Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1928, p. 16

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS NO PORK FAMINE 'Thomas Cooper of Seymour Township has probably established @ record that few can beat. He is the owner of a two-year-old York- shire sow that is mothering a lit- ter of 21 pigs, all of which are reported to be getting om well. WUSSAR SQUADRONS LOC. Announcement was made by the Department of National Defense last night that No, 30 Field Am- bulance, Canadian Army Medical has been authorized to or- at Quebec City. Changes in ization of squadrons of the 4th Hussars have also been au- thorized, The localization of "B" Squadron is transferred from King- ston to Iroquois, Onmnt., While, the localizaton of "C" Squadron is moved from Hansville to Prescott, Ont. MRS, ALICE F, KANE Mrs. Alice Frances Kane, wife of J. BE, Kane, Earl street, King- ston, died suddenly yesterday morning of heart trouble, aged 62 years, She is survived by her hus- band, the oldest chief engineer of the Canada Steamship Lines; four daughters Margaret, private secre- tary to the branch manager of the Bank of Commerce at Montreal; Bessie, Helen and Aileen of that city; and three sons, Lieut.-Col, J. E. Kane of this city, Carl J, Kane of the New Jersey Radiator Cor- poration, N.J., and Vincent Kane of New York. - MORE CASES OF RABIES Dr. William Nicholls, Dominion Veterinary Inspector for Kingston district, states that the rabies sit- uation in the district has not im- proved during the past week, In. stead, there are more cases of in~ fected animals, and the Township of Pittsburg is mow affected, ts Cohneil having passed a quaran- tine by-law. Twenty-six persons in Kingston and immediate district who have had contact with dogs that -were infected with rabies are taking the Pasteur treatment at the General Hospital, EXAMINATION TODAY The libel action . for $50,000 damages brought by General Sir Arthur Currie against F, W, Wil- son, publisher of The Port Hope Guide, and W. T, R. Preston was formally entered yesterday with the Court Clerk, J, T. Field, for trial at the spring sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario, which open here April 16, before Mr. Justice Rose. Previous to the formal entry of this case, two other civil jury actions were entered, which, according to regular court proce- dure, will come on for hearing be- fore the famous libel action, An- 3. Bode: 3 " Ol) . PSII TOE I TC TWEE TC JH JOC JOC JC JCI JC I 3 CO J J Al WATEROUS-MEEK LTD 20 teetecte CR LUMBER CEMENT LIME PARISTONE 8 HARDWOOD FLOORING "Everything from Foundation to Roof" DOORS INSULEX ROOFING GYROC RAR ARAL ARS LDL RES OUS-MEE RTD. 2.2 Ca WA ECR) AI PIRI ICICI) CR RCRA 4 "Why Do 1 Love You!" Fox Trots with V. "Kenn" Sisson a "Ella Cinders" "Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella" Fox Trots with Herb Wiedoeft and His Orchestra "Four "In the Sing Song Sycamore Tree" Fox Trots with Vincent Lopez and His Casa Lopez Orchestra. 3803 "Ice Cream" "Henry's Made a Lady Out of Lizzie" Fox Trots with The Six Jumping Jacks. Panatrope with Radiola Model 17-8 Electrical record-reproduction and batteryless radio, control- led by ome switch 675. The Sign of Hasicl Prestige PANATROPES - ELEFRICAL RFCORDS JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe St. North LUKE FURNITURE CO. 63 King Street East 1 Choruses. nd His Orchestra, 3766 Vocal Choruses. CH 3810 Walls" Vocal Choruses. ocal Choruses. y P 3782 Phone 251 Phones 78 and 79 | in strict privacy. Counsel and the principals in the case, with the necessary court officials only, will be admitted. It will take place in Chambers at the Town Hall, as did the examination of Sir Ar- thur Currie, HOLDS BELLEVILLE SALE Tye eighteenth Holstein Breed- ers' Club sale was held yesterday in Belleville, and was the best sale that has been held since the recom- struction period after the war, Buyers present represented the whole section of Easten Ontario and the upper part of New York State, There were 33 head of matured and young cows with five males and four calves. The total of the sale was 6,230 and the aver- age price of the matured cows was $195. The top price of the sale was paid by John Harby, Freleighs- bsrg, N.Y. He paid $350 for Cherry Croft Butter Baroness, WOLF! WOLF, The appearance of wolves in Northumberland County is some- thing that has been unheard of for years. A few days ago, how- ever, a large wolf was summarily shot by men from Castleton, in Cramahe Township, who instituted a hunt, as three wolves had been seen in the locality, The other two animals were not found, but the search will be continued, It is now thought that some of the sheep- killing in the district that was at- tributed to dogs was the work of wolves, Cramahe Township Coun- cil not long ago offered a reward for wolves killed in that township. KINGSTON BADMINTON TOURISTS Eight Kingston badminton players, together with two players from Brockville, left yesterday morning on a 'barnstorming' tour, which will keep them playing for the next four days. The party to leave King- ston was made up of Col. C. R. Grant, Col, Willetts, S, M, Robert- son, Professor D, M., Jemmett, Dr, R, R. McGregor, Captain Panet, Captain 8, A, Lee and A. B. Gash. They were joined by Mr, McDonald and Mr, E. Cossitt of Brockville. Last evening they played in Oak- ville, while on Thursday they play at Guelph and on Friday at Lon- don. Saturday they will play at the Carlton Club at Toronto, CHARGE OF VAGRANCY On a nominal charge of vag- rancy, James Reynard, 41, of Bob- caygeon, is being held in the county jail. His wife is in the Ross Memorial Hospital suffering from a wound inflicted on her wrist by a razor which she claims was wield- ed by her husband, Reynard den- ies this and states that his wife's injury was self-inflicted, He de- clares that on seeing his wife cut herself with the razor, he seized the weapon and gashed himself on the wrist. Reynard has been mar- ried but one month, His wife was formerly a maid in the home of Dr. Mulligan, in Lindsay. Recent- ly she has been assisting in the Reynard home, taking care of his aged mother. She claims that al- though she is married to Reynard, she toes not love him and has signified her intention repeatedly of leaving him, Reynard claims on Monday morning he told his wife of the accumulation of debts over which he was worrying, and left her in a hysterical mood. Later on, according to Bobcaygeon neigh- bors, Mrs. Reynard appeared on the street carrying a razor. She was taken home and her husband sum- moned, Following the noon-day meal a quarrel is said to have taken place.- Mrs. Reynard says that in a fit of temper her hus- band sent his mother out to one of the neighbors, and shortly after her departure forced her into a rear room, and forcing her on a mattress, kneeled on her chest and slashed her right wrist with a razor. She claims that Reynard then cut his own wrist, After an alarm was sounded, Dr. Kelly was summoned, and after sewing up the gashes he dispatched both to Lind- say Hospital. Reynard claims that in a fit of despondency his wife grabbed the razor and slashed her own wrist, and thinking that she would die from loss of blood he slashed his wrist. Mr. Reynard has lived in Bobcaygeon for years. His wife was formerly Miss Beatrice Barnes, an English girl. She was in care at one time of the Salva- tion Army in Toronto. This idea of leaping right into Spring during the month of March is one of the admirable features of Leap Year.--Chatham News. '40V. The Danger Age For Most Men With middle age ailments attacking over two-thirds of those past 40, it istime ev- ery man who motices such distressing symptons as Lameness, Pains in back and down through groins, scanty but frequently and burning Urination, "Getting-Up- Nights," Nervous Irritability and Lack of Force--should at once try the amazing wal- ue of Dr, Southworth"s URATABS, While new to many, the truly remark- able value of URATABS has been proven by many years of successful mse. Reports from Doctors and Users alike offer con- evidence: "I mever found anything to my case until I tried URATABS." "URATABS ace the best thing for Bladder Weakness and Irritation I have ever tried." "No more backaches, mone daily embar or "Get -up- nights, I mow sleep soundly and get up in the moming full of pep--thanks to URA- TABS!"--This is amazing evidence! No matter how Jong you have been stubborn your case may seem to be, a ten-day test of Dr. South. worth's URATABS offers comfort and ze- liefl--and you can make the test without risk of cost, for any good druggist will supply vou on guarantee of money back if mot satisfied. Toy URATABS today! 0 no. more pain, no SHOOTING MARKS CHICAGD POLITICS Addresses Made by Every Outstanding Candidate in Primary Chicago, April 5.--Chicago's downtown district reverbrated with the noise of politics Mondoy. Every dutstanding candidate in the April 10 primary made an address and bands and outside bally-hoo ar- tists drew crowds much in the manner of circus side-show barkers, The incidental efforts included one shooting, the threat of a seri- ous clash between city detectives and Federal prohibition agents and the unheralded arrival of Mahel Walker Willebrandt, assistant Uni- ted States Attorney-General. Leon Koneczka was the shooting vietim. He was seeking pledge cards for Joseph W, Kotwas, can- didate for the Democratic nomina- tion for state senator in the fourth district, when he was fired upon, He said a man leaped out of an automobile and demanded he 'get out of this district with those pledge cards." He refused and was shot through the arm, Colonel Frank L. Smith, candl- date for a third chance to lay cre- dentials before the United States Senate; Governor Len Small, car- didate for a third term; Robert E, Crowe, candidate for a third term as State's Attorney and Mayor Wil- liam Hale Thompson, co-head with Crowe of a Republican faction op- posed to that headed by United States Senator Charles 8,' Deneen, spoke from the same theatre plat- form. In another 'theatre nearhy Sena- tor Deneen, Louis Lemmerson, Sec- retary of State and candidate for the nomination for Governor; Judge John A, Swanson, seeking the nomination for State's Attor- ney, and Oscar E. Carlstrom, can- didate for re-election for State At- torney-General, addressed an en- thusiastic group. Both sides ecar- ried on their whirlwind campaign with numerous neighborhood meet- ings. State's Attorney Crowe defend- ed his record in office, asserting there are more burglaries and rob- beries per capita in Milwaukee than in Chicago. He cited reports of the Chicago erime commission and other agencies to prove the ef- ficiency of his administration. Senator Deneen said there was a "lack of intent" to solve crime in Chicago and commended Judge Swanson. Attorney-General Carl- strom warned against the danger of perpetuating a powerful politi- cal machine. Six suburbs and the 30 town- ships of Cook County will hold elections, but none will conflict with the April 10 primary, (UEREC ENFORCES POACHING LAWS Quebec, April 5.--A vigorous campaign is being waged in the courts against moose and deer poachers, it was announced Tues- day, over 75 actions having been taken in the past few weeks against people accused of killing moose and deer, though the hunt- ing season closed on December 21 ast. The Government is determined to put an end to poaching, it was announced by A. L. Richard, depu- ty-Minister of Colonization, Mines and Fisheries, and stringent laws bave been made, with the object of conserving deer and moose, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1928 DISCUSS WORLD'S RACE PROBLEMS Delegates at Missionary Council Debate Influence of Politics Jerusalem, April 5.--The influ- ence of polities characterized Monday's session of the Interna- tional Missionary council here when the world's race problems were discussed. After a speech by Dr. Datta, an Indian Christian leader, discomforting to the British dele- gation professor Bocobo of the University of the Philippines de- clared: . "I hope the Britisn will enjoy what I have to say after their un- easiness. 1 am afraid I must be very critical of the connections of the United States to my country, the Philippines, the football of American politics and the only Christian country of the east, but one of the sorest spots in the world." Expect Too Much Dr. John Hope, the negro presi- dent of Morehouse college, Atlan- ta, Georgia, said that the negro was suffering from some apologists, black and white, who are expect- ing too much and forgetting that he has to make up in one of two generations the educational ex- perience of many centuries. The question of the relationship be- tween the races must not degener- ate into a caste problem, he said. Bishop Uzake's statement that Japan was free of race discrimina- tion evoked strong protests from the Korean delegation, which he- called the Korean Christian massa- eres after the Japanese earth- quake and said their country was disappointed by the inaction of the League of Nations in regard to granting sqlf-determination to Korea, FORMER EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA ILL Complications Set in Fol. lowing Operation in Spain Hendaye, France-Spanish ¥ron- tier, April 6--Zita, former Empress of Austria, lies seriously ill in a San Sebastian, Spain elinic, aec- cording 1o uncensored advices from that city, She underwent an operation for kidney trouble recently, but com- plications have set in, She is suf- fering much pain, hut her condj- tion is not considered hopeless. A specialist from Vienna as well as the best Spanish physicians are in atteendance. --_-------------------- PIE, FACE "Twins of Delight!" That's what folks say of these two unrivalled chocolate bars. Be each anywhere -- adopt them today! Correct Glasses Correctly Fitted W. A. Hare Optometrist "Now, Folks," Friday may be fish day, But that's no reason why You can't eat fish on Thursday, Or come in when passing by. Our dining room's real cosy, Just like your Home Sweet Home; Why not come in for dinner or supper, Or have us send it when you phone. Our fish arrives fresh every day, Our quality only the best, So call us up, one nine six four, And we will do the rest. The South End Fish Market THOS. WATERHOUSE, Prop. Fresh Fish Daily of All Kinds Our delivery covers the entire city. US. RAILWAYS AGREE ON REGROUPING PLAN New York, April 4.--Tentative plans for the regrouping of the Eastern railways already have been agreed upon, and only the details remain to be worked out. Wall Street learned today on the eve of the reconvening of the Eastern Executive Conference here tomor- TOW. While some changes may be made before the plan is finally adopted, the present arrangement provides that the Pennsylvania ve- ceives the New Haven; the Balt more & Ohio obtains the Reading, and Jersey Central and the Wabash lines east of the Mississippi the New York Central acquires the Lackawanna and a half interest in the Lehigh Valley with the "Nickel Plate." Wabash lines west of the Mississippi probably will go to the Union Pacific. NO SERIOUS DANGER IS SEEN BY EGYPT London, April 4.--A despatch to The London Express from Cairo states that Nahas Pasha, Egyptian Premier, told Egyptian newspaper. men tonight that there is no danger of any really serious development between his Government and that of Great Britain, at least for the moment, ---- re ---- Order your Spring Suit now, Complete set of new samples Just arrived at the Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Save our Cash Coupons they mean great savings to the peo. ple of Oshawa A Beautiful Coat For Easter sheffield, on » : Brick Maple Bark, Rug, Pressed, Stock, Sand and, Lime, Cincrete Units, Hollow Tile W. J. TRICK CO. Limited 25 Albert Street Phone 230 The Quality Fruit Store 11 BOND STREET EAST Cordially Invites You to Come and See Our Easter Stock of Choice Fruits and Vegetables Reasonable Prices Qur aim is to satisfy all customers, Phone 2955 All orders promptly delivered J. SECORD, Prop. Will the lady holding Number 2601 (2nd prize) Smart New Fashionable Hats in crochet straw and felt and straw combinations. Saturday Special, $3.90 dririieiinidd nd prize, $3 Sale of Silk Dresses Saturday Some in the new two-piece effects, beautiful styles in all the new spring shades, Saturday Special, $9.95 In Navy Tricotine beautifully trim- med as illustrated, $32.50 Look st the numbers on yous Coupons, you may have the lucky number, Each night in this paper you will find the numbers--Look for them, a CCH CD 0 JC CA, CC ; $10.00 Free Merchandise of your own choice given away each week 1st prize, $5.00 worth 00 worth 8rd prize, $2.00 worth The Trench Coat For Easter Smart and New bring coupen bearing this number to our store and receive $3.00 worth of merchandise free, fede didi xx oo They come in neat' serviceable Done» gal Tweed, exacts ly as illustrated, $17.50 Shop At The Arcade THE HOME OF THE CASH COUPON Telephone 262 (4 Lines to Central) for COAL "Jeddo" The Best in America COKE "Solvay" We are Sole Agen GI1.C. WOOD Dixon Coal Co.

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