--Mr, R. J. Little has returned to his home in this city after visit- ing with friends in Belleville for several days. --Mrs, W. J. Ward has return. ed to her home in Prescott, after having spent a month with her daughter, Mrs, Norman Fursey, --Mrs, M, McKay, of Athol street, has returned home after. at- tending the funeral of her uncle, the late Donald McDonald, in Orillia, a life resident of Mara township. --Mrs," Ernest Mounce and two children, Margaret and Billie, left this morning for their home in Amherst, Nova Scotia, after spend- ing several months with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, '. E. Mounce, Colborne street, Women's & Misses COATS "Models fo a Ladi New Epiing DRESSES egies from £1n 08 rived f1om New York. il TOPCOATS The new light shades as well as 'the more con- servative colors, from $15.00 'Men's snd Young Men's SUITS Swgle & double breasted two and three button models. New patterns pire 829.50 Boys' SUITS Sipled like "Dad's" sod, Glass Bros. Richmond St, and Simcoe St. Weddings -- MOUNCE---LANE 3 The marriage of Marian Craw- ford, daughter of Mrs. John Lane, Burford St., Wiarton, Ont., to Dr. Aubrey Redvers E. Mounce, of Mil- ledgeville, Ohio, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Mounce, Colborne St. Oshawa, Ont., took place at Wiar- ton, at eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning, last week, Rev. Mr. Cur- rie officiating. The bride, who was given away by her mother, wore a tailored two- piece dress of navy blue flat crepe, with a pattern of white angora polka-dots, close fitting black visca straw hat with lapis. lazull pin, matching her beads. A fur of point- ed fox completed her costume. The matron of honor, Mrs. Fred- erick Huton Harris, of Owen Sound, wore a simple dress of mid- night blue chiffon, with small hat of the same shade. Both the bride and bridesmaid carried hand-bou- quets of maiden-halr fern, sweet- heart roses and forget-me-nots. Dr. Mounce was assisted by his brother, Mr. M. Ross Mounce, of Oshawa, Miss Helen Margaret Smith, of Mitchell, played Mendelssohn's Wedding March. She wore an en- semble of monkey-skin flat erepe, with Isabella fox fur and visea hat, and carried sweet peas and roses, The guests were received hy Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Mounce, the former wearing a coat dress of black georgette and panne velvet. The groom's mother wore a dress of tucked navy blue erepe romain; a hat of black milan and satin and neck-piece of grey squirrel, Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Mounce hoth wore corsage bouquets of orchids and vi- oets. A buffet lunch followed the cere- mony, The table was centered with a silver basket of snap-dragon and blue iris on a cloth of cluny lace, Many bowls of spring flowers decorated the rooms, Dr. and Mrs. Mounce left on an extended trip, and later will reside at Milledgeville, Ohio. RUSSELL~McCONKEY A quiet wedding was solemnized in the St. Andrew's manse yester- day afternoon, March 28, when Ida Grace, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph McConkey, 216 Burke street, hecame the bride of Mr. John A.C. Russell, son of Mr, and Mrs, George Russell, Alhert street. The ceremony was performed hy the Rev, F. J, Maxwell, The bride looked lovely in a gown In blue georgette with hat to. match and black hose and shoes. Her bridal bouquet was of sweet peas, roses and lily of the valley, Miss Violet Clark, who acted as bridesmaid, was charming In rose crepe de chine with rose blush felt hat and black shoes and hose. Mr, George Russell, brother of the groom, acted as hest man, After the ceremony, a dainty luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, then the happy couple left for a short trip to Toronto, the bride travelling in a navy coat trimmed with fur and sand crepe dress, On theip return Mr. and Mrs, Russell will reside on Burke street, MYRTLE Myrtle, March 28.--Surrounded by their family and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lane celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home in Myrtle, on Tues- day, March 27. Mr. and Mrs. Lane have been lifelong residents in the near vicinity of Oshawa and thelr tamily of one son, three daughters and six grand children were all present for the occasion. Mr, and Mrs. Lane received many beautiful gifts among thenr being a lovely pi- ano lamp from their brothers and sisters, a table lamp from their fa- mily and the youngest grandchild presented them with a lovely bou- quet, -- Ontario Dry Goods Co. 90 Simcoe St. South Ladies Flat Crepe Dresses. Regular $18.50. 'Men's Blue Serge Indigo Dye. Regular $25.00. srr paper ers sass pss rsp apps Pants. Regular $10.50. Ginghams, all shades Per Yard, 90 Simcoe St. South Week-End Specials at the PI I Men's Grey Suits, Regular $22.50. Boys' Suits with Bloomers and long Bargain | Phone 1539 $12.50 $18.50 $16.50 $3.98 *s $8.50 RE Eversthive in iret store is reduced to veri prices for Easter. Opposite Bruce St. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. MARH 29, 1928 Mr. and Mrs, C, Gillard enter- tained a number of their friends at their home, Court street, rye- cently, at a euchre party. The winners of the first prize for the ladies was Mrs. J. Goyme, while Mrs, Cliff won the second prize. The consolation prize went to Mrs. H. Harmer, Mr, A, Smith was the frist prize winmer, Mr. C, Holder received the second prize and Mr. W. #amer was given the consola- tion prize. After the games, music and dancing took up the evening, them Mr. and Mrs. G. Ruffle, were presented with a beautiful pair of silver candle sticks to commemor- ate the 23rd wedding anni- versyar by Miss Grace Mec- Conkey, on behalf of their many friends present, while a suitable address was read by Mrs, J. Goyne. After a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess, the guests departed for their home wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ruffle many more years of happy wedded life. SOLINA YOUNG PEOPLE TO PUT ON PLAY HERE The play "What Doth It Pro- fit," which has been given by the Solina young people of the ldad church in several centres during the winter, will be presented at King street church tonight, under the groups of the Ladies' Aid Soci- ety of which Mrs, James Wilson and Mrs, Witterick are conveners. The play is in six acts and those taking part are Misses Myrtle Vice, Ruth McKessock, Jean Mill- son and Mrs, Arthur Milton, Elgin R. Taylor, James Reynolds, Milton Tink, Alan McKessock, Percy Dewell, Jack Walker and Russell Hardy. After the performance the young people will be entertain- ed by the ladies of the Aid. CEDARDALE LADIES' AUXILIARY HOLD SEWING MEETING Through the kindness of Rev. @. W. Irwin, the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Cedardale United Church held its regular monthly sewing meet- ing at the manse, yesterday after- noon, There was a fair attend- ance and Mrs. Irwin gave a very interesting talk on Missions which is to he the topie for every second meeting of the month. The goond- ly amount of sewing done yester- day is to he exhibited at a hazaar which will be held in the near fu- ture, A dainty luncheon was served and the ladies tendered a vote of thanks to Rev, and Mrs. Irwin for their pospitality, ALMONDS Almonds, Mar, 28.--The funeral of the late Mrs, W, H. Balsdon which was held on Saturday af- ed from the family residence. Rev. A. M. Irwin, pastor of Al- a regular attendant conducted the funeral' service and spoke most fitting words of comfort to the sorrowing ones. Relatives and friends were pres- ent from various out of town places, Toronto, New Lowell, Markham, Port Credit Brooklin. Pickering, Oshawa, Orono, In- terment was made in the family plot at Groveside Cemetery, The pall bearers were her six brothers, Herbert Reeson of To- ronto; George and Arthur of Osh- awa, John and James of Columbus, Charles of Brooklin. The flower bearers nephews, Many beautiful floral tributes showed the esteem in which she was held and the proffered sym- pathy of friends and relatives. were six REVOLVER PRODUCED AT WESTGATE TRIAL Winnipeg, March 28, --- Albert V. Westgate, charged with the murder of Mrs, Lottie Adams, St. Vital housewife, followed with keen interest court proceedings today, as Crown Counsel exhibited the weapons with which the crim is alleged to have been committed and the blood-stained clothing a 3p of so het Is steam AYaur=gueh ragrare: ri BANDIT KILLED IN FIGHT WITH POLICE March 28.---Sarto Loiselle, alias Armand Coutute, aged 20, is dead, while Romeo Rochon, alias Delphas Morrisette, aged 22, and Jules Levesque, alias Lalonde, aged 24, are under ar- rest following a fight with police late last might after they had broken into the summer home of Fortunat Monet, Montreal North, Chief of Police Chartrand of Mont- real North is in his home sufiec- ing from a flesh wound in the abdomen. Loiselle, the dead bandit, was not instantly killed in the re- volver fight with Chief Chartrand, but died early this morning in hos- pital. The double shooting follow- ed an attempt made by Chief Chart- rand, aided by two citizens, to cap- ture the bandits as they were loading stolem article. from the Monet home Into an automobile, ---- a------------ SUCCEEDS DR. WYLLIE Ottawa, 29.--Rev. George E. Ross, D.D., of Lachine, Que. and Montreal East, was choseay Monday night by the congregation of Erskine Presbyterian Church to succeed Rev. Dr. Ernest B. Wyl- lie, who resigned his post as min- ister a few months argo, Montreal, FOURTEEN CARS DERAILED Sault Ste, Marie, Ont,, March 28, --TFourteen freight cars on an Al- goma Central train, bound north, left the rails at 2 o'clock at Ogi- daki, Mile 50, when a wheel broke on one of the forward cars. The situation was not serious, except a SS -------------------- for the loss of time, the track not being cleared until the afternoon, ternoon, was very largely attend- | monds church, of which she was ' With less work Ir isn't fair to yourself 0 go on week after week rubbing--rubbing -- boil- ing and toiling. There's an easier way, Quicker and better. Millions of women use it, Just soak the clothes in rich Rinsosuds, No boil ing... little or no rubbing, Yet you'll say you never had clothes whiter. Save your strength and time. Use Rinso for wash tub or machine, Made by the makers of LUX Lever Brothers Limited R878 worn by the woman at the time she was slain. A revolver with three shells dis- charged and one unexploded was produced by Constable P. Ander- son, of the Provincial Police Force, who said he had found it in the woods a short distance from where the woman's body was found in a snow-filled ditch. A blood-spattered axe, which Sergt. F. C. Douglas, also 2a mem- ber of the Provincial Force, de- clared he had unearthed near the mutilated body, was not produced in court. It was disclosed that the axe had been handed over to Dr. W. P. Cowan, Provincial Cor- oner. The Cowan was Crown indicated that Dr. at present making blood tests of clothing worn by Westgate and found in a sedan driven by the acccused on Febru ary 16, the day Mrs. Adams dis- appeared. Following his arrest, Westgate admitted that the clothes were his belongings. The case was adjourned until April 4, when Dr. Cowan wili of- ficially reveal the results of bis That analysis. GREAT RED CROSS WORKER [IS DEAD Basel, Switzerland, Mar. 28.--- Dr. Bonny, Président of the Inter- national League of Red Cross So- cieties, is dead here. will ward it off --nip it in the bud. A New Daytime Frock This smartly simple one-piece frock has plaits at each side of the front and back, a becoming con vertible collar, short sleeves finis! ed with cuffs, or long sleeves gat ered Into wristbands, and a belt # the sides only. No. 1708 is cut | sizes 36, 32, 40, 42, 44 and 46 Inche bust. Size 40 requires 4% yard 36-inch, or 3 yards 54-inch materia' ind 5 yard 36-inch contrasting Width at lower edge, with plait drawn out, about 2'4 yards. Pric 20 cents the pattern. Our Fashion Book, fllustratins he newest and most practice tyle, will be of interest to ever ome dressmaker. Price of th book 10 cents the copy. mbit PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Patter). Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find ,,..,.,. CORBIS ' Please send patterns listed be low: sesemsrereree BIBd ,o0000 Ble ores BiBe soiree saps ssssrRRRERS saps snssrnsrr es assesses, Name , Address Fown Province . .... er Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap colp arefully. B. C. PSYCHOLOGIST - UNDER ARREST Vancouver, March 28.--Dr, Or- lando Edgar Miller, psychologist, who has been conducting a series of lectures here, was apprehended by Detective-Sergeant James Ellis of the city Police Force today and placed in detention at the im- migration shed, where he is held for inquiry as to his entry into sess ssrIRRIIBES ses srr sr BERR IRRIIIIRRSYS HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR CANADIAN , ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal Belts in attendance THORS & COX LT CHURCH ST. TORONTO 20 MINUTES Twenty minutes after taking tablet your headache will be print One of these little tablets--safe, reliable and harmless as soda--will stop any headache in 20 minutes. , better still, taken when feel the coming on, 2a ZUTOO tablet Al '| Immigration Canada. It is charged by the im- migration authorities that he pe- longs to the prohibited class and that his entry into Canada was illegal. A board of inquiry will sit in a day or so to decide whether or not Dr. Miller is to be deport- ed In the meantime, Dr. Miller fs held without bail at the immijigra- tion shed and he will be unable to speak at a meetng scheduled to be addressed by him tonight, A. E. Skinner, head of the Dominion Department here, stated Dr. Miller had been placed in detention under Section 3D of the Immigration Aect,, which bars persons from Canada who have been convicted and have served sentence for a crime fin another country. Dr. Miller denied that he had ever served a prison sentence in the United States. STORE IS BURNED Sault Ste. Marie, Mar. 29.-- Early Tuesday morning fire of un- known origin totally destroyed the store of Joseph Laird, 363 Bruce street, at the intersection of Al- goma avenue, causing a loss of $15000. The damage to the building is estimated at $6,000 or more, and the stock, fixtures and household effects around $9,000. The loss is partly. covered by fin- EXPECT ARREST IN NYSTERY MURDER N. B. Police on Track of Slayer of "Gippey Leblanc" . St, Johm, Mar. 28.--A solution of the mystery which enshrouded the death of Agrippa, commonly known as "Gippey Leblanc," as- istant fishery officer of Buctouche, Kent County, is at an early date following an investiga- tion which has been carried on for some time past by Sergeant Annett and other officers of the New Brunswick provincial police. It is understood that arrests in connection with the tragedy are ant fishery officer occurred on Oct. 20, 1926, while out in his dory on Buctouche Bay, in an effort to capture violators believed to be fishing for smelt out of season. It was first thought that he had lost his life by drowning, but sub- sequent investigation revealed that there were severe bruises on the face and over the eyes, while the lungs were found to he free from water, Indicating that the deceased had been rendered unconscious be- fore being thrown into the water, Futher evidence pointing to murder was forthcoming, however, when on further examination of the body, fine gun shot were found imbedded in the right side of the face and on the top of the head. GERMANS STILL WAIT FOR FLYING WEATHER Dublin, Mar. 20.--Word was de- finitely given by the German fliers here Tuesday, that no attempt to hop off will be made, owing to the unfavorable weather condi- tions. Captain Koeh] states that the greatest danger the trio have to face is that caused by ice form- ing on the wings. After experi- ments he believes this may be over- come by coating the wings with paraffin. In case of exceptionally cold weather being met the course will be changed so as to travel by a more southerly route. EXPECT 500 ADDITIONAL MARINES AT MANAGUA Managua, March 29.--Five hun- dred additional United Smtes ma- rines are expected here tomorrow. imminent. The death of the assist. | M31 Hit MASTER "A HOUSE . OF Biltmore -- as as ship in quality N [(tmore HW AT 9) | ANADA ,? ¥ King Street West VALUES FOR MEN" ---- dr LL i iri ---- NOT Atl AT LLOYD'S London, Mar, 2 20. --Lloyd's wi that may befall] human-kind, the on three insure against almost any calamity it is not willing to take any La Germans who are marking time at Dublin in prepara- tion for a dash for Mitchell Field. "No odds," was the reply to an | roast inquiry at Lloyd's for the bettor rates on the success of the pro- posed Junkers flight of Baten von Huenfeld and bis associates. There is too much uncertainty even for Lloyd's in westward aeroplane flights over that foggy, icy, storm- swept react. petween the Irish and the Grand Banks, 1 - Ca _n ------ The Plan! A 25¢c box of Rexall Orderlies The Family Laxative 2 for 26¢ In Full Swing To-day Bargains for you The Plan! A 35¢ tube Rexall Shaving Cream 2 for 26¢ King E., Phone 28 exall You Can't Afford To Miss The ONE CENT SALE The JURY & LOVELL Simcoe S., Phone 68 -~ TWO MORE DAYS ~ Stores Another Example A 15c ean Puretest Epsom Salts 2 for 1b¢ Our Motto: "Not a Disappointed Cu s- tomer" See Our Windows . The Carew Lumber Co. Ltd. 74 ATHOL STREET WEST Another Example A $1.00 bottle of Rexall Beef, Wine, Iron 2 for $1.01 os Manufacturers of Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Trim, etc. Large stocks of Finished and Unfinished Lumber always on hand. t Service In The City Equal Attention to Large and Small Orders, Estimates given on any specifications, Two Phones--12 and 1111. | No Headache surance. No The Carew Lumber Company Ltd. SENSES ESENNENNENENEES