Ae » dad ey. to yuccessful Buying and Selling---Want Ads + | 3 Bo wy a po NGAN B.A.---BAR- oy Notary Pubic, {an RA Bupa Pine & ry veyancers, Notaries Jub fice over Standat Simcoe § mn BA BA 3 X roa 181 N, GERMAN & MAC: Barristers, Conveyancers, bile, + etc. All branches of nd Civil Law. Money to aver, Lamb gs store, w|i hone 940. D. uN a. YF. G MA AN com $risters Money to loan. wiand's. Store, 16 Simcoe rth, - Phone 67, frestaeary ARK LL AND GREW, BAR: ¢, Money to loan, Risney Bide ,, Opposite post offige, Phone ide "A. J. Parkhill, 4 W. 8 ei. 1 , (4th) 11 Music Undertaking MRS, J. LEE, TEACHER, OF Pianoforte, Conservatory methods. 0] Arvin 613 Carnegie Ave., or phone (3 Mar. mo.) JOHN HA. RENWICK, DRAANSL, Smecoe United C Chureh," plano, organ and prey one Ww. (Feb. 3-Mar. 3) Connaught street. | MRS. J. W. JAMES 18 PREPARED to give vocal lessons to beginners. 284 Festubert Ave, Phuae 1551J, (Feb. 2-Mar. 2) HERBERT C TRENEER PRE red to accept oh and Accel pubis A $F mE ving full particulazs, will be nish upon request, street east Phone 466. tld ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH ler (Hambourg Conservatory, Tos ronto) pupils prepared for all Prd o. LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING st it. i 69 treet east. Phone 210; Kine _* | a RD, REAR 442 KING St. B. Phone 2354). We specialize in storm sash, screens, cupboards, doors and frames. (9th) Corsetiere CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 82 Ekin east. Mrs. Annie Pent land, managing corsetiere. Even- ings by appointment. Foant M31 exams, Oshawa, Mondays, 92 Sim-| 10 ene §t North Phone 37W (12011) Free hg i Tk WHEN PLACING ' consult R. N Johns, and your interests protee| C. BE. HEPBURN, 64 cLAUGH- lin Blvd,, Oshawa, . Dj sentative for the Grea Assurance Company of (Fe ¢DONALD, BARRIS: yf pin" etc Simcoe and Rich Oshawa, Phone (108 tf) Medical DR. ©. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Burgeon, Obstetrician, office and residence, F566 Simcoe street north r, Arlin on. Phone 2415, a yp (Feb.18-Mar, 18) PHYSI gr, R, E flan, surgeon. Ed Q 'Two years' post graduate { \ Oftice and residence ¥¥ 'Bl , (cor, Brock) phone', King St. East, corner Victoria 5 King Phone 94, R. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, urgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of fants and children, Office and residence, §7 Bond East, Phone 1166. HAZLEWOOD, PHYS] DR. 3 'Surgeon, special attention ~ray work and Electro on io ce, Disney Block. Phone 060, Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p Residence 161 King East, me 2416. (tf) --_-- Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business Dr. Dean, specialist, 40 Gerrard Had, east, Toronto, (Feb. 18-May 18) Ear, Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist 134A BEYANS Oi OF 160 BLOOR Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Loyell's Drug Store each Saturday. from 1 till 4 Bore 62 consultation and treatment o scares of ear. nose and throat Appointments maye be made store. Phone 97 (49 tf) Eye, 9 Nose and Throat EET % "BICHARDSON, --IN- pod post graduate New re over @ years study on the Continent. Offige over Mitchell's Drug Store; hours 10 to 12 a »., 2 to 4 pm, T to 8 pm; Tuesday,' Thursday and Saturday ing, and by appointment. (Feb. 21-Mar. 21), -- Pi D. "TR. DAVIES, OVER 's Store, Simcoe St. South rid oxide oxygen gas for ex- fraction. Phone 231, res. 2082. < (148¢1) . PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF 5) ove Basses' PH 950. pee ance 306. 4:1 yr. PR EH "COOKE 9 SCOR ST Mitchell's Drug Store. iy for extraction. Phone 54 L ER HUBBELL. DENTIST Gm ork) Bs. S4s Ottice, yal 04s. residence, 1378M . har W. H_GIFFORD., OFFICE Be Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. : 669. 66-6 VAN AND SM! , ONTAR Land Surveyors and Money to Loan PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of thelr motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 2 King St, B 14411) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans arranged. Bradley Pros, Phone 169, 420. (96 tf) CITY AND FARM LOANS. PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Greer, Bapristers, Phone 1614, BUILDING LOANS yARRANGED, Second mortgages / bought?' sold, Disney, opposite Post Offica, Phone 1550. fhda) Building Supplies { | PLAIN, FANCY SEWING. ete, Disney Bldgs ( 10th) and ANNOUNCEMENT TO Builders and sheeting various dimensions an lengths up to 40 ft., piping from 3% in, to 10 in., plumbipg, strue- tural steel, complete hot water and steam heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brotbers Limited, Salvage Department, Toronto, oo: rard 4100, (Dec. 30-MaF B WE HAVE ROUGH pr ed timber. lath, shing wh doors and interior trim. L. Beecroft Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh awa, phone 324 ia) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER hanging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right Werk gharantecd 151 Hiron street Dione 45-tf) FIRST CLASS PAPER HANG- iug and painting. Prices reasonable. List with me now. A, Turner, 505 Cubert St. Phone 1779J. (Mar. 1-1Mo) Beauty Parlors NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESSING Parlor. Marcelling, shampooing and manicure. - 6561 Simcoe street north, Phone 918M for appoint- ment, (5 Mar-1 mo) THE BETTY LOU PERMANENT wave shop, nestle circuline wave, $7.50 special. 67 Bond St. or phone 2193W. (54-58) MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina St., at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling. Phone 2653. (Feb. 13-Mar, 13) CECIL. HOWARD BEAUTY SHOP, 19 McLaughlin Blvd., phone 452]. Marcelling, Facials, Superior Hair- cutting, Scalp Treatments. Open evenings. (Feb. 7-Mar. 7) z = Veterinary Surgeon HOME | #8 Contractors--Ilarks |. * |stock used timbers, joists, planks,' DR SHIRLEY, VETERINAR ialist diseases domestic at and 503 Masson St. Phone (56-tf) c CN DICKENSON, V.S DISEASES all domestic ani scientifically Al Dominion _ Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St. E. Phone 105]. (131 of) Wanted to Buy I HAVE A FEW CASH BUYERS|, for lots. What have you. W. G. Miller. Phone 1851. (54c) OF DRESSMAKING nable prices. Apply .. Phone 1347M. (10tf) MISS 862 Leslie street. ALL 'H done a8 21 Ro Flossie Boyd, Phone 1842); Contractors T. B.. MOTHERSILL & CO,, GEN, eral contractors, concrete, brick work and earpentry. Hstimates given an all. classes of work, Box 135, Oshawa P.O, Phone 483, ! (Feb, 23-Mar, 23) Batteries USL SALES AND BERVICE Car and Radio Batferies recharg: ed, rented, repaired. Called for and delivered, Adanac Garage and Machine Shop, open evenings. 161 King street west, Phone 1214. (8-t0) Work Wanted P, BOKO, hauling gravel and sand. $1.75 & yard, Phone 2208, (Feb, 20-Mar, 20) HARDWOOD Es- HCIALIZING 0oring. Reasonable prices," (timates cheerfully given, Phone 19847, (55-1) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS rfields made to order Work ip guaranteed, G A. Con 74 Mechanic St. Phone fi (72.0) 'MAN WITH COMPLETE OX:- Acetylene welding outfit, battery charger, battery repairing equip- ment desires steady position with reliable garage or electric service station. Apply stating particulars to Box "A" Oshawa Daily Times. (5be) Accounting and Auditing SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 70 books of firms and individuals who do not employ permanent bookkeeping staff. Twenty years' experience. Income tax returns. Geo. E Fleming. Phone 1349). (49-1) Architects C. C STENHOUSE -~ GENERAL architectural work Second floor Royal Dani Building. * Phone 149% Res. phone 909). Machinery Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing. Body bumping a specialty, (Mar tf) ADANAC GARAGUE AND MACH INE Shop, successor to Durrant Machine Company, All kinds of machinery repairing, cracked mo- tor blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded. Connecting rods rebabitted. Fly wheel start ing teeth installed. 161 King St. W. Phone 1214. CBM) Notice Re Classified Ade. Effective immediately clos ing time for classified ads 9.30 am Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 am. b Fae ates for Classified Ads. Firet fasarion--154 cents per word Minimum charge--30c. | ach subsequent insertion - 4 lc per w Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minithum charge for threa insertions, 60 cents. " Real Estate for Sale Motor Cars GROCERY BUSINESS WITH residence attached, for sale at 273 Glebemount Avenue, Toronto, just off Danforth, on easy terms. Apply to the above address or William Brock, Queen street, Bowmanville, Phone 114. (548) $6,000 SEVEN" ROOMS NEW. Brick. near King St. Oak floors. Every convenience. Easy terms. Investigate, Phone 2642. (65b) FOR SALE---LATE 1927 2 DOOR Coach in good condition. Many ex- tras. Apply A. J. Parkhill, 31 King St. East. Phone 1614. (5011 Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Tues for ale Jamieson For Rent FOR SALE--NEW SIX ROOM brick veneer house, square plan. Chestnut trimmed, hardwood floors throughout. Modern conveniences. 604 Hortop Ave. Two blocks from car line just off McLaughlin Blvd. Apply 87 McLaughlin Blvd, (641) TO RENT-- ONE FURNISHED Bedroom. Suit two gentlemen, 165 Simcoe St, 8S, (64e) FOR RENT--SINGLE ROOM FOR one gentleman with breakfast. Terms reasonable. Apply 34 Brock BE. (bde) HOUSE FOR SALE--353 MARY street, All improvements, paved street, garage. Immediate posses- sion, Moderate price, easy terms. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris- ters, &e¢., Oshawa, Ontario, (55tL) 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, FOR SALE, very close to Motors, $400 down, Phone 2201, (66-a) . Box number 10c additional Professional or Business (Feb. 20-Mag, $9) | 108 OLIVE AVENUE, Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. MES CLASSIFIED i$ COST LITTLE; ACe A CoMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for ified Ad Depart: met, i ; - Articles For Sale FOR SALE --- DOUBLE WHITE fron bed, brass trimmed, nearly | new. Phone 501, (hdc) FOR SALE---FURNITURE AND contents, of 6 roomed house, Must be sold by Wednesday. R. M, Milne, Harmony, Phone 360W. (64c) ONE OHIO VACUUM CLEANER, almost new, will sell very reason- ably. Apply, 212 King street east, . (63-c) FOR = SALE-~STRICTLY NEW laid eggs dn any quantity. Deliver- ed anywhere In city, Phone 80986. (Mar. 1-1 mo.) ONE DQLLAR DEPOSIT SE- oures a 97 pig dinner set, prices from $25 com Ble; algo silverware watches and , Jewelry of all kinds, Easy," payments. 0. H, Dell, 26% Simcoe sguth. Phone 1656. (Feb, 14-Mar. 14) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT! for sale Good condition. Low price. | This = plant was used to heat the] Mundy Block, about 10000 square | feet of floor space. before new addi- tion was. erected It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block: Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106°tf) Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- EXPERIENCED packing house salesman. Apply Du- marts Limited, Kitchener, Ontario, (64e) BOY WANTED FOR MAILING desk in stationery department, Ap. ply Pedlar People Ltd, (54h) AGENTS, WRITING either lige, accident, sickness or alttomobile insuramee, can obtain appointments digect from 'bead of- Lice of prominent company at full commissions. Write at once. G. H. Miller, 15 East Wellington Street, Toronto, (551) : Lost and Found LOST--ON SUNDAY, MARCH 4, Money in bills contained in small black leather purse, on premises of Simcoe St. A'nited Church or on any of following streets, Bagot, Centre, King, Prince, Bond, Sim- coe, Avenue St., and McGregor. Telephone 487 or 2341W, LaSc RANCE (54a) Window Cleaning OSHAWA Yio CLEANERS - House work and floors Polished, & screen and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. LOST--ON = MONDAY AFTER- noon, printer's copy for small folder. Reward to finder, Return immediately to Mr. Brown, Pedlar People Limited. (55a) Room and Board Wanted Help Wanted--F emale LADY TO BAKE HOME MADE ples for samdwich shop. Apply Orange Hut, 86 Simcoe St. N. fF) (55¢) TWO REFINED YOUNG MEN desire m apa board din pri- vate with home ecomfonts. Must* be "close to GML. No hoarding houses (, considered. Phone 1001M, bet weet: 6.30 and 8.30. (558) $300 DOWN BUYS $8,300 BIVE roomed stucco house, All canveni- ences. Just behind High School. Phone 27207, dd (64e) FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOM BRICK and garage. Elgin street district, Beautiful tloors and decorations, Built-in cupboards. All. conveni- ences. Will take lot in good loea~ tion as part payment, W, , Mil. ler, 23 Bond St. Kast; (bde) PRICE $4600-~8500 DOWN, six woom rug: brisk, floors, unin trl kitchen ca ints ron ; plate rail, mantle on, pi ed in white enamel, doors in wal- nut, 3 plece bath, medicine cab- inet. Coil in furnace. Genuine sacrifice, Apply owner and build- er, 67 Bond east. Phone 2193W, (66-h) FOR SALE---4 ROOMS, GOOD garage. + 6b minutes from Motors, For immediate sale, $2,600. Phone 2201. (66-a) FOR SALE-- SIX ROOM BRICK, Oak floors, Built-in cuphoards. Furnace. 3 piece bath, Wired for range, ete. $300 cash. Balance as rent, W, G, Miller, 23 Bond St East, (G4e) FOR SALE 7 ROOM BRICK bungalow, 2 car garage, ccment driveway, laundry tubs, bullt-in cupboards. Oak floors up and down stairs. Open fireplace, in good resi- dential section, Price and ters on application to W, G. Miller, 23 Bond St, East. (G4ce) FOR SALE--2 BUILDING LQTS. water and sewer. Near General Motors, would consider exchange on house. Apply Box "X"" Osh- awa Dally Times. (B32) NEW SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale at 112 Frederick §t., being 'occupied at present to keep house in good eondition. Electric fix- tures installed and range connect- ed. Chestnut trim and opk floors, Front sun parlor. Kitchener cup- boards. Divided concrete cellar, Laundry tubg in cellar, Five or ten mrinutes walk from four cor- ners. Call at house or 'phone: 1535 evenings after 7 p.m. (5itf) FOR SALE--HOUSE ON ATHOL St. E., pearly new, rug brick bun- galow, 7 rooms, . brick verandah, hardwood floors, electric fire place in Hving room, wired for electric stove, fixtures included, all con- veniences, large lot, private gar- age, must be seen to he appreci- ated. $1,600 down balance ar ranged, Bargain for cash, Apply 256 Athol St. E. or phone 616. (Feb. 25-Mar. 25) SIX ROOM HOUSE, ATHOL ST. near Drew. Stone foundation, brick veneer, private drive, oak floors throughout, large living room with coal fire place. Kitchen and sub kitchen, Separate toliet and bath. Back balcony. Owner 225 Athol street East. Chal (444) TAKE A CHANCE AND OFFER me a cash price or terms for south- east corner lot 60 x 100 ft. Nassau St. and Gibb St. All conveniences. Just off pavement. Alse northeast corner lot 39 x 119 ft. 2 jn., Pine Ave. and Alexandra Blyd, West- mount. (Titles clear). No reason- able offer refused. Apply by letter only. Cash or terms. To owner 237 Burk St., Oshawa. : (64c) Rooms FURNISHED WARM ROOM FOR two gentlemen, board if desired. 209 Nassau St. (53¢c) GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 482 Mary street. (53-1) GIRLS FOR SANDWICH SHOP. Counter and kitchen work. Apply Orange Hut, 86 Simcoe St. N. (55b) AP- ply Woolworth's store. (55h) DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, EX- SALESLADIES WANTED. ME. S. JACOB. DEALER IN RAGS, d all, kinds of metals. Buying scrap bavterics old cars and called for. Phone Residence 99 Mill street. (aaa _Engia- anunicipal SOEineens. Fn Block, Oshawa. Phone 1 A041) = Cleasiog and Pressing OR ncers at the Uni i Shs expert tal lors. ? 509. (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) FOR SALE--THREE TU female, one male birds. ing strain. Edna St King St. E. BABY CHICKS PROM BRED-10- lay white leghorns of 209 strain. Order some of these tusks electrically hatched chicks now. Phone T23r21. (Feb. 11-Mar. 21) peri an absolute requirement. Phone 2681, extension 3. (5140) YOUNG = LADY ®0 MANAGE sandwich shop. Must have experi- ence. Apply Orange Hut, 86 Sim- coe St. N. (55¢) WANTED -- PANTRY MAID AND Waitress combined for institutional Wobk. Apply § Bond W. (55a) _-- WANTED BY MID- dle aged woman as housekeeper for small family or as a general in Amall family. Apply Mrs. G. Cook, Clark P, ©. (52d) ROOM AND BOARD WANTED by young man. Must be central. Apply Box "NN" Oshawa Daily Times. (55-2) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR young men, $47 Mary St, Phone 2376 W. (56¢c) ROOM AND BOARD. SINGLE meals served. 114 Agnes St. Phone A222M., (540) FIRST CLASS ROOM AND BOARD for two young men. Apply 153 Agues street. (53-¢) ROOM. AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Apply 248 Burk St. ade (53-c) TWO Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE, BY April 1st., 6 or 7 rooms, north side. Phone 2681, extension 3. (61-1) WANTED---TWO FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping, near MLC. preferable. Particulars, Box "0". (55-¢) WANTED--3 OR 4 ROOM UIOUSE by March 15. Phone 1715W. (obec) For Sale or Exchange FOE SALE OR EXCHANGE, TWO acres good six roomed house, suit- able for chicken, farm. Easy terms. Phune 1430M. © (54) FOR TWO r GMC. Ap- 28-Mar. 28) ROOM FOR TWO A ( @hvee minutes from ne n dollars per week. B99 Haig street, (55-cH i Transportation COLEMAN sE and STOR- 8 Bond St West. Phone 6 trucks for prompt service. Moying van and storage awarchouse equipment. ed to and from all trans. Cott) $3400, Ml Agnes street, Leaf Springs, 1 FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two gentlemen, Phone 942W, iy (54tl) FOR 'RENT---FURNISHED ROOM for. two gentlemen, Very central, 31 King H. Apt. 1, (54c) TO RENT---UNFURNISHED FLAT. Suitable for light houseekeeping. All conveniences. 127 Ritson Rd. 8, ~(b3e) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms with = all conveniences, Apply 185 College Ave. Phone 1820J, ,(b63¢c) TO RENT WITH BOARD BED- room suitable for gentleman, Con- veniences. 61 Brock E, 'Phone 1367J, (63c) TO RENT--FURNISHED DOUBLE bedroom, 122 Simcoe St, N, Phone NEW n wood 33, (63c) GARAGE TO RENT, APPLY 153 (58-¢) TO RENT-- TWO UNFURNISHED rooms. No exception to child, 39 Westmoreland Ave. (87¢) FOR RENT ---- COMPLETELY equipped huteher shop, 688 Albert street. Phone 168, '+ (65-c) NICELY FURNISHED . ROOM, to car line, Phone b84J, FOR RENT--FURNISHED FRONT room. Apply 667J, ' (bba) NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. Would suit two business . men. Close to car line. Phone 584). ((6bc) BED- or two Central, (66¢c) TO RENT-- FURNISHED 'room suitable for one gentlemen. Conveniences, 178 Albert St. Phone 731J, (56¢) TO RENT--4 ROOMED HOUSE near G.M.C, with conveniences. Im- mediate possession, Apply 274 French St, (56c) FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED hedroom to suit one or two gentle- men, 367 Mary St. Phone 2513W. (65¢c) TO RENT--UNFURNISHED BED- room, suitable for light housekeep- ing. Conveniences, Phone 2038W. (hha) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms' Lo sult young couple, 314 Division St. (56¢c) TWO ROOMS FOR RENT. APPLY 370 Jarvis St. Phone 2074J. (56¢) For Sale or Rent i FOR SALE OR RENT--COM- fortable small home No. 200 st. Julien street, Possession March 15th, 1928. Moderate price. Small down payment. Easy terms to pur- chase. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &ec., Oshawa, Ontario. (550) Maple Syrup for Sale FOR SALE--THIS YEAR'S MA- ple syrup; delivered Anywhere in City. Phone 896. (Mar. 1-1mo.) Auction Sales THE UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN authorized by W. R. Jollow, Lot 8, Con. 4, East Whitby, to sell by public auction on Tuesday, March 13th, farm stock and implements, including Massey Harris binder, new Massey Harris cream separa- tor, Pcp By brown horse, 6 yrs. old, brown mare, 7 yrs. old (in goal), Holstein cow (due time of sale), 30 hems. Terms: under $15 cash, § per cent, interest on notes. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer, (53¢) AUCTION SALE--THE UNDER- signed has been authorized by W. R. Jollow, Lot 8, Con. 4, East Whitby to sell by public auction at 1.30 o'clock on Tuesday, March 13, The following farm stock and im- plements: 1 Massey Harris binder, 1 mower, 1 cultivator, 1 gang plow, 1 new Massey Harris cream sep- arator, 1 stock rack, 2 team wagons, 1 set of trueks and box, 1 set of coil springs ( 3 tom), 1 set of 3 ton Leaf Springs, 1 set of 1 ton Leaf Springs, 1 set of 3 ton set of 1 ton Leaf Springs, 2 sets of team harness, 2 sets of blankets, bara timbers, 33 ft. long 10 x 12 in, 50 fence rails, quantity of stove wood, 20 fence post. Stock--1 browa horse, 6 yrs. old, 1 brown mare, 19 yrs. old, 1 roan horse, 7 prs. old, 2 bay mare, 10 yrs. old, 1 brown mare, 7 yrs. old, in foal, 1 Hol- stein cow, caf by side, 1 Holstein cow, due time of sale, 1 Holstein cow, due March 28th, 1 Durham cow, due June 2nd. 1 roam cow, due May 28th, 1 Holstein cow, milking, 2 store hogs, 9 shoats, 1 sow, 7 suckers, 80 sens, 4 ducks. Terms--Poultry, pigs, hay and all articles under $15 cash, cver that amount 6 months' credit on ap- 'proved joint notes with interest at 6 per cent. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. A55¢) would suit two husiness men. Close [| What Price Do You Want to Pay? LDS. Coupe, 1925 model, in the best of condition. Price $475, EW Chevrolet Coach, 1927 model at a big reduction. RUCK, Ford, 1926 Model, used very little $350 Sedan, YLT TTET re TLTTTTITN 1927 Chevialet Priced at $625, OADSTER, Ford, '27 model balloon tires, looks like new. MPERIAL Sedan, Chevrolet, 1927 model, Price $725. OA Coach, '25 model Price $495. AXWELL Touring, 1923 model, special curtains. Price $250, AKLAND Sedan, '28 model used as demonstrator; big reduction, OURING, Chevrolet, 1926 model. Price $400, LDS 4 Pass. Coupe $295 1922 Model, for EO Truck, new tires. A real bargain for $125. TAR 'Touring, balloon tires, 1926 model. Price $450. Chevrolet Coach, 1926 model, has had the best of care. Price $500, 1.2 us demonstrate one of our good used cars to you. SSEX Coach, refinished in duco. A real buy for $465. TOP at 99 Simcoe St. South if you want real value, S., Oshawa est, Whitby RT RR Mortgage Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power contained in a certain Mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be of- fered by public auctjon, on Satur- day, March 24th, 1928, at the hour of Two O'clock p.m. at the office of Paul G. Purvis, Columbus, On- tario, the following property: -- ALL -AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Townships of East Whitby, and Whitby in the County of On- tario. and being composed of the North half of Lot Number Sevens teen in the Seventh Concession of the Township of East Whitby, and #lso the North Twenty acres of the West half of the North half of Lot Number Eighteen in the Seventh Concession of the Township of Whitby. The said property consists of 120 acres of land, 20 acres of wood land, and 100 acres of farm land. On the 100 acre parcel is a large darn with suitable arrangements for stock, and two dwelling houses The farm is well situated, is in 8 fair state of cultivation and has excellent soil for general farming purposes. TERMS--Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be. pai¢ at the time of sale. The balance to be paid within thirty days of the date of sale. The said lands and buildings are to be sold subject to a weserye bid, and to an existing First Mort- gage. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K. C., Barrister, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Oshawa, Ontario, J. Sully, Auctioneer, Oshs or W; awa, DATED at Oshawa this 28th day of February, A.D. 1928. (55-61-67) 85% 1,00 p.m, 4.55 p.m, 6.4 pm, 9.40 p.m, 11.30 b. pig Tishe marked * are tn Whitby Hospith) busses 19 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 131917 PYPTPPYPS FEBBREE SIIEecs: PoP PSES 9 8 ESSN in - PTE FEBRRES Bowmasyille~P : siting Koom 10 Prince Street a Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given thas the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, F, C, Davidson and H. B. Samells, carrys ing on business as Boot and Shoe Merchants under the firm name of "Davidson and Samells", in the City of Oshawa, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business in future will be carried on by the said F. C. David son, who will collect all debts owing to the said partnership and will pay all claims against the same, DATED at Oshawa this second day of March A.D. 1928, H. B, SAMELLS F. C. DAVIDSON Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--HAVING RE- ceived instructions from Mr. 2. H. Milne to sell by public auction all his household furniture at Sulley's sales yards, 41 King St. West. Osh- awa, on Thursday, March Sth, 1928, consisting of mahogany din- ing room suite, 1 mahogany rocker, 1 solid oak library table, 4 kitchen, 2 kitchen, table and smali table, 2 beds complete, 1 brass bed and spring, 1 chiffioneer, 1 dresser, 1 champhor chest, 2 wash tubs, 1 boiler, jars, 1 sideboard, couch, 4 easy chairs, 9 dining rocm <hairs, i extension table, 1 settee, 1 bedstead and mattress, 1 electric heater, 2 washing muchines 1 .oal oil stove, a quantity of dishes. This furniture is in >= class condition. It was new mothe ago and must be sod is leaving for China. at .30 p.m. Sulley L (55b) (55¢) ee To Sell Automobiles Real opportunity for the right man. with an old estab- lished firm selling Pontiac and McLaughlin-Buick Cars swdieidg mb Dimi Apply to Box "C", Oshawa Daily Times.