Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Mar 1928, p. 5

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PAGE Fi KE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1928 | Women's Daily Interest SOCIALand PERSONAL .The Times iuvitea the co operation of ta readers in contributing items to. this column, Send in » postcard or phone 88. --Mrs. A. Pipher and daughter, Miss W. Pipher, spent Thursday in° Toronto. y Joi and Mrs. J. V. Hill and son, Donald, have returned to their home on Simcoe street north after holidaying in Los Angeles, California, for about three ths. ges 4 Franels B. Walker, Chief Engineer of the Waterworks Pumping Plant in Oshawa gained his first class Stationary Engin- eer's Cerilficate a few days ago in Toronw from the Ontario Depart- ment of Labor with a high percen- tage of marks. : Weddings OGDEN--ALEXANDER A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday, March 24, 1928, at the Simcoe street United Church, when Sadie Louis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Alexander, Queens- borough, became the bride.of Mr. Blyin Thomas Ogden, son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ogden, Mary street. Miss lleen Glorshore acted as bridesmaid and Mr Fred Alex- ander assisted the goom. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. H. 8. Dougall, After the ceremony the happy couple left for the bride's home in Queensborough where a recep: tion was held. Mr. and Mrs, Og- den on their return, will reside in Oshawa. Walking across the continent has its advantages. One can stop now and again to see what's behind the billboards,-- Border Cities star. Uncle Sam's role at the Pan- American Conference seemed to he an attempt to make olive branches grow on the Big Stick--Beloit News, PRESENTATION AT BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. A, Clarke Honored By Friends -- Given Fine Gift A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Almond Clarke, St. Julien street, when a number of their friends gathered to honor Mrs. Clarke on her birthday. Music, cards and social chat seemed to be the order of the. evening. At a late hour Nr. Taggart asked Mrs. Clarke to come forward nd read a very ap- popriate address while Mrs, Fer- guson, presented her with a lovely piece of pyrex, Mrs. Clarke was taken completely by surprise but thanked the friends heartily, A tasty luncheon was served and the guests departed to thelr homes wisihng Mrs, Clarke many happy returns of the day, Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, G. C, Fergu- son; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Knox; Mr. and Mrs, W, Taggart; Mr. and Mrs, W. Weir; Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Minard; Mr. Alex McDonald; Miss Truman; Mr. Brown; Mrs. Godfrey; Mr, and Mrs, G. McQuar- rie; Mr. and Mrs, H, Stacey; Mr. and Mrs. R, Kilbank, YOUNG COUPLE ARE HONORED BY FRIENDS ON COMING MARRIAGE A number of friends and rela- tives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Ogden, 550 Mary street last week to honour Miss Sadie Alexander and Mr, Elvin Og- den, on their approaching marriage by holding a miscellaneous show- er, The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts among them being a mantel clock from the Stamping plant of the General Motors, and though taken completely by sur- prise they thanked everyone heart fly, The rest of the evening was spent in music and dancing, then a dainty luncheon was served and the guests departed to their homes, wishing the bride and groom to be much happiness, Ee and by popular The Family Laxative 2 for 26¢ Kellogg made the first corn flakesk-- they're far and away the best corn flakes! Preferred by more people than any other ready-to-eat cereal! Hebloygs CORN FLAKES X=] =< h vote Extra, extra crisp! { p) roll One More Day of Bargains For You All public houses in Dublin wil! be closed on St. Patrick's day, and that is as St. Patrick would have had it.--$t. Catharines Standard. It might be a jolly good thing for some politicians if they had as good alibis as some of the golfers will have in a few weeks.--Toronto Tele- gram, 1680 A Chic vayume Frock The smart frock shown he style the Junior Miss will find 4, able for all daytime wear, The Nalted skirt front is Joined to thr odice having a notched collar anc °stee, and the back is in ons 2ce. A narrow belt fastens at th ot, and the long tight-fAttins gves are finished with shape fs. No. 1680 is in sizes 8, 10, 12 d 14 years. Size 10 requires 2t4 rds 36-inch, or 1% yards bé-incl terial, and § yard additiona; inch contrasting for View B. #168 20 cents the pattern. Our Fashion Book, il} 1 .he newest and most iain styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. haa-------- i A PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Patgeryy Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find ,,.,,.,., cents. Please send Datterns listed be low: sosssssnsnrsnsns BIBD uss, #izd +000. BIZ 4 0000 POWE 240 sevnsonsssomsssss PrOvIBE® , sess ssssvssssns Price, 20 cents each, Send stamps or coin, Wrap colo warefully, A 35c tube Rexall Shaving Cream You Can't Afford To Miss The ONE CENT e Rexall store JURY & LOVELL King E., Phone 28 SALE Simcoe S., Phone 68 ~ ONE MORE DAY ~ Another Example A 15¢c can Juratest Epsom Salts 2 for 16¢ Saturday The Last Day A $1.00 bottle of Rexall Beef, Wine, Iron 2 for $1.01 PLAY GIVEN HERE WELL PRESENTED Solina Young People Delight Gathering at King St, Church The play "What doth it profit" given by the Solina young people of he Eldad church in the King Street United Church basement hall last evening under the aus- pices of the two groups of the Ladies' Ald of which Mrs, James Wilson and Mrs. Witterick are the conveners was an unqualified success, There was a large at- tendance and the play was splén- didly given, being - full of fun, tho' showing a good moral, and a great deal of common sense. There were four especially heavy parts and those who acted them deserve much credit. The entire cast was as follows: John Sheldon, broker, taken by Elgin Taylor; Grace Sheldon, his daughter by Ruth Me- Kessock; Mrs. Jepson, alias Mrs, Helen Landry, Mr, Sheldon's housekeeper, by Miss Myrtle Vice; Russell Jepson, alias James Rus- sell, her son, by Jim Reynolds; David Walder, gentleman, by Mi- ton Tink; Dr. Jeffers, a minister, by Allan Mc¢Kessock; Mat Lee, a Chinese laundryman, by Jack Walker; Mrs. Lee, his wife, Jean Wilson; Baby Lee, their son, hy Russell Hardy; Thomas Johnston, gentleman, by Percy Dewell. Be- tween the acts Miss Jean Wilson etertained the audience with sever- al readings, and Mrs, J, Baker sang very sweetly, The pianists for the evening were Margaret McKessock, Helen and Muriel Baker, and the very splendid in- strument, a Willis piano, was rent- ed from Wilson and Lee, Musie Store, Mrg. Arthur Nelson was prompter during the evenig. The proceeds from a candy sale held by the ladies amounted to ahout $14 and the approximate proceeds for the concert are $100. Many were the expressions of praise heard at the close of the play and the Solina young people are to be heartily congratulated, GROUP TEA WAS GREAT SUCCESS Pleasing Program is Given Under Auspices of Mrs, Webb's Group A most successful group tea was held yesterday afternoon at St, Andrew's church under the aus- pices of the group convened by Mrs. J. Webb, who received the guests, assisted By Mrs, Wannan, president of the Society, Mrs. H, Smith and Mrs. W, Gillott who escorted the guests to the tables which were prettily decorated in green and white with daffodils. The musical program rendered was given by Mrs. Begg and Mrs. Rapson, who sang sweetly and Jack Henley, Ileen McBride and Marion Gummow, who gave in- strumental soos, Mrs, L. Alexan- der, Mrs. D. Forman, Mrs. Trick, Mrs. Rowden Mrs. Wilmut, Mrs, Riddell, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Begg, assisted at the tea tables, and the proceeds of the af- ternoon amounted to $43.65, SACRED MUSIC FESTIVAL AT THE REGENT SUNDAY A sacred music festival is be- ing presented by the local corps of the Salvation Army in the Re- gent Theatre Sunday evenitg at 8.45. Hon. Bandmaster A. J. Graves will be chairman of the evening. Bandmaster H. Gentry heads the band and T. Coull is in charge of the songster brigade. Following a hymn and prayer, the program will be: March, "Ameri- ca, Band; selection, "What Are These?", Songsters; vocal solo, "I Heard of a Saviour," Mrs. R. Holmes; wiolin sold, "Home, Sweet Home," - B. M. H. Gentry; coleetion, "In Immanuel's Praise," Band vocal quartet, "Rock of Ages," Mrs. R. Holmes, Mrs. L. Crawford, Songster Leader T. Coull, Songster F. Alexander; selection, "The ord Will I at All Times Bless." Songsters; selection, "Songs of Britain," Band: vocal duett, "Whispering Hope," Mes- dames Holmes and Crawford; bi- ble reading; selection, "Man of Sorrows," Band. -------------- BYRD'S POLAR MOXNOPLANE HAS ARRIVED IX WINNIPEG Winnipeg. March 29.--The all- | metal wonoplane in which Coa mander Richard E. Byrd will fly over the South Pole during his pro- jected Amtactic expedition landed on St. Charles Flying Field today. LJ PLAN HUGE COTTON SPINNING MERGER American Section of British Industry Recognizes Finances -- Mancheter, Eng, March 30.--Am- algamation of the 300 companies comprising the "American section" oi the cotton spining industry, was pro- sed Tuesday as a means of work- ing out the difficulties of the in- dustry. Representatives of 200 con- cerns agreed to the plan and it is hoped to obtain the adherence of the other mills, Leading bankers, whose loans to industry would be displaced by mar- ketable shares of the holding com- pany which would act for the com- bination, favor the project, and it is said that it also had received the benediction of Sir Phillip Cunliffe- Lister, president of the Board of Trade. Proponents of the scheme argucd at the conference on Tuesday that the amalgamation would reduce ad- ministrative staffs and the number of salesmen now required and would effect other economies. The amount of the holding company's capital has not been estimated but it probably will be huge. The conference will consider the plan further next Tuess day. PUBLISHERS PAY DAMAGES London, Mar. 30.--The tele- phone service of this country is a monopoly and the copyright in the telephone directory is vested in the King, This fact was brought out by the Attorney-General in ah action against a firm of publish- ers, Some enterprising people, sald the Attorney-General, seemed to have conceived the idea that it they pirated the directory and distributed copies of their publica- tion gratuitously they might make a good income from advertise- ments, The pirated coples were not nearly so carefully compiled as the official directories and one result was that wrong calls were constantly received. Another re- sult was that the competition af- fected the revenue from advertise- nrents that the legal owners were entitled to enjoy. The offending firm submittd to an injunction and had to pay £300 damages. The Attorney-General intimated that in future no such small sum would be accepted as damages, $125 ® Trade Mok Regd. BE A GAY DECEIVER wear style no. sex with the slipper heel HE clever illusion of slim- mer and trimmer ankles created by the "Slipper Heel™ will baffle your closest friends, Practice this charm- ing deception by wearing style No. 88x--of medium weight, pure silk to the nar- row hem and full fashioned, This popular Kayser number offers you more value for the price than any other hose. FULL FAV HIONED vwILK HOJ IERY MADE IN CANADA old nursery rhyme from which we have borrowed these pregnant words, evidently knew something about tickling fickle appetites. It may be that he (or, more likely, she) had spice cakes in mind at the time, By the way, all ye mothers of growing children, a few spice cakes in the luncheon bags will be appreciated by your young people, Here's a recipe for you: 2 teaspoons Magic Baking Powder 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon each of extract of nut. 1 pint flour meg, cinnamon and ginger 1 teaspoon each of 1 cup milk caraway and coriander seeds EF T= talented author (name unknown) of the 1 cup butter Sift flour, sugar and baking powder together, rub in the butter and add milk, seeds and extracts, Mix into smooth batter; bake in patty tins for 10 or 12 minutes, POWDER, MAGIC BAKING ------ PPPPPPPPPPS wn § BR ge TE

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