Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1928, p. 5

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a. PAGL I. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1928 p-- a | Women's Daily Interest | SOCIALand PERSONAL Ihe. Times (uvites the co- operation of its readers in contributing iteme to this column. Send in 2 postcard or phone 35. --Mrs. B. Webster of Hamilton, who has been spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. J. De- Marse, 139 Alpert street, returned to her home today. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Salor and daughter, Eleanor, of Toron- to, will spend the week-end and holiday as guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bell, Simcoe street north. ° --Miss Laura Frazer, B.A., who is teaching in Durham, will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs, A. W. Bell, Simcoe street north, during the week-end and holiday. PASTMISTRESSES DEGREE CLUB liOLD REGULAR MEETING The Past Mistresses Degree Club of the LO.B.A. held its regular meeting at the home of Sister LI. Hastings, on Tuesday afternoon. There were representatives present from Queen Mary Lodge No. 97, Oakleigh Lodge No, 151, and Victor- ia No. 583. The gathering was for- tunate in having as a visitor Mrs. B, Webster of Hamilton, a member of The Pride of the West Lodge. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by Sister Hastings as- sisted by Sister B. Gillard. The next regular meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Gibson, Arthur street, on Tuesday afternoon, May 8. Watch the coming events for our next cuchre party in aid of the building fund, LEND-A-HAND CLUB REGULAR MEETING | Held at Home of Sister Mary April 18 The "Lend-a-Hand" Club held its regular meeting on Monday evening at the home of Sister Mary Shaw, past president. Sister 1. Spencer, club president, occupied the chair. A hearty welcome was accorded to Sis- ter Guenett, who has been unable to attend the meetings on account of ill health. The "Lend-a-Hand" Club arc planning a euchre to be held on April 11 for the benefit of the Club and a District meeting will also be held on April 18. After the business of the day was concluded the mect- ing was brought to a close with the singing of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," w'*" Sister Frankie Branton at the piano. Dainty refreshments were served. by the hostess assisted by Misses Shaw and Sister I. Fol- lest. This brought the very enjoy- able evening to a close to meet a- gain on May 8 at the home of Sister Mary Bunker, with the hope that Mr. Gordon Bunker will be quite well by that time. A very happy Easter to all is the wish from the president Sister Idella Spencer. SERVICE AT ST. GEORGE'S ON GOOD FRIDAY MORNING At 11 am. on Gpod Friday morn ing, the Venerable Archdeacon, M.A. of Toronto, will be the special preacher at the St. George's church and at 8 p.m. the choir will render "Olivet to Calvary," under the direc- tion of Miss Frankish, . As to the theory that age brings respectability, the Christian civiliza- tion is 1928 years old. GOOD PROGRAM AT NORTH SIMCOE HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The regular meeting of the North Simcoe Home and School Club was held in the school on Monday, April 2nd, with the president, Mrs. H. Smith, in the chair. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of "O Canada," followed by the call and the minutes of the last meeting. Miss Garrow's room had the onor of having the most moth- ers present. The following interesting program was given: Reading, Barbara Hart- ley; instrumental, Annie Anderson; violin solo, Robert Ardiel; instrumen- tal, Allan Pennell, and an address by Miss Cook, the school nurse, =m "Child Health Supervision in the Schools." A short business miceting follow- ed when gratifying reports were giv- en. by the sceretary, treasurer and the treasurer of the flower commit tee, At the close of the meeting re- freshnients were served and a social half hour was spent. HOMING SOCIETY ARRANGE SCHEDULE Will Use Northwest Route for Pigeons This Season The Oshawa Homing Society got together last evening and much bu- siness was done. The local birds will be raced on the north west route this year instead of the south west and it is hoped that weather conditions will be favorable and some fast races flown. The following sche- dule was drawn up: May 35, Brechin, 50 miles; May 12, Washago, 65 miles; May 19, McTier, 96 miles; May 20, Parry Sound, 116 miles; June 2, Byng Inlet, 152 miles; | Tune 9, Sudbury, 216 miles: June 16, Biscotasing, 282 miles: June 23, Chaplean, 350 miles; July 7, Franz, "413 miles; July 21, Schrieber, 524 miles, Kotex and Health 4 Reasons the Doctor Aduvises It Doctors today advise Kotex, the scientific sanitary napkin that women everywhere are adopting First, they are scientifically shaped for greatest comfort--are form-fitting, hence non-detectable when worn. Soft and comfortable. Thus they give a feeling of freedom and peace-of-mind. Second, they are 5 times more ab- sorbent than cotton--absorb 16 times their own weight in moisture. Third, no laundry -- a very simpl way to dispose of Kotex is given in th directions in each box. Fourth, they deodorize and thus re- move all fear of offense. Kotex is for sale at all drug, dry goods and departmental stores. If you do not know Kotex, buy a pi.ckage MADETIN CANADA In 2 sizes; Kotex Regular and Kotex-Super; 12 to the package HOTRIRL by 7 CORLL BRA ARATE You Can Hav. Tomatoes An The Quality Word for Canned - FRUITS and VEGETABLES e y Merely Saying to J Your Grocer Time PICKERING Pickering--April 14.--Mrs. Aus- tin Franklin, of Port Perry, spent a few days this week with her par- erts, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyes. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston, of Gorrie, are visiting for a few weeks with the latter's mother, Mrs. Jas. Rogers. Mrs. J. S. Ferguson and Dorothy spent Sunday with friends in Tor- onto. Miss Irwin.and Miss Winch, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Arnot, over the week-end. Mr. Wm. Rogers, of Toronto, spent Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ravin and child, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Banks, on Sun- day. Nr. Walter Richardson, of Phila- delphia, made a flying visit to his home here, and spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W, V. Richard- son. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Callaghan and young son, of Toronto. spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Murkar. The W. M. S. of St. Andrew's Church, met at the home of Mrs. M. S. Chapman, on Wednesday af- ternoon. Mr. F. M. Chapman, special in- vestigator for the Dominion Tar- iff Board, is enjoying a two weeks' recess at his home here. Mr. Walter Ferguson, of Whitby, is confined to his parents' home here, through illness, The Women's Association, of St, Paul's Church, met at the home of Mrs, C. A. Sterritt on Wednesday afternoon at 23 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. M. 8S. Chapman spent Tuesday in Horonto. The Women's Missionary Society, of St. Andrew's Church, held their annual Easter Thank-offering ser- vice on Sunday evening. Views on the mission work were shown, and Mr. J. 8. Ferguson gave the accompanying address, The Swastika Club was enter- tained at the home of Mrs. V, E. Cartwright on Tuesday evening, Miss A. Bell, of the staff of the Ontario Ladies' College, was the speaker of the evening, and gave a very interesting talk on her im- pressions of Europe, which she re- cently toured. The Town Hall was filled to ca- pacity on Friday evening, when the young people of St. Paul's Church, under the auspices of the Women's Association, presented the rollick- ing three-act play "Bashful Mr. Bobbs." © The performance was highly amusing throughout, and kept the audience in gales of laughter the 'entire time. Those The chic simplicity of the charm ing frock shown here will appeai at once to the home modiste as » smart and easily fashioned style. The bodice, having a vestee of con trasting material, is joined to » flared skirt in front and the back is in one piece. A sash fits snugly around the hips and the long dart fitted sleeves are at the lower edge. No. 1725 is in sizes 16 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 38 requires 37% yards 36-inch. or 25% yards 54-inch material, and. 1, yard 27-inch contrasting. Price 20 cents the pattem, Our Fashion Book, illustrating the newest and most pmetical style, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. EA a PATTERN PURCHASE COUPO) N To The Oshawa Daily Times Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find ........ cents. Please send patterns listed be- low: [11 7 RRP sid .. 00... size .....0 Name Addreds POWR ,.00 srvnnnrnss Provinee , ..,.s0s00s00000 Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap cols sess rssrrns pps sssenssnsss who took part are to be comgratu- lated on the proficient manner in which they handled even the most difficult situation. Squire's orches- tra provided interesting music, be- tween the acts. Those taking part were: -- Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, Mrs. F. T. Bunting, Misses I. Sterritt, I. Squires, P. Pilkey. L. Spencer, M. Barrett, Messrs. F. T. Bunting, J. Richardson, L. Morley, K. Mor- ley. " Mrs. S. M. Gordon, of the Picker- ing Inn, had the misfortune to scald her feet, which necessitated her re- maining in bed for several days. She is now making a satisfactory recovery. POST OFFICE HOURS FOR GOOD FRIDAY Good Friday and Easter Monday are statutory holidays, and there- fore the foMowing service will be given at the Oshawa Post Office. In the public lobby, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. General Delivery, regis- tration, and postage stamp wic- kets, from 9 a.m, to 11 a.m. Money Order and Savings Bank wickets will be closed all day. There will be no letter carrier delivery on Good Friday, One morning delivery will be given on Easter Monday. A letter box col- lection will be made .about five o'clock Easter Monday. All mail posted up until 12 o'clock noon will be despatched as usual, On Saturday there will be a morning and afternoon delivery, and the money order wickets will be open all day. SEEK HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER IN STRATFORD Stratford, April 4. -- Police to- night are seeking the driver of a car which early in struck a bicycle ridden by Roder- ick Forbes, 409 Huron street, now lying in the General Hospital in a serious condition, Utmost cal- lousness was shown by the car driver, who after skidding many car, hrew the bicycle off the bump- er and proceeded on his way. Mr. Forbes was found roadside with severe head injur- jes. Police obtained the of the car. TO GIVE ILLUSTRATED TALK An illustrated talk will be given at the United Ukrainian church at the corner of Albany and Albert streets tonight at 7.30 o'clock, with views of Western Canada. Dr. I, Thonne will also give a "Health Psy- chology" talk For the Easter Luncheon EASTER DESSERT 2 level tablespoonfuls Sparkling Gelatine, 31% cups milk, 14 teaspoonful salt, 3, cup sugar, 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Soak gelatine in 1% cup eold milk 5 minutes, Scald remaining milk with sugar and add soaked gelatine, Strain, cool slightly, and add flavoring, Wash a dozen large eggs, make a pin hole in one end of each shell, a larger opening at the other end, then shake out the contents from the shells; clean and drain, standing shells in a pan of salt. Pour the chilled but liquid Blane Mange through a funnel Into the shells and set them in an upright position in a pan of broken ice and salt. When ready to serve, remove shells and ar- range eggs In a nest of orange, lemon or fruit jelly--or spun sugar or candied lemon or orange peel may be used for the nest. Sérve with whipped cream, Cocoa may be added ton part of the Blane Mange for brown eggs, and the vanilla Blanc Mange may be tint- ed with various colorings. Knox EASTER MARSHMALLOWS 2 level tablespoonfuls Knox Sparkling Gelatine, 1% cups water, 2 cups granulated sugar, Few grains salt, 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Soak gelatine in % cup cold water 5 minutes. Put # cup wat- er and sugar in saucepan, bring to boiling point and let boil until syrup will spin a thread when dropped from. tip of spoon. Add soaked gelatine and let stand until partially cooled, then add salt and flavoring. Beat until mixture 1s thick and white. Pour into pans thickly dusted with powdered sugar having mixture one inch in depth. Let stand in cool place until thor- oughly chilled. Turn out on board thickly dusted with powdered sugar, cut into cubes and roll in powdered sugar. Upon each marsh- mallow make a fancy decoration with yellow or violet frosting, fore- ing frosting through pastry bag and tube; place in faney paper cases, Marshmallow mixture may be tinted yellow, and the mrarsh- mallows pinched in shapes of lit- tle chickens or ducks for decorat- ing Easter salads and desserts. EASTER SALAD 2 level tablespoonfuls Sparkling Gelatine, 1% cup cold water, 1 cup boiling water, 2 cups grape juice, 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice, 3, cup sugar, Few grains salt, 2 cups fruit. Soak gelatine in cold water 5 minutes; dissolve in boiling water, add salt, sugar and fruit juice, When jelly begins to stiffem, stir prepared fruit through, using can- ned pineapple, bananas and grapes cut in small pieces and drained of juice. (Any fruit, fresh or canned may be used). Turn into small wet molds. When firm, unmold in nests of leettuce leaves and gar- Knox arefully, the evening | feet after the crash, got out of the | lying on the | number | EAST WHITBY TP. | COUNCIL MEETS Coun. Smith to Propose By- law to Pay 50 Per Cent. Cost Street Lights East Whitby Township Council met Monday with all the members present. Reeve Dearborn occu- pied the chair... Minutes of form er meeting were read and adept- ed. Commwmications were read from Robt. Bravener, Hydro Elec. tric Power Commission, Depart- ment of Public Highways. Baran J. Korff, Oshawa General Hospital, Soldiers' Settlement Board, Globe Indemnity Co., County Clerk, So- cial Service Council and H. A, Butt. A petition asking for sidewalk | on Park Road North signed by IR. E. Whitaker and seven others was received. Moved by Mr. | by Major Smith { and Road Superintendent | committee re engaging { for grading and that the Clerk {get in touch with Mr. D.-J. Kean in reference to a stone crusher, | Carried. | Moved hy | Ross, seconded that the Clerk be a tractor Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Lavis that the Clerk com- | municate with County Treas- { urer and have the arrears for tha | following lots written off:--Lot | 6, Saunders Plan for 1925 and | 1926; Lot 64 Plan 217 for 1925, | and Lot 653 Plan 217 for 1926. | Carried. | Major R. he gave notice that he will ask for leave to in- | troduce a Bylaw at the next regular meeting of this Council to the effect that the Township will | pay fifty per cent. of the costs | for street lights already installed, | and the same for any future street | lights that may be installed. This to become effective from January 1st, 1928. Moved by Mr | by Mr. Warne that | accounts he paid: McLaughlin | Co.; relief, | Co., relief, $ Sons, relief, 11.46; | Keast, relief, $28.55; Alex. Ly- ons, relief, $16.18; O. Conlin, re- lief, $81.90; Hydro Electrie, street lights, $20.58; Hydro Electric, hall lights, $2.16; W. W. Man- ning, S.8.U. 4, $150; R. W. Grier- son, 8.8. 11, 0; E. Love, 88. 5, $200; A. E. Grass, 5.8. 6, §! W. A. Ormiston, 7 B. Smith seconded following Ross, the and Supply Dixon Coal Hart and Mrs. A. (Coal $28.50: 50; a. Ie "Orange Pekoe" is only the name given to a size of leaf --Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoes are sold--The most economical and yet the finest flavoured is "SALADA' Orange Pekoe--Sealed in metal --pure--fresh--delicious--43c per }-lb. GRANGE 7 . Sunlight Soap always cleanses the safest way It is all pure soap--its magical lather has the utmost cleansing value--yet it is harmless to clothes and hands, £5,000 Guarantee of Purity, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO S.8. 7, Chas. Brawn, 8.8. 8, $80; Indemnity Co., Road A. Trimm, B. of H., $12; nacott, NR. and B.,. $7.50; Robt. Brown, R. and B., $6; M. Jollow, R. and B., $15; A. Hopkins, R. and B., $2.50; A, R. and B.,, $2; E .Timmonds, and -B., $12.3 Ray. Glover, and B., $31.50; A. Beckett, 50; M. Doolittle, G. Purves, salary, $70; Young, 8.8. 10, $1,000, Ross, R. Recent Death EMMA E, .LUKE of Oshawa's well-known cit- izens, Miss Emma Luke, died yes- terday at the residence of her s ter, Mrs. A. A. Crowle, 18 Division street. . Miss Luke had been In ill health for several months, grad- ually weakening till death came yesterday. Deceased was a daughter of the late George Luke and Anna Mor- ris, lifelong residents of this dis- trict, Miss Luke was born in East Whitby township, near Columbus, and has lived in the town and city of Oshawa for almost her entire life. Since the death of her par- ents over twenty years dgo she has resided with Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Crowle. She was One a faithful member of Simcoe Street United Chureh, and of the Ladies' Aid and Women's Missionary Societies, She was also a member of the Women's Christ- ian . Temperance Union, Miss Luke was one of a family of ten children, three brothers and two sisters predeceasing her. She is survived by three brothers and one sister. They are, Guy, of Ham- ilton; Fred E., of this eity; Charles, .who at present fin Southern France; and Mrs. A. A. Crowle, of this city. The: funeral will be held from the residence of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Crowle, 19 Division street, on Saturday April 7. The service, which will be conducted at three o'clock, will be in charge of Rev, H. 8. Dougall, D.D., and interment 18 It's full-bodied coffee flavour makes a real man's Drink, NATIONAL GROCERS COMPANY LIMITED Wholesale Distributors will be made in Union Cemetery. hs Keep (oD {°) 1s meat and drink to you / pr nish with mayonnaise. m-- O¥O CUBES, are han when you entertain (0) 4° 356 ST.ANTO J Montrea

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