Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Mar 1928, p. 7

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For Month of -------------- A i 36h of Oshawa Pub- HE Topo Februar; Junior big only were announced to» fnson, Sr. I1.--V. Rooke, G. Marston, Cunningham, E, Al and ® (equal), B. Fa an (equal). : T. P. McEachern, teacher. §r, Il.--Amy Disney, Gwelda Moynes, Lloyd Short, Bert Coull, | Poris Albert Burr, Verdon ¥ Reed, a Huda ley, Jack Fletcher, Douglas, Eva Goulding. TY V. BE. Black, teacher. os IL.--Virgie Trotter, Stewart - berts, John Badluk, Walter ay, Bessie Nelson. Sr. I.--Dorothy Beck, Marion Hopley, Billie Coleman, Irene Armstrong, Bernice Gorden, R. Knight, teacher. Jr, L--Harry Knox, Margaret 8r. I.--Walter Roe, Betty Price, Teddy Miller, Donald Valentine, Dorothy Willson, Edwin Missett, Harold Taft, Rosemary Hobbs, of Margaret Myers, teacher, 8r, I.--Ruth Sparks, Edward Bartlett, Helen Carroll, Alex Knox. Jr. I.--Bessle Richards, Vimy Pearn, Audrey Tryon, Wilfred Parish. «'8r, Pr.--Theodore Lakin, Norma Merrills, 4 Maud Ramsay, teacher. Primary Class I.--Hilda Cook, Jim Plerce, Madgy Graves, Roy frey, Lois Knight, Tan Horton, "BHly Reynolds, © Primary Class 2--FHilda Sims, |p Velma Gray, Philip Lacas, Vivien M, Goyne, teacher. Class I.---Margaret Clarke, Nora Patten, Barbara Morphy, Jean Sparks, Stanley Duvall, Violet Irkpatrick, Elvin Lalonde. Class II.--Jim Koch, Dorothy Rigg and Edna Watson (equal), Sadie Fox, teacher. 8r. Pr.--Alleen Ford, June Skel- ton, Bert Robertson, Verna Good. EE CE ---------------------------- «It clears the Throat ,. PERTUSSIN has an unusual 'beneficial effect. Those whose throats are over Jcnsitive hid find this hamics cough remedy a source of qi relief and lasting benefit. Safe to take as often as re- h because it is entirely free armful drugs, A GREAT LINIMENT For sixty ears, Dr. Thomas' ric Oil has been a recog» nized household remedy for the relief of scalds, bruises c colds, coughs, brone piflictions, stiff muscles, sprains, strains and the num. erous other common to man or beast: To-day, there is no more popular lini- elk Sold than Dr, Thomas' ric Oil, » Manufactured by (ORTHROP & LYMAN Limited Toronto, RANE AE ---- | PHONE 22: For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S <u..." 10 Simcoe St. 5. We Deliver AM seven Oshana druggists child, Leon Nash, Gordon Henry Hewett, Greta Nisbett, Catherine ave, Gordon ) ndrews, Luel ' McLaughlin and (equal). N on oa EAN es a Momonon. Naraors 3 ounce, Tols Hilda Stainton and Jr. I1.--Dorls ual). we, Dorothy Brock, Mamie Clark. ol Tre ark hg 14° \--] 0 Palmer, Derek Hopkins, Thelina I.--Carmen ret Home, Glenda bur! Cottingham, McBrien ( Class Ma lan Crumback, Ward, al Allan, HN K , M, teacher. nH AVR Plein, Fa tes Marshall, kh "ap Class II.--Norman rien, Owen Rossor, A Class 111.--Mary I, Don- ald Oke, Stewart Booth, Gertrude Argall, teacher, RITSON ROAD SOROOL Sr, 11, --Evelyn Meyer, Dorathy Lee, Raymond McKnight, John Atmanchuk, Reginald Wanamaker, Mae Meyer, June Stone, Donald Brown, John Stesik, Phyllis Bathe. H, V, Robertson, teacher. §r, II.--Polly Ritsle, John Sme- gal, Lilllan Bateman, Mary Ole nick, Ronald Holbrook, Olga Ste- ol, Artie Menke, RL Dzeneki. A | EE 8 art, B Krymnowskl, " n Blanche Stinson, teacher, 'Jr, 1L--Burnls Birch, Pear] Tubb, Walter Mahl, Arthur Pit- man, Eleanor McHvers, Sr. I.--Nellie Wells, Vera Rock, Mary Smegal, Velma Morey, Dan Rapchuk, BE, J. Bayne, teacher, Sr. T.--Charles Cox, Olga An- nulk, Madeline Joynt, Athiel Prit- chard, Sr, Pr.--Billy 'Rutherford, Pau- line Engel, John McPhee, John Frolch, Irene Rutherford, Thomson, M. G. Kelly, teacher. Jr. I--Anna Toth, Winnifred Prichard, Annie Brooks, Doris Johnston, Beverley Heard. Br. Pr.--Clarence Peacock, Har. old Morris, Marry Belinki, Moira Graham, Mary Wells. J. Hoover, teacher. Sr, Pr--Onnie Wilson, Isobe! Magill, Gordon Holbrook, Maude Wright, Mary Ballan, Fraser Clark, » Totermedipte--Resingld Thurs- y, Bidmund Lesnick, Nina Glecoff, Billy Williams, " Georgina Forsyth, teacher, ALBERT STREET SCHOOL Sr, 1I.--Helen Cobourn, Charlie Thrasher, Winnie Griffin, Helen Kirke, Edna Baxter, Alex Melnyk, Mary Swithenbank, Dick Thomas, Irene Meech, George Waite. E. A, Arnold ry Jr, H.--~Eileen Orr, ag id nyk, Milford Heard, uglss Schram, Sr, L.--Edith Barpes, Maty Ry- zak, Miriam Squires, Irene Ander. son, Mary Rukarue, Dorothy Fee- bles. . G, B. Cornish, teacher. Sr. L--Tony Romanisk!, Jimmie Smart, Richard Cobours, Dorothy Morris. . Jr. I--Gertrude Jones, Mariop Judd, Eleps Fudger, Sr. Pr.--~Annie. Melnyk, Florence Kenpedy, Mary Stslor, race Bone, teacher, Sr. Pr.~Margaret Acker y Charlie - Peaker, Lorraine - gart, Kenneth McGee, Freddie Langley, John Reynolds, Dick Orr, Helen Lee, Billle Fudger, Freddie Bircham. , G. C, Hamley, teacher, SOUTH SIMCOE Senior IL--Victor Baker, Eliza- beth McGhee, Marjory Noble, Rob- ert Stuart, Arthur Ssrgant and George Brynzan (equal), Irene Warren, Jean Clark, Thelma Mor- ton, Lloyd Lang. Soni Nellie Szoldra, Luda Bolchook, teer. John Kaly; Esrlene Palma- V. File, teacher Jr. ll.--Alec Bourpe, Keith Krantz, Edpa W Jack Walker, Edward Kroll, Sr. L--Verpa Stire, Pearl Ster- szowokl, Annie Senior Primary--Mildred » Lena Cebulski, Bruce Gormley, Clarence Harrison, Steve Primary--Ruby Adams, b- leen Chatten, Mary Farkes, Peter Hester. n. Class J1I.--Marion- Notpls, Rita |y cq Dan | Holmes, Mildred Brant, Helen Krawec, Charles Elliott, Miroslawe Ostrowski. 2 Phyliss I. Rfodes, teacher sear Nhe ok - Fe Be i Ashworth, (wit , Joan. Schofield equal), Vera Hepburn, Glenys Black, Ed- ward Wrigley. ) oyce Priest, Hamilton, Philip Ceresne. +. K, XK. Hezzlewood, teacher Senior II.--Cecll White, Robert Gray, Ida Clifton, Betty Henley, Donald Burns, Joan Ayling. Il.--Raymeond Clifton, uaior Shier Taher, Jack Durie, Earl R. Hills, teacher . 81. L--John MacDonald, Billie + Velma Bramley, Renoma ult, Orven York, James Bar- , James Davie, Connie Peters. r. 1,--Bruce Anderson, Claude Smith, L. F, Cordick, teacher Sr, I.--Florence Watts, Tommy Wynn, Mary Manning. Jr. I.--Lenore Innis, Alex Reid, May Wilson, Jack Thaptan. Jean Burk and Mary McNaul, equal. Ceresne. Batty, teacher 8r. Primer--Donald Fox, Irene Belknap, June Ardiel and Ermal ens, equal; Muriel Sturch, and Rachel McNulty, equal; George Nugel, Betty Germand. Jr, Primer--George Fisher, Marion Ross, F. A, Taylor, teacher KING STREET 8r, 11.--Doreen Dobbie, Harold 'Watson, Ivan Ferguson, 8r, Pr-Sydney H. G. Jr. 1L----Margaret Nott, . Morey, Lloyd Hodgson. Sr. Lockwood, WE SORE anda Gamble, Avis Parker, - ald Morris. . © ° Thelma M.' dss, teacher . L=Alleén nn, Doug , Joyee 'Carnell and Thelm Lowry, equal; Ross Drew, Dorothy Haverson. Jr. I.--Delmer Dash, Geraldine Reardon, Mitchell Glecoff, Gordon Corby, : D. A. Barrowclaugh, teacher Class 1.--Vernon Shaw, Mar- garet Henry, Doris Bone, Lily Dumigan, Leta Jones, Ronald Flintoff, Douglas Turner. Class 11.--George Hoeper, Hil- da Devenish, Allen Sheridan, N. S. Mitchell, teacher CEDARDALE Sr. 11, Class A.--Lloyd Barriage, Loretta Bartichuk, Edna Stire, Mary Jochinsky, Annie Jacula. Class B.--Mary Ferry, Noreen Arnold, Fern Kmmons, Joe Kosow- sky, Yvonne Shaw, G. 8. Newman, teacher Sr. 1L.-Five highest in class-- Dorothy Henderson and Frank- line Gillard, equal; Annie Kuz melink, Bruce Henderson, Mae Boyce. Jr, 11.--Five highest in class-- Jennie Trupisli, Annie Zadiodne, Leonard Wilson, Fred Moore, Helen Murray, ; E. V. Crouk, teacher Sr. 1.--Joe Maga, Mary Barti- chuk, Fabian Fleury, John Gulen- chyn, Doris Szewezwk. Jr. 1.--Marie Smith, Mary Kush- nir, Bert Dingley, Thelma Green- field, Frank Smerchanski, M. Hancock, teacher al ; Ra i LIE J TE DETROIT SISA BAN § TIMES [ssuc of March 4 PORT PERRY Port Perry, Feb. 39.--We are glad to report that Mr, Grant Ger- row, who has been quite ill is yn the mend, and will soon be about again. Mr. Mungo Nasmith, of Detroit, is the guest of his brother, Mr. Harry Nasmith. Mrs. Groves, of Toronto, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- lison. Mrs. H, L. Collacutt visited Oshe awa friends this week. Rev. Mr. Muir, of Toronto, was in town on Tuesday. Mr: Lachlan McPhail spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Port Perry is to have two new millinery' parlors. Miss Annie Martin and Mrs. L. G. Hall will open one in the Archer Block on March 5th, and Miss Mildred Pal- mer will open one on March 1st in the Leonard Block, There was a fairly good attend- ance at the Undenominational Ser- vice for Women which was held on Friday afternoon at the Pres- byterian Church. The meeting of the Horticultural Society held on Friday evening, February 24th in the parish hall, was not quite so well attended as usual, probably on account of the weather, The speaker for the evening was Mr. Samuel Farmer and some very interesting pictures were shown. The annual meeting of the Port Perry public library board, took place recently, the officers for the ensuing year are: president, Mr. T. W. McLean; treasurer, Dr. J. B. Lundy; secretary, Mrs. M. Let- cher; librarian, Miss Hazel Cock- burn. The reports for the year show good progress. There was an increase of over one hundred members during the year. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Presbyterian Church are holding their annual St. Patrick's supper op the evening of March 16th in the church. Supper will be serv- ed from 6 p.m. and will be follow- ed at 8 p.m. hy a concert with the following talent: Miss Dalsy Park- er, of Beaverton; Mrs. BE. O. Cur- rie, of Lindsay, assisted by the choir and local talent. Mr. D. Corbman has moved from the Blong Block to the Leonard Block, one door west from the corner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, of Toronto, spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook. Mrs. McConnell and Mr. Cook, of Lindsay, were guests of their sister, Mrs. Deshane, last week. Mrs. Chas. Whimett . had the misfortune to fall and break her arm recently. Among those who visited Tor- onto last week were Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hutchinson, Miss Hilda Wal- lace, Miss Hazel Beare and Mr. and Mrs. Harrls, Mrs. W. H. Leask has not left town as reported, hut has taken an apartment with Mr. and Mrs, Ploughman on Cochrane street. The prize winners for the carni- val which was held at the rink re- cently were as follows; best lady's costume, 1st, Miss Isabel Cawker; 2nd, Miss Aleta Ferguson; best gent"s costume, 1st, Rev, C. E. Dyer; 2nd, Norman Evers; best character costume, Ladies, 1st, Miss Dorothea Nasmith; 2nd, Miss G. Davis; eharacter costume, gent's 1st, George Real; 2nd, Wm. Fer- guson; best costume, girl under 12 years, 1st, Ruth Hall; 2ad Doris McGregor; hest costume, boy under 12 years, 1st, Butler Walk- er; 2nd, Wilson Figary; comie costume, 1st, George Real; 2nd, Ryerson Beare; best couple skat- ing, Mr. and Miss Ferguson; 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDermott; boys' race, 12 and under, Roger Oke, Arthur Asher; girls' race open, Jean Switzer, Marion Swit- zer; boys' race open, Tom Harris, Sam Naple; bottle race, Wilfred Stevens, Irwin Coates. ------_ p-- ENFIELD Enfield, Mar. 1.--Mr. and Mrs. Harry James and family, Colum- bus, visited at Mr. John Hep- burn's. Mr. Mervin Hobbs spent the week end at Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe at- tended the funeral of the late Thos J. Law, at Toronto, last week. Mr. Wilfrid Heatlie, Treherne, Manitoba, and Mr. Oliver Heatlie, Blackwater, are visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne 'Stinson and family, of Oshawa, visited at Mrs. J. Stinson's. The meeting of the Ladies' Ald | will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Smith on Wednesday, March 7th. The meeting starts at 2.30. Ladies of 'this congregation are cordially invited to attend. The recent snow storm has blocked the motor trafic here for a while. HAMPTON Hampton, Mar. 1.----Mrs. Alfred Hogart is under the doctor's care. Mrs. A. E. Jennings is also re- ceiving medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn took a trip to Toronto on Wednesday. The community band con in the basement of the church, largely attended on Tuesday night. Mr. T. Baker, Solina, acted as chairman. The band played a cou- ple of opening numbers, which was followed by a solo by Mrs. John Baker, Solina, vocal duet by Mrs. Lioyd Ashton, Haydon, and Mrs Russel Ormiston, Enfield; piano duet by Mre. C. J. Kerslake and daughter, Nora; violin duets by Mr. C. H. Wallace and Mr. Wal- lace by Mrs. Horn, accompanied y C. J. Kerslake; piano duet by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Mrs. Russel Or- miston; vocal trios by Messrs. Howard Cole, Herb. Stainton and A. E. Blllett, who also coantribut- ed a comi: vocal number. Mr. John Slemon, Enniskillen and Mrs. Jeffery, also of Enniskillen, contributed comie, vocal duets. The band played several numbers throughout the program, which gave evidence of steady progress. The members of the band are to be congratulated om securing talent for such a lengthy and enjoyable program. Proceeds amounted to forty dollars. We are sorry to report Mrs. Kneedum Winterburn having un- dergone an operation in Bowman- ville hospital on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Doidge have exchanged their radio for a De Forest Crossley, which is proving' to be quite satisfactory. Miss Marjorie Martin 1s visit- ing friends in Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rogers and family visited Whitby relatives re- cently. ul Rev, Mr. Lloyd, a returned mis- slonary from Africa, will address the Young People's League on Fri- day evening. verybody welcome. CANADA'S 60th BIRTHDAY PARTY COST $186,19% Ottawa, March 2~The Confedera. tion birthday party which Canada held on July 1st last, has so far cost the country the sum of $186,190. The appropriation for the function was $240, , and. miscellaneous receipts swelled the funds available to $254, 838, There still remains, according- ly, a balance of $68,648 to pay any accounts still outstanding, The figures were given to Parlia- ment today in the report of the audi- tor of the Jubilee Committee's fin- Notice To all Building Contractors. The rate of wage for all Union Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers in Oshawa and vicinity for the year 1028 will be $1.00 per hour, Signed Pres,, C. Nichols, Secy. BE, O, Sargent 497 Cuba St. Look -- Notice To avoid spring rush all overhauling work done during month of March will be given special price Stephenson Bros. GARAGE 46 18 Church St, ances. The Every buy aid gis! should NIAGARA FALLS «The Mome of Shredded Wheat" all to Canada's greatest mabgre) Wonder for. those who write the essays on "Shredded Wheat" a Write for particulars to . THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Ld. : Niagara Falls, Ontario ; national celebration at|762; printing $11,802; and the com- Ottawa was declared to have cost | piling of the story, "60 Years of $30,673; banquets in London and |Canadian Progress" and the making Paris, $3000; the official dinner at|of the official moving picture film Ottawa, $2,246; school plaques, $22,- | $11,000. : & 50 Piece English * DINNER SET $190 These sets come in two different patterns, Marie and Precillia. The Marie is pink roses with border to match. The Precillia is a broken blue border with basket of flowers in suitable colorings. Pay 35 Down Then Pay $1.00 per week until fully paid D.J. Brown we 10 King Street West Phone 189 » o Mr. Farmer-- We will trade FEED PEAS for OATS, pound for pound HOGG & LYTLE Phone 203 54 Church St.

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