VOL. 2--NO. 84 FLOOD CONDITI ar Ente Seminos sod Publ Haliare SUCCEEDING 1he Oshawa Daily Reformer @he Oshawa Daily Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1928 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. TWELVE PAGES A ONS GENERALLY IMPROVED GERMAN SETS Roundup Leaders Aiding NEW RECORD IN MARATHON Otto Kemmerich Succeeds in Establishing Duration Record DEFEATS N. Y. WOMAN Is Professional Swimmer -- Broke Time of 32 Hours (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Press) Hamburg, Apr, 10. -- Otto Kemmerich, German profession- al swimmer, today broke the world's duration swimming rec- ord ef 32 hours set by Mrs, Lot- tie Moore Schoemmel of New York at Miami Beach, Florida, last week, At 10.30 Kemmer- ich had been in the water 3814 hours and gave every indication of being able to continue for 50 hours he had set as his goal. FLOOD CONDITIONS THOUGHT FINISHED In Eastern Townships -- Damage Likely to Reach Hundred Thousand (By Canadian Press) Sherbrooke, Apr. 10.--Flood conditions throughout the Eastern Townships are today greatly igi- proved, in fact, unless something unforeseen occurs ; menace nis who suffered from the flood are to- day busy counting the damage and making repairs, It is estimated that the damage caused will amount to well over a hundred thousand dollars, GOV'T BILLS WIL OCCUPY HOUSE House of Commons to Re- assemble at Ottawa Today (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Apr, 10.--Government bills and estimates will shave the right of way when the House of Commons reassembles here today. Few Government measures remain to be introduced and the main dis- cussion will be on the supply, Many members of the Cabinet returned to the Capital last night and today following the Easter recess. Sev- eral ministers, however, are still absent and are not expected to re- sume their parliamentary duties for a few days, YOUNG HINDU PAYS SECOND VISIT TO U. S. TO LECTURE (By Associated Press) New York, April 10.--Jeddu Krishnamurti, young Hindu who is accepted by Theosophis as "a vehi- cle for world teacher", has arrived in the United States on his second viist to spread his doctrine. 27TH FALL FOR PRINCE OF WALES (By Canadian Press) Flaggmore, Eng., April 10.--The Prince of Wales registered his 27th fall today while riding in the high peak point to point races. He was not hurt. Many Disorders Feature Openin Chicago Polls (By Associated Press) Chicago, April 10.--One shooting, several kidnap- pings, ballot box stuffing and minor disorders were reported today less than two hours after the polls had opaned at the close of Chi- cago"s hottest and most vi- tuperative primary cam- paign, HOLDER OF FLYING RECORD IS KILLED IN AUTO CRASH (By Canadian Press) Hamburg, April 10.--Josef Bohne, manager of the aeroplane works and holder of the world's altitude record for double-seated lightweight planes, was killed in an auto crash last night, He drove the machine into a milk truck, "EMPTY" PISTOL KILLED CANDIDATE DURING INITIATION (By Associated Press) Chicago, April 10--The "Onward Christian Soldier" Negro lodge clicked an "empty" pistol over a candidate's heart as part of an in- itiation ceremony, John Overton, 85, was unlucky. The pistol went off and he died instantly, police found, REPEATED FEAT OF MAKING HOLE-IN.ONE ON SALISBURY LINKS (By Associated Press) New York, April 10.--H. Sawyer, Missoula, made a hole-in-one a year ago at the tenth jale of the Salis- bury Golf Club. e mentioned it to a friend on the same course yes- terday and the friend wouldn't be- lieve it, Sawyer repeated the feat, LADY BAILEY IN PLANE CRASHES WHEN LANDING (By Canadian Press) London, April 10.,--An Exchange Telegraph despatch from Capetown says Lady Mary Bailey, who is fly- ing from London to Capetown, crashed in attempting to land at Tabora, but was not hurt, MORE FOREST FIRES IN NEW YORK STATE Albany, N.Y., April 9.--With thousands of acres of forests razed and blackened by flames, the State Department of Conservation today reported eleven new forest fires, bringing the total in the last five days up to 105, The ten largest blazes have burn- ed over 2,600 acres of woodland, destroying two farmhouses, three barns and several smaller struc- tures, Because of the fire menace, all permits to burn brush have been revoked by the department. Commissioner Alexander Maz- Donald said at least 1,000 men have been engaged in fighting the fires in the various parts of the state, but primarily in the south- ern and eastern areas, Two of the largest fires were near Ghent, in Columbia County, he reported, The department issued a state- ment today charging that neglig- ence was the cause of every one of the 105 fires. SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE (By Canadian Press) Constantinople, April 10.--The National Assembly of Angora has unanimously passed a bill separat- ing the Church and State in Turk- ley, : Pleads Guilty to Charge of Carrying Concealed Weapons Harry MeCap pleaded guilty in police court this morning before Magistrate Hind to a charge of carrying concealed weapons. He was remanded for sentence until Tuesday, April 17, at the request of the crown. . McCap was arrested on Monday evening, Apr. 2, with a revolver in his possession, "and when he ap- peared in court the next morning the case was adjourned until to- : day, so that his record might be ; investigated. It is stated that the . criminal records at Ottawa show- | ed four or five previous convic- tions, including one of breaking and entering. McCap's photo- graph was taken for the police records today. He was represent- ed by D. A. J. Swanson, and will remain in custody at Whitby for the coming week, + record. Clandestine Immigration Ring Attempting to Stow Away Emigrants to South America -- Use Motor Transport from One Ital ian Port to Another to Avoid Vigilance of the Authorities (By Canadian Press) Rome, Apri 110.--A round-up of the leaders of the widespread and elaborately organized ring aiding clandestine immigration, chiefly to North and South America, was an- nounced by the Fascist Militia Headquarters today. The organi- zation had agents at important points, who aided in stowing away persons aboard ships and falsified passports. Prior to embarkation, elaborate provisions were made for harboring emigrants. There was a system of motor transport to speed them from onegport to another in order to avoid the vigilance of authori- ties. MAN KILLED BY POISONED MEAL Authorities Were Baffled as to the Cause of Death Farmington, Mich.,, April 9.-- With the prosecutor's office in Oakland County admittedly baffled by the mystery of the death of Reese Fox, chauffeur at the Con- valescent Home of the Michigan Children's Hospital, who succumb- ed after a meal of cornmeal cakes which contained rat poison, au- thorities today extended their search for a clue to Lexington, Ky., and Granite City, Ill. At the latter place the prosecu- tor's office" will seek information relative to the whereabout of Miss Isobel Hooey, a 19-year-old nurse, who came to the Children's Hos- pital here. from Toronto. . Miss Hooey, who also ate of the poison cakes al the same time as Fox, hecame deathly sick, hut recovered within a day or two, then left the hospital last Tuesday in response to a telegram from a woman friend in Granite City. She gave no hint as to whether she intended to re- turn according to the hospital au- thorities, TOKYO ORDERS THE DISSOLUTION OF EXTREMIST BODY (By Canadian Press) Tokyo, April 10.--The Govern ment today ordered the dissolution of Ronoto, the extremist. political organization, and two other extrem- ist organizations. Action was ta- ken on the grounds that they men- aced security and order, SEEKS DIVORCE, WIFE WEIGHS OVER 200 AND EATS ALL DAY (By Associated Press) New York, April 10.--Dr., John Isquith wants a divorce. His spouse weighs over two hundred and eats all day long--vast quan- tities of candy, cavair, cheese and fruit between meals, topped off by two cartons of cigarettes weekly-- he says, CITY NOW HAS A CLERK FOR COURT WORK Robert Stockhill Appointed Yesterday, Has Taken Over Duties RECORDS EVIDENCE Forty Cases Handled By the Department Over Easter Week-end Over forty cases were handled by the city police department over the Easter week-end, Chief of Police Friend states, and most of these were arrests, The total is largely swelled, of course, by the 21 ar- rests made in the raid on the King Street east gambling joint Friday evening, but this total is unusually large for such a short time. The number of cases indicated hy this report shows the greatly in- creased efficiency of the police force with additional constables on duty, according to the chief of police, Now three men are on outside duty on a particular shift where perhaps only one was before, and naturally they can clean up many more of- fenses than formerly. The new constables are working into their duties in fine shape, and, as soon as the uniforms arrive in a short time, will be placed on a regular beat with the sergeants taking over their duties. So far the new men have accompanied older constahles on their beats to learn the "Tricks of the trade." The new police court clerk, Roh- ert Stockill, commenced his duties yesterday, relieving the Chief of Police of many routine duties and enabling him to devote much more of his tinrte to his real work--pre- venting and punishing erime. The chief and his clerk have been busy today rearranging the fillng system Th the police office, and in getting many other points of the office work in shape, the chief having had al- most no time availahle formerly to handle this work. MOTHER PLEADS - FOR SON'S RETURN Bank Teller Disappears Fol- lowing Robbery--Mother Asks Him to Surrender (By Assnciated Press) Newark. N, J., April 10 Pn- lice today announced that An- thony Kolski, eighteen, bank tell- er, who disappeared after the dis- covery of shortages on twenty thousand dollars In his accounts at the local bank, was moved hy | a published appeal of his mother | to return home and surrender himself. AUTOS SWEPT OFF DECK Milwaukee, Wis., April 9.--Wea- thering a severe stormr that stood them on their heam at times, and swept 23 automobiles overboard, two steamers reached here last night from Detroit, opening navi- gation from the lower lakes. A sixty mile gale lashed the steamers Sultana and Progress of the Nicholson Universal Steamship Company, after they left ice fields at White Shoals and headed for the Wisconsin shore with 300 automo- biles on board. To Represent Company W. E, DAVIS Assistant General Manager of Gen- eral Motors of Canada, Limited, who has been appointed to repre- sent General Motors on the Board of Conciliation to bring about a definite settlement of the recent strike. FLOOD WILL HIT PETERBORD SOON Kawartha Lakes Have Start- ed Loosening Heavy Bulk of Water (By Canadian Press) Peterboro, Apr, 10.--The peak of the flood pouring out of the Kawartha Lakes has not yet reach- ed Peterhoro but is expected today or tomorrow. Indications today, however, are that it will not be sprious as the water level fell six ipches during the night in the i south end of the city, ABDUCTED GIRL Patricia Grover, of Trenton, Taken Away on Sunday (By Associated Press) Trenton, April 10.--State police today broadcast the alarm throughout New Jersey for Pa- tricia Grover, fourteen-year-old in- mate of St.Michael"s orphanage at Hopewell who is reported to have been abducted Sunday. The child was playing on a lawn when a man approached and asked if she wanted some Easter candy Patricia accompanied him, and neither has been found since, FORM IN TORONTO De Haviland Company Has Capital of Quarter Million (By Canadian Press) Toronto, April 10. -- The Proy- incial Secretary's Department has issued a charter to the De Havi- land Aircraft Company of Canada for the purpose of forming a com- pany to construct aeroplanes. The capitalization is a quarter million dollars and the head office will be | in Toronto, POLICE HUNT FOR 1 No Authentic Estimate of] Total Damage But Will Run Into Hundreds of Thousands Dollars -- The Losses Particularly Heavy in Qubec FAMILIES BACK IN THEIR HOMES All Danger Passed in Ottawa District -- Conditions Are More Serious in Peterboro and Parry Sound Districts (By Canadian Press) Reports received today from eas- tern Canadian districts suffering as a result of rivers and creeks over- flowing during the past few days in- dicate that in nearly all instances the swollen waters are receding and per- sons forced to lcave their homes are retuning. No further deaths directly traceable to flood conditions in the various provinces were received to- day and the list of victims stands at six, four in Quebec and two in On- tario, No authentic estimate of the total damage caused by runaway streams have been made but it is expected that the sum will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Losses were particularly heavy in the Province of Quebec, Indications from the eastern town- ships of Quebec today pointed to a quick release fram the menace caus- ed by the rising waters of St. Fran- Cor ditions Improving in Ontario and Quebec Death Toll Stands at 6 ATLANTIC FLIGHT IS OFF FOR TODAY (By Canadian Press) Baldonnel Aerodrome, Ives land, April 10.--The German- plane Hremen will mot start its trans-atlantic flight today. FAGES CHARGE OF ASSAULTING WIFE George Rutka Remanded to April 18 for a Hearing Assaulting and beating his wife is the charge under which George gistrate Hind in police court this morning, He pleaded not guilty through his counsel, Lonis Hyman, and, on request of the crown, was remanded until Wedn2sday, April 18. He will be confined in the county jail at Whitby unless bail is arranged in the meantime. It was stated by Chief of Police Friend in court that his wife, Annie Rutka, is confined to her bed as a result of injuries sustained yester- day, it is alleged from her hus- band, and that two ribs are crack- ed and other injuries were inflict- ed, The remand was necessary to enable her to convalesce sufficient- ly to appear in court, FRENCH GUARD WHILE cis and Chaudiere Rivers and it is estimated "that damages in this area will reach more than $100,000. Rail- ways in the Province with the ex- ception of the Beauceville Branch of the Quebec Central e i Fram etTonth Hormaily. dts All danger is past in Ottawa, the district where the Ottawa River and its tributaries caused extensive dam- age during the past few days and residents of Pembroke, Renfrew and other towns and villages are busily engaged in clearing debris and af- fecting repairs caused by the swirl- ing waters, While conditions are serious in the vicinity of Peterboro and Parry Sound, officials are confident that the Otonabee and Seguin River waters have reached their highest marks, At Peterboro the Otonabee was reported to be some inches lower today and it is expected that unless heavy rains come within the next fet days the water will continue to recede, Apr, 10.--~old continued to pre- vail' throughout the Province of Quebec today prevented further rising of rivers, and the f'»od situa- tion in many districts, though still serious, was considered halted, at least temporarily. While waters in swollen rivers continued to recede, ice jams, which were holding up the natural course of streams, presented a constant menace, and several districts faced still further damages from that source. Condi- tions in the eastern townships, the heaviest sufferers, continued to improve, Montreal, weather which Ottawa, Apr. 10.--Continued cold weather has practically eli- minated the flood menace in this district. All yesterday and last night waters receded before a chilling wind around Ottawa, where as from Pembroke, Renfrew and Quyon reports were that the floods were disappearing and citi- zens were busily engaged in re- pairing damage which had heen | done, BLACKSMITH CELEBRATES HIS GOLDEN JUBILEE AT THE TRADE o --_m A unique celebration was held in Oshawa yesterday when Mr. smith. The ceremony took place in the blacksmith shop at 18 Mary street operated by Messrs. James Moffatt and George Montgomery. and in which Mr. Hooper learned his trade just fifty years ago. He borrowed a grey horse from the Oshawa Dairy and showed that he bas lost nothing of old skill by shoeing in short order... He is shown in action. The centre view shows his former friends, all blacks smiths, who attended the celebration. From left to right the picture shows: W. Ayres, Whitby: George Mongomery, Oshawa; Russell Col- S$. F. Hooper, 5 & 8 Charles street, celebrated his golden jubilee as a blacks DRUNK OPENS FIRE GERMAN CIVILIANS y Canadian ress) Paris, Apr. 10.--A Havas des- patch from Mayence, Germany, says that the French Customs Guard, while intoxicated, opened fire with his pistol on German ci» yilians in an inn at Namborn, kill- ing one and wounding another, The guard fled to his home, bar- ricaded it and then set fire to the furniture. His body later was found by the police in the charred building. p---- pr ca ------ PLEATS GUILTY ON FRAUD CHARGE Gordon Worley, Trenton, Allowed Eight Days to Pay Board Bill Gordon Worley, Trenton, plead- ed guilty in police court this morn- ing to fraudulently obtaining board and lodging. He was remanded in custody for sentence for eight days 80 that he may obtain the money to pay the account. The charge to which Worley pleaded guilty was of obtaining board and lodging by fraud from Ezekiel Anderson between Decem- ber 8 and 18, to the amount of $9.25. He stated, after pleading guilty, that he was awaiting his pay cheque from General Motors, and from this he could pay the ae- count. Magistrate Hind reminded him of the seriousness of the of- fence, pointing out that it made it much harder for the next person that wanted to obtain honest credit for a few days' board. FLIERS RESUME FLIGRT Hanoi, April 10,--Djeudonne Costes and Joseph Lebrix, French fliers, hopped off at seyen o'clock this morning for Calcutta, India. They expect to reach there tomight, load more gasoline, and take off immediately for Delhi. ¥ Rutka appeared before before Ma- (Cable Service to The Times by: - EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION OPENS TODAY Two Thousand from All Parts of Province Meet in Toronto VARIETY OF WORK Celebrated Discussion of "Frills" to Be One of the Foremost Subjects (By Canadian Press) Toronto, April 10.--Two thousand or more educationalists from all parts of Ontario gathered for the annual convention of the Ontario Education al Association, got down .o business today in many separate meetings at the University of Toronto. All pha- ses of the work in the schools and colleges of the province were taken under discussion, from the kinder garten to classical studies. These sectional meetings, in which the greater part of the accomplishments of the convention occur conclude tos morrow. A defense 'of the subjects on the school curriculum occasionally de scribed as "frills" and a plea for furthering Canadian unity by use of the common text hooks in schools of all Provinces was made hy Samuel Farmer, Port Perry, Ont., in his pres sidential address to trustees and rate payers section of Ontario Education al Association meeting today, Each of the "frills," such as mans ual training, nature study, music, hy giene and art, play a valuable part in developing the mind and charace ter of the pupil, Mr. Farmer declare ed. What was often meant in cons nection of the frills was merely that the student should have a thorough grounding in the essentials such as reading, vriting, arithmetic and oh= servation, he contended. i EE FOUR DEAD WHEN HOME DESTROYED Mother and Three Children Burned to Death--Father Blinded (Br Associated Press) Chicago, Apr. 10--Four persons, a mother and her three children, were burned to death today and four others were injured when a fire destroyed their home. Police- man saw smoke belching from the house of Leslie Wittaker in the north-west part of the city. Aftep crashing in the front door, he car- ried the woman outside and called the fire department. Wittaker was found by the fireman wandering about the back yard, blinded by the flames. His wife and three chil. dren were dead. EARLY NAVIGATION PROPHESIED AS ICE BREAKS AT KINGSTON (By Canadian Press) Kingston, Apr. 10.--A fleet of Keystone Transports Limited, seven ships in number, which have wintered here, will probably 'be ready to sail on April 15. All the ice has disappeared from the har bor and river. WORLD FLIERS NOW HOMEWARD BOUND (Cable Service To The Times By Press Canadian ) Calcutta, April 10.--Dieudonne Costes and Joseph Le Brix, home- ward bound from their long flight which is carrying them around the world, arrived at Caleutta at six thirty tonight from Hanoi, French Indo China, It's just another evidence of the value of The Oshawa Daily Times' classified advertisement page, but we're rather proud of the record set up last evening, when 150 re- plies were received for one ad. Here it fis:-- j TO RENT--UNDER LEASE. Homse on Brock East. Almost new. Brick. 8 rooms. Best will, Toronto; Mr. Hooper, James Moffatt, Oshawa; E. Waller, Courtice, A. Mounce, Oshawa, and P. S, Romburgh, Toronto. Although 20 telephone number 150 lies to Classified vertisements in the Times Within Space of Few Hours appeared in the advertisement, the citizens took the trouble to look up the number in order to get their answer in first, if possible, and Mr. Horton kept a man busy at the 'phone for a considerable timo answering the inquiries that poured in. The demand for rental houses in this city is just as great as ewer, this firm states, and say that they could rent a large number if they were available. They see little prospect of any lessening of the building situation this season.