Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1928, p. 15

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gi OLD AGE PENSIONS IN'3 PROVINCES Scheme Already In Force In British Columbia -- Two to Follow Ottawa, 1/{--0M Age Pensions in Canada are an es- tablished fact and have been so since last September. when British Columbia, taking advantage of leg- islation by the Federal Parliament, embraced a scheme for providing for the aged citizens of the Pacific Coast by means of' a monthly cheque, In so doing British Co- lumbia inaugurated the system in Canada, and now the example is to be followed by two more western provinces of the Dominion, Sas- katchewan and Manitoba. As between federal and provine- Ont.,, April province that' cared to adopt the plan, . a Briefly the proposition is that all citigens who have been residents in Canada for twenty years prior to reaching the age of 70 and who have not means exceeding $240 per annum are entitled tg a pension. Should their private means be un- der the $240 total, then the pen- sion paid will be just sufficient to bring the amount up to that fig- ure. The Dominion Government further provided that the scheme would be applicable to any of the nipe provinces which cared to take S---- --_---- HB Leader Dry faction, two pairs pants BR A BE a I i A An bacco absolutely free. 32 SIMCOE S. SOUTH Specials for Friday and Saturday Men's Spring Suits, various colors and guaranteed satis- Regular $25.00, including Spring Coats for the particular as'well as the economic buyer, Regular $20.00. ............ Young Men's Suits, two pairs pants, real nice tweeds that will give wonderful service, .... EA En i ZZ AR CA AS Goods Store CETTETRTY CITT EE YT) 14.95 Nice Navy Blue Serge Suits, beautiful material, made up in single and double breasted styles, Regular $28.00, .... .... vues $17.50 $12.95 $10.95 PTL LL LER PRL LLL TITLED "Lighthouse" Overalls. © This wonderful overall needs no introduction, as it is a wonderful seller. pair sold will be given a package of cigarettes and to- With every LEADER DRY GOODS STORE - PHONE 740 Ov 3 at reftfel andwich Best when made » 1 cream cheese Bread '. The spicy tastiness of the Far East seems to linger in this fascinating sandwich, an instant success for the hostess who wants something "just a little different"; Oriental Sandwich 3; teaspoonful salt Cream the cheese and add dates, and chopped, and the salt.' Spread on slices of buttered Canada Bread, with chopped peanuts and cover with buttered bread. Sandwiches gre best when made with . Bamby Bread CANADAGGEBREAD COMPANY IMITED 12 dates Chopped veanuts Butter y the stoned but that the participating Last September British Colum- bia embraced the scheme, while the of the Yukon also officer, the gold commissioner, to- enter into an agreement with the federal government so as to have the plan applied to that territory. (The Yukon is not a "province" but is administered by the Dominion Parliament through a legislative council which sits at Dawson City). Arrangements were completed sev- eral days ago to render the pro- visions of the act applicable to the Yukon, The scheme has steadily expand- ed, however, and this year both Saskatchewan and Manitoba adopt- ed the plan, At present negotia- tions are in progress between the authorities concerned with a view to beginning payment in those two prairie provinces, and it is antici- pated that by the first day of May the scheme will be inaugurated there. One section of the Old Age Pen- {sions Act sets forth that as soon as two provinces, contiguous to the North West Territories, adopt the plan, then the scheme will be made applicable to these Territories. This provision is met by the entry of Saskatchewan #wd Manitoba, since the northern boundary of each [| province is on the 60th parallel-- the southern boundary line of the federally administered North West Territories, PASSING OF FAMOUS YAGHT BRITANNIA Veteran Cutter, Owned By His Majesty, Retires in August Londongs--The veteran cutter Britannia may be seen at Cowes ne 10re after the regatta this Aug- ust. For 30 years hey black hull "nd tail raking mast have been a feature of the autumn festival The King has sailed in her for many hundreds of miles, bat the old yacht has almost reached the end of her .cu.e racing « and it is probable that she will not |enter in 'the big class" races after '| the summer sailing season is over, The present Britannia hardly carries on more than the name of the original, yacht, which was built in 1893, In the course of 85 years she has been patched, repaired, and rebuilt to such an extent that scarcely a piece of the original timber remains, Never- theless, her general form has been preserved, and the cutter has be- /| come a great yachting tradition, She was laid down at a time when the celebrated Lord Dunraven had commissioned a new Valkyrie with' the intention of competing for the America Cup. The Valk- yrie was twice the rating of the first class cutter of the same name, "The building of the yacht had created great interest, which was doubled when the Prince of Wales commissioned the late G. L. Wat- son to build a sister ship to the new Valkyrie, to be called the Bri- tannfa. The two cutters were built and equipped at Patrick, and in their first season raced to- gether, The Britannia proved to be the best yacht ever owned by a mem- ber of the Royal Family, and she has remained so ever since. From the first she won prizes, her hau! amounting to something like £2,- 500. She beat the edlebrated Nava- designer Herreshoff had pinned all his hopes) in three starts out of five, were even greater, She won 90 per cent. of all the races she en- tered. And the Vigilant, . which had swept all before her in Ameri- can waters, fell a victim to the Britannia in 12 races out of 18, It was not until her third or fourth season: that Mr. Watson succeeded in designing another yacht--the Meteor IL--which could emulate the feats of his ori- ginal Britannia, Once the Meteor took the water, the Britannia's victorious career was definitely checked. The Boer war prevented her royal owner from doi)g much racing. She remained ip the royal pos- session until 1909, when Edward VIL sofd her to Sir Richard Wil- liams-Bulkeley, the present eom- modore of the Royal Yacht Squad- ron, and a well kbown figure at Cowes in racing week. The King afterwards re his old cutter, back. 4 Even so, it seemed that her rae- ing days were dome, for shortly after George V. had the bulwarks raised so that the vessel might be used as a cruising yacht for the present Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, them just growing up. This state of affairs did not last long. She was restored to rac- she was handed ipg trim two seasons before the hoe (the yacht on which the great | In the next season her triumphs' having sold | war, although 'it was found neces- sary to reduce her sail area. : Throughout the war she was laid up, and only made her reappear- ance in 1920. Put she has raced ev since, sometimes with indi t success, but always end ing up with a number of prize flags Now she may really be seen no more. It is the passing of an in- stitution. LOST $250,000 'NECKLACE FOUND Postal Employe in Paris Office Confesses to Theft Paris, April 17.-A $250,000 necklace which was stolen from the reistered mails after having been addressed to London by the Cartier Jewellery firm' last feb- ruary has been recovered through the unremitting efforts of the surete generale. The police ar- rested Emile Felix Seberac, a postal employe in a Paris branch office and after a six-hour grill ing he confessed to'the theft, SPRING OFFENSIVE OPENED IN CHINA Nanking, China, April 17.--The Spring offensive of the National- ist armies, with Pekin, ancient capital of the Manchus, as its goal, has got under way with a rush, From the theatre of war stretching from the southern tip of the Province of Shansl to the coast, where almost three-quar- ters of a million are in arms, has come the first word of fighting-- an officlal communique from Hsu- chowfu, Nationalist: headuarters, reporting the capture of two im- portant key cities in scuthern Shantung. The communique, sent from the headquarters of Chiang Kai-Shek, Nationalist Commander-in-Chief, says that Yenchowfu, on the Tient- sin-Pukow railway line, and Ich- owfu, on the Yi He, in south-east- ern Shantung, have been Invested by the. Nationalist armies. Yenchowfu is approximately 70 miles north of the battle line which existed at the beginning of the Spring offensive on April 7, TOURIST THIRD CABIN as low as $184.50 round trip Al Canadien Pacifio ships sail via St. Lawrence, *'the mighty water boulevard to Europe." ECONOMICAL Tous Ee ey er to 8, up. Makey . &. Por infe apply your local agent, or J. BE, PARKER General Agent, Ocean Trafic C.P.R., Building, Toronto m WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM Avways carry Canadian Pacific Es Com, pany's Travellers' Cheques. Negotiable Everywhere, while Ichowfu is about 35 miles nort hof that line, Three main offensives have been launched by the Nationalists, the first was from Halchow, with its objective Weihsien, on the Tsing-Tao-Tsinan Railway. The second was from Hsuchowfu, along the Tientsin-Pukow railway, the immediate objective being Yen- chowfu, and the third offensive was from Tsaochowfu, also to Yenchowfu, AMERICAN CONTROL OF INDUSTRIES IN BRITAIN IS FEARED Magnitude of Anglo-Amer- ican Financial Combine Stirs England PAPERS COMMENT Advantages of Entonte from Political Viewpoint Stressed : Lendon, April 16.~The imagin- ation of the British public has been definitely stirred by the magnitude of the scope of the new Anglo- American financial combine an- nounced Thursday between the Sir Alfred Mond interests in Great Hri- tain and powerful American finan- clers, While The Evening. Stan- dard last night announced that the syndicate's first act will be an at- tempt to amalgamate the leading British iron and steel firms into one large combine and that devel- opment of the wireles§, mineral, oil nd artificial silk industries will follow, the greater part of the edi- torial comment has come from the Liberal press. Both The Manchester Guardian and The London Star stressed the advantages from a political view- point of what they term a new An- glo-American commercial entente, but the latter paper seems uneasy as to the extent to which American financial backing for rehabilitated British industries may nraan Amer. ican control, "We have ourselves in the past provided the funds or skill which have been employed in various public works in less advanced or enterprising *countries,'"" The Star notes, 'but we have always deman- ded control and generally got it, Will the Americans follow our ex- ample? In other words, is this genuine co-operation on a fifty-fifty hasis or are we to play a dying whale to be exploited by all the sharks and swordfish that can are rive? Brilliancy Without Glare INSIDE FROSTED Hydro Lamps are the latest triumph of the Electrical Art. INSIDE FROSTING reduces the glare, giv~ ing a soft diffused light without appreciable loss of light. The lamps are not only stronger and more rugged than the outside-frosted style--they also give more light. : INSIDE FROSTING gives the Jamp that pearly appearance which blends and harmonizes with any background. INSIDE FROSTED HYDRO LAMPS of all standard sizes--25 watt, 40 watt, 60 watt and 100 watt, for sale by CHAS, T, BARNES, Local Manager Look for on the lamps this label undertaking, but we want to know more of this co-operation." The shares of the Imperial Chemical Industries, controlled hy Sir Alfred Mond, rose sharply when» the stock exchange opened yester- day morning $2,500,000 being nom- inally added to the concern's ecapi- tal value within a few minutes, to be a man easily bluffed or per- suaded by able Americans and we can have no confidence that he will use his influence effectively in this case, If we could rely on him to do so, we should be enthusiastical- ly in favor of this new alliance, but we are not so sure, We think "Easily Bluffed" there is a prima facie case for this "Mr. Baldwin's past shows him ---- ---- cluding 00 -----r Bedroom 11-Piece Outfit, as illustrated, including Dresser in walnut finish with full size shaped mirror, large Chiffonier to match with mirror, Bedroom Table in walnut finish with undershelf and Bedrcom Chair with oéme seat, an all Simmons Bed Outfit, in- Steel Bed in walnut finish with continuous posts and fil-lers, solid panel centre with diamond decoration, Iron Frame Sagless link Fabric Spring, all felt Mattress with heavy roll edge, covered mm art ticking and pair of all feather pillows; Boudoir Lamp with ivory base and decorated art glass shade, also two Axminstet Rugs, size 27 by 54 ins. Regularly $145.00, Monday special for ,.. : Ba a Simcoe St. South I i a a nd ---- de-in-Empire Stock BUYS THIS 11 PIECE OUTFIT FOR THE

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