Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1928, p. 9

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* Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Comvespondents NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, April 11.--The North Oshawa S. S. Easter com- cert was held on Monday evening. The pastor, Mr. Bunner, made a tine chairman. The superintend- ent, Mrs. Louis Dearborn and Mrs. John Alexander, the organist, had shaves of the programme. ery child who belongs to the Sunday School was on the program. A few members were missing owing to finess, but altogether it was tine, There was a good attendance. Mr, and Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Gertrude sang together and Mr, and Mus. Kennedy sang a duet both numbers were very much en- joyed. A cordial invitation was extended to everyone a the sec. tion to come to Sunday Sehool and church. Mr. and Mrs, A. Gillies and son, Gorden, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. A. Gerry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lownie spent SWuday with Mr. and Mrs, 8. Mof- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jollow and baby motored to Toronto on Satur- day, Carson and Viola Keeler of Col- lege Hill, spent Good Friday with their cousins, the Wolley and Solo- mon children, Viola remained over the week end. The roads have broken up and A soft and pliable -- prevents cracking--and serves There's 0 Nugget Shade every thos meds " 5 | The Leading bave certain lute bility are in a bad condition. The rain brought out the frost and changed the temperature quite a lot. The Easter concert is Monday night. Everybody come. Miss Spear, teacher at 'Conlin's, has gone to her home at Cobourg for the Easter holidays. Miss Rathwell, our teacher of S. 8. No. 11, has also gone to her home for her Easter vacation. Mrs. Bruce Anderson has re- turned home to Oshawa after visit- ing her sister, Mra Rouston, Mrs. Stauffer has come home from the Oshawa General Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Kennedy rendered a pretty solo at the Sunday evening ser- vice. Mrs. Arnott and Mrs. Solomon will attend the Ontario Federa- tion convention at Toronto . this week. The Home and School Club will meet April 19th, instead of this week. Mr. Ernest Day. Ebenezer, spent Sunday with W. J. Barrett. Mr. Sterling has gone to Tor- onto to reside with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hamilton and family have moved to their new home. We are glad they are not leaving North Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Will Finer, Mark- ham, spent Easter week end wih her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.J. Barrett, CLAREMONT Claremont, Apr. 10, -- Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Wilker returned home on Sunday, having spent the week- end in Tavistock with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Wilker. Miss Irene Duke of Toronto visited with Miss Margaret Mac- Nab over the week-end. Miss Lackle of Chicago and Mrs, Little of Toronto spent Sat- urday in the village, the guests of Miss Margaret Hamilton, We are sorry to report that Mr, David Gregg is still confined to bed Miss Jean Burch of Toornto is spending the Easter holiday at Graham Bros. Miss Clara Neal who has been in Toronto for the past two weeks has returned home, Mrs. Walter Bennett of Mark- ham is visiting her sister, Mrs, Sid Bennett. Mr, Peter Scott is spending the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Beott, Mr, David Scott was in Toron- to on Monday, Miss Dorcas McCullough, who is teaching at Douglas, Ontario, is spending the holidays under the parental roof, Mr. Clement of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. Sulman. Miss Helen Scott is in Toronto undergoing treatment at the Gen- eral Hospital, Miss Effie Millar is also in Toronto. The Misses Bertha and Alice Infant Food SINCE 1857 FO oe the right food for babes mith must qualities--abeo- OUR SPECIALTY fHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1928 g B "Last year's--but Tintex will color "Potex lints &2 Dyes Anything uhny ( 010) Distributors Lymans Limited, Montreal Bacon were in Toronto on Mon- day, Mr. M, J. Wilker spent Tuesday in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Education- al Association. At the regular Sunday morning service in the United Church next Sunday an address will be given by Miss Shipley, returned mis- sionary from China, In St. Joseph's Hospital, on Friday, April 8th, the death occur- red of Mrs. John Forsythe, a former resident of this village. Funeral serviecs were held at the Miles Usdertaking Parlours. The remains were brought to Clare- mont Monday morning, interment taking place in the Union Ceme- tery. The services at the grave were conducted by the Rev. Ste- phens. Miss Mabel McLellan is in To- ronto attending the convention of the Ontario Educational Society. "Battles are not won in our district by the one that can swear the hardest." -- Haggerston wit- ness at Shoreditch. COLUMBUS Columbus, April 11.--Miss Viola Benner is spending her Easter va- cation with her parents at Burl- ington. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard and Bobby, of Oshawa, spent Good Friday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clug- ston and Dorothy spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto and attended the opening of the new Manor Rd, United Church of which the form- er's brother, Rev. H. 8. Clugston, is the minister. Miss Sinia Coulter, of Toronto, W. Bromell last week. Miss Nellie Ormiston fs home again after spending the winter months with friends in Whitby. Mr. John Dyer, of Oshawa, spent the week end at his home here. Master Bobby Pollard, of Osh- awa, visited for a few days of this week with his grandparents, Mr. end Mrs. H. Wilson. Mrs. Clugston and Dorothy are visiting relatives in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cook and Ruth, visited the latter's parents at Churchill on Monday. Mrs. George Hayes has returned home after spending the winter months with relatives at Sunder- ALMONDS Almonds, April 10.--Mr. and Mrs. John Loach, of Toronto, spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loach here. Rey. J. A. Miller and Mrs. Mil-|! ler and children, of Toronto, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall and relatives. er . John Huff and son, of Whitby, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wing Brown. Mrs. W. Hall and daughters, Vio- let and Evelyn, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Hay, of Toronto. Sorry to report Mrs. E. MeGreg- or is confined to her bed through illness but her many friends wish for a speedy recovery. Miss Mable Mackey, of Toronfo, was & week end visitor with her mother, Mrs. M. Mackey here. soent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, end visor with Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Rowe. Spring is here again. The suc- cers are up and the fishers are out in good numbers. nak a most tied up, owing to the intense mud and mire holes. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Slade and daughters, of Toronto, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood. Kedron, April 10.--Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry and family entertain- ed a number of young people at their home on Monday evening. All enjoyed the evening spent in play- ing progressive "Lost Heir" and other games. A very dainty lunch was served. Mr. A. R. Scott, Arnprior, and Mr. F. C. Lee, Ottawa, arrived home on Friday morning of last week to spend their Easter vaca- tion here. Despite the very bad roads there was a fair crowd at church on Sun- day afternoon for the Easter ser vice. Mrs. Frank Ray, of Toronto, will give a talk on mission work during the service at Kedron on Sunday afternoon, April 15th. Miss Velva Lucas, of Pelee Is- land, was the guest of Miss Marie Cole for a few days this week. Miss Bernice Werry, of Ashburn, is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and baby, Lorraine, visited in Columbus aw Sunda, Miss Marie Cole, Pelee Island, is home for the Easter holidays. Mr. Albert Luke and Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, spent the week ena with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke. Miss Mildred Cole, Tamworth, is spending the Easter holidays at her home here, TRAIN ENGINEER ILLED IN CRASH Collision Occurs on. Read: ing Railroad Near Sunbury, Pa. * Sunbury, Pa., April 10.--A head- on collision of a passenger express train with a freight train on the Reading Rallroad two miles east of here resulted in the death of an engineer and injuries to a score of passengers and other employes, The engineer, Lewis Washer, of Williamsport, who had heen at the throttle of the passenger train, died in the Mary Packer Hospital from his injuries several hours after the wreck. Report to the Philadelphia offices of ... com- pany sald Washer had apparently passed the switch and did not no- tice the on-coming freight on the same track until too late to avert a collision. So great was the force of the collision that the two locomotives were telescoped and five cars of the freight were precipitated down an embankment to the Pennsyl- vania Railroad's right of way on the Shamokin division. All traf- fic on both lines was held up for several hours until wrecking crews cleared the tracks of the wreckage. Talking of golf -- which, of course, many of our friend. are doing---It occurs to us that this Is the only occupation we know in which the quicker a man puts him- self in a hole the happler he is.-- Chicago Evening Post. VIMY RIDGE 1S HEPT IN NENORY of . Observe 11th Anniversary at Ottawa Dinner Ottawa, April 11.--The eleventh anniversary of Vimy Ridge was celebrated by a dinmer at which were present officers from differ- ent parts of Canada, representing Army, Air and Navy. Maj.-Gen. J. H. MacBrien was chairman. Toastmasters included the Hom, Hewitt Bostock, Speaker of the Senate, who proposed the toast to the overseas forces of Canada. ve- sponded to by Maj.-Gen. Sir Rich- ard Turner, V.C.; the Silent Army, proposed by Rev. Father F. L. French, D.8.0.; and the Corps Commanders, proposed by Major- Gen. Hon. W. A, Griesbach, C.B,, and responded to by Col, the Hon. J. L. Ralston, Minister of National Defence. The chairman stated that greet- ings had been cabled to Viscount Byng of Vimy and Lady Byng the former having instituted the Vimy dinners, and read a letter of re- gret from Hon. R. B. Bennett, leader of the Opposition, who was to have been one of the principal speakers. A message of greetings from Col. John 8. Rober, of the Halifax branch of the Canadian Le- gion, was also read, Maj.-Gen. Grieshach, in propos- ing the toast to the corps command- ers, mentioned in this connection the names of Alderson, Byng and Currie. One of the lessons of the war, according to Gen. Grlesbach, was the awakening of a feeling of confidence in our own people, which commenced with the appoint- ment of Gen. Currie. "This is not only a Vimy din- ner but an overseas rve-union,' stated Col. Ralston, responding to the toast, A 115-year-old man had his first airplane ride a few days ago, There are lots of people, we think, who will be content to postpone their first flight until they are that age.--Hamilton Spectator, and rink to you Before going out in- to the cold, or after , Steaming ha XO" makes such a warming, deli- ready in a minute-- #0 simple, 80 inexpen- sive, so invigorating ! Quickly removes The Carew Lumber Co., Limited. 74 Athol Street West LUMBER MERCHANTS Estimates gladly given Requirements promptly filled Phones 12 and 1111 TET TTTTITTITTITITTITITIYTYTYTYY ea a8 00 a eT -- on it. Aa a Ae For Bamby Bread has the goodness of Canada's finest flour, fresh milk in abundance, ure creamery butter for shorten phd pp a ingredients, baked into a crisp-crusted, creamy white loaf that's good Other good things made by Conada Dr, Hall's 100%, Whole Wheat Bread; Bredin's pes Bredin's Fruit Joab Daintinaid @ amby Brea CR" For baby's health and all the family's, too --_-- ELICIOUS, nourishing to eat and rich in food value, Bamby Bread, broken up into small pieces, covered in good warm milk and a little sugar--children love it and thrive all Vienna Rolls; Breakfast CL JHA > Try it. Ask the Canada Bread man who serves your neighbours to leave a loaf with you. You will notice the better flavour at once. If you dot fo telephone, call 4 Oshawa 2620 , CANADAGRRBREAD COMPANY Owned by 1873 Canadians, Us ~the rich butter loaf Mr. F. T. Rowe has purchased a lot on Byron street south, Whit- by, where he will erect a fine resi- dence shorfly. Mrs. C. L. Morcombe and daugh- | ter Doreen, returned home on Wed- nesday after spending two month ;OLD MEDAL at her home here. ( OFFFF Mr. Gordon Pierce, of Toronto, re: Phone 189 was an Easter week end wisitor] BE * oa with Mr. Lioyd Morcombe. Miss Mable Rowe was 2 week If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we cam repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Osh- Butter i] shortening used [82%

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