Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 May 1928, p. 8

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"Easy -to-Find" RADIO "PROGRAM Tonight's Best Features Bos! m 1% Wu Nhe Nie Gh Oe ivareide. Hour, 830 ce" (411)~Montreal, Glo, ELAS ver. Colorado All-State 2 YY ter 7. mCRCL, od! " wor ey CAH, » WFI, WGDS, VWF Traymore Str Kod Rav, WEAC, WFA} MWRNY, Regular Daytime Programs "ll x . Red Network: --"Tower ealth," al 0 WEAF, WCAE, WEE, WGR, Y, WRC, R' (422)--Newark, Morning gym. 6.00 ciel. (357)=Toronto, Setting Up ex- WARM (268)~Newark, Sunnse hour 10.30 WAIU (283)~Columbus, O. Dx 11.00 W wR a Alvan, ©. Organ, 222)=5t, Paul. Aunt we Samy. WEI G 6)=Ch Women's hour. 3 con mus \ ( D> Chicago. ome economics. Ww (361)~Cine, WSB (476)--Atlanta, Homemaker's br. Network :--14 © music: WJZ, WBZ, WRC, way (283) -- Columbus, O. Dispatch Wein (23) ~Columbus, O. Food for lh h WCAU (261)=Phila. Orchestra. ' WHO (535)--Des Moines, Organ. Sree (411)=Montreal. Mt, Royal or- ches 11.45 CRC 57) ~Red Deer, Alta. Musicale, CKCL (3357)--Toronto, Luncheon music 12 noon wir (306, Al Cam wip (349) Phila, Luncehon music. WLS (345)=Chicago, "Dinner bell." )=Chicage. Or gan, nt WOHAWA DAILY LIMES, MONDAY. MAY 7, 1928 i ----" WHK wav, KDEA, KYW, Wilk a v=Moiion. Inftgpoental RE EE ye Ar arhila. Singers. E ; Boston, J The Pilgrims, Slo. "Personalities in allas, Norfolk, EE W S| 51 9.15 KSO 9.30 Blue Ré)--~Clarmnda, Network KWK, WFAA, WRENN: KDRA (316) - weit, WCAE WLS pre Chicago. WSAL (361)--Cinci, Serenaders. WSUN (517)--8t. Petersburg. Music. 800 Red Network--Eveready Hour: WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WOC, WCCO, WELL, , WGR, WGY, WEBH, WJAR, RC, WSAT, WTAM, WWi. . Blue Network--Rythmic Ripples: WIZ, RS WIR, KYW, KWK, KVOO, PRC. Akron. Paul, 'C mn. WCFL (481) -- Chicago. the nations. WENR (28%)--Chicago. WGHP (278) Detroit. WMAK (545) Buffalo. Pitts, (261) Pitts. WHT (309)~Chic gue. ~ WPG (273) Atlantic Quartet, WSB (476)--Atlanta, Concert. cade. Music. Mixed quartet, | 10.00 Blug Folk songs of KYW, CNRR (313)--Regina, Classical hour. struments Organ. KFAU 3) -- Boise, Feature. KOA (326)--Denver. WMAQ (448) -Chicago. Auld Sandy. RSTE (220)--$, WOR (422)--Newark. Barbizon recital. WADC (238)--Akron, WPG (27) Atlantic City. Dual Trio. WLW (428) --Cinci, Crosley ensemble. KOI (319) Council Blufis. Concert. | Ww UBM (389) --Chicago, Old time fav- edy, WFAA (545)-- Dallas. Sig dt, Woe k¥atebavenporty St, Petersburg. W FT] (94)-- Milwaukee. ~Armand Ladies Orches- tra, from Chicago studio: KYW, WHY, WOC, Wow, / WENR (288) Chicago, 940 KTHS (30Q)--Hot Springs. _Network--Sluniber Idaho. Paul, WEBM (389)--~Chicago. WIAX (311)--]Jacksonville. WEA, May Tag. A radio nov- ec Hy KYW, K io program. Hancox Suing trio. Concert. preciation. w GBs La AVOO ligh We N (1 CAgLL WCAE Revue. 8.00 KFRU Popular, School. Your Hour Lea- School, City. 8.3 WEAO Harmony Peach tree Ar Voc Music: 9.00 KSO (2% MZ WADC he 6.50 WWI (353) --Detroit. 7.0 RENE (461)--Shenandoah. Ww ¥ AO (283) ~Colymbus. WHE (476) Atlanta. Sacred songs con-] 7.10 WMAQ lecture. (250) Columbia. 8.2 WOS (120)--Jeflexson City. KSD, WCCO, WOC, WHO, ow, WHAS, WSM, WMC, whi t Network--*Fundamentals of the Process' :" WJZ, WHAM, WK. Basebail scores. The News- "Music Ap- (39)-N. Ya "Footlight and t. "Sam 'n Henry." Health message. oi Chi- 6) Chicago. (#8) -Chicago. U. Radio Farm Vocational \ (283)~Columbus. Political science tulk, £30 WHK (265) Cleveland. Travel talk. The Newsboy. News Headlines, )--Clarinda, (238)--Akron, Vocal and in- Music. DeMolay Band. Popular. Feature, Musical com- Concert. An Unsightly Skin Needs This Corrective Radio Club X iP Shia. Movie bioadecast. WOW (508) -- ha. 'Travelogue ta's. WWNC 7) lle Ihe Baooi- wan, 9.25 WHN (37) -N. XY. "Poetry." 9.30 KOA (320)--Demver. Farm box. 1000 CKLC (37)=Red Deer, Alta. paper men. TO THESE 7.00 CRCL (357)--=Toronto. . Oschestra. 8.00 CKCL. (357)--Toronto. Orchestra, w BBM Y ASIP, ~Chicago. Osiginal Night. 1 question News. Orchestra. Dance music, Neil House hila. 'State orchestra. WGHP sii Detroit. Arcadians, WJAX (341)--)acksonville, Dance or- chestra, WNAC (461)--DBoston. Danc WRAY (326)-N.Y. Melody "Way Or- chestra. 9.30 Red Netwoik:--Palais D'Or Orghestia: WEAF, KSD, WFI, WGY, 'WITMj, Wi AM, WHO, WOW, WMC. WBBC (227) Brooklyn, Dance. WUBM (389)--Chicago, Guy' Lombardo. WCAH (234)--Columbus, Orchestra. WCAU (261)--Phila, Billy Hayes, WRC (469)--Wash, Midrillon orches. 10,03 KSTP (220) aul. Dance program, PWX (W0)--~Havana, Orchestra, WHBAL (285)--Baltimore, Dance orches, WHBM (382)--Chicago. Dance "music. WHN @M)=N.Y. Siiver Slipper Ur- HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by Expert Mechanica All floors finished like mew B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. Phon: 481, Res. 180r2 KNX (337 )=tiolly wood. Cocoanut Grove. KPO (122)~San Francisco. chestra. (Copyrighted, 1928.) Dance or- WARSHIP SAVED ONLY TWO OF CREW OF SHIP IT SANK Portland, Eng., May 6.--Only two members of the crew of the Greek steamer loannis Fafallos, - - which sank after a collision with the British naval supply ship Bac- ehus yesterday, reached port alive. Ten Creek sailors were drowned and two others died after being picked up. The _captain and mate of the Greek vessel went down with her One of the survivors, who arrived here lagt night aboard the Bac- chus, was seriously injured. The lannis F¥Fafalios sank in one min- ute and a half. There were no casualties aboard the Bacchus, which came into port with a skeleton crew. EE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Do you give your eyes atiemtion in proportion to their importance? A time will soon come when they will demand aid. 244 1316 ~PHONE-- 1516 Disney Block, Opposite Post 0 WMAQ (18) --Chica Melodies. 12.15 p.m, WTMJ (24) ilwaukee, Organ, 12.30 WGBS hr ay Scripture; musicale. 12.45 WSM (337)--Nashville. Farm and home program, 12.58 qrca (357)=Toronto, Chimes don, 1.00 KTHS (500)=~Hot Springs. Noon conc. WCCO (405)~Mpls-St, Paul, Farm hr. WDAF (370)~Kansas City. Country. side chats WRVA (254)--Richmond. Noon prog, WSB (476)--Atlanta, Music, WWJ (353)=Detroit, Organ YWNC BN Asteville, N.C. Lunch- mu 1.15 Warp SG 278)--Detroit. Detroit trio, (535)=Des Moines, Talk; lunch. Nu 2 sic, 1.30 CNHRA (476)=Moncton, N.B, Musicale, KFNF "(461)~Shenandoah, la, Farmers congert, KOIL (319)=Council Bluffs, chiestra WWNC (297) --Asheviile. Dance, 10,15 WhHZ (333) -Smingheld, Mass, Doston- ans. . orites we NT (231) Columbus. Wi HOD (240)--Chattancoga. Studio pro gram, id WHE (M)-Kansas City. WHO 3x) Des Moines. auartet WIID program "It is working marvels with me," wrote a grateful man who, suffering from pain- ful and disfiguring eczema, got complete relief, and regained a clear and healthy skin, lg using TRU-BLOOD. As its name implies, TRU-BLOOD is a true blood tonic. It removes the underiy- ing cause of eczema, pimples, blackheads, itching rashes, boils, carbuncles and every other skin trouble due to impure or impoverished blood. So many have benefitted from taking TRU-BLOOD, you should try it. Get a dollar bottle at your druggist's today, and prove, for yourself, its worth. Buckley's DINTMENY is highly re. up the healing and mended 1 of the skin. TRU-BLOOD drives out the poisons -- the ointment heals magically, Try the combination treatment, 6.30 Salad) ® 448)=Chicago. Y.M.CA, ex- 7.00 hee (461)=Shenandoah, Ia, Sunrise concert. KSO (227)--Clarinda "The Boss." WEAF (492)-N.Y, pl devotions: hd, . 7.30 Red Network :--*Cheerio," WEAF, WEEI, WGY, WRC, 7.43 WOC (373)--=Davenport, Happy hour, 8.00 WLW (428)=Cinci. Healthful exer. WAAQ (#48)--Chicago. U, of Chicago lecture, 8. 0 WEMC Pri Springs. prong music, twork i=Royal S. Copeland w ® ih Z, XDKA, KY it 'w BZ, WHA? AM, IR, C. N& (312)=Toronto, Morning musi» cale. Xoit (319)=Council Bluffs, Recorded Whar (300)=Fg, Worth, Morning mu- HEU) (370)=Kansas City. Morning Bible - lesson, WHO (333)=Des Moines. 9.30 ww (333)=Detroit, "Tonight's ner." . 9.45 wi S (35)--Chicago. L (484)--Chicagg Municipal prow. ee Wer Gers! Home manage: P 306) Chicago. Women's hour, Women's hour, Grand organ. "Keeping Fit, Hour, WeCo + West arti . wow (CUR) Omaha, Popular time tune WRNY (326)--N.Y. Vocal. WSM (337)~Nashville. Piano WWI (333) --Detroit, String 10.30 CKLC (357)--Red Deer, Ala, 'Theatre. KPRC ( WEBC ( gram. WhHAF Iainters WFAN (221)-- Organ, WGR (303) a Lafayette frolic, WITMJ (29)- Milws wither, Chris Deut- sch 11,00 Pacific Chain KREOA, KGO, KOMO, KPO, 11,05 WCCO (103) quartet, 11.30 WSM 337) 1145 WHE (176) 1200 KIT (469) Los ALLL LOO KOI (319) KTHS Cluh rogram, RADIO TALKS -FEATURES INT (236) ~Muscatine, Home Folks | 245 W MAG (448) ¥ leaga. Basehall, Hour vs, o from WGN, WRAP (500) ~Fr. Worth. Music 6.00 Ke d Ne i ' WRBM (33) Chicago, * Trip 2.00 WENR 288) Chica; 0. Po r Tazeland." ' 8 pla WCAH (23)--Columbus. WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WIT, quests, : WFI (405)--Phila, Vocal, singers, WGY, WGR, WCAE, WSAI, WGBS (349)--N.Y, Musicale, ' WGHP (278)---Detroit, Home hour, WOR (422)--Newark, Literary period; organ, WSB (476)--Atlanta, WSUN (517)-5t, Moses Band, 15 CKCL (357)--Toronto, 20 WGN (416)--Chicago. .30 Blue Network--U.S, WJZ, WRC, WHO, WLS (345)--Chicago, Homemakers' hr, WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Artist recital, 245 WIP (49)--Phila, Bible talk, WIZ (45)-N.Y, Studio program, 3.00 CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Musicale, WAIU (283)~Columbus, Good Will Hour, WCSH (428)--Portland, hour, WEAF (#92)-N.Y, Manhattan Trio, WEBH (366)+Chicago, Trio, songs, WGR (303)~Buffalo, Tea music, WHB (337)-Kansas City, Ladies' Hr, WWJ (353)--Detroit, Musicale, 3.30 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Program 21.0, London, WBAL (285)--Baltimore, WSAI (361)--Cinci, 3.45 CFCF 4.00 KOIL piano, KSO (227)--Clarinda. KYW (526)--Chicago. Women's hour. WCFI. (484)--Chicago, Rest hour, WDAF (370)--Kansas City, String trio, WOC (375)=Davenport, Home man. agement, 4.05 WEAO (283)--Columbus, 4.30 CNRS (330)--Saskatoon, WHAS (322)-Louisville, WHO (535)--Des Moines, Trio, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, (294)--Milwaukee, (316)--Pitts, WCCO (405)--Mpls.. 4 voters. 5.30 CKGW (312)--Toronto, Musicale, KOA (326)--Denver, Matinee for house- wives WADC (238)--Akron, news, WGR (303)--Buffalo, Dinner music, Woy (389)--Schenectady, Dinner mu- GARDINER 1S NON.COMMITTAL ON SASKATCHEWAN ELECTIONS Regina, Sask., May 6. -- Ques- tioned in regard to a news story printed yesterday in Winnipeg to the effect that the Gardiner Gov- ernment in Saskatchewan was pre- paring to eall Provincial elections July 17, Premier J. G. Gardiner said: "The guess is as good as any other they have made." He refused to make further com- ment, Paul. North. and od Instrumental hid Mpls.- St. Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South I ------ from Feature, 10.3) Red Network:--Jansseu's Hofbrau or- Agitators | chestra: WEAF, KSD, WHO, KTHS (Sw)--Hot Springs. WEEBM (38) hicago, WHN (3M WerG (273) WSUN program, WTIC (335)--Hartford. Club Worthy, WWJ (353)--~Detroit. Hotel Statler. KTHS (885)--Hot Spiings. Jack Craw. recital. Picker Capitol Orchestra. Dance. | ok; Orchestra, Atldutic City, Dance. by (512)=St. Petersburg, Dance from (366)-- Mooscheart, Children's WPAP (MD)-N.Y, Recital WTAG (345)-Worcester. Studio, 8.45 KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Pianist, 9.00 Red Network Eliceuet Clb Fskimos: WEAF; WEEI '} 4 WTAG, Ww Tie WOR, Y SH, WRC, 'T. WSAIL, WGN, : WSM, , WHO, WDAF, WFAA, WOT, WRHM, WIZ, Concert. Variety Houston, 7)-- Brooklyn, pro- (370)--~Kansas "City. Cook Any, 10.45 * ford. 11,00 NKR (313)--Regina, KFAR (319)--Lincoln, WOFL (484)--Chicago. WIID (366)--Chicago. Popular WLW (428) --Cinci, Orchestra, WMAK (545)~DBuffalo. Dance, WRR (461)---Dallas, Orghestra, WRNY (326)-N.Y, Broadway WTAM (400)--Cleveland, 'The ians, 11.30 WGES (42) Chicago. WSAI (361)-Cinei. Ray WTMJ (294)-Milwaukee. Early Capitolians, Dance. Hour: Dance. KH], KIT Eveready ' KH), KGW, dance. Pianist, Tue Network--The Continentals: WHAM, KDKA, KWK, WREN, KCL (357)-Toronto, Studio program, (476)--=Moncton. Artists, (283) ~ Boise, Concert. Independence, Mo, Studio, -Hot Springs. Classical Mpls.-St, Paul, Nashville. Vocal, Atlanta, Concert, Angeles, Symphonette, ancl Blufis, Radio Cecilian STARTS TODAY ON FLIGHT ROUND SOUTH AMERICA Rio Janeiro, May 6. -- Ralph O'Neil, an American aviator, to- night announced his intention of hoppig off at 66 6o6'6clock tomor- row morning on the start of a flight around South America. He plans to fly to Buenos Aires the first day, stopping en route at Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Porto Al- egre, and Montevideo. Nighe 18 Simcoe Sircet South 9, Tuesday's Programs Colleg- AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 1.00 p.m. --~CKNC (517)=~Toronto, Vietor hr, WCFL (484)--Chicago, Rest Hour, WEAP (394)- Loew's 'Theatre, 5 W114 "Daily Menu." 1 (508)-- Boston, Studio program. BS (349)-N.Y, ook tal Orchestra, Miller, Jack Victor prog, (500) Din. Chap- Cubs Dance man. j~8L0 12 mid KOI. (319)--Council Bluff A orchestra ii ila . A 1 WDAF (370)~Kansas City, ks? 1.00 Pacific Chain:=Dance music; KFI, KGO, KGW, KH], KFOA, Home question to Night. nent y re. of Labor Davis: WEAF, KPO, KOMO, Harmony % WEDH, ment WHT Ww (428)=Cinci, 00 (349)--Phila, WRNY (326)=N.Y, to H hold' Insti 90.15 Red Netork: Radio ousehold, Tak. SIMCOE STREET NORTH ELLA CINDERS--Help Wanted, Female ' , ELECTRICITY'S WONDERFUL, BUT THEY HAVEN I Radio farm talks, Petersburg, Fla, By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb YESTERDAY A JOB- i EUNTER TODAY A ake V R YOU! MINDS TO IT; SRLS, a SON TAKE UP EATING AGAIN IN A SE Wi Sport talk, Artist recital, Marine Band: INVENT | TO SOME THAT PLAY CHECKERS, WiLL Maine music from Recital, Musicale, (411)--~Montreal. Tea dance, (319)--Council Bluffs, Organ; Women's hour, any Book chats, Musica ull ll Reg. US. Pa. i 1928, by Mctropoian corm Service Program, Bankers Life French les- Buddies hr, Little Symphony, «St, Paul, Women BRINGING UP FATHER | HOPE NOBODY STARTS KILLIN' MOSQUITOES AROUND HERE OR HE'LL THINK THEY ARE APPLAUDIN' HIM - WEBH, KSD, WCCO, wo, WDAF. The Best in Radios [1 {ddd LLL d TTA At AS Guaranteed to hold both Elastic and Spring Abdominal Belts, Shoulder a Re A a---- ---- Kingston Rd, West 9 ' World's Bes rupture KARN THE DRUGGIST Braces, Elastic Hosiery and | as-------- WCAE, WTA, / MARCONI SHOP Phone 882 v 4 TRUSSES Non Skid Made in 10 different styles, Phone 378-~-next P, O, Arch Supports gi-------- 1S THAT 807 WELL HE CERTAINLY tL WHY, THE SAXOPHONE 1S ONE OF THE HARDEST INSTRUMENTS TO ltt A Correct Glasses Correctly Fitted W. A. Hare Optome 3 King St. wo SA---------- -------------------------- CHIROPRACTIC D. E. Steckley, Chiropractor and Drug- less "Therapist, will be in the ofhce, 146 Simcoe street morth, every afternoon and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evemngs, Forenoons by appointment. Residential calls made in town and surrounding district, Consultation is Phone 224. | Dinner concert, WHY-MR-JIGGS- DO YOU KNOW HE STUDIED SEVEN YEARS IN EVROPE? { THANK GOODNESS: 1 THAT'S OVER- Ww it AM (278)~Rochester, 6.00 Ww A (283)~Columbus, We HP (278)--Detroit, wr AM (400)=Cleveland, Dinner mu- oe 838 Twilight mu. Dinner concert, Dinner mu- Winy (375)=Detroit, Dinner music, 6.30 KFAB (319) --Lincoln, Hotel Lincoln, WBAI. (285)--Baltimore, Dinner or- chestra ) WHO (535)--Des orchestra, 6.45 WOC (375)--Davenport, BEDTIME STOR 5.00 w Li EB (366)--Chicago, 5.15 Tix 540'W ry (345)--Chicago. Pied Piper, 5.45 WEEI (508)---Boston. Big Brother chub, 6.00 wa AL (285)--Baltimore. Sandmau ircle 6.10 Wen: (416)--Chicago. Uncle Quin. 6.30 WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, Cousin Larr) ERTS TONIGHT (316) Pitts. "Four-minute- Moines. Philbreck's Simes, Bon Daddy free at office. Wito (448) =Chicago. Topsy Turvey © 1928. by Int] Fespure Service. Inc. Gres: Britain rights reserved. "ROOF LEAKING?" Well, just call Hayton, the Roofer He'll fix it 6.15 Get an Estimate bs mrihur St. - Phone 1643W 6.00 KDKA HE TAUGHT A COUNTRY SCHOOL FOR ABOUT EIGHT YEARS. THEN HE HORKED IN THE TREASURY DEPT. AT WASHINGTON FORTEN YEARS MORE AND AS AFTERWARDS A NATIONAL BANK EXAMINER. WHEN HE AS 46 HE BOUGHT A FRUIT FARM AT WEST PARK, NEAR ESOPUS,0N THE HUDSON AND or 7 (430) -N.Y, tenor. § (227)~ Brooklyn. (306)--Chicago. Frank Mellor, Vocal, Al Camgy, or- WEAF, WGR, hod 6.3 Red Network--The Socontans: WEEI, WTIC, WJAR, WGY, WOSH. WAAM (266)--Newark, WAAT (248) --Jersey City, hid (476) -- Atlanta. Recording | HE WAS ONE WHO WAS OF AMERICA'S JOHN BURROUGHS, Hf FAVORITE WRITERS | DADDY © § ON OUTDOOR LIFE, TOMMY, | HUH! PEOPLE NOW-A-DAYS b TRY 10 LEAVE ROLLS ROYCE DADDY SAYS JOHN BURROUGHS LEFT FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME, BETTY. Entertainers. Recital. mu- 6.45 Ww TBO (306) ~Chicago. Ballads. 7.00 Blue Network :--Stromberg-Carlson Sex. : WIZ, KDKA KYW, WBAL, 7 WBZA, WHAM, W JR, KWI, 4 WTMJ, KV 00, WFAA, KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WMC, WSB, WET, KOA. Red Network--Musical ~~ Mincatures CAF, WFI, WCAE, WTAM, KSh. The Pilgrims. Vocal. We will loan you monics on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present pay- ments we will pay off the claims and renew your pay- ments for any term up to twelve months and. insure your car. Sce Swanson, Ger- men & McKenzie, 2 King street cast. Phone 940. SETTLED DOWH TO THE LIFE OF A FARMER, STUDENT OF NATURE AND ESSAYIST, Clurroveis 8 BEST KOM WORKS ARE : = " WAKE ROBIN (187), WINTER SUNSHINE (875) " BIRDS AMD POETS (4877) WHITMAN, A STUDY "CAMPING AHO TRAMPING WITH ROOSEVELT 1907), Popular songs. Entertainers. Edison hour. Music. J Feature. 0 WBZ (33: Detroit eld, Mass. Network -- Seiberling , WEEL.W ic. WTAR, WFI. GY, \'C i J YW fi KSD, WOOD, WoC." W HO, WOW, y WDAF, _KVOO. WFAA. KPRC, y (326)--N.Y. a0 (D8 0un BURROUGHS ris BORN AT ROXBURY, TY, AND SPENT HIS BOYHOOD ON 1415 FATHERS FARM. WHEN A LITTLE OLDER, TILLIE THE TOILER--An [Easy Loser . 70U SEEM SAY ROT NTIS TO BE HE SPENDS A LOT SPENDING & MONEY ANE A LOT OF 3 SDE TIME ITH gs THIS DICK HARRING TON LATELY » 42> 7 SHANE Vr¥ AS Music. Singers: WTAG Wao REMEMBER . TILLIE VION STAND For ANY FELLOW CLUTTING IN MINEN | Dan NMIVTH You oid TONIGHT JF SHE CAN DRAG Hi EASY SHE LNIAITIA 1STHOIND Ba =N y Y, \/ © 1928 by Bong Features Syndiate Tor Cronk B A "W)) ¥ i DOORS PARISTONE GYROC WATEROUS-MEEK LTD. Blue a that differ: INSULEX HARDWOOD FLOORING 'WATEROUS-MEEK LTD ' ROOFING "Evesything from Foundation to Roof" ky

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