Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Apr 1928, p. 15

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NX "HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1928 S ts ECTI ON PAGE FIFTEEN aa Music Legs Be, fee iy = Ton Gitices 734 'Simeon Sh. south ces St. south, Oshawa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, .: AF. is, BA. LLB. BA, LLB.: AF. Annis, Gah . EN SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK NE ae Building. bi Tak OSEPH P. MANGAN. BA. --BAR- iy Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- yeyancer. Money to loan. Office ry St. East, Oshawa, Phone I Residence phone 837. ' BRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- fisters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. a Simeoe St. AT 13. 1 5 Grierson, BA. T. K' Creighton, or 3 ) SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC enzie, Barristers. Conveyancers otary Public, etc. All branches of riminal and Civil Law Money to * Office over Lamble's store."2 King .8t., east. Phone 940. D. & {i nson, H. N. German, F. G. ackénzie ETE 8 E 8. HYMAN "AND COM VB Le 'Money "to loan. r Pewland's 'Store, 16 Siméoe street north, Phone 67, residence 107W, (3D) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- {sters, ete, Money to loan Disney Bldg., opposite post office. Phone 1614. A. J, Parkhill, A, W, 8 can 2-mo) | Saned HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE 10 acc in piano, or- oo and music. A free booklet full particulars will be fur- upon request. 68 Drew street. Phone 466. tf A BIG ASSORTMENT OF HAWAI- jan guitars ukuleles, tenor banjos. Lessons given by H. Wagner, teacher. Apply Harris Music Store. Phone 1490, (Apr, 4-May 4) Corsetiere CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Ekin east. Mrs. Aanie Pent- land, managing corsetiere. 'Even- ings by appointment. Phone 442J. (133tr) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ARTHUR LYNDB, VOCAL TEACH- er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams, awa, Mondays, 92 Sim- coe St. North. Phone 371J. (120te) MRS, SMITH, TEACHER OF piano, 6551 Simcoe street north. Special attention given beginners, at pupils homes or studio. Phone 918M, (Apr, 14-May 14) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re: putable Fire Companies. (118-tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. Oct. 11-1yr.) C. E. HEPBURN, 64 McLAUGH- lin Blvd,, Oshawa, District Repre- sentative for the Great West Life Assurance Company of Canada. (Feb. 1-1yr) INSURANCE -- OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co, Local agents for one of 'the best English companies. Office 38 .Simeoe St. N. (86-tf) ronage is solicited. (29-tf) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe St.. Phone 1347M. (19tf) Cleaning and Pressing CLEANING AND Goods called for and delivered, Norman Lambert, 66 Bagot St. West of St. George's Chuch, Phone 523. (Mar, 17-Apr. 17) UNIVERSAL FRENCH CLEAN- ers, Dyers, repairing, Alterations, Prompt service. Called for and de- livered, Phone 509, 121; King street west. (Apr, 14-May 14) "Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order, We save you money. Estimates free. GG. A. Constable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595J. (656-tf) P., BOKO, 198 OLIVE AVENUE, hauling gravel and sand. $1.75 a yard, Phone 2298. (Mar, 26-Apr. 26) PRESSING, Machinery Repairing Greer, ° (49t0) == Medical Money to Loan DR R E "McMULLEN, PHYSIL cian, surgeon, and Shatotiieinn or y meae ree ig hone 2502. (11480) south, ! DR. 2 OLD W. TRICK. RHYSI- clan, 'Surgeon, Obstetrictah; Spe. cial reference: tp maternity 'work and diseases of women. Two years' post duate experience. Office and residence "167. Simcoe St. N., sg k) phone 303. fo Rpoeh : ig « A119-4f) HYSICIAN, SUR- Esher Office and resi- King St. East, corner Victoria St., ha Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician,' Gideares of infants snd children. ffice ani residence, 97 Bond Edst, Rhone, 1166. DR. B. cian an 'given to X-ray wor theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050, Office open 9 am. to 9 p m, Residénce. 161 King East. Phone 2416, (tty DR. C. W, CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and residence, 556 Simcoe St. North. corner Arlington. Phone 2416. . kMar, 21- Apr, 21) Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED . HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- Surgeon, special attention b and Electro- LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed. or under construction, Conant and Annis, phone 4, (75-tf) PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS to loan on first mortgage security at. current rates. Grierson & Creighton, Standard Bank Bldg. (Mar. 29-Apr, 29) '| PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security :of thelr motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 2 King St. B. 144t1) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420. (90-tf) STEPHENSON BROS. UJARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing. Body bumping a specialty, (Mar tf) ADANAC GARAUE AND MACH- INE Shop, successor to Durrant Machine Company, All kinds of machinery repairing, cracked mo: tor 'blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded. Connecting rods rebabitted. Fly wheel start- ing teeth installed. 161 King St. W. Phone 1214, (8-tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King street east. Phone 210]. CITY 'AND FARM LOANS, 'PRO- greés loans arranged. Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, ete, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (49tf) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. : Beecroft. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324 (69-tf) Painting NOW IS THE TIME TO GET your house painted, before flies are coming, and streets are getting dusty, We will do it, lowest esti- mates, best materials used, Myg- land and Lindstad, 14 Nassau St. Phone 1495W. (Apr.3-May 3) Auctioneer 'Painting and Decorating ing. » Work guaranteed, Peeling and Steele. Phone 2337J. (Apr, 11-May 11) without detention from bust Dr. Dean, spe ! 40 Gejprard St. east, Toro (Feb. 18-May 18) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BREANS OF 160 BLOGR Street West, Toro e at, office over : &. Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, f 1 tilF 4 p.m. for consultation' and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and ie Appointments maye be made sig Phone 97. (49-tf) Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe St. South Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex- traction. Phone' 281, res. 2082. (148t1) 9A LLIPS, DENTIST, OF- Re inde 959; Residence 306 4-1 yr. DR H M. COOKE, 8 SIMCOE ST. over Mitchell's Di Store. Gas extraction. Phone 54. R. L. E HUBBELL. DENTIST, trous oxid oxygen gas for extrac tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg Phone 948, residence, 1378M id only. at ~ H. GIFFORD, OFFICE R ire Bldg. Phone x 66-tf DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- and Civil Engin- Co dient os it Sicival Phone. 1635 (1044) Window Cleaning . NDOW CLEANERS OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS floors polished, screen and 'storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. : : ES , iL Batteries ; USL SALES AND SERVICE. Car and Radio Batteries recharg- ed, rented, Called: for Garage 404 16 repaired. and delivered. Adanac Machine Shop, open evenings. Kine street west. Phone 1214. Woodworking MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. E Phone 2864). 'We specialize in storm sash, screens, doors and frames. will be at his, : R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, Sraining, etc. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guaranteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45 tf) 'Beauty Parlors MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina St., at Watson's 'Barber Shop." Water waves, mani- dures, 'marcelling. Phone 2653. (Mar, 23-Apr. 23) NETHER EDGE': HAIRDRESSING Parlor, Marcel and Curl, 50- cents. Hot oil shampoo, B51 Simcoe St. N. Phone'918M for appointment. ©" (Apr. T-May 7) MARCEL AND CURL, 50 CENTS, 45 Albany "St., or by appointment phone 624J, : (Apr, 10-May 10) Veterinary Surgeon '. DR SHIRLEY. VETERINARIA, ialist diseases domestic animals, Cat 8nd Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. (56-1) SEND YOUR FURNITURE AND other goods you have to sell, to our yard, Sales weekly, Sulley's Real Estate, 41 King Street West. Phones 2580 or 716). (69tf) HAVING RENTED A GARAGE AT 19 Lloyd St., I am in a position to hold sales once a week. Good place to store furniture. All parties hav- ing articles for sale kindly notify E. J, Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St. E, Phone 1013M, (Mar, 23-Apr, 23) Wanted to Buy BUYING POULTRY. ALL KINDS. Highest price paid, Phone 1248J. (87c¢) MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. "Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poultry Goods called for. Phone 2060M. Residence 99 Mill street. (111tf) SECOND HAND FURNITURE dealer, buying and selling, 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. - . (Apr. 4-May 4) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros Phone 438. (tf) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Government Véterinary. "34 Brock St. Es Phone 208). ©. = (131-tf) Transportation Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- YOUNG MAN ABOUT 26 or 26 years of age for position as factory office clerk. Must have fairly good education. Apply W. E. Phillips Company, Ltd. (86-c) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR 'age. 8 Bond St West 0 hi 6 trucks for seryice. Moving van on storage warehouse uipment. e transfer and trom all Teter 64-16) WANTED--FIRST CLASS LATH- ers, Apply 610 Simcoe St. N., or phone 1945W. (87-b) BOY WANTED TO LEARN PRINT- ing trade, One with high school education preferred. Apply Mr. Alloway, Oshawa Daily Times, (88tf) C. C. STENHOUSE ~ GENERAL chitectural rk. Second Royal Bank Building. Phone 7 oyal Bank Buildi . Res. phone 909]. (8-1) B il ki S i li HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished completely with sanding machine. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. Sylvian'and Stey- ens. 164 Alice street. Phone 2619W. (Mar, 19-Apr. 19) Motor Cars FOR SALE -- OAKLAND SEDAN, late 1927 model, good as new, $975. Cash or terms. Apply 35 Gibbs St. Phone 923. (86-c) COLUMBIA SIX SPORT TOUR- ing. Has been completely over- hauled and in perfect running or- der. Must be sold this week. Ap- ply Central Garage. (87-¢c) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah 'curtains, canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1052. (Apr. 13-May 13) McLAUGHLIN E-45 CAR FOR sale. Good condition, Apply even- ing. 209 Bloor St. E. (87¢) A HARLEY DAVIDSON TWIN with side car. Cheap for quick sale. Apply evenings. Recently overhauled. 133 Mill St. (84-88) 238800008 TETTTeeeT Notice Re Classified Ads. 22 -- . a : 3 hb Effective ediately clos- bing time for ified ads. 9.30 am. Monday to Friday and . 8.30 am. Saturday. k Ads for Too Late to Classify ' and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 am. a sass a0 asa as asa sles. TTP TTTTTTTTETTTTTTTTTY | Rates for Classified Ads. t First insertion--1}§ cents per word. Minimum charge--30c. Each subasquant insertion lc per wo Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). J Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cent. Box number 10c additional Professional or Busi Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. | TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart- ment. Articles For Sale FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEW laid eggs In any quantity. De- livered anywhere in city, Phone 896. (Apr. 3-May 3) COAL OIL STOVE WITH HIGH shelf and three burners, extension table, Both nearly new. Apply 404 Park Rd, S. (87-c) HATCHING EGGS SALE. White Wyandette, strain. Phone 114, (851) FOR SALE~--THIS YEAR'S maple syrup; delivered anywhere in city. $2.76 per gallon. Phone 896. (Apr. 3-May 3) FOR QUICK SALE CHEAP, 1 C melody Saxaphone, 185 Simcoe St. North, (88¢c) FOR SALE--AUSTRALIAN NEW Zealand White Leghorn eggs for hatching. $10 hundred, Orders taken at Gordon Smyth's Drug Store and Deén Pickell, Lakeside Farm. (Apr. 9-23) 1 DOLLAR DEPOSIT SECURES delivery of your order; Rogers Sil- verware, watches, clocks, rings. Jewelry of all kinds, and the bal- ance payable on very easy terms. 0. H. Dell, 26% Simcoe South. Phone 1656. (Mar. 23-Apr.23) FOR SALE--GOOD LIGHT WAG. on, also two seated surrey, rubber tires. good as new. Harmony Inn. Phone 2124, (88c) FOR Martin ONE COFFEE BABY BUGGY. Good clean condition. Apply 305 Nassau St, (88h) FOR SALE, HARDWOOD FLOOR- ing. Waterous-Meek Ltd, Phone 1288, (62-tf) ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND lumber, doors, windows, new and second hand, French doors, fur- naces, laundry tubs, lath, garage doors, windows for chicken coops. Reasonable prices. Apply, "opposite 81 Ontario St. Open all week. (84e) FOR SALE--AT 77 GIBBS ST., kitchen cabinet (Hoosier), heater with pipes, almost new; kitchen stove with pipes; wash stand and toilet sets, almost new; coal oil stove with oven; oil heater, 4 oil- cloth rugs; dining room table with five boards. (86¢c) ONE KITCHEN. TABLE, 1 HAND machine, ome Axminster rug. Good condition. For quick sale, apply 309 Jarvis street, (87-c) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale. Good condition, Low price. This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space, before new addi- tion was erected. It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106-tf) FOR SALE--TWO GOOD PRAC- tice pianos, Phone 371J. Mr. Archer. (88-b) FOR SALE--CREAM REED BABY Carriage, reversible gears, in good condition. Also mahogany 3-piece Parlor Suite. Phone 466, (86-c) Real Estate for Sale HOUSE FOR SALE--353 MARY street. All improvements, paved street, garage. Immediate posses- sion. Moderate price, easy terms. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris- ters, '&c., Oshawa, Ontario. . (55tL) REAL ESTATE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park, Terms to suit you. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-t1) FOR SALE--6 ROOMED FRAME house, all conveniences, garage. Twenty-five a month carries. Own- er leaving city, 74 Fisher street. (87-b) FOR SALE--NEW § ROOMED frame house, water and lights, ver- andah, bath room. $2,700. Easy terms. Apply 292 Montrave ave. (87-¢) SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE. Cheap for cash. Apply to owner at 276 Montrave Ave., or phone 1536. (86¢c) FOR SALE--NICE RESIDENCE on King Street, Bowmanville, two new brick houses on Scugog Street and two on Concession Street, Sale on easy terms. W. Brock, Bowman- ville, Phone 114W, (Apr, 12-26) HOUSE FOR SALE--WEST- mount, corner lot, seven rooms, 3 piece bath, garage, side entrance, hardwood downstairs, Terms rea- sonable. Further information. phone. 1125W. (84-e) NEW FIVE ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale. South end, near school, all conveniences, Phone 1537TW. (84-1) HOUSE FOR SALE--SIX LARGE rooms, brick veneer. Oak floors. stone foundation. Private drive. Coal fire place. Separate toilet and bath. 225 Athol St. E, (79tf) FOR SALE -- SOLID BRICK 7 roomed house in Bowmanville. Water, furnace, electric lighted, cement walks, good early half acre land, small fruit trees, splendid lo- cation, high and dry, 90 yards from highway. Terms. Apply J. W. Hynds, Bowmanville, (86-c) FOR SALE--APARTMENT SITE, ten room house, double garage, barn, corner lot, 90' x 150', four blocks from King St., block from Simcoe St, Phone 730w, (86-c) TWO BUILDING LOTS IN GOOD residential location for sale, Cheap. Apply 220 Clarke St. (86¢c) FOR SALE ~--SIX ROOM BRICK house. All conveniences, French doors, hardwood floors throughout, built-in cupboard, Three piece bath, wired for electric stove, Also garage and private side drive. Ap- ply 220 Clarke St, (86¢c) CHOICE OF. OSHAWA"S best lots. Highest, dryest, perfect location. Terms most reasonable, Do not fail to see this ideal home site with many modern homes fin- ished and under construction, Westmount Heights, comprises tne highest elevation north of King St. W., and is Oshawa's first choice, Cars at your - service. Phone 2654, Bertrand Realty. (87-h) BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, North Oshawa. $5 and $6 per foot, 107% and 120 ft. deep. Ap- ply 326 Simcoe St, S. Phone 872W. (87-¢) $6,000 BRICK VENEER, SIX rooms, oak floors, all through, chestnut trim, full two story, best location in north end, on paved street, All modern conveniences ad. coal mantel. Included in price are all window blinds, electric fix» tures, electric range, linoleum in kitchen and bathroom. Metal gar- age. Immediate possession. Reason- able cash payment, Balance at 634 per cent. Phone 169. (87h) THE WwW. D. PEEBLES Phone 869 9 Bond East Six room square plan house, Cen- tral. All convenience on paved street, Price four thousand, five hundred. Three hundred cash, bal- ance as rent. A real buy. A prominent place on the Highway known as "The Ce- dars", a beautiful home with 6 acres of garden and ornamental shrubs. Also trout creek running through it. There is at the present 2 gas pumps, oil shed, and grocery store on the place. Good surround- ing country to draw from, Photo of this place can be seen at 9 Bond east. For quick sale this place can be bought for $5,000. Half cash, balance afranged. (87¢) FOR SALE--NINE ROOM BRICK veneer house, sun room, hot water, 3 piece bath. All conveniences. Ap- ly 63 Drew street or phone 498W. py ® (88¢c) WOOD -- GOOD MAPLE HARD- wood, $14 per cord delivered in any quantity, one car only. Terms cash. Henry Northcott. Orders taken by Mr, Cunnigham, 121 Albert St. Phone 1835. (86¢c) Room and Board Wanted TWO STUDENTS WANT ROOM and board in good home., Single beds. April 25. Write W. Woodside, University of Toronto, (86¢c) Taxis PROMPT TAXI SERVICE AT 109 Agnes St. Phone 598W, W. C. Werry, A831) LARGE 17 ROOMED HOUSE IN- side the corporation of Whitby, electric lights, town water, two bathrooms, one extra wash room and toilet, 3 car garage, poultry house, terrace lawn and beautiful grounds, ideal for tourists, or Club house. Also will sell separately, 38 acres of land with good four room- ed cottage with eeletric light, fur- nace, barn and poultry houses, ete. ». L. Beecroft, Whitby. Apply F. 1 Eber SMALL HOUSE AND LOT, IN good location, Cheap for immediate sale. Phone 2380.. (88a) $3,700, $500 CASH, 6 ROOM brick veneer house. Hardwood floors and trim. Good location. Real buy. Phone 2380, (88a) Real Estate for Sale HOUSE FOR SALE IN NORTH end, new Tug brick veneer, six rooms, hardwood floors through- out, chestnut trim, electric mantel, built-in cupboards, ironing board and milk bottle cupboards, wired for electric stove, divided cellar, side drive, on paved street. Owner and builder. Phone 1734W, (88th) TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON, Lot 33, Concession 3, forty acres, 9 room frame house, summer kit. chen, cellar, two spring wells, one soft water cistern, bank barn, thirty by sixty, stables, sheds, hen house, twelve by thirty, stone hog pen, fourteen by thirty, one root house, twelve by twelve, 3 acres bearing orchard mostly spies. Be- tween 3 and 4 acres standing tim- ber, mostly hard wood. Location 21, miles east of Oshawa. Five minutes walk from highway, Num- ber one garden soil. Ideal chicken farm. Apply Mrs. W. Markle, Cour- tice, W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., Bank of Commerce Bldg., Oshawa. (88a) FOR SALE -- SOLID BRICK house, eight large, comfortable sunny rooms, summer kitchen, Can be altered without great expense to make two roomy, airy apartments --downstairs--five rooms, Upstairs --six rooms, Good garden and cel- lars. Plans ready for contractor. Reasonable price. Apply P.O. Box 214 Whitby, or telephone Whitby 244. (88-91) FOR SALE--CENTRAL MODERN brick, 13 rooms, Water heating, hardwood. Divides perfectly into triplex of four rooms each with bathrooms and verandahs. A home in perfect condition, Good oppor- tunity for investment for couple to live gu one apartment and rent two. $2,600 cash will handle. Phone 420, (88a) A NEW COTTAGE ROOF, 18 BY 20, double garage for sale, to be moved off lot, suitable living quarters for small family. Apply corner Stacey and Drew streets, (88-c) FOR SALE--ALMOST NEW, 6 room cottage, all conveniences, newly decorated, Garage, paved street, Five minutes to four corn- ers, Immediate possession. Price $2,200 with $300 cash. Horton and French, Mundy Bldg. (88-h) For Rent FOR RENT--RED BRICK HOUSE, eight rooms. Possession April 11, Garage. Hydro, hen house, West Ross' Corners. Phone 209 Brooklin evenings, (831) FOR RENT--THREE ROOM FLAT and kitchen, All conveniences, Electric stove. Store below. Im- mediate possession. Apply 165 Verdun Road. (84-1) GRAMMARSLIPS Find Five Ways to Improve Bill's Grammar Dear Fred: I am surprised to hear that you went to Kansas City. What did you do that for? I called upo Mr. Martin yesterday and we shall meet together next Saturday. He is a relation of Roy's and has got enough mosey to finance the proposition, Cordially yours, Bill, YESTERDAY'S LETTER COR- RECTED Dear Fred: I have subscribed for the maga- zine you recommended, and the agent let me have it at the reduc- ed price of three dollars. 1 saw the magazine last winter but was compelled to wait until I had (omit got) spbme money. I do not have to pay the agent until the (omit latter) end of May. Cordially yours, Bill. EE ee you Help Wanted--Female 4 WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO DO firstc lass marcelling, Must have reference. None other need ap- ply. Box "S" Oshawa Daily Times. (88¢) eee -------- eee WAITRESSES WANTED. APPLY 164 Division St. (88h) WANTED--EXPERIENCED STE- nographer, also for clerical work, must be quick and accurate at figures. Apply Box "p» Oshawa Daily Times, (82-1) EXPERIENCED ST INOGRAPHER wanted. Apply 71% Simcoe St. S. (84tf) YOUNG LADY WANTED TO AS- sist in news department, One with good local connection preferred. Give full particulars and. refer- ences by letter to A. R. Alloway, The Oshawa Daily Times. (84tf) EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply Swanson, German and McKenzie, Barristers, etc. (86¢c) WANTED-- A WOMAN FOR Laundress at Bowmanville Hos- pital, Salary $40 per month, Apply to the Superintendent, (86¢c) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR adult family. Apply 109 Alice St. Phone 1874W, (87-c) Agents Wanted STATE DIVISION MANAGER- salesman: Men now earning $5,000 yearly selling our specialty Roof Coating direct to consumer. Near- by territory open. Qualifications: 36 years old, car owner, some sales experience, The American Oil & Paint Co., 5005 Euclid Ave,, Cleveland, Ohio. (88-a) TO RENT -- TWO FURNISHED bedrooms, hoard if desired, north end. Apply 636 Carnegie Ave. (86-¢c) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent for light housekeeping. All conveniences. Apply 186 Ritson Rd. 8. (86¢c) FOR RENT--CHOICE APART- ment, electric range, refrigerator, oak floors. Central, all conveni- ences. Phone 2649. (87-¢) WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE WANT- ing. New store to rent, situated on corner of Gibbon and Louisa streets, or would sell store and house. Apply Henry Wilkins. (87-¢) TO RENT--TWO ROOMS, DINING room and bedroom attached, on ground floor, furnished complete with electric stove and conveni- ences, garage, paved street. Very central, Elderly couple preferred. In a quiet home. Phone 794J. (87-bh) BED SITTING ROOM TO RENT. Suitable for two. 288 Arthur St. (87h) TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two gentlemen or young couple, Board if desired. 256 Court St. Phone 2756J. (87h) FOR RENT--THREE UNFUR- nished rooms. All conveniences. No children preferred. Phone 1677M. (88h) NOTICE -- GOOD GARDEN LAND for rent or work on shares. Barn and stable room also. Apply Geo. Farrow, North Oshawa, (86-c) FOR RENT--TWO VERY CHEER- ful rooms for light housekeeping. No objection to small child. 96 Centre St. (88a) FOR RENT--WELL FURNISHED front bedroom, suitable for two people. 313 Athol E. (88-¢c) ROOMY GARAGE TO RENT. AP- ply 241 Kendal Ave. (88-¢) TO RENT---NICE COMFORTABLE room, two blocks from town. All conveniences. Phone 1378). (88-a) NICE ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR refined gentlemen, permanently residing in Oshawa, central. 2614 Simcoe St. South. (88-c) LARGE MANUFACTURING COM- pany holding patents, wants to appoint agents for the sale of their roofing products, specialty paints, ete, These Canadian made products are being sold to some of the largest concerns in Canada, Every farmer, home owner, factory and public building manager will be interest- ed, Applicants having knowledge of these lines will get preference. Roby's Products Ltd,, 734 St. Paul St. West, Montreal, (87h) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--FURNISH- ed or unfurnished rooms for couple with very young child.. State full particulars and rent. Box "E" Osh- awa Daily Times, (86¢c) x) Eastbound [rains 2 Sm lian Sunday, 8.3% a.m.--Sunday 9.59 a.m.=--Dady. L13 p.m.--Daily except 4.32 p.m.~Luily execpt A oH] pam --Liatly except J m.=LDaily. 1n.m goat Daily except Saturday. 12.00 a.m.--Daily, 12.25 a.m,~Daily. Westbound Traine .44 a.m. ~Daily, 45 a.m.=--Daily. 2 a.m.--Dai'y excep! Sunday, 6.20 a.m.--Daily, 8 a.m.--Daily except Sunday, exes} Sunday, p.m.~Sunday . p.m.--Daily except Sunday, p.m.--Daily, p.m.~Daily except Sunday, CPR. TIME TABLR Eastbound Traine 10.07 a.m.=Daily, 2.05 p.m.=~Daily, 8.03 p.m.--Daily except Sunday, 11.10 p.m,~Daily, 1209 a.m.=--Daily. Westbound Traine Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE DAY SC . Nia Baan & o888 B . s OSXNSEwnn, TC i EH SELSSES Sa BERR3EBERERRE 8 - i 5 Sx Ss thors Pew Bee 1k £3EE - -- 1.00 p.m, o, Afr. 4.35 p.m. " 288 2s £ 6.45 p.m, PROS ge -) 8 PpppBER g BA LUO p.m. 8. 9.40 p.m. i odd 11.30 p.m, marked * are tn h busses Whitby Hospital " SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going Wess Leave Bowmanville § FEF FERRED Pp Pp p Pp. Pp. P Pp Pp. =] S 8 8 & lime i PRRRRRRSS 349+ 1111113 $y i fees & FEE BR i T. A. GARTON, PROPRI Bowmaoville=Phone 612 Oshawa Waiting Koom~10 Prince hone 2283 TT -- Room and Board SINGLE ROOM AND BOARD wanted in private family, Vieine ity of Post Office. Apply "0" Oshawa Daily Times. (88-b)) ROOM AND BOARD AT 23 WIL» liam St, BE. (87¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR RE- spectable gentleman, Private fame ily. All conveniences, Apply 148 Centre St, (87¢), & Sealed Tenders SEALED TENDERS FOR THE supplying of all labor and mater- fals for the erection of addition to school on Pine avenue, S.S. No. 10. Township of East Whitby, as per plans and specifications will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, April 18, 1928. Plans may be ob- tained on deposit of $10 from the architect, John T., Hornsby, 10 William street south, Lindasy Ont. A marked cheque for 10 per cent of bid must accompany every tend- er. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 8. V. Young, secretary treasurer, S.8. No. 10, Tp. East Whitby, P.O. Box 291, Oshawa. (79-Apr. 14) Notice WILL THE PERSON, HAVING knowledge of the whereabouts of a dark red Irish setter dog, kind- ly notify 30 Fairbanks Street, and save further trouble. (87-¢) Pets and Livestock TWO JERSEY COWS FOR SALE. Right in every way. Just renew- ed. Gordon Trevail, Phone 908 ris. . (85-¢) FOX TERRIER PUP FOR SALE. Black and white, about 12 months old. Just the age to train. Phone 1373J., or may be seen at 22 Park Rd. South. (88-¢) Auction Sale Situation Wanted YOUNG GIRL WANTS POSITION as nursemaid or general house- work. Phone 1469M. (88a) MARRIED MAN *WOUED LIKE farm work near Oshawa. For iu- formation phone 13877. (87¢) SALE OF STOCK AND IMPLE- ments. Farm sold. L. T. McLaugh- lin, selling his entire stock and farm implements, including 69 Shropshire Sheep, 45 steers and ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Also bed sitting room to rent. All conveniences, Pr reasonable. Phone 1775), 148 (87¢), Agnes St. AND BOARD AT 104 ROOM Church St, (86-¢), BOARD AND ROOM FOR REs spectable gentleman, All convenfis ences, Private home, Near G.M.C, Phone 1314J, (86¢)) BOARDERS WANTED AT 338 Jarvis St, (86¢c) WELL FURNISHED ROOM AND board, Private home. North end, Phone 2351W, (87-¢c) TWO YOUNG MEN WANTED TO share front bedroom. Single beds, Breakfast 1f desired. Close te G.M.C. Apply 294 Division street, (87-b)] BOARD AND ROOM FOR RE- spectable young man at 145 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 2081W, (88e) a] Rubber Goods IF YOU REQUIRE RUBBER goods, write for catalogue and price list. and Rubber Works, Dept. 14, 4908 Wellington street, Montreal. (Sat.-tf), Free Circular SPRING BARGAIN CIRCULAR free. Save on Doors, Windows, Roofing, Shingles, Flooring, Paint, Wallboard, Hardware. We sell direct, freight paid. Write Hallie dy Company, Box 198N, Hamilton, (88-90-94-96-100-102) Lost and Found heifers rising 2 years. All Reds and Roans. Lot 11, Concession 7, Dar-| lington Township, Wednesday, April 18, at 12.30 o'clock at Tyrone, miles north of Bowmanville. (88c) | LOST---THURSDAY TEN DOLLAR bill on King St.. between Olympia Candy Store and Prince St. Re- ward. Plone 1717F,. (88¢c)

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