THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDN APRIC TY, T92¢ EE Os BK 00 AGAVE WE A TC 2 ZA en SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS OF IMPORTED CHINA You'll Like Them! 'Early morning shoppers will get these at 10¢ a pair AN UNHEARD OF HANDKERCHIEN . OFFERING Come Early For Them This will be a rush num- ber at our price of 5¢ ea. [W aars Daly Interest i || DARLINGTON TP. COUNCIL MEETS Routine Business Transacted --Complaints Made in Re. gard to Roads The regular meeting of Darlington Council was held on Saturday, April --Mr. Thomas Keeler and son, |Z: With members all present, Reeve of Cobourg, visited his brother, |G: A Wight presiding. \o/@\(/8\i(B) (@\(B\f (8)'(®) \I/B\ 3 (VB WOMEN'S FANCY Mr, L. W. Keefer, 162 Mill street. ---Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Clat- worthy, of St. Catharines, visited her brether, Mr, L. W. Keeler, Mill street. --Miss Viola Keeler is spending the Master holidays with relatives in Cobourg, +Mrs, Leslie Trace, Chicago, is sending a few days in this city, a guest of her nephew, David Smith, 660 Simcoe street south. Mrs, 8, Trace, who is formerly of London, England, 18 making a tour of several cities, and a re- ception was held in her honor during her stay here at the home of Mrs, L. E. Wright, 311 Arthur street, HIGHWAY ALL PAVED BUS SERVICE IS NOT INTERRUPTED Bowmanville, Apr, 11.--In the Bowmanville news column yester- day an item appeared with refer- ence to the hus service from Pe- terboro to Toronto, It was also inferred that the service east of Port Hope was interrupted. This is not the case, however, since the Kingston highway east of Port Hope is all paved. HOLY TRINITY LADIES FORM AUXILIARY The inauguration of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the newly formed Holy Trinity Church was held on April 13 at the home of Mrs, Fitches, Al- bert street, The officers elected were: President, Mrs, (Rev.) Jar- rett; vice-President, Mrs, H, King; Secretary, Mrs, A, Jones; Treas- urer, Mrs, Fitchens; Literature Sec- retary, Mrs, Turner; Darcas Secre- tary, Mrs. Crowle; Assistant Dor- cas Secretary, Mrs. Dennis, This week the meeting was held at the residence of Mrs, Jarrett, and several new members were en- rolled, Next Tuesday, April 17, the meeting will be held at the home Frank H. Staples, complained as to the road near his property on Lot 33, Con. 2. The matter of complaint was referred to the Provincial Highway Dept. and the complaint of Jack Wiggins as to state of the road near his property Lot 32, & 32, Con. 2, was laid on table for further consi- deration A petition was received signed by a number of ratepayers in the vil- lage of Enniskillen asking for a side- walk on the north side of the strect running cast from the blacksmith shop of Mr. Stacey to N, Byers residence, petition not entertained. A. H. Martin complained as to ob- stacles placed on the south side of Johns street in the village of Hamp- ton. Referred to Dep, Reeve Wil- liams to investigate and given power to act. Lewis Allin requested privilege of renting part of road allowance at S 14 Lot 17, Con 5. Permission given on payment of rental $2.00 per year. Clerk was requested to send a copy of the fololwing resolution to the clerk of the Tp. of East Whitby: "In compliance with the terms of agreement between the Townships of Fast Whithy and Darlington, where- by natice was to be sent to the other by either wishing a change in agree- ment. Re Tawn Line: The Town- ship of Darlington herchy gives such notice and would suggest that a meeting between representatives from each Township take place before there is more expenditure made on the Town Line other than what is necessary for dragging and minor repairs." A By-law was introduced and given its several readings for the appoint- mentof Fence Viewers and Pound Keepers. Wm Griffin asked permisgion to cut down a tree n Enniskillen, referred to County Road Supt. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $7,000.16 heing 30 per cent grant for work on roads in 1927, Road Supt, was instructed to order four road drags or more if required. Orders were drawn on Treasury as follows :--Road Supt. salay and office expenses, $38.60; Road Supt. main- tenance of road, $283.38; Municipal World Blank forms, $3.60; R. C Pierce, coal, F Storms (charity), $7.75; Mrs, A. F. Rundle supplies F. Storms, charity), $2002; Clerk and TOM MIX Starring in "The Arizona Wild- cat" at the New Martin Thea- tre, Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday, Tom Mix and Tony to Be Week-end Visitors Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week will mean big days to Manager Osier at the Regent as Tom Mix and Tony's new picture "The Arizona Wildcat" is the head- liner, "Nuff sed, the house will be packed. The story is good. Tom Phelan is a former captain in the army, where he learned to play polo,. Phelan has a neautifal Avizona ranch where he raises pon- Schuyler is also a former officer and visits his friend's ranch, arranging for the visit of his sister and aunt so they may have a rest hefors they go to Santa Barbara to begin their social season. I'he aunt has a lot of xperinnees that are anything but restful and takes her niece on to Santa Bar- bara where an East vs, Waost polo tournament is to begin. At Santa Barbara, Wallace Van Acker is the society rage He is captain of the Kastern polo team and at the same time a leader of a crooked gang that is promoting the sale of the worthless stock of a proposed chain of exclus shops for society folk. The annt selects him for Regina's hushand and tells him to win the final gam: of the polo turnament and promises that if he does she will buy $50,000 of his stock. Schuyler has had hard luek in the earlier games and finds him- self with a tied score with his team mates laid out by accidents. He telegraphs to I'helan and the Ari- zona Wildcat arrives with his at- tendant cowhoys and horses, The day of the big game Van Acker's gang traps Phelan and his horse in the horse's specially eon- structed auto trailer and start for With Regent Fans ies for his favorite game. Roy | SILK GLOVES, LATEST STYLES 1 JBS12---Wamen's excell - I ity Sil Gloves. ie yi embrol , Frill Scallops. in such colorings Sand, Mode, Buff, W ete. With double-tipped ers, in sizes from 6 to 74, assortment m, $1.50 to $1.75 this great special, and it will surely wd you to get several pairs. During Three Big 89 Days, per pair .......... ki H SHIRT WAISTS A real opportunity to save on reliable merchan- dise, The boys will need several of these soon, A Boy's Shirt Waist made from good quality woven Zephyr Cloth in woven stripes on white and colored grounds. All are well made and trimmed throughout, (Will stand the tub.) In sizes 11 and 1314, for boys from 6 to 15 years, Regular $1! value. Durng Three Big Days, NZ 0% BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS A fine quality Jersey Knit. ted LE Sweater with Polo style Collar, two-button opened neck, In several ex. cellent Heather Shades, in tones of Purple, Green, Red or Blue mixtures, In sizes 22 to 88, for boys from 4 to 14 years, Easily worth, in the regular way, $1.50, It will pay you to get several of (B\ (8\/8\/8\ iB) \0/@\ 7 AN 81/31/87) aX /8 AV BY 8) [8\ BV IB TaN Ta TE LBB in quality and appearance--A worthy value, The swveSht these ' omen s Up-to-Date Umbro llas are made of firm *Rainshed" cloth, fancy colored, Hand- Umbrella at a Remarkably Low I with Cords, Celluloid Tips and Ends. An unusual purchase ens Price « - - a les us to offer this regular $1.50 value to you at such a low 98¢ these Sweaters. During three HT rv 89¢ of Mrs, Crowle, 118 Stacey Avenue, | Treasurer salary Ist quarter, $175.00; [the mountains instead of the polo All Anglican ladies who would like|J. J. Smith advance T.5.5.5, 19, |field. Phelan detects the trick just to join will be given a cordial wel- | $200,00. in time to knock out the drivers of come, Council adjourned until Monday, |the auto and get back to the field May 7, 1928, at the hour of | p.m. |for the final chukkers. W. R, ALLIN, The aunt thinks Van Acker is Tp. Clerk, sure to win and gives Regina the $50,000. Helene, Van Acker's fe- male confederate, sees the money | pass and dnring a rest period tells price, During Three Big Days, ech, 4.5% %ssssressssssssse SIMCOE ST. L. A. 8, REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society, of Simcoe United Church was held yesterday afternoon with many attending. Following the business session, solos were given hy Mrs. P. May- Old Reliable The Good BATH SOAP" "BEAUTY Get your month's supply as usual the erooks' leader, He tells Hel- ene to get Regina to the house he- fore the game ends. Van Acker sees that he is los- ing and hits Phelan in the face with his polo mallet. The erowd howls Four ounces of bee, and by Mrs. Leo Gray. These By C. H, Tuck, OPT, D, at the cowardly trick and the aunt's || 22 om Quality Soap numbers were much appreciated. * (Copyright 1927) sympathies turn from Van to the cake. Refreshments were served at the | EFFICIENCY AS A KEY TO SUC. | Arizona Wildcat. close.®A collection of $13.40 was CESS At the end of the game, secret obtained. Part 18' service men close in, hut Van Acker escapes and joints Helene in an In earlier use of the Ophthalmo- |effort to get the $50,000. Rezina now operate 2,579 locomotives, | scope more than at the present my-|js giving the gang a battle when 31,455 freight cars and 5,141 pas- | driatics (drugs which dilate the {Phelan arrives and effects rescue EY senger cars over 2,916 miles of | pupil) were used as a part of the latter a sensational ride to the roof * ; store they'll want them! [8 procedure with its use for eye ex-|up flights of stairs on Tony. z regular 10c cake. ; y So it' = amination, but on account of the Sr 44 During Three Big 4 E "0 Ws wp to you to J ou. 0Bc SL A Nfl play Cewrdy bird" if disadvantges such as, not being | able to properly finish the examin- | RIN-TIN-TIN TO BE I Fh | "Eye Care and Eye Strain" Bh "Early Birds" i, will get them! Daintil fumed N : FSi elude perines A Lilac. Don't 3 &°' shoppers see these , leaves the beautifully soft alter wsing. Austrian Government Railways miss this monthly opportunity to lay in a supply, A Spring Specials in our 4 Crochet Visca MILLINERY Not more than 5 your share. COME EARLY. ation due fo the Gilated condth | SEEN IN RACE TRACK | IE FILM AT NEW MARTIN | 5 lyzed state of the muscles will take a few hours before the normal coiu- dition is again manifest when the pia | $3.98 and $4.98 ITALIAN CROCHET VISCAS the most desired item this season at prices that are usual- ly unheard of at this time of the year! The smartest shapes the pew brim-lines and color- ful trims. In gray, navy, monkey, roseblush, green and red. Large and small headsizes Values to $8.50. Special priced $3.98 and $4.98 CLEARANCE: $2.49 and $2.79 A group of 75 smart hats are offered at this special price. Chic silk and straws. Felts combined with straw and crochet visca and all straw bats. Headsizes for both miss and matron. Values to $5.98. Specially reduced for Friday and Saturday. Clearance to $2.49 and $2.79 SATISFACTION OR. YOUR effect of the drug subsides. However, thanks to experience and efficiency in these examinations the user can get a clear picture of what he wishes to see without in- conveniencing the patient with the use of drugs. Drugs are pow more limted to certain cases as a method of treatment and are not a necessi- ty in every case. Ip fact it would be a criminal measure to use a My-driatic in every case op account of the evil effects shown in cases of Glaucoma where the dreaded di- sease is hasteped by its use. And the symptoms of its existence may be noticed without the dilation of the pupil. * (Continued pext weak) TWO MEN ARE KILLED BY EXPLODING STOVE Cochrane. April 10.--The explo- sion of a stove, caused when gaso- killed Alfred I'mrent and Theodore Regaudie early yesterday morning at Fauquier, #5 miles west of here. Alfred Thibault, who started the fire, is in the hospital here and not line, poured on wet wood, fell also ! 1 } on the embers of am earlier fire. | the production was directed by "A Race for Life," a Warner Bros." production starring Rin- Tin-Tin, comes to the New Martin Theatre Thursday for a rum of three days. This is the Wonder Dog's fourteenth screen triumph and jt is acclaimed as the most thrilling of the lot, which is say- ing a great deal. "A Race for Life" recounts the adventures of Danny O'Shea, who goes with his dog to the Souths land, via box car route, there to son the horse and succeed in im- prisoning Rinty. The uncanny intelligence which | the dog shows in extricating him- self from all his troubles and in spurring his pal to victory pro- vides a story which will make the ! house rock with cheers. The hu- man cast consists of Virginia Browne Faire, Carol Nye, Bobby Hartigan. Charles R. Condon Gordon, James Mason and Pat wrote the story and scenario and Ross Lederman, who was so suc- cessful in his direction of Rin- "Tin-Tin in "A Dog of the Regi- ment." become a jockey for a turfman | who has enemies who try to poi- | Can you afford to be with- out a Raincoat when you can get ope at such a reasopable Price as this? 515--A splendid heavy Rubber ee wi vi wi nicely tailored Blin of sell material and st DAYS APR,12THU, APR.13 FRI APR. 14 SAT. SALE ENDS EZMNG For Girls' or Women's Wear FOR EARLY BIRDS NOVELTY BOBBY COMBS -- SPECIAL! A SERVICEABLE HUCKABACK TOWEL SIZE 17 x 32 INCHES, AND 60 PER CENT LINEN Note this low price and ask to see this towel at our store. A firm quality "ckiabacly Towel (60% linen.) Measures 17" x 327, with fast sely: and hemmed ends. Our share of an Irish mill clearing lot. Would be seal good value ot 1 @) $1.2 expected to live, and two of his brothers and another man escaped BRAKEMAN CRUSHED Ih with minc~ injuries. 4 According 9 Provincial Officers BY TRAIN WHEELS Keeman and Page Elie and Alfred | EE Very attractive Combs, specially priced for "Three Big Days." Be sure to come. "Collegiate" Bobby Combs with new Onyx Mottled finish, 41, inches long. Smoothly finished teeth and Thibault, in bed at the time, were | -- Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Apr. 14. in colors of pink, blue, helio, nile, peach, etc. This Comb was visited by the four other men short- | --When he fell from the top of a | [5 made to ly before 2 o'clock in *he morn- | freight car as he was endeavor- Days ing. Alfred went to star: a fire. | ing to set a brake on am Algoma | [BZ 4 and the gasoline he used immedi- | Central Railway train at Mile 152, ately exploded. blowing Fim | Brakeman Herbert Paquette, ' 59 through the window and ripping | Fraueis Street, aged 28 years, sus- open one end of the house. Regau- | tulned injuries about the legs and ARE Swe oy combina- die apparently was killed by the |body 'rom which he died a few SUmCHL I Sovir divenchl. dius AL tn coi. falling chimney, and Parent was | minutes .iie~. a a pinging ar $2.00 struck by a piece of the stove. The | Shortly after the accident Pa- | > A bari az ha hs big days, each A i bodies of both men were cremated | ae ho, pr value. During three big days, FPF PIRI PILI Er IES in the fire which destroyed the | Les S who: was in charge { building. i MONEY REFUNDED Your Money! Regular $2.00 Value. Solid Leather Handbags in an as- 3 KING ST. EAST