader and other equipment and also by Supplying the grass seed. A deputation from the ratepayers including Messrs. Seymour Whitney, Wm, Harden and John Watson pre- sented their request to the gouncil last Monday night. Mr. Whitney, president of the association, pointed out that as the school grounds of Brock street school had heen closed to children after school hours there was no suitable place for them to play, He did not think it advisable that they be forced to use the streets but to prevent this the ratepayers ed o see the south ward park made into a suitable playing field. He promised if the town would assist to the extent outlined above the men of the association would finish the work thus begun. The council considered this a very good suggestion in the part of the association and thought that it would afford an opportunity to demonstrate the new grader te the residents of this district, : CANADIAN LEGION WILL HOLD SMOKER (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 9--Post 112, Canadian Legion, 1s holding a smoker in their club rooms over A. H. Allin's drug store tonight, A very fine program has been arranged many of the best known artists in the district having promised to appear, amongst whom are Messrs, Walter Jackson, pianist and baritone; Reg. Terret, comedian; Les Baker, comedian; and A. Hartley, bass, all of Oshawa; Messrs W. A. Dewland, J. Frost, Ted Willis and J. Parker, of Whitby. Tom E. Hen- stock, of Whitby will be at the piano. There will be short speeches by the Legion's chaplain, Capt. Tom Best, Major R. B. Smith, Columbus, and Major G. W. P. Every, superinten- dent of the Water and Light Com- mission, who will explain the plan to light 'the War Memorial Plot by an efficient flood lighting system. COURT CARE AFTER GIRL IS MARRIED Argument Results Whether [3 hy s = KS 1 A bt 4 g Y ~ {np 7 this season, to 17, Extra Special, 2 for $3.00 30° WE GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION With Every Pair of HOSE Sold in This Store, . or Money Refunded Silk Rayon Ginghams That delightful wash fabric with so many uses in a big range of colors and patterns, $1 00 . 85c yard or 3 yards for Men's 55¢ Socks for 35¢ 3 Pair for $1,00 Beautiful Quality Silk Lisle Socks in a host of the very newest "checks" and fancy stripe effects, An ideal sock for present year. Every pair guaranteed, Sizes 10 to 1134, Special, Pair, Men's Athletic Combinations for 49¢ Regular. Price 75¢ White Cross Check *Nainsook" Ath- letic Combinations, sleeveless and knee length, in buttoned style, Ser» viceable quality, full fitting, Sizes 34 to 44. Special, Hdkfs, 5¢ Regular Price, 10c Pure Irish Linen-finished Lawn Handkerchiefs, Plain white, full size, with deep hemstitched border. Special, Plain Voiles In Blue, Rose, Yellow, Nile, White, Black, Mauve and Blue, 38" wide, Special, Yard, Women's Silk Hose--Picot Edge Fleur de Lis make, Silk to the top, all sizes, narrowed, pointed high heel. Colors are: Naturelle, Piping Rock, Hoggar, La Mode, White, Aleson, Haze and $1 00 0) Circassian, Holeproof Pure Thread Silk Silk Gloves Full Fashioned Hose The newest spring shades with the latest in fancy cuffs, Priced at, pair, Broken lines, in colors and sizes, Reg, $1.95, for, Pair, $1.59 08d, $1.25 and $1.50 ! » Karo--Pure Thread Silk Hose Knitted on a 260 point needle, form fitting ankle, special reinforced heel and toe, Colors are; Banana, Vanity, Mirage, Moonlight, White, Blue Fox, Paris Blonde and Gunmetal, Two Qualities, $1.00 and $1.48 Pair Mercerized Lisle Hose Rainbow Stripe Full Fashioned Reinforced toe. heel ond sole, Wilk Pure Thread Silk Hose All sizes, Colors are: Black, Smoke, give splendid service, White Moonlight, Atmosphere, Crane, Blush, Beige, Ecs- Nude and Black. tasy, Sand, Nude and Moon. $1 95 » light. Pair, . Penman's Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hose All sizes and colors -- Sandust, Ivory, Pearl Blush, Peach, Black, Atmosphere, Rifle, Nude, Shell Pink, White, Moonlight and Champagne. Two Qualities--$1.50 and $1.79 Pair 4 Hose Would You Like to Buy a Rewgis Hose fur $1.75 Bloomer for $1.19; Here is your opportunity. A special Lisle Hose in all sizes. Will give good purchase of a Manufacturer's line seryice, Black, White, Chicke, A Pen- makes this possible. All colors, in man production. Priced accords 50 small, medium 2nd large $1 19 ing to size. Pair, 25¢ to C [ . 15 Was in Girl, » Construc- Fleur de Lis Full Fashioned Hose tive Possession of Parents A Duro Silk Hose, guaranteed for service-and appearance, perfect fitting hose, high spliced heel. Special feature is a double reinforced toe. An sizes. Colors: Haze, . (By : ) hack. ec" "81 69 Toros, ns ey book lengthy argument as to whether a 15-year- Lisle Gloves 59¢ News Items from the Basement Shoppe Women's and Children's Cotton Hose Black, sand and white, all sizes for children and wo- men, Special Pair, .cooommrrrmrson » » Silk Ties, 55¢ Regular Price, 85¢ 20 Dozen New Silk Tiés im flowing end style, newest designs and cols ors. Remarkable 55¢ /alues. Special, , . Men's Trousers Real serviceable hard-wearing Trousers, very neat and dressy patterns, in medium weight worsted materials, Fnished with cuff bottoms, belt loops and full quota of pockets. All sizes Special $1.49, $1.95 Men's Coveralls Regular Price, $2.50 Heavy weight, full' fitting Khaki Overall Combinations ~--very serviceable and prop- erly finished. Sizes 2010 44. spec, $199 Men's Nightshirts Regular Price $1.50 Medium weight striped flannel- ette Nightshirts, full fitting, with attached 95c Men's $5.00 Slickers for $3.95 eoliar. Sizes to 17. Spe- cial, The popular "Yellow" Raincoat Slickers, also English Electric Rubber Slickers in popular colors. Full-fitting, slip-on styles $3 95 and fully guaranteed. All sizes. Special ..... RAEN ios Ld Zz" SIBERRY'S 27 KING STREET EAST Women's Silk Hose This includes regular values up to $1.00 a pair. Good range of shades and 69 c sizes. Special, Pair, Pillow Case Remnants Good heavy quality, good length, 1V4 yd. to 5 yd. ends. Special, 25 c Yard, Men's Overalls Regular Price $2.00 Best grade, heavy weight Blue Denim Overalls, One of the best known brands, with large bib and elastic brace, fully guaranteed. A real bargain. Sizes 36 to 44. Spe. Elaly ..oesr0prn $1.49 Men's Windbreakers Regular Price $4.50 and $5.00 Pure Wool Knitted Windbreakers in fancy checkered patterns, also rubberized materials, fully water- proof. Just great for regular or sport wear All 2 95 sizes. Spe- ° cial, » 'Haggar, Chaire, Naturelle, Chateau, White and old Ottawa girl was in "cosstruc- tive possession" of her parents Broken lines, colors and $1 59 '| Special yalue, good range of col: sizes. Reg. $2.25, for, Pair, » 'ors and sizes. Pair, when she ran off to Montreal and Children's Summer Socks married a 24-year-old Chin:2ge, formed the major part of the hear- ing of an appeal on behalf of the 4% to 9%. Priced, Pair... ,,.,. Rainbow Stripe Full Fashioned 1d Rainbow Chiffon Hose husband from a sentence of mine Point heel, all sizes. Flesh, Shell, Suni, months. He was charged with tak- ing an unmarried girl, under 16 Nooalight, ie a. $1.75 | tug ot colons ama $5 $9.95 Special Offer--The Famous "Cannon" Bath Towels White ground with the big Swan design in Mauve, Blue Orange. Size 221 x 46%, Special, Each, ....0...... rar sees fer rrEt arr Penman's Silk House Dresses A complete range of House Dresses and Smocks at pop- ular prices. of all kinds for the bride. China 'Ware, Pictures. A new shipment just arrived of new novelty Brass Ware. years, out of possession against the will of her father and mother. It was argued that in view of the circumstances of the case the ver- dict was unreasonable. It was disclosed that the girl had been in the habit of staying away from home at night. Later she se- cured employment as a domestic and led her employer to believe she was sleeping at home, walle her parents believed she was sleep- ing at her place of employment. The Famous Trench Coat You see it advertised everywhere, but THIS MAN BELIEVES IN FULL EQUALITY (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont., May 9. -- "I re- gard half of all my possessions as belonging to my wife, Cara Cutten Farmer, and so begueath it," reads one clause fin the will of Jones Hughes Farmer, Dean of McMaster University. ? For bp: Pair, A Chive. 49¢ " W. A. Dewland Limited Phons 1110