Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Apr 1928, p. 13

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-- -- THE C SRR" where A ¢ HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1928 ih OORBIED SE TION eller "\SS8\S\a\d\s\e PAGE THIRTEEN a EE SEs ee Music HERBERT ( TRENEER 1s PRE- par in or gan A free bookie t | od pon request. 63 Drew street. Phone 466, tf A BIG ASSORTMENT OF HAWAI- | fan guitars ukuleles, tenor banjos. south, | Lessons given by. H. Wagner, teacher. Apply Harris Music , | Store. Phone 1490. (Apr. 4-May 4) OF tt Sis "ue JOSEPH P. MANGAN, it, Non UC ov 3 Rats, Calis: Phone EE -------------------------------------- ; CREIG =BAR- . a ota: i GE wd A. T. K Creighton, 'SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- : Barristers, Conveyancers, ary Public, ste' AID nches © al and Civil Law. Money to Office over Lamble's store, 2 St, east, [] , & n, ARTHUR LYNDR, VOCAL TRACH- er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams, awa, Mondays, 92 Sim- coe 8t. North, Phone 371J. ol Insurance Corsetiere EE ------ CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Eigin east. Mrs Annie Peant- land, managing corsetiere. Even- ings by appointment. Those 442), T 4 VON GUNTEN, BXPERT "i King rn WW hMr ythop t= tf) A A ------ ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe 8t.. Phone 1347M. (19tf) Ao] Cleaning and Pressing DAVIS AND SON, INSURANC profi Oshawa. The olen e Oshawa. e- putable yr, bois WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your 'insurance wants - attended to and your interests protected. (Oct 11-1yr,) 0, BE. HEPBURN, 64 McLAUGH- lin Blvd,, Oshawa, District Repre- sentative for the Great West Life Assurance Company of Canada. (Feh, 1-1yr) wanson, H. N. ackensie. Louis 8. HYMAN AND (COM ny, Barristers. Money to loan. Ber Pewland's Store, 16 Simcoe ne north, Phone 67, residence 2397W, (tn PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- ps, etc. Money to loan, Disney Bldg. opposite post office, Phone 1614, A, J, Parkhill, A, x. 8. Greer. Medical R. R. E McMULLEN, PHYSI- go on rd itn, 0 ou none 3503, (11480) PR, HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- cg Obstetrician, Spe. cial reference to maternity work snd diseases of women, Two years' post graduate experience, Office and vesidence 167 Simcoe St, N,, (cor, Brock) phone 803, : (119:t0) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- on, Accoucher, Office and resi- Sones ng St. East, corner Victoria wa, Phone 9, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN hy Obstetrician, diseases Of Infants and children, Office ani residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1156. | DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI. cian and Surgeon, special attention iven to X-ray work and Electro y Disney Block. Phone $060, Office. open § a.m. to 9 Pp m, Residence 161 King East, Phone 2416, (tf) DR. C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and pesidence, 6556 Bimess Bt. Jona, rner Arlington. Phone , " (Mar, 21- Apr. 21) Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED Fhaons detention from busine. » , B 8) » L] 1 { 4 east, elie (Feb.18-May 18) lal SS Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist R. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Bireet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till pm, for consultation and treatment of of ear, pose and throat only. Appointments maye be made o drug store. Phone 7A (49-6) Dental Dk. D. BR. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe St. South Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex- traction. Phone 231, res. BOAR hr Money to Loan Ne, BOKO, CLEANING AND PRESSING. Goods called for and delivered, Norman Lambert, 66 Bagot St. West of St, George's Chuch, Phone 23. (Mar, 17-Apr, 17) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER. fields made to order, We save you money, Estimates free. G. A. Constable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 15695J, (66-t1) 198 OLIVE AVENUE, hauling gravel and sand, $1.75 a yard, Phone 2298, (Mar, 26-Apr. 26) LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed or under construction. Conant and Annis, phone 4, (75-tf) PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS to loan on first mortgage security at current rates, Grierson & Creighton, Standard Bank Bldg. (Mar, 20-Apr, 29) RA ------------------ PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of their motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, $ King Bt. B. 14411) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans brranged Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 420. (96-tf) Machinery Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing, Body bumping a specialty, (Mar tf) ADANAGC GARAUE AND MACH- INE Shop, successor to Durvant Machine Company| All kinds of machinery repairing, cracked mo: tor blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded, Connecting rods rebabitted, Fly wheel stavt ing teeth installed, 161 King St. W. Phone 1214, (8:tf) Painting CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged, Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, ete, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614, (40tL) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS: ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beecroft. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- one 324. (69-tf) Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND PAPER HANG- ing, Work guaranteed, Peeling and Steele, Phone 2337J. (Apr, 11-May 11) DECORATING, F, C. HILL, paper-hanging, painting, Work guaranteed, Estimates given. Phone 942W. 185 Brock east. (Mar, 12-1 mo) NOW I8 THE TIME TO GET your house painted, before flies are coming, and streets are getting dusty, We will do it, lowest esti- mates, best materials used, Myg- land and Lindstad, 14 Nassau St, Phone 14985W. (Apr.3-May 8) Auctioneer SEND YOUR FURNITURE AND other goods you have to sell, to our yard, Sales weekly, Sulley's Real Estate, 41 King Street West, Phones 2580 or 716J. (60tL) HAVING RENTED A GARAGE AT 19 Lloyd St., I am in a position to hold sales once a week. Good place to store furniture, All parties hav- ing articles for sale kindly notify E, J, Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% Kipg St, E, Phone 1013M, (Mar, 23-Apr, 28) R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, Lo iy 7 EW years' nee. ces ori guaranteed 15] Huron street. Phone (45 tf) Beauty Parlors MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina St, st Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling. Phone 2858. (Mar, 23-Apr. 28) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESSING Parlor. Marcel and Curl, 50 cents. Hot oil shampoo. 651 Simcoe St. N. Phone 918M for appointment. (Apr. 7-May 7) MARCEL AND CURL, 60 CENTS, 45 Albany St.,, or by appointment phone 6247. (Apr. 10-May 10) Veterinary Surgeon , OF - ne 9569, 4-1 yr. DES TET, DE Residence 306. H M. COOKE, 9 ao one Michats Drag extraction. Phone CE Paone 948 a, ord ber » 5A DR SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Cat snd Dog Hos 20! 8 west. Phone 629. (56-t1) Wanted to Buy MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poult Goods called for. Phone 32060M. Residence 99 Mil) street. (111tf) SECOND HAND FURNITURE dealer, buying and selling, 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M, (Apr. 4-May 4) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale Jamieson Bros e 438 (tf) Taxis PROMPT TAXI SERVICE AT 109 Agnes St. Phone 598W. WwW. C. Werry. (831) Motor Cars FOR SALE--1 FORD DUMP truck with stake body; 1 Ford hassis and 1 Wettlaufer gasoline .|C. S. DICKENSON, V.5. DISEASES fically treated. Dominion _ Goyernment Veterinary. 34 Brock E. Phone sg, Bh (131-tf) Transportation H RD, E id Engineering and Surveying SM AR- and - { Cleaning Phone Window screen and LB ! : : removed. ; | ; ; iF I 3x i ! i if ke i COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- 3% Bond St est. Phone Moving yan storage 1 The Oshawa Daily Times. concrete mixer with 1,000 pine block palates, all in perfect con- dition. Phone 556W. Can be seen after 6 o'clock. (80-1) Help Wanted--Male YOUNG MAN WANTED WITH some experience as collector, ae- quainted with Oshawa and dis trict. Steady position.. Write Box "M" Oshawa Daily Times. (84c) Help Wanted--Female WANTED~--EXPERIENCED STE- , @lso for clerical work, Ra Soy Bad poesia at a pply x "P" Oshawa Daily Times. (82-1) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR adult family. Apply 109 Alice St. Phone 1874W. (83¢) WANTED--GOOD COOK, GEN- eral. References required. to 261 Simcoe St. N. APN to WANTED--A CAPABLE WOMAN for gemeral housework, if child- rent are mot objectionable. Phone 425F. (83¢c) EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply 7% Simcoe St. S. _A84t0) YOUNG LADY WANTED TO AS- sist in news . good local connection preferred. Give full particulars and refer- ences by letter to A. R. Alloway, (840) Massa sasaasasnssassasss - Classified Ads. First insertion--13 conte per word, Minimum charge--30c. Each subsequent insertion le per word. Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three Tn: Boz aumber 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart. ment, Real Estate for Sale HOUSE FOR SALE--353 MARY ents, paved mediate posses- price, easy terms. | Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris. &c., Oshawa, Ontario. Ye, (55te) For Rent TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. All conveniences. No child- ren, 65 Second avenue. (84-b) SIX ROOMS TO RENT. FIRST house north of school, Park 2 N. (84-b) HOUSE FOR SALE - 4 ROOMS and bath, brick. Snap for quick sale. Near Phillips' and Pedlars.' Box "G,"" Oshawa Dally Times. (86-¢) HOUSE FOR SALE--WEST- mount, corner lot, seven rooms, 3 plece bath, garage, side entrance, hardwood downstairs, Terms rea- sonable, Further information. phone 1126W, (84-0) NEW FIVE ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale. South end, near school, all conveniences, Phone 1637TW, (84-1) FARM FOR SALE. EXTRA GOOD 60 acre farm, Good buildings. Large brick house, Hot and cold water, Consider exchange for house in Oshawa. Phone 1492M, (83¢) $4,600 HOUSE IN TORONTO, ST. Clair district, will exchange for house in Oshawa. North end pre- ferred. Will pay difference, F, D, R. Waugh, Lansing, Ont. (86-h) $1,000 BUYS A NICE LITTLE cottage in Whithy with electric light, water and cement cellar, Terms, $760 cash, balance arrang- ed, Apply 162 Elgin St. B, Phone 16667, (86-c) MODERN SOLID BRICK, SEVEN roomed house, Division street, half block north of Motors. Apply H. Cunliffe, phone 421J, between 12 and 1 pm, 6 and 7 p.nv. . (85-0) Articles For Sale SINGER SEWING MACHINE AND Victrola for sale, Nearly new. Ap- ply 28} Simcoe St. South, (84-¢) FOR SALE--1 CREAM WICKER baby carriage, slightly used, Ap- ply 156 Lloyd street. (85-h) FOR SALE--STRICTLY laid eggs in any quantity, De- livered anywhere In city. Phone 896, (Apr, 3-May 8) BROWN REED CARRIAGE FOR sale In good condition, Apply 172 Albert St, Phone 13127, (85-h) NEW FOR BSALE--8 PIECE DINING room suite, fumed oak, Three burner electric plate. Small eleec- tric heater, Apply 86 Simcoe St. N., upstairs. (86-c) HATCHING - EGGS. FOR SALE, White Wyandotte, Martin strain, Phone 114, (851) HOUSE FOR SALE, 281 MARY ST. $6,000, Seven rooms. All conveni- ences, Hardwood floors through- out, Garage, Private drive, Seen by appointment evenings, after six only, Phone 1867M, (88tL) FOR SALE--POULTRY FARM, A beautiful home with bath and fur. nace, Also splendid barn, on one acre of land, Housing for five hundred hens. % mile of Provin- cial highway. Cheap for snap sale, or will exchange for an Oshawa home. Phone 101W tonight 6 to 8 or call at 50 Colborne St, E. (83¢) BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, North Oshawa, $6 and $6 per ft, 107% and 120 It, deep, Apply 326 Simcoe 8. Phone 872W. (83¢c) HOUSE FOR SALE--SIX LARGE rooms, brick veneer, Oak floors. stone foundation, Private drive. Coal fire place, Separate toilet and bath, 225 Athol St, E, ote) HOUSE FOR SALE NEAR MOT- ors, A real bargain, Phone 1013M, (son FOR SALE--THIS maple syrup; in city, 896. YEAR'S delivered anywhere $2.75 per gallon. Phone (Apr. 3-May 3) FOR SALE--ONE WHAT NOT, $1.60, one sideboard, golden oak, $14, one upright bookcase, $6, one square plano, $50. Phone 2055J, (84-c) FOR SALE--A QUANTITY OF Uxbridge small seed potatoes. $1.00 per bag. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (88¢c) FOR SALE--AUSTRALIAN NEW Zealand White Leghorn eggs for hatching. $10 hundred. Orders taken at Gordon Smyth's Drug Store and Dean Pickell, Lakeside Farm. (Apr. 9-23) 1 DOLLAR DEPOSIT SECURES delivery of your order; Rogers Sil- verware, watches, ' clocks, rings. Jewelry of all kinds, and the bal- ance payable on very easy terms. O. H. Dell, 263 Simcoe South. Phone 1656. (Mar. 23-Apr.23) FOR SALE, HARDWOOD FLOOR- ing. Waterous-Meek Ltd. Phone 1288, (62-t2) $5,800--SEVEN LARGE ROOMS, brick, on paved street, every cons venience, French doors, oak floors, Price reduced, Easy terms, Phone 2642. (85-h) Pets and Livestock TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms to rent at 200 Church TH Cc THREE ROOMED HOOSE TO rent, Light and sewer. Apply 171 Mill St. Phone 1313J. 85-¢) FOR RENT--RED BRICK HOUSE, eight rooms. Possession April 11, Garage, Hydro, hen house, West Ross' Corners, Phone 209 Brooklin evenings, (831) TWO UNFURNISHED HEATED rooms to rent on main floor, Close to G.M.C. No children. Apply 186 Ritson Rd, 8, (83¢c) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent, Breakfast if desired, 282 Golf St, (88¢) BED SITTING ROOM FOR RENT, Suitable for two gentlemen, 166 Simcoe St, 8, (83¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM SUIT- able for gentleman to share with another, Close to G.M.C, Phone 13677. (83¢) LARGE, WELL FURNISHED front room, excellent board, with private family, 10 minutes from Motors, Phone 2189M, (84-c) FOR RENT--THREE ROOM FLAT and kitchen, All conveniences, Electric stove, Store below, Im] mediate possession, Apply 186 Verdun Road. (84-1) FURNISHED BEDROOM TO RENT suitable for two gentlemen, friends or young husiness couple, Phone 14027, (84c) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS OR flat furnished. All conveniences, Vacant April 24, Apply 202 Haig St, (84¢c) TO RENT--3 ROOMS, SUITABLE for light housekeeping, Apply 73 Gladstone avenue, (86-a) TO RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two gentlemen or young couple, Board if desired. 266 Cocrt St, Phone 2756J, (86-¢c) CHOICE APARTMENT TO RENT. electric range, oak floors, All conveniences. Immediate posses- sion, Apply N, 8. Baird, Phone 466 or 2521. (856d) COMFORTABLE BEDROOM TO RENT, suitable for two friends, Close to Motors. Meals close by, Phone 2110W, (85-c) BRICK GARAGE TO RENT, AT 281 Mary St, (85-a) FARM TO RENT--200 ACRES. South halves lots 31 and 382, 4th concession, Township of Darling- ton. About 50 acres fall ploughed Immediate possession. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &e., Oshawa, Ontario. (Wed tf) FOR SALE-- ONE AYRSHIRE cow, coming in soon, Mrs, Farley, 11 Woodcrest Ave.,, off Gibbon, Phone 2087J. (83¢c) FOR SALE--HENS, 16 WHITE Leghorns Barron strain. One Bar- red Rock rooster, All laying. Phone 1782W. (83¢c) FOR BSALE--FLEMISH GIANT rabbits. Will sell cheap, Fourth house on Bloor street, west of Park road. (84-c) THIRTY WHITE LEGHORN PUL. lets for sale. May hatched, Barron strain. $1.50 each. Delivered in lots of ten or more. A. P, Taber. Phone Brooklin 1130. (86-2) TWO JERSEY COWS FOR SALE. Right in every way. Just renew- ed. Gordon Trevail, Phone 908 r 13. (85-¢) Lost and Found ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND lumber, doors, windows, mew and second hand, French doors, fur- naces, laundry tubs, lath, garage doors, windows for chicken coops. Reasonable prices. Apply opposite 81 Ontario St. Open all week. (84e) MAN'S COAT, GOOD AS NEW. A real buy for someone. Phone 2794W after 8 p.m. (85-¢) LLOYD BABY STROLLER, COF- fee, white enamel, safety crib, bed couch, cheap. All in good condition. Apply 141 Simcoe St. N. Phone 944J. (85-c) TWO RUGS, 9 X 12, FOR SALE. 48 Brock St. E. Phone 105F. (85-¢) FOR SALE--MANURE AT $2 A load, delivered. Phone 1242F. (85) FOR SALE -- AT 55 DREW ST., dining room suite, Chesterfield suite, living room rug, hall seat and mirror.Music cabinet, library table, reed rocking chair, mahog- any table. small rugs, fixtures. Phone 518. (85-c) FOR SALE -- Red Clover Seed, $15.00 per bushel; White Blossom Sweet Clover, $3.50. Both Gov- ernment Standard No. 1. Oliver McCulloch, lot 25, con. 8, Darling- ton. (85) FOR SALE -- CANADA KITCHEN Cabinet, electric iron, both im first class condition. Apply 178 Albert St. LOST--A STRING OF PEARLS, Saturday between Ross Corners. Finder phone 1824W. (83e) LOST -- WATCH, GENTS "Omega" T. W .op back. Good Fri- day, between Barrie Ave., Elm street and lake. Please return to 133 Barrie Ave. Good reward. LOST--BETWEEN CHARLES ST. and Jury & Lovells, gold diamond bar pin, Monday. Finder please call at Jury & Lovell's. Bowie 4 LOST--ON SIMCOE ST. SOUTH or Albert St., one tow chain with hook. Return to Dixon Coal Co, Re ward. (85¢) FOUND -- LADY'S KID GLOVES on Mary Street. Enquire Times Office. ( 86a) Room and Board RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN wanted to share room with another. Board, Private family. All con- veniences. Apply 143 Centre .St. (84-c) ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY college graduate mear Motors. Ap- ply Box "F" Oshawa Daily Times. (85-¢) NICE LARGE DOUBLE ROOM with board. Apply 64 McLaughlin Blvd, or phone 2446W. (85-¢) ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen, with or without board. All conveniences. Private family. Phone 1260F. (85-b) ROOM AND BOARD AT 104 Church St. (86-¢) BOARD AND ROOM AT 307 SIM- coe St. 8. Home cooking. (85¢) Agents Wanted SELLING REPRESENTATIVE wanted to handle legitimate mining shares; full particulars on request. It you are mot sold on this your- self, we do mot ask you to handle it. A. W. Ryder & Co., 7 McCaul $t., Toronto 2. (82-4) ESTABLISH YOURSELF IN A lifetime business of your own. Our men make upward to $3,000 yearly, you can do the same. No tailing our 150 guaranteed lines of Household Remedies, Teas, Coffee and Food Products. Plea- ant, healthy and district. particulars. Cressy Co., 296 Gladstone Aye FOUND--A SUM OF MONEY, ON Tuesday. Can be had by proof of loss. Apply W. H. Scilley. (85-2) sa -- J GARAGE WANTED NEAR RIT- son Road and Bruce St. Apply Box "C" Oshawa Daily Times. " (84c) SMALL GARAGE WANTED TO rent. Must be central. - Phone 1826M, after 6 p.m. (84-0) BUSINESS GIRL DESIRES ROOM, close to Motors. Box "B" Oshawa Daily Times. (84-¢) $5300 -- SIX LARGE ROOMS, Phone 731--. (85-c) | Phone 2642. new brick, all conveniences, oak floors, mice fot. Easy terms. (85-b) a (74-80-8591) Sealed Tenders to school on Pine avenue, 8.8. No. 19. Township of East Whitby, as per plans and specifications will be received by the undersigned up nntil 12 o'clock moon, Wednesday, April 18, 1928. Plans may be ob- tained on deposit of $19 from the architect, Jobm T. Hornsby, 10 William street south, Lindasy Ont. A marked cheque for 19 per cent of bid must accompany every tend- er. Lowest or any tender mot | mecessarily accepted. 8. V. Young. | secretary , B88. No. 19, Find Five Ways to Improve Bill's Grammar Dear Fred: Leave me go to Los Angeles in your place. I never remember meeting Mr. Harrison, but that makes no difference, 1 under- stand he is some older than Mr, Lee, but your letter gives me the impression that his story may be a false misrepresentation of the matter, and I am convinced he is nowhere near as talented as he claims to be. Cordially yours, Bill, YESTERDAY'S LETTER OCOR« RECTED Dear Fred: New York is a long way from here, and if a large supply of the books was received last week Mar- tha will have enough to read in the evenings, and I would not go it I were she, I'll arrive (omit at) about four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Cordially yours, Bill, For Exchange WILL EXCHANGE TORONTO House in Danforth and Broad- view district for one in Oshawa to Whithy.Long and Hill, 478 Dan- forth Ave,, Toronto, (85a) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE AT 182 KING ST, east, Oshawa, Ont.,, of the estate of the late Ellen Luke, on Thurs- day, April 12th, 1928, including the efeght room solid brick house with all conveniences. This is lo- cated close to General Motors and would make an ideal rooming ar hoarding house. The household furniture includes 1 Williams player piano, nearly new, a large quantity of real antique walnut furniture, living room suitees, set- tees, chairs, small tables, dining room suite, combination hookcase and writing desk, hall rack, kitchen furniture, four bedroom suites, vacuum cleaner and other things too nunrerous to mention, Sale at 1.30 p.m, sharp and at 2.30 the house will be offered subject to reserve bid. Terms on furniture, cash and on house 10 per cent at time of sale and balance in 80 days. W J Sulley, auctioneer, (84-b) . CNR TIME TAME ete ST "i Eesthousd Troles f ann sor Bp) sees - = Sept Epm, SEESsSEffe, H 5 $5 § B _ REF E B PPR PRERES Baden © PUPP vO Eeses BSSATEERE PYPTPPTYODI ESS PpPpEpRpRaRdR FERRARA RRF tn Ho. 5 Suda s 88as f= i Leave Hospital xCstss papasds OWN ABW = BNI] 1.00 p.m, i 4.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m, PPPUOPTT RES Epes shnsis gRappres §2s [R14] 9.40 p.m, Ti ked * are iy Hoy To SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going Wess Leave 8 HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from Nurse Foote to sell hy public auction at 19 Lloyd street, on Thursday afternoon, April 12, at 1 o'clock, household 'effects, consisting of 2 Axminster rugs, quantity of bedding good as new, 2 tables, 2 large wicker chairs, number of other chairs, 2 rolis of linoleum, 1 set of dishes, willow pattern, in blue, 4 iron beds, com- plete, 1 walnut bed, 2 dressers, 1 washstand, 1 glass cupboard, 1 woden cupboard, 1 sliding couch complete, 1 breakfast room suite, brand new, in blue trimmed with gold, 1 coal oil stove, 1 Happy Thought range, two-in-one stove, five bird cages, and other articles too numerous to mention, Terms cash.. BE. J. Pomery, auctioneer, 18% King St. E. Phone 1013M, (84h) Notice of Divorce Ontario, Canada, Province "of County of Ontario: Notice is hereby given that Isa- bella Henderson, of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, will ap- ply to the Parliament of Canada at the present or next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her busband, Thomas Parker Hender- son, of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, battery expert, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, this 19th day of March A.D. 1928. Louis N. Suk- loff, 212 Manning Chambers, Tor- onto, Ontario. Solitictor for the Applicant, by his Agent, Louis S.| Hyman, Barrister, 16 Simcoe street north, Oshawa. (Wed-Apr 25) Stricken while shopping down- C. Draper, Toronto's new chief , died suddenly of sy He was 52 years of age. i treasurer, | Tp. 'East Whitby, P.O. Box 291, Oshawa. A79-4pr. 14) 10.40 o.m, 1) 1.00 p.m, 3.00 p.m, pm, .20 p.m, 8.20 p.m, , 10.20 p. Gotng Ram ---- our PRS Pe et BRE TTP UPL BER B3P = 3] ; H Arr, Soa kes og LETHE ha > 4 Defective eyes are the cause of much physical trouble, Bh i516 we PHONR-- Disney Block Onposste Poss other ed at the office of the City Engineer. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. W. C. SMITH, City Engineer

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