Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Apr 1928, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1928 7.30 KENF (461)--Shenandoabl Letter Bas- WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCSH, WDaF) NE ls fomen Car. Concert WSB, WBE, KSD, Weak x FREIGHT TRAIN KILLS Popular pio- OC. WHOL WOW, A, VO: Ket. WEE, WGN, WGY, WHO," WIA MWA Brooklyn, Health talk. WEIT, WRG WAAL' WAN, Wile, TILLSONBURG CHILD i y=Dallas. Magnolia Band. Ni Robertson: WEAF = (92)-N.Y. "Strings." A ta. Comcert, 12, K / Soma Puliale. Spiritual WS (W6)--lowa City. Oschestra, G S "olutbi i we, . ' Lad is Pleased wit ed with Dodd' dne AS MOTHER WATCHES | (..cnuci Tom pase 13) Wi a Buccaneer, son: Wilh Erna, Wl Bimoutan Lady d ey le (347)--Worcester, Studio pro- Heli» boston. "Newspaper chestra WHAZ (06)--Trox. Feature program. 0 ram : " Fis 0 Milwauher. Musical N 3 ., WMAK, WCAO, WRC 9.00 WHR (389)--Chicago. Original might- 'JAS, i WAIU, WKRC, .00 Red Netwes k--* t Moments in His. hawks, Tillsonburg, April 6.--Directly Ne 9.15 WHA 39 Madison. U. of Wiscon- CHE, WMAG, WOWO, KNOX, ory WEAF, WrAG WIT, "WRC, WIAX (MD--Jacksonville, Orchestra. before the horrified eyes of his mo- ¥ RA (250)--Richmond. Concert. sin. KMBC, 4 Wha W 'Wj, WEBH, KSD, WHO, Wort 219)--Rochester. Merrymak- h ho made a heroic attempt doh -Canet Musicale. Whva (&0--Richmond. 4 Concert. )--Chicago. Dixie Trail. KOA, WCSH, WOW. ther, who RE: ase Norfolk. Harmony Four. 9.30 Red Network--General TR Family WDhOD a Rg Frolic, WBT (258)--Charbotte. Farm School. Wea (337)--Nashville, Oschestra, 0 2 . to have him, Harvey, 3-year-old ky W00)--Cleveland. Musicale. Pars WEAF, WEAN KSD. WCAE, WFLA (517)--St. Petersburg. Studio. WEEI (517)--Boston. Sports watch, 9.05 WHK (265)--Cleveland. Buckeye Ser- : Y DODDS son of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Corn- W Tie SB Hanttord: New Depar- WCSH, WDAF, WEEL WBT, WRC, WGST (270)--Atlanta. Gegrgia Tech | 810 WEBR (256)--N.Y. Bible address. enaders. a A . ell, was struck and instantly killed ¢ Band. is y i Naar, WTAR program. } di WTMI (94)--Milwaukee. "Who's | 9.30 KOA (326) Denver, Brown Palace. 4 K | D the Wabash Fer (411)--Montreal. Concert party: AX, WOC, Ww Vw WSE, WMC (517)--Memphis. Canover con- _ Whe. . . WBAF (500)--Ft. Worth, The Ram- by a freight train on the Wa KPRC (294) --Houston. 1LR.S.A. A cert. 4 . 15 WAMD (222)--St, Paul, Officer Mul- blers. i i tracks near the Cornell home at 4 WAIU (283) Columbus. The Crystal RRR. we KVOO, Wi, WTAM, Woo {08)--Fbila, Pennsylvania Male Saber, "OB Radic. sil Whi (341)--Kansas City, Dance mu. i PILLS o'clock this afternoon. Gazers. a XY ante x aA ie, address, ; 3 WCAL (23)--Northfield. Vocal. Cohimbia Chain--Don Voorhees Con- 00 Pacific Chain--Shell Hour: KFI, KFOA KOB (34)--New Mexico College. Farm | 9.45 wi BAP (500)--Ft. Worth. Dance or- Mr. Cornell, who is an employee Neo a0) -- Mp. St, Paul. Musi: cert os Ey WOR, wav, WNAC, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHQ, KOMO, _ talks a2 chestra, of the railway, had gone on uy 3 W Yias 322)--1 lle. Studio NS AD, iw, RC, wai 3 READ (319)--Lincoln. Memory Cluk 3 Yr (80--Chicago. Radio news | 00 Columbia. Chain-1a Balina Ouchestia --L ; tu 10- G po 0 b. ashes, i few minutes before 4 o'clock, and gam G2)--Loyisvi p WMAQ, WOWO, YAR, KMBC KNX (37)--Hollywood. Calmon Lub- WHA (333) Madison. Economic re- Wht it is believed that the child had WHN (35)--N.Y. Loew's Theatre. ROIL. oviski, violinist. view. WF BL, S, followed him down the tracks. The Wiax (31)--Jacksonville, Old time CFCF (411)--Montreal. Traymore quar- KTHS (380)--Hot Springs. Specialties. | 200 WHAZ (306)--Troy, Educational ad- WMAK, W MAG WNAC, WOW, WAAT (246)--Jersey City. WAAT dress, KMBC, KOIL mother first saw her son when Ne WMAQ (448) --Chicago. Kellogg pro- K¥an (@9)--Lincoln, A. C. Taste Nut Club, 30 CKLC (337)--Red Deer, Alta. News: WHAL (285)--Baltimore. Orchestra, the westbound freight, as as gram, 2 5 mental Sexte WHT (258)--Charlotte. American hour. paper man, WBBC (27)--Brooklyn. Orchestra, was standing directly in front of WOC (¥75)--Davenport. Vos Vaga- WBAL (25) Baltimore. Recital WEMC (480--Berrien Springs, Light- | 940 WCFI. (8)--Chicago. Theatre Chub WRHAM (261)--Mpls. Dance. « 3 bonds. . WRBAF (500)--Ft, Worth, "Sunflower house ensemble. Players, : x 10.30 CFCF (411)--Montreal, Jack Dennie, Nhs Su She erase Th Yow (508)--Omaha. "One Minute Girl." a i yoo ts) - Mpls. -St, Paul, Third} 10.2 ih (422)--San Francisco. Book re- hr OB)--Chicago. ! Mid-evening HARDW . 8 rogram. : WBBM (389)--Chicago. Old time fav- nfantry Band View. = . dance. Order your Spring Suit 35 WLS (345) Chicago. Harmony Girls. VIZ (450)--N.Y. Slumb % .30 KNX (337) Hollywood. _Playlet, 5 WCF --Chi ; . now. scene of the accident just as he (345 ag! pony orites, WIZ (454)-- umber il i pdm Lg A RL 10.45 WCFL (484)--Chicago. Savoy orches Laid by Expert Mechanics. Complete set of new samples --_ . J . disappeared under the engine. WHA (317) Clearwaier, tudio pro hi &- Springfield Mass. Aleppo Ws 0) Chicago, Y.M.CA. 5.00 p.m. KOIL, (319)--Council Bluffs. Or-| 11.00 Ra Networks Aold Johnson. dancs All floors finished like new just arrived at the Mrs. Cornell took the body from WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Popular WDOD (24)--Chattancoga. Musicale. WMAQ (448)--Oberlin Giee Club, chestia, orchestra: WEAF, KSD, WCAE, 1 beneth the seventh car, after the i Weipork River Hour: Wiz (50--N.Y. "Works of Great WRR = (6-Dallas, Chamber of WALT @ie--terser Civ, Orchestra WHO, WMC, WOW, W TIC, WWJ, 0K HAIRS Dominion Co. x ec fo } J y Ce. J 4 po . . train had stopped, and, grief-strick- KWEK, KYW, V0; om b+ Chicago. WLS Hippo: -WSM + (38) --Nashville. Violin recital. orchestra, . WCAY bia Ct Les ne % Win R2 68 King St. W. Ph en, carried the remains to her WIR: Mhz, WBZA, BAL Rta Share. 11.10 WIAX (341)--Jacksonville, Organ, WFAA (345)--Dallas. Collegians. WGR (03) --Buffalo, Supper music. i Rea. . W. Phone 2141 home. Dr. W. Bennett was called WET, ~ WBAP, WLW REHM, | 3s WLW (4280)--Cinci. Instrumental trio. | 11.20 WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Sacred Wo Ye) Schenectady. Orchestra: WLW (428)--Cingi. Orchestra. and found life extinet. Columbia Chain--Modern Love Stories: ety WOR (i22)-Newark, Roseland orch. a WREN, WHAS,' WSB, Ware. TRS AAR ad hgh oncer MAK. oe t at RMOX, WADE, WEAQ, HORTHS CString a ENRC" {Gh-Colgary. Yoeal | SW Red Nuww-d & P. CGrpeies: estra. : of the child was nol m V Re WEAN, WFBL, WGHP, . Network--Noon Magic: WIZ, WOR (422)--Newark. The Witching WOS (422)--Jefferson City. The Ram. New Spring Sui any way, and the only mark was TAS! WKRC, WMAK, WMA A, KYW, KWK. Wik (100)--Cleveland, Memories G (@)--Atlautic City, Foll Correct Glasses Pants, m a Sa. $25 a small abrasion at the back of WNAC, WOW, WAIU, KMBC, KOIL CKLC (357)--Caigary. Studio program. y . a ) i ye ies EE eotiy Pitted ts, made to measure, ., C 4 19)--Council Bluffs, The Pion- . - the head. KFAR (319)--Lincoln. Musicale, KOIL (3 hak den '(335)~Hartiord, Capitol Thea- Ww Pril i --W ash. Le Paradis Band. The hody was removed to the lo- KAM (20 Clay Center, Voc, $EINT @5D=Muscatine. Home folks Nh caer 3 Seat. Coming to Detroit? 11.05 WNAC (6) Boston. Orchestra. I. Collis & Sons dal undertaking establishment, i MTs H 535)--Des Moines, rga 11. S/ 361)--Cinci., enry eis, Ww A Hare §)-- 2.30 CNRE (517)--Edmonton, Concert or- . WTMJ (299)--Milwaukee. ~ Frolic. . 50-54 King St. W. " where Cororoner Dr. R. BE. Weston WCFL (481)--Chicago. Reminescence Jr (345)-Dallas. Belcanto Male chestra, ; Ask Hotel Fort Shelby (TY 11.45 WSH J Toy--Atlanta, Troutt's Nclody Optometrist nS Cite [ioe a3w time. 3 H MN--=Tulsa Jrgan, chase theate s empanelled a jury, which will view WCOA (250)--Pensacola. Concert, WEL A (517)--Clearwater. Studio pro- A en-- Dallas. 0% in Jam- pu tickets, make 12.00 as, 9G Council Bluffs, Dance * King St. W Phone sas the hody tomorrow afternoon at WOI (263)--Ames, Ta. Musicale. SA or Cleveland. Moigad Sis: Bere. ? railroad reservations and do "PT WHN (MO-N.Y. Cotton Clb. WHK (865)--Cleveland. Morg WSUT (476)--Towa City. Organ. other errands and courteses WCFL (180)--Chicago, Savor orches- 2:30 o'clock. LE 0 (59)--Phila. Fox Theatre. 00 KFI (469)--Los Angeles. KFI Sym. for you in advance of arrival. tra. phonette 12.40 WQJI (448) Chicago. Orchestra, i i" 2). City, Christia Raid Ah {OHS SAT Coleg Ha-letrmy ony - - KOIL (19) founell Huds, Special T 12:45 WHAF (370) Kansas City. Nighthawk [1 Judson and 1 Essex Coach, late $ ; -- Ss Oe program for MacMillan, Tr le : Easter, the Festival of the Hope bi ba, (@---Atlantic City, Studio pro 5 CNRE (517)--Edmonton, Instrumental by im P 1.00 CNRV (291)=Vancouver. Midnight naieln, perfect arden, new duea e ToS. , 1 -- d. Stud . trio, RO frolic. . of Immortality, brings to us once LY REN (400)--South Ben tudio pro \DI0 TALKS--FEATURES v fre he alas Augticd. Tobce ores ne y, i 4 : x more its own peculiarly beautiful 15 ROA" (326)--Denver. "Holy City" by ; po RENF (161)--Shenandoah. Lafa ot Fir EN sad Feamticco: Cll Hie: Chadburn Motor Co . The LEADING JEWELERS message and inspiration, Its mes- {OA Chorus. ¥. : sage; that by the rising from the be RO risk Boys: WEAF, WCCO (403)---Mpls.-St. Paul, North. DETROIT tel Established 1888 sage; thi : : 0 WEED WIC, WIAR, WTAG, WESH west Boy Scouts. 200 KNX (337)--Hollywood, Hotel Ambas-| HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR dead of the Lord Jesus His Deity rl, WN WEAF (492)---N.Y, "The S of Leif y ? : ; VERH, WRC, WGY, WGR, VEAF (492)-N.Y, ie Saga of Leif sador, 2 is placed beyond question or dis- Ni dy WFAA, WHAS, WMC Erickson." (Copyright, 1928.) 0 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 12 Simcoe St. South pute; His atonement accepted and approved; his wonder-working pow- bd L er confirmed and all lesser mira- J 12 i cles made credible; that the resur- ELLA CINDERS--Just-A Thinking sha Ea Si i N i Soni By Bill Conselman y and Charlie Plumb rection of those who sleep in Him s i der [| Media ki Alli JRE i ! " ii will follow in due order as the FIGURES harvest follows the first-fruits. Its ' Inspiration; that now that the pow 54) | >» MY FOR I er of death is broken those who are ih Sone at LIE T in Christ can know the Power of His Resurrection; that those who by faith are nisen with Him may. ON THE H : y faith ae meen wih Wim ma 1 AN N live with Him in th Heavenly ATLANTIC SLATE \ i N YORK EER RES QUT, Se places; that the Empty Cross and the empty grave betoken not a dead Sach turn Th Savior but one Wha liveth to min- . "of an ocean: jo © 0) ister as the Great High Priest; who CANNINGS J 37% Jone . conse? nos Ji has entered into the Holy Place of King St. W. Oshawa the Immediate Presence; there to pro, ers Zs al readily offer, for the sins of His people, - -- 2. hg (1 to bilk the Blood of the Everlasting Coy- " unfortunate enant shed for many for the Re- 7e : ) mission of Sins. May this Easter 0 ) ei 4 : the 4 bring home to all of us how great 4 fi | ther ail ; ' 2 . is the love of God and how great is the power of God and how the power and love have ever heen £ Cl Copyright 1928, ki x oy Shei Service 4-7 united to bless the lost world of NN. p --3 q i which we are a part. ll / Ja v; A al a a re. x ee a y f . NY ws il = /, re iA = A WILY MAYOR l If | Ua . \S Niagara Ialls, N.Y., April 6,-- . Ra ar dhl a a T---- Mayor Laughlin today received a decoration conferred upon him by the late King Ferdinand of Ru 1 ruck Driver BRINGING UP FATHER a By Geo, McManus mania, in appreciation for hospital- r Frere = aa : Ee -- ity extended Queen Marie, Princess " 1 DO HOPE YOU MAKE A THERES TWO TAINGS V'D 1 KETO H Tleana and Prince Nicholas upon 1 believe Champion is 1] coop sPeecH AT THE " LIKE TO GIT OUT OF DOIN' TD ne OF AVE ER : i : WHEN | GIT theif visit to this eley fast veal. | the better spark plug CLUB TO-NIGHT: TONIGHT AN MAKIN A BEFORE | START A GLASS THROUGH TALKIN fter the Roval party visited | hecause of the way LL BE LUCKY IF) SPEECH 1D BOTH OF 'EM MY SPEECH: 3 OF WATER? | DOA HIGH DIVE: here, trouble developed in the City DON'T CHOKE So - [| Council over the payment for a Champions stand up i mn TR THIS COLLAR 4 : WHAT breakfast given the Queen and bard truck service, $7 Ww id, = ; FOR? which was attended by prominent , "Gr ARGUAD My ---- 7 ~My of citizens. Some members of the Council protested paying the blll, Champion is the beties spark plug Mayor Laughlin promptly paid the because it has an exclusive silli bill himself and avoided further| Mmanite insulator sper eontroversy. cially treated to with. hs ees stand the much higher HER FATAL ESCAPE §SPETRINIES of the Dallas, Texas, April 6.--Carl rn high-compres- Payton, a farmer of near Rowlett, sion engine, Also anew Teyas, was rabbit hunting today patented solid copper and bagged a seven-foot lioness. gasket-sealthatremaing The heast had escaped from its absolutely gas-tight cage while in shipment, and jump- ed from the car between Dallas and Greenville last night. i 4 i lk g k Joe Burkhart, a farmér, saw a § i : 1928. by Int'l Feature Service. Tne. big animal under a culvert shortly a d us E---- y y Grea: Britain rights reserved. Lf -7 after daybreak when he went to - : - - - repair a fence. .He called Payton, who was hunting near by. La ; < : " 3 at i Ary ier bi rs rr The lioness jumped from cover and Payton emptied his pump shot- -- DR. L.O. HOWARD ; SWEET POTATO gun, killing her. Spork Plugs THE WAR ON THE HOUSE h WERVIL HON, FERNAND RINFRET A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT i FLY WAS ORGANIZED AND g E nl! 4 CERTAINLY IS VISITOR IN NEW YOBK ' c \ ' # : | LED BY DRLO.HOKARD y \ : THE BIGGEST Jl HUMBUGS' New York, April 6.--Hon. Fer- pand Rinfret, Canadian Secretary iif THE VORLD'S GREATEST ee , 1S ) \ LOSSES IN OUR of State, is visiting New York. f BUG ON BUGS, 50M MUSSOLINI ON MILAN HOLIDAY ; MEETS GABRIELE D'ANNUNZIO Milan, April 6.--Premier Musso- lini and Gabriele D'Annunzio, It- h aly's poet soldier, met for the first i time today in many months as a vier r of climax to a day crowded with sight- 2 euG : seeing, interspersed with ovations fil 2 HOWARD, RETIRED | 4 rom the crowds. I \ [17/3 ARRAY \ A 7 " Lop / f \¢ - = N . 3 ), ered fronr his recent illness and he / \ went to the palace of the perfect- ad : \ 3 Vs ney MATE THE INSECTS OR THE INSECTS WILL = 4 THE CABBAGE BUG LOWERS THE SUPPLY ure, where he had a long and cor- dial chat with Il Duce, John F. Downey, Managing Director | X ~~ # 3 EXTERMINATE MAN. AMONG OUR INSECT So & y 8 "R,0F SAUERKRAUT, WHILE THE BEAN BEER 15 ENEMIES, THE GRASSHOPPER HAS BEEN A N HRP A CHALLENGE 10 BOSTONS SALWGHT MEW) SCOURGE SINCE THE DAYS OF Tt PHARAQHS. sean on a Evite mtn Ae Brn his ml -- mr Don't Drag Around | Go > By Russ Westover ; PE : RC ip a i Te 7% NNER ES MAK I . i ; > = Half 1 in! ' 1 TA CAPTAIN? | 5 FEAR, Wis it ain: er lie / od TONES - VLL HAVE A ¥ L: HAVEN'T SEEN THO H SEARCH "oy : $1), ; d HIM ALL DAY, ROLES 'Last Fall, when showing jo She J Sf Horse Show, , I was , Don's 4 MADE OF THE SHIR - taken with severe pri o I was $2 ar == » 2 Bs 2 YLL GET THE LITTLE ig gid be Hodis of rp ad Sin Pills : LCC. AE RASCAL * HE'S SO " s 3 ; : , sign of pain. Gin Pills are ud AE 4 "y V . 3 AY Tle J: 8. Russell, 1370 Davie 8t., Vancouver, ; TB ; MAC (Gin Pills have a way of soothing and heali strained, weak, sore or inflamed Sh anotuing bringing RECE\VE Jmmediate and lasting relief. 50c at druggists. THOSE TWO FAMOUS FL ERS, , TTALLE - AND AF , FOR YHE KIDNEYS | wae LN

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