Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Mar 1928, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1928 Programs = Reps on Operation RADIO USERS SCORE BIBLE STUDENTS If License Cancelled Can Still Broadcast on Sunday Ottawa, March 31.--The Depart- ment of Marine which administers the radio telegraph service has not yet announced officially its decision 1 the case of the Interna- tional Bible Students' Association broadeast, but the intimation is that its license will not be renew= d. A great many complaints have heen received during the year from radio users against this as- soclation being continually on the air with its broadcast, Since it was intimated that the license would be cancelled, a good many proests have heen received from followers of the association. If the probable action is taken, stress is laid on the fact that the associalon is not deprived of the air but simply treated as other churches are. It will still be pos- sible for it to broadcast through another station, but he prevailing idea seems to favor scch services on Sunday, leaving the rest of the week for secular programs, LONDON STATION CJGC WILL REOPEN MONDAY London, Ont., March 30.--On Monday evening, April 2, CIGC will be reopened by J. P. Moore, M.P.P, for North London, The reopen- ing will mark the first official broadegst from the new location of the transmitter on top of the Ho- tel London, the highest point in the city, When it is launched on its new era of expansion, CJGC will give the people of Canada a better and more efficient service, catering par- ticularly to the western portion of Ontario, However, reception will not he confined to that particu- lar district for, under the old or- der of things, reports were con- stantly received from the Atlantie and Pacific coasts and the Gulf of Mexico, From the new location and with its new equipment, CIGC will reach to even greater distances, The opening program on Monday, April 2nd, will get under way at 7 o'clock, IWSPAPERS ONE CENT TWO DETROIT N ADVANCE PRICE Detroit, March 30.--The Detroit News, oldest evening newspaper in. the city, today announced an increase in its price from two fo three cents, In its announcement, The: News says: "For several years production cost has been steadily increasing, and at the present time the cost of the white paper alone on which the paper is printed is in excess of $1,500,000 per year more than the total revenue from cireula- tion." The new rate becomes effec- tive next Monday, April 2. The Detroit Times, a Hearst pa- per, also advances its price to three vents next Monday. TY COBB TO RETIRE FROM BALL FIELD New York, March 30.--The Eve- ning Post, in a special despatch from Augusta, Ga., says today that Ty Cobb has decided to retire from baseball, following a reported clean up of two hundred thousand doll- ars in the stock market. Lvirtually spoils Tune in Tonight! The seven o'clock studio pro- gram from CKGW offers a fine range of instrumental and vo- cal numbers. Lovers of symphony orches- tras should tune in on WIZ, New York, at eight o'clock for the New York Symphony pro- gram, and WBZ, Springfield, for the Boston Symphony, The well-known Atwater- Kent hour, from a number of United States stations, tomor- row night, will be well worth hearing, It is scheduled to be- gin at 9.15 p.m, and the pro- gram includes such artists as Josef Hoffman at the piano: Nina Koshetz, soprano; and Phillip Bernolfe, cellist, It is being broadcast over the Na- tional hook-up, Care of Tubes GEO, A, ¥ "A R. I. The glass portion of a vacuum will sometime work loose from the Bakelite, hut through constant handling, While this does not im- pair.the workling qualities of the tube itself, itis a condition which is not desirable. The sealing com- pound, usually placed between the Bakelite base and glass bulb, will, when carefully heated, again join the two parts, However, difficulty is sometimes experienced in repairing a tube by this method. If repeated trials uo not join the parts, friction tape may he resorted to hy winding a number of turns around the tube, allowing a liberal overlapping of the various layers of tape, This will: serve as a permanent repair and with care the tube will have a long and faithful life. Many ra- dio receivers today are not equip- ped with a cushion socket to hold the detector tube. The socket nor- mally holding the det * tube 1s rigidly fastened to a chassis of the recelver, and any vibration experi enced by the received itself will he imparted to the defector tube. Due to its function in the the detector tube is very microphonie in character, and if passing trafic jars the building, the detector tube will vibrate and cause a ringing sound to occur in the loud sj ker, is extremely disturbing and a program, An ex- cellent remedy for this condition is to place a small piece of sponge rubber under each of the feet of cabinet or console, which will ef- fectually absorb all vibrations cans- ing microphonic disturbances. The placing of a loud speaker on top of a cabinet or often pro- duces a somewhat musical hum or roar, which slowly increases in vol- ume until 'it is almost unbearable to .the ear. This is caused by a condition of resonance hetween the vibrations of the speaker. These vibrations are the material forming the cabinet or copsole. Other factors also enter into the production of this micro- phonic hum, but the set owner can usually overcome the difienlty | by removing the remote fropr the receiver itself. be accomplished in a number ways, either by hanging the speak- er on a wall or setting it on a near- by table or bookcase. 4 cireuit, often console We assume that Canadian liquor which is being smuggled across our frontier by airplane is used chicfy for making highballs.--Chicago Post. This transmitted through | | | position | This may | of | ditions in much there has been hardly a night when any distant stations could be heard clearly same old ery "We can hardly get New York." everyone ast, as somewhat of a ed atmospheric sures seem to have have MMY, LAUGRIN-FAHEY the celebrated soprano who sang on CICA this week as one of a series of notable broadcasts in celebration of CPFCA's sixth birthday. SEASONAL STATIC CONTINUES TO SPOIL RADIO CONCERTS Radio is going to become an un- popular sport if the prevailing con- the air continue very longer, Ior the past week the fan, again the night from and last came welcome time for except. the radio enthus- He has been spoiled by a winter of good reception and static geason breaks upon him shock, Disturb- conditions, chang- and varying pres a good dear of effect gs a static producer and the consequence is that when the break-up times comes underfont we a hreak-up in the air. How- ever, we are assured by one who claims to be able to forecast radio weather that the skies are bright- ening and that next week should he a decided improvement. The static last night let up to a considerable degree late in the eve- ning, and though in the earlier ours practically nothing but local programg could be heard with eom- fort a. few listeners in reported that later the air was clear for a radius of some 500 miles. came to the last night with a prog seemed to satisfy a fans, This station, like er, falls off occasionally in. the Spring is a long the ing temperature CKGW fore again ram which good many every oth 6.00 Red Network: --Natio 10.15 Blue Network: --Don ogee ogo foteodd WOI, WOS, WRVA, oe) Special Programs to be PS tidcart Sunday 3.30 p.m. WEEI (508)--Boston. Copley Players. 8.00 WHK (265)--Cleveland. 9.00 WCBD (345)--Zion. Treble clef chorus, bells. Silent all day:--CFCF, WEAO, WHAZ, WIOD, WNOX, tended dled dedi olde deeded dodo nal Symphony Orchestra, I. B. 8. A. program, Amaizo, The Wizard. WSBT, "Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best leatures Columbus, Old time sburg 8.00 WCAH fiddlers, WSUN (517) band concert, 0 WOIL (205)--Ames, National ( wrestling meet, Blue Network, ).45 WII (349)--Phila, Glee Club WCCO (405)-=Mpls.-St sophies." tonight after 7.00 KIFUO, KOA, KOIL, K , WGHP, WOO, WRVA, WWNC. Regular Daytime Programs 6.45 a.m. Red Network:- "lower tealth, from WEAF, WCAE, W EEL WUR WGY, WRC WOR (422)--Newark 7.00 CKCL (357)=Toronto. (234) 8.30 St, Peter Mase llegiate Dartmouth College . Paul, Moming gym. Setting up exer Sunrise con talk: cises., KENF (461)~Shenandoah. cert KMA music. 7.30 WMAQ (448)~Chicago. cises KS (227) 7.45 WOC (37 8.00 WEAF (492)~ rR (395) Shenandoah, Farm Y.M.C.A. exer: -Clarinda Pay venport Happy . { M ming "The Boss" i Hour, Devo al ex cises. nm WEAF i, Heal heeric fr WRC - Berrien Worth. 8.15 Red Network WEEI, WGY 8.30 WEMC us) Early Springs. 151C, a 9.00 wi Ap (500) --~Ft. Morning musicale : WDAF (370)--~Kansas City Bible lesson, : WHO (535)=Des Moines. Morning Victor pro: "Tonight's Din- College gram 9.30 WW] (353)=Detroit. ner. 10.00 KSAC (333)--Kansas Rural school. WILW (428) ~Cinci. Women's bour, 0.30 CKCI (337) =Toronto. Music hi AlY (283) Columbus. State Scripture (405) -Phils 10.45 W 3 i Housekeepers chat Y Women's bour. (345) icago. | Home questior | Women's hour Music; bousehold | (461)--Boston (#92)=N, Y. VN AC 11.00 » I AF (4 6)~Chicago. Home manage Y ft ~-N. Y. (476)=Atlanta. Wo "Keeping Fit." Homemaker's | | standard of its boradcast hut tak- ing the average entertainment pro- vided it is undoubtedly proving {fts- elf an to Canada and with- out interference might more so PRINCE TYPES ALL | SPEECHES IN OWN WAY (Cable Service To The Times By nadian Press) Mar. 30.--The of Wales types his speeches but uses only two fingers, he told a girl stenographer yesterday, as he enviously watched her fingers flash over the key board of a type- writer. asset Prince London, -------- Germans are establishing an ar tificial silk mill in Mexico HURRAH! THE MOHAWK is just the Radio we have been looking for. Sold only by, THE RADIO ELECTRIC S. Cowell, Prop. 15 Prince St. become | ~3Mpls. Musicale, Des Moines Organ "CFCA (357) Calgary, 1.5% 1200 Noon News | Ler | (394) Shenandoah. Songs (238)--~Akron, Studio program (283) Columbus. Musicale. WERE (36)--Chicago. Women's } WIZ (454)=N. Y. Luncheon music WIS (245)--Chic. R.F.D. Dinner bei | WOO (349)=Phila. Luncheon mus { WO! (448)=Chic. Home economics WIMI (294)~Milwaukee. Organ | 12.153 WE AF (492)-N. Y. Rolfe"s Uschest: | WLIT (405) . Religious service 12.30 WCAU (261) ~Phila. Orchestra. WTAM (400) = Cleveland. Orchestra concert. 12.35 CF CF (411)--Montreal. Mt. Royal Or- chestra. 12.45 CKC I (357)--Toronto. Luncheon music w SM 39)~Nashville. Farm and home Council Bluffs KSO Luncheon music KTHS (385) Springs. Concert. weeo (405)~Mopls-St. Paul. Farm progr | 1.00 p.m. News: Kor 319) y FL (484)~Chicago. Organ. WDAF (30)~Kansas City. Country- side chats, WGR (303)~Buffalo. Concert ensemble WHN (34)=N. ¥. News flashes; mu- WHT (306)--Chicago. Organ, Al Car- ney. WMAQ (48)--Chicago. Melodies. WMC (517)--Memphis. Orchestra. WMCA (370)--N. Y. String ensemble WSB (476)--Atlanta. Music. WTMJ (24) = Milwaukee. Luncheon music, WWI (358)--Detroit, Organ. LAs pm. WOHP (8) --Detinit, Tuller rio. WHO (535)=Des Moines. The Ambass- adors. 1.30 KFN¥ (461) -- Shenandoah. dinner concert. WFAA (545)--Dallas. Address: music. "WGRBS (349)~N.Y. Scripture; musicale. 1.40 WGN (416)~Chicago. Drake ensemble. Farmers' Sunday Programs RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS 830 WIID (366)--Mooseheart, Catholic & Protestant. 200 KMA (3%) Church ser- ViCes. KVOO (349)~Tulsa. Religious service, WIZ (454)-N.Y. Childeen's Hour, ).30 co RF (461) Shenandoah, Gospel ser- MO Ds (238)--ludependence, Mo, Bible Study Hour WCAL (236) --Northfield. Lutheran Church, WGY (380) --Schenectady. WLW (428)--Cinci. Sunday WSEA (263)--Norfolk. 10,06 WEMC (484) --Bernien )=~Cleveland, ( 08)--Omaha, Ch apel service, 1015 WRHM (261)--Mpls. LBSA, 10.30 WADC (238)--Akron. Church of Christ. --Shenandoali, Services, Schogl. Services, Springs. Ore LEBS.A. Wa R (303)=Buffalo, Morning servi. Wino (416)=Chicago, Swedish servi. Woo ter ( IC \ (357)=Cinci, KDKA (316)=Pitts, KYW (526)--Chicago, WCFL (484) ~Clucago, Church, WELL WEFAN (39)=Phila, Dethany Presby. an, Service, Services, Central church, Grace M, E (508)=Roston, Old South Ch. (224)=Phila, First Unitarian, (341)=Jacksonville, Services. : (428)=Cinci, 7th Presbyterian. W MCA (370)=N.Y, Christ Scientist, WPAPF (34) Calvary Church, WRC (469) Services, WIWNC ville. Services, WHAS ville, Baptist Ch. bi E BH (366)=Chicago, Christ Scien. 11,15 11,30 Wii IES (242)~ Church, 15 WCAH (a WOHP ( (448) Chicago, Austin M, E, Columbus. Detroit, Chicago, "Charl tte, (319)=Lincoln, Services, Ww KTHS ( wnon Clarinda, Ta. Sacred Me, song Radi 2.00 We ALT ional, (261)~Phila, Interdenomina- WEAF (492)-N.Y, Interdenomination. 2% Won {Barn Sania ) =] School 3.00 Red Na hol, KS! VERE! Yk do IV T™], WPA N.Y, Ins 330 WEAN R= e Mis: 3.55 Wiz (BON. Y., St. George's Ves- 4.00 kei Network--Men's Conference, YM. WEE WOW, WS, CA: WEAF, WSAIL, WTAG, WGY, WEAR, WSM, 'KV0O, WFAA, WTIC, Nee (469)--~Wash, Washington Cath- 4% Kvoo (545)=St, Louis. guage hour. WSOE (270)--Milwaukee. 5.00 WENR (288)--Chicago, Chapel hour. 5.10 WCCO (405)=Mpls.-St, Paul, Vespe 5.30 Blue Network--National Church: Wiz K W, WBAL, WBZ, Whi! WHAM, 6.00 WSH (476)--Atlanta, pers. Cre Hour. inatown Res- Foreign lan. Bible Class, Methodist A (365)~Toronto, Services i Ride Shenandoah, Golden. Rule servi WCC 0 (H08)-=Mpla.. St, Paul, Scientist. ¥FA AA (545)=Dallas, Radio wv H An (280)~Rochester, Wi. W (345)~Chicago. Church, 730 Ww BER (256)=N.Y., Sacred music, WOC (375)--=Davenport, Services, 7.35 bid EL AK (545)=--Buffalo, Christ Scien. 8.00 WIAX Gi) Ves- Christ Bible Studio mu. Little Brown Services, Radio sermonette Idaho, Baptist WSOE (270)--Milwaukee, . 8.45 WCAH (24)~Columbus, 1.B.S.A, 10.15 KFFUO (545)~St. Louis, Bible address 10.30 WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. "The Pastor and the Professor." MUSICAL PROGRAMS-FEATURES 1.00 Blue Network--Gold Strand Group: WIZ, WHZ, WBZA, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, KSD, WHAS, KSD, WIR, WERH, WOC, WOW, WDAF, KVOO, WIT, WFAA, Red Network--Chamber music: WEAF, WTMJ (294)--=Milwaukee, Cousin Larry 5 KMA (395)--Shenandoah, Secred songs, woe (375)=Davenport, Old Folks Mu- sicale, Blue Network--The Roxy Stroll: WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WBZ, WRBZA, WHO, WIR, WOC, WFAA, KVOO, Wow, WTMJ, WRC. CKCI. (3 : wane WEEI pitality, WF f A Tar Ww Hi Mf (261)--Mpls, Ww I (353)=Detroit, Ww SIU acksonville, inci, (285 =Toise, Service Organ recital. Good Will Hour, 08)--Boston, Hour of * Hos' (517) -- Clearwater, Moses Classical music Detroit Institute (283)=Columbus, Crystal Gaz- er Columbia Chain--Symphonic program, Cathedral Hour: WOR. KMOX, KOIL, WARC, WCAO, WCAU, WAIL, WEAN, WFBL, WGHP, WHAS w KRE, WMAK, WMAD, WNAC, REV. R. E. KNOWLES who was the guest speaker at CFCA's entertainment last night at its "weekly" entertainment, WFAA (545)--Daallas, chestra, WENR (288 Music, 0 K'ITNT (257) Symphony or )=Chicago. Hour of Detter ~Muscatine, Variety mu. ic WEED (508)--Boston, WIBL (J06)--Chicago, gram, WRR (461)--=Dallas, 1.B.S.A, program KFAU (285)~Doise, Idaho, Musicale, WIP (517)--Phila. Address. WTAM (400)--Cleveland, Concert en- semble WWANC Copley players. Afternoon pro- (297)--~Asheville, Sacred mu- 8c 5 WIG (273) Community recital, to Great Indus tries -Atlantic City, I ks Travelogue: y Wii AL, KDKA, WIR, , KWK, i Milwa aukee, Music, Song Musical ser- R ( rchestra iY, WRC, Cl WHO, WOW! AF, WHAS, WSB, WMC, City. Twilight stwork--National Symphony . 1: WEAF, WHO, WOW, WFI, , WTIC, WTAG, WRC, WGY, , KSD, hwrg. KDKA Little omy) . whon. * (244)- Sacred program, battanooga, OW. pad (35 7)--~Toronto, Organ, woo (349)--Phila, Sacred organ re. tal. WRN Y (326)-N.Y, "Lit wa AL (285)--Baltimore, ly Tour ji chestr. WEB (366)--Chicago, Twilight my. cale, 7.0 Wiz a oP Re, Mass. Even. A = Sanita) Theatre Fam. F, KP D, WMC, WFAA, WSB, W R WTAG Wr TIC, WOW, ww, KVOO, WSEA (263)=Norfolk. Concert, 7.30 Pacific Chain--"G: J kuy, KH Blue ' Network-- Bh burne, duets: WJZ, KWK, KOA (326)--Denver. Organ. 8.00 WHAL (285)--Baltimore, Artist reci« W) Wier wo~chicage, Sunday Evens 8.15 Hite Network--Collier's Radio Hours WJZ, KDKA, WIR, KOA, W REN, RY K, KWY, WBZ, W BZA, WcCCo, LW. 8.30 KTHS (385)--Hot conce! WT} (294)=Milwaukee, Popular mu- 9.00 Columbia Chain~"Effervescent Hour" "American Springs. Popular WKRC, WMAK, Ww MAQ, Red Akin "Our Government," David Lawrence: WEAF, WGR, W WTMT, WTIC, WSB, WMC, WCAF, YAR WCSH, WRC, Wiac, WSAT FAA, KSD, KVON, WRT wirac Riot 6 Mate A rites mus sic PWX (400)--~Havana. Tourist band, WCRD (345)~Zion, INI. Chorus, WEMC (184)--Berrien Springs. Mixed quartet 9.15 Red Network--Atwater Kent Radio Hr: WEAF, WEEIL WFI, WGY, WGR, WCAE, WRC, WTAM, WWI, WSAT WGN, WCCO, KSD, WOC, WHO, WOW, WNDAF, WFAA, KVOO, WSM WSR, WRT, WMC. WLW (422)--Cinci, Randhox Hour, 9.30 Pacific Chain--Symnhony nrogram KFI, RFOA, KGO, KGW, KH], KHQ KOMO, KPO KTHS (384)--Hot Springs, Voeal. 10.00 CNRW (405)=Winnipeg, Sunday mu. sicale, KOI, (319) =Couneil Rlnffs, Classical WTAX (31)=Tacksonville, ran, WP (273)--Atlantic City. Evening City. hymns. 10.10 WHN (39)--N.Y. American neriod 10.15 Blue Netwnrk--Ton Amaizo, The Wiz ard: WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WTMJ, ween (Continued on Page 14) by '(476)=Towa Familias THE REST IN RADIOS THE MARCON] SHOP Cor. King & Celina Phone 2604 _---- duce. speaker, WBBR (265)-N.Y. Chorus, WGHP (278)--Detroit. Christ Scientist. WHAM (280)--Rochester., Services. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Sunday Schoal. WIMJ (2M)--Milwaukee. Services. 10.45 WBZ (333)--Springhield, Mass, Servi- Servi- Church Street, £890.00. is the product of 5 years of research and 3 years of concentrated laboratory ef- fort and test to construct the finest Radio Receiver that human skill, and cxperience could pro- science Price, complete, «8 sr Powerful Rogers-Batteryless Receiv= er, single-dial control, completely shielded audio amplification unit, il- Juminated dial, patented Rogers A/C Power Tube, cabinet, $275.00, complete except finely-finished walnut 1 ike a Rare Gem ---An Old Master An Exquisite Tapestry The Rogers UBILEE RADIO Sold in Oshawa by Generator & Starter Co. Limited P one 1432 (405) --Mils.-St. Paul, »

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