PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1928 10.30 Red Network: hi National G Grand, Op WIZ (450)-N.Y. Shmber music: K¥ An a Lincol. © Orchestra. 1.00 bd LY {28)-Cinei ho Orchiatca. 2 o RTHS (334) t Sprin; Orchestra. 1S Rot ve irates, wie WCSH, Wut, WRC, WLS (45)--Chigago. "Forgotten Op: PWN (0) Havana: Cuban Trouba- WMAK (345)--Bulialo, Dance, '"Easy-to-Find" Re R - 1, e : dour WAS 148)--Chicago. Dance. LL] y-to Ww, RS WHO, x ROW, WHAS, . filica 3¥0)=N.Y. Vogak WHEM (389)--Chicago. Coon Sanders. WOR (422)-- Newark. Orchestra. 11.15 WSM (337) --Nashville. Studio program 30 Red Network :--Goodrich orchestra and WSEA (263)--Norlolk. Dance. hi mm ~Pitts. Power peri 11.30 Pacific Chain :=Royal program: KPO, quartet: WEAF, WEEL WTIC, | 11.15 b Why (73) --Atlantic City. Supper RTHS (385) --Hot Springs. Specialities, KFi, RQ, KGW, Hi, KHO, WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WLET, KVOO (38)--Tulsa, Concert, Ron KFOA, : WRC, WGY, WGR, WCAE, WTAM, | 1. » kel | Network Hotel Manger: WEAF, WBBM (389)--Chicago, ; WSAIL, WGN, WFAA, WHAS, WCCO (105) --Mpls.-St. Paul. Hi Jazz potpourri. WWJ, id oe WoT (Charlot. Carolina cous. WMC, WSM, WSB, WBT, KPRC, Mple-St. Paul. Dance, Jic program. 4 : WMAQ ( Chicago. The Aerials. WOAI ( No 1a N.Y. Twiligh Ww EAR (288)--Chicago. Popular pro "AL s, SEOM i : Tonight's Best Fea Features ¥ AF Da AR hg A ho T WHT (306)--Chicago. "Your hour. . NOR vai Witching, hous. 00 WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Dance, uflalo, Celebrities night. OF THE 3 wi oD forth oe bute | WHC G0-domibin Siu son | + Se 0 CE TEE] NE ORIN rat Mr Neh ot ie ve OF COD LIVER 273) S$ ro 1)-N.Y. « A: HE Ro 50, Han Home | 5.3 ox 380)--Schenectady, Hotel Van WRG (73)--Atlautic City. Studio pro- 11.40 WGN (416) Chicago. Melody time, WV Yai Rw K. ge wnat Lao wdk WH rouncil Hiufls. Urches, AND TAR 9.00 Blue N k i-- fan ove Spot; " 7) --Nask . WSM Min- | 12 mid KNX (337)- -- Holy wood. Feature, 3 WNON (265)--Knoxville. Dane . Orcaestia, 2.30 K1HS RD Hot s, Typ boy (357)--Toronto. Program from SM (337)--Nashvile. Min A) am Wolo 0S Mpa. Pan ox. AX 443) | Rugxville, ance music Chicago, Save. Quartet. A his hed Nik Ql)-Reging, Sask, Vosal and 5.46 WCCO St. Paul. Readers' WWJ (353)--Detroit. Musicale, 10.15 WCFL (484)--=Chicago. Dance. ve cago. Dance. WEBBC (227)--Brooklyn. Roosevelt or- WIBL ( ago. Dance. 12.30 am. WIM) (Be Milwaukee. Dan NRV (384)--Winnipeg. Capitolians. 6 TALKS pLAVS chestra. Ast. Ts 1245 WDAF (V-Kamsas City, Night: | goo --=Waldorf: WEAF, } ™ 3 (319) Lincoln. Conc ; Break up that cold before it becomes som more Rp onigh! 4 7.00 pm: CF ht WHE W LAE, ii WAMD 2 rg ae al" he. dell tH Dialogue on | 15 35 WSBT (100)--South Bend. Dance mu: {2 45 Husso, (70--Kansas Civ. Nights that ethi ¢ Sher Bas SERCH, Twilight mu chestra. Synagogue serv hawks serious, Colds Sougha and all bronchial afflictions Shy RED Vo wim Ww : WDAF (370)--Kansas City. Cioldk baw: : ! ; WSET, WBBM (389)--Chicago. Dearborn guar- " ansas City. Goldkette § 300 CNRV (31)--Vancouver. The Night fa. WoL, woo, wh (480--Chicago. Twilight organ tet. WhZ (0-Springlickd, Mass. "News: ESR hkl Mae Dick Caps. Siiickly yes to Robert's Syrup, a remedy that has 1 Volts (278)--Detroit. Capitol Theatre. WCOA (50-Bensacala. Oran. as STE Man B Remueds LI Lu BE ROO, (B0Oaklund. Frank Elis, t relief to thousands of sufferers. Always be HAN 280)--Rochester. Organ, 2 ohn ak 0, Regular Daytime Programs MAA oy ary ores, XN ee, rt 2 WOW. sheds : of 200 RN or cies Toul Au careful to get the genuine ROBERT'S SYRUP. 6.43 am. Red Network :--"Tow 615 Ki O-Pitts, Westinghouse band WIBO (306)--Chicago. Stage show. i% RENE (461) --Shenandoah. Letter bask- - bassador, right 1928.) Manufactured by et. , 1928. fon, WEAR" WCRE, Wi, Gh | 83 Hy ®t ncn. Diner concert, | wmmmmm---- | {02 (000 Springiekl, Mass. Radio -- NORTHROP & LYMAN CO, LIMITED - Toronto, Canada SOL Ema, Yor Wes er POAVS | yankees sTAGE CKCL (357)--Toronto, Setting up ex- Wi ah (285)--Baltimore. Dinner conc. woso 50)- ~Springfield, ©. Educa. WS CEL Hartford. Baud + NY REX con-shemsdoat, 1a. Sune | 645 WAM (G07 Ruchestr, Bane sic i WR CoC Meas need this | SLUGFEST, HAMMER ------ > Nati al concert. Woe Tess Chimes. id KSO (227)--Clarinda, Ya. "Th " Council talk, A = WAAN Conon asic. Sunrise hous of FOR THE KIDDIES DODDS a Riis Netware, Sha oi ph J) OUT 24 BINGLES erties UN AND NOW, " ming like a sewing machine, soar music. ; : 6.00 p.m. WBAL (285)--Baltimore, Sandman WHAM KDKA, WRC WO s AP .-- One hun ed gracefully enough, though Pie WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Y.M.C.A. ex- Circle. K i D N E Y Wor WER WAS, KYW, ROA' : thousand people witnessed a flight | lot Raab did not try th \ : ) i . 4 e ercises, Sie Dviarait. H k \VEBY (366)--Chicago. Dream Daddy 8.00 RDA (316)--Pitts, U. of Pittsburgh Treatment , Charlotte, N.C, April 6 -- The | with the original Bleriot mono- performed a few Tne aurlatiey 375 venpor appy hour, addres RUBBED on Yankees wound up their Southern plane which was the first flying | by Udet, Thera Rasche oa gore n es 5 WOC Da WEAF (492)--N.Y, Moming devotions: We BS (349)--N.Y, Uncle Gee Bee. 23 1 rhe d SW gd PY WEA! i : Pl | L S WHT (258)--Charlotte. Farm school, the throat, tour here today by staging a real| machine to cross the English | eler. The demonstration was the WTMJ (294)-- Milwaukee. Children's hr WOCO (105) --~Mpls-S Pax ad 2 . Nw (428)--Cinci. Healthiul exercises: | 6.15 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Children's { Yi «Amen i 8 h \ slugiest. The men of Hug abused Network: Eri s from hour. . ' > } WGHP (078) Bs A Vicks relieves in two direct | four local pitchers, scampering off Guatnel no 1308 hy the flying best evidence of the devlopment Wear, bern GY; Wie. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey nid \ WMAQ (448)--Chicago. ~ Northwestern ' with 24 hits, including two homers mn a aakenfield this after-| of aeroplanes in less than a score Early FR ges errien prings, Mich, ne. (45)--Chicago. Pied Piper, 41 \ NNN | U. lecture, . ways: by Iluth, two by Gehrig and one hy noon. The little apparatus, hum- | of years. { WHAR (00) ~F1. Worth, Moring ma: | £8 WEE: Gob--Bovton. Big Brother, L KIDNEY: 0 RO (ACen aire, "re (1) Its vapors, released | Pat Collins. Ruth made four hits, and so did Robertson. "Robbie" scor- 6. 6. y J (526)--Chicago. Uncle Hob, < W . \ 370)! A | on] . E E ' Meeting, . - . A : . DAF (370)--Kaunsas City, Morning 4 Ly (349)--Phila. Uncle - Wig t BackacChH ral WFLA (517) Clearwater. Book review by the body heat, are in ed four times; likewise the King of 8. ible lesson, 10 WGN (416)--Chicago, Unclle Quin. / YApp ou JP : 'p 3 e : : (535)--Des Moines. Victor prog. | g.® W Cite' (278) Detroit. Lady Moon. CL 2 PER TR MY 4.35 pki WE -Athntic City Learn haled direct to the air pas- | Swat WHO WMAQ (HO)--Chicago. U, of Chicago CONCERTS TONIGHT LER R 11.00 Pacific Chaini~"Roads 10 Romance * | gages; and Old Stan Coveleskic, who took the i a . fl KFI, KPO, KGO, KGW, KHJ, | for the Yanke - ww "(@5)=Detroit. "Tonight's Din- | 700 p.m. KMA (394)--Shenandoah. Ballads. KH, KFOA, KOMO (2) At the same time mound Jor he | ankees, wae bun TOBIE: RLONG «(@ ner. ¥ Blue Network:--Royal 8. Copeland: KVOO (M9)--Tulsa, Philip La Roue, DANCE TO THESE ] A Six ru . , W orga 30a 8.00 p.m. WRC (469) --Wash. Orchestra, 6" 1" first three innings. Six of the hits Wik RRA, KYW, WBZ, 'WHAM, WER (492)-N.Y, National Mixexd 8.30 WRNY (2%) x Tien Tiere, Vicks ig go f the came in succession in the third stan- BONDS GRAIN uart 4.00 Network :--Ipana Troubadour Fe go eof the hy § ; i! Seb For SA ily how, us WA Ugo bere Hecial: WEAF, : Kab, "Kvoo, WAT, hi Itic Me 9 Fa 5 In ette ing 5 homer ty "yo Otfice: Retford Buil A wh e : 2 correll, ce plder, € WATT a--Catumpus, Or Devotional | 7:8 WW Naw, i tak One WEA: wieo Jia "GR aay, ioned poultice. ore BAY AND WELLINGTON STS Bulliing service, 2 ghesten: iE ow, * KOA, KYW, WOC, WRC, WSB, WSM, Ww , ! Wis (M45)--Chicago. Home question KSAC y di Kanes' State College. PH (+) M E 22 TA) WIAR, KOA, Ha WY t NS Henry Johnson, whe, Jollawed * cs. S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager He Gibbon CG oxs and Girls Club, "SH, WSAI,' KPRC, WEE vey,' was none too difficult for the Private Wire Syst (2 Akron, O. Organ, WAAM (268)--Newark. Musical, TIC Hornets to sting, but Campbell was . re System i ¥ WTIC. WAMD (222)--St, Paul. Aunt Sammy, WCAH ty --Colambus, Piano music, For Your Drug Needs Columbia Chain: The Captivators a decided 'improvement, 11 Ki g Street E ! 0 ; WE = Above CPR. ori ANT WCFL (484)--Chicago. Municipal prog. WEAF (492)-N.Y. String Trio; also WOR, VOCAL, WGN (416)--Chicago., Home manage- WGR. ' WOR, ; i ment period. WGHP (278)--Detroit. Detroit Trio, TH OM PSON % WEBEL, "WMAK Roebuck A ' WOO brid --Phila. Grand organ, WSB (476)--Atlanta, Sears A w 0 WHT oX-Chicago, Women's hour, program, 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Deliver Rot WOWO, KMOX, KMIiC, WENY (6) NY. Ckecping Fir" 7.45 WCSO_ (256)--Springfield, O. Organ, (361)--Cinci. Musicale 8,00 Blue Network: --Champion Sparkers: WSB_(476)--Atlanta, Homemakers' kr, WIZ, KDKA, KYW, KWK, WBZ, Red Network :--Radio Household In. WHA WIR, WLW, WRHM. oe stitwe: WEAF, WEEL, WTIC, N ELLA CINDERS Be Very Careful By Bil Conselman and Charlie Plum hei YI etwork:--American Magazine Whe wok: WAR, WAM, Wait fio: WERE WEEE Wrst WAL Wasi, WEBH, KSD, WCCO, W we 'WCAE, Er WWI WERH, KSD! PLEASE RETURN " lt: YOUR FOR YOUR- A BECALISE Waly * (283)--Columbus, 0, Dispatch CFCA (357) Toronto. Musicale. J Ei Ra Sa KFRU Cumbia, Mo, Oid time G bi iz' (333)--Springfield, Mass. Musi. ae (24)--Columbus, O, Food for ROI (319)--Council Bluffs. Vocal; pi- ' ne. KPRC (294)--Houston, Skyline studios. Thought, WHO (135)-Des Moines, Organ, WBAL ' (285) Baltimore, WBAL Trio. 11.43 CROLL (357)--Red Deer, Alta, Musi- VEAL 71) --Phila. | Frolickers. : Ww (283)--Columbus. usicale, 2 noon VEDH (366)--Chicago, Women's hr, WERH (366)--Chica -- go, Brass quartet WOO" (349)--Phila, Luncheon music, WHAM (280)--Rochester. Remington Some women wear gloves most of Phones 143 and 144 the time and others have diamond rings.-- Detroit Free Press. (448)--Chicago. Home economics, ps Wik Bee Si | A VAR EM cone 12.30 Bins, sarki --Luncheon music: WJZ, WHO (335)--Des Moines. Feaiure 'C. WIP (349)--Phila, ale Quartet. WAU (Gh phi, Orchestra. WMAK (345)--Buffalo, Musicale. 285 CFLP (if)-Montreal. Mount Royal WNAC (t61)--Boston,' Violin, cel, "KC f WNYC (526)--N.Y. Songs. 12.45 CR (357)--Toronto, Luncheon mu- WOR (422)--Newark. A Hes: Rein S ; Dears. you 0 Lviaiiki Farm and WEG @9=Adaniic City. Studio, con. V 8.15 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St au usicale. 10 pan. B BIH Gi)-Hot Springs. Neon 8.30 Blue Network: i--The Sylvania Forest. WCCO '(405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Farm hr. eres WIL BIKA, XYW, Whe, WHZA, WDAF (370)--Kansas City, Country: (349)--New Mexico College. Studio side chats, RIHS (385)--Hot Springs, Concert or- T A chestra WHI (306)--Chicago. Organ, A WCOA (250)--Pensacola, Popular prog. Wie (349)--Phila, Luncheon music, HAY (280)--Rochester. = "Musical Wis (3) Chicagn. Tynner bell WHR (265)~Cleveland. Concert, Nocago. Noon prog. WSAI (361)--Cinci. Brunswick prog. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Music, WrNY (326)-- XY Concert, : - h WWJ (353)-- Detroit. Organ. AG (517)--W orcester, Musicale, -- . [-- WWNC (297)-- Asheville, N.C. Lunch. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Fox program. eon music. 4 8.50 WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Studio music 5 WGHP (278)--Detroit, Detroit Trio, 9.00 Pine, NetworieiVariety Home: wk: BRINGING UP FATHER WHO (535)--Des Moines, Talk; lunch- ] ' . WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass, Music, a Frahm eon music ~ " CNRA (476)--Moncton, N.B. Musicale, WCFL (#80)--Chicago. Semi-classical FioueT MET oN T REMIND OH- 1 THINK ; RINE ol) Shenandoah, La. Farmers | WHO (au)--Chastanooga, String band ANNIE O'TOOLE || ME OF SUCH A y - [en D BE [ WHAT GOOD | [HER DAUGHTER WHY DIDN'T ROI GI-Compil, Bluffs, Pianist. | WES Rh i, | WHO USED TO [ICOMMON PERSON ||| INTERESTED LUCK DID MARRIED LORD YOU INVITE HER SH Torohene Chimes | WORK IN THE |['M NOT THE IN HER IF SOU SHE HAVE? | [| KNOE AN' SHE HER TO THE WOS (122)--Jefferson City. Concert, CFCA (357)--Toronte. . Chimes from ATLA 4 $ A WRVA (254)--Richmond. Concert, \ London. WSOE (270)--Milwaukee, Musicale. | LAUNDRY -- | LEA®T BIT HEARD OF HER MOVES IN THE WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Wisconsia ---- INTERESTED CK, YERY BEST AFTERNOON 00N PROGRAMS Communities Progrgam, IN H = 2.00 pam, CKNC (517) Toronto. Musicale. | 9,15 KSO (227)--Clarinda. Vocal. Ji ER- ; PS WGHP (278)--Detroit, Home hour, 930 KPRC (294)--Houston, Studio concert. WOR (422)--Newark. Vocal. " Columbia Chain: --Kolster Composer 205 WIZ (454)---N.Y, "Daily Menu. Hour: WOR, KMOX, ; 2s WH Chicago. Yocal, WGHP, WKRC; WMAK, WGBS (349)-- . Women's talk; WNAC, WOW0, WCAL, songs, /CA /JTAS, ADC, w AIL, WIHN (394)--N.V. Studio music. Pui iss, Wal WSB (476)--Auanta. Musicale, Pacific Chain: --Fruit Growers program: CNRO (5)-Ottawa. Musicale, KGO, KFI, KPO, KGW, KHJ, KHO. w AlU (283)--Columbus. Good Will KFOA, KOMO. ' ' XTHS 4)-- N . Musical Weir (508) Boston, Edison hour KTHS o#)-Hot Springs, Musica WEL (405) Nia ocal, 4 WBBM (389)--Chicago. Quartet. WGBS (349)-N.Y, Talk; yocal. a WDOD (244)--Chattanocoga, Organ. Wilb (366)--Chicago. Mooseheart chil- 10.00 Columbia wo Columbia WHB (341)--Kansas City. Ladies br. WOR, KMOX, Wan WSAI (361)--Cinci, Piano music; scrap WGHP, W r, WKRC, 4 WOWO0, WFBL, book. WWJ (353) Leroi, Studio PIOgTam, WGN (416)--Chicago. Artist recital, 7 oncert CKCL (357)--Toronto, Ensemble, KFRU " (Z--Lolumbia. Concer 3 WBAL (285)--Baltimore, Recital, WBBC (227)--Brooklyn, Vocal. WHE (265)--Cleveland. Two guitars, 2 (" 4 Fi Mal WIP (349)--Phila. Musicale, A (385)--Chicago. Swift Male TELLING TOMMY WLS (343)--Chicago. Homemakers hr, WRIA (261)--Mpls. didi (448)--Chicago. Musical pot- WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, Zitl ' < NR BRI ---- mi pourri. 5 K 26) -- r- - J Rol air--Council Blutis, Matinee | 1045 KOA (326) ~Deaver, KOA Mixed quar I5 FIRST CORK 15 NOT VERY GOOD AND Kal . MOST OF OUR CORK COMES FROM A E 15 USED ONLY IN TANNING NEW BARK KSO (217)--Clarinda, la. Women's br. WRAL (8 Baidimore. Sa SPAIN AND PORTUGAL , TOMMY, BUY ZN ¥F FORMS RAPIDLY '50 THAT A NEW SHEATHING WBAL G85)--Baltimore. Fn or. chests, (0) --Kansas City. String vio ' . ALGERIA TUNIS SOUTHERN FRANCE ) : 2 EFC FROM 1% TO 2% INCHES THICK 15 READY Nie, Hae Y, Sigh # Sas Radio Electric AND SOUTHERN ITALY ALSO SUPPLY : Fl FOR CURTING EVERY 9 OR 10 YEARS WEBH (36)-- Chicago. Health talk, Df Bundesen. OUR MARKETS wo (535)--Des Moines. The Ambas- wi WH-NY. Tea time music: || IV Prince St. Phone 2477 WoC (375)=Davenport. Home manage- S, COWELL, Prop. ir. (294)--Milwaukee. The Melo- EAO 283) Sumbye. Story hour. | Beach ne Features Syndicate Inc Creat Britgwn 1 Bu w 5 bi bh a che ron revue. (261)--Phila. This and That ! HE OUR TR ot ia OF THE CORK OAK TREE THE CORK 15 A MESSENGER HO, IN 400 B.C, SAM AROS STRIPPED THE FIRST TIME WHEN THE THE TIBER ON PIECES OF CORKA PRIMA- TREES ARE ABOUT 20 YEARS OLD TIVE LIFE PRESERVER 0 1928 by King Features Syndicate (nc Cesar Botan rier maarved OH TTS MAC Tm cAVE [7 mmc li TRE Boss BT [SAELL, LLTGINE THE OH iL ALL BEEN 4) BY TO FIND | TAT 'S CRAY BOSS A BUZZ AND HAVE TERRIBLY WORRIED || Bos 1s any | WAS 2 fil To, SEE eu IT OVER WITH - MAYBE a I you BRAVE 1 AC - WHY HELL BOov SORE ey THING To DON'T YOu | I\ BE Lid TO HEAR DO .MAC | | RING HIM R Y YOICE AT Men's Reg. $1, for LCollls ¢& Sons cof Pd ad Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELERS 12 Simcoe St. South