gee LE [7] Melbourne E. Turner, Representative { and thelr wives from out of town were present and "enjoyed .the fine banquet prepared Mr. Wadhams at the Balmoral Hotel. The tables were decorated * with Rotary colors in orange and by Assam teas are known by as the wn--a fact which Soy Red Rose Or: . has become so d . popular in Canada, : Rose Orange Pekoe is chiefly Sipe ng I " which acecoun or 8 h uality and value, . Every guaranteed. Y tingtive Se ---------------- , Phones' Office, SH fs, 300 & ROTARY CLUB WAS 135% A HAPPY EVENT Fine Program is Enjoyed, © Including Elaborate Banquet (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 19.--Laales' Night at the Rotary Club of Bow- manville this evening was a splen- did affair, More than 80 members including guests blue table streamers. Candles and other on ents made the room .a 'bang i nga ys He fully outlined the course that dship should takke in the cur- riculum of the Rotary Club, and gave great stress on the work that was being done in the best way by |, the clubs to fully benefit the com- munities, Mr, Symes was intro. duced by Bob Aitchison, guests were introduced Ly FP. F, Morris, the president, Mr, Morris alsa occupied the chair. George James welcomed the manu» facturers and thelr wives of the town, A feature of the evening in the way of entertainment was the con- test for the drawing of prizes, These \atter were supplied by the visiting merchants, and consisted of valu- able household goods, and other effects. There were eight prizes in all, Mrs. (Dr) McKenzie, of Taron- to, was the soloist of the evening. she contributed several fine vocal number in her delightful contralte voice. Francis Sutton accompanied. The presentation of year buttons to those who have established a next took place, F, F, Morris and record for continued attendance T. H. Knight won a four year but- ton each for attending every meet- ing of the Rotary Club for the last four years, Ernie Rehder received the button for three year attend- A A A A000 A 3 SHOPPING ends, 3 to 4 3 . 3 3 3 3 3 . a a . 3 . . A 3 3 3 . b 3 3 . 2 . 3 . 3 4 4 3 3 a A . 3 3 p p ov 3 . 3 3 > 3 a Ed a a pp 4 3 b b Made Easy and Inexpensive In Our Basement Shoppe FRPP R SPECIAL BUY 500 Yards Wabasso Pillow Cottons 42" wide, extra heavy qualities, 184 to 5 yard On Sale in the Basement Shoppe, Yard, 25¢ REMNANTS OF CURTAIN SCRIMS AND MARQUISETTE This includes Plain and Cross-bar patterns, fine quality, Saturday Special for the Basement Shoppe. Yard, ......... 2 121/2¢ PLAIN SILK NETS Also Dot and Cross-bar patterns, Some remnants are slightly damaged. Values that would sell in the Basement Special, regular way up to $1, 25¢ Yard, HUCKABACK TOWELS, 5¢ ea. Special purchase of Huckaback Towels, (bar- ber towe! size), Manufacturer's Mill Ends 5 Cc Another Basement Special at, each, , FINAL CLEARING SILK KNIT SCARFS Variety of shades to choose from. In the Base- ment Shoppe for, each, ....... bodes 29¢ : BATH MATS, 69¢c each FE White ground with blue, mauve, rose and maize, check patterns. An i 69 Basement Shoppe Value at, each, .... C a CHILDREN'S KHAKI AND BL ERALLS ii Just the thing for play hours Basement Special, aech, for the little folks. 39¢ ~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 {INCREASING 71 EDWIN BRA Boy soprano with the Westminster Glee Singers coming to St, An- drew's Church on Saturday, April 28 for afternoon and even- ing performances, ance and Tom Holgate a two year button, Norman James also re- ceived the two year emblem, SCHOOL CLUB'S NEW OFFIGERY Mrs. W, Williams is Chosen President of Bowmanville Society (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 19,--The Bowmanville Home and School AE WITH AFRICA SEEN a AD Saint John, N.B., April 19.--It rT uy rovinces n e bilities of trade ith ca & erally is the opinio D J 8 Tyrer, of Montreal, general mana- ger in Canada for the Elder Demp- ster Steamship Company, Limited, | who arrived in the city on his an- nual business tour to this port" Club held its regular meeting last night in the Centre Public School. More than 50 members attended to make the meeting one of the most successful yet, Mrs, H. Allin oc cupied the chair, Mrs, president of the cluh for the com- ing term and Mrs, ¥, C. Colmer vice- president. Mrs. T. Hamilton received the position of second vice-president. Mrs, William Hall, who has held the position of secretary treasurer 'for two years is resigning her of- fice, and as yet no appointment to that office has been named, A feature of the evening's busi- ness was the report of the recent Annual Educational Convention in Toronto, which was read by Mrs, FP, C. Colmer, tructive to those interested in the ork of the Home and School Club, The program was highly inter- ining and consisted of a solo. hy Ir, Colville, a violin selection by radley Honeyman, and a reading by Mrs, Cameron, Physical exer- cises were conducted at the end of the meeting by Miss E, Peardon, instructor of the Girl Guides in the town, Mrs. Adams, the new presi ties follewing the elections, Mr, Johnson, principal of the school and Honorary President of the Club, acted as election offic er, Refreshments closed the even- ing. TRANSFERRED TO OSHAWA BRANCH H. Willams was elected The report was ex- |! tremely interesting and proved in- dent, took over the president's du- | (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 19.---Char- les Pethick, iJank, Bowhanvyille, has been trans >| ferred to the Oshawa branch of the same bank, his duties of this posi- tion to be taken over on Monday next, teller in Mr, Peth- to the position of Bowmanville Branch ick's place, PERSONAL Leo. Melrose, Listowel, Miss B. Montgimery, teacher, Millbrook Public Schiol, spent Easter here, and afiernoon tea op Thursday, Ap- ril 26th at Trinity Parsonage. Mr. Norman A. Pickard, Port Ar- thur, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. A. W. Pickard, and Donald, and Mr. F. A. Haddy spent the week-end in Toronto, Mrs. John Grigg and Mrs, Her- man Westaway and children visitde Mrs. Jessie Grigg, Toronto, last week, \ Mrs. Fletcher Staples and daugh- ter, Elizabeth, Toronto, are yisit- ing her parents, Rey, and Mrs, W. H. Spargo. Mrs, Edwin Worden, Elgin street, left Tuesday for Ottawa where she will reside with her son, Mr, Gordon Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson and Kathleen, and Mrs, Arthur Haskill, Oshawa, were recent guests of Miss Eva Wakelin, Mr. Irving Clemens of Jury & Lovell's is in Kingston this week assisting in the Mahood Drug Store during their Lc sale. Miss Helen Adair, who has been residing with her sister, Mrs. Edwin Worden, has gone to Clinton to re- side with her sister, Mrs. Shipley. Mr. Chas. F. Hill and son of Buf- falo, N. ¥., were here over the week-end visiting his mother, Mrs. 8. F. Hill, who passed away Mon- day evening. ' Mrs. B. M. Warnica has returned from sveeral weeks' wisit with her niece, Mrs. B. E. Ingham, Kings- ton, and her daughter, Mrs. F. J. George, Smithfield. "Raditch Defies Mussolini," says a headline. That reminds us. We will soon be having our garden worries, too.--DBorder Cities Star, teller of the Royal . Lloyd Varcoe, has been elevated : at the} Bowmanville, April 19.--Mrs. J,' ,{.J. Lord is visiting her sister, Mrs, Junior ° You are invited to the musicale ° Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason, Helen is ever rising. our forefathers would have scoffed at the idea of frontier land becoming worth today's value, so we can hardly grasp the im- mense increases that lie ahead of us right here in our own city, ons -- opportunity is yours, Seize it and profit! : TT tide of land values In speaking of the future outlook for the Maritime Provinces, Mn. Tyrer said, that these provinces would find a market in South and West Africa for their manufactured and natural products. He claim- ed that a vast trade could be work- ed up with the west coast of Africa in salt fi as large quantities were required there each year, He was also of the opinion that trade between Canada and Africa would show a large increase im the near future due to the fact that Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast and Nigeria are sending a combined exhibit of thelr products for display at the Toronto Exhibition this fall. It is now up, to Canada and the Mari. time Provinces in particular due to their geographical situation to work up exchange export trade with these tropical countries that desire to trade with us, he said. ER a a Ee... ---- CHIEF OFFICER OF © . LINER SUCCUMBS Halifax, April 19.--Chief- officer Franz Schmidt, 42, of the North German Lloyd liner Seydlitz, died of heart disease last Friday while the vessel was in mid-Atlantie, it became known when the steamer called here en route to New York, SMASH FOUNTAIN IN STRENGTH DUEL 'Washington, April 19.--William Lynan, 20, University athlete, and James H. Colbert, 21, iceman, test- ed their muscles in a lunch room, When the dust of battle was clear- ed away by police the only damage was to a soda fountain which was smashed to pieces. Tom PRAIRIE SCHOONER TO SKYSCRAPER The Rising Tide of Land Values NYT so many years ago there were vast, almost limitless tracts of land untenanted save b: straggling Hands of prairie schooners and savage |: lian tribes, Today, where wilc flowers once grew, stand great 'buildings, gigantic factories, and endless avenues of residences, : Just as The future beck- Watch this paperforan important announce ment next week! To TEACHERS! Come to Niagara Falls inJuly-- don't wait for your " honey- moon?" to see the Great Cata- casays with their téachers at our ex- pense. The conditionsare easy. 2 Write for particulars to THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Lia. Niagara Falls, Ontario Let Oshawa's Expansion Bring You Profit sight will buy Real Es- tate now--property that will soon be worth vastly, more than we paid for it. Oshawa today is just at the beginning of a wonderful ex- pansion. The very near fur ture will see the old town be- coming a big city--and dur- ing the building of the newer Oshawa fortunes await the wise investor, To of us with fore-