THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1928 1 abuthion an sad DI District News I ------ Gathered By Times Stall Reporters and Correspondente AE SOLINA Solina, March 2.--Mr, and Mre. Geo. Hepburn and Miss Florence and Mr, and Mrs. M. Pereman, Columbus, at Mr. C. Blanchard. Mrs. Kate Pollard, Salem, at Roy Langmaids, Sons of Temperance, No. 40, will meet at the hall, Solina, on March 15. Everybody welcome. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, with friends. Miss Irene Argue with Mrs. Wot- ten in Bowmanville, Mrs, Edwin Wood and Murray, Bowmanville, Miss Dickie, Nestle- ton, Mr, McMullen, Oshawa, at 8. 'Williams', Mr, and Mrs. Roy Langmaid and family with Mrs, C, Langmaid at Hampton on Saturday, when Miss Elsie and Mr. Roy McGill, of En- niskillen, were quietly married. Mrs, A. L, Pascoe spent a few .days last week with Mrs, Norval Wotten in Bowmanville Hospital where Mrs. Wotten is doing nicely after her operation in Toronto Hos: pital, Miss Vera Shortridge has re- turned from a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Morley Ross, Brooklin, Mrs, Samuel Bush with Mrs, Bert Hunt, Bowmanville, Mr, J. J. Brown with Mr, William Brown at Pontypool, My, W, L. Miller with his mother at Newburg over the week end, ME, 8. B, Werry has purchased some new shorthorns for his herd, About 20 young people enjoyed some swift rides down Mr, James Small's hill one night this week, There were several spills but no fatalities. Mr, and Mrs, J, G. Langmalid, Mr, and Mrs, G. A, Langmaid, Osh- -- | Se -- a A Raw, Sore Throat when you aj PRY a little a he gore spot oR ingl | e, loosens a Sn tet like the old-fashioned Beko ustard, Be ointment ick ofp t, bronchi, tone Eh on i neck, asthma, neus leurisy, B Pains a 'and aches I Bh Th Matric Co. of Canad, Ld Montres) awa, and Mr, S. S, Brooks, Cour tice, at Mr. and Mrs. 8. BE, Werry's. Congratulations to Misses Mae | Westlake and Eileen Balson on passing their elementry exams in music. They are pupils of Miss Or- chard, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Bickell, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Goard and Miss Phyllis, Edmonton, at J. R. Kivell's, Mr, and Mrs. John Baker, Misses Helen, Muriel, Kathleen and Evelyn Tink at Mr. Lewis Pascoe's, Hamp- ton, Misses Margaret and Ruth Me- Kissock at Mrs, Thos, Pascoe's, Hampton, League at Eldad opened with hymn 234. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, Scrip. ture lesson was read by Roscoe Baker, Devotional period was writ- ten up by H. E. Tink and read by Miss Evelyn, then hymn 153 was sung, The topic on "Social Stand- ards" was ably taken by Rev, J. R. Bick. The C.G.I.T, girls then sang "Follow the Gleam." A con- test '"'what our grandmothers never had," was put on by Mrs, Hardy, Mr. Sam. Dewell, Oshawa, was home over the week end. 'COLUMBUS Columbus, Mar. 6, --Several from here attended the leap year box social at Raglan on Tuesday night and report a large gerowd and a good time, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wilson, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, H, Wilson, Mr, Burnsides, of Toronto, visit. ed with his friend, Mr, Carl Gross over the week end. Mr, Frank Richardson spent last week in Torento, Mr, and Mrs, Pollard and baby, Bobby, of Oshawa, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Wilson. Mr, W, Heatlle, of Treherne, Manitoba, and Mr. Oliver Heatlle, of Blackwater, visited with Mr, and Mrs, H, L, Pascoe, for a few days this week, Miss Margaret Beacogk, of Black- stock, visited friends inthe village for a few days last week, Quite a large crowd attended the dance in the township hall on Fri- day night and report a good time. Mr. Carl Gross, of Oshawa, spent the week end with- his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A, Gross, We are sorry to report Mr, John Stockes under the doctor's care, We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Clarence Wood has hired with Mr, W, Lee, of Kedron, to work on the farnr this summer, The members of the Adult Bible Class met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellins, on Tuesday even- ing, when a pleasant social evening was enjoyed by all, BALDWIN CONFIRMS REMOVAL OF BAN Controversial Speeches May be Broadcast on Eng- lish Radio London, Mar. 8.--The British Government's decision to remove the ban on radia broadcasting in this country of "statements involv- or industrial controversy," report- ed in the Herald-Tribune on Satur- day, was officially confirmed in ing matters of political, religious the House of Commons Monday af- ternoon by Prime Minister Bald- win, He, at the same time, an- nounced the continuance of the ban against the expression of opin- fon on matters of public poliey by the British Broadcasting Corpora- tion itself, which has a monopoly of broadcasting in England. The rule against controversial discussion has been bitterly at- tacked by many, including several Cabinet Ministers and Opposition leaders, such as Winston Church- ill, the Chancellor of the Exche- quer; the Earl of Birkinhead, sec- retary for India, and former Prime Ministers David Lloyd George and James Ramsay MacDonald. Among the speeches ruled out was one hy the Viscountess Astor to the world convention of the Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union, COSTES AND LE BRIX CONTINUE FLIGHT Chicago, Mar, 6.--Dieudonne Costes and Joseph Le Brix, French aerial globe trotters, hopped off from the municipal airport early today for Cheyenne, Wyo. Don't Let Bladder Weakness Wreck Your Life! Days of Annoying Irritation Nights of Broken Rest Sap Vitality and Ruin Health Backaches, Headaches, Pains in feet and legs, Nervousness, Restlessness, frequent but scanty urination with burning and pain, get. ting-up-nights--are some of the more trouble some signs of Bladder Trouble that should have prompt attention before they reach a more serious stage! No matter haw stubborn your case may seem to be or hoW many medicines you have tried without results--don't think your con dition is hopeless or the natural consequenc es of advancing years--until you have tried the special new treatment of a world known chemist, called ""SYROL" Tablets. On a strict guarantee of money back on first box purchased, if you do not receive swift and satisfying reliel---any good druggist will supply you with *"Syrol" 'Tablets in sealed packages containing two weeks' sur ply, If "Syrol" Tablets bring great relief Pie of 48 hours and a wonderful improve ment inside of two weeks, you should he greatly pleased--if they do not help, they cost you nothing, Ask your druggist today They are now ready for your approval and we have good reason to be- lieve that this range of Ladies Coats, Dresses, etc. is one of the best we have ever shown and it would be a showing of good taste on the part of the ladies of this district to come in and see this comprehensive range. An ex septionil y . stock o linery now on Ho "FAIR" Simcoe St. South Phone 1173 LEAGUE MEMBERS CONSIDER U.5. NOTE Hope "Big "Five" May Sug- gest Basis of Negotiations For Pact PRIOR PLEDGES British and French Experts to Assist in Peace Efforts Geneva, Mar. 8.--League of Na- tions leaders hoped Tuesday to co- ordinate United States' plans for treaties outlawing war with obli- gations already undertaken by lea- gue members, Aristide Briand, French Foreign minister, has conferred with Sir Austen Chamberlain, British for- eign minister, Gustav Stresemann, German foreign minister, and Bar- on Adatehl, Japan, regarding France's reply to the latest note from Secretary of State Frank B. Kelloge. These four will confer with Ital- fan delegate Vittorio Scialoja, It is hoped that suggestions offered to Briand by the other four rep- resentatives of the "Big Five" lea- gue powers will permit France to offer a basis of negotiation recon- ciling league ideas with those of the United States. The United States proposal fis for a treaty among the leading powers declaring war outlawed as a means of settling disputes. France, with whom corresnondence so far has been conducted, has pointed out that as a member of the League of Nations she is pledg- ed to assist other members of the Attractive Homes Need Beautiful ~ Wallpaper Every grade and every style. Bring the sunshine in- doors with Wallpaper. See our Paints, Lacquers and Enamels. Flo-Glaze Lacquer, dries in thirty minutes. Ask about the new 4-hour Varnish for floors and woodwork. Spring is right here. Don't wait for the busy rush, Have us estimate on your Painting and Decorat- ing. PATTE"S 85 Simcoe St. N. Phones: 125.1846 EARLY NAVIGATION OPENING EXPECTED St. Lawrence Ice Conditions Above Quebec Reported Favorable Quebec, March 8, -- A record early opening for navigation below Quebec was celebrated over the week end, when a pair of auxiliary schooners, the Marco Polo and the Toussaint, set sail from Tacousac league, in certain circumstances if they are attacked. Sir Ronald Lindsay, new BDrit- ish permanent under-secretary nf foreign "affairs, and Philippi Ber thelot, general secretary of the French Foreign Office, have heen called in as experts tn assist he effort to find mutual States-Leacne of Nations for an anti-war treaty. It is thought probable France may propose reservation in a treaty that would give and other League members liberty of action to fulfil nledges. in grounds SHARK STORY WAS REPORTER'S YARN Van Campen Heilner Will Dive for Pirate Cannon Bahan one good iethyologist to the the world. Van Campen field representative of the Ameri- can Museum of - Natural History, who is supposed to have come here to prove that only white shark hite white men, really is nog seri- ous ahout this shark-bating ness. The whole thing was wished on him in New York, he said, by a re porter's question: 'Aren't you afraid of sharks?" Of course, he wasn't--except the white kind-- and that is how the story was born Hellner's chief object is winter vacationing, fishing, looking for various species of fish, particularly a *Conchfish," which lives as a parasite in the shells of live con- ches, and diving for cannons, Heil ner thinks the cannons were from some pirate ship of the days of "Blackbeard." He has located the cannons, Heilner has a diving helmet and a boat, "Slymongoose," named af- ter an old West Indian song. He is in Bimini now, with his wife and a negro assistant, here for several weeks. Nassau, Heilner band in the diving operations and Heilner admits he will run like "Hahn" if he sees a white shark. Heilner has seldom encountered any sharks of any color. BISHOP FALLON CRITICALLY ILL London, Mar. 6.--The condition f Right Rev. M. F. Fallon, Bishop )f London, Ont., who is in the 10spital seriously ill with influen- :al pneumonia and complications vas reported today to show slight mprovement. All brothers of his Lordship have been summoned to London. Soft Corns & Lovell, Ltd., if Moone's Kmer- ald Oil Doesn't Do Away Withe All Soreness and Pain jin 24 Hours. Get a bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil with the understanding that if it does not put an end to the pain and soreness your money will be promptly returned. Don't worry about how long you've had it or how many other preparations you have tried. This powerful penetrating oil is one pre- paration that will help to make your painful aching feet so healthy and free from corn and bunion soreness that you'll be able to go lute foot comfort. So marvelously Moone's Emerald Oil powerful that ful results in the treatment of dan- gerous swollen or varicose ve iag United | that | her | their prior | rest Of | and will remain : : | Mrs. Heilner will assist her hus- Money back Say W. H. Karp, oy) ! anywhere and do anything in abso- | is thou- | sands have found it gives wonder- | | for Bersimis and Shelter Bay. | Ice conditions below Quebec are reported to be favorable, while the St. Lawrence is open from Pointe , seven miles above Three 3 il + 65 miles from Quebec, | to the a, whereas last year the [ river was solidly frozen over from Portneuf, 31 miles above Quebec, westward. The ice-hreakers will leave the local part ~on their annual on- the ijce-barriers Rivers about March n early opening of navi- ked for ight against | above Thres 1p and ation is loo Few men are ever tied for, can- under the fire - Detroit Free Press. pretons lore ns iuhlielty. 7 FINANGE MINISTER SEEKS CONCESSIONS Hon. J. A. Robb Urges Do- minion's Claims to Aus- tralian Trade FAVORED POSITION Forvign Cates Used te Bilig Imports of Raisins to Canada Ottawa, Mar. 8.--Steps have been taken by the Minister of Fin- ance in the direction of securing from Australia some new comces- sions incidental to the treaty be- tween Canada and the Common- wealth, The latte? country is now getting out a new customs tariff and Hon. J. A. Robb has made re- presentations through the Cana- dian trade commissioner for the Dominion being placed in a more favorable position, particularly in regard to lumber items including box shooks. Under the Australian treaty, Australian raisins and currants are admitted free to Canada and it is considered rather anomalous that these imports come here in boxes made out of United States or Swe- dish lumber, the Australian woods being mostly hard. The Canadian Government thinks that Canadian material should have a preference In view of the circumstances and along that line representations are now being made. Keeps Up Opposition The National Dairy Council is keeping up its opposition to the dairy products preference of the Australian treaty and, to again im- nress its views, another delezation is being heard. It is the third or fourth time the Council has come. The submission is that Australian butter imports depress the market prices. This theory is not enter- tained by Government statisticians who deny that the volume of im- portations is such as would have any effect of that kind. The cur- rent price of butter is attributed to the price last year being above the export figure, causing large stocks to he accumulated. Tn get- ting rid of them now the current price is affected. There appears to be very small prospect of the treaty being modi- fled along this line, | | | -- | busi- | | | | os | 35 SIMCOE N. SPECIAL-- Br. Brand, No. No. 2 size, 2 tins for Package, ssssssssnmss Brand. Package, Brand. BIE, .irrsrsiis WHITE BEANS, Finest Quality, Ib., ,... PEARL BARLEY, Milk White. 2 lbs., ,.. CORN STARCH, Benson's or St, Law- dence Brand. Package, SPECIAL-- Choice Qualit No. 2 Seive Libby's TWO STORES Catelll's MACARONI 2 Pkgs. 19¢ CANNED GRAPEFRUIT, Poms or Dk26 No. 2 Size Tin. It's Delicious, Tin, c COLUMBIA RASPBERRIES, Aylmer 2 Size Tin. Mim, ... PEACHES, Ay. Br. Fancy Qual. Tree Ripened. No. 2 Size Tin. Nd re AYLMER PUMPKIN, Choice quality PANCAKE FLOUR, Aunt Jemima Br. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Aunt Jemima PURE MAPLE SYRUP. Old Colony Botthe, ,.ssrrprss» RED LENTILS, Finest Egyptian, Ont, Hand Picked, MacKays, Medicated The Standard of the World. Lb., TAPIOCA AND SAGO, Fancy Java, "PEAS 2 bs: Me | SAUERKRAUT 2 tins 25¢ PAGE NINE Left-Handed Writers Also Praise this Pen Left-handed writers as well as right. handed writers who prefer a round point, praise the yellow banded Waterman's Number Seven. This point, and the five other stylesin the new Number Seven Series, already have made TIT oa, fad dred years of pen Roby ROUNDED Makes a oki Xo acteristic line wi it re. Suits ed writers. Dink -- FLEXIBLE F : sesilient as a pered point, gowad 4 fins P shade at any amgle. Lov TFF, FINE -- 3rd Makes iy Elear Loe and small with uaerring accuracy, Red -- LE ~ tue most writers. A splendid ndence nib. Medium Gexibilty. I 'or home and general use. een RIGID: tempered to armor. hardness. Will not shade even under Bide --BLUNT--an improved stub nib. This t makes a broad line. May be any position. Liked by rapi writers. lection and Service at 5,500 Canadian Merchants GOV'T PREPARED TO CONSIDER CLAIMS OF BANK DEPOSITORS satisfy these claims was estimated Ly delegation at approximately $450,000. SCORE KILLED BY EXPLOSION IN JAVA Ottawa, March 6--Government will give further consideration to claims of Home Bank depositors which have not been satisfied. This was stated to delegation of members of parlia- ment today by Hon. J. Robb, Fin- ance Minister, Amount necessary to Samarang, Mar. 6. -- At least a score of persons were killed and more than one hundred houses de- stroyed by an explosion of the fireworks factory at Kodoes, near here, today. GROCETERIAS CO, LIMITED Proving Loblaw's Superior Methods You see and examine the foods before you buy; you see that 156 SIMCOE 8S. PRICES, everything is clean and sanitary; you select hands exactly what you want; you know that the prices are the lowest, Remember what Benjamin Franklin said-- If You want a Thing Well Done--Do it Yourself SPECIALS ARE ON SALE AT THESE LOW 8th to 14th, with your own SPECIAL-- Fresh Fig Bar BISCUITS MARCH Size. Package, 26¢ "2c 19¢ 17¢ 22¢ 33c bc Te 17¢ "lle ses Tin McLaren's Invincible Jelly 3 Phgs. 17¢ BLACK FIGS, Fancy Qual, Calif. Ib, ,,..,.,. BISTO, Gravy Salt, Small HIPOLITE, Marshmellow Filling. Large Jar, . SPECIAL-- Florida Wet Pack Soap Flakes Princess "vxc. 2%€ COMFORT LYE tin 12¢ JIFF 530% ns Be = 2e Pound 13¢ GRAHAM FLOUR, Stone Ground, Whole Wheat, Makes Ideal Muffins, 11 BINS, corer rssnrrrrrrrsmisFesy Cc SKINLESS FIGS, Texas. Serve and enjoy this Delicious Dessert, 7 Large 40 OZ. JAF, ,,.. sues as sis owion 9¢ CATSUP, Tiger Brand. 19 Large Bottle, .....00000000simess Cc MUFFETS. You can always depend on these being fresh. 2 Pkgs., ...;,... 25¢ WHEATSWORTH BISCUITS, The Health Biscuit, Package, ,.,,...., 21¢ OATCAKES, Homemade, Scotch Style 1 4 c 23¢c 22¢ Bae 16c "17¢ 8c 28¢c 18¢c Package, DAINTY PUDDINGS, Assorted Flavors Harry Horpe's. 8 Packages, ,...,. COCOA, Rowntree's, A Taste of Old England, 38 Ib. Tiny, sevrnssnssses SHITE, Florida, Wet Pack. i wii tres AT 'e TA idiid CARROTS, Whole, Small and Tender, Nature's Best. No. 2 Size Tin, CE I Ia SPECIAL-- AYLMER PEACHES HALVES No. 2 tin 19¢ Diamond FLUSH Toilet Tin 23¢ WW. H. Karn and Jury & Lovell Lt are selling lots of it. ee LA EE WY E SELL FOR J BR a i SN