Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Apr 1928, p. 16

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[EASTERN ovTaR0 NEWS| T SKINS A the A of A. E.|cross, ,has this no fewer 12,000 drei Spe i] gh in the surrounding ghd ho was mn Satomi dre aetnoon an automobile grivey mai boy ste, tepped : from behind a line George street and nia o the path of that driven He died a few minutes wy doctors office from wounds 'ARAQUI LADIES ORGANIZE following officers were elected annual meeting of the Ladies' aqui Golf and Count Club: -- t, Mrs, C. E. Taylor; Vice- ent, Mrs. T. A. McGinnis; Sec- , Miss Nora Macnee; Assistant tary, Mrs. James Me urer, Mrs, A, G. Mordy; Handi: Committee, Mrs. Stewart Ro- (captain), Mrs, H, Waddell, W, Coverdale, Mrs, Caroline tehell; House Committee, Mrs. F, Mrs. H, Stacey; Entertain Committee, - Mrs. Macklem, vs.\ H, Lawson. OIL SATURATED CROSS ws The village of Bellrock, near King- is startled over a mysterious fire h occurred there, the secon . within a very short time, when the house owned by H, L. Bauder, ert Lake, and recently vacated by Jom es McGrath, was burned to the'o ground. Tt is stated that a wooden covered with bran. sacks, red in ol i ed wi saaryed the lane 'emises. h driven { home ther: been ate Sn with yp 3 ness for years, He as 3 born in Port Hope in 1343, sed served in Port Hope Council or 20 years, He leaves his two daughters, Ethel, of Port and Mrs, W. Ireland, of Moywood, I and three sons, W. B., Burnham, rt Hope, Stanley ,of Eastend Sask, and Mark Bastedo of Trail, B.C, and one sis- ter, Miss L. Burnham, Toronto. CUBS TROUNCE REDS BY13TOO SCORE Chicago, April 19--Sherrif Blake hurled a two-hit game, Hack Wil- son cracked out two homers--one with the bases loaded---and the Cubs rattled off a total of 21 hits to trounce the Cincinnati Reds 13 to 0 here today. Not one batter reached second on Blake, The two hits were scats tered, one in each of the fourth and ninth innings with the bases d | empty. Wilson, Blake and Joe Kelly of the Cubs each hagged four hits, Kelly hitting a homer with two men on the bags, For Sale Six room, pressed brick bungalow; good location, all modern conveniences, large living and dining room, cupboards in kitchen, wired for electric range, hard. wood stairs and oak floors throughout, Immediate possession, A snap. Apply to W. J. Trick Co. Phone 230 or 187 SHIPNENT [SENT TOTTALY Metal Worth $5,000,000 'Placed Aboard Liner in New York A Vi New York, 4pm 19.--A ship- of gold to Italy went out aboard the Italian American liner Roma very early - last Saturday morning, it was learned. Although the amount of the consignment could not be ascertained it is be- lieved to be in the neighborhood of $5,000,000, It was made by the Guaranty Trust Company "on order," and is not among those ordinarily listed as '"'exchange" transactions. The liner Colombo, scheduled to leave Tuesday and expected to carry' another shipment of the yellow metal to Italy, did not depart ow- ing to delay in completing re- pairs, The Cunard liner Aquitania leaves, and with sterling holding at $4.883% it-is not improbable that gold will be shipped to to London, RUTH CONNECTS FOR FIRST HOMER Boston, April 19.--Babe Ruth made his first home run of the season today as the Red Sox and the New York Yankees divided a double-header. The Sox won the morning game 7 to 6 by late ral- lies after the Yankees had piled up a lead of 6 to 0 in the early in- nings, but the New York team came back to win 7 to 2 in the af- ternoon engagement, which was halted by rain at the ®nd of the sixth inning. The defeat of the moring was the Yankees' first since the league season opened, Ruth's home run came in the fifth inning of the afternoon game, Harold Wiltse, the southpaw who gave the Yankees trouble last sea- son, was pitching and the bases were unpepulated, The drive sailed far over the heads of the fans lining the out- field and found a resting place in the right field bleachers, to the in- tense delight of the 30,000 spec- tators, Gehrig remained one up on the Babe in the 1928 renewal of their home run feud. Ken Williams hit a home Tun for the Red Sox in the afternoon game, It was his third of the sea- son. The even break of the Yankees and the victory of the Cleveland Indians over Chicago dropped the New York team from the lead of the American League for the first time since May, 1926, except for the one day at the start of this season when the Red Sox led through winning from Washington a day before the other teams start- ed, OW, when Nature is don. ning new and festive garb, when the whole world is vibrant with life and color, when new beauties spring upallaroundus , , , Now, more than ever, people are turning to the car that carries the pre of the 8 igger and Now, more than light in the ingtime , , , the * Chevrolet, ever, you will de- thrill of your first ride id this luxurious, low-priced car, Jo your Chevrolet Dealer! Let . Po you. Get e a8 demonstration for ind the wheel of the Phlgssr and Better" Chevrolet, the ha with ease oy of the Sprin a TAL time, €-21-4-288 Oshawa and Whitby miles sweep past and smooth share the carefree, ig 8 joyous wont Thee. $630.00 ; Roadster AB grices a Factory, Oshewe--Government Tases, Bumpers and Spare Tire Entre, READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Limited Ontario ABRODUCT OI OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED | T0 VISIT CANADA Scholarships Scheme Will Empire Free Travel and Be Inaugurated ) -- London, April 21.--A great Em. pire Free Travel and Scholarship Scheme has been planned whereby boys and girls of Great Britain may visit the Dominions at the expense of the Berry group of morning and evening newspapers, headed by Sir William and Sir Gomer Berry, in co-operation with the Cunard Steamship Company and the Cauna- dian National Railways. The scheme has the approval of the Prince of Wales, Premier Stanley Baldwin, Lieut.-Col, L.- C. M, 8S. Amery, Secretaryof State for Do- minion Affairs, and J, H, Thomas, General Secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, Secretary for the Dominions in the Lapor Government of J, Ramsay MacDon- ald, The first 'Dominion . to be visited is Canada, and this summer 50 girls and boys will tour Canada, The schemé is designed to in- spire the youth of the Motherland with a new and fascinating outlook on the British Commonwealth of Nations and offers to all young people in the British Isles between the ages of 14 and 21, irrespective of circumstances, a remarkable op- portunity not only of learning something about the Empire, but of seeing the Empire. This summer 50 young men and women, representative of the mna- tion's youth, accompanied by Frank L. Lascot, O.B.E., the organizing director of the scheme, and & num- ber of other responsible people, will enjoy seven weeks' free holi- day tour of Canada. It will be a holiday that will live in the memory of those who are fortunate enough to make the trip, for the journey covers a distance of sea and land of more than 15,000 miles, and a program of exceptional attractive- ness is heing arranged. As a practical illustration of his appreciation of, and warm interest in the scheme,, the Prince of Wales has issued an official invi« tation for the 50 young *"Ambas- sadors" of Empire to visit his fam- ous ranch, at High River, Alberta. The 5H) tourists--25 young men and 25 young women will he per sonally selected by specially-ap- pointed committees in London, Manchester, Newcastle and Glas- gow, from among 200 final can- didates who, in the opinion of a hoard of examiners {in London, submit the most satisfactory ans- wers to a series of questions on Empire topies of a general charac- ter, This hoard of examiners is headed by Professor A, I'. Newton, Rhodes Professor of History at London University, and a fore- most authority on Empire educa- tion, The examination questions, to be included in a series of 20 examina- tion papers, will be brief, bright and of a popular character, and will have a fascination that' will captivate all young people, wheth- er at school or not. The wonderful holiday in Canada will begin at Quebec on August 5, the young 'Ambassadors' having previously enjoyed the thrilling ex- perience of sailing up the St. Lawr- ence river. Amongst other places Ottawa, Vancouver, Niagara, Falls and Jasper Park, Canada's great playground, will be visited. The scheme is not intended to be scholastic or academic, but rather to arouse, on a national scale, in- terest in, and enthusiasm for, Em pire topics that have the most poyrular and far-reaching appeal, thus affording an equal chance for all who enter. It is imrportant also to emphasize Lhat this patriotic ef- fort to bring the Empire more intimately before the youth of the pation is not intended to he a spas- modic or single one. In succeed- ing years'it is proposed to extend it to other parts of the Empire-- Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India end the Far East suggesting themselves for visits in the future, Nor is the scope of the scheme's uscfulness from a national point of view restricted in this, the year of its inauguration, for, in addi- tion to the 50 Free Travel Awards, 24 scholarships of £50 each are offered to all boys and girls be- tween the ages of eight and 14 vears, These scholarships will be devoted exclusively to the eduea- tional advancement of those who win them and who, in the eventual development of the scheme in suc- ceeding years, will themselves qual- ify as young "Ambassadors" of Empire. The scheme, which js assured of enthusiastic support from the lead- ers of every branch of thought and activity, thus brings within is scope all young people in Great Britain and Ireland between the ages of 8 and 21, , TWO NEW YORK MEN CRUSHED TO DEATH 4 New York, April 20---Two men were crushed to death, two others critically injured and four men slight- ly hurt in the cave-in of an excava- tion for the mew subway at Broad- way and 71st Street. driller's helper, 204 Seventh Street, Jersey City, N.J., and Harry E ans, 30, driller's helper, of Brook- yn. The accident occurred jin 2 pit about 40 fect beneath the: surface when a large boulder me dis- lodged and fell 20 feet, carrying small stones and dirt with it . The United States is a country where couples who can't be amie- able get am amicable divorce.---- Sault Daily Star. The dead were George Sosnoski, 35, r Ri LS \heumatism NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO SCIATICA or NEURITIS RHEUMATONE ey fry ely fade) RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont. fold By JURY & LOVELL PLANBIG GARAGE IN OLD LONDON London, April 21.--A great thea- tre garage, to he built this year within two minutes' walk of Pie- cadilly Circus, at a cost of about £130,000, is the first step in a £1, 000,000 scheme, which includes a chain of 100 garages in London, A real estate firm has secured a 99- year lease from the Sutton Dudley estate on hehalf of John Gooden- day, of Liverpool, head of a north. country syndicate. The area of the proposed theatre garage is 25,- 000 square feet. The site is in Little Pulteney street, William and Mary Yard, Lexington street and Silver place--all close to the Trocadero end of Shaftesbury av- enue, and within easy reach of 16 theatres. Demolition has started, and will be completed within three months, The garage will be a huge modern building with three floors, a low- er ground floor and a roof for cars in fine weather. No lift will be used, but the cars will run up gradients, Dressing rooms, chauf- feurs' canteens, and every luxury of a super-garage will be pro- vided, with a hig drive and a fill- ing station outside, The first and lower floors will be in use by Sept- ember. There will be room for 1,000 cars, THERE'S A THRILL IN EVERY MILE THROUGH THE ROCK- IES AND ALONG THE PACIFICO COAST For an ideal holiday, the Cana- dian National "Four to the Pacific Coast and up to Alaska, offers a world of beauty and pleasure that adds new zest to life. In the midst of rugged peaks and wooded valleys, Jasper National Park is just the place to break thé westward journey. Jasper Park Lodge, an ultra-modern hotel, is the centre of social gayety that out- rivals all the gayness of fashionable cities. From Jasper Park the tour takes you to the most attractive cities on the Pacific Coast--Vancouver and Victoria. Here you can enjoy the pleasures of ocean bathing, and all the summer activities of nrodern cit- ies. Now you leave the cities behind for a thousand mile cruise along the famous Inside Passage to Skag- way, Alaska. Comfortable, modern steamers carry you along past scenes that thrill and startle with their beauty and grandeur. White capped mountain ranges--a thou- sand shades of green in the valleys --sparkling waterfalls and deep blue seas bring an ever changing picture to the traveller, Jasper Park--Vancouver--Vie- toria--along the Pacific Coast to Skagway--can all be visited in one complete tour, Ask any Canadian National Railways Agent for full information and illustrated litera- ture, he will help you to plan your itinerary. ; "And Mary came up smiling" A very nice "thank you note had come in a bundle of family wash and she brought it proudly to the office with a wonderful smile of satisfaction and pleasure. Many custom- ers enclose such notes of thanks to the girls who strive so carefully to send the bundles of family wash home, snowy-white and carefully folded. We share equally in Mary's pleasure at our having produced such good work, There are five different modestly pricéd according to the stage of comple- tion to which the work is taken. Phone today and have our young lady ex- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AFRIL 21, 1920 BRITISH YOUTH RADIO. (Continued from page 13), WEAF, WTAG, WLIT, WRC, Ron WS, Ow AR WEAR I D, Woal watt Se Fama school, WEEI ( Boston. Spon 8.10 WBBR pr Bi WTMJ (24) --Milwaukee. 811 WMAQ (448)--Chicago. "Amos as W. {D (222)-S¢, Paul, Officer Mul, 830 NRO (435)--Ottawa, "Ose Testing." - ROB (P4)--New Mexico, College Farm Talk 845 WCFL (48)~Chicago. Radic news | flashes, WHA (333)--Madison. Economic ge. view, d - 9.00 WHAZ (306)--Troy, Educational ad. ress, 9.30 CKLC (357)--~Red Deer, Alta, News. paper man. 2.40 Wer (434)--Chicago, Theatre Club a) lo 10.20 KPO (i22)=San Francisco, Book ge- view, 10.30 KNX yom Ag RA Playlet. 8.00 CKNC Toronto, Moodies rena KOIL deo) Council Bluffs. Orchestra, WAAT (246)--Jersey City, estra, « \¥ VAR { (370)--Kansas City, udson orchestr WF FAA [i 545)--Dallas, Foesiang. W( po WMAK, ie ed etworl Ww FIN KSD, WOAE, Wes, po 8 WGN, WGR, AR T WRC, WSAI, "WTA; Wie : Riis (500)--Hot Springs, Milles's or- watt (476)--Towa City, Orchestra, wimp (294)--~Milwaukee, WTMJ or. che: 9.00 KMA (3%94)--Shenwy, 22h. Night Owls wi BM (389)--Chicago., Original Bafa! hawks. Winx (341)--Jacksonville. WOKT (219)--Rochester, Th WSM (337)--Nashville, Orchestra, 9.05 WHK (265)--Cleveland, Buckeye Ser. enaders, 9.30 KOA (326)--Denver. Brown Palace. Ww B AP (500)--Ft, Worth, The Ramb- ler WiB (341)--Kansag City. Dance music 9.45 WBAP (500)--Ft, Worth, Dance or. chestra, 10.00 KTHS '(500)--Hot Springs, Aslington orchestra, WRBAL (285)--RBaltimore, Orchestra, WRBBC (227)--Brooklyn. Orchestra, WeoA (250)--Pensacola, Old 10.30 wee (349)--Phila. Dance musie, F (411)--Maontreal, Jack Dennie, LH tid (389)--~Chicago, Mid-evening dar 10.45 We ¥ i, (484)--Chicago. Savoy orches, 11.00 Red Network :(--Arnold d Johnson dance orchestra: WEAF, Ne WHO, WMC, WOW, KW, WWJ, WCAUD (337) Phila, Club Lido, H Supper music, ci, Orchestra, WOR (422)--Newark, Roseland orches, os (422)--Jefferson City. The Ramb. time w PG (273)--Atlantic City, Follies Ber. gere, WRC (469)--Wash, Le Paradis band, WSM (337)--Nashville, Orchestra, 11.05 WNAC (461)--Boston, Orchestra, 11,30 WSAI (361)--Cinci, Orchestra, WTMJ (2M)--Milwaukee, Frolie, 11.45 w bili wer-Adann, Troutt's Melody 12 mid KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs, Dance, WHN (394)--N.Y, Cotton club, WCFL, (484)---Chicago, Savoy orches. 12.45 a.m. WDAF (3%0)--Kansas City, Nights hawk frolic, 1.00 CNRV (2D)=--V ancouver, Midnight frolic, KF (469)--T.0s Angeles. Dance orches. KYA (309)--San Francisco, Clift Hotel 2.00 KNX (337)--Hollywoqd, Hotel Ambas. sador, (Copyrighted, 1928.) EYESIGHT SPECIALIST What of those seeking relief on. ly to find that they waited too long. 284 1516 w=PHONR~ i518 Disney Block Opposite Post Office GET YOUR ODD COAT WHILE THEY LAST AT THE Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 214} Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South | | * Mercy Full Fshoed Sik Hos On Sale Saturday Ni t, starting at 7.30, Regulor $1.95 value, aes 3 SATURDAY NIGHT $1.59 pair: : Sale of N ewSpring Millinery Monday All Day Smart, New Spring Hate Worth Double ™ The Price "Monday $2.90 COUPON NUMBERS Ist Prize No, 2301 and 3rd Prize No, 5642 Still unclaimed this week Customers holding these numbers bring them to the store before Wednesday, April 25th to receive prizes, Ist Prize, $5 Free Goods, 3rd Prize $2 Free Goods Shop At The Arcade The Home of the Cash Coupon PROMPT DELIVERY Why We Sell LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Every satisfied customer, who comes back to give ne another order, upbuilds and strengthens opr good will, Good will is measured by the confidence our customers have in us, And our customers' confidence is the result « of good coal plus good service, We have sold Lehigh Valley Cross Creek Anthracite for many years because it gives absolute satisfaction to the customers who buy it, It's a coal we can ously recommend and enthusiastically push, Rich in carbom, clean, steady-burning--Lehigh Vale ley Cross Creek Anthracite is a real business builder, It helps us to hold our old customers; it helps us to gain pew ones, Ask for Stamped Ticket as below, Hamilton By-Product Coke H. M. Fowlds Telephone 262 [4 JOP to Central) COAL "Jeddo" The Best in America COKE "Solvay" We are Sole Agents G.M.C. WOOD Dixon Coal Co.

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