Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Apr 1928, p. 2

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BOWMANVILLE Melbourne E. Turner, Representative Phones: Office, §87; Res, 300 TWO MONTHS FOR -* NEEPING FORSALE H. Perfect Convicted of a L.C.A. Offence--Result of Raid (By Stat Reporter) - Bowmanville, April 13.--H. Per- fect, King street, Bowmanville, was this morning convicted of having liquor for sale before Magistrate W. F. Ward in police court here and sentenced to two months in jail with costs of $27. He will pay the costs. At first Prefect decided to appeal the case but laterally with- drew the action. M. G. V. Gould had been secured to draw up the papers. County Constable Storie and Walter Hall, of Bowmanville, rald- ed the home of Prefect on March 'a1 and found there 24 bottles of 'beer. A cample bottle was sent to be analyzed at Toronto and to contain nine per cent quantity of unbottied brew was found all ready for sealing, which Prefect staed would make 90 bot- tles. A further raid was carried out on April 9 and it was discovered that only 86 bottles of the beer were made. Perfect was then sum- moned on a charge of keeping for sale. He. will be taken to Cobourg tomorrow by Constable Storie. BANK CLERK IS MOVED TO CALGARY (By Staft Reporter) Bowmanville, Arpil 13.--A change in the staff of the Bank of Montreal took effect yesterday when George O. Vandervoort, cur- rent ledger keeper, was transferred to the Calgary branch of the Bank. His position has been filled by J. ¥. Macnaughton, of Tweed, Onta- rio. Mr. Macnaughton came to the Bowmanville Branch from Clark- son, Ontario. Take this route of scenic andeur, See the best the nadian Rockies have to offer, including mighty Mount Robson, highest eak of all , , , and enjoy he comfort of the easiest gradient and lowest alti- tude of all transcontinen- tal routes, Stop off at asper National Park, En. oy mountain golf. Climb tall peaks. Ride trail; mo- tor; explore, SEE ALASKA |\ Then on to @ coast where \ steamers await to take you to golden Alaska , , , . a 1,000 mile \ cruise through a wonderland of \ MA mountains, glaciers, primitive yillages, totem poles , . , , from Vancouver to kagway, whence Horse Past to follow the Dawe ow 4 e Daw oh, \\ Reservati fromany vant fell particulary Yon can see all these wonders atlow cost on the Kerr-Bryson personally conducted all- expense tours from Toronto, Ask for booklet, * CANADIAN NATIONA FARRAR bb db db db dd bb bbb bbb dd The Carew Lumber Co., Limited. 74 Athol Street West LUMBER MERCHANTS Estimates gladly given Requirements promptly filled Phones 12 and 1111 ; 4 eee eo eee Beeb le S-------- JRE THE TO TO TT JU TR J VT JC TW WY "> StoBIE-FOorRLONG (0 STOCKS BONDS GRAIN oJ Olen ey, 5 F EVERSO 1 System 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R, Office ---- A G1 '| extensively, are Phones 143 and 144 -- \ e <I { {HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1928 NUCH ENTHUSIASM SHOWN AT MEETING OF SOLDIERS' CLUB About Sixty Seated at the Banquet Table in Balmoral Hotel (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 13.--The Bowmanville Soldiers' Club met at the Balmoral Hotel this evening with a record attendance. As usual these semi-annual events are most successful but the meeting tonight capped them all in regard to en- thusiasm and also the brilliant ad- dress given by Dr. J. Clark Bell. Aboat 60 sat down to another of Mr. Wadham's popular dinners. President J. O'Neill occupied the chair, and acted as toast-master, At the conclusion of the banquet, a communication was read by the secretary, T. Annison, from Lady Halg in ackowledgement of the message ot condolence sent by the club to her on the occasion of her late hushand's death, the Earl Haig. The letter reads: The Officers' Benevolent Dep't. British Legion, 8 Eaton Square, London, 8. W. 1, (Dear Sir, As Lady Halg 1s unable to reply personally to the numerous mes- gages which she has received, she sks me on her behalf to acknowl- dge with very many thanks your ympathetic message and condol- neces. Jt is a great comfort to Lady Haig to know that her grief is shared by so many who held the 13te Field Marshal, Earl Haig, in affectionate esteenmr, and your gen- erous expression of sympathy is warmly appreciated. Yours faithfully, ND. I. CROOKSHANK. The Club donated ten dollars to- wgrds the recently formed Relief Agsociation which has proved such a penefit to those requiring aid. "red C. Palmer proposed the toast to the fallen comrades in a decidedly splendid style. "After Dr. Bell's address a vote of thanks was extended hy Rev. R. J. Shires, and seconded hy W. Ross Strike. The toast to the British Army and the Canadian Corps was proposed by Mayor Tom Holgate and seconded by Colonel L. T. McLaughlin. Dave Morrison accompanied for the com- munity songs. Another feature of the evening was the introduction by W. PF. Ward of Bowmanville's new Chief of Police, Sydney Venton, who in a few words stated that he was pleas- ed with Bowmanville, and hoped that everything would work along in an admirable way. EXPECT RECORD TOURIST TRAFFIC Many New Gasoline Stations Appear Along Highway at Bowmanville (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 13.--In the Bowmanville town limits and also outside of them there are 8 num- her of new gas service stations be- ing erected, and a number being remodelled. At this rate, some op- timistic views must be taken in regard to the tourist trafic for the coming, seasons, Last summer the tourist trade was a heavy branch of the work in connection with thé highways. This year, however, a record is expected. More cars are being sold which goes to bear out this statement, and travelling conditions, both comfortably and much improved, Hotels, restaurants, and service stations are beginning to look for- ward to the summer season for their big business, and have accor- dingly made many changes and im- provements in their usual programs to receive the travelling guests in as courteous a mranner as possible, It is to the credit of these re- cent new additions to the travel- lers' aids, the service stations, that much of the comfort in jour- neying by automobile, is due. Al- though the roadside is one pleas- ant place to eat a lunch, the many modern stations have tourist comps where a small fee or in many in- stances none at all, benches, tables, camping houses, or lawns are placed at their disposal. This is the type of hospitality that makes a good impressions on foreign as well as Canadian tourists, and sends to many ends of the earth the tale that Canada indeed treats her guests properly. NEW RECORD SET AT HOLSTEIN SALE All But Three of the 20 En- tries Pass the $100 Mark (By Stat Reporter) Bowmanville, April 13.--In the recent seventh annual sale of Dur- ham Holsteins, all but three of the 29 entries passed the hundred dol- lar mark. An average of $194 for the remaining 26 lots was reached which figure sets a new record for these Holstein sales. John Campbell, of Georgetown, paid the highest price for ome of the stock, this being $305, for the two-year old heifer, Springdale Syl- via Toitilla, consigned by Harry I Seymour, of Cavan. + Mr. Campbell secured four head in all, for which he paid the average price of $244. The largest purchaser in num- bers of the stock was H. M, Brick- enridge, of Renssleau, N.Y., with five head averaging $189. The cat- tle were sold by L. E. Franklin of Toronto. ROUYN NEEDS LOAN FOR WATERWORKS Hon, O. Morin Goes to Mining City to Straighten Out Tangle Quechee, April 14.--The construction of waterworks in the mining city of Rouyn has led to a great deal of complication, and as a result the dep- uty minister of municipal affairs, Os- car Morin, has gone to the city to straighten out a tangled financial sit- uation, and expects to be there for three days. The man who was granted the con- tract for the construction of the waterworks, Lucien Dussault, died last fall, before the aqueduct was completed, and Joachim. Fortier, the Mayor oi the town, a civil engineer, resigned his seat and volunteered to complete the work. Construction abandomned for the winter, but it 1s hoped to recom- mence durin wmmer months, The difficulty that all the money voted for the project has been ex- pended, The" town wants to raise another loan to complete the work, but as everything is not har ious in the Council, the Deupty Minister will try to straighten out the situatoni. In Paris! Now, American girls are showing the French how to wear clothes! Doris Padmore, lovely New York City girl whose home is at 70 Bar- row Street, is in Paris, displaying gowns for Jean Patou, the famous French designer, The girls over there have an- other trick to Jearn from her. She says: "Everyone marvels at the lus- tre and softness of my hair. Many of the girls ask me if I use bril- liantine. I always delight in tell- ing the easy way we New York girls take care of our hair. All we do is just put a few dashes of Dander- ine on our brushes each time we dress our hair. The first few times I used it all my danruff disappear- ed and every time 'it gives new sparkle and life to my hair. It keeps it in place, too, just like I arrange it and makes my scalp al- ways feel grand. I don't have to shampoo nearly so often, either, pow that I'm using Danderine." Every application of Danderine refreshes and tones your scalp. It removes the oily filmr and makes every strand gleam with new lus- tre. It dissolves dandruff and keeps it out of your hair. It isn't sticky or oily. All drug stores have the big 35c bottles. ~ SUNDAY KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street REV, A. C. REEVES, R.A. 34 Brock St. W. Phone 1833 Sunday, April 15 This as ll hat He Tarry Till I Come, What Is That To Thee? Follow Thou Me." 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m--Th Righteous Shall Flourish Like The Palm Tree." Presbyterians coming to Oshawa are asked to note that Knox is the aly Presbyterian Church in the ity. Albert Street UNITED REV. R. A. WHATTAM, Minister 30 Blena St. Phone ETF Sunday, April 15 11 a.m. --"Building and Builders." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class. 7 pm.--""The Shipwreck of a Notable Character." Song Service and Slides. Emmanuel BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John Galt. Sermon Topics: -- A.M.--"'A More Excel- lent Way." PM. -- "I Door." B. Y. P. U, Monday at 8 p.m. : Prayer Meeting, Wed., 8 p.m. Choir Practice, Thurs., 8 p.m. Minister: Am the Strangers Always Welcome. Pentecostal CHURCH OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA 200 King St. West PASTOR J. T. BALL SUNDAY, APRIL 15 10 a.m.,--Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Morning Service, 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Ser- vices, Services Tues, and Thurs- day at 8 p.m, Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Pray- er Service, Christ Church (ANGLICAN) North Simcoe School (Temporarily) REV. R., B. PATTERSON, M.A, Rector Sunday, April 15 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morping Prayer. Preacher The Rt. Rev: W. F. Sweeney, D.D., Bishop of Toronto, 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer, Preacher, The Rector, Bribiidiidi bh Tables Are Turned Luke 18:10. Two men went up into the temple to pray: ee tg a Frau and The Se Sp 11, The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, | thank thee, that | am not as other men are, extor- tioners, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12. 1 fast twice in the week, 1 give tithes of all that | possess. A 13: And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14. 1 tell you, this man went down ta his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased: and he that bumbleth himself shall be ex- alted. done. None of us can plead our own merits. We have all sinned and fall short of thy glory, We throw ourselves upon thy grace and forgiveness. Amen. Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep It Holy-- Exodus 20: 8, . Go to Church Sunday, PRAYER, Without thy mercy, O Lord, we are all uns CALVARY BAPTIST (Independent) Athol St.--Between Simcoe and Centre Sts. SUNDAY, APRIL 15 11 am. --REV, F, DICKIE, Subject:= "ETERNAL LIFE--A PRESENT POSSESSION." nar YE MAY KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL SPECIAL. GOSPEL SERVICES AFTERNOON AND EVENING 3.30 and 7 p.m. SPEAKER--Mr. 8. L. Haugh of Toronto. The Merpal Quartette from Toronto will sing at both services, Sunday School at 2.30. Young People's Meeting Monday at 8, Mr. Pollock will speak, Prayer Meetinge--Wednesday and Saturday eveninge at A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL SERVICES. Holy Trinity Church (ANGLICAN) Corner Court and Barrie Streets Holy Communion--8 a.m. Matins and Sermon--I1 a.m, Preacher, Rev, 8. C, Jarrett, Sunday School--3 p.m. Evensong and Sermon--7 p.m. * Preacher, Right Rev, Bishop Sweeney, D.D, Vestry Meeting--Monday evening, 7.30 p.m. CHRISTADELP "The HR) Shall DELEHIAN His Portion in the Holy Land, and Unity Truth Centre Shall Choose Jerusalem Again."-- (Zech, 2: 12.) Know your Bible and "Seek First the Kingdom of God." It is pot in the heart por is it the Church.-- See Luke 13, 28-29, 8. 0. B. HALL, KING ST. E. SUNDAY, APRIL 15 11 a.m.--Public Service. Everybody welcome STREET United Church REV. C. W. DeMILLE B.A, Minister 139 King St. E.--Phone 218 Sunday, April 15 11 a.m.--Morning Wor- ship, Father and Son Ser- vice. 2.30 School, 6.45 p.m.--Song Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Wor- ship. Men's Choir with G. M.C. Male Quartette, Monday, 4.30 p.m.--Mis- sion Band. Monday, 7.45 -- Young People's League. Wednesday, 7.30--Prayer Service. 8.30--O0fficlal Board, Thursday, 8.00--Ladles' Aid. Play. Friday, 6.46--Father and Son Banquet, P. m, -- Sunday St, George's ANGLICA Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts, CANON C, R. dePENCIER, M. A. 89 Athol Street West Sunday, April 15 Holy Communion--§ a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.--2.30 p.m, 7 p.m.--Evensong, Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month SIMCOE STi\LLT _ PENTECOSTAL MISSION (OVER THE ARCADE) Sunday, April 15 Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evangelistic Meeting 7 ». m. "Prayer Meeting Tuesday eight o'clock, Committee in charge. Strangers Welcome, _-- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Colborne Street East * Sunday, April 15 SUBJECT: "Doctrine of Atonement," 11 a.m.--Church Service, 7 p.m.--Church Service. 3.15 p.m.--Free lecture Regent Theatre. Sunday School at close of morn- ing service. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to ste tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and sll autho, Christian Science literature may read, borrowed or purchased apd riodicals subscribed for Open on uesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to § p.m. I ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Simcoe St. United Church oot Of the mer UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister r------ SUNDAY SERVICES, APRIL 15 REV. DR. H. 8. DOUGALL, Minister. 52 Simcoe St. S.--Phone 148 LY REGULAR LUNCHEON OF ROTARY CLUB (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Apr. 13.--The reg- ular weekly banquet of the Rotary Club was held at the Balmoral Ho- tel at noon today when a large number of members were present. Usual business took place. ~---- Sunday, April 15 11 a.m. --Morming Subject: "A Startling Event." 3 p.m.--~Sunday School and Bible Classes. Right from the hatch chickens are subject to that dire scourge, White iarrhoea, Start Pratts Baby Chick Food when the chicks are two days old, and it will not only vent Diarrhoea, but will make the little birds grow healthy, strong, big and productive. Whether you want "Broilers," "Breeders" or "Egglayers," Pratts Baby Chick Food is the surest guarantee you will get the results you want. Pratts Baby Chick Food ep Fie ; , and indu uce eggs. Chicks fed on Pratts B: gariser than chicks {ed any other way. and Protit-Bringes Write for PRATTS POULTRY BOOK--FREE PRATT FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. - 328 Carlaw Ave., Toronto, 8 Sr-- SUNDAY, APRIL 15 11 a.m.~" How Jesus Gave Himself." 3 p.m.~Sunday School. 7 p-m.~"The Other Fellow." Good music at both services, CHRISTIAN Church REY. W. P. FLETCHER, B.A., D.D. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETS I smh Iv das View of Life." For Sale by Cooper Smith Co. 16 Celina Street (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 13--The Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary of Bow- manville met this evening in the nurses' residence. A splendid num- ber were present. The meeting had been postponed on account of the Easter holiday. 2.30 p. m. -- Sunday School. 7 pm. -- "A Family Ideal." 7 PimErening Subject: "The Delays of Love." Monday Evening, 8 o'clock--Young People's Meeting. Wednesday Evening, 8 o clock--Prayer Seryice. Monday, 8 p.m.~Young People's League Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Midweek Service. Ad- dress, "The Commonwealth of Gods"

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