PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1928 WALTER SCHULTZ TO MANAGE OSHAWA C.0.BL. TEAM THIS YEAR Fine Brand of Senior Ball to be Given Motor City Fans Beven- Hurlers tas Available for C. O, B. L. Squad While Many New, Faces Will Be Seen When Practice Starts -- Tyson Makes Applica: tion for Reinstatement In- to Amateur Ranks -- To Hold Smoker Oshawa is to be served with some | real first class baseball this sumn That seems to be the summing up oi the manifold rumors that have eman- ated from the headquarters of the local senior squad of the Central Ontario eague. New blood and new life have rejuvenated the Central League and it is expected that it will again assume its rightful place as Ontario's premier loop. Baseball is about ready to awake irom' its long winter slumber, and the first signs of it in Oshawa will | be a session next Thursday evening, a "smoker and get together meeting" which the executive have called to officially open the season here. The meeting is held for the purpose of making the players acquainted and a | good time is assured for the holders of invitations. The proceedings are billed to get under way at eight clock sharp, and will be held in the General Motors Convention Hall on Mary street, This will be the first gun fired in the war which Oshawa G.M.C. club will wage for the gonfa- lon of the Central Ontario League. + Walter Schultz, manager of the team, and "Stan" Burgoyne, the} coach, . have declared that the boys will all have to fight for positions, as already a large squad have signified their intentions of turning out with the team. The players will have to make their actions speak louder than words to catch a place on' what will , probably prove a much re-vamped line-up this year. The hurling corps locks to he a- bout the best in the league led by the star flinger, Harold "Duke" Dainty, and with him arc "Chuck" Matthews, "Ted" Delaney, "Lefty" Somerville of Flint Mich.; "Chuck" O'Neill, of McCormick Playground fame, and "Ken" Shaw, from Ren- frew, Ottawa Valley senior champ- As soon as he settles College, ions last year, his affairs at the Dental ¥ Sade" Somerville is expected out with the team, Many new faces will be seen in the regalia of the local aspirants, amony them will be. "Matt" Sutton, who captained the Chevrolet Sheet Metal team, winners of the Flint Amateur Baseball Federation championship last year, and who went a long way into the play oifs of the American Federation; Larry LaBelle, who was at the red light corner ior the Fisher Body team in' the Detroit Federa- tion; Bill Kenny, irom Hamilton; C. ! Quinn, from from Cecil To- Delora; : A Rae, Smith's Falls; R. St. Lewis, Renfrew; George Robinson, Baker and F. McCallum, from irom | ronto. Herbie Wilfe will get a cliance this year to make the most of his good hitting, fielding and base running, and his work should do a lot to win ball games for the Big Sixes, Oshawa fans will be familiar the following who will be out again and make all and sundry hustle for positions, "Reg" Fair, "Nipper" Jones, "Rusty" ella "Bill" Little, Funney "Hank" Me risen, "Steve Penn, "Al" Williams, "Gord" Young Bilt Whately and Theo Elliott will likely make it a merry battle for the first call on the assignment behind the plate, and rumor has it that Tyson has made application to executive for re-instatement, With such & galaxy of pick from, the GLC. entry in the senior league should make it int esting this year and should show he way to the remaining clubs. At all events the fans are assured of fast and interesting baseball as the league is generally stronger, and the Aodi tion of Decloro was a clever Delore have lined up a strong A in their first year in this loop. King ston have agam reported a strong team, and although not as much 1s known about the others, enough i known that the Central Ontario gue should have one of its very b years. stars 1 Cochrane, April 23.--Struck hy locomotive of the south bound ( transcontinental train, nl miles south of here, man, whose identity is s died shortly aiter he h ed up by the train crew. The vie- tim had heen lying on the outside the rails, apparently overconie hy wea"ness, and the engineer did not see him until it was too late to pull up the heavy train, t N.R. aho | be en pic) : -- a Buck Jones THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 2c 1 foo when. thi soil: a the gesiate i: near the end. SPEEDING SHOOTING ~--A Whirlwind A shooting de- mon, who thun- ders through the West to claim his revenge from a gang of thieves, and win the girl X \he loves. NEW MARTIN with! ly | Dempsey Could have Picked Judges, Referee New York, ve 24. Jack Dempsey could have picked the judges an dreferee himself to en- sure "absolute protection' if be had bee nwilling to fight Gene SPOR1 SNAPSHO1S With basc¢ball very much in the offing, a glance at Alexandra Park reveals that much work will have to be done before the field is in shape tor the local ball tossers to start limbering up. The diamond is in terrible shape, due of course partly to the inclement weather, but a little action on the part of the Park's Board would be appreciated by the players. The board receive a part of the gate receipts but appar- » Tunney Ju New York «for the heavyweight title in 1926, Tex Rickard, Grand Mogul of fisti¢ promotion, admittgd today on the witness stand as the suit of Jack Kearns against the former cham pion for over #5300,000 neared its close in the United States District Court. The "headaches" that flict promoters appeared to be €¢x- plained as Rickard, und: ero examination by attorucys {ur Dempsey's former manager, iden tified a stack of telegrams he seut the ex-champion in an efioiy to bring the fight here. sage in particular, Rickard noured out his heart to Dempsey, feared he would be "'obbea New York, Tunney's home state. "The best 1 can do on Tunney,' lickard wired Dempsey in Los Angeles on alMreh 29, 1926, guarantee of $450,000 with privil- ese of 45 per cent. of the gate ve- ceipts, The show would draw more in New York at the Yankee stadi- um or a place to be huilt hy in Jersey. You would have trouble choosing your own referee { and judges in New York to insure vou agains tany favoritism You must come ta a decision right away as it takes six months to work up a hig show." Dempsey, still fea hout that ultimately title in Philadelphia, whera he mateh was taken after the New York State Athletie Commission refused hiny a hoxing license, sent Rickard the following reply, admitted in evidence: Dempsey Demands Protection "Must have 50 per cent eryihing with privilege fifty guarantoe; You must guarantee me tection with everything y have stated in your wires Must have my end of guarantee hoe! the fight, also -adavnce of £3 000." Earlier in made 'his six olien af- who in no rful cost the his of him also of ey of foul full the day Dempeny h appearance on stand to discuss his financial re lations with Kearns, who seeli< t recover one-third of 'the ofrmer titleholder's earnings under a three-year contract drawn up in 1923. Dempsey sai he kept no hooks, that "sometimes [I owed him and sometimes he owed me," and no eceipts or vouchers ever were exchanged. Jack the joint income tax return, filed by Kearns in 19 and 1924, a partnership on a [fifty-fifty ain of the | with NE NY Dempsey also told az signing of his contract Kearns at Sagpt Springs in August of 1923 sohrtly before his match with Luis Firpo, of Ar | gentine. Two other witnesse Bertly Olsen, a Utah mining who then was Dempse: tary, and Jerry the Greek, Jacl loyal little trainer, eorroborate: the story Dempsey told itness stand yesterday for the first time. 1 on ti NEWARK DEFEATS | ROCHESTER 4 TO 3 -Newar! Red game, April 24.- the Rochester in a hectle y 3. Riteher MeC n, vas sent to piteh the for the Red Wings, rr Carlyle began with McCracken issued in a row, sending ran for Carlyle, deciding tally. Mamaux allowed and two were triples NJ. ed here today dele racke final rounn weakened afl a fAouble. three ps rald with who the Fit zee home hut sis ST. LOUIS BROWNS BEAT CLEVELAND 6.2 St. Louis, April 24. | hit timely and took advantage of {five Cleveland errors to win {today by the early innings, (today by 6 to 2. The Browns | bunched hits in the early innings, ! Blue hitting a homer in the third, scoring behind Kress, who had sing- led. Ozden allowed the visitors eizht hits but kept them scattered, exrept in the ninth when two sfn- gles and a double netted Cleveland | one run. ATHLETICS DEFEAT RED SOX 11 TO 6 Philadelphia, April 24.--The | *Philadelphia, April 24.-- { Philadelphia Athletics hammered | | the Boston Red Sox today for their | first home vistory of the season, | winning 11 to 6. Starting on Pitch- er Herbert Bradley, a recruit right hander and wading through his suc- cessors, the Athletics scored in five successive inmings. CUBS WIN 7 TO 2 OVER PITTSBURG Chicago, April 24. --Sheriffl Blake won his third victory of the season | for the Cubs when he came thr i] with a 7 to 2 win over Pit rg here today. "The Cubs now have a 2 to 1 edge on the series. | Blake was not scored on until | the eighth and previous to that Be | had gone 17 consecutive innings without alipwing a rum. In one mes- | "is a ] me | understand, Tex, the | identified | in | which their relations wero termegl | basis. | error | te | ip | Jit who | The Browns | here | Blue | ently are nol worrying about the size of their share. The dressing rool accommodation: 1Isn't--as far as Alexandra Park is concerned and what a shock visiting teams used to quarters fit to scrape the mud off their cleats, must get when they walk into the Oshawa park the City Industrial League held a meeting last night more part culurly for the juvenile and intermediate sections. A campaign is now being started in aid of the "Just Kids" ot the juvenile section, aud it is hoped that everyone who has ever enjoyed watching or playing a game of ball will help out the younger members of the league Money 1s needed for the equipment, and last year the juveniles operated under after a most successtul playing scason. The money obtain uscd solely for the beneht of the juvenile section. Much cussion, both harmomous and acrimonious," was indulged in Jast img, chiefly on the obtaining of amateur cards, Soue thought they would nat be available before the first game, but the decision finally leit to the executive, i= a loss, will he cven- orry to hear that taken il this week, ich better today, minent sportsman the Oshawa He Wo hawa, werd was Tack Nott, pre [B] and is now mm He is feeling mn Three teams are tied for the lk ade rship in the International after the preliminary stages of the campaign. It is good to sec the name of Montreal among the three, and 'a fast team will do more good than anything in the French-Canadian metropolis to rehabitilate the Inter national League and their own gate receipts. Toronto is "second" to the three teams tied for first and have had to remain idle since the Newark series on account of rain, Yesterday they hopped over to se he Yankees down the Senators, and incidentally saw "Babc" Ruth slam out two of his specials. Lou Gehrig got one hit and is one home run back of his co-partner in the calcium glare. Let's hope that the enthusiasm of the New Yorkers will communicate itscli t of the Toronto sluggers. Dale Alexander, the mammoth fir th ain, has started well with two hone runs in three ga played, The passing of "Pat" Shea from the bascball-arena, sheds som nation on Re vicissitudes of the game of baseball. About five 10 "She va was considered in the class of the pitchers of the Internation wue, and with Bader and: "Bill" Ryan, of the Leafs, made up hest trio to ever appear in the regalia of the International Le and Ryan went to the Giants, and Ryan, although not considered (quit good Shea in the "Int." stuck with the Giants and Shea went to the Pacific Coast, There was talk of trouble with his arm hut he kept pitching, and last year wis with Reading, -Now comes the news of his unconditional release from Pittsfield. Who ever heard of Pittsfield? Shea was the coolest and cleverest moundsman that To- ronto had since the days of Dick Rudolph in the writer's opin and his appearance in the box always meant cither a victory or a cly contested pitchers' du tel. DETROIT LOSES TO CHICAGO 5 TO 4 hal mes yea Shea as cle BASEBALL RECORDS BASEBALL RECORDS JRNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost pa, Detroit, April 24,--Detroit Tig- ers were defeated by the Chicago [Baltimore | White Sox 5 to 4 in the third game | Rochester of the series today in a see-saw | Montreal affair which went 10 innings. The | Newark 1 slugged Thomas for 15 hits | Toronto --_- doubles, but succumb- | Reading .e.eee- ed in the tenth. after Mtzler scored | Buffalo m Falk's saerifice. | Jersey City .. Bob Fothergill, pinch hitting for ! Gibson in the eighth ininng singled to start a rally whieh gave Detroit a run to tie the score. Jack Tavener, Tiger shortstop had a had day, contributing three and went hitless in five at bat, IN TUESDAY'S SCORES Newark 4 Rochester Buffalo -...... 10, Reading Montreal 9 Baltimore Toronto t Jersey City- grounds times Ca GAMES TODAY Toronto at Jersey City Buffalo at Read Montreal at 1 Rochester at BUFFALO PILES | UP BIG LEAD IN GAME AT READING. Reading Pa. Apr 1 24.- piled up a big lead early game today to trounce Reading 10 | Brooklyn » 4 in the first of the series. The |St. Touis Qns pounded Eddie Lautenbach- Chicago = hits and as many runs | Cincinnati five innings to sew { Philadelp Pittshurg { Boston | fer timore Newarl LEAGUE Lost IP. 714 NATIONAL Buffalo | 5 2 in the |New York n the first a -- » decision. up | TUESDAY'S SCORES. 12 Philadelphia Cincinn: Pittsburg -Rain | MONTREAL STOPS ORIOLES' WINNING STREAK BY 9 TO 8 Md, the Brooklyn | St. Louis -.. 7 Chicago a | New York-Boston-- GAMES TODAY louis at Cincinnati. Pittshurp at Chieago. New York at Boston Philadelphia at Brooklyn rit 24.--Mont.- Jaltimore Orioles' winning streak today by defeatingz lithe local club, 9 to 8, in a game ! marked hy strenuous hitting. Earn- |shaw's wildness, coupled with the | | showing of Smith, Montreal south- paw, in the pinches, brought about | the { Farnshaw's séven bases ('] four of them | Ie turned into tallies. The Ori- oles outhit the Canadians. hut were i unable to produce blows that would hase brought in winning runs. Balitmore, eal sot AMERIC A% | LEAGUE Won Lost eveland 8 New York ._...... 6 | Washington w...... 5 | St. Louis 7 | Chicago Philadelphia ... Boston ; ---..,. meron Is told heavily, TUESD/ New York .-.. Philadelphia , 11 Boston _ {St. Loujs ...... 6 Cleveland _. | Chicago (10 in) 5 Detroit GAMES TODAY Cleveland at St. Louis. Chicago at Detroit. Washington at New York. Boston at Philadelphia ! AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City . Indianapolis - St. paul Columbus Louisville Milwaukee - {Toledo | Minneapolis 4 "Washington --- Regent TON! GHT i TUESDAY'S SCORES Columbus .. . 4 Minneapolis _. St. Paul . - 9 Toledo Kansas City .. ii Indianapolis ... 51 8 Milwaukee . G AMES ™ ODAY Milwaukee at Indianapolis. St. Paul at Toledo. Kansas City at Louisville. Minneapolis at Columbus. Three Times Daily dia 2.30, 7.15, 9.00 USUAL PRICES "I detest housework," says Miss Agnes Macphail. We've always thought it should have been writ- ten Agnes Macphailyre.-- Reformer. Jersey City, While he clouds early beamed playing field at Ve lar covered the two days' the made third ball pl With Leals to acti here tl { ing or eres 1 here © Man retinue tered at upon ing that the of the park, to lim ditions cause to the This O'Hara Yi the Rut kee Bucky tors. Havl their series the ing lity ved Ju ho v hl games | ed : a) he ® 11 star: | Clu ast se ' layinz in | | + fir games for the tear ha fi sacond in the Sot > is ation, Jourdar will place Joe | Mange | latter bein | fielder stop, relieve he Roc hamton 0 1 Leals Are Idle Again Threugh san d bs 625 | infielder, in two remaining Yankee runs in the first inning when he singled. Ruth Je two passes. Pennock, winning his thicd cir WITH WASHINGTON! tory of the seasom, held the Sena- tors helpless at all times. Two of ew York, April 24. Babe Ruth the three Washington hits were im- swung his big war club into action | field scratches and the third, a | here today as Herbert Pennock held [double by Lisenbee, was made pos- he Washington Sepators to ihree sible when Ruth slipped on the wet "its, and the Yankees won ! to vrass. Pennock walked mone, and 0. faced only thirty-five batters. Ruth's contribution cousisted of {wo home runs into the right field | Our idea of a mean trick would {Bleachers, ziving him-a total of be for the members of the House {three this season and putting him of Commons to hold a banquet and one up on Lou Gehrig. The bases then make Agnes Macphail wash were empty for each of the drives. [the dishes. Owen Sound Sun- Tony Lazzesi accounted for tha |Times. | BABE RUTH HITS TWO HOMERS IN GAME Wet Grounds a farm ¢ day « all ge quantiy of diamond, heavy dow: nee ol and th third Ayers 1 us mung A only tomo d Black Cats on this trip e two leas FUR tt two played the nest visy f (Le Toronto team, Unable to Vractise ager Bill "Hara and of ball players th a Hotel her al ythQis Jane Ww ers isited l hoping an opportunity ber up, but finding the untav ble for work of the goin t hotel. atten it eit to swing i- of the Leals will endeavor y headey lay Ow ame ) the leary ple eon nke 1 ( Lou G ing \ Crowded Hours of Glorious (ite! induce sound, refreshing gleep, Really, you enjoy life It costs no more to use this famous service, Weekly sailings from Montreal and Quehec to Plymouth, Cherbourg and London by the Aura- nia, Ascania, Alauniaand Ausonia , ,, to Relfaat, Liverpool and Gla by the Athenia, Le Andania and Antonia, cap= weath- their ver, | T'S easy to understand why you get so much pleasure out of a Cunard or Anchor-Donaldson Cabin Class crossing, At Vi kk sports, played in the tonic, fresh air, you work & lell lancer up a healthy' appetite, e lath ti by Then, you appreciate Bikes Cunard cuisine and ser- v Sele vice all the more, Social hing life on these ships is al- ways entertaining, And comfortable, airy cabins cold tms In ( of iving to 1 nd spit York Gi New ab weig Cats' son is and tL] Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class accommodation is of a correspondingly high standard on all these liners. CANADIAN F service and Jror-Donaldson LINES See your local steamship agent, or write: Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts,, TORONTO (Phone Elgin 3471) Carry Cunard Traveller's Cheques -- Easily Negotiable ---- term Club intely irdan r on th ter Simcoe | ------ EVERY TIME THE CLOCK TICKS OVER 900 CHESTERFIELDS ARE LIGHTED! Figure it out for yourself --your taste will tell you WHY! HESTERFIELD CIGARETTES