Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1928, p. 1

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+ a Tae 2 # Hay ps all of the indigent geounts | for < have sought the opinion of the i SEE Shi a Baily Times The Oshawa Daily Reformer * DNTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1928 10 Cents » Week; 2Cents a C py. TWELVE PAGES EBEC HOME IS RAZED 'CONSIDERABLE DEBATE | Gownell Tums Back All In ". ...digent Accounts to the 7 Hospital Bowrd The Oshawa (General Hospital, may hecome a civie institution at . Bome not too distant date, if the pity Heras keep the. same attl- rds is that they express. session last night. In the however, * they have Add k on the Board of DI? he 'past four months, and solicitor as to the lability of municipality in this regard, 'The clause to this effect was report "of the contained in the presented by oe a tee, 'chalrman, D.- A. J. Swansow. It; was signed hy all members of the committee except Alderman Conant, and was passed not with- out considerable dehate., In defending the committee's recom mendalon, Alderman Swans an the Hospital 'Beard k © HOspiial "Boar on Oetaber 29, 1927. Since that date every patient entering the hospital, whether in the publie, the new practice in- semi-private or private wards, has heen belled an indigent, and the city" gouncil 'has been notified dur- in four menth period that 881 in t patients from the city have. entered the hospital: The t pty, in egch of the nees, sent k'® notice the lability of the intenance of 'the pa- Accounts Were copse- .Quently sent In. five for maintenance totalling 165.50, apd the finance committee recom mended. that the bills be pot paid, od he city: solicitor he ssk- advise coupcil as to the la. of the. city, "VAL least 355 residents of @sh- pwa have heen libelled by this practice," Alderman Swanson de- clared. "Some of Oshawa"s most prominent and wealthy citizens av® been named as indigents, and (Continued on Page 3 Is Alleged to Have Killed His Wife By Poisoning (By Capadian Press- Brantford, March 6--George Duncan, former Brantford police- map, today before Mr. Justice Lo- gle was placed on trial for bis life. was arraigned on a charge of murder of Margaret Duncan, his wile, who died in their car op Sep- tember 29 while driving to their home in the city. A coromer's jury fo) death due to earbolic acid . Witnesses traced the ress of Duncan's gar from Hain to Brantford, showing rs. Duncan to have been slive and Hagersville. ich Dalton Crawford, East Whitby 'was charged with in police court this was remanded in cust- ganized and their spies make Govern- ment operations difficult, If New Ones Daylight Time. Daplishi Apr. 29 Put a red mark around April 20, on your calen- dar, and don't forget to set your clock ahead, for this Is the. date that Oshawa shifts to Daylight: Saving time. ' ' yf Counell last 'night sdopt- ed the recommendation "of the finance committee, fix- ing the period of daylight saving from 12.01 am, Sunday, April 20, to 12.01 a.m. Sunday, September * 80, This coincides with the 'daylight . saving 'of Toroptp, and With the spring and summer 'train schedules, as recommended by the. Railway Association of Canada, ! PANTALEO. CHARGE By (By Press. Toronto, March Vito Paww-| leo whom police allege. slew his sister-in-law yesterday and then drank a Quantity of poison iy ap attempt to commit suicide, : is ported to be progvessing fav } from the effects of the poison, sn cuts on the head, He will be able to leave the. hospital. within a few days. Police have stated that they will lay 8 charge of murder against Pantaleo as soon as his condition permits arrest. MAY SEND DELEGATES! TO LONDON SESSIONS Bl The executive of the B.Y.P.U, held a short meeting before the regular session last night, when they discus- sed the probability of sending a del- egate to the annudl convention which is being held in London next month, An enjoyable duet was given by Mrs, J. James and Mr, J. our, during meeting and Mrs..S, Hales gave an interesting reading. The evening's program was under the direction of Mr. J. James' group and the topic of the evening, the last two chapters of the study , "The Enterprise" was presented by Mr, L. Fenton, . D'ANNUNZIO }8°RECOYERING (Cable Special to The Times by Capadian Press) Gardone, Italy, D'Annunzio, Italian soldier was stated today to be on road to re- covery, needing but a few days abso- Cowan Property Site of Civic Jone Yonder Received. for 'Gowan estate, on Simcoe street south, May be * di Buildings, are Erected Sale of Old City Hall Pro. perty at Simcoe and Rich mond' Streets, But Others Will Be Awaited Before Action is Considered -- Believes Cowan Property More Suitable Than on Bagot Street : Will the Cowan property on the west side of Simcoe street south, he the site of Oshawa's new civic build- ings? After the. business of the council meeting last evening had been termin ated, and the smoke of the several verbal contests had thinned away, Al- derman Conant rose to present once | W more the guestion of the location of civic buildings. The city property committee had received one 'tender for the purchase of the old city hall e closing for the sale of the prop- df and' in the interval coyncil should be considering the question of where. new city buildings would be erected, he said. ! In his epiniop, the block between Metcalfe and Bagot streets was not the best location for municipal bujld- ings. Much better was the W, F, which would provide a property suf- ficient to house all city administra- tion buildings for the next 100 years, and which he bad reason to believe could be secured by the city at a reasonable figure, The property has # frontage of 300 feet on Simcoe street and a depth of 450 feet to Cen- tre street, and is, in his estimation, as near the centre of the city as pos- sible. Alderman Conant suggested disposing of the property adjacent to the Memorial Park and, viewing the situation from the larger aspect, pur- chase this Cowan property. He bad no motion in this regard to present, but asked the considera- tion of the aldermen until a subse- quent meeting, EMPEROR HIROHITO BETTER (Cable Special to The Times by Press) Tokyo, March 6--Emperor Hiroh- ito was stated today to have nearlly recovered from feverish cold which forced him to take to bed. His lit- tle daughter is still critically ill. REMANDED FOR SENTENCE Joseph Ferry was this morning con- victed by Magistrate Hind, in city police court for not sending his child- ren to school. He was remanded in- lute rest. definitely for sentence. of Water tside The City the city some day anyway, by an- Opinion of the City Council, how- unanimously supporteed Mayor y in his opposition to the was felt that the city had operties and this, in turn, would in- , the cost of annexation should] is ever take place. i esolution, by Aldermen Swanson and view of the proposal of $ of Water s water mains outside ness district pushes § farther out. As a mark of the steady growth, four more blocks were grant- ed the street lighting of the designat- ed business district at last night's council meeting, Firsts the block' of Simcoe street north from Richmond FR SUIT AGAINST GUIDE Jury May Be Struck from the Grand Jury Panel (By Canadian Press) Cobourg, March 6--An method of procedure is probably in suit for $50,000 damages taken against publisher of Port Hope Guide and W, T. R. Preston for alleged libel, com- plaint being general Sir Arthur Cur- rie, Comm .nder-in-chief of Canadian Corps in war. On Thursday, Coun- sel will confer here on appointment of a special jury in case. It is pro- posed that jurors be struck from the srand Jury Panel, rather than from Petit Panel, 'It i§ understood that similar proceedings have not been disclosed in records of this section for aver half a century. Action aris- es from - publication in Port Hope Guide of article written by Mr, Pres- ton, dealing with attack on Mons just before Armistice, occasioning, it was claimed, "unjustifiable sacrifice of human life." Port Hope, Mar. 6.--The exam- ination of General Sip Arthur Cur- rie dn his $50,000 libel suit against . T, R. Preston of Port Hope, and F. W. Wilson nd the Port Hope Guide has been set for Sat- urdsy morning next at 11 o'clock. The date set has -been done in ac- bas yet to signify that this date will suit him, 7 y. Simcoe: apd Ri 4gordance with the order of Judge ME were awaiting Rheng: Vv, o'Comnan But Sir Arthut Currie or AREA THPROVED Tg Ses Steadily and surely, Oshawa's busi- fself farther and to William streets, which will now be served with two lights per pole on each side of the street, the poles being approximately 100 feet apart, The south side of Bond street, from Church street to Ontario street, was also ordered provided with the same lighting facilities. A further step, the removing of trees in the newer business area, was also made. Simcoe street morth, from the pres- ent business district to Colborne street, and the trees were ordered removed at the discretion of the city engineer, The arca affected 1s on Eight new lights on Bloor street east were granted by the council Two of these, just east of Ritson road will be placed on lines already in ex- istence, and notice will be served on the Hydro Commission that the council tended east. Six lights will be. placed, at intervals of 300 feet, commencing 300 feet cast of the existing lines of the Commission, east of Ritson road on requires the existing lines ex- 1800 feet east on Bloor street Bloor street. unusual | ; PROCEDURE vows L. 0, CLIFFORD. EX-M.P, Who was last week elected by unanimous vote an Honorary Director of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, SEVEN YEARS FOR $23,000 BANK THEFT Reginald Johnston Gets a Heavy Term in Hamilton Court OTHERS IMPLICATED All Money "Recovered -- Two Others Now Being Tried (By Canadian Press) Hamilton, Mar, §.--Reginald Johnston, who stole about $23,000 from the Bank of Commerce branch here December 27, was sentenced to seven years in Ports- mouth penitentiary by Judge Bran- 'don today. Johnston was captured by citizeps who chased him after be had held up the hank, All the money was recovered. John Gor- don, Hamilton, and Fred 'Watson, Torontp, charged with being im- plicated with Johnston, will he tried this afternoon, CARS DAMAGED , IN COLLISIONS Two accidents yesterday afternoon were geported to the city police de- partment, The first one occurred at 3.30 when Fred Kendalls, Niagara Falls, N, Y, collided with Scheps' "junk" wagon. Both the automobile and the wagon were damaged, but a settlement was made between the parties. ' The scco one occurred on that dangerous corner, William and Mary streets. Kenneth Strong was driving his Ford coupe north on Mary street and R. J. Wilson was driving an Act- ive Transport truck east on William street, and both tried to occupy the corner at the same time. The left rear wheel and the runing board of the car were damaged. WOLF MENACE IN ONTARIO DISCUSSED Toronto, March. 6.--The wolf (By Press) menace in Ontario, which Dr. Har- court, Conservative member for Parry Sound, declared was greater pow than ever before, was consid- ered by the Ontario Legislature's Fish and Game Committee at ftg first meeting of the session today. A substantial inerease in the boun- ity, now $10 with the return of a skin, or appointment of provincial officers to exterminate the wolves was urged by Dr. Harcourt as the best means of limiting the num- ber of wolves, which he said were ten time as numerous. sos. | PUBS MUST CLOSE . Patrick's ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY (Coble Special to The Times by Canadian Press) Dublin, March 6--Public Houses will not be permitted to open on St. Day," President Cosgrave has formed a deputation from liqu- or trade. VOLCANIC ISLAND RESUMES ACTIVITY Athens, Greece, March 6--Volcanic Island of Santorin has resumed act- ivity. Smoke rose two thousand feet yesterday when twelve short erup- tions were registered. REACH RIO JANEIRO TO HUNT FOR FAWCETT (Cable Special do The Times by Canadian Press) Rio Janeiro, March 6--A group of explorers headed by Commander Dy- ott, have arrived here from New York to search for Colonel Fawcett, British explorer, who has been miss- ing since May 1925. TORETAIN TOWN'S RIGHT TO SECURE GRAVEL FROM PIT In Accordance With Agree- ment Made With Ontario Government * DAYLIGHT SAVING | Chief Gunson Presents His Monthly Report--Auditor's Report (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar, 6.--~The Town Coun- tion introduced by Reeve Jackson gt the regular council meeting last night will retain Whitby's right to get gra- vel from the government pits in Whithy township rd ah agreement pd y rio bo DL nship and this municipality. on June 14 of last year, ' In order to use this gravel for municipal purposes the town built. 3 roadway into the pit at its own cost and forwarded the township a marks ed cheque for $33 I apparently rued 'its bargain and re- turned the cheque, On account of constant dispute between the muni- cipality and the township over the gravel pit, R. M, Smith, deputy min- ister of highways, announced that the government was going to sell it to the highest bidder and recently enclosed a cheque of $663.30 to the corporation for the money it had paid the town- ship for building the road with the Fequest that the corporation might allow the property to be sold with a clear title. The council however, was of the opinion that the town needed the gravel for road building and repair- ing and the Reeye's motion reas as follows: "That the cheque for .30 received from the Dept. of Highways purporting to represent the amount of the costs to this municipality of the road construction to the goyern- ment gravel pit in Whitby township, under agreement with the Ontario Highways Department, be handed over to the town solicitor for retusn to the Highway Department and with instructions to the solicitor to advise the Department of Highways that this council disputes the right of said department to cancel the ee ment entered into between the Town of Whitby and the Departmént da Highways covering the muse of the said gravel pit and dated June 14, 1927. That the solicitor 'be hereby instructed to advise the Department that the Town of Whitby intends to make use of its right to use gra- yl from She pit undir the terms of the agreement and t e is of the opinion that the sale of the gravel pit by the government d not in any way e of the said agreement." J Wend Jackson & then feud 4 copy of 'stated con- perfor : t of Highways legally bound to fulfil the terms con- tained therein. Others who spoke for 10 an 1.65. The township, : "Mother, Eight Children ' And Father-in-law Lose Lives, Trapped in House ThMother Returns to House to Save Children But Falls Victim to Flames--Trag- edy Occurs at Valley June. tion Near Quebec City ONLY RUINS LEFT OF HOME Children Ranged in Ages from Four to Sixteen Years, Three of Whom Were Boys -- Blaze Due to an Overheated Furnace (By Canadian Press) Quebec, March 6.--Ten lives were lost when a fire swept 'he home of Thomas Clighe, near Vai. ley Junction in the parish of Ste, Marie De Boauce, last night. The dead are: Mrs, Thomas Cliche, her eight children and the woman's fa- ther-in-law, Charles Cliche, Mrs Cliche lost her life In an unsuc- cessful attempt to save her chil. dren. It is believed that the fatal out- break was caused by an overheated furnace. The blaze spread through the house with alarming rapidity and the occupants had practically ne chance 'of saving their lives, All members of the family were in cil by unanimously endorsing a mo- | bed. When they discovered the fire, Thomas Cliche and his wife ran out In-night attire to raise the alarm, They then tired to re-enter the structurp, Cliche was driven Pack by the flames and smoke but his wife managed to get into the house through a winflow and went in sebroh of her children. She was pot seen glive again. Charles Cliche, aged father of Thomas, was sleeping in the upper #partment of the houge. It is pre- sl hat he was suffocated While still sleeping. Of the home, nothing remained today but 8 hean smouldering ruins, through which residents of the locality searched for the remains of the victims: The names of the young victims were not known. They ranged in #ge from sixteen to four years and Included three boys, the eldest twelve, and five girls, the pldest sixteen and fourteem respectively. It is believed that the victims were saved the torture of being burned to death and that they were as- phyxisted before their bodies were consumed by the flames, CONSIDER PLANS FOR UKRAINIAN CHURCH On Monday evening a committee of the Toronto presbytery met with a committee representing the Presby- terian 'Ukrainian church of Oshawa, to consider plans and specifications for the church which they plan to erect shortly. 2 : the motion included Deputy Reeve a and Ald gy ie Al re; ly '{ , considered the gravel to he vital to the town and expressed opirfion that the corporation Pig on firm 'gr in resisting ro] the Highways Department, ahs Bor Town Frost Jed communi- cation from the " view" re- does | tion was given unanimous permission to give the town ici og pA aiid be Ae Continesd on" Fags 3) 4 and Equipping Let Contract For Building New Heating Plant For ospital Here 'tion. WOULD SEL GAS PLAN AT $225,000 Hydro Electric Commission Submit Offer to City Council COMMITTEE NAMED Will Look Into ' Situatios and Report Back to the Council The Hydro-Eleetrie Power Com mission has offered to sell to thy city the local gas plant, for th sum of $225,000. A special com mittee was appointed at last night" * 'council meeting to look into th mediately, since the Hydro want an answer from the city withis sixty days. Aldermen Stacey, Boody, Swan son, Conant, and 8. Jackson wer named the committee to investi gate the project. The purchase price quoted by the Hydro Com mission is. $225,000, exclusive o certain equipment and stores, and if the council wished to issue 30 year debentures for the purchase of the property, these debenture would be acceptable to the commis sion as payment. The annual state ment for the past fiscal year show ed a net profit of $18,225 fron the operation of the plant, Many members of the counct expressed tentative opinions con trary to the purchase of the plant but all agreed that the appointmen of a committee was the only movi to expedite. solution of the gues Alderman Swanson made ra ferpneé to several anonymous com munications which he had receiv ed endeavoring to pfluence him against the purchase of 'the 'plant while two signed letters asked hin to favor it. He reminded the coun cil, as chairman of the finance com mittee, that, with all the reghest that have been received for in creases by the various standing committees, council] will have to 'g¢ very: easy if the 'mill' rate fs nol sent soaring. . ) Alderman Conant pointed onl the importance of the gas plant iy an industrial city ike Oshawa, stat ing that General Motors is the larg est single user of gas In the city Other industries will no doubt use gas, he sald. The whole question however, was one Involving ell the public utilities of the eity, and the committee, in his opinion, shonld inquire into the feasibility of Als tribution of electricity, gas and wa ter by a Public Utilities' Commis sion, 4 POWERS MEET TODAY TO DISCUSS PACT TO OUTLAW WAR (Cable Special to The Times by ress London, March 6--An exchapgs telegraph despatch from Geneva to. day says that jit is understood that representatives of Great Britain France, Italy, Germany and Japan will "meet today to discuss United States proposal for a multi-lateral pact to outlaw war. of | prizes a social half hour was pleasant ly spent.

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