ot A a EE] PMR, REET 3 FAGE TWELVE ® POPP RR RR WW WW Oa Ww Pr Pw LL BELLEVILLE HOSPITAL GRANT Council last night, will uncil las Belleville City ; a Council and t now held by the City Treasurer. -- COBOURG SOFTBALL At a meeting of representatives from local churches an Interchurch Softball League was organized in Cobourg. The following officers were elected: Honorary President, Rev. J. N, Norton; President, Percy Bradley; Vice-President, J. H. Me- Clelland; Secretary, G. Forbes; Treasurer, Mr. Mulhall. A com- mittee was appointed to interview | the Town Council about a play- ground. HONOR BENEFACTOR The memory of the late Chester D. Massey will be honored this coming Sunday in Newcastle, when his portrait will be unveiled in the Massey Community Hall, there. The portrait is a gift of his sons, Hon, Vincent Massey, Canadian Minister to Washington, and Ray- mond Massey, London, Eng, The ceremony of unveiling will be con- ducted by W. Seldon, who for many years has been associated with the affairs of the family. WEALTHY FARMER DROWNED Thomas Eastwood, an aged and wealthy farmer who resided just west of Gananoque Was found drowned yesterday morning in the st. Lawrence River, opposite the Gananoque Golf and Country Club grounds, His dapghter, on rising yesterday morning, missed him and notified the rest of the family, He had not been well for about a week, and it is thought that he got up early and wandered away in a semi- conscious state to his death, LEAVE FOR OVERSEAS Rev. Dr. W. T. G, Brown, min- jster of Sydenham Street United Church, Kingston, and Mrs, Brown, left yesterday for overseas, With Rev, Dr. Martin, of Hamilton, Dr. Brown will represent the United Church of Canada at the General Assembly of the Presbytery of the Church of Scotland. As Dominion secretary of the W.C.T.U, Mrs. W. T. G, Brown goes to Switzer- Jand, to attend the world confer- ence of the Union, SOCCER AT BELLEVILLE At an enthusiastic meeting of the soccer fans and players of Belleville held last night a city league was formed, embracing teams from the Canada Cement Works, Point Anne, Corbyville, Canadian Legion and the Hospital, A schedule was drawn up, and the games will be played on Wednesday as twilight fixtures, Soccer has many devotees in this section, but has been a "dead" sport for some time, DIES IN KINGSTON Following an illness of three months, the death occurred yester- day of Mrs, Kennedy, wife of M, J. Kennedy, reeve. of Portsmouth. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Every second car you see is driven by a person who needs glasses, Make sure of your eyes NOW, 243 1516 w=PHONE~-- 1510 Disney Block, Opposite Post Office EASTERN. ONTARI Mrs, Kennedy, whose maiden name was Susan Frances Corrigan, was bora in Kingston, and lived all her life either in Kingston or Ports- mouth, Nine children are left, Rev. C. K., of Englewood, Calif; Dr, D. L., of Brumo, Sask.; Dr. M. J. Sudbury; Johm D., Portsmouth Penitentiary staff; Phalen, Low- ville, N.Y.; Francis, Kingston, Sis- ter Kennedy, Hotel Dieu; and Rose and Margaret, at home. i OFFICER'S FUNERAL TODAY The inquest into the deaths of Provincial Constable Norman F, Maker and David Montgomery kill ed in a shooting affray in the Mont- gomery House, in Peterboro, Thurs- day, will be held on Tuesday even- ing next before Coroner Dr. T. W. H. Young. The funeral service of Constable Maker was held this ning, Mass being sung in the acred Heart Church at 10 o'clock, after which the body will taken by the noon C.N.R. train to Belleville for interment 'on Sunday. The Knights of Columbus and Canadian Legion attended in a body. Inspec- tor Loughed, of provincial police district headquarters Belleville, is in charge of funeral arrangements there. David Montgomery will be buried in Little Lake Cemetery, Peterboro, LEG, ARM FRACTURED Francis, 5-year-old son of Frank Dwyer, Morristown; N.Y., was ser- iously injured yesterday while crossing the street after being dis- missed from school at' Chesterville, near Brockville. Francis, whose mother died a short time ago, lives with his aunt, Mrs, Walter Carr, in Chesterville, After leaving the school gate, the little fellow waited for a milk truck, driven by Lloyd south of Chesterville. At his home Drs. Browns and Clayton examined 'him and found the boy had suf- fered a fractured left arm, fractur- ed left leg, dislocated left shoulder, minor bruises and possibly minor internal injuries. k ' WHOLE TOWN SEARCH The search for the three-year- old Donnie Montpetit, little son of Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Montpetit who So mysteriously disappeared a week ago yesterday, is practically discon- tinued. The waters of the St. Lawrence River have been combed with grappling irons. Early in the week sessions were called off in the high school so students might participate in the hunt for the little fellow. In parties they went over the C.N.R: and for miles and miles the country was traversed, The parents frantic with grief in sheer desperation separately sought the advice of a fortune teller, fifteen miles away, and the mother went alone later to a crystal gazer, but the case is a mystery from the start and remains so. ORDINATION OF WOMEN While immediate provision for the ordination of women to the ministry of the United Church does not appear to be acceptable to the Cobourg Presbytery, they seem to take it for granted that it will ul- timately obtain. At the meeting of the Presbytery this week the ques- tion precipitated lively discussion, and it was finally agreed that "it is desiwble that a period of pre- tion of such a change." It was agreed on mofion that women be given equal rights with men in all courts of the Church, Several calls were sustained at the meet- ing, and a number of changes in the membership of committees were made, The report of the Stat- istical Committee revealed that the total membership of the Presbytery at the close of 1927 was 7.464, ANE USNAWA DAILY Lua, SALURDAY, MAY 5, 192¢ \ ---- TROUBLES THREATENING FOR BRITISH TEXTILES Londen, 4.-- The disputes of two Bri textile industries have taken a serious turn. x The Master Spiners' Federation is asking authority of firms in the federation to declare a lock-out to enforce their demand for a re- Headaches? 'The next time your head aches--from -any cause-- just take a tablet or two of Aspirin and see how soon the pain is all gone. It is absolutely harmless, else physicians wouldn't say to use it; and it does not affect the heart. All druggists have genu- ine Aspirin, in the box that says Bayer--with the word genuine in red letters! duction in wages, all negotiations o this end having failed. In the dyeing and finishing trades of Lancashire and Yorkshire the ops erative unions have resolved up- on a strike in.a month's time un- less their demands for the adop- tion of a collective piece-work-sys- tem and a readjustment of wages of time workers are eonceded. PIRIN Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) indicating Bayer Manufacture, While i8 is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assure the public against mite tions, the Tablets will be stamped wigh their 'Bayer LOross" trademark. LONDON MAN PUTS ONE OVER ON P.0.| Spells Words Phonetically and Sends Twice the London. -- A young man is 10d up on the Post Office. He suec- ceeded in sending 'a twenty-two word telegram for a shilling by adopting a simple code which needed no key to be eciphéred. This is the telegram he handed in; the clerk, after consulting his superior officer sent it off: -- "Agottaris finunshalb omebout- fiv luvtorodny antonymum uas- welltata dubsxxxxx." These seven words look rather like a Latin inscripton, and prob- ably puzzled the telegraph opera- tor, but the recipient saw at once that ,despite their formidable ap- ChD0G wA TmK ,cemfw taoiduuy pearance, they were ordinary Eng- lish words, spelt phonetically, and cut into equal divisions of ten letters. "Have got a rise, fine one. Shall be home about five. Love to Rodney, Anthony, mum, you as well.Tata, Dubs, (Kisses). "Dubs" was the young man's nickname. A Post Qffice official said to a "Daily Express' representative last night that according to the regulations such a telegram should not have been sent. "It must have been a mistake on the part of the official concern ed," he added. "In the ordinary way such obvious comibnations of words would b edivided up and the sender charged at the usual rate." They Are A Wonderful Family Remedy DODDS | KIDNEY PILLS 4 Ln 2 £ A.L. HUDSON & Co. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE STANDARD STOCK and MINING EXCHANGR NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE (Ass'ts) NEW YORK CURB MARKET (Ass'te) : OFFICES AT: TORONTO, ONT, BUFFALO, N.Y. OSHAWA, ONT. SARNIA, ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONT. DIRECT PRIVATY WIRE CONNECTIONS TO ALL PRINCIPAL MARKETS THROUGH. OUT CANADA and UNITED STATES Oshawa Office Times Building Tele phone: 2700. Resident Manager: C. N. HENRY RHA ly Rt SS McMillan, to pass, Then he started to cross the street immediately be- hind the truck. As he stepped from' behind the rear of the heavy veh- icle he was struck by a car in charge of Miss Edgerton, who lives EE HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by Expert Mechanics All floors finished like new B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. Office Phon= 481, Res, 180r2 ADANAC Machine Shop General Machine Work Steel Ring Starting Teeth Installed. on Flywheels Rebabbitting of all kinds Axle Beams Straightened Crank Shafts, etc Straightened Crown Gears Rivetted on Brake Bands Relined Machinery Repaired Machines, Patterns, Tools and Inventions Made to Order Oxr Welding and Cutting SUPPLIES General Machinery Machine Bolts, Nuts, Cap Screws, Set Screws, Wash- ers, 'Pins, ete, All Kinds of Steel, Iron, Brass, Bronze and Babbitt Piston Rings and Brake Lining Rehabbitted Connecting ' Rods Motor Boat Supplies Storage Batteries CAR $8.75 RADIO HAROLD F. COX 161 King St, W. Phone 1214 FRASER'S HAIR RESTORER Relieves itching scalp immediately. Promotes healthy growth of hair. Tones up the scalp. Banishes dandruff. . Sold on.an absolute money back guarantee to give ¢ y satisfaction, For sale at Barber Shops and Beauty Parlors. Ale Ce 2d CEMENT LIME PARISTONE TART TT TTTTTTTe 3 HARDWOOD FLOORING "Everything from Foundation to Roof" DOORS INSULEX ROOFING GYROC Cn en ee a We SBA NAR Ad Bh 8 5 5 8 hos a a 8 Boa nal a aa al WATEROUS -MEEK LTD. a Th I II A TT a a mee ELLA CINDERS--Our Te ------------ , ittle Triangle ji] CIN ME I Like Jim HE'S OM NOBLEMEN 1SEE HIM WITH , HE JUST By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BRINGING UP FATHER 2 | THINK I'LL SURPRISE - MAGGIE AN STAY IN TONIGHT: LL GO IN AN' Ti, An 3 A : (~ © Ag [ MAGGIE | WANT TO SAY SOMETHING - TELL HER - a. 1 JUST WANTED TO TELL ¥ I il I KNOW WHAT YOu ARE GOING TO DAY - YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GO OVUT- DO YoU HEAR THAT? Service, IncaiCiseat Britain sights reserved. TELLING TOMMY Rel Whois ADUBONS HOME PERNIOMEN CREEK, PA. BUT IN 1762 FOR TEN YEARS, DEVOTING HIS TE 0 THE STUDY-OF BIRDS. LATER HE SPENT MUCH TIME iN THE WEST, y LA, MAY 4,1780. HIS PARENTS WERE FRENCH PROTESTANTS, WHO WERE DRIVEN FROM FRANCE ON ACCOUNT OF THEIR RELIGION. AUDUBON STUDIED IN FRANCE, AND WAS TAUGHT DRAW~ ¥ ING BY THE GREAT ARTIST, DAVID, ids yy =D PHILADELPHIA WHERE HE LIVED er. LI 1626, AUDUBON WENT TO ERRGLAND AND | PUBLISHED HIS DRAWINGS OF BIRDS - 435 COLORED PLATES OF BIRDS THE SIZE OF LIFE, ENTITLED "THE BIRDS OF AMERICA" "©1928, by King Fantuses Syndicate, Inc. Geeat Britain rights reserved. EE J DICK HARRINGTON 15 GONG | 6 GIVE ME A BUZZ / IN TEN MINUTES AND THEN HE'S COMING AFTER ME IN THE CAR AND WERE MAC'S WORKING THIS AFTERNOON, TILLIE - DO You THINK You CO NIT PROMISED IT'S ONE GOOD GRIEF. Dick AT ONE O'CLOCK » AND HE'D RING ME THIRTY NOW 1 SEE DICK - LL GIVE HIM