THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1928 -. OSHAWA WILL HAVE SENIOR LACROSSE, G.M.C. CLUB DECIDES Double Schedule and 12 Inch Motor City's Application enior Ra a The G.M.C. Lacrossé Club have definitely decided to enter the, senfor series of the Ontario Ama- teur Lacrosse Association, and at a meeting of the executive of .the association last evening, with rep- resentatives of all the elubs in the senior series present, the Oshawa application for semior rating was accepted, Toronto Maitlands and Irish-Canadians have amalgamat- ed under the banner of the new Toronto Lacrosse and Athletic Club, who will enter a team in this series. The recommendations of the special committee who pass. ed on the change were passed, the committee consisting of James Murphy, Charlie Querrie, and Len Smith, : St. Catharines and Oshawa are both new to the leag® and Osha- wa's chances are considered rose- ate with the announcement that Ted Reeves, Kelly DeGray, Bob Stevenson, Red Spencer and other stars have already signified their intentiows of lining up with the squad. st. Simon's, Weston and Brampton are the other clubs in the league, Bach team will play ten home games during the sea- son, a double schedule being ar- ranged, he executive also decided to buy sticks to be "presented to teams of young players to foster a greater interest in the game among members of the communi- ty. "Ty" Silk, among otherg, has been claimed for St, Cathekines and by all acgounts a strong team will be lined up with their new senior team, . DOLSON AND HICKS SOLD TO MAROONS Montreal, April 23.--Clarence "Dolly" Dolson, goalkeeper, and Harold Hicks, defenceman of the Stratford Nationals, champions of the "nadian Professional Hockey Lew ue, have been sold to the Montreal Maroons, it was ap- nounced here today. No mention of the amount figuring in the tranz- action was made hut Detroit were making a reported offer of $10,009 at the close of the hockey season ANOTHER CHANCE AT FEATHERWEIGHT TITLE Vancouver, 3.C., April 23.---As- sured of another chance at tha Canadian featherweight title held by - Leo Roy, of Montreal, Vie Foley, Vanco: ver, will leave for the east tonight, Final arrange: ments for the bout for Wednesday, May 9, have been comyuleted, it was stated here. Foley and Ruy met twice two years ago, The first bout ended in a draw, Roy won the verdict in their second meeting. EDMONTON GRADS WIN CANADIAN TITLE Edmonton, Alta. A J Li Edmonton Commercial Grads nail- ed the Ohnadian girls' basketball championship firmly back on its pedestal here tenight after it had rocked somewhat periously on Sat- urday night. The Dominion cham- pions eame through. in old-time form tonight to defeat the Toronto Lakesides 33 to 22 and win the round 62 to 49, The Grads jumped into the lead from the opening whistle and never looked back, They combined beau- tifully and effectively smothered the Lakesides' sharpshooters, who never got going except for a miu- ute or two at the opening of the final period, when Coach Percy Page injected a couple of sub- stitutes, The substitutes were quickly withdrawn when the Lake- sides rang np three baskets in short order, PETE DONOHUE IS REINSTATED Chicago, 111. hall Commissioner K, today reinstated Pete Donohue, Cincinnati hold-out, The Reds' pitcher was suspended when he fail- ed to sign a contract within ten days after the opening game. 23.--Base- M. Landis April PIRATES 6, CUBS 0 Chicago, April 23,--The Cubs were unable to conenct with Ray Kremer's invincible pitching here today and the Pirates took a 6 to 0 victory. Only three hits weye made of Kremer, while Malone pitched eight innings for Chicago and struck out seven. Wright hit into the centre fie'd l;leachers for a home run in the for Dolson. first inning, Blended Right! Mild, O.A.LA.| DEMPSEY TELLS "JURY CONTRACT WAS "PHONEY" ONE New York, April 23. Tha con tract under which Jack Kearns seeks to recover over $700,000 from Jack Dempsey was a "phoney", the former heavyweight champion of the worid today told the jury hearing the charges of his former manager in United States District Court. Testifying in his own behalf, after attorneys for Kearns had rested their case. Dempsey declared that "Doc" approached him ome day in August, 1923, during the training period for his light with Luis Firpo, and induced him to trace his name over a signature al- ready placed upon the document. The contract was never lived up to, was never intended for a real contract, and "didn't mean a thing," Dempsey said, Under the agreement, basis of Kearn® breach of contract suit, the manager was to receive one-third of Dempsey's earnings for a three- year period ending in August, 1926. Kearns never complied with a provision to pay the fighter a lump sum of $1,560 in advance. representing a salary of $10 a week, and even after the signing, Kearns split their earnings fifty: fifty, Dempsey said. DETROIT BLANKS CHICAGO3 TOO Detroit, Mich., April 23.--The Detroit Tigers shut out the Chie- ago White Sox, 3 to 0, delivering flashy infield support to Owen Carroll, former Holy Cross and To- ronto pitcher, in the second same of the series here today. It was Carroll's second victory of the season and the Tigers' se?- ond shut-out. Cissel"s wild throw to the plate in the eighth innir * let in two of the Tigers' runs after Sweeney had scored on Gehring r'c sacrifice in the third, "BUBS" BRITTON TO STAY IN KINGSON Kingston, April 23.--It was announced today that "Bubs" Brit. ten, star rughyist and who two years ago was the outstanding shortstop in the Central Ontario Baseball League, has accepted a position and will remain in the city this Summer, thereby heing available for the local team in the C.0.B.L. Britton had an offer of a position in Cobalt, but was anxious to remain in Kingston, Manager Joe Daley will haye the first prac- tice of the candidates for positions on' the C.0.B.L. team on Wednes- fragrant, mellow tobaccos make Winchesters exactly right, " Winchester A "POKER HAND" IN EVERY. PACKAGE SPOR1 SNAPSHO1S Oshawa will be feared this year in the senior series of the O.A. L.A. if the present galaxy of stars arc present when the season gets under way. appears this year that the Motor wa is due for a championship lacrosse team, and it City is more than likely to have one. The fact that Teddy Reeves, the Brampton lacrosse star, is now working for the General Motors, and has announced that he will be out with the team, will add much is one of the best in the business. flestige to thg locals, and Reeves ¢ is also a star rugbyist, and was with the Dominion: champions, Balmy Beach, last year, and the two years previous, On the side he does some sport writing, and "cracks wise," Others that the G.M.C. team are claiming are almost as well known as Reeves, and should round in the. province. out one of the best senior teams Oshawa's prospects in the Central Ontario Baseball League also appear bright, and the latest good news to cowie over the wire is that F. McCallum, the star ear player, has had his transfer ratified by the special committee to which his and other cases were referred. In Stan Burgoyne, the locals have a cquired one of the best coaches in Canada, being equally as well known in hockey and baseball. He has coached some of the best amateur teams in Canada. Walter Schultz, the newly appointed manager of the team, has also had valuable ex- perience in his position, and with t Oshawa, this should also be an Oshawa year in basehall. have been made jubilant by the an again line up with the "Ponies." best players in the circuit. he many players who are now in Kingston nouncement that Bus Britton will Britton is considered one of the Both the lacrosse and baseball teams will soon be cut to practise, the lacrosse team hoping to indulge in their first workout within a few days. The weather has been anything but productive of enthusiasm for summer sports, Owen Carroll, the former Holy Cross College and Tpronto Leaf pitcher, won his second game of the season yesterday holding Chicago to five hits. He appears to be in the best form of his career which is really "saying something." Charlie Gehringer, the best second baseman to ever show around Toronto, is also going good. for Detroit, and is leading the league so far in base date. His hitting has also been timely, stealing, having piliered three to Connally, the speed baller, an- ather former Toronto stalwart, was in«the box for the losing White Sox. Last year he was one of the can League. best relief pitchers in the Ameri- Harold Lloyd in "Speedy" to be Big Attraction at Regent Harold Lloyd always is welcome to Oshawa theatre fans--his last picture packed the theatre for three nights and hundreds were unahle to see the comedy. Mgr. Osier has taken this into account, and when he was hooking Harold's new picture, 'Speedy,' he arranged for a four-day showing--This will be good news for the followers of comedy. The picture will be shown twice daily and everyone will have an opportunity of seeing it with comfort, "Speedy" is Harold Lloyd, and he lives in a speedy city--New York. The different modes of fast transportation in that city are shown as the picture opens, inter- spersed with the scenes of New Yorkers, of all ages, going at high speed; included in these is a young 14d on a scooter, and one of an infant child on the grass of Cen- tral Park moving along at a fast rate on all "fours" while a nurse vainly tries to cateh it, From these scenes the pleture dissolves down to where we see Pop Dillon driving the last horse car in the big city, CIGARETTES 20 for 25¢ We find that Pop owns the fran- chise to this "novel" railroad. His granddaughter, Jane Dillon, meets him as the horse drawn car arrives at the carhayns at the end of the day's run. Pop complains to her of his rheumatism. She assists him home, and asks him if he has heard the good news--Speedy has a new joh! He has been so dub- bed, because of his aptness in oh- taining, and sGmmarily being dis- charged from various jobs. The reason is given because he spends all his time dreaming ahout base- ball and of hisefavorites, Speedy is shown on his new job, apparently studying over some knotty problem but a double expns- ure shows him dreaming about the day's game. As his favorite hits a foul hall, one of his co-workers hits him with a paper ball, bringing Speedy out of his reverie rather suddenly. The boss ecomzs in, and asks Speedy about some bill of Jai- ings. Speedy can't remember to whom or where he had the goods sent. The boss, riled, asks him the day's batting average of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, whereupon Speedy tells him right off the bat. The boss replies that he h24 entered the averages on his hooks the day before, and discharg2s him but gets a change of heart, and gives Speedy a letter to deliver in 15 minntes. Speedy dashes out, delermined to make good but rnroute comes across an illustrated score bnard showing the day's game. He stops, and forgets al] about the letter, At- ter the game he suddenly remem- bers about the le*'cr, and comes across his boss, who tells him he delivered a copy himself, and that Speedy is fired for good this time. Speedy goes home. A scene shows a meeting of the New York Iuter-City Railway Com- pany, of which Joh, I.. Dounalison is president, and who is presiding over the meeting of dirsetors, They are copsidering the acquisition of Pop's franchise so that they may unite their two.surface lines. They call in Steven Carter, and empower him to deal with Pop, saying they will pay $75,000 for the franchise. As they wish to remain in the back- ground in the deal, they make a check out to Stevea Carter for that amount. Outside, Carter smiles knowingly to himself, and calls up a gangster friend, 'eilinz him he has a job for him. If Pop fails to run his car over the line one day, the franchise will be Jost by des fault, When Speedy gets home, Janc is dismayed to find he has lost his job, but Speedy counters with: "The Yankees won today!" Carter enters and gives Jane two tickets for Coney Island. Speedy's jealousy is aroused when Carter leaves, he demands to know who he is. Jane tells him he is their new boarder. Speedy asks to take Jane to Coney Island the next day, with the Con- ey Island scenes following. When they return home Speedy resolves to turn over a new leaf, and get a job and make 200d. Upon entering the house they find Carter rubbing Pop's back. Speedy again is jealous, telling Carter that it is his job to rub Pop's back. The mext day, Speedy goes out and gets a job with the "Only One" taxi company. As he leaves the garage with the battered taxi, the "Out of Order" sign falls on the door. All day he looks for pas- sengers; until finally he is hailea by Babe Ruth who is late for the game at Yankee Stadium. Speedy is de- lighted with his honored passen- ger, and speeds to the ball park. Arriving there, cops are chasing some crooks, and Speedy thinks they're after him. He ducks into a telephone booth, and hears a con- versation in the mext booth. The man is saying he has everything fixed for the person called. 10 drive Pop's car the next day. "Just for- xet 1p drive the car and everything ST. LOUIS 4, CLEVELAND 3 St. Louis, April 23--Four singles bunched in the fourth. and netting three rums, with a homer by Manush in the stanza gave the Browns a '4 to 2 victory over the Cleveland Indians here today. It was Sam Gray's third victory in four starts. He was strong in the pinohes. Kress and Brannon commected 'with a pair of hits each, to feature the stick work for the winners. CINCINNATE 8, ST, LOUIS 2 Cincinnati, O., April 23.--A walk with the bases full, a fumble and a wild pitch in the third in- ning, each of which scored run- ners, gave the Reds a 3 to 2 vie- tory over the St. Louis Cardinals here today. It was a disastrous inning for Sherdel and the only one in which the Reds got out of hand. The Cardinals bunched hits in the second and sixth for two runs but the Red broke up.a ninth in- ning rally with a double play when two men were on base with none out. REPORTED BIG DEAL BY CANADIAN, SAYS LONDON NEWSPAPER London, April 23, -- The Dally Express says that Harold F. Rit- chie of Toronto has bought the business of J. C, Eno, Ltd., manu- facturers of patent medicines, for £1,500,000. The deal followed the death of Harold Swithin- bank, son-in-law of the founder of the firm, and one of the directors. J. C. Eno on his death left the bulk of this huge fortune to Mrs. 'Swithinbank and another daugh- ter. Harold Swithinbank, a former naval commander, {insisted upon dying at sez so that he might he buried in "Davy Jones's locker." He was carried aboard the steam- er at Liverpool hound for Valpar- also. He died while the ship was off the Azores, and his bedy, sewn in canvas and weighted with fire- grate bars, was committed to the deep last October, Mr. Ritchie is in England, it was sald last night at his home, and he was the only one of the firm, it was added, who was in a position to say anything about the London despatch. WATERDOWN DOCTOR PASSES AT HAMILTON Hamilton, April 28.--Dr. John Owen McGregor of Waterdown, a family physician of the old school, died today at General Hospital, aged 78. He was Injured by an automobile a few months 'ago, and this contributed to his death. Dr. McGregor practiced his pro- fession in Waterdown for 53 years and was known widely in that part of Wentworth County. To scores of families he was more than their physician--he was their friend and confidant. Sturdy and affecttonate, he knew many hardships during his earlier years, and often drove miles in Inclement weather over rough county roads to reach hig patients. Of his seven children, five have followed in his path, two sons be- ing doctors and three daughters nurses. THE LIAR (Montreal Star) She (demurely): Do you con- sider my legs long? He Madam, I assure you I never even look, will be jake," says the mysterious one. Speedy rushes bome and de- mands to be allowed to drive the car. Jane, in contempt gives him that job, after Carter protests he has a man for the job. Speedy ac- cuses Carter of conspiracy. Speedy goes to the carbarns and tells Pop's old cronies that he ex- pects trouble apd they pledge alle- glance to Speedy. He is to drive the car the next day. Next morning Harold takes over the serious business of piloting the car over Pop's line. Carter's thugs, at his behest, try to knock Harold out, but he outwits them. On the return trip, a fight is held between the crooks, now reinforced in num- bers, and into which the old cron- jes of Pop join. Harold and his gang finally put the crooks to route, and upon the completion of the run, Harold puts the car in the barns. Meanwhile Pop has been sent to Connecticut on the advice of Carter's "doctor." When Speedy goes to work the next morning he is dismayed to find the car and horses gone. He employs different methods to find it, and finally succeeds. The gang gang chases him through trafic, and while Speedy is so engaged, Pop unexpectedly returns to his house where he is confronted by Carter, who hastily offers him $5,.- 000 for the franchise. Carter had already overpowered Jane and tied her in 2 room upstairs. The time limit set by the railway company nears, and Carter is desperate. Pop is just about to accept Car- ter's offer when Speedy dashes up in the car. He grabs Pop and pulls hiner into the car, and they drive hurriedly back the line, where they meet who offers Pop $100,000 outright for the fran- chise. Pop, overjoyed, accepts and gives half to Speedy. Jane, who had freed herself, dashes up, and all ends well, : J Ball For Ladies' Sottball Loop At an executive meeting of the Oshawa Ladies' .Softball League last: evening, Alice Correll, of Whitby, was elected vice-president to fill the vacancy left open at the annual meeting in order that the County Tgwn might be represent- ed on the executive. Much satis- faction was expressed over the fact that Mr. F. W. Cowan has donated a trophy to the league for three years. Among other questions under discussion was the kind of ball to be used and it was unanimous that the 12-inch inseam ball be adopt= ed for the coming season. executive is awaiting a reply te their application for - affilation with the Ontario body. If the a plication is accepted, which likely, the winners of the Oshawa league will enter the play-offs for the Ontario championship. A double schedule will be plays ed and it is quite probable that all league games will be held on Wednesday and Friday evemings. BRITISH TO MAKE NEW ATTEMPT FOR AIR SPEED RECORD London, Apr. 23. -- Undeterred by the disastrous finish of the last speed trial flight in which Lieu- tenant 8. M. Kinkead perished, the Royal Air Force is going ahead with a new attempt to smash the record now held in Italy. Announcement was made today that Flight Lieutenant David Grieg, 28-year-old Scot, has been appointed to command the Royal Air Force high speed flying. sec- tion at Felixstowe, and will begin immediately to practise for a fresh effort at the record. He prob- tr ably will pilot a super-Napier §-% monoplane, credited with a maxis mum speed of 340 miles an hour, similar to the machine in which Lieutenant Kinkead dived to his death on March 12, while travele ling at a terrific speed. On March 30, Major Mario de Bernardi, Italian speed ace, wade credited with establishing a rece ord of 318.57 miles at Venice, THOSE WHO TELL (Toronto Mail and Empire) Lord Beaverbrook quotes Lard Kitchener as saying "My colleagues tell military secrets to thelr wives, all excepting----, who tells them to other people's wives," thus coming pretty close to making an interesting observation, P70 Y 7); What JOY 4 v Dion ys A ¢ or Lg) to Cook on, this Electric Range/ HE McClary Electric is a true kitchen companion, Efficient , , , Dependable... a daily source of comfort and satisfacticn to thousands of Canadian women. If you were to pass your hand over the smooth, porcelain-enameled intesior of its oven, you would note the absence of seams . »» you would undérstand that it is really an oven that invites and ensures cleanliness, It is an oven, too, that saves cooking costs .»» in it you bake or roast for a long time after the current has been shut off. You can bu from $60.00 to Electric $5750, at f.0.b. Toronto, taxes included. Send 25c¢ for a copy of beautifully illustrated 100-page Cook Book is Maral most book on electric cooki the ever written. Write General Steel Wares Limited, Toronto, All McClary Electric have Eames #598 Male at Kv dso and Electric and Elecllic + GENERAL STEEL ary Ranges WARES Product