Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1v.. FAGTORY SHARKS INTO FINE LEATHER Unique Vessel Has Process on Board for Utilis- ing Fish FORMER YACHT Even Shagreen is Recovered and Used as Tooth Filler London (By Mail)--There will sail shortly from the East Indies Dock where she is at present berthed, what is probably the most extraor- dinary ship that ever came into the Port of London, She is the SS. Istar, and is virtually a {floating factory for the shark-fishing industry off the coast .of Western Australia. On hoard the vessel itself the sharks, when caught, can be turned into tanned leather, ready for manu- facture into boots and shoes, gloves, handbags, pocket-books, not to men- tion oil, food and chemicals, The vessel which is of 2,400 tons, was built originally as a yacht for the vife of a champagne merchant. During the war the yacht was fitted with six inch guns and used by the American navy, and now she is an astonishing mixture of the luxury yacht and a leather works. Her present condition is due to the genius of Dr. Alfred Ehrenreich, a little bent man, who has spent 22 years in experimenting with a pro- cess which he has perfected by which the shagreen can be removed from shark-skins, thereby making it smooth and pliable and fit for use in the most delicate work for which leather in the raw material is used. He has also patented a number of other processes connected with the shark industry which will be used on board the Istar. Among these is an extraordinary one by which the pigments to be used in dyeing the leather made from the skins will be produced from the shark itself. TF e are 244 shades of dye. A Dozen Motorboat A newspaper reporter writes: 1 went on board with her "skipper," Capt. Thomson, and what he showed me would amaze the most hardened of sightseers. Above the decks were slung a dozen motor-boats. It is in these that the fishermen will set out with nets to capture the sharks from which will be manufactured the leather, oil, meal, food, fertilizers, dyes, pigments, chemicals, glue, and other substances in which the fish will make their final appearance on the markets of the world. Each shark as it is brought aboard will be immediately skinned. The two great livers which each con- tains and in which is 30 per cent of the fish's weight in oil will be taken to one part of the deck and the oil sent below through pipes. The flesh, also, will disappear be- low for further treatment; the offal which would normally be thrown overboard, will go to be turned by machinery into fish meal and ferti- lizer, and the skin will go to the tannery deck, where the shagreen will be removed and the hide turn- ed into serviceable leather ready for the factory on shore, From the intestines of the sharks will be produced a leather similar to chamois, but stronger and more deli- cate in texture, for manufacture into gloves. Turtle Soup Not only sharks, however, but all that comes into the ship's nets will be "grist" for the ship's "mill." Cap- tain Thomson told me ,of the great mammals, dugongs--or sea cows-- that are found with the sharks, and of giant rays and turtles. From one of the huge patent driers in which the shark flesh is treated he took a piece of something that looked like glue or gelatige and told me that it was the basis of turtle soup. From another sec- tion of the drier he took a shark's fin, a delicacy that is greatly relish- ed by the Chinese--another market which is to be developed by the com- pany owning the Istar, The deodorized oil from the sharks will be used in the manufacture of soap and margarine, and the shag- reen, after it has been removed from the skin, may be recovered and used in the form of filling for teeth, and in other ways. It is said to be hard- er in substance than ivory, ee ---- Re-roof with BIRD'S Asphalt Twin Shingles! The finished job will last through the years, a goods looking, fire resistant and weather proof roof, free of repair and repainting costs, Ask your roofer or BIRD & SON dealer, V/ BUILDING Hamilton / BIRD'S Roofs \EREEEEEEE EEREEEERRRtERR, DIVISION PRODUCTS LIMITED Toronto Montreal Ee LY Le a Ye, YA FOR SALE BY CLEVE FOX HARDWARE 20 Simcoe St. South 15 Simcoe St. North I a SS ---- iB oe Vestry Sule35 Whahogany Walnut or Ook Price 115% The Apex Electrophonic --- interprets the very soul of music HAT which others are now attempting has been already accomplished in the APEX ELECTRO- PHONIC. It brings out in every instance all that is in the record--all the individualism of the vocalist or the instrumentalist--all the true tonal iti without exaggeration, distortion or blatancy. Every note--half note--even the most subtle tone inflection is reproduced with absolute fidelity, ty. Apex Electrophonic is new. with which to compare it except the performance of the artists Models Priced from $115.00 to $385.00 4 THE COMPO OOMPANY, LIMITED, LACHINE, MONTREAL "Ontario Distributors:=---THE SUN RECORD C0O., TORONTO, ONT, British Columbia Distributors:--THE VANCOUVER RECORD CO., A eh. et VANCOUVER, ARKANSAS FORESTS SWEPT BY FIRES Rangers Are Anxiously aps . Awaiting Rain to Quell o . Serious Conflagration Little Rock, Ark., April 5.--Rains which a year ago were flooding Ar- kansas were anxiously awaited by forest rangers and hundreds of vol- untcer workers to aid them in fight- ing the most serious series of fires in the state's history in its two na- tional forests. One death, that of the 8-year-old son of Jim Tilley, has been reported and each report from the front has brought news of added losses and in many cases of new outbreaks. The Tilley child was burned to death when his father's home in Baxter county on the north- ern front, the Ozarks reserve, was swept by flames. Road crews and students from Arkansas Tech. at Russellville, in addition to rangers, were fighting heroically to check the red wall of destruction on the north- ern frontier which extends from Bax- ter county southwest through New- ton county and as far south as Pope. On the western front, the Oua- chita reserve, more than 3500 men were battling scores of fires, which extend from Scott county, south to Polk and east to Montgomery. Encouraging news that many of the older fires were under control was countered by reports of new out- breaks. Two national guafd planes patrolled the area in search of new fires and to drop notes to residents of towns nearby urging men to leave for the front. The lookout posts in the forests were of no value because of the blanket of smoke which hung closely over sections of nine counties. Losses in both reserves have been estimated at about $300,000,000, with millions of dollars worth of pine timber in danger. CPR. MAY ENTER WIRELESS FIELD Interest in England Over Railway's Application to Canadian Government London, April 5. --Interest here 'in cable and wireless developments and the possibilities is increased by the news that the Canadian Pacific Tele- graphs have applied to the Canadiar Government for permission to enter the wireless business on their own account. It is taken for granted here that the decision on this. and a simi- Jar application here by an American Company, will not be made until the Imperial Wireless and Cable Confer- ence reports to the various govern- ments concerned. There is some interest also in the outlook for Canadian Marconi, which operates under a yearly license from the Canadian Government and in the holding company in which the largest statement that in "Canmar" the new sharcowner is said to be the Radio Corporation of America the control of voting shares rests with Lazard Freres, the English bankers who are apparently safeguarding the British control of "Canmar." BOMB SUSPECT HELD IN CHICAGO Police Arrest Lorenz Jul- iano in Connection With Esposito Murder -- Chicago, April 5.--Government agents have arrested the man they believe responsible for the bomb- ings a week ago, of the homes of United States Senator Deneen ahd Circuit Judge John A. Swanson. The man arrested is Lorenz Ju- liano, The authorities indiesated that one of four men arrested with him had made a confession in which he admitted participation In six murders in the Chicago territory. The shotgun slaying a fortnight azo, of Diamond Joe Esposito, was among the murders solved by the reported confession, it was indi- cated in the information that was obtained at federal headquarters. Juliano, brought face to face with his accuser, made denial of any connnection with bombings or slayings. Federal men last week report- ed finding 3% sticks of dynamite and a quantity of liquor at Juli- ano's home. PLAN CANADIAN VISIT Washington, April 4.--A detach- ment of two officers and ten men in uniform from the Eighth Bat- talion of the Canaian Machine Gun Corps, non-permanent active militia, stationed at Monreal, will yisit Platsburgh, N.Y., from Jue 13 o 21, under plans announced today by the War Department. The Second Corps Area has been instructed to extend the usual courtesies and facilities to the de- tachment during the visit. Dostins! Professional Men! Contractors! Business Men! Have you made your Income Tax Returns If mot consult G. E. FLEMING Phone 1349) Satisfaction Guaranteed REDROSE TEA isgood ted Red Rose Orange Pekoe is supreme In clean, bright Aluminum. FOREST TRIBE IN ENGLAND DYING King of Romany Gipsies Now 85 Years Old Coleford, (Forest of Dean), Eng.-- Ww illiam_ Johns, eighty-five years of age, claims to be "King of the For- est." Nobody disputes it. He is of the Romany tribe, and lives now- adays in a ncat little bungalow at Sling, near here. His forest demesne is the Forest of Dean. "Our race is fast dying out," he said somewhat sadly, "Improved housing and better wages have caused many of our tribe to scttle down during the last twenty years. "The rising generation does not take to the roads. Years ago the Forest of Dean was the real home of our people, but there are only a few encampments to be found there nowadays. "Sometimes the Romanys from Herefordshire come to the land of their fathers in the forest, but they do not stay long. 4 "The police keep them on the move," said the old man "Then, instead of carrying children or wandering on with caravan, they shoulder baskets pegs and go from place to place hy motor 'bus, Wonderiul things them 'buses, though, eh?" Hatless Women I had just come by a motor-omni- bus packed with gypsies--hatless wo- men with braided black hair, each woman with a baby bounud round her body by a shawl." Every woman with her load, too, of pegs. A musical crowd. They sang as they went, and one of the children, three years of age, did a stepdance while the women laughed with glee. No short dresses or flesh-tinted stockings for these women. They were the real gypsies, in long skirts and with shawls every rainbow. It was a sight King William Johns, cspecially crowd of children. their the of Alberta coal should really get a great boost in Ontario if they would pull off another one of those famous strikes in Pennsylvania, St, Catharines Standard, Stomach Troubles That Are Dangerous CUT THIS OUT Some forms of s F le, if ne glected, often lead tc nditions -- ulcers or cancers -tl peration is about the only % 'or this reason, even the stomach ailment ould be given and careful attention, acid stomach, sourness, And don't waste time w unreliable treatments, At signs of distress, go to store and obtain a few pure Bisurated Magnesia. nesia Compound take--quickly, alr does not act ask for BISUR troubles only, simple prompt neglect 1 + hioating! ith unknown or the very any cents' This spec and antly, ec modi Croup Often checked with one application of 3 Vicks. Just rub on ®. "8 throat and chest y VAPORUBS OVER TRNILION JARS USED YEARLY STOP THE FAT AND GET THIN The way to reduction is to stop the formation of fat. Modern science has found that way--by turning your food into fuel and energy by supplying a natural element that helps do that. It is much better than starvation. That mod- em, scientific method is embodied in la prescription tablets. People have used them for 20 years--millions of boxes of them. Now the results in slender figures, new beauty and vitality, cre seen everywhere, Each box of Marmola contains the formula, also.the scientific reasons for results. So you know the effects are beneficial, and why they all occur. Learn what so many have learned in 20 years about it. Do it now. Ask your drug- gist for a $1 box of Marmola and learn what it means to you, So -------- AWE HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal AUTHORS & COX L710 T 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO PARTIES CHOOSE FIRST DELEGATES Republicans and Democrats in U.S. Begin Convention Preparations er \ Washington, April 5.--~The first of the April crop of dclegates to the national political conventions in June were being picked Tuesday. Repub- licans making selections in three states and Democrats in a like num- ber. On the day's calendar for both Re- publicans and Democrats were the Wisconsin primaries with delegations of 26 to be picked by each party and the rather perfunctory primarics New York for ratifving slates of R3 district Republican delegates and 86 district Democrats, In addition Maine Democrats as- sembled to select a Houston dele- gation of 12 and Republicans in the sixth Kansas district were called to- gether to name two convertion rep=- resentatives, completing the Kansas delegation of 23 that will go to Kan- sas City bent on bringing about the nomination of Senator Curtis, the Republican floor leader, who is the Kansas "favorite son." In all, the day will add 111 Re- publican dclegates to the list of 215 already selected, while the Demo- cratic total of 164, will be increased to 288, SHANGHAI STARTS HEALTH CAMPAIGN Births and Deaths Will be Recorded for First Time Shanghai, April 5.--For the first time in the history of Shanghai all births and deaths are to be recorded, starting last Tuesday, according to Dr. Hou Ki-Hu, head of the recent- ly formed Bureau of Vital Statistics, burcau also will undertake a te census of Chinese territory in Shanghai--something else which has never been done before, Shanghai is going 'in for a health campaign. The new department, of which Dr. Hou is the head, is only one of three divisions of the public health service in Chinese territory. The first deals with general sani- tation and street cleaning, the per- sonnel of which includes 18 sanitary officers and 440 white wings. Dr. Hou's is the second division, and the third deals with communicable di- scases, and has a laboratory and more than 30. clinics. in Nantao, Chapei and Footung. PETERBORO TO ADD TWO MILES PAVED STREETS THIS YEAR a Peterboro,. Apr. 4.--Peterboro's 1928 paving program was out- lined when the City Council at its regular April meeting, ' ordered that notice be given of the inten. tion to pave Belmont and Home- wood avenues, Gilmour, Walton, Leslie, St, Joseph and St. Thomas streets, completing the area be- tween Water and Charlotte streets, west of Park street, and Park street from Wolfe street to Lans- downe, a total in all of slightly more than two miles. The. motion specified that this work be done with asphalt, and was supported by all the aldermen except Ald. Stocker who stated that it was too much work for one year, and opposed the use of aphalt on principle, holding that the city should lay concrete pave- ments by day labor, The proposal to add Reid street from McDonnell street to the city limits, to this year's program, met with general approval. The street will be paved with asphalt, with curbs and gutters, to the top of the hill, just past London street, and from there on will have a twenty foot concrete slab to match the paving to be laid this year on the Chemong road. The paving already planned for this year will cost $67,620.50," of which the city pays $43,394.10, GIRL 1S LEFT BOUND IN BURNING BUILDING Montreal, April 4.--Two armed bandits placed a girl in peril of her life this afternoon when they en- tered the premises of the Maple Leaf Toilet Supply Company on Dorchester Street West, bound and gagged Ethel Clouthier, clerk, and when unable to find any money set {ire to a back room of the office. But for the fortunate appearance of Xavier Forget, who lives in the building, and who smelled the smoke and went downstairs to in- vestigate, Miss Clouthier might ave fallen a victim to the flames 1at were slowly spreading toward ner, SURES | 1 he compl FIRE HAZARD SERIOUS PROBLEN Finlayson Declares in Re- gard to Northern District Sudbury, April 4.--Declaring that the fire hazard along the rail- ways in the Cochrane to Kapuskas- ing to Hearst district was the most serious problem that he had met during his termr of office, Hon, William Finlayson, Minister of Lands and Forests, startled the af- ternoon session of the Chief Rang- ers and Foresters of Eastern Onta- rio, in session here today, with his escription of the conditions. "A cloud is hanging over our heads which might wipe out Kap- uskasing, Hearst and Cochrane," stated the Minister. 'All the con- ditions are bad up there." Slash- ings, he said, were left along the railways. He stated that when he went there he felt like asking the railways to "fire" all the men re- sponsible and have all the men in his department from that section dismissed. "I am not exaggerating,' he said, "I am more worried by this than anything I have met in the depart- ment. "The people in the towns are in- different because they do not rea- lize the danger," he continued. "The Bishop promised me he would send out a pastoral letter to the French-Canadians. He proposed to start a publicity campaign im- mediately, ond stated that the Gov- ernment was willing to spend any money necessary to avert the dan- ger. \ Em Sleepless Nights, Bladder Weakness Relief in 24 Hours If your sleep is disturbed by Bladder Weakness, Irritation, Burning Sensation, Backache, Nervousness and Bad Dreams-- due to clogged Kidneys, Prostatic Troubles, or inflammation of the Bladder Urinary Tract, you should try the amazing value of Syrol Tablets at once! Syrol Tablets, which any good druggist can now furnish in sealed packages con- taining 2 weeks' supply, are especially de- signed by a world famous chemist to bring quick relief and comfort to those folks near or past middle life who are almost con stantly troubled by DBackaches, Bladder Weakness, Irritation and restless . trouble. some nights, On a strict guarantee of money back on first box purchased, if satisfactory results are not obtained--you are invited to try and enjoy the wonderful value of Syrol Tablets today, Any good druggist can sup- ply you, ye Lo rd og oo -» - oo 3 oo a - _ - - o> Ld -» 4 Ld - . ra 3 -» Ey ra 5 -» Lg a a og He oo FREE! HUDNUT'S With every $1.00 purchase Next to Post Office a J J J i 4 Perfume Vial-ettes Hudnut's Toiletries THREE FLOWERS Vanishing Cream, Lipstick Cleansing Cream, Compacts, etc., etc. Karn's Drug Store Phone 378 of BeBe eee dte tee eR AR A BAAD ABABA DDD D DDD DDDBADDIDDBLBASLIDEDEADDRL TTT TTTVVTVITVIVTITVIVVTVTITTIrIVTIrTTITTrTYTTTTTTTewTY Ty STOCKS BONDS BAY AND WELLINGTON STS. TORON S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System Phones 143 and 144 StoBIE-FORLONG &(0 GRAIN ead Office: Reford Building 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Office efeefsefoolofoniosfodfocionfosfocdacioniooforionfeciocfefories Carew Lumber C 74 Athol Street West LUMBER MERCHAN'( Estimates gladly given Requirements promptly filled Phones 12 and 1111 a ] oe > 2 " 2. 0 3 0., Lid. = + tel 0 2 " food joegecienies] 0) EAI) TE Sm-------- -- ory. to touch the heart ymelody and, sentiment. Ishould mot be a oA jas many encores as (whether or. The new : Orthophonic Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Mews Sold in Oshawa By Smooth and mellow, Tike moonlight on a' ... old songs to stir the mem- with their beauty of Such favorite songs ! y enjoyed. At the {concert in your own home,--you may have you please. You may a EO a A ores Tiss Viith tip uals pus have your a music may have oan : i hi hi Ag symphonic. , You may be proud sag Lit Sf Lo principle of * nothing to you may enjoy in your bome. , of it, wkiN STW. D. J. BROWN for granted. A perfect rendition of any music--repeated as many times as you wish books, 8 treasure to be en' wish 4d when you wish, slope ", the Victor-controlled] Flow of Sound" leaves be desired in the quality of music| PHONE 18

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