Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1928, p. 16

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Fis ee Nas aA [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | OFFER NEW MAPLE SYRUP There is mot much maple syrup being made in this district, but the seasonable spring delicacy has made its appearance upon some local markets, where a proportion of it sold at 65 cents a quart, or $2.50 a gallon, others asking from 0 cents to 756 ceuts for the delect- able product. GDON 30 fin RM.C. Viscount Willingdon, Governor- General of Canada, is to visit the Royal Military College toward the end of May, the tentative date fixed for this visit being named as May 23, This will be the first of- ficial visit paid by Viscount Wil- lingdon to R.M.C. since his ap= pointment as Governor-General, MOTORIST IS INJURED william Oliphant, electrical con- tractor, of Belleville, was gerious- ly injured yesterday afternoon when the car he was driving left the road and crashed into a tree, Oliphant received a broken jaw and a cut in the hand which re- quired eight stitches to close, and geveral of his teeth were knocked out. GETTING READY The Government introduced a bill into the Legislative Council yesterday guaranteeing $200,000 for construction of a new Cana- dian hotel costing $500,000, The new structure will accommodate at least 200 guests, and will, it is hoped, be the means of inducing a greater influx ot Canadian tour- ists on ships coming from Canada under the Canadian-Jamaica trade agreement, TO CONSIDER TOLL: BRIDGE Governor Smith of New York State has announced a public hear. ing before him at Albany on Fri- day on the bill of Assemblyman Jasper W. Cornair of Jefferson County creating the Thousand 1s- lands International Bridge Corpora- tion and giving it authority to build a two-mile toll bridge over the St. Lawrence at the Thousand Islands, The Governor vetoed # similar bill last year, but strong pressure is now being brought upon EE ------ Pile Sufferers You can . get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause--congestion of blood in the lower howel. Nothing hut an in- ternal remedy can do this--that's why cutting and salves fail, Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tahlet, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile misery or money back, Jury and Lovell, Limited, and druggists everywhere sell it with this guar- drens Colds City's Greatest Value GENERAL MOTORS' WOOD him, and sponsors of the measure hope to induce him to sign it. A special train will be run from points in Northern New York to Al- pany carrying supporters of the bill, COMPANY HOND APPROVED An order was made by Judge O'Connor in Chambers at Cobourg yesterday afternoon approving a company bond for $2,000 guaran- tee of costs in the libel suit brought by Sir Arthur Currie against F, W, Wilson, publisher of the Port Hope Guide, and W, T, R, Preston, for $50,000 damages, because o fanarti ele published in the Port Hope Guide. WINTER HARD ON WHEAT Throughout Cobourg district comes the word that the past winter has been very severe on fall wheat, Although there have been few days of extreme cold, the alternating spells of thawing and freezing have kept the tender shoots of the grain exposed, with disastrous results, Some farmers fear that the crop is practically destroyed, while others think that it may pick up later on, PLAN NEW RUILDING Roseneath Agricultural Society at Cobourg has taken a forward step by deciding to erect a new building on its grounds at Rose- neath, This will greatly improve the facilities of the fair, The pres- ent building will be used for a poultry building, and the new structure for the exhibition of ladies' work, A committee has been appointed to proceed with the work, TWO YOUNG BOYS ARRESTED Chief of Police Wilkins at Deser- onto arrested two lads under 16 years of age Tuesday night in the act of robhing the grocery store of Stober & Sager, Yesterday the youths appeared before Magistrate Bedford of Deseronto in Juvenile Court, charged with theft and breaking and entering, One of the boys was placed under guard at his home and the other brought to the Children's Shelter in Belle- ville. They were remanded for one week, MRS, SCANTELBURY DIES Mrs, Elmina Scantelbury, relict of the late Francis Scantelbury, died early yesterday at the home of her son, Charles B, Scantelbury, Belleville, in her eighty-fifth year, Mrs, Secantelbury was a native of that city, and was a daughter of the late Edward Bosselly, one of the city's pioneers, She had lived in the city all her life, and for 62 years she had resided in the same house, Mrs, Scantelbury was the last of her family, She leaves one son, Charles B., of thir city, RESULTS ANNOUNCED FOR EXAMS, Following are the names of those who passed Eastern Ontario Dairy School examinations for the past term; David MacDonald, Pakenham; Archie Hughes, Four- nier; A, M, Bradshaw, Trenton; H, Code, Carleton Place; P. H, Ellis, Jellyby; Basil Flood,, Athens; Al- bert Sabourin, Northfield; H. Crowder, Inkerman; W, C. Willis, Lanark; J, W, Bilanger, Clarence Creek; R. E, Carr, Kemptville; Ar- mour Chaplin, Perth; Patrick Chenier, Alexandria; Frank Plue, Tweed; Dorian Cassidv Sullowan, Brockville; P, F, H, Duboulay, Scrap Wood P.m* $3.50 Hard Wood Blocks ™ $7.00 Hard Wood Blocks "= $5.00 Tito: 2 G2 Four Direct Lines to Central Richmond, Que,; James W, Cowan, Brockville; Martin Clark, Navan; Ernest Sharp, Stirling; Albert Coulter, Kingston; Gerald Casey, Tweed; Wilfred Sablowan, Brock- ville; W, G. Grice, Gananoque; William E. Allan, Maberly; R. H. Fawcett, Avanmore; Harold Clark; Cloyne; John H, White, Renfrew; Allan Plaunt, Renfrew, Butter- making only--IL, A, Snell, Ath- erley; E, W. Henderson, Smith- field, Chees-making only--Arden Lake, Fallbrook; Samuel Vos- bourg, Hilton. HOCKEY TEAM TENDERED BANQUET The Smith's Falls senior hockey team finalists in the Rideau zroup and Stewart rophy games, were tendered a banquet in the New York Cafe to wind up the season, The banquet was a most success- ful one, as gleaned from the fin- ancial report, During th? even- ing a handsome eclubbag was pre- sented to Manager Jack Caswell by the team in appreciation of the excellent services rendered by hin: during the season, The hag was presented by the trainer, Fred Pruner, and a complimentary ad- dress was read by the Secretary, Robert Naud. During the deli7- ery of several addresses by mem- bers of the team, Manager Jack Caswell and Secretary Naud came in for endless complimentary re- marks for their indefatiguable ef- forts in the handling of the team during the season, It goes without saying that *'It goes without saying' never applies to a woman.--Los Angeles Exam- iner. TRUCK LOAD Approximately ONE CORD WAGON LOAD Approximately %2 CORD DIXON COAL CO. Where Service, Quality and Price are Right AMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 192 "BUZZA" Line of > Faster Cards Tallies Place Cards Ra FELT BROS. The Leading Jewelers--Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South "Buy Where Satisfaction is a Certainty" NEW SCHOO! ROARD SYSTEM DEBATED Ontario Legislature Dis. cusses Ferguson's Measure For Second Reading Toronto, Mar, 20.--A lengthy debate on the principle of township school hoards developed in the Legislature Monday, when Pre- mier Ferguson moved second read- ing of a hill to provide for their establishment. Many opposition members took part in the debate and while a few were absolutely opposed to the scheme, all con- sidered that the public were not yet prepared for it, The bill, which is to come into force hy Royal proclamation, at the pleasure of the Lieutenant- Governor-in-Council, is to do away with the existing system of loeal school hoards for each rural school, A municipal board repre senting the various districts of the township and having jurisdiction over all the schools of the loecal- ity would be substituted, The scheme had heen adopted on an even bolder plan in England, Premier Ferguson said, where the parigh school boards had heen done away with and the unit of govern- ment was the county. It had also been adopted in parts of the Unit- ed States, It was not the intention of the government to bring it into effect at once but to put in on the books go that it might be intelligently discussed. I ---------- -- BILL TO AMEND MILITIA PENSIONS Hon. J. L. Ralston to Pre- sent Measure Changing Act Ottawa, Mar. 29.--Hon, J. L. Ralston, Minister of National De- fence, has given notice of a Bill to amend the Militia Pension Act "in regard to reservations from an officer's salary while in the pub- lic service of Canada; to the pay- ment of a gratuity to a widow or children in case of death before pension may be granted; and to the payment of pensions to militia men of His Majesty's army reserve who enlisted in the permanent force; and for additions to apply the Militia Pension Act to the Royal Canadian Navy and to that portion of the Royal Canadian Air Force comprising solely the per- manent active air force of Canada." RAILWAYS USE N.S. COAL AS FAR WEST AS COCHRANE Ottawa, Mar. 29.--Answering a question in the House Tuesday re- garding the Marine Province coal situation, Hom. C. A. Dunning, Minister of Railways, said the Can- adian National Railways manage- ment was doing all it could to pro- vide work for Nova Scotia miners. Nova Scotia coal was now being used as far west as Cochrane, On- tario. The Minister of Mines, he said, was mow working on plans for test movements of Nova Scotia coal to Central Canada. WOMAN is BURNED Sault Ste. Marie, Mar. 29.--JHer clothes catching fire while she was lighting a stove, Mrs. George Mau- ser, R.R. 1, Korah, was severely burned about the body and was hurried to the Plummer Memorial Hospital. She was taken to Korah Road and Wallace Terrace by sleigh and relayed to the hospital PREMIER EXPLAINS Dominion Declines Pact in Ottawa, Mar, 29.--The first in- imation of Canada's attitude to- RUYING COMPANY SHARES The modern tendency in in- dustry seems to he toward decen- tralization of ownership, Public utilities particularly are encour- aging the widest possible distri- bution of ther stock among em- ployees and subscrhers--the peop.e most vitally interested in the management of the industry, In its annual report for 1927, the Bell Telephone Company of Canada gives interesting figures on the ownership of its stock among its employees, 13,041 of whom are eligible to subscribe, Of this num- ber, 10,137 employees--over 77 per cent, are now in process of paying for 35,095 shares, Since the inauguration of this easy payment plan in 1822, 26,828 paid-up shares with a par value of $2,682, 800 have heen issued to Bell work- ers indicating the commendable extent to which this plan encour- wards the treaty betweem Great Britain and Egypt, was given by Premier King in the House of Commons Tuesday night, Mr. King said: "Within the last few months, the government was asked with respect to a treaty that was being negotiated between Great Britain and Egypt whether we would become a party to that treaty. The terms of the treaty involved military sanctions and they contemplate military alliances. What was the reply of the gov- ernment? It was that we did not believe that the Parliament of Canada would approve such a treaty so far as Canada was con- cerned. That if Great Britain and Egypt could work out a treaty as between themselves along the lines proposed, well and good; but that so far as Canada was concerned we did not feel that it was in the interests of the British Empire or of the larger peace which it was hoped the treaty would serve that this country should be asked to become a party to it; and the Brit- ish Government immediately ae- cepted our view in reference there- to." REGORN STRONG EARTH SHOCKS Italy Feels Tremors and Guatemala Has Quake of Long Duration London, Mar. 29.--Earth trem- ors were felt in four continental cities Tuesday, while two obser- vatories recorded strong earth- quakes, In Italy, shocks were felt Udine, Belluno and Trieste. was no damage but tion hecame panicky. quake also shook many. The seismographs at Kew ob- servatory recorded a violent earth- quake the epicenter of which was estimated to be 650 miles away, probably in the eastern Alps, and instruments in the observatory at Benevento, Italy, also recorded a quake. Its epicenter was estimat- at There the popula- An earth- Munich, Ger- ages thrift and savings, Se stestestortertortatontontoctotontontoctociodt. od A 2 2 0 0 2 2 20 3 0 20 2 2 04 ed to he 625 miles away. CANADK'S ATTITUDE Brick Maple Bark, Rug, Pressed, Stock, Sand and Lime, Concrete Units, Hollow Tile W. J. TRICK CO. Limited 1 | STCHARLES EVARoraTED Milk mg Wig pia Bb ALN 7 a de A Book Full of Delightful Recipes---Free JPERHAPS you use St, Charles Milk clready "wherever the recipe calls for milk', In any event we want you to have a free copy of this helpful book, Send coupon today, THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL Please send me, free, St Charles Book with 85 tested recipes: NAME. ADDRESS 658 J Jorden) ST.CHARLES MILK | Unsweetened) + ch a Bette tote te tet A RR, Bete tetetetecte cd Ci Ca i This coupon is given Will be paid for at our office not CIA 20 2 CM) Sedecieieieeiioctetietiocottettedhoitettedbechelbectc heheheh Che dh 28.38 30 3 3 20 ROMO OO 3 3 OR ROROORON RN OSHAWA, LIMITED DRIVE FOR 1,000 NEW CUSTOMERS FRESE SSSSSS sh Coupon for a cash only, and is pot trans- ash Pirchase ly, ans $1.00 30 of these coupons if presented later than January 31st, 1929, BUY BETTER AT pi a A BE A 3 TO T. MILLER & SONS THE ARCADE LTD, HR ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT To Introduce Our New Cash Cou,.on Policy, we are giving 5S Coupons FREE To all our Customers who come in and register their name and address. This offer for the bal- ance of this week. ORIN) check and plain. 22" Pure Linen Towelling, large Special, yard ,........... 35¢ Chamoisette Gloves, ladies' misses', with neat trimmed cuffs. Specially priced. Pr., and 5c 2,000 yds. Gingham, eatin good quality, small and large 15¢ Beales eateslecten ected ete tecte eRe dhe hed Re RR RR 8 2 66", fully bleached. Each, Pure Linen Table Cloths, 66" x PEs rrr rrr ren $2.25 500 Towels. Pure Irish Linen, 17" x 34". Heavy Quality. Each 25¢ 3 sep rr sa ar rappers check, also plain colors. Yd., Ladies' Rayon Silk Vests and Bloomers, full range of col- 59¢ ~ Children's Silk and Lisle Hose, sizes 6 to 93. Pair, 59¢ quality, Pair, 100 Large Bed Sheets, fully bleached. $1.95 ors. Specially priced. Each, heat) | colored Bordersd Bath-Towe; large size, heavy quality, 29¢ z Rayon Gingham. A of colors, 32" wide. CM IM i HI HH 2 HH A HH full range | Ladies' Purses, 39¢ under-arm and pouch style. ial. pve Bed. 98¢ sy posse mrp apap snrrs Curtain Net, 38" wide, fine very absorbent. Each, ... quality, good patterns. Yd., 29 c Phone | 1000 En SHOP AT THE ARCADE The Busy Bargaii Store and Get Your Cash Coupons Daily Delivery TY CIRCA J Ja a Jt ae Je be J en et 2 on ee a) Cn a CB a a a ne) BC J Je i J en de an ee on on ea eoah ---- = Bi J J i J J J J J J J an 2 a 2a) CTE TE TT TT pn) ORO) ER by ambulance. She is in a very | serious condition. Fo attain tt DR RTT RR

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