Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Mar 1928, p. 8

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C + 66 Easy-to-Fipd" RADIO PROGRAM 0 a Yard avy 8.30 Red Network: --A, & P. Gypsies pop- ular orchestra. 845 CARO (4%5)--Ottawa, French Canadian 9.00 B 2.3% Silent KFAU, KLE FL, WFAN, WF1, WOBS, wir, W Regular Daytime Programs 645 a Red Network:="Tower Health," 7.9 CRCL (357)=Toronto. music. 2.30 WMAQ (4®)--Chicago. V.M.C.A. emer 8.15 Re Dharam' Chiat * from W 2.30 We ue (40. Buren Springs. Early 2.00 WBAP® 2.30 wy (353)=Detroit, "Tonight's Din. 10.00 RSAC WAIU 10.45 i 11.00 WEAF (492) 11.30 WAMD (222) =Mpls. 1200 Noon CI weather. 19.15 WES WLI 12.3 WCA WT. concert, 12.85 oc 11 --Montreal. Mt, Roys! Or. 12.45 it * 857)=Toronto. 1.00 pe 18 1.% Rw (461) ~ Shenandoah. 1.40 wer rarity 2.00 WoBS (349)=N.Y, 3.00 Ck KCL: (357)~Toronto, ment. #.30 CNRS (330)--Saskatoon. Musicale. WHAS (322 "ds CreF (411)--Montreal. 5.30 KOA (326)--Denver. Matinee for house- K$O ( 7.45 Woe mt te 800 W Wa. . t's Hest Features NAC (461) -Boston. Charleston ts. Network: --Riverside Hour from sentation 1 0 Colonel hig i 8 oe Woodrow Wilson a 2. award for his work as a NK acceprance. Auscente stations of the mbia Chain: South American and oyLe: (%9)--Los Augeles. Los Angeles orchestra. CRCL, armonic ht her 72.0 pa: TW WAL, WEA! NEAL: WCAE, WEE WG We (h-Newack Morning J up exer. KIN (etr-Shensndhin, Sunrise con: cert, KMA (95)-Shenandoah, V¥arm talk) cises. "The Boss." Happy Hour, Moming Deve. 227)~-Clarinda. WEA Wit y Y= Cingi. Healthful exercises. io 'EAF, WGY, ne, Werth, mus WDAF® (w0)=Kansan City. Bible Lesson, . WHO (535)=Des Moines, Victor pro- Morning Morning {333)=Renine State College. 00! 428)-Cinci, Women's hour, rT Mus 288)=Columbus. Scripture; 405)--=Phils, oigtkespere chat, (49)=N, Y, Women's hour. Wis (345)=Chicago. Home ® qsetion Wiac (461)=Boston. Wonien's hour. -N. ¥. Music; household talks. WGN (416)=Chicago. Home manage: ment WRN (6 ---N. Y. "Keeping Fit." WR (476)=Atlanta. omemaker's Musicale, WHO (535)=~Des Moines, Organ. FCA (37)~Calgarv. RMA (394)--Shenandosh, Song Wine (238)=Akron, Studio TI: WAIU SR Cohimbus. Musicale, WERH (366)=Chicago, Women's hour, WE Gi Y, Finches music. (345)=Ch WD, Dinner bell. woo ria, ncheon music. Ww yn )=Chic. Home economics, News; ( a4)-Milnsukes, Organ, (492)=N. Y, Rolfe's Orchestra, (405)--~Phils. Religious service. 261)~Phila. Orchestra, ( AM (400) = Cleveland. Orchestra Cuncheon music, 337)=Nashville. Farm snd home "Kor, (319) Bluffs, News: music. KSO (227)~Clarinda, Luncheon music. KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Concert, Yeo (405)=Mpls-St, Paul. Farm = Council WEL (an=Chicsgo. WAP (Fo--Kuky ci side chats WGR (303)=Buffalo, Concert ensemble. WHN (394)=N, Y, News flashes; mu. Wir (306)=Chicago. Organ, Al Car Whiag un)--Chicago. Melodies. WNC Bl Memph shir. O rchestra, WMCA (370) ~~! Sting ensemble. WSB re Atlanta. Music, w THY (34) = Milwaukee. Luncheon music, 'Country. WWI (359)~ Detroit. Organ, K ig WGHP (278)=Detroit, Tuller 0, WHO (535)=Des Moines. The Ambass- Farmeny' nner conecest, WFAA (245) Dallas. Address; music, N.Y. Scripture; mupicale, rake snsemble. Tuesday Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS Alternoon program, WGHP (278)--Detroit. Home hour, ~ WSB (476)-- Atlanta, Radio farm talks, 5 wiz (454)-N.Y, "Daily Menue," GO (384) --0ak land. Concert, Ki GX)=Clay Centre, Special pro. ram featur VEBH (366)~Chicago, Studio pro. (308)--Boston, Studio program. Win (448)--Chicago. id ) Studio music. CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Musicale, Koil, (319)--Council Bluffs, Musical Wake (500)~Ft. Worth, Musicale, WCSH (428)~Portland, Me. Maine mu- sic hour, WENR (288)~Chicago. Popular re- Ty TCT Piano solos. =N.Y, Musicale. 3 [Ere City, Ladies' hr. s Moines. The Victor. WE Coa) Cic CKCL (35 arosis, B Rak Jucital Popular mu, WLS (345)--Chicago. par Sse. WSUN (Fl * Petersburg, E WIZ (454)-NY, Studio program, (227)--Clarinda, Ja. Women's hr. WBAL (285)--Baltimore Salon orches- ra, WDAF (370)--Kansas (City. rio. WEAF (492)-N.Y. Feature, WEBH (366)--Chicago, Trio, 5. WEMC (484)--Bernien Springs. udio WLW (428)--Cinci. Org; WNAC (461)--Boston. Theatre. WoC @s) 1 String et ropolitan port. Home KFNF (461)--Shenandoah. W.C.T.U. am. WAU A261)--Phila, Knowledge Ex- tension y. )--Louisville. Program. dance. wives, WGY (389)--Schenectady. Dinner mu- Tim 645 W EE 7.00 KYW (526)--Chicago. 7.15 WGN TS IGHT . 7.00 WBAP (500) -F1. Worth, Eclipse €lip- \ hy! 48 (353)=Detroit. 20 5 WIBO (306)~Chicago. COAL - COKE - WOOD Waterous-Meek, Limited Yards--Cedardale Uptown Office--66 King St. W. Phones: 660, 1288 ic. . WHAM (278)~Rochester, Dinner mu. SIC. Yo (#05)--~Mpls.-St. Paul. Women's Club, way (283) ~Columbus, O. Dinner mu- We "AE oy William Penn. NEAY (0 )=N.Y. Waldorf Astoria: Ww Ww TC, wine (278) ---- Detroit. Wiz (454)--N.Y. Hotel Manger. Niau (W0)--~Cleveland. State Thea- Wins (373)--Detroit. Dinner music. REAR (319)--Lincoln, Neb, Hotel Lin- Wika (285)--Baltimore. Dimmer or- tra Won § 303)--Buffalo, Dinner music. Ww FBR (366) -- IME ron Dream Daddy Da Webs (348)~N.Y. Uncle Gee Bee. NhAy (448)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey 1 (508)--Boston. Big Brother Club. ncle Bob. Uncle Wire Uncle oui, Dinner con. WIP (349) --Phila. a IC pers. WEAO (283)--Columbus. Musicale, WRR (461)=Dallas. Texas Hour. Minstrels, (333)--Springfield, Mass. Music, R30. 2 Clarinda. Entertainers, WAAT (248)--Jersey City, Recital, WCAH (230) -Columbus, Brunswick half hour. WEAF (492)--N.Y. 'The Soconyans. WSAI (361)--Cinci, Serenaders. WSUN (517)--5t. Petersburg. Trio. Ballads. Red Network- Selhenine ip ers, from WEAK TAK, WTAG 4 ' we R, WTAM, Ww HO, ow: iV 'AA, WGN WHAS! WSM, VFI We AE, WSAI, WRHA, WOC, KPRC, KO. wy 'Network--Stromberg- Carlson hour, from WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WBAIL, WHZ, WBZA, WHAM, WJK, WREN, KWK. CNRA music. KMA (395)--Shenandoah. String trio. PWX (400)- Havana, Utilities concert. WADC (297)=Akron, Alliance pro- gram, WEBH {30 ~Clyicago. Brass Quartet ath (278)-- Detroit. YC (520)-N.Y. V Ab (394)=N.Y (476)=Moncton., Instrumenta Metropolitan Organ. ocal, Popular songs. WRNY (326-N.Y, Edison Hour WWNC (297)--Asheville, Vocal, WLS (35)--Chicago, Etude hour. WELW (428)--~Cinci, Crosley ensemble, WP (273)--Atlantic City, Board of Education. Red Network--Sealy Air Weavers, from WEAF, WFI, WRC, WGY, WOGR, WCAE, WTAM, WERH, KSD, WDAL, KVOO, WSAI, KOA, WFAA, KPRC (294)--Houston, Studio concert, WEAH (239)--Columbus, Mandolin and uitar WCAU (261)--Phila. Singers. woop CH) --Chatianooge Studio pro- gra VEE (308) Boston, WFAN (229)--Phila, 'The Hottentots. WGHS (349)-N.Y. Concert, WHB (341)--Kansas City. Feature. WHQ (535)--Des Moines, Automatic Agitators, Red Network: Eres artists, from <8 E, WCCO, WDAF, GY, WHAS, The Pilgrims, ', WSAI, 1, WOC, CNRA (476)--Moncton. (uartet, RFAU (285) Noise, Idaho, KLDS (238)~Independence, KTNT (236)--Muscatine. Hour. WHAT WBAP (Ouartet, WBBM we All sin, ger WER) bin ) -Zion, TI, WOFL Chicago. WENR x Chicago, WHK (265) -Cleveland. WJAX (341)--Jacksonville, WJZ (454)--N.Y, High Spots ody, WMAK (545)--Duffalo, WMA) (448)--Chicago. WO (375)=Davenport, WP (273)-- Atlantic music, WRR (461)--Dallas. Music, WSEA (263)--Noriolk. Studio program, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. String trio, Violin, Paul. Arabia Trio Studio pro- National Male (Concert, Mo. Sindio, Home Folks Ensemble, Superior (283) Baltimore, (300)=Ft Worth, (389)--Chicago, Artist recital, (234)=Columbus, Harmony Mixed quartet. Popular, Classical hour. Instrumental, Studio, of Mel. Feature, Musicale, Concert. City. Conce:t KS0 (227)--Clarinda, WAMD (222)-St, 0 KPRC (294)--Houston, Shrine Band. WHAM (273)--Rochester, WTAG (517)--Worcester. gram, WTMJ nounce CKCL (357)~Toronto. CNRA (476)--Moncton, Entertainer, Temple (294)--Milwaukee. To be an- Studio program. Little Concert CNRR WA WC WEAR (o0-x.v. berg, guitatist. WFAA (545) Dallas, BJAX (341)-- Jac oY Radio Club Blo KYW, ters. WENR (288) Chicago WIZ ($549)-N.Y. and Peter de Rose: WPG (2 Quartet. 5 WHN (394) --N.Y. (337)-- Nashville, Blue 8 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. S19 Regina. Kr a (285) ~ Boise, Maho, Music. 12.00 C2 FG) Alon, Entertainers, KMAMJ we Wow RE tiie tunes. Blue Network-- Armand Ladies' Os- chestra, KVOO, WOW, from RWK, WFAA, WHO, KRPRC (299) Houston. Concert WCCO (405)--Mpis.- St. west artists. WDAF (370)--Kansas City. 3) Atlantic ie fic Chain v KFI, 'KFOA, KGO, KGW, ROMO, KPO. KDKA (316)-- Pitts. Network-- Slumber WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, KYW. WRNY (326)---N.Y. WGN (416)--Chicago. WAN iD (225) St. tainers WFAN WGR (224)-- Phila, (303)-- Buffalo, EE --_-- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIVES. MONDAY, MARCH 19, 192¢ Yocal and in- 484)--Chicago,. Popular Swen von Hall po- Concert. Pic trio: 00 KF1 R00, wi 2 " Popular and old work-- er oo Red WSM, KYW, WEY, WoC, Chicago studio: Paul. North boy. Wiz Cook pain- Popular. Blue Mae Singhi Breen alo from WHAM, City. Harmony KERY School. Harmony team. Conservatory from KH, Hour, KH}, Everead Theatrical revue. music, from Vocal. Music Be Paul. Populer en. KOA Organ. Lafayette frolic. 0 Red way, Wow, \\ SAL WT Club, 8.00 CKCI, KOIL 9.00 CRCI PWN estra, We Deliver ROFA, Ki box. WRNY WEAF WDAF, WRAL WNAC WRNY WSM (337) Nashville. Studio. 1045 WEB 1410) Atlanta, Atlanta U, Negro Tite », 'RV @n)-- Regina, Strand 'Iheatse. (230)--Clay Centre. RX 37)~Hollywood, Chinese Thea- Kou. (319)~Council Bhafis. Chain Roundes s, KPO, Ki RG0, Th KH). KHO, )---hos Avacies ALKS---FEA' A609, RADIO T. Network -- Voters' CG. Ross, Frank Kemt: WTAG, WOW, WSAL W 11) 8 WHAS, WFI, WCCO, WEBH, WCA KFNF (#61)- A exo (54)-N.Y, \WSB (976)=Atlanta, WBBR (236)~-N\.Y. Network ~The WIZ, WHAM, KYW. (250) - Columbia, Mo. WBT (258)--Chatlotte. hy ™ (294) -- Milwaukee, SWE AO (283) --Columbus. Business. WMAQ (448) Chicago. (283) KSO (227)--Clarinda. WADC (297)--Akron. WOW (508\--Omaha, (326)~ Denver, (326) ~ Network KSDh, WCAE, W(( WEEIL, WHAS, WHO, WSAL WWI, WRC, WGES (212) Chicago liggs."" Wir (un WWNC (297) WMARK 4 0 WHN (ho DANCE TO THESE (357) (M9)-Council Bluff Mona Mc tor Orchestra, (357) KFAR (31%) WHREM (38) Chicago. WEAOQ wane WJAN chestra WOAH (234) WGHPE (278) (4 (285) 28%) 278 (M1) (461) -- Hoston (326) Phila. Movie 5) - Buffal -_r Organ, Battery irom Symphonette. ES Service, Charles WE! AF. WIAR, WTC, KGK, WRC, WUSHL, WHO, The News Frank Dole, "Dogs." Health message. Dental service talk Living Law: AWh, Radio Farm school, "Your Gar "Trend in U. of Chicag America First Ihe Newsboy. "News Headlines" I'ravelogue talk. Farm question -Boise. N.Y. Hugo Gemsback Bridge Gare, from ), WCSH, WGN, WOR, WIAR, WMC, WOC, WSE, wT \T, WTIC and WFI, WTAM, "Maggie broadea t Bridge game. Radio Movie Asheville N.Y, "With the Poets." Toronto, Orchestra Orchestra Dance music Dance. Neil House. Arcadians Dance o1 laronto, Lincoln, Columbu Detroit, Jacksonville, (rchestra Hotel "Tuller. Orchestra Dance Columbus Detroit Hayana Baltimore Dance N.Y. Melody Wi 5 WHA STR St and $204 Posi was this S. Staley plen office not only broken into, hut safe tical ed. were whie valu The not chest:za. Red Network ~ Valais nchitatnd, irom WEAF hg WFLA, WNGY, WMI, WTAM, WCSH, WHO, wow, NIHSS (385) Hot ings. Orchestra, WBZ (333) --Springheld, Mass, Bos tomans Phila. Billy Hayes. WCAU (261) WRC (469) --Wash. MadsiMon Osches- Dance Ox Petersburg. program. WTIC (335) Hartford. Club Worthy. WWJ (353) --Detroit. Hotel Statler. 5 KTMS (385) Hot Springs. Jack Cram- fond. CARR (3) Regina. Capitohians. KEAB (319), Liseohy. Dance. * aul. Dance. Dance music. Ohio State (517) St. W IS 0) -N.Y. Silver Shipper Os- chestra, WLW (428)~Cingi. WRK (#61) Dallas. ho TAM (W0)--Cleveland Orchestra Orchestra he Coleg Red "Network- Janssen's Holbrau Orch estra, from WEAF, KSD, WHO. KYW (526) Chicago, Congress Hotel WHN (0H)=N.Y. Orchestra. WRG (273) =Atlantic City, Dance WSAL (6) --=Cinci. Ray Miller WTMJS (290) Milwaukee. Frolic. WOFL (484) Chicago. Dance. WIID (366)--~Chicago, Popular WMAK (345) Buffalo. Dance. WRNY (326)--N.Y. Broadway uights. WGES (242) --Chicago, Orchestra, (370)--~Kansas (in Night- dance. hawk KNN (337 Grove (Copyrighted, 1928.) EETSVI TLE ; POSTOFFI( E 1S ENTERED BY THIEVES y= Holly woud Cocoanut reetsville, March 18. Cash securities valued at more than ) were stolen from the loeal office during Saturday night, it learned shortly after 7 o'clock morning whe: Post-master H entered the office to re- fires. He 'ound the the ish the door wrenched open and prac. ly all articles of value Among the missing some Government documents h. he' stated, would we of no e in the hands of the thieves. adjoining Customs oTice was entered remov- robhery took place about 3 o'clock in t he morn'ng. j complete and immediate abolition of | | | It is believed that the | . [ae by the property | ES ------ ---- POWERS T0 HANDLE RUSSIAN PROJECT T0 OTUTLAW WARS Russia Preaches Total Dis- armament as the Only Solution Geneva, March 18. --Faced with the necessity of finding diplomatic means to reject the Soviet's werld-wide complete disarmament proposals, the League of Nations' preparatory dis- armament commission may appoint a committe¢ of seven to handle the situation. It was understood here Friday night that the seven nations which Woodrow Wilson planned to have as permanent members of the League Council--England, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union--will be represented on the' committee, Sees One Way "Total disarmament is the only way to prevent war," Maxim Litvin- off, Soviet Assistant Foreign Com misar, and his country's chief dele- gate here, reiterated. "We still insist," he said, "that Telephone 35 or 312 STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT About 12,000 ft. of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadian National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. Low rental. CHARLES M. MUNDY c/o Mundy Printing Company, Limited armaments constitutes the best sec- urity as well as the best means of EE ---- preventing war. We are convineed that peace cannot be obtained by means of group treaties, as decided League's security con- mission, " We are convinced that this would Oi mutual merely result in a return to a pre- | PFUPOS cd by the war system of military alliances, cs- sion, pecially owing to the difficulty of onl; establishing what is aggressive or |" offensive warfare." The Soviet proposal envisages ab- solute disarmament of military, naval, and aerial forces within four years, safeguard against international struggle," leaving only cnough arms to piracy, banditry, and other forms of lawlessness. treaties, as Commis- assistance Security Litvinoff said that they nourish and support aggressive- Favor Security "Bellicose, pugnacious governments may turn any local war into a great he said. "The commission, tension of their arena. that delegate, Expectations would | A nerican Security der to offer treaties, were ~~ without diminishing the | likelihood of future wars, creates cone dtions for their aggravation and cx. Hugh Gibson and Litvinofi might take advantage of the Disarm. ament Commission's discussion of the] Commission's report in or. their own world-wide outlawry of war and non-aggression shattered, ELLA CINDERS--On Their Way By Bill Conselman and Charlie Flumb OM WITH THE QuEesT! Mirs. Fling Sagles relatives rescued dla, Jim,and Janamini; ana now Junamints guiding lla to the radium cave: J) | Sr We YA-AS, THIS COUNTRY WAS Sg SO 1938 BRINGING UP FATHER [WELL ) JUST GOT - 4 TIME TO GIT L SOMETHING TO EAT AT DINTY'S- J [NO USE TALKIN' THE GIRLS IN THI sl NEICHBORHOOD ARE THE DRESSIEST IN oy THE Ay 1 a YOU SAID Ff hid I'M TOO LATE FOR THE FEED JUST BECAUSE } HAD TO STAND AN' LISTEN TO THEM TWO CAR OUT - LOOK OLT FOR THE RAILROAD CROSSING: Ie YOU TAKE THE | DON'T INTEND | TO PAY ANY ATTENTION TQ THEM: STOP LOOK AN' LISTEN SIGNS OUR TERM BY-LAWS ORIGINATED IN AN OLD CITY LOCATED ON AN ISLAND IN THE BALTIC SEA, TOMMY, sen I THE 13TH CENTURY » WAS THE MOST MPORTART "NEN F FOR TRADE BETWEEN WESTERN AND EASTERN EUROPE AND ASIA. "BY MEANS "TOWN, AND THE LAWS OF VISBY AT ONE TIME WERE ACCEPTED SO WIDELY THAT THEY BECAME KNOWN IN THE WORLD OF TRADE AS BY-LAWS, AND THE TERM IS ANCIENT CITY OF VISBY ON THE ISLAND OF GOTHLAND I THE BALTIC SEA WAS THE FIRST COLONY OF THE GOTHS - THE MIGHTY PEOPLE OF THE NORTH WHO SPREAD DESOLATION AND TERROR OVER A LARGE PART OF EUROPE AND EVEN AS FAR, AS all A FIXTURE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE BECTION OF OLE CITY IALL 4 ANCIENT iS OY AT IS T0 MRES LONG AND MAS BT TONERS . Ld .d by [King Fantwes Synthesis. loc Uomat Broan ughte sesenmd WELL, THE HISTORY OF BY-LAWS 15 A LOT MORE INTERESTING THAN scorr! Weise On ne Tan

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