THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY..3, 1928 | Newly Bought Pearls That Cost $18,000 WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SOCIAL and PERSONAL 'The Times tavit invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. Miss Arlie Barrow: lough is visit- ing. Miss Dorothy Laidman, Ham- iltan. * 0% 0% Miss 'Elsie Ross, Toronto, is visiting Miss Marjory Hancock, Ce- lina street. : ha * ¥ Miss Jay Mitchell, Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J, W, Bagrowclough, Brock street east. LI Misses Lillian and Leah. Garrow, 245 Athol street, wish to announce that they are closing their 'Beauty Shoppe" on' Saturday afternoons, commencing Saturday, May 12, un- til the end of August, Ll * * The Hon, R. B, Bennett and his sister, Miss Mildred Bennett, of Ot- tawa, arrive in Toronto today fdr the annual lagies' night banquet of Ward 1, Conservative Association, at the King Edward Hotel tonight. LJ LJ LJ Mr, Earl Mills of Oshawa has been confined td St, Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto, for the past two months with pnetmonia and is still in a critical condition, Mr, Mills has the sincere wishes of all for a speedy recavery, LJ] LJ LJ The many friends of Rev, Dr, A, S. Grant, Secretary of the General Board of Missions of the Preshyter- ian Church in Canada, will regret to hear that this active official is ill and unable to attend to his duties for the past few days, * LJ * Miss M. Hambly, bride-elect for the month of May, was the recipient of many useful gifts last evening when Miss Florence Cox, Elgin street, gave a kitchen shower in hep honor, The gifts were brought in to the tune of the Wedding March in a clothes basket daintily decor- ated with white ribbon, Refresh- ments were served by the hostess and a social evening was spent, The closing Pp pssive euchre party for the season was held last night by the Sunshine Rebakah Lodge in the Oddfellows Hall, There were fift tables and an entertaining ev & was had by all present. . 8 The tis a DANCE GIVEN UNDER AUSPICES OF SOUTH SIMCOE TEACHERS A dance was held last evening at the South Simcoe Street Public Kathleen Isabel, only daugh Rev. and Mrs, D. Day Kharua, India, to Walcer Victor Bruce, cldest surviving som of Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Gibson, Port Hope, the marriage to take place in Osh- awa early in June. * * & Mr. and Mrs, Parker, 163 Nas- sau street, were delightfully sur- prised last night by friends and neighbours, who gathered to wisn them God Speed on their trip to Carleton Place, near Ottawa, where they are to make theip home. Mrs, Goldsmith made a speech expres. sing the sorrow of their friends in losing such good neighbors and yel they all wished Mr. and Mrs. Parker every success In the future. Mrs, Lakin then presented the host and hostess with a silver cake plate, The evening was spent in music and dancing, Weddings BLAIR---BOYCE A pretty, quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs, John Boyge, Warkworth, recently, when her younger daughter, Pearl Eva Gladys, was married to Ernest W. J, Blair, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Blair, of this city, The bride's uncle, Rev. W. 8. P. Boyce, . Brighton, perform- ed the ceremony, The bride, who was given away hy her brother, Mr, George Boyce, Nap- ance, wore a gown of white georgette with crystal beads over white satin, She also wore a pearl necklace and orange blossoms, which her' mother wore at her marriage, The bridal bouquet was of Ophelia roses, lily- of-the-valley and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Nina Boyce, sister of the bride, was gowned in rose georgette and carried a bouquet of pink and white roses. The groom was supported by Mr. George Haines, Oshawa, After the wedding breakfast the happy couple left for points west, the bride travelling in a blue flat crepe plaid coat and a close fitting hat of rose. AFTER DINNER COFFEE i For after dinner coffce use twice the quantity of coffee or half the amount of water, T HAT is one reason why lead- ing hostesses put them on School, under the auspices of the f] teaching staff of that school for the beunefit of the South Simcoe Home and School Association, The hall which was fill2d to capacity, was decorated with flags and flow- ers, all the decorating having been done by the teachers, Mr, Slater and his six piece orche-tra supplied the very excellent' dance music. Lunch was served by the refresh- ment committee hig Mrs. George Clarke as convener. The dance was a success from every point of view and it is to be hoped the faculty will :t a later date, find time to sponsor another dance. Household Hints Attractive waste-baskets an d screens are made of wall-paper mn the large flower patterns, Bo remaye the odor of onions {from the hands, rub hands with salt and then wash in cold water, ' Make a spring Pesolution'to got handles on all mattresses to facil- itate turning.Make handles by stitching strips of ticking togeth- er for strength, Attach two to a side, One way of varying fruit salad is to set it in jelly, i a border or ring mould, and when cold turn it out, pile more fruit in the mids dle, flavor and decorate with whipped cream and stiffly beaten white of egg, mixed together, When pressing dark material a folded newspaper between the material and the hot iron will he found much better than a' damp cloth, The heat of the iron brings out just the right amount of moisture, Set to work to collect all the rain- water that you can now that spring cleaning time is so close at hand, After straining, it is invaluable for many of the special jobs on hand at this time of year. It will remove dirt, as tap water never can and ef- fect a saving on soaps and other cleansing agents. Use it not only for laundering chintzes and cretonnes, but also for paint cleaning. It will not harm the most delicate surfaces and preserves the golor, Daring Girls Seek Popularity The daring "girk--the one who is the first oi her group to smoke a cigarette or to take a drink, who wears the shortest skirts and affects the most shocking conversation--is usually motivated by nothing more than a pathetic desire to be popular, writes Jessica C. Cosgrave in "Good Housekeeping." The desire to be conspicuous in the hope that popularity may follow explains why cvery group has, amd always has had, its extreme mem- bers. The pathetic aspect is that frequently such girls would rather not be considered 'wild," but lacking either mental or physical qualities and accomplishments which attract others they seek to avoid mediocrity by making themselves conspicuous by their daring. They do whatever is being done a little more emphatically than any one else. Ii skirts are long, theirs trail around them; if short, they go above the knees. li hats are large or poked, their features arc cxtin- a by their headgears. DELIGHTFUL DANCE GIVEN BY LADIES' HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Oshawa Hospital Auxiliary were the sponsors of a very suc- cessful dance held in St. Gregory's last might. Tho music for dancing was supplied by "The Sunshine Boys" from Toronty, The guests were received by Mrs. G. D, Con- ant and Mrs. Robertson. The hall was prettily decorated with ferns apd flowers. The committee, Mrs. Mills, Mrs, Conant, Mrs, Robertson, Miss Dillan, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Miil- 'man, and Mrs. N. Daniels, are to be congratulated for the success of the dance,. Although all the returns have not yet been received the com- mittee report the proceeds to be ex- ceptionally fine, MADE TO ORDER ORDER WE MAKE AND FIT CORRECT STYLE oe TRUSS AND GUARANTEE TO HOLD RURTUI SECURELY, EXAMINATION FREE, ABDOMINAL B in BELTS AUTHORS & COX, Lvp 135, CHURCH ST. TORONTO Lost After Few Hours By Mrs, New York, May 5.--The loss of a string of ry purchased at Car tier's for $18,000 a few hours before, was Tepofled. Wednesday to - police of the t Fifty-First street station by Mrs. Frederic N. Watriss, of 610 clasp. A Park avenue. It was shortly after lunching at her home that Mrs. Watriss made the purchase in the shop at Fifth ave enue and Fiity-second street. Dis- missing her limousine and chauffeur, she decided to make a shop, to on foot. Successively, Mrs. Watriss visited Saks=Fifth avenue, Scribner's Book Shop at 597 Fifth avenue and the Maison de Glass, a gown shop, at FortyEight street as Madison avenue. Then she returned to her home and found the pearls were missing. She immediately revisited the sh and questioned the clerks in. eac None gave her any information ex= cept a clerk at the Maison dé Glass, who said he had noticed Mrs. Wat- riss had been wearing only two Mrs, Watress strings of Woh when she entered. These were purchased some time ago. The lost stri oonisted of 9% matched pearls held by a diamond fter purchasing them she im- mediately pat them on. The investi ation of the police revealed nothing, ther ight have been stolen or they stmply hive fallen from her gh A - a loose clasp. Mrs. Watriss is the Se of Sir Frederick and ol Taylor, of Montreal, Betore her a riage to Mr, Watriss in Montreal on March 20, 1926, she was Mrs. Brenda Frazier and had spent much of her time in New York. Mr. Watriss is a lawyer and a graduate of Harvard, class of '92, where he rowed on the Varsity crew. He is a member . of the Knicker- brocker, Manhattan, Links, Piping Rock and Southside Sportsman's clubs. Their home at Wheatley Hills was Dumed recently with a @oss of Fashion Notes The spring matches are on, and merry games they are, but not play- ed on fields or courts, They are games of matching up your ward- robe, or certain costumes in it. The newest thing is to take a simple frock or suit and dress it up with colorful accessories that match one another. That is just what has been done with a sports dress consisting of jersey overblouse and silk-pleated skirt. With it appear scarf, pagasol, handbag, shoes and hat trimmitg all the same gay printed fabric. Of course these accessories may be worn with other costumes with which the colors harmonize. Ravishing is a tiny lapel nose-gay made of httle red head radishes, green leather stems. They look like a miniature bunch tied for market- ing The tendency toward sleeveless things strong at the moment in Paris that it is expected they will be taken up almost entirely for summer sports wear, in dresses as well as sweaters, with, of course, a jacket or coat to accompany them. 15 SO ICED COFFEE In making iced coffee use fresh hot beverage and pour it over thg ice filled glass. Powdered sugar afid a plain or whipped cream complete a perfect beverage. MOTHER GOOSE HEALTH RHYME This fat thumb says "Give me milk, At least a pint a day." This first finger, "Porridge, too, And cook it well, I pray. Long finger shouts out, Potato, if you please, And I like spinnach, onions, squash, Or carrots, beans or peas." Ring finger tells you, Or other fruit I wish," And little finger, "Soft cooked egg Or some nice meat and fish." Right hand «tells me, "Don't forget To eat these every day, To help me grow up well and strong And run and jump and play." Other thumb says, "Go to beg At seven every night. First finger tells us, "Windows up In dark as well as light." Long finger two says "Take a bath At least two times a week And always every day be sure A little rest to seek." This finger, four, says, #'Never fail To brush teeth night and morn." Last finger says, "Drink water, lots, To keep me safe from harm." And left hand says that outdoor play And keeping every rule Will give me all the health T need And make me fit for school. "Vegetable, LUNCHEON COFFEE Strain coffee remaining from breakfast, sweeten to taste and chill. Diluate with cream and pour into a glass pitcher. Serve in tall glasses, allowing two thsp. vanilla ice credm to each glass. "Apples, prunes } - MeGILL PROFESSOR Montreal, May 4--Professor H. A. Smith, for nine years a professor in In clean, bright Aluminum UMES NEW CHAIR | sity, sume his new International of London. 4 b GRQINTE & MONTREAL AW toerat oO 7 S. 1a SANDRA E Ww WwW Ae > : = the Faculty of Law at McGill Univer< sailed today for London to as« sition in the chair of w at the University their menus every day in the year, Serve salads -- and serve with them dressings made in your own home with Keen's Mustard, Write for free recipe book ITALIAN SALAD entitled "Salad Secrets)' Use left-over meat, small onion, 2 branches celery, small cucumber, 2 hard boiled eggs, few NE radishes, chop all very KEEN fine, mixing together ,Aids Digestion well. Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons Keen's Mus- COLMAN-KEEN (Canada) Limited, 17> Amherst St, Montres], thee Lb dd TT TTII IIT L tard, pepper and salt to taste. Serve in a dish gomished with lettuce r DEALER in COURTICE Phone 108 B 2-2 Bowmanyille 124RB-8-4 yo ore eopecially invited to visitjthe show- rooms of our new desler, who will handle the complete line of Willys-Overland Fine Motor Cars--four grest new cars, with twenty. four body types, embod ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP IN EVERY PRICE CLASS, the most mgt RRR RECRE wr r" hich isn". Zo a SD) he Gin Pills direct] der, They soothe a NB: backaches b, onthe Kidneys the ND oth FOR THE KIDNEYS The WILLY'S KNIGHT ENE NENESEEEEEEN GREAT 5IX SEDAN :-NOTICE- i POWER OFF 2 will be aa fuel economy throughout the entire Willys-Overland line, Demonstrations of the mew Willys-Overland models will be given gladly, When you examine the Whippet, the Whippet Six, the 79" Willys. Knight Six, the Willys-Enight Great Siz--a price range of $795 to $3,050, you will quickly reslize that Wil. Orland now has "Value Leadership" as as "Engineering Lesder- ship" in every price class, » SN Ng : Willys-Overland Sales Co, Limited Head Office and Factosies : Toronto, Canads Beanches : TORONTO MONTREAL IME. WINNIPEG Enclosed find ,....... £onts. Flsass song Patterns listed be- ppprnnsnmepnem BBD ness sn 6, "1928 foom BRPPPEPALPRP PIII Ip PE SS Se LET XP PEOVIBES , cor sprnpmessm ons 8 ut " » -t " ws 8 = 8 =