Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 May 1928, p. 9

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T_T socal Member Emphasizes Lack of Accommodation in Post Office and Customs lo Oshawa Buildings Dur- in Consideration of Esti. mates of Department of Public Works and Also Speaks on Expenditure For Governor - General's Residence in Quebec Dr. T. 'E. Kaiser, of this city, nember for South Ontario in the 'aderal House, drew the attention f the House of Commons to the nadequate accommodation of the Post, Office and Customs House in Dshawa, in the sitting of Thursday pf last week. The House at the time was sit- ng in committee of Supply, with stimates of the Department of Public Works under censideration. tems .of varying amounts for pub- ic buildings were being discussed, mong them one of $115,000 for mprovements and repairs to Do- pinion Public Buildings in Ontario. n speaking on this item, Dr, Kai- ser mentioned the conditions in Dshawa, and following is Hansard's eport of his comments, together th a reply of Hon, J. C, Elliott, Minister of Public Works: "Mr, KAISER: This is a genera! ote, but has the minister in mind ny particular places where he is going to expend this money? If so, should like to draw to his atten- fon the condition of the post office in the city of Oshawa, In the first place, let me say that the customs house accommodation in the city of Oshawa is entirely?inadequate to serve the needs of the people. A customs revenue of $12,000,000 ls collected annually in Oshawa, and the government has not pro- vided its officials with proper ac- commodation for carrying on their > ine PTR van.! 11MEd, wEUNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 tenae agreeing for omce, and I rise to support them both, for this rea son. Like the member for La- belle, I promised some friends of line that at this session I would draw the "avtention of parliament and of the country to the condi- tion of the Louisburg ruins. I had the pl e of visiting that old work. The same is true of the post office. 1 have no doubt that the postmaster who has recently been appointed is endeavoring to do hig best, but under the conditions that obtain there it is impossible for the best service to be given, and there are bound to be difficulties all over the district where mails are distributed. I would respectfully urge upon the minister the neces. sity of affording relief and provid. ing the necessary accommodation and equipment there to serve that large district. "Mr. ELLIOTT: I am aware that the conditions in Oshawa are much as my hon. friend indicates. Busi- ness there has increased very great. ly, and I shall be glad to give con- sideration to the matter that he mentions. I might add that this amount is not allotted to any par- ticular place, but is used where repairs for buildings are found neec- essary. There has been spent in Ontario annaully for the last nim- ber .of years a sum running from $112,000 to $115,000 to keep the government buildings in a state of reasonable repair. . "Mr. KAISER: Will the minister look into the claim which the city of Oshawa has against the depart- ment for arrers of local improve- ment tax, amounting to $87.35? 1 see no reason why he should not attend to this gigantic matter and get it off our hands. The item was then agreed to. Duripg the discussion last Thurs- day in the Federal House of Com- mons, on the appropriation of $150,000 for repairs to the Gover~ nor (General's residence in Quebec, Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.}., member for this riding in the House, spoke in regard to the ruins at Louisburg, His address, as reported in Han- sard, is given helow: .' Mr. KAISER: I am pleased, Mr. Chairnran, to see the member for Labelle and the member for Fron- W/ HY do the great majority of people who buy an electric water heater, select the Hotpoint ? Any electrical dealer will tell you why. . He'll explain that the Hotpoint Elec- 'tric Water Heater is made in two styles to suit every need, and that both have the exclusive Calrod Heating Element which guarantees 100 per cent. efficiency and long, dependable service. The Circulation type supplies hot water at the turn of a switch located in any part of the home, The Immersion type is best for continuous operation, ELECTRIC WATER HEATER For Sale by all Good Electrical Dealers CANA IV.N\| &) 08 | 0 278 0 OF 9 0 i 3J (OR CHEVROLET OWNERS ' Reduce the Hazard of I lechanical Upkeep Have a skilled craftsman service and check your Chevrolet regularly. It's a simple operation that takes only a few minutes. And it will keep your ar young forever. Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Factory , Trained od ( fmployees at Your Service Phone Oshawa a Hl Ai EA i YCHEVROLL I, er 2 au -- We Vin i Te Write * Phone or Call Today 900 fn: landmark about two days ahead of the hon. member for Labelle last summer, Three things there very much surprised me: first, the many historic points of absorbing inter- est that were neglected; second, the very beautiful shaft erected on the site, which I expected would be fn. scribed with a brief account of the once magnificent fortress. Instead I found the shaft had been placed there by the American Historical Society to perpetuate the colonial historic associations of Louisburg, Third, I saw an endeavor to restore some parts of the old fort, but I found that this work had been une dertaken by an American resident who, unfortunately, died before he was able to complete-his plans. I am in thorough accord with the view that we shoud maintain our historic landmarks, and if any of this money is to be spent on such restoration I am sure it will meet with the approval of the country as a whole; but I do not think we are in a position to spend a quarter of a million dollars just to make a summer residence for the governor general, : GUNPLAY AROLSES FALLS RESIDENTS Victim of Shooting on Sun- day is Likely to Die Niagara Falls, N.Y., May 7.-- Jacob D, Hanson, Secrelary of the Niagara Falls Lodge, B.P.O.E, who was wounded by two ununi- formed United States Coast Guardsmen near Lewiston, N.Y., early Sunday morning, is expected to live through the night, but not much longer, Hospital attend- ants report that Hanson, who has been unconscious since the shoot- ing, cannot survive much longer, unless unexpected changes occur. Should he live, blindhess and men- tal incapacity will be his lot. Two to Surrender The two Coast Guardsmen, Glen Jennings and Chris Dew, who have been held in Coast Guard quarters at Fort Niagara by Cap- tain Fred L, Beck, Coast Guard chief, will be surrendered to State authorities tomorrow, and will be arraigned on charge 4 second degree mssault tomorrow afternoon before Peace Justice Charles Fieldus, of Lewiston, This action was decided upon late to- night at a conference between Beck, United States District At- torney Richard Temple, Bufalo, and Raymond A. Xnowles, Dis- tain Beck had heretofore refused to surrender the men into State custody. The arraignment will not interfere with the Government's attempt to have the case transfer- red to the Federal Courts, City Council Protests Public feeling against the two Coast Guardsmen is running high. The City Council this afternoon adopted a resolution condemning the activities of "irresponsible Coast Guardsmen." The resgolu- tion directed against the Guards<men's current practice of searching automobiles at will, de- plored the shooting eof Hanson and called for thorough investiga- tion of strict justice to the Guards men, later was information shows at least three automobiles and very probably ethers were fired upon by Dew and Jennings refore they wounded Hanson. Edward that says that during the last e'ght weeks he and his wife have hesrd more than 500 shots from t"» di- rection where Hanson was wn nnd- ed. Threats of lynchings ha: made but no serious effort direction is anticipated. 17 n's fellow, Elks, holding a special meeting tonight, arranged to hold a public protest meeting Wednes- day, and denounced in the stronz- est terms the maladministration of the prohibition laws. OFFERS STATUES BUT WANTS AY Toronto Citizen Gives De- scription of Two Models-- Will Give Them For $20 (By Canadian Press) Toronto, 'May 9.--Offer of the statues of two queens to the schoo} management committee gave a mo- mentary thrill to that body the oth- er day. But it did not last. An east end citizen wrote that he had models of Queen Victoria and Queen Alexandra at his home, and he suggested that it would be nice for the school board to take them off his hands (he really needed the room they were taking up) and he thought it would be fine idea to put the Victoria one in Queen Vie- toria school and the other in Queen Alexandra school. The trustees listened and smiled with benign approval as the letter was read. It went on to say that the models were life size and were made during the jubilee of Queen Victoria. So far so good. Then came the final touch. 'The models would be $10 each. "Fyled" said the trustees. And that was that, "ren in this trict Attorney, Niagara Falls, Cap- }; F. Kapkg, ex-soldier of Lewiston, | HONOR MEMORY JOSFPHINE BUTLER Born 100 Years Ago, Eng- lish Woman Worked for Good of Her Kind (By Canadian Press) London, England, May 9.--The Woman's Page editor of "Over- seas" says: One of the women, whose name must ever be ho wherever the English language is spoken, Jose- phine Butler, is being commemor- ated this spriug, for she was born just a hundred years ago. It fis many years now since I read her life, but even she, I recollect, had to face calumny and apposition, though her whole life was conse- crated to freeing women from the slavery of their own and men's baser passions. She dared to chal- lenge the belief that any woman should be looked upén as a man's chattel, and ultimtaely secured the support mot only of other women, but all right-minded men as well. No one can have read the recent ar. ticles in "The Times" on the re- port of prostitution prepared by the League of Nations without nruch thanksgiving forthe progress that has been made, mor without thinking how much of that pro- gress is due to the influence of Josephine Butler and her helpers. I was struck by one remarkable sen- tence. A foreign traflicker in wo- men said in reply to an inquiry: "Englishwomen <~n't make good prostitutes, they ..s too independ- ant." Those of y »u who are per- haps inclined to laugh at the do- ings of the suffragettes and their kind would do well to remember that they fought and are still fight- ing for the independence--econom- ical, political and spiritual-- of women. THAT'LL CURE HIM (Passing Show) Specialist: Your hearing is bet- ter now and the cure is complete, Patient--What did you say? Your hearing is better, fee is fifteen dollars. . How much? Fifty dollars? Yes. My PENSIONS FOR GAR. BAGEMEN, NEVER! (By Canadian Press) Toronto, May 9--A feminine cor- 'respondent of a local paper is ex- cited oVer a suggestion that gar- bage collectors need pensions. "Think of it--$28.80 per week of 53 days, at not more than 4 hours per any day's work, two weeks' hol- idays paid for each year at the taxpayers' expense, to say nothing of the other days off--Christmas two days, New Year's the same. Orangemen's day, etc., all paid for. If the garbage men are not satis- fied, let them step out. Any amount of men would be glad to take their places. I would suggest after this each citizen lift his or her ash cans into the waggon them- selves, while the garbage man looks on and smiles. If you think my views are exaggerated, just take a day off and visit any of the city dumps or stables, and see for your« self the state of affairs." At least one Toronto garbage man is satisfied, for he always whis- tles down the street. And---he wears a rose in his cap! - Announcing The opening of a new Fruit Store in Oshawa Oshawa Fruit Store Corner of Simcoe St. m This new store will be open to the public with a ; complete line of fresh fruit on Thursday May 10th, 1928 All Fruit and Vegetables are Absolutely Fresh Daily Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention Rr----------------ta) "Jhe Qanadian "Nome Qomes First r= Making your day Happier . » » and your work Easier HAT is the objective of General Steel Wares articles and cooking utensils bearing the famous old names "McClary," "SMP" and "Davidson." We want to make goods that will lighten your daily burden, give you more time in your living- room, more time to play! The more our goods please you, the more you will buy, and thus will Limited, who produce all sorts our progress continue, Here are some. of the products bearing the "SMP," "McClary" and "Davidson" trade marks, articles we ate constantly improving and better- ing for Canadian women. Electric, Gas, Oil, Coal and Wood Ranges and of household Heaters, Warm Air Furnaces, Refrigerators, Plumb- ing Goods, Enameled Ware and Aluminum Ware Cooking Utensils, Galvanized Ware, Dairy Pails, and a host of other household articles. We are working hard to make goods that Canadian women will like. The famous McClary, ' SMP and Davidson Companies are operatin gether to produce better and better goods, The support and steady patronage of our Canadian women is the objective. Whenever you see the " SMP," "McClaty" or "Davidson" trade mark on household goods, you ing tor can buy without hesitation, for those names stand squarely for pure, honest quality, GENERAL STEEL WARES LIMITED 25 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA oy Halifax, St. John, Quebec City, Mon treal (2), Ottav.a, Toronto (4), Hamilton (2) Brantford, London (2), Windsor, North Bay, Winnipeg (3), Regina, (Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver. MANUFACTURING Saskatoon, Electric, Gas, Coal & Wood es, Warm inum Ware Utensils, Galvanized Ware, Air Furnaces, Furnacettes and Heaters, Japanned Ware, Tin Ware, Dairy Supplies, Clothes Dryers, Metal Refrigerators, Plumb- Stove Pipes, Bird Cages, Lumber p ing Goods, Enameled Ware, 8 Equipment, Hotel and Cabesesia Equipment, Utensils of every size and description, Alum. etc. 8

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