Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Apr 1928, p. 11

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Welcome to our village W. Souch on We it being the occasion s birthday. A jolly in games, music, and fat. Refreshments were he close. aa ents of Miss Lillie Tre- will be sold by auction rday, April 21st, the house ene sold to Mr, Clifford [ampton rs, obbins, who has bought Mrs, k Stonhouse's residence. Horn has returned from few weeks with selatives in Peterboro, Lindsay and first to Ruse in. foe he on having made her first ap, t reatment they -have by Mr, Jno. Cowling Cole using the drags Mr, C, E, Horn unl feed corn at Burketon 8 week. Mrs, Chas, Wood, Oron: ing her parents, Mr, and Johns, The Young People's meeting Friday evening last was in \ the missionary & y h thel Stephens pres ding, Was was in charge of Miss e Pas- coe. Missionary group with a chorus, The fourth of the study book, "Bubbling A in car of a this is visit " J. © [] low price for such a Fopey Fie Elctrie Ranges to $175 might well wonder how such high quality " electric ranges can sell at such is here, JL have been by three-quarters of a century in moderate , Into all El and wish for in an electric 40" floor space, Large l'oven 16" wide by 20" deep; lige iggest roast pan. : Bquipped with two of the open and two of the closed "new Happy Thought elements, A good, fast heater, {Norbolts nor screws on cooking top. Removable racks and elements ensure absolu te 3 Be sue do see dha Floppy Thou t Electric when ° making a selection, Write to the Ha Thought \ i Brantford, for illustrated FREE booklet, LECTRIC XD RANGE 'Also Gas, Coal and Wood Ranges and Warm Air Furnaces Sold in Oshawa by CLEVE FOX EASY TERMS IF DESIRED A British Empire Product bs Fe a pe a a TE nv Corrected Without the Neces- sity ot an Operation "ti - RUPTUR --Hernias-- L Bie, was taken fae verano d ivied, SATURDAY, APRIL 21 God uly Walk Very Short Distance i 's Kidney Pills Sle tsi kn by Mr, Wilfred le. Mr, ALL Martin gave a reading and Mr, Wallace Hora fav- oured with a violin solo. The recrea- tion period took the form of a mis- sionary baseball match, the balls be- ing questions from the study book, "Drums in the Darkness." Report of Hampton School for Easter exams, names in order of merit: = IV.~--Florenee Burns (H), Ernest Horn (H), Fred Holwell, Sr. J 111. --Elsie Moore (H), Elias Greena- way (H), Merwin FY deriman (H), Helen Knox, Elwood Shackleton, Ted Johns (ill), Jr, 1I--Jackson Wray 4b, Gordon Phillipe (H), Austin arron (H), Bloyd Wilcox, Jean Stainton, Violet Petley, Nelson Rob- bins, Sr, 11--~John Virtue, Anna Wal- lace, Harry Winterburn, Annie Stain- ton, ce Clarke, Mandy Connaghan, Har Martin (i), Pearl Connaghan an. Jr, 11, -- Katie Jones, Doris erman, Flossie Connaghan, Sr, 1~Betty Knox, Murial Scott, Jimmie h elma obbins, Eva ohns, Bernice Rogers, John Novick, na Novice! ee Martyn (ill), Jr. I~Walter Holwell, Gladys Chapman, Ruth Colwill, Jack Cowling, Ruby Colwill, Gerald Black, Sr, Pr-=Isobel Rogers, Jack Jones, Wanda Clarke. {5 r~Nellie Armour~F, J, Groat, iss I, Campbell, Mr, Sam Colwill, Scarboro, is visit- ing at Mr, Jno, Colwill's Sr, Ir, A. E, Jennings has rented Mrs, Georgie Niddery's house and intends moving into it very soon, Ebenezer, April 20, -- On Monday evening, April 16, about thirty people from this community. journey to Toronto by bus and attended the pre- denigtion of the play "The New Minister," which was given in the new Runnymede Chur Toronto, is play was given by Ebenezer people ome years ago, and so many were anxious to see it again and were well rewarded, for everyone who went thoroughly enjoyed it, The trip on the bus was also very pleas- ant, the driver being Mr. idney Nichols of this community, Following the evening's entertainment at.the church, the party was invited to the home of Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Rundle, where the hostess served a beautiful Junch which was enjoyed by one and all, In the wee small hours of the morning all arrived home, tired, but well pleased with their outing. We are glad to report that Mr, Herbert Reeves, although still in the hospital, is improving as well as can be expected. League meeting this week was held on Wednesday evening. A good pro- gram was given and everyone pre- sent had an enjoyable and profitable evening. : The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of the President, Mrs, F. W, Rundle, The meeting was in charge of Mrs. H, F, Osborne group and a good program was given, The topic was ably given by Mrs. H. F. Oshorne and Mrs. 8S. Vinson on "Korea." The remainder of the program consisted of Bible study by Mrs, (Rev.) \W. 5 ch in West}, -- -- od c---- - -- -- -- "am SE » 1} Boyce and piano duet by Misses Louise Osborne and Hazel Rundle. The Society are well advanced in their financial objective, having reached the one quarter mask of their allocation at the end of the first quar- ter of the year. We wish them con- tinued success as the year advances. Following the program a social time was spent by the ladies of Mrs, Os- borne's group. Rev. and Mrs. W. S, Boyce, of Brighton, are visiting with their daughter, Mrs, Clarence Penfound, Bear in mind the Sunday services at Ebenezer on April 22. Both church services will be held in the church. Rev, J. H. Stainton will preach both in the morning and evening, his sub- ject in the evening being the life of "Ben Hur." His sermon will be il- lustrated with lantern slides. Sunday School will be at 2.30 o'clock as usual, Everyone .is invited, Our young people have successfully presented their operatta, "The Belles of Fol-de-Rol," twice during this week, On Tuesday evening they journeyed eastward to Newcastle, where they gave it in the Community Hall of that village. All reports show that it was a decided success, The nearly $60, On Thursday evening they went to the west and presented it at Ale mond's Church, near Pickering, where a Food crowd greeted our players and another success was staged for "The Belles of Fol-de-Rol" The proceeds of the evening amounted to about $30, The operetta has been presented at many different centres and has been well received at each resentation, We wish to congratu- ate the players one and all and also those who have otherwise assisted on the program for they have done a good work. Some spring work has been done on the land but jt is not general at HARMONY Harmony, April 20.--Master R, Hubble, of Toronto, is visiting his aunt, Mrs, H, Dafoe here, and Mrs, Wm, Hubble of the city, Mrs. Joseph Mills, of Toronto 1s visiting her nieces, Mrs, J, Green- tree here, and Mrs, G, Gordon of the city. Mrs, Wrenn, visited her daughter, of Bowmanville, Mrs, KX "| Fletcher on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. W. Bonnetta and' family, of Whitby, spent Sunday with. Mr, -and Mrs, H, Willson, Mr. and Mrs, R, Terwillegar and family visited with relatives at North Oshawa on Sunday, Master Keith Fletcher had an operation on his nose and throat on Wednesday. Glad to report he is getting along fine and hope he will be better now, Miss Vera Gimblett, of the city, visited Mrs, Harry Gimblett, eon Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. N. Hinds have move ed into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C. I". McVagh. Mr, and Mrs. Rombough 4 zh, of $s with and Toronto, were Mr. and Mrs, F-------- LYCETT Sour Real Estate and Insursnce Broker ~ AUCTIONEER on St, B.~~Corner Celins Koy 85, B-mOors C. FP. McVagh left on Tues- day for Philadelphia to visit with r ive for a few wecks. Mn] MeVagh left last week for Jowa. Glad to report Jean Michael bet- ter and able to be up and around again. She has been confined to her bed for several weeks, mot a very pleasant place for a little girl. Mr. and Mrs. H, Stockhill are } Our Herbal Treatment Proven Reliable For Intormation and testimonials call in or Phone«---- Dr. Thuna Balsam Remedies LIMITED 500 Simcoe St.5. OSHAWA visiting relatives at Port Hope. Mrs. W. Lott and Miss Bernice Lott, of the city, visited recently with Mr. and Mré. A. Lott. Mrs. W. S. Morris left on Sun- day night for her home in Kenne- cott, Alaska. 'If mothing happens to delay her she will be home in two weeks, It is rather a long trip ' 9 take alone, She has been visit- 'ng her mother, Mrs. W. Michael » a few months, Misses Irene and Gladys Oke 'e in Toronto on Monday night hear Gypsy Smith. The meeting | s well worth the trip there to ar. fr. and Mrs. P. Hayes, of the 4», spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Saunder's where a birthday arty was held for Miss L. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson spent 'anday with Mr. and Mrs. Richards 1 the eity. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart, and "rs. Meeker, of Whitby, and Mr |S. Stewart of Moose Jaw attended | Captain George Farewell's funeral on Thursday. : Nr. and Mrs. D. BE. Weese visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. A. Parks in the city on Sunday. The Boys' Club met on Wednes- day might with most of the boys vresent. An enjoyable evening was l-nent by playing games. Next Vedresday night some mew mem- ors will be initiated and all the Joys. are requested to be present. Mrs. L. Edwards is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McKay at Colborne. Mr. W. Sykes from the city has moved into the house just vacated by Mr. N. Hind. Mr. Will Hart is at home with his parents for the summer vaea- tion from Queen's University. Mr. Pon Abbott, of Toronto, will spend a few days with him. The church sarvice on Sunday was enjoyed by a good number of listeners. Next Sundar, Rev ; sympathy to proceeds of the evening amounted to op the Law Courts, *part of his oficial paraphernalia Mr. Irvine will have something still better for you so don't forget the 3 to 4 o'clock. Bvery- body welcome. Mr. F. Paisley, of Kingston, at- tended his grandfather's funeral, {Gant. Geo, Farewell), on Thurs The com extend their rs, Geo. Farewell family in their recent bereave- in the loss of a loving bhus- band and father. The cemetery at Hasmony, where Captain Geo. Farewell was laid to rest on Thuisday was given by his father Acltuils Farewell, to be rs other people have been buried there. He also gave the property for a school site where the Harmony public séhool is built, Sorry to report Mr, Chas Sopher very sick with pneumonia, His friends wish him a speedy recdvery. ENGLISH ZIPSTAFF AN 0DD OFFICE Only One Who May Arrest Anyone For Contempt of High Court London, April 81,~Why was it that a court tipstaff arrested a boy, 'Henry Eustace, recentiy for con- tempt of court instead of a police- man making the arrest? What Is a tipstaff? The office of tipstaff has exised for centuries, The tip staff is an official of the High Court appointed by the Lord Chan- cellor, and it is his duty to arrest and to convey to jail any person guilty of contempt in the precints He carries as MOTOR CARS We will loan youn monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present payments we will pay of! the calms and renew your payments for any term up to twelve months and Insure your car. See Swanson, Ger man & McKenszle, 8 King street east, Phone 940. . 1928 a " Motor City Servic AND) ATT, 26 Athol St. West " 'COMPANION CARS Twenty-five years of close adherence to an ideal have won for Cadillac-built cars the most enviable reputation among the world's most exacting motorists. e Limited President Oshawa, Ont. MOFFATT, 1 a small ebony staff thout 18 inches long, similar t> a round ruler, and tipped with a golden crown-----hence the name tipstaff, Ordinarily it is not possible to distinguish the tipstatf from the busy crowds that throng the grey cloisters of the Law Courts, His staff, if be carries it at gll, may be concealed in his pocket, But on ceremonial occasions ho sppears in tull regalia, You may see him at the Lord Mayor's Show, or on the 12th of October (the day when the legal year commences and the Courts are opened), marching at the head of the judges' procession, brilliantly decked in gold lace and carrying before him the tipstatf with its head of shining metal, The tipstaff is a unique official in the English Judiciary, ard it is he alone who has the power to ar- rest one who is guilly of contempt of the High Court. He may, in the execution of his duties, cud in pure suit of the offender, travel all over the country, The exact origin of his staff is unknown, but it probe ably owes its use to the fact that fear of the rod, or staff, is inher- ent in human pature, QUEER, ISN'T IT? (Chatham News) Golf is a funny game, according to the Chicago Evening Post, The quicker a man puts himself into a hole, the happier he is, Oshawa Luggage YOUR IMTIAL YREE Mm Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell & Son BOND ST, WEST rt r-- Some of the cars using ® Bond St. W, Ww '6 REASONS WHY E BELIEVE that Durant products offer to the buy- ing public. better value for the money spent, than any other car in their price class, or near their price class, All Durant cars, Models *M.2"" "55" *'65" and *'75" are equipped with a Continental Red Seal Motor, which is the best that money can build, | Continental Red Seal Motor Some o fthe Cars using Continental Red Seal Motors are: Davis, Locomobile, Moon, Jordon, Peerless, Reo-Wol-- verine, Bar 2 They Have Morse Silent 1iming Chain Some of the cars using Morse Silent Timing Chain are: Auburn, Cadillac, Eclar, Locomoble, Pierce Arrow, mobile, Lincoln, Marmon, Packard. 3 Durant Cars Have Spicer Universal Joints Some of the cars using Spicer Universal Joints are: Cadil- lac, Lincoln, Locomobile, Pierce Arrow, Jordon, 4 Durant Cars Have Hotchkiss Drive Some of the cars using Hotchkiss Drive are: Auburn, Lo- comobile, Nash, Packard, Reo, Studebaker, 5 Timken Bearings Are Used On All Darant Cars | ings are: lac, Joms of the ears using Timken B ; Po Pp agbile, hinesin, |e mobiles, Peerlom, 6 Bendix Four Wheel Brakes d 6 and 8, Studebaker, Phone 533 L8 U. oo are sed on all Durant Cars BENDIX : Cunningham, Lincoln, mon, Stearns-Knight, Packar lys-Knight, Hup- Mar- Wil Oshawa, Ontario DISTRIBUTORS FOR WHITBY AND DARLINGTON TOWNSHIPS ! 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