VISIONS WORLD IN TRAFFIC JAM; KNOWS WAY OUT Generel Motors' Bhp oil Head Pins Faith in Super Highways The entire world is in a jam-- a traffie jam--but it is slowly extricating itself through intelli- gent regulation and highway plan- ning. This observation was made recently, in an interview, by J. D. Mooney, who, as president of the Gemeral Motors Export Com- pany, is the active head of General Motors operations in 104 countries overseas, Eventually, Mr. Mooney belicves all super-highway systems will make week-end motor trips pleas- urable even in the congested cen- tres, but until these systems can actually be realized we must adopt such emergency measures as the Sprained His Back Fifteen Y ears \go Alberta Man Used Dodd's Kid- ney Pills With Good Results Mr. J, Reid Now Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills BEvansbhurg, , Alta, Apr. 24. (Special)--That relief can be ob- tained from all kinds of kidney dis- orders by using Dodd's Kidney Pills is again evidenced by the testimonial received from Mr. James Reid, a well-known resideat of this place, "I sprained my back while lifting logs one winter some fifteen years ago, I tried Dodd's Kidney (Pills and they helped me right away. I used about six boxes at that time and my back gadually got strong again, I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone for sore back." Dodd's Kidney Pills are known all over Canada as the old, reliable Canadian Kidney remedy, They are known for the good work they have done. You will find that Dodd's Kidney Pills will relieve kidney trouble, no matter where or in what form it is found. Ask your neighbors for proof. Obtained from all druggists, or The Dodd's Medicine Co., Ltd., To- ronto 2, Ont, "mid-week plan" which i now be- ing tried in Europe. The "mid-week plan" is expect ed to partially solve the increas. ingly-vexing problem growing out of week-emd traffic congestion along the main travelled highways. Mid-Week Plan It simply means that as many people who cam, will take their weekly half-holiday on Wednesday or Thursday instead of Saturday, thus making it possible for most of them, who emjoy motoring, to really enjoy it. In several Euvo- pean cities the Saturday half-holi- day has been discontinued. The "mid-week" plan will get its real test this summeér. y "The traffic jam," aceording to Mr. Mooney, "is nothing more than a bad case of 'highway indi- gestion' caused by improper assi- milation, overfeeding and mervous- ness, the latter figure of speech representing the impatient driver always in a hurry to go no place in particular." ¥ . The disease is maturally more acute in the congested centres of the world, It is not particularly American in its locale as it can be found in varying stages in vir- tually every country, It so happens that Mr. Mooney has a fine collection of traffic jam pictures, He sent seven crews of "movie" cameramen around the world to get them and they reveal traffic problems everywhere. The cure prescribed for this highway aterio sclerosis, 'which seems to have developed along with the growth of automotive transportation, is mainly to Le found in the super-highway system properly regulated. Super Systems By super-highway, Mr. Mooney conceived a system of one-way boulevards running to and from all important centres, separating heavy commercial traffic from light ear traffic and avoiding all grade cross- ings, This system will supersede the present highway system, still a makeshift, just as the latter u- perseded our old system of bad dirt roads, which weuld still ope bad had it not been for the auto- mobile. The super-system will be built for future generations, It is already in process of planning in cities and countries around the world. In fact, certain short stretches have already heen com pleted. Detroit's extension of Woodward Avenue to Pontiac, Mich., along the route of the Dixi2 Highway is a type of super-high- way. One of the most ambitious high- way plans of the day is one that would see the completion of modern thoroughfare from Cape Tawn, South Africa, to Cairo, Egypt. When this plan is realized and it will be; Mr, Mooney will have the distinction of having fur- S------------ _---- Red and Black Colour Combinations Reg. Trade M-~ ': Can, Pat, Office ent my 'Duofold ~ eight stories!" "We stood beside an open window in my office," says the owner, "and he made a ges- ture to emphasize a point just as I took my Duofold from my vest pocket. "Out it went to the pavement below -- ht stories down! ine my amazement the office boy returned it whole--with» out even a crack?" . LEN You can own a pen just like it--with a Non-Breakable Barrel and one that writes with the Pressureless Touch which r=lieves the fingers of all strain --all writ' fort. You can have your choice of mart colours. *The Parker Duofold Fountain i'cn is made to ive lifelong satisfaction. Any defective parts will peep ison & ith 12¢ on g tur pnd id wi Tr return And you can Baye this *guarantee forever agrinst all defects. . : Tax PEN C Lavrreo PARKER PENS ARE MADE IN CANADA thered the project just a little, for at this very time there is a motor trail-blazing expedition worming its way over this route under the spoms.rship of Gemeral Motors South African, Ltd., one of the overseas plants of General Motors under Mr. Mooney's juris- diction. A modern concrete highway from Cairo to Cape Town would connect with regular train service between Cairo and London, soon to be inaugurated over a 3,000- mile route and through eleven countries. With the exception of a ferry crossing between Turkey in Europe and Turkey in Asia and a 6 hour motor car journey from Calais to Cairo, this trip will be made in luxurious sleeping cara. The trip will require about six days, but this schedule is even- tually to be reduced to less than five days. Looking forward to the day when there will be a high-speed highway from Cairo to Cape Towa and using the soon-to-be started rail schedule between London ana Cairo as a basis of calculation, it is not dificult ta visualize a trip from London to Cape Town in ten or twelve days. When this is ac- complished, Cecil Rhodes' dream will have been accomplished. The super-highway system, co- ordinated with travel by air and water, will become a reality, but while we are waiting for it, Mr, Mooney believes that we can help relieve congestion a lot by merely adopting @ sensible code of "high- way manners and habits," which will in the interim aid "highway indigestion." The code should in- clude consideration by the motorist of the pedestrian and vice versa' careful handling of motor vehicles by their drivers and the elimina tion of unnecessary 'joy riding." NORTH OSHAWA The Hqme and School Club met on Thursday evening. Mrs. Solo- mon, delegate to the Home and School Convention held in Knox College, Toronto, last week, read her report. It was decided to pur- chase two dozen song hooks to as. sist with the singing lessons which are given by Mr. Lynde, of Toron- to. Also to put up swings and other things in the playground for the amusement of the school chil- dren, The program for May will he in charge of Mrs. Heaslip, Mrs, Gerry, Mrs! Scott and Mrs. Solo- mon, You are very cordially invited to attend a religious service at the church on Wednesday evening. Hwy. Mr. Whattam, of 8. Oshawa, will preside, Service at 8 o'clock, Mrs, G. Allin, Park Road, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, C. Pogson. At the evening service Sunday night, Mr. Bunner preached a very interesting sermon. He announced the service for Wednesday evening and expressed a hope that there would be a good attendance. MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, April 23.--We had an extra large congregation on Sunday afternoon, During the church sery- ices our pastor, Rev, H. J. Stainton, called on Harry Freeman, who on behalf of the church board read a nicely worded address to Miss Edna Swallow and. presented her with a French ivory clock for her splendid services as organist for the past four years, League last Wednesday evening ,was in charge of the 3rd vice presi- dent, Mr, Ivison Mundy, Miss Edna Swallow took the president, Miss Mabel Stevens' place who was unable to be present. The topic on "The Dangers of Slang and Cheap Talk," was very ably taken by Mr. Stain- ton. Mrs. Cyril Luke, Oshawa, visited her cousin, Mrs, Noble Metcalf last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Macklin, and Mr. Amos Macklin, Cobourg, recent- ly visited at Mr, Sam Snowden's, # Miss Vera Power, Newcastle, spent the week end at home. Mr, Ray Snowden, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. BLAZE AT MEAFORD Owen Sound, April 24.--Loss of between $10,000 and $12,000 was caused by fire which destroyed the garage of J. A. Londry, Meaford, at 4 o'clock this morning. Five motor cars and a service truck were amopg the contents destroy- ed. Two of the motors belonged to Mr, Londry, the others to resi- dents of Meaford district. In the garage also was a marine engine valued at $450. Lewis' black- smith shop, next door, was very badly scorched and a newly built gasoline launch on the second storey of the building was badly damaged. EXTRADITED FROM CANADA IRISH BANKER SENTENCED Waterford, Ireland, April 24.-- Henry Hunt, former cashier of the Bank of Ireland, at Waterford, was sentenced fo 18 months im- prisonment on pleading guilty to a charge of embezzlement. Hunt disappeared jn 1925 after makine away with £2,000 by uttering false cheques. He was recently extradited from Canada. The ac- cused pleaded * guilty to the charge. Can't Talk To Wile, Too Cross and Nervous "Even my husband couldnt talk to me, I was 80 cross and nervous. Vinol has made me a different and woman."--Mrs. N. McCall. inol is 2a compound of from, phosphates, cod liver peptone, ete. The very FIRST bottles makes you sleep better and have a BIG appe- tite. Nervous, easily tired people are surprised how QUICK the iron, phosphates, ete., give new life and pep. Vinol tastes deliciots. Jury & Lovell, Druggists. * NS ---- Page is Proof Conclusive of Price Advantages that A Cash Buying--Cash Selling Store Can Offer Mercury Silk Bloomers, $1.17 Mercury Silk Vests, 78¢ Mercury Shadow-proof Princess Slips, $ 1 98 There are three regular sizes, our biggest selling silk lingerie lines that we have selected as outstanding §ale leaders for the Month-end. Selection offers a complete range of ¢ lors and sizes This Silk and Wool Dress Goods Is an ideal weight for Spring and Summer dresses. You will see many of the smartest ready mades de- veloped from this same fabric, Comes in soft shades of rose, peach, powder blue, nile and champagne, 36 inches wide, Regularly sold at $1.25, End Sale, yard 36" Cotton Beach Cloth Suiting At a saving of just 10c on every yard you buy. 36 inches wide. Fine mercerized quality, Colors blue, rose, helio, green and sand. Month End Sale, yard .,. Genuine Duro-Dye Mercerized Broadcloth The quality that sun or water cannot fade. 36 inches wide, Colors black, white, sand, pink, peach, rose, nile, copen, powder, grey, orchid, rose, reseda 57 and navy, Month End Sale, yard Yes Cc 33" Pure Silk Pongee Just one hundred yards to sell' at this price, Regular 69¢. Month End Sale, yard 70" BLEECHED CANADIAN 49¢ and delph blue. large pockets, arm. Regular $8.95, Sale $5.95 ized Raincoats April Showers Brings the Need of a Raincoat Ladies! Here is a chance to secure a real raincoat for very little money, Imported direct from Scotland, gen= erously sizgd and well made, Smooth leather finish in soft shades of wine Belted style with Ventilation under Month End Women's Rubber- SHEETING A heavy reliable quality in smart shades of rose, blue and green, Made with Raglan shoulders. Large pockets with flaps. Sizes 16 to 40, Month End Sale : $2.65 37c A good sturdily woven make which we offer you at a, real saving. Regular 49c¢c. Month End Sale. Yard, 1st Quality Puritan Maid Artsilk Hose A quality that has been selling at 59c pair, Comes in a fairly complete range of the new Spring shades and in all sizes 8% to 10, Month End Sale a 39c¢ | (I That is guaranteed not to fade. i || Why make up any other kind [i | when we sell you the finest of || | printed Repby Lawns at such || saving, 36 | Reg. 85c. Here is a Printed Cotton Summer | Wash Fabric if i inches wide, | Month Epd pair A New Corselette Is Introduced to Our Many Customers In This Sale At a price which is much below what we will bave to ask for it in the regular way. You will notice the beautiful quality of the silk striped coutil from which it is made. And the strong elastic insets, Nothing like it for so small a price before, 84 Sizes 30 to 36. Month End Sale ms to Just Ten Pieces of 32" Canadian Gingha Measure off at 12'2¢ Yard All are in neat check patterns that make up so well and so satisfae- torily for girls' dresses, At 19¢ a yard, their regular price, it's a value that cannot be bettered. At the Month End Sale Price it's a leader that will bring early morning shoppers. == And White Bath Towels with Jacquard ends in shades of pink, blue, gold and helio at a price that will unquestionably set a new record in selling. See their size --see their quality, Month End Sale, each ,., Colored Turkish Towelling A gobd heavy closely knit quality in cream color with red or blue stripe. Month End Sale, yard ,,.,,.5s,5» 16¢c yard | Circular Pillow Cotton || 68¢ for 2 Widths 40 and 42 inches. In a quality I we have no hesitation in recom- mending for wear. Month Yard 33¢ || Size 52 x 54 inches. End sale. Bleached Damask Table Cloths These are in the dice pattern. A quality we imported from England to sell at 89¢ each. As there is only fifty cloths set aside for this offering we must limit each customer to two cloths. Get A Supply of Face Cloths You kuow we sell grosses of White with stripes Month End Sale, 3 for.... 17¢ At a mew low price. the quality them at 3 for 25e. fancy colored when good, Colorings as soft and rich and patterns so attractively differ- ent. The saving of seven cents a yard is quite a comsid- eration too. , New "Dollar" Cur- tain Panels for 79¢ ea. You will notice the excellent quality of the attractive Ma- crami net. The beauty of the Medallion pattern. They are very much superior im every way to panels usually adver. tised at this price. Ends are scalloped and trimmed with 3 inch fringe, Size 38 ¥ 81 ins. Wicker Magazine Stands, $1.79 And Wicker Fern Stands, $1.98 Are two special Sale features that we have had made up at the Canadian Institute for the Blind, and we thought that Empire Shopping Week would be a very opportune time to tell you about them, Like every other article that comes from this source they are strongly made and well finished. The price is exceptionally low, There'll Be a Rush For Union Linen Huck Towels at 33¢c Pair An Irish bleached huckaback towel that is fully 50 per cent, linen, Good practical sige for bedroom use, 17 x 82 inches, Finished with plain hemmed ends, 25 Dozen Strong . Opaque Window * Blinds Makers' Seconds--White only, Standard size, 37 x 70 inches, Mounted on mascot spring roller, with brackets and ring pull complete, Month 57¢ Bnd $810 sevrrsreesr Dainty Check Dimity for Lingerie The price is very attractive-- the quality is exceptionally fine, 36 inches wide, Colors mauve, nile, sky, peach, white, mals, pink, powder and 19 rose, Month End Sale yd Cc From England We Get These Warm Cotton Blankets for Cribs Made from a deeply mapped eiderdown cotton in pink and sky blue with white striped border, Size 30 x 40 inches, Month End Sale Soedar |) Cc NEVER Can We Recollect Such Bath Towels For 55¢ pair At half as much more we would consider them good value, Heavy absorbent quality in cream color with striped centre. Good gen- erous size, 21 x 44 inches, a a a hh a hak] In Tomorrow's Paper will Appear Some Rare values In Ready-to-wear, Prices Quite out of the ordinary at this season of the year, in Women's Coats, Women's Dresses, Girl's Coats, Women's and Girl's Hats Etc,