UNCLE TON'S CABIN ATTHE NEW MARTIN + {Continued from page 10) unserupulous lawyer, and his senchman, Tom Loker, are engag- 3d in a card game. Haley, who is seeking George, and Harris, search- ing for Eliza, combine their forces In a co-operative hunt and reach the inn later. Eliza hears them and escapes by way of the rear, The bloodhounds take up the scent and pursue Eliza to the edge of the riv- or wherein is a raging torrent cov- sred by huge cakes of floating ice. Desperate, trapped, Bliza takes a long ehance She Jumps upon one dada 4 LOWE In "Uncle Tom's Cabin" of the ice cakes and by superhu- man effort manages to reach the opposite shore with her child. She is taken in by Phineas Fletcher, a Quaker, and his wife and given shelter, Marks and Loker appear the next morning and claim Eliza as & runaway slave. Looking to turn a profitable penny they take Eliza aboard the river boat, * Belle Riviere," hoping to sell her down river. On this same boat, Ha- ley has taken Uncle Tom for the Same purpose. Aboard are Augus- tine St. Clare, a wealthy New Or- leans planter, his daughter Eva, and his sister Ophelia, the latter a spinster who is visiting the South for 'the first time. Eva takes pity on the unfortunate slaves *helow decks and brings them delicacies from time to time, endearing her- self to all their hearts, As she is sitting on a cotton hale, the hoat gives a sudden lurch and she fs thrown overboard, Uncle Tom dives in and rescues her. For this ser- vice, St; Clare buys him from Ha- ly and Tonmr becomes Eva's devot- servant, as does also Topsy, a vageed, inky waif picked up from nowhere by St. Clare. Eva, in deli- cate health, sickens and dies. The shock is too great for her father and he suecumhs., Mrs. St, Clare decides to break up the estate and sells the property. At the auction sale, Tom is bought by Legree, Eliza, who had been kept in hid- ing is being sold in another part of the buildine Tom sees her and starts in su o. This attracts the attention of L: ree, who, taking a liking to Eliza, buys her also. Le- gree objects to Tom's piety and beats him severely, Tom is attend- ed by Cassie who had become jeal- ous of Eliza's youth and what she thinks fis_her usurpation of her place in Legree's affections. Tom relates the story of Eliza to Cassie who Is struck by the similarity bes tween Eliza's early experiences and her own and suddenly comes to the realization that Eliza is her own daughter! The two women es- cape. Legree questions Tom, who refuses to divulge their where- abouts. Legree orders his two slaves, Sambo and Quimbo, to lash the unfortunate Tom, who dies un- der the severity of the whipping. SYNOPSIS OF SORRELL AND SON (Continued from page 10) wish to claim their boy. The T»n finally prospers and Sorrell made Manager. Kit meets h' first romance in Molly, Roland's little daughter. A great surgeon's successful treatment of her when in a severe accident makes the boy determine to become 8 great surgeon also. Time passes and Kit has entered pollege and is wooing Molly, In the midst of father and son's hap- piness, the recreant Mrs. Sorrell ocmes again upon the sceme and tries to wean Kit away. Sorrell, with faith in his son, consents that he visit the mother. Her lavish entertainment, and the London flappers with whom she tempts him, find Kit too strong. He makes his decision in favor of returning to his plodding, honest father. Sor- rell's sacrifices are beginning to bear fruit. Kit does well as a surgeon and is engaged to Molly, while Sorrell has the soothing comradeship of Fan- py Garland. Suddenly Sorrell is stricken with deadly ailment. But he hides his suffering so as mot to disturb his son's honeymoon, from which the lad returns in time to ease his father's last hours in a dramatic fashion. Sorrell passes pn, blessed in the thought that his Jife's struggle was worth while, and his job,--his son,--a complete puccess. . CALLED TO ORILIAA Rev. J. K. Holland, who will graduate from McMaster University this term, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Orillia Bap- tist Church, Succeeding Rev. P. , recently moved to Rev. Mr. Holland has pastorates at Sher- Picton and Thornbury. {HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1. PAGE ELEVEN MOTOR CITY SERVICE LOCAL DEALERS IN--- An Up-to-Date Service to all makes of Cars UNCLE = MOMS Screen ensation --A Marvelous Production --It Cost Millions to Produce LaSALLE--CADILLAC--OLDSMOBILE f Best Grades of Oils, Gas and Workmanship ERNIE MARKS who has arranged to present "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to the the. atre fans of Oshawa the Monday and Tuesday nights of next week. This picture is the result of mil. lions of dollars of expenditure, years of labor and effort and will no doubt do in Oshawa as it has done in other cities, pack the thes atre both nights, Mr, Marks who does whatever he can to bring good, clean productions to this city, says it is without a doubt the "Screen wonder" BIN Hew Nuch Does It Cost You to Dance? )ne ticket will entitle the A SEASON'S TICKET AT TEN CENTS PER DAY pea pi Ba 4 son, Jay CAN ANYONE BE ENTERTAINED FOR LESS ?--THINK OF IT! "From a Cabin to a the finest pavilions in Can- lock and mounted on metal slides, would undoubtedly use one of our Regular $25.00, The above picture is one of the fine orchestras which will provide music for "The Merry- makers', at the Jubilee Pavilion this season. 4 ' Phone thor} ts for furth tion, MacDonald, 121 onl og Pd Phone" r++ aad Haka oan Siok cy Bat King St. E., Phone 2347TW. He acs Court St. Phone 2756 A. S. Auld, Phone 498W~ Cliffor, almer, ,, Phone 114M Also at Karn's Drug Store, . da ud ORAL A LIME NUMBER OF TICKETS FOR SALE Furnishings for Every Type of Home-- A Genuine Walnut Cedar Chest $24.95 A handsome solid Walnut Cedar Chest, 43" long, fitted with If "Eliza" was here today she would not carry the infant. She Baby Strollers at $19 95 ' i i ired wheels In Cream or Brown, fitted with | inch rubber tired a steel springs, drop back, fine fibre bodies and hoods, astle" For--- LADIES READY-TO-WEAR of the Best Quality at Right Prices--See BUCHANAN'S Next to New Martin Theatre * "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Showing in Oshawa Monday and Tuesday SESSSSSSNSSENSEEEEENENSSSENNNENNES SEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEN NEES Reputation-- Our reputation is the most valuable thing we possess, Without it we could not do business, under any cirmustances. THEREFORE We take every precau- tion to see that our cus. tomers receive the finest Optical attention and glasses, That is how we earned our reputatton-- that is how we must keep it, MODERATE PRICES That's Steele's reputation Modern and Complete Optical Service CORRECT GLASSES =~CORRECTLY FITTED W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 3 King St, W, Phone 838 After the Show-- You must go to 'that new Restau- rant on Simcoe St. N. It's dan- dy, everything new, and they, nerve such won- derful dishes. It's raally a treat to drop in and have a lunch, Eat at the Waldorf -- Service is our Watchword EEE EES ESESEEEEEEANEENN NE JEEEEEE HENCE SNOBES AS a EE ™ aE f > ad ELL AIR RRR RRR RR RREFT TERT