Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Mar 1928, p. 3

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SIRES EE iN VE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1928 PAGE THREE Two Transportation Trucks Crash in Ditch West of Oshawa Fashion Revue Scores Great Triumph at the Giorgeous settings, beautiful cos- tumes, clever creations, and witty dialogue were presented in attrac- tive style to a capacity audience ifi the Regent Theatre last night. The third annual Style Show was inter- woven with a deluge of comedy and music, interpretive art and dancing of superior merit, making up one of the best and highly superior "Style Show Frivolities" ever witnessed. So effective was the idea of dis- playing styles and creations in the manner indicated, that the models irom Oshawa's leading retail stores received round after round of ap- lause from an enthusiastic audience. ot only were gowns and robes shown to great effect, but new Spring and Summer ideas in shoes, cha- peaux,, and hose also were included in a well-developed program, The styles were all new. They portrayec to an interesting public what the coming "latest" would he. The soit hues and blending colors harmonized to an astonishing degree and pre- sented the appearance of the inside of some "fairy castle." Following thc scheduled opening by Mayor Preston, the three hours' entertainment began. The first scene took place outside the doors of the Cabaret when four dainty little man- nikins immediately won the hearts of the audience by a step-dance. Then the show k proper was on, Opens With Cabaret The curtain opening revealed a modern and highly decorated cabaret with ferns, palms, doves, pretty ladies in party costumes and hand- some men in evening dress sitting at tables. A large soft green curtain completely encircled the company on three sides and from out of what appeared the sky itself hung two sparkling stars by webs of silver, But one had only a minute to gaze on these wonders, soon all was started, and minstrelsy reigned supreme. George Zarfas, director of the (Continued on page » WHO CAN HELP THIS YOUNG LAD? Is Willing to Work--Just Wants to Have an Opportunity Quite frequently 0, M. Alger, superintendent of the Children's Aid Society ,comes in contact with boys who want work, They are anxious to help--perhaps father is sick, or 'mother hasn't many clothes, and they have to help earn the family's bread and butter, even if they are still young, still of school age. But the Children's Aid Society tries to help these as well 2s all of the other types of needy boys apd girls; they can't do ft, though, without some citizen who could use the boy's services coming forward with the opportunity. Such a case is depicted through the following advertisement, which Mr. Alger inserts in The Oshawa Dally Times today. Just (fifteen years of age--what possibilities if be is given an opportunity, and trained in a business! He may he your right hand man some day--if you give him a chance. This is the advertisement, Boy Wants Work Boy 15 years old wapts work. Will someone give him a chapce? Call 0, M. Alger, Supt. C.A.5, Phone 336. PLEADS GUILTY TO ASSAULTING WIFE Harold Barlet pleaded guilty In police court this morning to as- sauiting his wife, apd was re- for sentence by Magistrate Hind wmntil called upon. 8S. B. McKenzie, appearing for Barlet, told court that his client had oa pe Christie Street Hospital, A Rey for further treatment; and he was prepared to- leave his wife absolutely to herself if. the court so desired. Barlet, who lost one leg in the war, said that his wife had been his best friend in the world uutil 2 few months ago, wien she had started going out to dance halls and staying out until the early hours of the morping, several times 2 week. The magistrate ex- pressed the hope that when the ad : : { : ] be by ticket only, and these are ob- Asbestos ....... 31 Bell Telephone ., 167 Brazilian ....... 53% CAPTAIN OC, A, MASON who was last night chosen Rec- tor's Warden at the inaugural meeting of Christ's Parish, ABOLISH ARMIES WAY TO END WAR Br. Amer. Oil ... 236% BC. Fish ......, 8% Brompton ...... 86% Carlings ........ 36 Canada Malting . 36 Christie Brown . 117 City Dalry '..... . 46% Cons. Smelters ,., Hiram Walker .. 58% Imperial Oil ......58% Inter. Pete. ..... 87 Massey Harris ., 40% North. Baker, ... 45 Seagram ....... 19 Shredded Wheat | 69 Mines Amulet ........ 375 Abana ......0.. 276 | Argonaut ,. Amity .... Barry Hollinger 121 Bathurst ....... 26 Bedford ., 44... 49% Beaver .....:1+v 164 Big Horn ,, 4444s BIdBOOd vv vasts a Cen, Manitoba ,, 139 Chaput Hughes ,, 11 ROME + syst s Howey ..:vesvvs 139 Hollinger ...,,..1700 Hudson Bay .,,.1765 Jackson Manion ,, 79 Kirkland Lake .,., 200 Keeley + ..ivevee B80 Kootenay Firnce. a4 Laval-Quebec ,.. 21 Lebel Ore ,,.,., 38 Macassa ....,,.. 4112 Is Russia's Declaration to|McDougall ...... 57 League--Urges U.S, to Back Soviet Geneva, March 19. --A direct ap- peal to the United States to join Russia in forcing immediate ac- tion on the Soviet proposal for total disarmament within four years, was made before the Pre- paratory Committee for a Dis- armament Conference hy Maxim Litvinoff, head of the Russian delegation, today. M. Litvinoff, after attacking the methods being followed by th League, and demanding immedi ate public debate on the Russian plan, alluded to the proposals of Secretary of State Frank B. Kel- logg for the outlawry of war and added: "The Soviet delegation feels authorized to count on the surnort of the delegation of the Govern- ment which is intervening at the present moment with a proposal to prohibit all wars. Destroy Possibility The sincerity of that proposi- tion could not he emphasized more persuasively than hy adher- ence to the Soviet proiect for dfe- armament, not only with a view to moral prohibition, but to destruc- tion of he possibility of making war. "As armed forces exist for no other purpose than to make war, and as they would he perfectly useless were it prohibited , it would appear consistent and logi- cal if the Government In question supported our proposals." U.S. Members Silent The delegates from the United States remained silent during to- day's discussion, and Hugh 8S. Gib son, head of the delegation, and his colleagues have no intention of replying to Litvinoff's invita- tion. Several old-timers at disarma- ment conferences who have heen in contact with the difficulties surrounding the question for the past seven years will take the floor tomorrow. Count von Bernstorff of Ger- many and Ruchdi Bey of Turkey spoke in support of the Russian demand that the Soviet proposals be discussed at the present session of the Preparatory Committee. TRAVELLER KILLED IN WINDSOR CRASH Windsor, Mar, 19-- 19--Charles R. Fur- nissh 46 years old, of Wellington street, St. Mary's, traveller for the Red Rose Tea Company, was almost instantly killed tomigitt when his automobile collided with a street car on Oueleite Avenue short- ly after 10 o'clock. Toronto, Furniss, according to the police, was driving north on Quelette Av- enue between Erie and Pine streets. It is believed the right wheel of his car caught in the street car tracks and that before Furniss could steer clear the heavy double-truck car had crashed into the right rear side of his automobile. Furniss was pitched through the windshicld clear to the sidewalk. Mcintyre .,....,272% Malartic ., Millaest .,.044, 8 Min, Corpn. ,,,,. 365 Nipissing .,..,, 470 Noranda ,.....,,.18256 Ploneer .....v.+ 07 Pend Oreille ,,,.1675 Potterdoal ...,,, 13 Premier ,...,,.., 26h RibBBO ,.. 440s 10 San Antonio ,.., 38 Sudbury Basin ,.1035 Sudhury Mines ,, Sherritt Gordon , 720 Teck Hughes ,,., 885 Tough Oakes .,, B56 Towagmac ...,.. 825 Vipont--- +++ sv vv 64 Wright Hargraves 600 Silver 573% Amer, Can, 84% 83 Fam. Plyrs. 116 118 Gen. Mot. .1737% 167 Hudson .., 943% 92 Int. Comb. 52% 50 Lehigh Val. 94% 94% Man. Eee. 58 bb Radio ..... 157% 137 U.S. Rubber 47% 47 U.S. Steel ,.146% 144% U.S. Pipe ..250 231 Woolworth 187 187 Yellow Cab 33% 325% 'proaching automobile. Clerk for nomination place on April 2. TORONTO STOCKS NOON CLOSING {Swiped by Stoble, Farlong & Co.) E joy Spl lid C t and Regent First Night: "= 141% G. E. Morley 1171 |ditoriuza of St. Andrew's Sunday 270 |Rev. George Ei Morley, Toronto, 441 First Rev. Mr. Morley gave a 380 [a story of the war, and the short 279 poems '"The Idealist," "The Quit- 122 gave "Poor Jane" hy Nellie L. Me- 130 [this number by the audience, who 1725 (heard unfolded the story of King 1770 Robert, who had declared with 202 |off his throne, and of his punish- a9 reins of government and how the a9 king learned his lesson. 58 Drummond, another popular Cana- 2750 dian, and "The Donegal Christen- 117 ings" were also appreciated. The 370 ber of the evening was Mr. Morley s 480 |interpertation of a schoolboy's 1830 speech of "The Cow'. 58 his recital with "Keep Smiling." 1680 Interspersed between Mr. Mor- 15% ley's numbers were several by Osh- 270 awa talent, First was a piano duet 101% by Messrs. Frank and Gordon Max- 39 well. Mrs. W. Lesy sang "My 1050 Dear Soul' wit the encore "Home, 24 Sweet Home." 725 Mr. P. I. Weeks gave a very ef- §87 [fective rendering of "I'll take you 56 home again, Kathleen," responding 65 passed by your Window." Mrs. pos [Grant Berry sang in her usual Total mining Sales 885,213 NEW YORK STOCKS Stock © High Low Close Amer, Tel, 180% 180% Atchison ,.1887% 188% Balt, & Ohio 116 116% Briggs Mfg, 24% 24% Can. Dry. , 66% 65% Can, Pac. ,.213% 2113; 1. | well, pastor of (he church, acied 4, as chairman. 188 8 il ra 1s ..| GIVEN SURPRISE BY 6% | HER FRIENDS AS A 213% Chrysler .. 64 63% 633% BIRTHDAY PARTY Congoleum 26 258 26 : - D i +11. 85 5134 § . is . Pupen WE 359 5) 8569 A great surprise awaited Mrs. Brie .:v:s 38% 57% Gen. Asph. 87% 82% Gooderich . 86 8514 Gold Dust , 97 96% Int. Nickel 981% 905; Int. Paper 72% 72% Kan. City S. 567% 567% Mar, Oil ,, 35% 355 Sears Rbek., 91% 8815 Studebaker 637 63% Wiys. Ovid, 22% 225 MAN 4 LEFT UNCONSCIOUS ¥ HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER WRECK AT DOCKRILL St. BY Jira Mar. 19. -- Cecil Waddell, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., was knocked Sown While walking on the ---- Callazh :N T highway by an unknown motorist and a 2 lager of. Nassagaweya Town- brought to the hospital here suffer- Kitchener, Mar. 19--Badly scarred. ship, alleged members of a gang but thankful that he is alive to tell ing from cuts on the face and head. ec was able to go home this after: noon. He was knocked unconscious, | Tarcare so more ame As 1s fam of J. G. Nicholson at Kil and regaining his senses after 1ving | uncle and father. Awerbuch is the | Pride, stealing thirteen plack Stag-, young Russian Jad who was so badl gered to his feet and hailed an ap- a last October in the Dockrill jstrate H. P. Moore at the Court CP.R. wreck. The lad has a nasty | House here this afternoon, and | were committed for trial. by the roadisde for an hour, Mederic Martin will, it is Jikely, have an opponent fn the coming municipal elections, Camillien CAPACITY CROWD AT 31. ANDREW'S 322] a Fine Address By Rev. 53% 37 ---- 9 One of the finest concerts that 57 [has been presented in this city for 361; [some time was enjoyed last night 3615 [bY a capacity addience in the au- 47 School. The principal artist was 59 |who moved his audience with him 59 Jthrough all the round from laugh- 37% [ter to genuine tears. 4515 |8roup of selections from the cecle- 19% | brated Canadian author, Robert W. 6914 | Service. These included "The Wee Penny Whustle of Sandy McGraw," 19 [ter", and "Home and Love". In 311; |bis next appearance Mr. Morley 2615 |Clung, another Canadian writer, 50 |With the very humorous encore "Somebody Did!" 36 In his third appearance, Mr. Mor- 931; |ley treated his hearers to the clas- sical "King Robert of Sicily" from 12 Longfellow's "Tales of a Wayside EE Inn". Rapt attention was given 82 pride that no one could smite him G0 |ment by an angel who created him ar court jester and himself took the 9 "Little Baptiste", hy W. H. 81% most successful humorous num- He cloted to an enthusiastic encore with "I pleasing way 'Roses of Picardy" and gave as an encore "When Ap- ples grow on the Lilac tree". Miss E. Mcintyre was accompanist for the evening, and Rev. ¥. J. Max- 19% , W. Evans, when she returned to 68 her home at 00 Olive avenue 116 after visiting with a friend, The 867 | house was beautifully decorated, 85% the occasion being Mrs. Evans' 173% | birthday, and about twenty of her 97 friends had gathered there. Mr. 93% | Fred Adams presented Mrs. Evans 51% | with a wonderful floor lamp and 91% | Mrs. A. Evans was presented 72% | with a lovely rope of pearls. Mr. 567 | Stan Carkeek read the following 94'% | short address: 'This stand stands 35% | for friendship; the light is to en- 56. lighten you as to your friends; the 157% | cord to bind the friendship, and 90% | the plug to plug in on many more 6315 | birthdays." The evening was 47% | spent in dancing and card playing, | the scat by large majorities. Under, 146% | then a dainty buffet Juncheon | 249 was served by the ladies, the 227% | guests departing for their home at 187 about 1.30. YOUNG VICTIM OF the tale, Chuna Awerbuch, aged 13, scar running from his mouth to his and his hearing is impaired. Dockrill tragedy. tainable from any member of the society. L. F. Unity is again in" While Stripping Motor Kenneth Prior and Milford] Eagleson Pay Fines of $30 and Costs in York County Police Court--Car Which Was Molested Had Been Wrecked Kenneth Prior and Milfred Ea- gleson, of this city, paid $30 and costs towards the administration of Justice in York County yester- day after they had pleaded guilty charge of ghe evening's program. \to the theft of automobile parts. SAYS HE WAS MISQUOTED They had stripped a car standing | last year. Mr. Karch said that [ mals but admitted his presence at on the Humber drive, outside the [there had been an increase of 25 [the theft. Gallagher pre silent. Toronto city limits, following a |per cent, in the building of houses | Russell Hamilon stated: "I had beautiful country of Jasper Park, | man, and his mass effects are par- escapade. this year in contrast with last year. | nothing to do with stealing them This was the first time either of | This regrettable mistake has caus- i them had been in trouble. they | ed some remonstrances from busi- stated to the court, adding that | ness men in the city, who claim Saturday evening creased 25 per cent this year from and the remainder of the evening prize for the high score of the season, an Indian Tree Tea Set, was presented to Miss Kathleen Dunbar and the second prize a Crown Derby cup and saucer was given to Miss V. Kaiser. These prizes were presented by Migs Gertrude Argall. The prizes for the evening were won by Mrs. A. dacklin, second Miss Kaiser. For the high score at cach table the prizes went to Mrs. J. V. Findlay, Miss M. Powers, Miss Miss K. Coliton, consolation prize was awarded to Miss Reta Robin- son. A vate of thanks was moved by Miss Jessie Storrar and second- ed by Miss Vera Moyes to Miss Kaiser president of the Club and Miss Dunbar Secretary of the Club for their efforts in making the Season so very enjoyable. the clectoral district of North Brant in the Legislature, came as a great shocktoawide circle, as it was not even known that he was ill William Bruce Wood was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1848, coming to Canada with his parents, Ms and however, grewthe Dominio plants at Montreal, Hamilton, tord and in the West. He hicred public life in 1881, bec ing Reécy ¢ of South Dumiric County Council, and in 188 w ¢ ected to the Legislature as L er al member for North Brant, declaring himseli as an out-and-out prohibi- tionist. In 1890 and 1894 he retained Sir Oliver Mowat, he was Chief Lib- eral Whi n ALLEGED FOX THIEVES view with Michael Karch, con-| fore being committed for .trial, tractor. who was guoted as saying | Forbes said: "I never stole the |ings that will be on view at the |and colour, and perhaps none has | Luke Furniture Company on Thurs- Tebo denied stealing the ani- |day. Friday and Saturday of this |it of that | week, will be the greater part, of {truly Canadian scenes, principally in the that the price of houses had de-| foxes. I drove them away." . REV. R. B. PATTERSON Rector of Christ's Parish which last night elected officers at its Inaugural eeting, TEACHERS' BRIDGE CLUB CLOSES : Holds Last Meeting of the Season at the Falcon Monday | The Teachers' Bridge Club held the last meeting of the season at the "Falcon" on M: onday, March 19. Dinner was served at 7 o'cloc k, was spent in playing bridge. First " Patton and WILLIAM WOOD Is DEAD AT MONTREAL Brantiord, Mar, 19. The word of the death at Montreal of Willian 13 Wood, financier, former Mavor of Brantford, ind once representative of Mrs. Alexander Wood. His Lon hood days wer spent ol the far na lw that al begin Mills, which he founded in 1] He became a member of the Brant ARE SENT FOR TRIAL Milton, March 19.--Oscar Tebo RETURNS TO FATHER and Russell Hamilton of Guelph and Phillip Forbes and Cordon foxes, appeared before Police Mag- Ellery Deforest of Buffalo MA yp z IN | eve, thence around to the centre of = 4 4 Ny MATIN | head. He cannot concentrate on | Deld on a nominal charge of va- trea', ch 19. -- Mayor any subject for any length of time | 8Fauey, but suspected of being 3 connected with the alleged fox When in the Toronto hospital, Ch- thefts. also I Abpeired Delore he una learned to speak English, and it | Magistrate, but, as the Crown ha Houde, former member of the |; hoped to send him to a school nes 4 | mo evidence against him, the Quepec Legislature for St. Mary's, September. He now speaks five dif- | charge was withdrawn. as applied to the Deputy City | ferent languages, English, Polish, The official mowivating Jove 4 Russian, Ukrainian and German. The four prisoners all elected to be tried by his Honor Judge El- | March 22, with the #IeoHion MEINE | gra re er br Foran ersion, oalczodly Painting by Famous Artist on View at Luke Furniture Co. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Although the exhibition of paint- | pupils and the masters of the brush Provincial Constable Butler, in which the prisoner described the night of the theft, saying that he | had been coaxed into the affair Oshawa Youths Apprehended |. 7: 2; mins room ha a 0%" 035 Vie P error was made in a recent inter- sired to make any statement be- Asked whether he de- they had been at a party and were (that the prices of houses are |MAN BELIEVED CANADIAN under the influence of liquor. The | steady, and if anything have shown constable who made the arrest stat- | an increase - in the current year. ed that the car, which was owned | House owners can again breathe by E. P. Lanton, had been wreck- |easy. a ed and was left in the ditch, and _HLK ™AkORRTP P™]frsfpronords' a when the youths came along in the practically red-handed. Christ Church Parish, in the north east section of the city, was held last 'evening in the North Simcoe street school, and the large attend- jane e was most gratifying. The Rev. {R. B. Patterson, M.A., rector of Christ Church opened the meet- {fog with prayer, then the vestry Truce for the ensuing year. They also Jad the pleasure of having Mr. sioner of the Diocese of Toronto lor the Anglican Church, give a very interesting and inspirational address and Mrs of the Women's | Diocese of Toronto, also gave an! cause of the accident address, more for the henefit of the ladies 'of the church and also for the men to some extent. The meeting closed with the serving of light refreshments hy the ladies, The officers elected are as fol- lows Rector"s Warden, ©. A. Mason;. People's Warden, Wm. Deans; Rector's Sidesmen, W. G Barton, Russell Flutter, Herbert White; People's Sidesmen, Samuel Pike, Geo. Farncombe, B. Andrews: Synod Delegates, Harry Pennell, ( A. Dewhery, C. A. Mason;; Treas- urer, Wm. Deans; Auditors, Geo. Farncombe, John Lee; Select Ves- try, Chas. Sweet, Ed. Flutter, W. | (i. Corben, Arthur Twilley, G. A. | Dewhbery, and W. Frost, SHELTER CHILDREN Series of Motion Pictures is and request that an cffort be n to locate him. of Mr. and Mrs. James Hossack. on the town line between West Zorra and East Nissouri, about seven miles northwest of here, was destroyed by firc at a late hour Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hossack had been out for the evening and some time after they retired were aroused by a neighbor, 1 William Quiat, who told them their officer of the law happened to be | dwelling was burning. within hearing distance. HOLD INAUGURAL VESTRY MEETING CHRIST CHURCH C. A. Mason Honored By Election as Rector's Warden OTHER OFFICIALS Rev. R. B. Patterson Pre- sides--A., H. Cuttle, To- ronto, Speaks The inaugural vestry meeting of oceeded to elect the various of- Cuttle, Financial Commis- Cuttle, Treasurer Auxiliary of the GUESTS A. Y.P. A, Shown--Supper Served --Gifts Presented Last evening the A.Y.P.A. en- tertained the Children of the Shelter, when they were brought to the parish hall by cars at about 730 this morning, i 7 o'clock accompanied by Miss { Colver, who is a member of the jx ton Hoar league, and the matron of the T. shelter and her assistant, Through | the courtesy of he Y.M.C.A. a ser- ies of moving picures was shown (ich with Mr, A. Ingram operating the ph machine, giving much enjoyment Dair to the children. Then followed | games and contests in which the | older members sometimes joined with the . children At 8.30 a > bountiful supper was served and a | small gift for each child was plac- | ed in a basket and they had tha | pleasure of drawing them out, af- | ter supper. The cars arrived shortly after nine o'clock to take the children back and without a doubt they had all enjoyed them- | |, selves very much, as everyone had done their utmost to make the ev- ening one to be long remembered by the children. the Association is extended to all those who helped with donations of money or fruit, for the enter- | of another pole. tainment of the children. The thanks of Mrs. Michael G. Harris, 264 North Brock street. leit his home on Fri- FACES CHARGE USING day and ha. not been heard from since, his father reported 'to the city Police Department today. Mr, Har- ris believes his son went to Detroit, and local authorities agreed to cc of thieves who on the night of | municate with the Detroit offic February 4 last robbed the fox FARMHOUSE "BURNS Ingersoll, Mar. 19.---The farmhouse Two Telephone Poles Are Snappe Plunges Off Pavement d as Truck No One Injured But Loaded?! . Truck of Kingsley Trans- port Co, is Badly Damag- ed -- Travelled Along the Ditch for 100 Feet--Sec- ond Truck Goes Off High- way Half an Hour Later on Opposite Side heavily loaded, crashed into the ditch ou the highway just cast oi Union accident of the two oc- Transport truck, full ks 3 of merchandise for Toronto, ditch and took off two iclephane poles, coming 10 rest aiter jumped the Hit was driving the truck, hn) advance ing alone, and the f road at a doen, ay at the castern end of A. Dean's pro- perty, a few houses cast of the cee. | a telejhone pole which will have be ] i after going about thirty on and crossing another driveway, i to rest with the front end tilt- came most completely ployee of the Kingsley Transport firm chassis is twisted, and the rack , but apparently little was done to the contents. T phone Roles broken off in the acci dent i and other points, as along Hie i o, Yad: pole was broken off campleiely, long distance service was paired, hi 1 local vicinity were put out of commission, however, : i some hydro drop wires into the hou- ses had been snapped. The second accident occurred about Cros Jramport Jruek, com- pa to John Bailes & Son, h was Fe re- s necessary from the other accis dem IS CHARGED WITH STEALING TAXICAB James Andrews, Ontario street, Oshawa, is under arrest in Toronto charged with theft of 3 taxicab owns ed Ly Alex Collelo, of 'that city, An« drews is a former employee of Cols lelo, and is alleged to have stolen the car come days ago, then, after drive ing it rount for some time on Sat. urday, abandoning it near Collelo's stand on Front street. MUCH ACTIVITY IN BUILDING LINE Several Permits Issued for Construction of a Number of Homes The war-gods month continues to roll up an ever-increasing amount on the permit records, that is building permits. Yesters day C. I. Deguerre and Mrs. F. "| Kohernick were the principal dealers in building permits. Mr, Deguerre took out permits for three houses on Leslie Street, all for $4500, which gave him the "high" for the day, with $13,500, Mrs. Kobernick is having two houses built by Frank Buono at 487, and 488 Rogers Street, and obtained permits for $3600 for each of them. She also took out a permit for a garage at 337 Rite son Road for $100. L. J. Smith is erecting a temporary cottage at 618 Burton street, and took out a permit for $400, CARDINAL LEAVES FOR PARIS (Cable Sc:rvice to The Times by Canadian Press) Rome, Mar. 20.--Cardinal Munde« lein, Chicago, leit for- Paris today, A host of friends and admirers bade him farewell. Too Late to Classify WELL FURNISHED BED SIT. ting room to rent. Suitahle for one or -two gentlemen. All convenis ences, Phone 1468F, (67¢), BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE IN excellent condition, Phone 1024M, (679) WANTED--BOY FOR CLERICAL work. Must 'be good typist, Apply Employment Dept, General Motors of Canada Ltd. + (67) FOR SALE--LARGE LOT WITH habitable quarters thereon. Good garden soil. Low price and easy terms. Full information. Apply Box "'Z" Oshawa Daily Times. (67h) was in charge of N. War- and when just over the knoll cast of the A Bell Telephone truck backing out of I a driveway an the north side of the LARGE FURNISHED ROOM TO rent for* light housekeeping. All conveniences. Use of electric washy er and plate. For nice quiet mars ried couple. Phone 2488). (67¢) road a few fect ahead. stop his heavy truck in time to avoid point the ditch is about five feet deep, but the driver guided his truck to rest several feet this i so that it came BOY SEVENTEEN YEARS AGB would like position in grocery store. Year and half High School education. Apply Box 155 Brooke lin. (87e), | farther right front wheel being broken. truck stopped just six feet in front It was heavily load- ed and of course the whole load had to be shilted to another truck be- BOY DISAPPEARS fore Sarnia, Mar. 19.--John Michael] ditch. Harris, 15-year-old son of Mr, and Coming Events RATES 8 Cents word Sach Ine sertion. charge PROFANE LANGUAGE Ralph Burton made the mistake, of using profane langu- age and coupling it with depreda- tions of the police department, he will appear tomorrow to answer a charge of using profane langu- age. Burton came before Magist:ate Hind this morning in police court, was adjourned until tomorrow to enable the crown to further evidence Burton, coupled with some oaths, the statement tha: he wasn't afraid of all the police force im Oshawa. Unfortunately for him, police say, but the case it is [the Skeena River, and Alert Bay, |ticularly successful. skinned them." | British Columbia. the artist, Jan | of the barrengess, the desolate feel- --------a-- Van Empel, is a native of Holl-|ing, and. interpreted the spir- wonder region than Van. Empel. is supreme as a draughts- more clearly is received im the grim the Canadian Group Sg fa) & SL fala Jan Van Empel was a student | who have painted the same coun- DIES ON DETROIT STREET |of Robert Heuri, in New York, but did not follow Heuri's lead close- Detroit, March 19.--The body of | ly, portraits of There is much to admire in but perhaps Van Em- Henri being a student of the |pel would appeal to the majority, well-dressed man. believed to be |figure, whereas Van Empel chose | more than the "seven. Canadian, lies in the county |the landscape as the medium of |tion, To avoid hitting your thumb |morgue here tonight. and tomor- | expression for his genius. The Bri- | ment early hours of Sunday morping, (when using a hammer to drive a {row a post-mortem will be perform- | tish Columbia Alert Bay territory, they stripped the car, being caught | nail, hold the hammer with both led to ascertain the cause of his | the Rocky Mountains have afforded hands. --Montreal Star. 1death. . try. both styles, time and real artistic tempera- needed to obtain appre- ciation of the new Canadian schoo!; Van Empel's work makes an a mever-ending inspiration to the |instant appeal. but MADAME ROSE, PAUMIST AT 21 Maple St. Phone 2373F. Hours 2 to §. tf PROFESSOR McKENNA TH master palmist phrenologist and psychologist now consulting af 437 Simcoe S. Phone appoint~ ments. Telephone 507. (600) WESTMOUNT SCHOOL MUSICAL Concert by the pupils under the leadership of Mr. A, Lynde, Tuesday, March 20. Admission 25¢. 4c) DANCING AT THE OSHAWA Winter Garden, Tuesday, day and Saturday cach weck. Pri» vate partigs arranged. Phone (TTS. MADAME NEVADA, PHRENOLO- gist, Ross' Corners. Home till Tuesday. (66b) PROFESSOR McKENNA, THE master palmist, phrenologist and psychologist now consulting at 437 Simcoe St. 8. Phone pointments. Phone 507. (672) HEAR THE SACRED CONCERT, Thursday at eight o'clock at Sunday School Rooms, Arling. ton and Simcoe St, Best local talent. (87H) FUN, FUN, FUN FOR ALL AT the Royal Templar Hall. Large box social. Good program. Sons of England Hall, Thursday, March 22. Public invited. Ladies bring boxes. (67¢) DON'T FORGET THE EUCHRE IN Oshawa Club Rooms over Stand» ard Band, Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Good. prizes. Also lucky number prize. (672) ART EXHIBIT AT LUKE FUR» niture Company, Thu:sday, Fries day and Saturday, March 22-28e 24. ($76) EUCHRE IN ORANGE HALL, Thursday afternoon, auspices Past Mistress Club in aid Builds ing Fund. Good prizes, Refreshs ments. 25 cents. 463b)i

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