Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Apr 1928, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1928 ASSERIED SECTION. 2 PAGE ELEVEN Nawa. fone 4. . is. BA. LLB: AF Amn BAL ty FELT, a ~BAR- IR a BACH 1404 King St East. 145 Residence p GRIERSON & CREIG TON=BAR Tancens, A tan fi i. 0 ee over gu ard, Sa a meoe Be Ry BA. T S elghton. Cs AN RMA thrones | otary Publ etc All branches of iminal and Civil Law Money to n. Office over Lamble's store 2 St. east. Phone 40. ] A wanson, H N German, F. G. dackenzie UIs 8. HYMAN AND COM ian Barristers Money to loan. Ey er Dewland's Store, 16 Simeone street north, Phone 67, eaidancs 197W. (tf) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- faters, etc. Money to loan Disney Bldg., opposite post office, Phons 1614. A, J. Parkhill, A. W. Greer. hit ) Medical , Guta Phone CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Bigin east. Mra Annie Peat- ]land. managing corsetiere. Even- A BIG ASSORTMENT OF HAWAI- fan guitars ukuleles, tenor banjos. 8, given H. Wagner, teacher. - Apply Harris Musi Store. Phone 1490. (Apr. 4-May 4) (120th) ings by appointment. Phone 442J. (133t1) Watch Repairing F. A, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT shop at ao in ra Stee Wert t. ¥ te es! ath ---- ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. App 21 Rowe 8St., Phone 1347M. (1 nN MRS. SMITH, TEACHER OF plano, 661 Simcoe street north, Special attention given beginners, at pupils homes or studio. Phone 918M. (Apr. 14-May 14) Insurance VIS AND SON. sy 9 St. NCE, a pide fone ig) vi Fire id ire Companies. (118-tf) WHEN NALING INSURANCE consult R. N lohns, 80 Simcoe Darth Your insurance wants t Contracting CONTRACTOR--A. E. EAGLESON, 12 Burk St., Oshawa, General Con- tractor, estimates furnished. (Apr. 17-May 17) ENGLAND & DOUGLAS, BRICK- layers and contractors, Work taken by day or contract. 318 Di. vision street, Phone 2579W, (Apr. 20-May 20) Transportation and vour interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr.)] a C. BE. HEPBURN, 64 MeLAUGH- lin Blvd, Oshawa, District Repre- sentative for the Great West Life Assurance Company of Canada. ¢ (Feh 1-1yr) INSURANCE -- OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co, Local agents for one of the best English companies, Office 38 Simcoe Bt. N. 86-1) Money to: Loan DR. R E MeMULLEN, PHYS] cian, § , and ol betttrician. _ 0 and hom imecoe street Mg hope 508. DR. ROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- at Obstetrician, Spe- (11411) clan, Surgeon, cial reference to maternity work and di os of wo Two Joare pon gradupte tire LTR a for, ve (11941) DR. PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, 0M, Office and resi- ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 9. RAN RRY, PHYSICIAN, by 0 a, diseases of Infants -and children, Office ani residence, 97 Bond Hast, Phone 1166. IR , 3 , HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- urgeon, ial attention Ay ony or and Electro- ars py ce, Disney Block. Phone 3050, off open § a.m. to 9 Pp Residence 161 King East, Phone 24186. (Lt) DR. C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and residence, . 556 Simeoe Bt. North, corner Arlington. Phone 2416. (98tf) Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business Dr. Dean, specialist, 40 Gerrard St. east, Toronto. (Feb.18-May 18) Ess, Nose, Throst Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 B R Street West, Toronto, will is office over Jury Blore each Saturday, for comsultation and treatment of Bsentes x. £5, nose and thros throat ntments mi oy rus ly hone (74 (49- id Dental Pi. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Stoge., Simcoe Bi. Boutb Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex- traction. Phone 231, res. +7 Ll DENTIST. OF- 14 5 | VHILLIPS. Phone 959. Residence 306 4-1 yr DR H M COOKE. 9 SIMCOE ST north, over Mitchell's Store Gas for extraction Phone DR I. E HUBBFII DENTIST Nitrous tions n Phone 948 residence. (378M hus GIFFORD OFFICE Phone | 56 4 > DR WH Regent [heatre Bldg Residence 669 Lov, from i til 4 | 2067. LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed or under construction, Conant and Annis, phone 4, (76-tf) PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS to loan on first mortgage security at current rates, Grierson 4 Creighton, Standard Bank Bldg. (Mar, 29-Apr. 29) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON #8 security of thelr motor ears, of those desiring to re-finance the purchase of thelr motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 8 King St. B. 14410) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans arran Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420. ( oo CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkblll & Greer, Barristers, ete, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (40tf) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR Hu 8 Bond St West. Phone 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving ele and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transtened i and from all trains. 64- tf) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance moving, 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 28650, (90tf) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural 'work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Res. phone 909) Cleaning and Pressing UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEAN- ers, Dyers, repairing, Alterations, Prompt service. Called for and de- livered, Phone 600, 12% King street west, (Apr. 14 14- -May 14) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save I money. Estimates free. G. Constable. 74 Mechanic street. Ba 156950. (66-1) PLOORS CLEANED, WAXED, and polished. Windows cleaned. Best workmanship and material guaranteed, Phone 1281F. (Apr. 256-1 mo) 8-tr) Building Supplies FOR SALE--CEMENT . BLOCKS. Quality guaranteed, Borrowdale and Foskett, Phone 1618, (80tf) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beecroft. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, oh, awa, phone 324 69-tf) Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND PAPER HANG- ing. Work guaranteed. Peeling and Steele, Phope 2337J. (Apr, 11-May 11) R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING. PAPER hanging, graini etc. Twent years' experience. Prices right. Wor guaranteed. 151 Huron street fs 5 t NOW IS THE TIME TO GET your house painted, before flies Are coming, and streets are getting dusty, We will do it, lowest esti- mates, best materials used. Myg- land and Lindstad, 14 Nassau St. Phone 1495W. (Apr.8-May 8) I. ©. HILL, DECORATING, Paper-hanging, Painting; work guaranteed. Estimates given. Phone 942w, 135 Brock Kast. (Apr.. 17-May 17) FOR PAINTING, PAPER-HANG- ing and general house decorating, wall paper sample books on appli- tation. Phone A. Berry, 2811; 620 Hortop Avenue. (Apr. 20-May-20) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Permanent wave, speelfal $7.50. Marcelling, finger waving, Phone 2968. (97-t1) DONEVAN AND SMITH. ONTARIO Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers. 865 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2532) or 2344, Window Cleaning "OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS cleaning, woodwork NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESSING Parlor. Marcel and Curl, 50 cents. Hot oil shampoo. 661 Simcoe St. N. Phone 918M for appointment, Also lessons in marcelling. (Apr. 7-May 7) MARCEL AND CURL, 60 CENTS, 45 Albany St., or by appointment phone 624]. (Apr. 1)-May 19) CECIL HOWARD BEAUTY SHOP, 19 McLaughlin Blvd. Expert hair cutting and marcelling. Phone (Apr. 19-May 19) Building Supe HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AXD -{ finished compeltely with Machine Shop, open evenings. 161 King street west. Phone 1214. 'Woodworking . MILLARD. REAR 442 KING ) |St., Phone 466. . ' Satisfaction Give us a trial. | and Stevens, 164 Alice Stree Phone 2619W. (Apr.-20-May-20) Room and Board Wanted machine teed. GENERAL BICYCLE REPAIRING baby carriage tires put on. All work guaranteed. 12 Richmond St. E. Phone 2774. (96-2) WANTED--TO TAKE OUT CEL- lars by contract, Phone 2365W, (96-1) Veterinary Surgeon DR SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, | w. Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. (56+) C. S. DICKENSON. V.S . DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. . 34 Brock St. E. Phone 105). (131-tf) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1053, (tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance. © Residence, 19 street cast. THE L. V. DISNEY FUNERAL Home, 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corper Bruce street. Ambulance, Phone 1082. (96-te) Electricians GIBSON AND NASH, ELECTRI- cal contractors. Installations and repairs of all kinds. Phones Osh- awa 1779), Whitby s9W. (951) STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing. Body Pumping a specialty, (Mar tf) Phone 1496. | AAAS 8800 200000000 sas fective immediat clos: ing tn or clasaifed ads. 30 Monday to F d am Saturday. ds for Too Late to Classify all Coming Events, received up to 10.30 am. Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--134 cents per word. Minimum charge--3e, Each subsequent insertion lc per word. Three Somsssutire Sater: tions the price first id dis (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 conte, Box aumber 10¢ additional Professional or Business s, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISKH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Departs | |. -..) - Articles For Sale FOR SALE--STHRIOTLY lald eggs, In any quantity. De- liverel anywhere in city. Phone ; (Apr. 4-May 8) USED MATRICES, NEWSPAPER page size, for sale. Just the thing to use in building garage, Chicken house, ete, betwecn boards. One cent per sheet. Apply Oshawa Daily Times, (92tr) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $8.50 per load. Also hone dry: hody wood. Waterous-Meek Limited, Phone 1288. (Apr. 25-tf) NEW FOR SALE--THIS YEAR'S maple syrup; delivered anywhere in city, $2.75 per gallon. Phone 8086. (Apr. 3-May 3) FOR SALE--COAl, WOOD AND straight radio poles, from $1.50 to $2.50, 28 to 40 ft long. Plaza and Pasko. Office phone 16828W. resi- dence 2163W, (Apr. 18-May 2) FOR BALE -- 1 HEINTZMAN piano, 1 floor lamp and 1 leather rocking chair in Al condition. Ap- ply 110 Albert St, (97) BICYCLES $12 UP, CASH OR terms. All good machines. Motor City Cycle and Tire Shop, 10 Athol (972) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale , Good condition. Low price This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space. before new addi- tion was erected. It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 85 (106-tf) FOR SALE-- NEW SPRUCE laths 4 ft. long $6.00 per thousand. Must be sold at once. Apply 728 Simcoe N. Mr. Rash. Phone 1502W, (92tr) FOR SALE--SOLID MAHOGANY three piece parlour suite, finished in blue plush velour. Phone 1618, (95tL) FOR SALE--1 BEDROOM SUITE, 1 Singer sewing machine, "almost new; Quebec range and Victrola. Apply 271 Albert St.. (98c) FOR SALE--MOFFAT CAPITAL Electric Range. Telephone 2833J. (98¢) T1FOR MUST SELL--MASON AND RISCH Piano, iron frame, in first-class con- dition. $125. Dixon, Woodcrest Avenue, off Gibbon St. (99-a) | FOR SALE--GOOD REFRIGERA- gor, Sausage Grinder and Stuffer. R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone, Ont. (99-c9 FOR SALE--ONE DANIELS HOT Air Incubator, 250 size, $10. One Cypher, 400-gize, $15. Both in use now. ' Phone -1654r2-3. (99-c) ADANAG GARAGE AND MACH- | FOR SALE--SIZE SEND YOUR FURNITURE AND other goods you have to sell, to our yard. Sales weekly. Sulley's Real Estate, 41 King Street West. Phones 25680 or 7167. (69tf) IF YOU WANT SATISFACTION and highest prices, call. on E. J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St. E. Phone 1013M. (Apr. 24-May 25) WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD with. private family from Friday evening till Sunday evening of each week. Herbert C. Treneer, 58 Drew (98¢) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tice Tires for sale. | Jamieson Bros. 438. (tf) FOR SALE -- OLD WINDOW frames with glass, various sizes. Apply 96 Phillip St., Cedardale. (98¢c) 16, GOOD spring coat. Rust colour. $8 also size 14, .good raincoat, blue, $2. Phone 567). 24 Elena St. (98b) FOR SALE--ONE GAS RANGE, four burmer, high oven, one baby carriage, cream wicker, reversible gears. Both in good condition. Phone 1056F. (99a) FOR SALE--SIDEROARD. APPLY 240 Arthur £t. Phone 876W.: (98¢c) 10 PT. COUNTER "FOR SALE. Bouckley, King E. (98¢c) FOR SALE--9 PIECE WALNUT dining room suite, kitchen table and chairs, 3 plate Moffatt Electric Range. Also baby carriage, Apply 139 Park Rd. §. Phone 1125W. (98¢c) Articles for Sale Real Estate for Sale 1 DOLLAR DEPOSIT SECURES delivery of your order; Rogers Sil- verware, watches, clicks, rings. Jewelry of all kinds, and the bal. ance payable on very easy terms. O. H. Dell, 263% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (Apr, 25-May 26) FOR SALE-- LARGE WICKER baby carriage (cream). Good con- dition. Apply 31 McLaughlin Blvd. (98h) FLOYD BABY CARRIAGE IN good condition. Will sell reason- able. Phone 1842W, (98¢) For Rent YioUSE TO RENT---8 ROOMS, ALL conveniences. Central. Make good rooming house. Partly furnished if desired, Jso léase, 2 months' rent in advance. Apply Box "S" Osh- awa Dally Times. (98b) HOUSE FOR SALE--363 MARY street. All improvements, paved street, garage. Immediate posses- sion. Moderate price, easy terms. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris ters, &c., Oshawa, Ontario. (651) LEAL ESTATE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park, Terms to sult you. Office 88 Simcoe St. N. (86-t1) FOR SALE -- QUIET COUNTRY Home, extra good house, clean, ready to move into, 11 acres. R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone, Ont. (99%) HOUSE FOR SALE--NEW SIX rooms, rug brick. Apply 87 Me- Laughlin Blvd, (98tf) TWO LOTS ON CONNAUGHT street for sale or exchange on car, $500 or under. Apply 220 Clarke St. (99¢) FOR RENT--WELL FURNISHED large front bed sitting room on ground floor, suitable for twa gen+ tlemen or two business girls, Ap- ply after 6, 21 Warren Ave. (99¢c) TO RENT--TWO ROOMS, PART- ly furnished for light housekeep- ing. No children, Apply 376 Short Celina St., after 5.30. (99¢) TO RENT--TWO LARGE FUR- nished rooms in new house, one block from G, M. C. offices. All conveniences, Apply 303 Richmond St. E. Phone 1149F.. (09a) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for light house= keeping including heat, light and water, Apply 146 Tylor Orescent. (89¢c) NEW SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE for rent, Apply 28% Simcoe St. 8. (99¢) FOR SALE-- ONE OR MORE acres of land, west of North Osh- awa Station. Phone 902 r 2. (98¢c) HOUSE FOR SALE---SIX LARGE rooms, brick veneer. Oak fioors. stone foundation, Private drive, Coal fire place, gopanate toilet and bath, 225 Athol Bt, B, (70t1) HOUSE FOR SALE IN NORTH end, new rug hrick veneer, six rooms, hardwood floors through- out, chestnut trim, electric mantel, built-in cupboards, ironing board and milk bottle cupboards, wired for electric stove, divided cellar, side drive, on paved street, Owner and builder. Phone 1734W. (88tf) FOR SALE -- NINE ROOMED brick veneer house, Hot water heating, toilet and bath, Separate sun room. Quarter cut oak floors. All downstairs, 63 Drew St, Phone 498W, (056tf) APARTMENT TO RENT, ALL conveniences. New home, No child ren. Phone 404J, (99¢) RENT --- EIGHT ROOM garage, hydro; possession West Ross Corners, phone (99-h) PRIV- Phone (93¢c) House, May 1st. 209 Brooklin, evenings. TO RENT--BEDROOM IN ate home. Very central, 1891J. FOR RENT -- TWO ROOMED dwelling at 276 Montrayve Ave. Phone 706 between 6 and 8. (97¢) FURNISHED 164 Alice (98¢c) FOR RENT -- A BEAUTIFUL bathroom flat, new house, Centrally located, Young couple preferred. Apply 226 Eulalie Ave, (98h) FOR RENT--SIX ROOM HOUSE on Masson St. Immediate posses- sion. Phone 1198J, (99-a) GARAGE ROOM TO RENT. AP- ply 756 Hogarth St., or phone 220, (98c) TO RENT--TWO hedroms, near Motors, St., cor. Division, Lost and Found LOST--SATURDAY EVENING BE- tween Ward's store and Street Rail~ way office, pair of glasses, Re- ward. Notify Times Office. (07¢) LOST: LADY'S GOLD WATCH between Times office and Post Of- fice. Finder please return at Times Office. Reward. (97c) Bankrupt Sale BANKRUPT SALE OF ELECTRIC stock will end Saturday night at 10 o'clock. Prices lower than ever to make clean sweep. Store open daily till 7 p.m. A chance to get good fixtures, etc., at bargain prices, also supplies of materigl for electricians, etc., at Jess than wholesale prices. Don't miss this chance to save money. Also open tc receive offers on balance of stock. 148 Simcoe street south, (97¢c) LOTS FOR SALE, $160, §S1zB@ 40 x 115. Terma $10 down, $5 monthly. Apply 79 Eldon Ave: (87c) LOTS FOR SALE---~OAKLAND Park lots should be your first choice if you want to live in an exclusive residential district. Lot values at $250, $600, $700 to $2,250. Call at our office in the Oakland Park, King St. East, or phone 2770 for any information de- sired. (Apr. 26-May 7) FOR SALE--SEVEN ROOMS AND attic, large enough for two extra: brick veneer, central, paved street, decorated, three-piece bath, furnace ~--8$6,700, $500 cash, Phone 101W 6 to 9 tonight. (99-b) FOR SALE--SIX ROOMS NEW brick, Central, Every convenience. Must sell. - Owner leaving city, Special price, Phone 2642. (98h) $4600--NEW BRICK VENEER house, § rooms, Chestnut trim, Oak floors, electris mantel, furnace, hot and cold water in cellar, electric fixtures, linoleums in kitchen and bathroom, window blinds, electric range ineluded for $100 extra price, $600 cash. Price reduced for larger cash payment. Best lo- cation in north end of city. Brad- ley Bros., 29 Simcoe. St., Souih, Phone 169. (99b) HOUSE FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM Brick Bungalow, hardwood floors, three plece bath, wired for electric stove, garage, lot 35 x 200. En- quire at 50° Burk St. (99-c) Help Wanted--Male STRONG YOUNG MAN WANTED, accustomed to making concrete blocks. Apply Block Plant, Bai lett's Corners, % mile west of Osh- awa, (99-a) WANTED--A BOX TO WORK IN bakesbop. Apply foreman, D. M. Tod's Bread Ltd. (99a) * Wanted to Rent Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONB gentleman. Business pran prefer- red. Phone 1492M. +68 Gibbs St. (97-c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE or two gentlemen. Phone 2079W. (97-¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two gentlemen. Apply 628 Hortop avenue, phone 2840W. (98¢c) BOARD AND BOOM. ALL CON- veniences. 278 Albert St. (98¢c) ROOM AND BOARD AT 75 COL- borne St. W. Phone 1510M. (99h) Motor Cars FOR SALE--FORD COUPE, 1925 in perfect Shape. Snap for cash, 262 Ritson Rd. (98¢) WANTED TO RENT -- YOUNG couple with baby want two or three unfurnished rooms or apartment in 2 very nice location. Must be up- to-date-place, Apply Box "A" Osh- awa Daily Times. (974) 3, 4 OR 5 ROOMED HOUSE IN any part of Oshawa wanted to rent, Permanently. Preferably near Motors. Box "YY" Oshawa Daily Times. (994) "Wanted to Buy WANTED--ONE MOTOR CYCLE Engine, four cylinder, in running Order. Statg price, Box "G" Osh- awa Daily Times. (99-b) ME. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. B cars and \ Goats "Sie" pT] Tig Phone 60M. Residence 99 Mill street. (111tf) SECOND HAND PURNITURE FOR SALE -- 1927 McLAUGHLIN- Buick Coach or Coupe, both pri- vately owned and driven; also 14 inch Underwood Typewriter. Phone 166 or 1503M. (99-c) For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE -- NINE ROOM brick house, central. Will exchange for five or six room bungalow on good street. Apply Bradley Bros. (99-b) Taxis PROMPT TAXI SERVICE AT 109 Agnes St. Phone 588, WwW. C. Werny. " , buying pnd gelling. 186 Bloor St. B. Phone 1617M. (Apr. 4-May 4) Situation Wanted YOUNG MAN WITH MATRICULA- tion and one year's college educa- tion, desires suitable position in Oshawa. Apply Box "0" Oshawa Daily Times. (97-¢) UP-TO-DATE SYSTEMS INSTALL- ed for any class of business. Satis- faction guaranteed on all work. G. E. Fleming. 236 Dearborn Ave. (98¢) | Fhoss 2isdJ. SAR: 314 9) | Find Five Ways to Improve Bill's Grammar YESTERDAY'S LETTER COR- RECTED Dear Fred: Your letter has been received, and in reply (omit to same) will say that 1 shall be pleased to ad- dress the class provided 1 can at- tend. Whom do you think it was that suggested it, and what kind of (omit a). disturbance. will it create if the prizes are divided among themselves? : Cordially yours, Bill, Dear Fred: 1 found ice In the water this morning when 1 poured it iu the basin, but the devise you suggest- ed as we were going over the bridge last Monday works perfect, although it is nothing like as or- namental as the other one. Cordially yours, Help Wanted--Female AN EXPERIENCED MIDDLE aged housekeeper who ean cook well. Mugt be capable of taking full charge in a good home. Steady work for the right party. Apply Box "C" Oshawa Daily Times. (98h) CAPABLE GIRL WANTED FOR general housework." Sleep out. Ap- ply 166 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1994. (99¢c) Bill. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH- er wanted for Osha ya Law Office, Apply te Conant and Annis, Bar- risters, &c., Oshawa. (98e) SINGLE LADY WANTED TO take charge of housework. Apply 627 Simcoe St, S. Phone 4251, (88c) WOMAN WANTED FOR GENER- al, housework. Apply 207 Simcoe St. 8. (90¢c) GOOD CAPABLE GIRL WANTED. Mrs, T. B. Mothersill, 286 King St. Ww. (98¢c) Piano Tuning NEIL YELLOWLEES, PIANO tuner, will be in Oshawa every week. Orders left at Harris' Music Store. Phone 1490. l (Apr. 2 Auction Sale HAVING RECEIVTD INSTRUC- tion from Mrs. Alice Morphy, 180 Celina street, to sell hy public auc- tion on Satarlay afterncon, April 28, at two o'clock, the following articles: a kitchen cabinet, coms- bination buffett, six dining room chairs, one divanette, one parlour suite, one hedstead, springs, two dressers, one small table, one baby's high chair, one Axminster rug, one Congoleum rug, one hail oilcloth, 8 yards stair oileloth, Other articles too © numerous to mention, Terms cash. If wet weath- er goods will be sold inside. All parties wishing to put artitles in this sale may do so by notifying E. J. Pomery, 183; King St. 8. Phone 1013M. (98h) BAPTISTS START $1,000,000 DRIVE Rev. Dr. MacNeill, of To- ronto, Explains Need for Campaign Montreal, April 26.--Details of the campaign to raise $1,500,000 for McMaster University, which, it is contemplated, will be moved from Toronto to Hamilton, wera unfolded Tuesday night at a meet- ing held in the First Baptist Church here. Rey. John J. MacNeill of the Baptist Church in Toronto explains ed the present situation. The 7-May 27) '| change would not be consummated, he declared, until the city of Ham- flton, and the Baptist Church ful- filled their sides of the agreement. According to the arrangements the city of Hamilton is to give Me- Master $500,000 and a large tract of ground. The Baptist Church must contribute $1,500,000 so as to put the university on a new footing. The speaker felt that the pres- ent proximity of McMaster to the University of Toronto made for an overshadowing of the smaller in- stitution. In addition there is no chance to expand on the present site and no campus is possible. He feit, therefore, that the present opportunity was a valuable one. The campaign would extend for some two weeks. Included in the $1,500,000 would be $500,000 for the Farmer Foundation which would create two chairs, one of } Evaogelism and one of Missions. Hamilton, Rev. Mr. MacNeill said, was a large centre and an ideal city for a university. He felt con- fident that the objective could be attained. GRINNERS AND GROANERS (Columbia Jester) An optimist is one who hops out of bed on a cold morning, say- ing: "Well, old bed. I'll be back to you in seventeen hours." A pessimist is one who hops in bed saying: "Gee! up 'again in SEVER bomrs." (Eitective May |) Eastboune iraine 8.23 e.m.=laily Sundaes, 7. exc op 5 ye 4.32 p.m.~=uily except Ye 6.54 p.m.--Daily except Ye 9.42 p.w.=Danly. : LOY pm.=Daily except Saturdegp, 1200 a.m.=Daily, a.m.~ Daily. Wes 4.4 a.m. ~Daily, $.45 a.m.=Dbaily, 5.28 a.un=Dai'y escep' Sunday, 6.20 a. cwlially, ' ily except Sunday, Daly Suaday. Sunday only, Daily except Sunday, Daily, ~Daily except Sunday. CPR. TIME TABLE Eastbound Traine a.m. =Daily, p.m=Daily, p.m. =baily except Sunday. Traine --- Press 238E&S esthound Traine .m.=1laily except Sunday, m= Daily, Sunday only, Daily except Sunday, Daify' except Sundav, smo teto a seus Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE al WEEK DAY Going Wes Et ate ic Dome 3-33-34 a. Ed "en 1111111 SRA En RwE: Arr. 10105.m. 11.30 p.m, Tis kea * m SH SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY 3CHEDULB Go'ng Wes Leave Bowmanville T. A. GARTON. PROPRIETOR Bowmasville~Phone 62 Oshawa Waiting Koom~10 Prince Street Phone 2288 ------ -------- PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Dellyer ---------- - HARDWOOD FLOORS | Laid by Expert Mechanics All floors finished like new EV. HAYNES ing St. W. Office Phon: 481, Res. 1802 For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jew Store 23% Simcoe S, 889 Cash or Terms EE ---- Men's Sport Pants, Special, Chadburn Motor Co, HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS © Prince St., Oshawa Phone 11680 $2.49 a I Bg a=

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