Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1928, p. 11

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lanned or Greater Oshawa to Feature British Products Purchase of Empire products has ceased to be simply a matter of patriotism. Statistics and common usage have proven that goods made in British Columbja, in Canada or in any other part of the British Empire, have reached "a stage where their purchase has become an integral part of te economic system of the Dominion. Empire Shopping Week, which has been planned here, will. doubt- lessly, add testimony to the grow- ing demand for these products and additional proof off the economy that accompanies such purchase. Retail merchants in Greater Osh- awa, who enter into the spirit of the week will dress their windows exclusively with Empire goods. All Co-Operate Every community in Canada is co-operating to make Empire Shop- ping Week, April 21 to 28, inclu- sive, a huge success. During the week the public will be urged by newspaper advertising, billboard advertising and by window display to buy products made within the Empire, The public will be asked to give preference to Canadian pro- duets and 'second preference to pro- duets of the other countries with- in the British Empire. Acting in close co-operation with the Empire Shopping Week, is A. E, Pollard, His Majesty's trace commissioner of the department of Overseas trade, London, whose headquarters are situated in the Bank of Commerce buildings, Van- couver, Speaking of Empire trade, the other day, Mr, Pollard said, in part: "In recent years there has heen steadily increasing interest in Em- pire trade in Great Britain, a bet- ter acquaintance on the part of the consumer in the Old Country with the products and resources of the overseas portions of the Empire and growing consciousness of the value of Empire trade and the pos- sibilities of its development to the mutual benefit of the Empire as a whole. - Much Accomplished "There are many reasous for this recognition. The British ¥m- pire exhibition held in Louden a few years ago was visited by thou- sands of residents not only o? Great Britain but of the Dominions and colonies, many of the latter mak- ing the trip to England for the first time, and accomplishing much in the way of enlightenment as to the products and industries «f the Enipire generally, Attention in Great Britain has also been focus- sed on Empire trade by reason of the intensive competition prevail- ing today in the world's markets and the reduced purchisiag power, as an aftermath of war, of certain foreign countries, formerly good customers of Great Britain. "The needs of the Dominions, where the purchasing power per capita is high and a high standard of living is enjoyed, afford a mar- ket for British manufactures such as is not to be found "in most for. eign countries. Great Possibilities "In the course of his presidential address at the conference of the Chambers of Commerce of the Em- pire in October last, Lord Kyls- ant, chairman and managing divec- tor of an important group of ship- ping companies, said in part: 'I am profoundly impressed hy the fact that at no time in our history has there been such universal and deep consciousness of the immanse pos- sibilities of the develapment of the resources of the great British com- monwealth of nations. I am cons vinced that the time Is ripe for a definite further advance towards a new era of progress.' "The Empire share of total Drit- Empire Shopping Week: 210 te 2006 April Impressive Window Displays Planned by Oshawa Merchants For Empire Shopping Week The eyes of the merchants--their store windows---will be focused all next week on Empire Shopping Week, And, as you walk down town 'in Oshawa from April 21 to 28, you will see peering at you the product of a little Indian girl side by side with the work of a staunch factory worker in England--fruit pick- ed in the British West Indies not too far from the Orange Pekoe tea which has made Ceylon famous, And, not least of all, whole windows, here and there in the city, will be devoted to the pro- ducts of Canada, Oshawa's retail merchants are up to the minute with produets of our Em- pire for your approval during the com- ing week, Buy in Oshawa during Empire Shopping Week-- "Empire Buyers are Empire Builders." = E000) Oi 2K) ZB I CTI CO PK OE I DI yp i cic USHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1928 ish the 1 increased. Ih 1925 it amounted to 42.4 per cent, in 1926 to 45.6 per cent, and in 1927 to 47 per cent. "Of the nine countries in the world eaeh taking over 3 per cent of the total British exports, five are within the Empire!" JAILHUSBANDIN DEATH OF MODEL Officials Led to Clues That Upset Suicide Theory in Los Angeles Los Angeles, Cal, April 17.--The mysterious death at Hollywood several months ago of Helen St. Clair. Evans, motion picture extra and model, assumed the aspects of a murder case on Saturday with the finger of suspicion pointing to her husband, Arthur S. Evans, Evans, a young writer, was ar- rested on Friday after the girl's father, Albert T. Daniels, wealthy beauty shop proprietor of New York, who had refused to accept the verdict of the authorities that she had committed suicide by tak- ing poison, had uncovered evid- ence tending to contradict that theory. 'Mrs, Evans was found dead in her apartment last June, The po- lice reported that she had taken poison after-a quarrel with her husband, A coroner's jury reached thh same conclusion, The girl's father then asked for an investigation and urged that Kvans be questioned closely, After the cornoner"s inquest the father of the girl launched a private inquiry which resulted in the arrest of Evans, Two other charges, suspicion of violating the federal narcotic act and suspicion of a statutory of- fense, were filed against Evans, "Women has less power of im- agination than have men," stated a contemporary, Women, for in- stance, simply can't imagine why a husband should make such a fuss at the purchase of a new hat, Men's Good Work Pants 98 c Sentara rerrne . sree Special, 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. Phone "88% Opp. Centre St, AT rem ---- re pre oe 18 Simcoe Street, South, CC ZAK JK PAC A 0 ZAK 2K VI 7 IA 7X Ja 2 JAK 2 [7] LJ while the Red Sox were away at Waite Hoyt, but their long 'RED SOX 10 TO 7 ---- Boston, April 18.--The Yankees coasted into a victory over the Red Sox today by a score of 10 to T. making fifteen hits and all their runs within the span of the first five innings, when they punished the slants of Herb Bradley and Jack Russell. After the fifth they were held in cheek by the excellent pitching Morris, picking f Pat Simmons and Ed lead saved them. Every Yankee, Hoyt included, made at least one hit, and Lon Gehrig made three. Hoyt was slap- ped for twelve hits, one of which was a homer by Ken Williams, but some of the twelve were not very robust, and one of them was just a wind-blown pop fly that ordinar- ily would have been an easy out. Durocher, still playing in place of Tony Lazzeri at second base for the Yankees, was charged with one error today and easily might have been charged with two more by a less lenient scorer, but the Kid came up with some great plays, Berln, April 18.--The iron dis- cipline always associated with Prussian school-masters will have to be enforced in future without application of the rod, if the pre- cepts of Herr Becker, Prussian Minister of Education, can be en- forced. Girls should be spared cor- poral punishment, as well as all pupils in their first and second school years, he believes. "Licken and larnen" must part ways, as far as backward and in- attentive youthe be conceraed, also, Becker being opposed to the idea that education can be beaten into children. Modern pedagogy demonstrates clearly that the desired end cannot be obtained by inflicting corporal punishment, and in nearly all cases much harm is done through caus- ing unbearable humiliatio, Becker says. A -- ---- I------ A Prices--is the World's Best Valuzs, further your own, Play Yow Part! I -------------- EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK at SIBERRYS' FINDS BRITISH MERCHANDISE~AT BETTER VALUES Empire-made 'Merchandise is .the World's Best Merchandise. Empire-made Merchandise at Siberry, > By furthering the Empire's interests you By purchasing Empire- made Merchandise you kezp industry hum« { m= ming. By purchasing Empire-made M erchandise you (first of all) help your. self, pire, made Merchandise at these very Special Prices, You help Oshawa, You help Canada. You help the British Em. 'Help Yourself" by securing "Siberry's" Empire- . i Suits : TOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Tailored in Canada from materials loomed in the British Isles, West of England Wor- steds, Scotch Tweeds or Irish Twists, in ail colors the new and popular Greys, Fawns, Tans, Pin 8 and styles for men and you Store Upen Every Night till 7 p.m Saturday Night till BROADCLOTH & ZEPHYR SHIRTS Genuine Scotch Zepher and English Broadcloth Shirts in neat Stripes, Checks or Plain Shades with attached collar or separate collar to match, Size 13% to 17, Special Price or double breasted models, Feature values Overchecks including tripes, ete. Sizes ng men in single and styles, FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Irish Donegals, Scotch Plaids and English in this season's latest colors Canadian made garments, Per- fectly tailored and Satin trimmed. Get yours this week sure, Feature values $16.75 SILK BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Finest grade domestic or separate collar match, now, All sizes, Spe®al Price "Sportsman" the newest Underwear for young men (exactly as re- produced in pictuge), White Balbriggan, Athletic Pullover Jersey, with the new Striped Broadcloth Shorts, All sizes, Pullovers, 75¢; Shorts, $1.00 and $1.25 COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Balbriggan or Nainscheck Combinations in the following six styles: White Athletic Buttonless Nainscheck White Athletic Buttoned Nainscheck White Athletic Buttonless Balbriggan Cream Balbriggan with Short Sleeves and Knee Length Cream Balbriggan with Short Sleeves. and Ankle Length Cream Balbriggan with Long Sleeves and Ankle Length Sizes 34 to 46, Special Price veressensninsnsnsret toners fils ' Cc and English Broadcloth Shirts in the new Blue Stripes, Blue Checks, Pin Stripes, or Plain Shades. Guaranteed fast color and perfectly tailored. Each Shirt has attached collar Buy a season's supply THE NEW SOFT HATS The Popular Snap Brim, Welt Edge, or Roll Brim styles in Pearl Grey, Cork, Russett and Brick Shades, Best grade Fur Felts, All sizes, Chesterf $1.95% BOYS' NAVY BLUE SERGE KNICKERS Pure Wool Navy Serge Knee Pants, Full fitting and lined throughout, Sizes 22 to 28 worth $1.50. Special Price .,,, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Sight is the most inestimable ot : all blessings. Few people have perfect eyes. Be sure of eyes NOW, 1516 ~=PHONBR-- Disney Block vUvjesite Post Office 89¢ 'Henderson's RE THIN Boys' Bloomers Half Price Pure Wool Tweeds and Worsteds in very neat and dressy patterns in the Popular Breech, or Bloomer styles and very dressy. Patterns perfectly tailored and lined throughout. Worth $2.00 and $2.50 95 All sizes, Special Price . Cc MEN'S TWO PIECE UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers in best grade Balbriggan Cream Shade, Shirts have short or long sleeves and Drawers are ankle length. All sizes, 49 Special Price Cc oh Og 1 J Agents For The Spalding Line a. 4 MADE - IN - CAN. ADA The new Summer Pullover, white || PYIAAs "CHRISTY HATS" . - Neat striped Zepher materials, = { new "Electric" Grey ' Shades. English made Stiff Hats, newest ground with Blue or Scarlet over | Finished with Silk Frogs and = G D Guaranteed wategproof. Light - v Pattern. All sizes Pearl Buttons, All si 7le8 ued best gualits, $4 00 ll m $1.49 [| Special or i $1.49 All sizes, Special Price y weight. Slip on styles $4.95 | » TENNIS SUPPLIES Special Price :,,.,. | = | All sizes ... '"Areo" Windbreak- _ Complete range Nets, Poles, Racquets, Balls, etc. EEE EE EE EE EEE EEE NNN PER I SI SS AI I SY SLICKERS | English Rubber Slickers in the ! New Caps Genuine Donegal Tweeds, New Plaids and Over- ; Checks. Light medium or dark shades, $1.45 Ml The new "Lindy" Windbreakers in Tan and Grey | shades, Rubber materials with fancy Velvet Sport || = Silk lined. All sizes. Special Price ,, Collar. Two pockets ana elastic waist band. Fancy Checkered | Socks 3 Worth $5.00. All sizes. Special Price ,, $3 15 The very newest Check Patterns in best grade Silk and Lisle materials. Very special values, 35 c Pure Silk Ties All sizes. Special Price ,......,. Best grade Cut Silk in the new Club Stripes, in- 8 Pair for $1 0 cluding the famous Mockador Patterns, 49 c MEN'S TROUSERS SWEATER COATS FOR EVERY PRICE AND PURPROSE Good variety. Special Price .. Light weight, medium weight and heavy weight in all the popular and wanted colors. Worsteds Tweeds and Serges Great var-iety. All sizes in a host of neat and dressy REESE || $1.98 $2.45 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $7.50 | good wear. Perfectly tailored 'and well finished. All sizes 27 KING STREET EAST . Official Hard and Soft Balls, evs - Uniforms, Shoes, Gloves, Mitts, Deckers, Bats and Balls | ° Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks. BIG SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED FROM HUDDERSFIELD Basketballs, Rugby Footballs, Punch Balls, etc. All high class goods and modera'ely priced. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO CLUBS sf srr srprsrrrnsrs rrssrspes IRE TY D\I/B\I\1(D (3)! h) ( HATCHWAY COMBINATIONS Balbriggan or . Nainscheck Hatchway Combinations, Ath- letic or regualr styles, Com- plete stock. Now on display, All sizes. . $1.50, $1.75, $1.95 HN I [HENDERSON'S \AN(3\/@\d ( and wonderful values. Special Prices. $1.49, $1.95, $2.95 - -)

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