Ya. 2=NO. Wi 2--NO, 109 TEMPORARY CESSATION OF Che Oshawa Daily Times The Oshawa Dai Daily Reformer WA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, 1928 "Dar ate Sumer wd Pudi Hbdare BODIES OF ERIE FLIERS RECOVERED Little Doubt Now That Bod- ies Are of John Rosecrans and James Latey FOUND BY DRAGGING Were Strapped in Cockpit Plane When Accident Happened (By Canadian Press) Brantford, May 9.--The tug "Ruth" of Erie, Captain Joseph DeVill, reached Port Dover this morning with the bodies of the two aviators who, strapped in the cock- pit, plunged into Lake Erie Friday when their plane side slipped dur- ing a heavy fog, The bodies were found by drag- ging last evening but not until 11 o'clock was it possible tp remove them, While positive identification had not been made, there seems little doubt that the fliers were John Rosecrans and James M. Latey, of Buffalo, / was located early last evening, The wreckage was slung alongside the tug and brought to Port Dover, but some difficulty was experienced this morning in extricating the bodies from it, It was apparent the mo- tor was running when the plane struck water by the even way in which the propeller was bent back, There will be no inquest. Latey's body wil be taken to Buf- falo and Rosecran's to Milwaukee, The plane SUNNYBROOK FARM T0 BE FINE PARK Part of Estate of Late Joseph Kilgour Accepted By Toronto (By Canadian Press) Toronto, May 9.--The City of Toronto has accepted the offer of the Sunnybrook Farm which con- sists of 175 acres and is to be used as a public park. The pro- perty, part of the estate of the late Joseph Kilgour, is estimated to be worth: $250,000, and was offered by Mrs, Kilgour, PHENOMENON OF SKY BELIEVED TO BE A RED AURORA Ottawa, May 8--The blood-red phe- nomenon which was witnessed last night in the northern sky by resi- dents of the Ottawa district resulted in a serious discussion being held to- day between Douglas Barlow, who was on duty at the Obseryatory last night, and R. Meldrum Stewart, bi- rector of the Observatory, The Di rector and Mr. Barlow now are ne clined to believe that the spectacle was not a polar sunset, but what is known as a red aurora, because of its peculiar color. Should the phe- nomenon reappear, an Jovestigation and analysis of available data wi be made. ' NO REPORTS FROM FRENCH RIVER SCOUTS (By Capadian Press North Bay, May 9.--No word had been received here today from John McColeman, Sr., of this eity and Fred Sauvie, Callendar, who _zecently undertook the hazardous trip to inspect dams on the French River. The theory 'that mep are lost is scouted here. (By Canadian Press) 'Ottawa, May 9.--National ae- fence headquarters aneounced to- day that headquarters 4th Field Brigade Canadian Artillery at Co- bourg are relocalized at Peterboro. Guards W Victim of Shooting at Buf. falo Not Expected to Live --Federal Authorities Re. fuse to Surrender Men to Custody H-------- (By Associated Press) Buffalo, May 9.--Sentiment against the two coast guardsmen held in the barracks at Fort Niagara continued to run high today as the District At- Sentiment High Against o Shot Hanson torney of Niagara County prepared to bring habeas corpus proceedings for the custody of the prisoners. They are-accused of shooting Jacob D. Hanson, secretary of Niagara Falls Elks Lodge. Federal authorities on the advice of the United States District Attorney here have refused to surrender the men, Chris Dew and Glenn Jennings. That Hanson will live is not con- sidered possible by physicians, One eye was shot out and even if he should survive he will not have the use of his mind. Around CHINA SENDS PROTEST LEAGUE OF NATIONS OVER JAP MOVEMENT (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Geneva, May 9.--A protest from China to the League of Nations over the Japanese Militia, -Action yn Shantung is possibilty, Cheng Loh, Chinese member of the League Council, said yesterday, He 13 awaiting instructions from his government at Peking, DE SRA SEEKS TO REGOVER LEGAL FEES C. W. Bell, K.C., Issues Writ for $550 for Defence of Bank Bandit (By Canadian Press) Hamilton, May 9.--A writ to re- cover $550 legal fees for the de- fence of John "Rusty" Gordon con- victed bank bandit, has been f{s- sued against his brother-in-law, Louis Carreon of Montreal, Gordon was recently sestenced to 10 years in Portsmouth penitentiary. C. W. Bell, K.C,, the plaintiff, declares his services were rendered at the request of the defendant, Gordon was one of three men re- cently found guilty of attempting the holdup of the Sandford Ave. branch of the Bank of Commerce. PORT HOPE WOMAN ATTEMPTS SUICIDE ' FOR THIRD TIME (By Canadian Press) Port Hope, May 9--After 3 unsuc- cessful attempts to commit suicide, Mrs. James Piencikowski, Harris St. Port Hi e, was taken to the hospi- tal suffering from .severe scalp wounds and facial lacerations, self in- flicted. She has been ill for some time. On a previous attempt to take her life she used an old revolver, but the timely arrival of her hushand prevented the tragedy. NEGOTIATIONS ARE FINALLY STOPPED (By Associated Press) New York. N.Y,, May Bsiiops tiations for, the Wo ig A f the majority capital stock rg Ag la International Corporation by the Canada 'Dry Ginger Ale Ine. have been definitely called off ow- ing to the inability to agree on terms, P. D, Saylor, President Ld the Cenada Dry, "announced to- y. ' Council Recommends » Beamish as MLOH. Port fo. Sorter "omg W. F. Beamish, of Port bas been re- commended by t Hove Port Hope Town Council to the position of Medical Health Officer vacant through the death 2th last mouth of Dr. oe? {ie oi appointment '0 cially made by the Provincial Gov ernment at an early date. Dr. Beam- ish was acting M.H.O. during Dr. Dickinson's illness. U.S. Government Will Set Date of Navigation Opening on Gt. Lakes By Associated Press) ('eveland, May 9--The ' ag date forUnited States mavi- 1 on the Great Lakes hereafter be set by the government, H. B. ~tden, special assistant to Mhe Attorney General made it today. The government in 1g the date would take into know Laat y official { consideration the ice and weather conditions and declare mavigation open on the first safe day instead of the first day on "which a wessel could get through regardless of Haz- ards, he said. The decision, however, would not be binding mpon either shipper or carrier, Rivers Reach Depth of 20 Feet ore Normal Sault District Yionkle Appears to Be Set tled Around Mississauga « and Little White Rivers-- Boats Used as Ferries -- Bridges Inundated (By Canadian Press) Sault Ste Marie, Ont, May 9. -- With high water reported all over the district the flood troubles in Al- goma appears to be centred around the Mississauga and Little White ri- vers, where the water is at places al- most 20 feet above the normal level. Boats are being used gs ferries at the iron bridge while a section of the trunk road between that point and Dean Lake is impassable as a result of water lying two to five feet deep on it, The ice is all out of the river, however, and it is expected that the floods will drop without causing fur- ther damage unless some of the nu- merous dams go out. There is also high water in the Spanish River near Massey and Es- anola and in the Ausauble River, ut so far no serious damage has been reported there, North Bay, May r 9,--The flood water of the Montreal River dur- ing the past few days have reached the highest levels 'on record ac- cording to settlers in the district but water gradually is receding, according to word received from Indian Chutes, Elsewhere in the district north of here, floods are causing conséderable damage to property, particularly to power plants and dams but no loss of life has been reported yet, Dam Carried Away A belated report of the bursting of the dam of the Elk Lake Power Co., on Friday last was received here today. A tremendous body of water carried away the structure as well as the wooden briage, Other bridges in the vicinity were saved by hard work on the part of volunteers, 12 TO BE INSTALLED IN FAMOUS ORDERS (Cable Servier £7 to The Times "by don, May 0 Under the eyes of the King, 12 of Britain's illustrious sons will be installed as Knights of the Grand Cross, Order of the Bath, in Westminster Abbey tomorrow in colorful ceremony. UNIQUE WEDDING LASTS THREE DAYS (By 'Canadaian Press) Toronto, Ont., May 9.--The sec- opd 'wedding- in a week, of Miss Poletina Marchova and James Stirioff, of this city, began on 8 Sunday and lasted three days, with 300° guests each night. Wi first wedding was at Hali- fax, where the groom rushed to meet his bride, when she wired wy there was a little difficulty with' immigration officers. On this city they renewed nuptial vows that afternoon, this time before Rev. Nikloai Ste- ose, of the Greek Orthodox Church, with John Lazaroff as best man. The bride came from Macedonia to be wed. She wore a wedding gown of white chiffon with a tight basque and full skirt. NEW CONGREGATION FOR NORTH SECTION OF CITY PLANNED United Church Buildng at Arlington and Simcoe May Result TO HAVE MINISTER Request of People is Grant. ed By Oshawa Pres- bytery A new congregation of the Unit- ed Church is to be organized in the north section of the city, In November of last year a Sunday School building was erected at the corner of Simcoe street north and Arlington avenue, A Sunday School force of more than 200 have gather. ed to study the Lord and to carry on social work, Occasionally out of the ordinary services in which congregations have met, In all of these the efforts of the people in clrarge have been signally success- ful. Some time ago a petition bears ing more than 200 signatures was presented to the City Mission Board requesting regular evening services. Recently the congrega- tion sent this request in regular form to the Oshawa Presbytery, which met at Pickering, The prayer of the petition was granted and they have planned regular ser- vices and also for a fully ordained minister, Shortly a campaign will be put on to secure funds for the support of this work. Already a number of substantial subscriptions have been received. Prospects are most encouraging and look toward the ultimate erection of a church in that part of Oshawa, LT. R. 3. THOMAS KILLED IN CRASH Sought to Break Endurance Record Recently--Compan- ion Also Killed (By Associated Press) Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., May 9. --Lieut. R, 8, Thomas, who recent- ly tried for a nesdurance record and a man named Westervilt were killed today when their plane crashed at Teterbord Airport here, FIREMEN PURCHASE BATTERYLESS RADIO The members of the Oshawa Fire Department are very fond of musie as a means of entertainment while waiting at the firehall for calls to grass fires, chimney blazes or conflagrations of any sort or de- scription, With this-in mind they have clubbed together to purchase a new Rogers batteryless radio so that while polishing the brass equipment of the fire trucks or at- tending to any other of the hun- dred and one odd jobs at the fire-| hall, they may be listening to sing. ers, orchestras and comedians per- forming before the microphone at Toronto, New York or any other bradeasting point. Some of the firemen by listening in on 80 many programs have be- come expert at providing a vocal accompaniment to orchestras or sinigers, this being the explanation to the lusty shouting sometimes heard as ope passes by the old town hall. FIRE ROUTS FAMILIES FROM APARTMENTS (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, May 9.--When fire 'started early this morming in ap Argyle grocery store, Elgin street, four families occupying the apart- ments overhead, escaped with dif- ficulty through the dense smoke, Area in -- i {By Canadian Press) Shanghai, May 9.--With a virtual state of war exist- ing between Japan and Na- tionalist China, nearly all British and American in the blood bathed city of Tsinan were believed to be on their way to safety today, Several Japanese and Germans how- ever, remained in the war Zone, "BREMEN" FLIERS COMMENCE TOUR | Will Make Philadelphia First Scheduled Stop--Fly in Junkers Plane (By Associated Press) New York, May 9.--The "Bremen" fliers start their air tour of the country today with Philadelphia their first scheduled stop. The tour will be made in a Junker plane F-13, the sister ship to the "Bremen" The last official act in New York was a review of the 165th infantry battalion today while 1',000 people looked on. Philadelphia, Pa. May 9.--The crew of the "Bre en" arrived here today the first stop in their tour of United States and Canadian ci- ties, from Curtiss Field, New York at noon, . CURRENCY MAY BE ACCEPTED IN U.S. State Department Refers the Matter to U.S, Chamber of Commerce for Action (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, May 9.--The Journal says today that due to a letter which an Ottawan addressed to the U.S. Con- sul here, steps have been taken by the State Department at Washington which may result in the future ac- ceptance of Canadian currency at all centres across the line, The matter has been referred to the U.S. Cham- ber of Commerce of the State De- partment for action , UPROARIOUS SCENE IN AUSRALIAN HOUSE Adelaide, Austrailia, May 8--Un- employed men caused such an up- roarious scene in the South Austra lian House of Assembly this after- noon that the House had to be ad- journed. The uproar was precipitated by a young man in the strangers' gallery, who shouted: "I want to know what you are going to do about the hun- gry unemployed. We are sick of motions, questions and talk. What are you going tor do about the men who are sleeping on the banks of Lake Torens?" When a policeman took the man outside, other workless continued the demonstration, shouting to the Pre- mier: "You are a menace to society." The House was adjourned, and the Premier and Governor left the Cham- ber to cries of, "That is Fight, cow- ards," sneak out backwa You arc parasites. You earn fat uc Jy and that is all you want" One unemployed man velled at the top of his voice: "Glorious, white Austrailia, I don't think." INDIAN SHOOTS AND KILLS HIS WIFE Sault Ste. Marie. Ont., May 8.-- Reeve McMillan of Cockburn Is- land has notified the Distriet Cor- oner at Gore Bay that an Indian by the name of Kabina shot and killed his wid. Provincial Con- stable Shields is proceeding to Cockburn Island to investigate the case. No details of the have yet reached heer, but it is said that the Indian fled immedi- ately after the shooting, and has not yet been located. Her wedding veil was ary with a band of silver, heavily bead- ed. SERIOUS PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYMENT AT PORT ARTHUR Port Arthur, May 9.--The unem- ployment problem which recently caused serious difficulties here is gradually righting itself with the ad- vent of good weather and the open- ing of lake navigation. WEATHER Light winds, fine and moderate- ly werm. Thursday, mod: rate winds, mostly fair, probably showers by night. 3RADUATE NURSE OF OSHAWA HOSPITAL NOW SUPERINTENDENT OF HOSPITAL AT MOOSE JAW To fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Miss Winslow, ys t it i A ; i Bs i6 | if | : i » 2 ¥ i i iy He ih Ta at s it 3 ] f 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. "Northern Dictator : FOURTEEN PAGES R IN CHINA Issues Proclamation to Cease Hostilities Despatch States General | Chang Tse Lin Desirous of More Amicable Con. ditions WANTS FULL CO-OPERATION Desires Settlement of Tsinan Affair in View of Interna. tional Situation (Cable Service to The by Canadian Press) London, May 9.--A Reuters des- patch from Peking says it is learned Chang Tso Lin, northern dictator, has decided to issue a circular tele gram throughout China announcing temporary cessation of civil war in view of the critical international sit- uation in Shantung. It is understood the telegram will suggest co-operas tion of the north and south in secur- ing a settlemen of the Tsinan affair. Chang Tso Lin, Northern dicta- tor, sent out a'telegram to all civil and military authorities through- out China today, a Reuter despatch from Peking says, proclaiming tem- porary oessation of war between Northerners and Southerners he- cause of the critical situation which has arisen between Japan and China in Shantung. Times TWO FINED $20 AND COSTS ON CHARGES OF INTOXICATION | Two drunks, John Sonley, and Frederick Bradley, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Hind in police court this morning and were each fined $20 and costs, with the op- tion of thirty days in the county jail. Both men, who were taken in custody by the police yesterday, asked that they might be given time to collect enough money to pay their fines. His Worship warn- ed them that he had no authority to excuse them from jail unless the fines were paid forthwith. WELL KNOWN LAWYER DIES IN TORONTO (By Canadian Press) Toronto, May 9.--Adam Walker Ballantyne, K.C., one of Toronto's best known lawyers died here last night. He was a lawyer for 30 years. CAROL PREPARES TO LEAVE ENGLAND London, May 9.--Prince Carol of Rumania announced today that he was writing Sir William Joynson Hicks, Home Secretary, pleading that he be allowed to stay in Eng- land with the understanding tha: he report all his movements to the Home office, HOTELMAN PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO SELLING LIQUOR Preston, May 8--Following his ar- rest last night by Provincial Police, Leo Pautler of the Queen's. Hotel was taken to the police cells ats Galt. Appearing before Magistrate Blake this morning, the accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of selling liquor, and was released until Friday oun $2,000 bail put up by Alired Schmaltz. It was reported this morning that the arrest of Pautler came as the result of statements made by two men who were arrested in Hespeler Sun- day night following an accident. It is said that mo liquor was found at the Queen's when Pautler was taken into custody. Pautler is also on re- mand on a charge of keeping liquor for sale as a'result of a raid made by Provincial Police on the Queen's last Friday. Peculiar Rain of Fine Mud in West is Seen (By Canadian Press) Port Arthur, May 9. "Rain" of fine myd was ex- perienced in the head of the lakes cities yesterday, spate tering pedestrians clothing, houses and automobiles, be- lieved due to fine said, proba- bly from the West, being sus- pended in the air, TEN FAMILIES ARE MADE HOMELESS Fire Destroys a Block of Houses in Keewtin, Ontario (By Canadian Press, Keewatin, Ont., May 9. -- Ten families of this settlement were homeless today as the result of a fire which destroyed their homes here last night, A whole block of houses was razed hy the blaze which, fanned by a strong wind, roared practically unchecked through the frame dwellings, des- pite the heroic efforts of the town fire brigade and volunteers. SOCIAL SERVICE I$ OF GREAT BENEFIT Dr, W. W, Chipman Opines That It Is Needed By Rich and Poor Alike (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Que., May 9.--Social service is needed alike by the poor and rich, and benefits equally those who give and those who receive it, declared Dr. W. W. Chipman, of the Royal Victoria Hospital, speak- ing atone of the sessions of the First Canadian Conference on So- cial Work. While the proper adjustment be- tween classes in perfect economic conditions might have to wait for the millennium, yet fully one-half of the troubles of the community might be wiped out, Dr. Chipman believed, if feeble-mindedness apd venereal disease were eradicated, and this he declared to be within the realm of practical possibility, if oltrich-like complacency were changed for common sense. CHILDREN'S AID SUP'T IS CLAIMED BY DEATH (By Camtion Press) Brodie, May 9.--After only a few hours illness Alexander Beattie, superintendant of the Children's Aid Society, died early this morning in his 76th year. He had been superin- tendent here since 1918, previous to which he had taught school in JOx- ford County and other points in Western Ontario. CHESTER CUP IS WON - BY ST. MARY'S KIRK (Cable Service to The Times by Canadips Press Chester, Eng. ay ro). Mary's Kirk, owned by Sir Hedworth Meux, won the famous Chester Cup today. S. Wootton's Dakota was second and A. R. Cox's Gioconda was third. Sev- enteen ran. VISCOUNT GREY WILL BE NEXT CHANCELLOR (Cable Seryice To The Times By - Comadian Press) London, May 9.--Viscount Grey of Fallodon, former Foreign Secre- tary, will be elected by acclama- tion to Chancellorship of Oxford University, in succession to Wis- count Cave, . START STEEL WORK ON NEW HOTEL SOON Exdavation "Work Will Bq Finished Today--To Pour Concrete at Once TO BE SIX STORIES Hotel Will Contain 114 Rooms--Provision Made for Expansion Excavation work on the new hotel at King and Mary streets wil} it is expected, be completed today, Pouring of concrete in the bases ment will commence immediately, and structural steel work will bes gin the first of next week. This hotel, which will reabh six stories in height, Is being erected by the J. W. Butler 0., Royal Bank Building, Toronto, whose parent office is at 1341 Free Press Building, Lafayette St., Detroit, This firm have purchased almos§ the whole of the block from King to Bond streets, west of Mary St. and on the front portion of the proe perty are erecting a building 13% ft. 10 in. by 96 ft. 6 in. The ho- tel will contain 110 rooms, and their additional property enables them, at a later date, to erect a 90-roony addition If necessary, Canadian Bridge Co., Walkers ville, have the sub-contract for the structural * steel] work, while the owners-builders are themselves building the concrete foundation, J. D. Armstrong Construction Co.4 Hamilton, were the excavators, Other sub-contracts will he let soon, to Oshawa contractors, where possible, for plumbing and heats ing, painting and decorating, elees trical work, finished carpentry and trimming, roofing and other trades, J. W. Butler Co., themselves ard doing rough carpentry, conerete work, ete, Tha construction of the>bullding will be of structural steel, with curtain walls, constructed of solid hard brick with cut stone trims ming. Thecompany, in conjunetion with Hotel Engineering Co., Tors onto and Chicago, are now prepars ing final plans, which may be ane nounced in a few days. It Is exs pected that the building, which will be erected for the full six storeys, will be completed about the end of August. Structural steel work is scheduled for completion June 12, A protecting barricade, with ofs fices incorporated into it, has been built over the swaewalk i1sf sue full distance of the hotel slong King and Mary streets, at a cost of approximately $1,500, These have open archways between the sidewalk and the street, and the whole is being attractively painted ' in orange apd black. A set of three offices have been constructed over the barricade, including one for the officials of the J. W. Butler Co., one for 'the sub-contractors, and one for timekeepers, clerks, ete. or ---------- AUTO COLLIDES WITH WAGON AND BICYCLE A dual accident occurred on King street early this morning when a Chevrolet sedan, license number 342-002, driven east by Fraser Rutherford collided with & team and wagon entering the street from an alley by the Come mercial Hotel. The sedan also ran into a bicycle causing slight fin. jury to W. 8. Guy, 133 Gladstone Aye., while the bicycle was badly damaged. Robert Duthie, 56 Queen street, was in charge of the team and wagon. The incident was res ported to the police. VETERAN ODDFELLOW IS GIVEN JEWEL Port Hope, May 9--The 50 year veteran jewel of the Oddfellows Or» der has been presented to Isaac Crozier of Cobourg by* Past Grand Master Anderson, K.C, of Lindsay. IS MATCHED FOR TITLE FIGHT WITH LoUGRRAN ; (By Aotyder, Wash'n, nid 9.--Leo Lomski, Aberdeen, has been matched for a second title fight with Tommy Loughran, light heavyweight boxing champion, in Brooklyn June 15, his Sanager announced today. 12, Valde Kovikko 11, and Leo Lujanen. 8, were drown- ed when the craft oApsized yesterday aftermoon.- Five other childret who were in the boat at the time were nes- cued. Two of the hodies have been recovered and search is continuing for third. Contain Messag Bottle Reported to From Princess Lowenstein is Mossase (By Associated Press) Westerly, LI, May 9--A bottle was picked up on the beach near here last night containing a message pur- porting 40 be signed by Princess Lowenstein of the plane St. Raphael which was lost on the Atlantic flight. It said "Captains Hamilton and Min=- chen had a quarrel over She he Sonrsc. Struck water and sinking fass.