Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Apr 1928, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1928 Easter and What it ~~ Means as Expressed By Oshawa Ministers Tuspiring Easter messages have been ping, by Oshawa ministers. They are given as follows: REV. FATHER P. J. BENCH (St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church) THE LORD 1S RISEN In language that is the most ju- bilant and most triumphant of all written language, the New Testa- ment asserts that the King of Ter- rors was defeated by the King of Kings. * To every believer in the Divinity of Jesus Christ, the great day in the year should be Easter, Our faith in God and in Christ and our hope for Eternal Life is based on the Resurrection; for as St. Paul said, "If Christ be not ris- en from the dead, then is your preaching vain and your faith is also vain." To crown the day of His resurrection with a crown of Mercy, the Christ who has con- quered sin and death, completes the first Ordination: 'Peace be to you. As the Father had sent Me, I also send you." REV. R. A, WHATTAM '(Albert Street United Church) Easter Greeting The Eastertide is with us again, It marks the triumph of the Christ over sin and death, It assures us that the kingdom of God wherein dwelleth righteowsness will ulti- mately override all war, all suffer. ing, all ignorance, all superstition and that the glory of the Lord will finally fil] the earth as the waters cover the sea, Thus Easter encourages us to take sides with God even in times of weakness and discouragement and shame, It kindles the heroic within the souls of men to pursue the true purposes of life, May we catch its true significance and with joyful hearts follow Him fn the way of service even at the expense of suffering and sacrifice Parsonage, 30 Elena Ave, R. A, WHATTAM, REV, R. B, PATTERSON (Christ Anglican Church) Rev. 1:17:18,--'Fear not, I am He that liveth and was dead and be- hold I am alive forevermore." There is an uniqueness ahout the death and the resurrection of this One which to thoughtful men con- veys a message on Easter Day, It is unique in that it touches all oth- er lives for yea or nay, The fact has touched all future times, B.C., has become A.D, and the world has been changed, There is an upward trend in progress that else would not have been, It is a fact that touches every life of every one of us--a fact that no one can afford to ignore and for those who take it into account it sounds a key note of cheer and victory, 'Fear not for I was dead and am alive." Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, In coming back from the grave, He brought life to light, Tazarus and the widow's son brought no mews of victory from that Sourie, The hand that turn- ed the key in the lock waa for them on the outside. But the Son of God uelocked it from the inside by the power of endless life vested In Him- self. He came forth because He could not be holden of Satan's pcwer and the revelation is one of light and freedom and victory, Diessed are the dead who die in the Lord, Yea, blessed are those who live in the Lord, in the Spirit of the Resurrected Lord. And He hath ascended there be- yond the veil and intercedes for us, compassionates us, inspires us, yea, upholds us by His mighty Hand. It is a good message for us. REV. CW De MILLE King Street United Church Jesus is the Hope of the world. Jt takes the lives of human beings to vocalize or visaulize that fact and in the Easter celebration this Hope is most fully expressed. Man- kind refuses to be buried and the outreach of the human soul is sat- isfied by the spirit of Easter as by no other festival of the year. Easter is the triumph of Hope. We thrill to the note of victory and Easter spells vietory over sin and death. We warm, everyone of us, to the touch of a loving friend and Eas- ter reminds us that Christ is risen and living loves us and is always summoning us to partake through Him, of the fullness of life. Easter reminds us that Christ reigns as King, we may often moan, we may sigh for better days but though the cause of evil pros- per, yet 'tis truth alone is strong. Though her portion be the scaffold, and upon the throne be wrong; Yet that scaffold sways the pie- ture, and, behind the dim un- known, Standeth God within the shadow, Keeping watch above His own. It would be calamitous if we spoke of the Hope of Easter and the place of our Saviour and for- got our obligation. Easter tells us that Christ redeems, that He lives, that He reigns and that He will return expecting us to be true to the Hope and promise of Easter. REV. A. C. REEVES Enox Presbyterian Church Once again the Easter season is at hand. It is mot a mere coincidence surely that Easter and spring are SYRCEIORONS. The whole earth sings aloud for joy the opening of Spring. "The tipe of the singing of birds is come." We hear them now in the early morning hours. The heart of man is full of joy also, because in unison with nature he sings. "Christ is Risen." There- fore we too are risen with Him in newness of life. Faith is the risen Christ He transformed the world, It did so in the days of primitive Christianity, when Judiasm was without hope, and paganism was dark. All down the ages it has n the same. after all something orth living for, Death is mot he end of man. He lives here nd now. He will live hereafter. Since Christ is risen from the ead we ought, as Paul enjoins, to seek those things which are above. Why should we not let the Resurrection of Jesus mean for us a resurrection in dally life, in thought and word and deed? Life is short. Why allow so much of selfish striving after things which perish, to take up our time and energies? "Rise up, O men in God! done with lesser things." The life 18 more than meat, and the body than rainment, So the Master sald, but his words would have but little meaning for us, {if He had not risen, The stinging death would still he fitful, and the grave would still be the vietor, it it were not for that '"Blest morning, whose first dawn- ing rays Beheld the Son of God Arise triumphant from the grave, And leave His dark abode." The faith of man is in a risen Lord. The hope of man is in a living Christ, Let us seek to bring forth fruits worthy of our Easter faith, and of our glorious hope. Have REV, H, 8, DOUGALT, Simcoe Street United Church THE VICTORIOUS CHRIST Easter is the consummation of the Christ-life. Had there heen no Easter, Jesus had heen more to us than a name in history--and a very shadowy name, Had there heen no Easter, then there had been no Gospel, No New Testament, no Christian Church, And had there been no Christian Church--imag- ination staggers as it endeavors to depict what by this date the world would have become, Students of history tell us that human affairs appear to have con- verged in their trend to that time when Jesus was born, as they have diverged from the time of His death and resurrection. And such a fact is not hard to believe, The Resurrection proved Him to be the World's King as well as its Sav- ious. And choosing His own time, He would choose the time, not simply prophetic, hut the time which would most successfully conduce to His high purpose, The key was in His hand. It still is. So Christ not only unlocks the doors of. the past, but also of the future, This world is In His keeping. Certain religious pes- simists teach that the Christien era is doomed, and is even now rapidly approaching destruction, The forces of evil are overcoming the forces of good. Practically these folk are saying Jesus hes been a failure, Jesus will not fail, Knowing all things, had He known failure, He would not have come, The Kingdoms of this world are His, and He shal] prevail untif every knee shall hend not in fear but in love; until every lip shall declare Him, as did doubting Thomas, "Lord and God." In the hand of the Risen Christ is another key---the key of the grave. He won it Easter Day in His victory over death. He has flupg wide the door. Without fear we now approach it. Hope springs triumphant. Dear ones are not lost, but gone before. And to- wards that open door do we ex- pectantly look. Has He not said, "Where I am there shall ye be also." "Forever with the Lord! Amen, so let it be." REV. W. P. FLETCHER Christian Church Easter! What a word that is in the language of Christian civili- zation! But ope may be pardon- ed for thinking thet it has a more beautiful setting in Canada and lands whose springtime hope thrills us at this time of year. The birds have come back, singing their age- old love song. But they have been away, and they have come back. Theb uds are swelling at the age- old call and with the age-old hope. The bulbs are shooting their leaves up through the earth to greet the April sun and shower and air. They have beem for these months so still and bare and dead. But they have come back to life, and we greet them with joy. This is all 80 common to us that we almost cease to stand in wonder and awe. It has been perennially like that. It might be a good thing for us, if some woice whispered, "Take off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the ground whereon thou standest is holy ground" --holy with God and hope. But it is Easter. Away yonder they laid the body of Jesus, som of Mary, son of God. away in the cold, dark, hopeless, rock-hewn tomb, and the tear-depressed heart cried. "It is all over." Oh, mo, it is mot over; it has just begum. If the grain abideth by dtsell it re- mains but a grain. They bury it in its dark grave and it lives and he- comes more and greater. miracle, what a parable, what a hope! Jesus, a splendid young Jew, liv. ed his short but wonderfully event- ful life, and the world would have been forever the richer because he lived, if he had just lived, His life of glorious idealism would have affected the centuries, but he would still have been but the glori- ous young Jew. As a Jew they buried him in a Jewish tomb, but from that Jewish tomb he arises to he the world's hope of life and life eternal. We Canadians love him and follow him as our own, and we tell of him to Japan that he may this Easter day be as truly theirs as ours, Easter! What a world's hope! REV. F. M, DICKIE, (Calvary Baptist Church)' Isn't it a glad and glorious gos- pel we have to proclaim?! "How that CHRIST died for our sins ac- cording to the scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures: and that he was seen by Cephas, then of the twelve; After that He was seen of about five hundred brethren: of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep, After that He was seen of James: then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also", -- 1st Cor, 15, 3---8, Those who accompanied with the Lord Jesus Christ when He was on earth received a terrible shock when He was crucified and buried in the sepulchre, as one said, "We trusted it had been He which should have redeemed Israel." Their light seemed to be extinguish- ed, al] seemed dark, But on the third day the most marvelous and wonderful news ever published was hrought to them hy women who had that morning entered the empty sepulchre, and 'saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment: and they were affrighted, and He sald unto them, "Be not affrighted; ye seek Jesus of Nazareth which was cru- cified? He is Risen, He is not here, behold the place where they laid Him." "Death cannot keep his prey--Je- sus my Saviour! He tore the bars away--Jesus my Tord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triunrph o'er his foes: He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign; He arose! He arose! Christ Arose." The news seemed too good to he true, Some of the disciples ran to the sepulchre and found it empty as the women had sald. That very evening when they were assembled together Jesus Himself appeared in their midst, they were much afraid, hut their fear was soon turned into rejoicing. "Some doubted', Thomas would not be- lieve and declared, "except I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe." Thomas, saw and believed, saying My Lord "And my God." Jesus sald unto him Thomas because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed: Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed." All who read this may be among those who be- lieve and enjoy the promised bless- ing. Jesus said, "I amr the good shepherd, the good shepherd giv- eth His life for the sheep." *I lay down my life that I may take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself, I have power to Jay it down, and I have power to take it again, this com- mandment have I received of my Father." Hallelujah! REV. F. J. MAXWELL St. Andrew's United Church THE MEANING OF EASTER Friday was a day of disappoint- ment and gloom for every disciple of Christ. It js true He had told them He would rise again, it was just as true that they had forgot- ten or did not believe. But Sun- day came, and with it the. pews of our Lord's Resurrection. "He is not here," said the angel, "but is risen, come see the place where the Lord lay." And the sight of that empty tomb followed later by the sight of the risen Lord brought joy and gladness to the hearts of Christ's followers om that bright Easter morn. Easter, them, means Joy--They departed from the sepulchre, we are told with fear and with great joy--"Fear," because they were standing on holy ground, in the presence of the Supernatural. "Great Joy" because they knew their Saviour was alive, and the proclamation of the doctrine of the Risen Christ, and the acceptance of it, brings joy to all who believe unto this day. And Easter means Communion. It was the risen Lord that made Himself known in the breaking of bread to those despondent and dis- couraged disciples that day. "And they said one to another "Did mot our heart burn within us while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened unto us the Scrip- tures? And it is belief in a living, lov- ing Christ which enables us to en- ter into fellowship with Him teo- day. Happy is the trustful soul who cam truly sing. "My Saviour walks aud talks What a A AL a with we, And sweet communion here have we, He gently leads me by the hand For this is Heaven's border land." And Easter means Re-union "As they thus spoke Jesus Himself stood in the midst and said unto them, 'Peace be unto you." And there they gazed upon their Lost Friend, face to face. So shall it be with those who believe, "I am the Resurrection and the Life, He that believeth in Me though he were dead, yet shall he live." Be cause He lives we shall live also. And Easter means Service. "And He sald unto them, Thus it is writ- tem, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem, and ye are witnesses of these things." Every believer in Christ must face that responsibility, and especially so in these days when opening doors are beckoning us, and Christ's Spirit is so graciously blessing us. In our own home church and eity, in the sparsely settled districts of our land, and in the darker places of the earth, may we lend a helping hand In speaking the glad tidings of a ecru. cifled yet risen Christ. Among men having a share in hastening on that glad day when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of God as the waters cover the sea. REV, CAPT 8, CO. JARRETT Holy Trinity Anglican Church The Lord is risen indeed, St. Luke 24-34, How full of light and joy and hope, is the blessed day to faithful hearts, We can scarcely tell which is the best and happiest thing to hear, the Christmas tiding, "Christ is Born," or the Easter tidings, "Christ is Risen"--hoth are great days, Christmas commences the work of Redemption, and at Fas- ter we rejoice in its glorious and triumphant end. For "Now is Christ risen from the dead and he- come the first fruit sof them that slept." In olden times when Christians met on Easter morning they used to say to each other "Christ fis risen." And well might we tell our joy to each other "Christ is Risen," Our season of mourning is over and our Master's first words "Woman why weepest thou? whom seekest thou?' may well he engrav- ed indelihly on every Christian heart, Since Christ is risen, every reader of this paper may take His first risen word as spoken to them for the Lord is risen indeed, To- day is the day that should hring comfort to every heart, for the Re- surrection of Jesus proved 'It is death itself dies." Your loved ones are not in the grave--they are where the crucified thief met the crucified Saviour--in Paradise, But more than this, The angels Easter message "Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen," goes further still. For mourners had left their dead in their graves, to go back to their desolate homes, and weep over a separation, that seemed fi- nal, No longer friends, need the believer in the Risen Christ thus wail, the words of the Risen Mast- er, "Thy brother shall rise again," in eonjunction with His own Resur- rection must strengthen and make strong in hope all mourners, "Christ is Risen" and Christians must rise too in a two-fold sense-- first, they must rise again at the last day, "When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye al. so appear with Him in glory." And a rising again here in this world-- a rising to a new life. Our Blessed i.ord"s first risen words have something for life here "Whom seekest thou"--where do we seek peace and happiness and satisfaction--There is but one true answer, in the Risen Master and Saviour. Jesus had promised "They that seek Him early shall find Him as Mary Magdalene did. Earliest at the Sepulchre she was the first to find the Risen Christ. Any hon- est seeker after Jesus will find Hipr--Ilike an Alpine climber, we shall rise higher and higher to- wards the Sun Light Summit-- earth's clouds of weakness--sins-- temptations--sorrows-- difficulties will be gradually left behind --Ilife will take on a fresh and a new meaning for there will be an inner and truer life, in which the Christian will see the relation of the earthly to heavenly things-- and Death as jt draws night. will be welcomed, because it will be known to be another step forward; for if "to live is Christ" "to die" must certainly be gain. REV. JOHN GALT (Emaneul Baptist Church) Easter the Festival of the Hope of Immortality brings to us once more fits own peculiarly beautiful message and inspiration. Its mes- sage: that by the rising from the dead of the Lord Jesus His Diety is placed beyond question or dispute; His atonement accepted and ap- proved; his womderworking power confirmed and all lesser miracle made credible; that the resurrec- tion of those who sleep in Him will follow in due order as the harvest follows the first-fruits. Its Inspir- ation; that now that the power of death is brokem those who are im Christ can know the Power of His Resurrection; that those who by faith are risen with Him may live with Him in the Heavealy Places; that the Empty Cross and the Empty Grave betoken not a dead Saviour but ome who whoever Liveth to minister as the Great High Priest: who has entered in to the Holy Place of the Immediate Presence; there to offer, for the sins of His People, the: Blood of the Everlasting Covenant shed for many the Remission of Sins. May this Easter bring home to all of us how great is the love of God and how great is the Power of God and how the Power and the Love have ever been united to bless the poet world of which we are a pant. Simcoe Street North and Brock Street REV. A. C, RERVES, B.A, 34 Brock St. W. Phone 1833 Sunday, April 8 11 am~--""The Eternal Hope. 1 Know That My Re- deemer Liveth." (Job 19 : 25.) 3 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--""A Resurrection In Daily Life, Now Is Christ Risen From the Dead." 1 Corinthian 15 : 20.) | Special Easter Anthems by the choir undér Mr, M. Gouldburn, A, L. C, M, at both services, Christ Church (ANGLICAN) North Simcoe School (Temporarily) REV. R. B, PATTERSON, M.A, Rector EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 8 Communion at 8 a.m, Special Sunday School Services at 10 a.m, Morning Prayer and Holy Communion at 11 a.m, Even song at 7 p.m, "He Is Risen, and Be- comes the First Fruits of Them That Sleep." KING STREET United Church REV, C. W, DeMILLE B.A, Minister 139 King St, E--Phone 218 Sunday, April 8 11 a.m.--Morning Wor- ship, Baptismal and recep- tion services, Easter music, 2.30 School, 6.45 p.m.--Song Service, Wor- of the Easter p. m, -- Sunday 7 p.m.--Evening ship. 'The Hope World", Special musie, Monday, 7.45 ----- Young People's League. 'London as it Was." Rey. John Galt, Tuesday, 6.15 -- Mission Circle supper. Tuesday, Meeting, 8.00-- Concert Wednesday, 7.830--Prayer Service, Thursday, 3.00-- Ladies' Ald, PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY OF CANADA OVER ARCADE. ON BIM- COE ST. N. Sunday, April 8 Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evangelistic Meeting 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting Tuesday eight o'clock, NORTH SUNDAY SCHOOL Cor. Arlington and Simcoe Streets SPECIAL EASTER SERVICE 2.30 p.m.~--"*The Festival of the Flowers." Evening 8 p.m.--Rev. A. M. Irwin, Whitby, will de- liver the Easter message. All welcome. unto him: dom of heaven. comforted, earth, righteousness: mercy, God. called the children of God. i. 4 sake: falsely, for my sake. reward in heaven: which were before you, 4. Blessed are they that moum: 5. Blessed are the meek: 8, Blessed are the pure in heart: 9. Blessed are the peacemakers: "The Wolds of the Master (THE BEATITUDES) Matthew 5:1, And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came 2. And he opened his mouth, and taught them, say- ng, § 3. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the king- for they shall be for they shall inherit the 6. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after for they shall be filled. 7. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain for they shall see for they shall be Blessed are they which are persecuted for' right- for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and per- secute you, and shall say all manny of evil against you 2, Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your for so persecuted they the prophets PRAYER: --Father, give us the spirit of Thy So living Christ, Give us a spirit. of meekness oo To he that we may follow in the footsteps of the blessed Master. Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep It Holy-- Exodus 20: 8, ? vy Go to Church Sunday, SUBJECTS :-- CALVARY BAPTIST (Independent) Athol St.--Between Simcoe and Centre Sts REV, F, DICKIE will preach morning and evening 11 AM.--"THAT | MIGHT KNOW HIM AND THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION.' 7 PM--"l AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE," --Testimony Meeting, Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m, ~ SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICE Rev, Glenn Wardell Pastor of Scarborough Baptist Church, Toronto, A CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL SERVICES ' St, George's ANGLICA Cor. Bagot snd Centre Sts, CANON C. R. dePENCIER, MA 89 Atho) Street West Sunday, April 8 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Pray- er and Choral Communion, 3 p.m.--Children's Ser vice. 4 p.m.--Baptismal vice. 7 p.m.--Choral Evensong. » ' Christadelphian Christ the first and only one yet raised from the dead to Eternal Life. Many more who are sleeping in the dust of the earth are to be resurrected when the Lord Jesus returns, also many who are living will be "changed." Read Col. 1, Ser- 18; 1 Cor, 15, 23, 52; Dan. 12. CHRISTIAN hurch REV, W, P. FLETCHER, BA, Il am--"Just When I Need Him Most." 2.30 p. m. = Sunday School, 7 p.m. -- Communion and Reception Service, Lest Means Larger e. - Unity Truth Centre S. 0. BE. HALL, KING ST. E. SUNDAY, APRIL 8 11 am.--Public Service. Everybody welcome Wintomuts of Potivh ntemu little Bolivian girl, : ™ pf Oshawa's work for 4 'Wednesday -- tional supper ope N confer- ence, Friday--Sacred Cantata, "The Crown of Victory" rendered by the choir, Ad- mission free, Silver collec. tion, All are welcome, Albert Street UNITED REV. R. A. WHATTAM, Minister 30 Elena St, Phone §67F » Sunday, April 8 11 am. --"Empty Tomb.'¥ 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class. 7 p.m.--Immortal Hymns, Easter slides, Song Service and Lantern. Pentecostal CHURCH OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA 200 Kin; Bt. West PASTOR J. T. BALL SUNDAY, APRIL 8 10 a.m.,--Sunday School, Mrs. Goss, the great evan. gelist will preach at all three services, 11 a.m. 8 pm, and 7 p.m, Services Tues. and Thurs. day at 8 p.m, Wednesday, 3 p.m,--Pray~ er Service, --_-- =m CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Colborne Btreet East Sunday, April 8 "ARE SIN, DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" Sunday School at close of Church Service Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m, Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at- tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all suthorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or Pp snd riodicals subscribed for. Open oB uesdays and Thursday from 13 to 4, and Saturdays from 8 to 5 p.m, SSS Lutheran Sunday Evening April 8, 7.30 Welsh's Parlours DIVINE 'SERVICE Sermon by Rev. A. Preisinger, Hamilton, Ontario, All are cordially welcome, --- Simcoe St. United Church ( , REV.DR H.S. DOUGALL, Minister. »2 J A - ----- § Anthem, "Lo! the Tomb is Empty." - a Quartette, "Man of Sorrows" ,......... Parkes Mrs. Gray, Miss Keddie, Mr. Scilley, Mr. East Solo, "Light of the World" .. ........., Adams Mrs, Mundy Monday, 8 p.m.~Young People's League Wednesday, 8 p.m.--~Midweek Service. 52 Simcoe St. S.--Phone 148 " [EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 8 . Il am~"THE GRAVE IN A GARDEN." 7 p.m.--"LOVE SUPREME." ¥ 2 | ~ ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH w= of the -- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES, APRIL 8 "1 a.m.--~Moming Subject: "The Risen Christ." .' 3 pm.~Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.--Eyening Subject: "The Two Resurrections." Appropriate Easter Music will be rendered at both services. "He Is Not Heze, He fis Risen--Come, See The Place Whee The Lord Lay.'

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