Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1928, p. 10

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PAGE TEN POVER NEASURES LIKELY T0 DELAY CINNONS SESSION Most Contentious Business Before House--History Repeats Itself WATERWAY PLANS Ottawa, April 11.--There are Indications that history will re- peat itself thts session of Parlia- ment inasmuch as power and can- alization plans are likely to afford the most contentious business be- fore the House. Last year it was the Georgian Bay canal scheme, sponsored by the Siftons, which held up the business of Parliament through 14 Must Men Fear Middle Life? "If Past Forty Years Old You Should Read This It is claimed that practically 65 per cent, of all men past middle life are afflicted with Bladder Weakness or Inflammation, Urin. ary Irritation and Prostatic Troubles, These conditions are now the accepted cause for many of the annoying ailments commonly associated with advancing years --such as aches in back, feet, legs and down through groins; frequent but scanty and paintul urination; _getting-up-nights; nervousness and loss of vitality. While it is true that these bothersome, often embarrassing and frequently painful ailments do come to a large majority of men past middle life--it is not true that they cannot be helped or that the condition is a natural handicap of advancing years and here's a simple home test to prove it! Without slightest risk of cost unless pleased with results, obtain from 'your druggist a package of Dr. Southworth's "URATABS" (a wonderful prescription used in the Doctor's private practice for over 40 years) and take them regularly agcording 10 directions for the full 10 days. Then, if you are not satisfied "Uratabs" are just what you need and that they will help you more than anything you have ever used-- the druggist who supplied vou is suthoriz- ed to cheerfully return the small price you paid, If "Uratabs" bring you swift, cer- tain, lasting comfort--you surely will be pleased. If they do not satisfy, they cost you nothing, Gre: Yellow, Fawn Red the world. sittings. Tha Jer 4 41 he ll to certain powers _ to. the 18 Sn & Atlantic Canal & Power Company, which was incor- porated 24 years ago with general powers subject to govermment ap- proval. The company's proposal is to comstruct a 35-foot waterway from tide-water go the Great Lakes at an outlay of approximately $200.- 000,000. In the process some $00,000 horse power of electrical energy would be developed in the province of Quebec. The bill is scheduled to make its appearance im the House for second reading, though in defer- ence to members who have asked more time to secure knowledge of the general plan, the reading may be put off until later in the week. Under ry circumstances-- and with _a reference mow before the court@as to relative Dominion and provineial rights in power har- nessed on navigable waters--spon- sors of the Great Lakes bill would probably be invited: to hold it over until the court decision is made known. But the circumstances are not ordinary at present. * The govern- ment has fanned into flame pub- lic interest in the St. Lawrence deep waterway proposal with the admission that diplomatic nego- tiations with the United States with regard to it are in progress. Objections over the secrecy of ne- gotiations have been numerous, while protests as to the suggested folly of such a huge expenditure by Canada at present, and the un- wisdom inherent in joint control of a waterway lying mainly in Can- ada have been many and emphatic. All Canadian Sponsors of the Great Lakes and Atlantic proposal are energetically urging their project as meeting all the objections voiced in connection with the international proposal. Tt will provide, without cost to, or guarantee from the Dominion or provinces, an all Canadian water way, thereby relieving the country of financing and at the same time providing a route which Canada could control. The bill provides for a canal svs- tem from either Cornwall or Pres- cott to Lake St. Francis and thence to Beauharnois and back to the mr cmap ---------- THE OSHAWA DAILY meet this objection it is stated that the company has notified the departments interested of its will- ingness to complete the mavigation works and turn them over to the Government to operate without compensation, the power rights be- ing sufficient inducement t» pro- ceed with the work. The plans for the work which have been sub- mitted show a proposal to reduce the present number of locks be- tween tidewater and the lakes to fourteen, cach of 400 ieet width and so located as to reduce ine distance on each return trip from Montreal to Lakes Huron, Evie and Superior by upwards of 350 miles. The attitude of the Quebec Gov- ernment toward the general pro- position is said to have been in- dicated by the legislation granted the Beauharnois Light and Power Company at the recent session. On- tario"s position may not prove so favorable, although its interest at least in the primary stage of the development mooted--in a power sense--is declared to be limited. The Federal Government has not aken any public stand on the ques- tion as yet. GEN, MOTORS HEAD TO ADDRESS A.N.P.A. New York, April 11.--Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. president of the Gen- eral Motors Corporation, will talk to newspaper publishers and their guests at the annual banquet given by the Advertising Bureau of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association and set this year for April 26 at the Waldorf-Astoria. On the program with him will be J. N. Heiskell, of the Little Rock (Ark.) Gazette, who has a wide reputation as a humorous speaker; and the wise-cracking mayor, "Jim- mie" Walker of New York. Two other speakers may be added to this list. be furnished by the Advertising Club Singers of New York. A prize for every participant is promised by the committee plan- ning the 1928 golf tournament of the American Newspaper Publish ers' Association to he held over the course of the Westchester-Bilt- more country club, Rye, N.Y.. on April 24. Joseph Ridder, of Rid: der Brothers, is chairman of the St. Lawrence River in the neigh- borhood of Montreal. When the Georgian Bay bill wes | up last year the objection was raised that it placed control over navigation in private hands, To NO ts have for many years efficient, durable, economical reputation for service has gone electrical engineering, comes J oflats tok the initiative Br may were quick to realize that at, as well as use, in i most-used room in But this was one next. fithis wu only harmony into the Kitchen. Are you interested in a beautifully colored Range for your Kitchen? If so, write us for full particulars. MOFFATS LIMITED » committee in charge. The happiest people are who don't want the things can't get.--NMontreal Star. those the: Moffats Gold Medal Electric Ranges are the first in Canada to be Electra Porcelain "En. amelled in Color, New models can be had in Nile Blue, French , Oriental Green, and the most used room inthe house range ahead of them to Now, ith ip in mechanical construction, and in in adding beauty the design of women to now i struck the leading note in of line and a WESTON, ONTARIO x "Their alt parts of _ ELECTRIC SHOP | Simcoggfizest North, Osama, Ont. _ gr. - ~ Music for the affair will' housekeeping. It is ea glaze 4 pid omical to buy. hard, clear surface wi collect dust. CONSTANT WEAR On all interior surface: articles, For both we will tell you the Flo-glaze use it. We have studie be able to help you. 85 Simcoe St. N, dG Hour Hoor Varnish DE IN CANADA Dries in 4 Hours Rady 0 walk on or recoa 25% More A AANA, "The Finish that Endures" <4 Hour Varnish A CANADIAN PRODUCT, BETTER MADE A fre, 3 well kept floor is one of the first signs of good 3, incapensive te have fine floors, for Flo- ¢ to use and econ- leaving a not slippery and does not ih Sr aR LE FURNITURE, LENGTHENS THE LIFE and bright- ens the color of oilcloth and linoleums. lor surfaces or Sadwarl, Juriture, housshold servi to whi the hardest wear on floors. ae yam 1d and new surfaces, of course. Tell us what you want to paint, varnish or enamel and product to use and how to varnishes and colors so as to Let us estimate on your PAINTING and DECORATING PATTE'S Phone 125---Res. 1846 New York, April 11.--The Duke of Atholl was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by the Ameri- can Jona Society at the home of James Stewart Cushman, 815 Fifth Avenue, recently. The Duke, whose Perthshire and who spoke Gaelie before he spoke Inglish, listened with interest to plans discussed at the luncheon for the estahlishment by the Americin Jona Society, of a seat of learning in the Highlands of Scotland where there is, at present, no university. It is the hope of the society to help rehabilitate the technical oe- cupations of the Highlands, such as weaving, fishing, canning and other home industries which the effect of the world war greatly re- duced. The tentative plan embraces founding a university that will give a technical education in suitable- Highland industries as well as cul- MISS WPHAIL IS HELD AS EXAMPLE Free State Newspaper Ad. mires Anti-Imperialism of Canada Dublin, April 11.--The Repub- licans are pleased with Canada, es- pecially with her woman Member of Parliament, whom they hold up as an example in anti-Imperiulism to the Free State Government. The Republican newspaper "An Phoblacht" says editorially: *Un- like our ultra-loyal Cosgrave and his gang, the Canadian Government repudiates all responsibility for England's Imperial game in Egypt. In the Canadian Government on Tuesday replying to Miss McPhail, Mr. Mackenzie King made an im- portant statement. He said his Government had been asked whether it would be a party to the treaty. Its terms contemplated military alliances and the govern- ment had replied that it did not believe that the Canadian Parlia- ment would approve of such a treaty." EE ---- McCoy's Put Weight On Weak Skinny Men Hollows in cheek--hollows in the sides of neck--flatness in chest-- why don't you do something to make yourself look like a real man? McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets puts on weight where weight is needed--not only that but they build up your general health and you grow stronger, more energe- tic and get plenty of ambition. One woman gained 15 pounds in six weeks. McCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Mc- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets or 2 one dollar boxes amy thin, underweight man or woman does not gain, at least 5 pounds and feel completely satisfied with the marked improvement in health-- your druggist is authorized to re- turn the purchase price. Ask Jury & Lovell, Ltd.. T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn, or any good | druggist. > home is in ~ ~ ~ AMERICAN SOCIETY TO FOUND UNI- VERSITY IN SCOTLAND'S HIGHLANDS tural courses. A movement will be started later to raise money in thisgcountry and Canada for such a univer- sity, but not until a consultation has been held with the people ot Scotland who understand the con- ditions there, The officers of the society are: Richard M. Mongomery, president; Dr. John H. Finley, vice presi dent; James Stewart Cushman, vice president; Marshall Beuick, secretary, Nelson Macy, treasurer; and Col. Alexander R. council, TIMES. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1928 CHANGE RULES ~ FORTOURISTS Certain Equipment May Be Admitted Without De- posit Hereafter Montreal, April 11.--To expedite he movement of tourists entering nada the Department of Natiou- 31 Revenue has made several ¢hanges in the regulations govern- g the admission of tourists' out- ts and sportsmen"s equipment as ay be required for their own use hile in the Dominion. The arti- cles effected must be reported to the customs officer at the port of eptry subject to the following pro- visions: (a)--Guns, rifles, (not includinz revolvers or pistols), fishing tackle, golf clubs, tennis racquets and cameras, previously used by a tourist and imported by hime for hig personal use and actually in hi§ possession at the time of his argival in Canada, and dogs and other animals imported by tourists solely for hunting purposes or as pets, may be admitted without de- posit. - The articles are required to be reported on customs form E-29, as in the case of any other article comprising a tourist's outfit, with full particulars, such as descrip- tion, value and the amount of duty and taxes properly payable there- on, for purposes of identification on report outwards under customs supervision within six months. (b)--Canoes, outboard motors, tents, eamp equipment, phono- graphs, radios, musical instru- ments, ete., brought in by a tourist for his personal use and not for gain or hire may be admitted after report on eustoms form E-29, up on the collector heing furnished with caph deposit of a sum equiva- lent to the duty and taxes payable thereon. The deposit to he sub ject to refund if the articles be identified and -exported at the cus- toms port where reported in- wards, or at another port within six months from the time of entry; provided the articles be produced ~~ land their identity attested to he fore a Canadian customs officer at the place of export or before a customs officer, justice of the pea or notary public at a place o#tsid Canada, McGILL STUDENTS HAVE PIG Montreal, April. 11. Vild pig hunting went forward this morn ing on McGill Campus, to the ac- companiment of squeals and suor which flowed into the lecture room and disrupted classes. One pi: escaped from a drover's cart, (i CHASE played the wildness and a group of | undergrads supplied the the I ing. The porker was finally r- Fordyce, |nered and hauled by the feet back |to its owner. nber Seven, Obtain. able in six different styles of nibs, each by the color band on the cap. Rich in design, Waterman's Number Seven Pens are pleasing to the eye; but, like all other Waterman's Pens, Number Seven is made, first and foremost, to write! Ask your dealer price $7. /Natermans Selection and Service at 5,500 Canadian Save Yourself Bother and Cost! Re-roof with BIRD'S ASPHALT TWIN SHINGLES The moderate cost of this re-roofing work will surprise you, Ask your roofer or dealer about it. Choice of a variety of colors in this * Bird line, H BIRD & SON DIVISION BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED Hamilon Toronto Montreal BIRDS Roofs i 26 Simcoe St. eve Fox Hardware imcoe St, N, unrivalled contour of Those who ride on Silvertowns gain not only the advantage of comfort and wear, but also the addi- tional satisfaction of knowing the graceful excel- lent tires harmonize perfectly with the lines and color of any car-- any environment, Silvertouns are made by the Canadian Goodrich Company ®t Kitchener, Ontario,

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