Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1928, p. 2

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» FINE ADDRESS AT LAYNEN'S BANQUET About 78 Attend--Speaker is Professor R. O, Joliffe (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Mardh 37.--Pro- fessor R. O. Jolliffe, formerly of Bowmanville and well-known to a great number here, was the speak- er of the evening at the Trinity Laymen's Banquet held tonight in the school room. More than 76 laymen were present and sat down to the sumptuous repast which the Ladles* Ald Society of the Church prepared. W. J. Morrison occupled the chair. Francis Sutton led the community singing. W. B., Couch, an esteemed mem- ber of Trinity Church for many years, was called upon to intro- duce the speaker, He made many interesting remarks concerning his association with the speaker's fa- ther, of whom he was a good friend. To begin his talk, Professor Jol- litte was much affected with the way in which he stated the people here revere the memory of his fa. ther, who was a Methodist minis. ter, He then went into the dis- cussion of the term "Beclesia which was, he stated, the source from which is derived words per taining to the church, such as "ec- clesiastical". To him, the word conveyed the meaning, 'a calling out. More emphasis was layed on the last word in the phrase, "out," "We are 'becoming larger and broader in our views", said the speaker, 'and ave getting truer and more statistical in our philosophy of life, Religion is not aloof, not a thing set apart, hut is a part of every-day life as it is" It was pointed out that early believers in the times of the Greek history, took the word 'Ecclesia' to mean the assembly, a part of their government, It thus came, therefore, that the church was an 'Beelesia" of God, an assembly of people who gathered to worship God, The Kingdom of Heaven is a divine society, and like other so- cieties needs organization. Anar- chy, Bolshevism simply cause an internal strife and these two things are an instance in life today, The church has also its outside dangers which it is all the time working to keep away. Organization, on the other hand, the speaker said, was a means, not an end, but the means to an end. The Church is the human side of a Divine institution. It was stated that Christ said little or nothing on organization in his methods or teachings, The chief quality of these teachings was simplicity, clearness and humble- ness. But there is to be attached some importance to organization, although ritual, and rule were firm- ly avoided in Christ's methods, It was stated that Christ scorn. od the ritual of the Pharisees, and with this as an example, the mo- tive is the thing which counts and not the external views. The church should be exalted above ritual. The emphasis is generally misplaced and carries with it a false idea of what should in reality go on within the hearts of the individuals who make Jesus Christ their divine pu- liftment. "Is the church, on the other hand, to be free from citiclsm?" was the question asked, 'It cer- tainly and most emphatically is not, It ought to be criticised. The real base of the discussion brings the fault back to ourselves who handle the affairs of the church. Then the question takes on an- other face. What is the matter with us?" As a follow-up on this statement, the speaker sald, that everyone, and youngsters especially, should be en- couraged to listen to and talk about the things which go on in church on Sunday. The sermons shoud be the subject of much discussion, not from a too critical standpoint but that this kind of material fur. nishes good conversation from a re- liglous standpoint as well as from a point of principle. Dr, J, 0, Devitt moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker for the address, which was ably sec- onded by F, FP, Morris, ATTENDS SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, March 87.--Rev, R. J. Shires, rector of Bt, John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, attended the Sunday School As. sociation Conference in Toronto yesterday, He gave a splendid ad- dress 'Teaching Children the Bible at the Parish House of the Church of St, Anne yesterday evening. It was stated that he will give this lecture again in Kingston and Oshawa at the Sunday School Deanery Associations, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1928 FIRST MEETING OF TENNIS GLUB Officers Elected for Ensuing Year--W, R. Strike President ------ (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, March 237.~The Bowmanville Tennis Club held its first meeting this season in the Council room tonight. W. R. Strike will continue president, Officers eelcted for 1928 are: Hon, Pres., J. W. Alexander; presi. dent, W., R, Strike; vice-president, Alan Campbell; secretary, Herman Lapp; treasurer, Bert Bounsall; captain, M, A. Neal, The executive consists of these members: W. Souch, J. Dudley, 8. James, L, H. Coke, T, Southey, H, Osborne, G. Morris, For nomination purposes a com- mittee was formed composed of Fred Cryderman, J, Dudley and Bert Bounsall, Preparations are actively begun again to get the courts in condi. tion for early playing, The courts here are of fine base and are used to the fullest extent during the tennis season, L, Hamel Cooke moved that the fees be the same as last year with the exception of the Junior Girly dues which will in future be two dollars, The fees stand as follows: men, $6; women, $4; junior boys, $3; junior girls, $2. Associate members will pay a fee of $3 and for the women $2. It was agreed that the local Club would join the Tennis League for the coming season as last year, A heavy campaign for membership will he started in the near future 80 now is the time to show your intention of getting into the game, PLAN A CANVASS T0 RAISE FUNDS Trinity Church After Ob- jective for Maintenance Fund Bowmanville, March 27,~Final arrangements have heen made for the extensive canvass to he care ried on hy the members of Trinity United Church In an effort to reach the amount needed on the maintenance and extension fund of the church, Complete detalls were arrived at this evening at the laymen's banquet held in the school room, For some time the finance com- mittee of the church had been studying the question and came to the decision that a campaign to raise these funds would be the most suitable means of arrl at the amount needed. It was stated that $40 is being each Sunday where there should be $78 regularly, This condition is caused by the non-frequent use of jhe envelope systems and the irregularity of systematic giving. The allotment of the Mainten- ance and Extension Fund of the church is $4,600 which is based on the Membership ang total givings. About two thirds of this amount is raised by envelope collections, For the campaign committee the town is divided into 15 districts with a captain assistant and can- vassmen for each district, The can. vass is to be completed by Thurs- day evening. Along with the en- velopes a copy of the church an- nual report is to be given when the canvasser calls, : The captains, which Is the first mentioned in each case, and can- vassers in every district are as fol- lows: 1, J. H, Bateman, W, Yeo, J. KB, Elliott, B, P, Bradt; 2, R, M, Cale, M, J. Elliott, H. Foster; 3, George James, J, R, Johnstone; 4, N. James, Fred Colmer, M. H, Min. ore, W. P, Corbitt; 6, W. R. Strike, L. 8. Caverly, C, Rehder; 6, F. C. Vanstone, C. Bellman; 7, J, Hell. yar, A, M. Hardy, 8, Ferguson, Fred Jones; 8, C, Mason, M, Com- stock, W, J. Dudley, CO. Ives; 8, F, F, Morris, A, W, Pilchard, W, Cald- well, W, Berry, Len Elllott; 10, Dr, J, C, Devitt, T, 8, Holgate, H. A, Fletcher, Rev, Tonkin, W. F. Dale; 11, T. C, Jewel, W, J. Mor- rison, C, A, Johnston, F, A, Hardy; 12, J. Allen, R. H, Hamley; 13, W. H., Argue, R. Bragg; 14, N. Plummer, N, Mutton, J, Stacey, L. Plummer; 15, C. Wright, C. Allen. LITERARY EVENING AT TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, March 27,~Num- her four group under the super- vislon of Miss Helen Cryderman put on the Literary evening at the Young People's League of Trinity United Church last night, The pro- gram was a splendid one and ably filled hy members of the League. Of special interest and mention was the paper on Music" prepared by Miss Margaret Allin, The sub- ject was well dealt with and proved highly interesting, A male quartette consisting of Alan Knight, Irving Clemens, Howard Pickard, and Lorne Blum- mer gave several numbers, Vocal solos were contributed by Mrs, W. J. Morrison, plano numbers y Mrs, H. Clemens, violin selection hy Oscar Jamieson, readings hy Dorothy Robins and Lena Haddy, d 1 wmirey W. A. DEWLAND LIMITED OSHAWA SIMOOE STREET NORTH "Month End Sale 3 Days Only Thursday Friday and Saturday Month-End SPECIALS Colors are: Midinette, Paulette, Rivoli, Carnaval, Mapine, Black, Soubiette, Mns- cade and Capiere. This is a line that is well known for its quali ity ance. Our regular $1.95 gual- ity. Month End Sale, pair, and ap pour, $1.59 STORES Watson's Silk Knit Vests and Bloomers Once more we are able to make you this special offer in this very popular and well known Lingerie line. A good range of colors are offered. Month End Sale, ! A New Scarf for Easter? Penman's Cashmere Our regular 69c line in Zinc, Cham- pagne, Ivory, Grain, Black and Nude. Clearing for the Month End at 49c BASEMENT SHOPPE House Dresses. Reg. $1.00, for ssesrisssssirss 798 Boys' Cotton Jerseys, in the Alpe] a ARN, SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD guelel Ne No amount of furniture, however carefully select- ed, can of i give a room that "well-furnish- ed" look. It needs the background « + « the atmosphere . , , | that anly colorful lus: | tous hardwood can pro-, vide, The floor makes such a ' difference. ® W. J. TRICK CO., LTD Oshawa THE BEST THAT S MADE IN EVERY GRADE and a plano duet by Mrs, T, W. Cawker and Charles Cawker, A special vocal duet number was furnished by Miss Aura Caldwell and Mrs, H. M, Foster, W, R. Strike occupied the chair, LABOR WOMEN IN ANNUAL SESSION Conference Opened in Bran. don, Manitoba, on Saturday Bradon, Man., Mar, 28,--Prob- lems of a soclal and economic pa- ture are being dealt with at the fifth annual Labor Women's So- clal and Kconomic Conference which opened here on Saturday and continued Sunday, Resolutions urging free state medical service for expectant mothers, condemning compulsory vaccination, and extending appre- clation to the Federal and Provin- | celal Governments for the estab- lishment of the old age pension scheme were adopted on Satur Children's Khaki Overalls . Children's Rubber BADEOBB »1ssrsnsssooss PE Babies' Rubber Pants Ladies' SPECIAL Black Smocks with cretonne A ) Nl fronts. 3 Oshawa Phone 2595 ay. During the day Mrs. H, Perry, of Regina, delivered an address on "Workmen's Compensation," while Mrs, J, 8. Woodsworth, of Winnipeg, dealt with the estab lishment of "A National Bank." Other speakers Included Miss Marguerite Allen of Toronto; Mrs. Johnstone of Edmonton, and Mrs. Bell, of Edmonton, Mrs. T.T. McArthur, president, of Medicine Hat, is presiding, THOUSANDS LEAVE FAITH CURE CAMP Mexican "Miracle Man" Re- fuses to Attempt Mass Restoration Mar, Mexico City, 28.--Within the last week 7,000 persons have left the Nuevo Leon Camp of Nino Fidencio, the "Miracle Man," be- cause of his refusal to attempt a mass cure of thousands of infirm, lame and blind, the newspaper Universale sald. Quoting a dispatch from Espin- azo, the newspaper sald Fidenclo's followers says he never promised to cure thousands at once. They also denied his ability to heal per- sons with defects received at birth or to perform amputations. Such stories, he was quoted as saying, originated in the minds of fanatics. : Unconfirmed estimates say the camp recenetly held 30,000 per- sons at one time. Neuvo Leon of- ficlals are taking measures to im- prove sanitary conditions around the camp and help in making ft within easy reach of big centres. U5. FREIGHT RATE INQUIRY ---- Chicago, Mar. 28.--Chicago ses- sion of the Interstate Comwission's hearing on freight rates applicable to export grain cl on Saturday. The commission will resume its investigation of grain A ---------- Success is frequently the mesult of your ability to persuade others to accept you at your owa value- tion. --Chicago News. Winnipeg, March 27.--Women friends of Mrs. Lottie Adams, 30- year-old St. Vital housewife, whose body was found in a snow-filled ditch on February 27, testified this afternoon at the preliminary hearing of Albert V. Westgate, 35- year-old automobile mechanic, who is charged with the murder of the woman, Mrs. Adams disappeared from her home on February 16, and two days previously, while visiting a friend's home, she had telephoned Westgate and made an appoint. ment to meet him at 10.30 a.m. on the day she left her home, Mrs. A, Hogglund, from whose home Mrs, Adams phoned to West gate, described the conversation in hy today, " re you going to Minneapolis Wednesday or Thursday?" Mrs. Adams asked Westgate, "I am an- xlous to know for I am sick." Then Mrs, Adams promised to meet the accused near her home at 10.30 am, Thursday, remark- ing: "It is pretty early, but I'll be there." Mrs. Hogglund sald she had often seen Mrs, Adams with West. gate, while a Mrs. Dullard, another friénd of Mrs, Adams, corrhorated the story of the telephone con versation, Other witnesses described how they had helped Westgate get an automobile out of a ditch on Feb. ruary 16, Westgate had borrowed the car In Winnipeg during the morning, and returned it to its owner at about 5 p.m, Margerie Henna, girl, at whose home Westgate llved, sald that the accused had brought a car to the house Feb, 16 hetween 3 and 4 o'clock and asked if he could have some water to wash it, Police allege blood stains were found on the car, William Towell, given the pro- tection of the court, deposed that he had sold two hottles of liquor to Westgate on Feb, 15. A partly filled bottle of liquor was found near the body of Mrs. Adams. Towell, however, could not iden- tify the bottle, The hearing will continue to- morrow, CHILE AND SPAIN REGISTER TREATY Pact Concluded at Madrid Deposited With League of Nations Geneva, Mar. 28.--An arbitrne) tion treaty between Chile and Spain concluded at Madrid last May has been deposited with the League of Nations for registration and publication, Under the treaty Spain and Chile agree to submit to arbitra. tion any disputes which they are unable to settle by direct negotia- tion. If possible awerds are to be made either by the heads of, states of one of the Latin-Ameri- can republics or by the president | of the Spanish-American court or | 8 higher tribunal, or finally by a tribunal composed of Spanish. Chilean, and Spanish-American judges and experts. The treaty holds for 10 years. MEXICO HAS ISSUED NEW PETROLEUM LAW Mexico City, March 27.--Regula- tions interpreting the sued here today over President Calles' signature. Ambassador Mor- row issued a statement indicating the regulations were satisfactory to the United States Government, 'The changes in the Mexican laws and regulations," said Mr. Morrow, "have been made by the voluntary act of the Republic of Mexico. In the informal conversa- tions which have taken place, Min- ister Morones and his official staff have approached the whole matter with a disposition to frame the regulations in such a way as to meet such essential points as are susceptible of adjustment by gen- eral pro Yd The regulations pmovide for ratification of property rights acquired before the constitution of 1917. A form of the concession confirming these rights is attached and reads: : "This confirmatory muct be applied for before next January 11. ves of American oil companies operating in Mexico re- ceived tests of the regulations but withheld comment pending instruc- It _ berg would appr \ obscurity, we sf st that he run for Vice-President.--~Weston (Oce.) Lea- 14-year-old | from $778 to as low as $118, With an Orthephonic Victrola you can always ENJOY YOUR HOME MORE D. J. BROWN'S Tiistslsistataiatistiatat CHEVROLET OWNERS Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Factory flat rate on all re pairs, however large or small, Get our prices first--Then Decide The leadership of our Service is based on merit, Prompt, efficient and courteous, See for yourself, Factory Trained 3 Write Call Today Phone or Whitby Phone 900 NOTICE Mr, Don Kinlock, who for some years has been connected with Detenbeck's Clothing Store, at 6 King St. East, an- nounces that he has severed his connec- tion with that store and has taken a posi: tion with Cannings' Clothing Store at 14 newly : amended petroleum law were is- ANNOUNCING THE QUALITY FRUIT STORE 11 Bond Street East Tomorrow, Thursday, March 29. Come and see our stock of choice Fruits and Vegetables J. SECORD, Prop. Phone 2955 We Deliver Te SEEDS FEEDS RED CLOVER, ALFALFA, ALSIKE, SWEET CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED All Government Tested and Graded No. I. GARDEN SEEDS AND LAWN SEED OF HIGHEST QUALITY FEEDS COTTON SEED, OlL- CAKE, HoMINY, GLUTEN POTATOES CHOICE TABLE POTATOES AND CERTIFIED COBBLER SEED POTATOES Cooper-Smith Co.

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