HE OSHAWA DALY TIMES. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 190 er "23 A\S\S\\\o Music RE J. T tory ET ihe Eo e 1 BA TK Aree RRMA oy oe on & MAC onveyaneers. o branches of oney to ta oy 00 Money to loan. Stare, 16 Simene hone 67. Yoridence gl north, KHILL AND GREER, BAR: ' to | Digne Be Rl = Phone | pally 111 pL Pg PHYS! trician. Of Fm La 5 oil ICK, PHYSI- iron Obstetrician, Spe. : J to Bstarnly wory a of wome oa EE ° Rigg tice RE gt N., C1194) hi AN, SUR- ier an "8 i utah hletits, savas of ts and children. Office ant rain #7 Bond East, Phone J th open 9 am to 'Residance 161 King Eas. one 8416. (tf) PR, C, W. CARR, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and ence, 666 Simcoe St. North, corner Aflington. Phone 2415, (Mar, 81- Apr. 21) PHYSICIAN, "from business 40 Gerrard for ox HE (148th 4 ST OF a hope 9569, Residence 306. 41 XG on or : DENTIST ga extras home # 8, ressasnss ri find 'oor, ({) are: mo.) Con 3 rr, He Wappen Ny Wi [18 oF i 3 "| putable Fire Companies ahs | | WHEN PLACING INSURAMI E ith WHEN P alt | giarnield LING INSURAN( E ult R. s. 80 Simcoe north. Your Rong odd attended to and vour interests prot "fon iH _H-dye) 0. B. HEPBURN, a" MeLAUGH- lin Blvd, Oshawa, Distriet Repre- sentative for the Great West (A Assurances Company of Canada (Feh. 1-137) Money to Loan Te ------p-- LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, eithep completed or under construction, Conant and Annis, phone 4, (75-tf) PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS to loan on first mortgage security at current rates. Ariomion & Creighton, Standard Bank Bldg. (Mar. 29-App, 89) PERSONS SIRING LNANS ON a security of thelr motor cars, or those desiring te ye-finance the purchase of thelr motor ears, see a en, Mal ii and MeKonsle, § King 8, BE 14411) CNTTNTFER FONG TOW Five? rigages Hulding loam ar hu hone oITy po PARM LOANS. PRO: Ai loans apranged. Parkhill & reer, Barristers, etc, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (401) Building Supplies NNOUNCEMENT TO HOME hie Contractors--Iarge 1] atos Hmbors folate, planks she Ar various dimensions ap lengths up to 40 ft., piping from % In. to 10 In, plumbing, strue- sural steel, complete hot water sad | 3a Phone oF A WE HAVE ROUGH AND DR WE imber. oh, shingles, wh u. d oni t Wh hithy, ay ACL awa, one Painting and Po F. C. HILL, DECORATING, paper-hanking, painting. Work guaranteed, Estimates given. Phone 042W. 1856 Brock east. (Mar, 12-1 mo) R. GUTSOLE, AANTING, P ER hanging, Bin W.. right. years' uron street i] FIRST Las PAPER HANG: ing od § Prices eas0nable. List me os We, L1]] Cuber St. Roig 1 7 , 1-1M0) To MARIE RENWICK'S BBAUTY Shop, # Celina St., at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mapi- cures, mareelling. Phope 2863. (Mar, 28-Apr. 28) MARCEL AND CURL, Bo CENTS. 45 Albany St. Phome 684) for appointment. (764) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESSING Parlor. Marcelling, shampooing DR SHIKLEY. VETER[NARIAN, Cat and. west. Phone 629. Cs KENSON. " S PA EN vs 20 (56-18) "Watch Repairing ry VON GUNTEN BXPBAT HE a" ] : : A 1 Rowe Ble Wit iti Cleaning and Pressing CLEANING AND PRESSING. Goods called for and Selivared, Norman Lambert, 66 Bago West of St, George! a Chueh. P hu) 623. Mar, 19-Apr. 17) Work ---- Classified Ads. | Pow npr ny Pach snag vn gi a "I TR ore Mist harge for three Box number 10¢ additions! RE-UPHOLATERING, CHESTER. flelds made to order, We save i, Shaner. Eaiinaies $ise. a, able. eehanle street. Phone 16964, (B4an) ATTENTION GIVEN IN SPARE time ta hooks of individuals who deo not employ permanent hooks keeper. Phone 1076J, (76h) SAWS FILED AT 68 PRINCH 87, (76-h) P, BOKO, 198 OLIVE AVENUR, hauling gravel and sand, $1.95 8 yard, Phone 8808. (Mar, 86:-Apr. 34) Machinery Repairing STEPHENSON BROS, GARAGE, 18 Church street, vepaly work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld: ing. Body bumping a specialty, ih Mar ADANA AUlE AND MACH- INE Shop, ai to Duppant Machine Company) All kinds of machinery repairing, erscked mo tor blocks and most anything Oxy-aeetylone welded, Connecting rods rebabitied, Ply whee! start: ing teeth installed, 161 King St W. Phone 1314, (8-41) a Auctioneer SEND YOUR FURNITURE AND other goods you have to sell, to our ard, Sales weekly, Sulley's Real state, 41 Kin Street West, } | Phones 2680 or 716). (60LL) "| HAVING RENTED A GARAGE AT 19 Lloyd Bt, I am in a position to held sales once a week, Good place to store furniture, All parties hay- ing articles for sale kindly notify E. J, Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% Kipg St. B, Phone 1018M, (Mar, 83-Apr, 28) Building Supplies HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished com jetsly with sanding machine, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give us a trial. Bylviap and Stey- eps. 164 Alice street. Phone 2610W, (Mar, 10-Apr. 10) a a a Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- FULLY EXPERI- enced stengrapher, Apply in writ- ing, stating age, experience, where worked, etc., to General Motors of Canada, Ltd (76b) WANTED --HOUSE TO HOUSE Canvasser, SMart appearance, good talker, salary snd commission. Ap- ply Box "B" Osbaws Delly Ta, 2) WOMAN WANTED FOR hg he a housework. Apply 207 Bimeoe st. 8 (76D) met FOR LE OR BEWT--300 ACRE , Fully dairying Provincial rr "| tracts, all flavors. | | WF a or loses 19 | Ra TIMES CLASSIFIED | ADS COST LITTLE; AC. | | COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE Ask for Claibel Ad Depart: al mm Articles For Sale FOR SALE--SPRING COAT, HEN: na, size 36, Apply 66 Emma, st -C fa L 6 home on Masson St, oak floors, French jn and pedestal Owner leaving tow. IR Il gh Hs ROOM BRICK best sect! oars, built heating. House Rh. 2 de Jo o 00rd Phone 101% toni LH 3 between 6 and 7 p.m. Saturday. GOOD MUSKOKA FARM i sale, Would exchange for eity property, Apply 74 Oshawa i 0 Ap---- HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW AR. tificial grey stone garage with red tile yoof. Have large desivable lot for sale, equipped with same. Box "0" Oshawa Daily Ta. ' -a FOR SALE, THE GRANGE FARM, Whitby, beautiful country home, 48 acres, up to date poultry houses, greephouge, orchard, Reasonahle Dries for quick sale. Apply to F, L, Beecroft, Whitby, NEW 8IX-ROOM BRIOK HOUSE for sale at 118 Fyederick 8t,, being Josuple at at Plots te keep house in goo ition. Electrie fiz- tures Tastalled and vange connect: ed. Chestnut trim and dak flears, Front sun parler, Kitchener cup. beards, Divided econgrete eellar, Laundry tubs in cellar. Five or ten minutes gd from foyy oor: ners. all at Rotise oF 'phone 1686 evenings after 7 p.m. (514) G00D BELL ORGAN FOR SALE, Suitable for small church or Bun- day School, Apply 193 Verdun h Ba. T4e) FOR SALE--F NICE LOTS ON Mary styeet, sige 455134, west side. Fay particulars phone mw (58-t1) FOR BALE--1 MUSKRAT COAT, Sable trimmed, 2 Spring Coats (ladies"), 1 brown Canton Dress, 1 blue Sport Dress, Phone 1175J, between 9 a.m, and 7.80 iT (74e) MUST BE SOLD TONIGHT, OAK hall stand with bevelled mirror, two large carpets, four burner Gurney gas stove, 381 Arthur FA 76a) FOR SALE~SOL] ID OAK a erfield table, 8 feet long, beautls fully carved, Jacobean style, .Suit- able for large living room, Can he seen at 800 Leslie St. or 2070W, (76-t1) FOR SALE--600 EGG QUEEN IN- enbator and 800 chick brooder; a sacrifice. Apply 656 Arlingten By (74-2) SIMMONS BED, FULL BIZB pearly new, wire spring and mat» tress complete $25.00. Phone 1167, (74-b) KITCHEN RANGE FOR SALE, warming closet and reservoir, Cheap for cash, Phone 455M, (74-2) 1 DOLLAR DEPOSIT SECURES deliyery of your order; Rogers Si) Verware, watches, clocks, rings, Jewelry of all kinds, and the bal- shed payable on very easy terms. H. Dell, 26} Bimcoe Bonth. Phone 1666, * (Mar, 23-Apr.28) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEW Iald eggs in any, quantity. Deliver ed anywhere in a Phong Las 1-1 mo. down, hone | | session if assired. Ralph J. , Oshawa, Phone! HOUSE FOR PALE-APPLY HOL- lands' Bakery, (76-0) $4,000 BUYS A NEW FIVE ROOM: ed brick bungalow, Hardwood flooys threugheut, fire place, fix. tures, and all conveniences. $600 Apply Box "K" Oshawa Dally Times. (74-0) (75-0) | an Rh rooms with Hants, heat and py 10 minutes lars. Apply at 185 pri for +t iy Fons or two if desired. One minute from Motors. one 1514W. (T4-¢) 2 ROOMS TO RENT FOR LIGHT tom FoF Stier tlemen, Box 816, IR, (74-0) S---------- 7 Spm T= WARM FRONT ROOM TO RENT, nicely furnished for two, Five minutes fram General en | TE n | Phone 20414, TO TLY FUR. nisheqd or unuralehed. Newly dec. erated. Na shi on patos 12 Agnes street, one . m 8 TEN ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. Six room house for sale. Simcoe north, Box J" Oshawa Dally Times. (76h) TO RENT--OFFION OR STORE, new, large front window, Oak floor, hot water heating, ete. central, Apply 26 Church St., corner Chuteh and Bond, T6e) TO RENT--NEW APARTMENT, ¢ rooms, hardwood trim, cabinet, electyie stave, hot water heating, private entrance, up-to-date you will like them by seeing them, Ap- ply 26 Church 8t., corner Church Bond, (76e) COMFORTABLE ROOM TO RENT, Suit two gentlemen, With first class table boayd. Central. Con: veniences, 183 King 8t, W, (76a) ------ TO RENT=TWO ROOMS, DI NG room and bedroom attached, ground floor, furnished priv RB with electric stove and conveni- ences, Garage. Paved street, Very central, Elderly couple Jrelerred, In a quiet home, Phone 794J, (76h) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Ap- ply 240 Drew street, (76-c) ONE LARGE FURNISHED BED- room to rent. Suit two gentlemen. Central. Phone 2170/, (74-t1) FOR RENT--2 ROOMS, PARTLY furnished, kitchen privileges. No objection to one child. Apply 620 Hortop avenue. (76-c) Agents Wanted HOT AVR YOUR OWN BUSI ness--earn boavses, Write Standard BUR 501, To- Tonto. (721) WOMAN OVER 30, PERMANENT tion. Is your automobile earn. ng money? The largest manufac. turer of strictly custom supporting garments, offers wonderful eppor- tunity. Also a full line of lingerie, confiners, stockings and sanitary goods. Twenty years in business Apply Box "B" Oshawa Dally Times. (76-1) Wanted to Buy 2h hl DEALER IN Lo an 34 food 1] rif Thou (11148) SECOND HAND FURNITURE dealer, buying and selling. 186 Bloor St. B. Phone 1617M, (Mar. 9-1 mo.) WANTED TO BUY--] AM OPEN to purchase a moderate priced house in Oshawa, have $200 cash but will be in a position to make ood monthly payments. What ave you to offer? Send full par- ticulars to box "F" Oshawa Daily Times. (74¢c) WE HAVE CLIENTS WAITING ta purchase agreements or second mortgages. $3,000 in cash. Ap- ply Horton & French, Mundy Bldg. Simeoe St. 8. (76-h) WANTED TO BUY--A GOOD SEC- ond mortgage from $1,000 to $2,000. Kindly explain the amount of first mortgage on the property, what the property has sold for-- and the amount paid down when sald. Apply Box "U" Oshawa Dally Times, (76a) ER Room and Board Wanted BUSINESS GIRL DESIRES ROOM and board, Clese to Motors, Bos "W'" Oshawa Daily Times. (76c) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE AT SULLEY'S Sale yards, 41 King street west, at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 381, of the following: 1 McLaughlin touring ear, 1 Ford ton truck, 1 half ton trailer, quantity of furni- ture, Any person wishing to put articles in this sale notify W. J, Sullley. auctioneer, phone 2580 BRICK VENEER HOUSE FOR sale, four rooms and bathroom, at: tie unfinished, oak floors, big dry cellar, house will be ready te oer cupy in a couple of days. Price $2,800 on easy terms. for further particulars phone 1000W, even: ngs. (T4-e) TO RENT--b6 TO 60 ACRES, 25 acres pasture land. Thornton's Corners. Apply 168 Colborne St. East. (76-e) or 7167. (76-b) Notice 1, the undersigned will mot he ponsible for any hill or debts FOR RENT--FOUR AND 5-ROOM apartments, new, central. Phone 2664. Bertrand Realty, (76-¢) BROWN REALTY Co, Phone 8746 19 Prince Bt. 6-ROOM BRICK VENEER HOUSE, oak floors, clothes closets, eabin- ets, furpace, verandah, attic, all modern conveniences, excellent lo- cality, central; garage. Basy cash payments, $4800. B-ROOM, BTUCCO, WELL DEC- orated, hall, electric, verandah, cistern; very small payments. A good buy, $2600, LOTS--In all parts of the city. TO RENT--T7-room House, ". 00, §-¢) FOR BALE--65 ACRB FARM, 1 mile from Oshaws, 12 acres oF chard, running water in house and | stables, good house and farm build. ipgs. Will sell stock and imple mepts with farm. Immediate pos- inson, R.R. No, TOW, Lost and Found 76e) TO RENT -- APARTMENT, NEW, four rooms, central, hot water, electpic refrigergtor, range. Im» mediate possession, $45. Phone 1400, (76-2) FOR RENT--GARDEN FARM, 75 acres, half mile west op highway; house and barn. Immediate pos- session, Phone 1400. (76-2) FIRST CLASS APARTMENT TO rept in the Baird Block, Vowses- tor April 1. Phone N, 8. Baird, Rob- | (76D) Tire Repairing ALL idol i gd EPAIRING Tameson Bros Phone dio" mipmap ria of my wife, Mrs. D. Vallieres gfter date, March 28, 1028. DANIBL VALLIERES ' For Exchange I HAVE A $4100 FIRST MORT- gage op 8 farm which I uld like to exchange for a 6 or 7 room house. Close to General Motors, the balance [I will pay in cash. Reply giving all information to Box "M" Oshawa Daily Times. (Tte) MPOB STREET NORTH D. FOR SALE--THIS YEAR'S MA- ple syrup; delivered anywhere In City. Phone 896. (Mar. 1-1me.) FOR SALE, BARDWODD | FLOOR- Waterous-Meek Ltd * 20 i WATER Lyte "Bloc Soowt Call 157 A 83ers. LOST--LONG - HAIRED POG brown collie dog, white feet, white on bresst. Apswers to pame Rip," , Courtice, phops pumber, Reward, (78-2) LAUT = MONDAY. YELLOW FB- Collie. Answers to B. Bickel. Phone how, ard. FOR REALE WICKER Cr ing ehimpeys. ) is sod ol Westmount. (76-b BIG SALE OF FURNITURE. IRON beds co; SALE--O-80-GOOD Phone 217TW. (i5=) SPECIAL BICYCLE TUBES, 3 day sale, The each. St. East. Phone 2h, (76d) Help Wanted--Male Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT---6-ROOMED house, conveniences, ceptral. Phone 1126M, (76-2) WANTED TO RENT BY YOUNG sonple with one child WANTED 5 RENT--6 OR 17 roomed house. Will lease for a Year or more. Phone 032M. iis EO Ee ont 7 ost rooms by young children. Ap- (742) 5 tm wil be in the yr Bey 1 Wodoeadsy oN born wd ih 224. Fell Bros. CHIROPRACTIC 12 Ls ep iocstsd. | 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Woteblisned 1888 12 Simcoe St. South Peace Metal Weather: strip Installed by Hayton the Roofer Lathers and Shinglers 185 Arthur 65. Phone 1843w es d-------------- an Sg -- TIME TABLES = GAA fe ABLE 'g except. Sunday. except Sunday. CPR TIME FABLE Prats A y. ha except Sunday. uy. ily aly. Wm. --dunday only. .~=Daily except Sunday, Daily. Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa. Ba BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going W 3 oe 1343414434: PTPEPPPPOP? FEB = Pd ari datg Nom cormg Has, HRELhN NEN O90 PPPPPPPPT Pees sEpEE2 B £5 ss wes 38 in Puan Soe o BRoOIBunun 1.00 p.m. - WRN > = 435 p.m. 6.45 p.m. 92.40 p.m. Ratan TTPOTDES 3grssa:z TPPTPPPPPesn ES FaapBanaEange the 8 Arr. p.m. CoN 3S ARE NTE een Time marked * are tnrough busses Whitby Hospital ud SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEPULE Geo'ng Wess Ny sae vy Swosw=S BRNBRE eee aia 1] PTPPYPY® Es ggasppaE™"" F. A. GARTON. PROPRIETOR Bowman ville--Phope 13 4 Qshaws Koom--18 P Street he Rd iH EE " EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Many eyes arc slowly but being crippled by mpc effects. have your NOW, 15108 ~--PHONE-- 1518 Disney Block uUpposite Post Office ; Rabel) 18 Simcoe Street, South, ; -------------- w Ap op Aa id BASSETTS JEWELLERS i 7 CE EN Eo ve dayweor A Building. y Bex "p> Oshawa Daily | 'ol fw Yor Pir WANTED--EXPERIENCED NE£- LLY Adsigon mates advance ist. [Amsure with us i Be My ving Cutler & Preston | $4 King St. W. Phone 572 ROO AND BOARD FOR FOUR br Sardener. sopiy 87 Buckingham To Ta amin BIT Toes ie » Mundy Printing Co., A74¢c) ors. Phone OSM. J