Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Mar 1928, p. 6

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_- P*F SIX S THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1928 COES WIN CHAMPIONSHIP AND OSHAWA DAILY TIMES TROPHY Fittings Win Second Game Of Finals But Lose Rouna 4 The fastest game of hockey and the roughest in Oshawa this year was provided by the City League last evening when Fittings who were down 6-2, in the first game of the round in the finals for The Daily Times Trophy, tied up the round in the first period ringing hold the howling hordes of Fittings men at bay. Fittings signified their intention to win the game and round early in the first period, and scored twice before the Simecoes team hardly had started, Jamieson and Bob Jackson were the marksmen, After some strenuous and clever com- bination play, which was lacking in the first game from the Fit- tings' end of the rink, Shein made it three for the visitors, and brought the total to within one goal of the round. Then pande- monium, or nearly so, from the thousands of throats, (well, hun- dreds then) broke loose when Bob Jackson tied the round up with a in four goals, and then lost out, when the Simcoes became champi- ons, scoring one, and then holding grimly to their slim margin. Not until Prior and Balsam had both taken the count, and all the players had engaged ip one of the greatest melees on Barnhardt's rink this year, did the Simcoes emerge triumphant, In the final frame Cooper, of Fittings, charged Bal- samy in his anxiety to reach the net, and when Balsam staggered wp again he was carrying a nice welt on his forehead, which with one on the side would have made him look like Professor Steinmetz. Then Pete Meltz came up from the de- fence and shot, and his terrific shot caught Prior on the cheek- hone, laying him out, After some artificial and other respiration had been applied, he carried on with his good work, and managed to blazing drive after beating the de- fence. Most of the crowd seemed to be with the Fittings' team, and their every motion was cheered, Balsam was gall and wormwood as far as the Fittings team was concerned last evening, and his beautiful end-to-end rush with the resultant score, proved to be the winning goal of the series, Bal- sam played a clever and aggressive hockey during the series and was fully entitled to the last goal, This counter put new life, if any more was possible, into the fight- ing Fittings, and they strove des- perately to even up the round, but with Balsam and Peterson doing invaluable work on the defence, and Prior backing them up with sensational saves, their efforts came to the well known naught. Simcoes forwards did an immense amount of checking, and with the BRADLEY'S HOCKEY TONIGHT Bowmanville vs. Oshawa "This is a sudden death game and the score tied. This alone assures the fans of a real game of hockey, GENERAL ADMISSION, 26¢c; CHILDREN 18¢, RINK--8,15 -- --- AP EX Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records Apex Records play Fox Trot Record No, My Blue Fox Trot Record No. 8667 Let A Smile Be Fox Trot Record No. 8716 Fox Trot Record No. 8708 My Fox Trot Record No. 8718 Insist on getting Apex Records -- Do not let the dealer substitute other Records on which he makes a greater profit, My Souvenirs Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon Fox Trot Record No. 8720 Hawalian Guitars Record No. 8708 'S Wonderful fhe Big Hit from the Musical Show "Funny Face" Fox Trot Record No. 8726 Tin Pan Parade Henry's Madea Lady Out of Lizzie Record No. 8715 Ohio Home Little Annie Song Record No. The San Record Co. Toronto, Ont. on all phonographs. Song Record No. 26087 Heaven Song Sosord No. pss6 Your Umbrella Song Record No, 8717 Song Record No. 26092 Song Record No. 26095 26089 Dealers Everywhere Apex Records WILON & LEE 71 Simcoe St. North Phone 2388 For Sale in Oshawa at P. il. Beattie's 17 King Street West Prog Sort. B Battery boys, Burr and Black doing the major portion. Burr's shot was also drilled right on the net when he came within striking distance, but Shellenkofl's great work in the mets kept the Simcoes from adding to their toml. Fittings started out with anoth- er great rush in the final canto, and pressed hard endeavoring to count the equalizer, and Shein, Cooper, Meltz and McDonald kept Prior busy. They finally got in a scramble in front, and with al- most everyone on the so-called ice battering and jabbing at each oth- er and the puck, the puck took several travels in the direction of the met, but Prior looked after it well. Cooper slapped at one that looked as if it might have enter- ed the net and bounced out but was declared otherwise. Peterson and Prior took the count for short rests, When Prior returned to the ice, Melts tested him again with a dir- ty corner shot, When Cooper fell crossing the path of the goal mouth, a near-riot was averted when Cooper seemed to think that someone did not have the best In- tentions towards his person, but was finally calmed down. Meliz missed an open net once near the end of the period in a seramble in front. The period was a hectic bat- tle from first to last, and the fans who saw it, certainly got their two bits worth of entertainment. The teams: Simeoes: Goal, Prior; r. defence, Balsam; 1. defence, Peterson; I wing, Rombough; r. wing, Burr; centre, Jackson, Substitutes-- Black and Cook, Fittings: Goal, Shellenkoff; 1. de- fence, J. Cooper; r. defence, P. Meltz; centre, McDonald; r, wing, Shein; 1. wing, Chaoman. Sub- stitutes: Jackson, Jamieson and Simpson, As at the first game, a girls' game was an added attraction, and the winners of the previous em- broglio, G. M. C., who took the measure of Oshawa Collegiate In- stitute, were downed to the count of ten, while they failed to floor the Bishop Bethune Ladies even for a count of one, Yes, the score was 10-0. | It was a good exhibition, how- ever, although the ladies from ecol- lege proved too strong for the G. | M. CO. representatives. Miss Billie McKenzie, for the college was the outstanding star of the contest, and accounted for ahout 8 of the total, and six in the first period. From the second period, the game devel- oped into a better and more even contest, with the G, M. C. unable, however, to puncture the score- sheet. Bishop Bethune has gath- ered together a real team, and will probably operate in an intermedi ate ladies league next season. The teams: G. M. C.--Goal, F, Jefferies; 1. defence, R. Hall; r.. defence, V. Fulton; centre, W, Wilcox; r. wing, E. Balsam; 1. wing, K. Wells. Sub- stitutes: A, George and M. Kay. Bishop Bethune: Goal, J. Grant; 1. defence, F. Morrison; r. defence, A. Fotherington; centre, Billie Mc- Kenzie; 1. wing, Mary Southen; r. wing, Frances Pierce, Substitutes: M. Bailes and P. Clelland. PITTSBURG 4 TO 2 DEFEATS LEAFS Pittsburg, Pa, March 1---"Hib" Milks, sensational Pirate pivot flash, led Pittsburg to a sparkling 4-2 tri- umph over the Toronto Maple Leafs in a National Hockey League clash at Duquesne Garden here this even- ing. Emerging from a scoring slump that had seen him draw blanks throughout eight consecutive games, Milks thrice rang the bell to-night, but on his tally spree he was ably abetted by his team-mates. By virtue of their win Pirates re- main in a tie with Detroit for third place and a money position -in the American division race. : A pretty goal by Darragh slipped Pittsburg an early lead that Duncan soon overcame in behalf of Toronto, while a brace of counters by Milks handed the Bucs a substantial advan- tage in stanza two, but 3 Rodden-to- Cox act put the Leafs back into the competition before the end of the jn- ning, and the tireless Milks clinched matters for the Cleghorn freebooters with a goal in the third canto. Sharing Bucco glory with Milks SPOR? SNAPSHO1S Simcoes after taking a four goal lead into the second game of the round in the finals for the Daily Times Trophy nearly lost out when the Fittings came back strongly and tied the round up in the first period of the second game. Balsam's counter for the Simcoes last evening proved tb be the goal that dropped Fittings into the discard. Nog until the best game of the season on Barn- hardt's rink had been played however was the issue decided, with the Fittings battling frantically for two periods to score the equalizer. Prior in the nets for Simcoes is entitled to the major portion of the credit for Simcoes win, although the entire team played fast and clever hockey in the two games. History repeats itself, and Marlboros and Newmarket the finalists in the S. P. A. series meet for the O. H. A. title. Newmar- ket has a huge task to perform, to defeat the Marlboros, and to do what a junior S.P.A.winner has not yet accomplished, win the O.H.A. championship. There will be many pulling for the red- sweatered lads from Newmarket to cop the bunting, The largest crowds of the junior season will no doubt be on hand for the contests, and with two such closely matched teams, great struggles should result. McPherson and Collings will be marked men on their respective teams, . An echo of the great junior battles staged with Bowmanville and the Shamrocks as participants will be heard tonight, when these two teams take the ice at Barnhardt's for a renewal of their feud. Bowmanville are not satisfied that the Shamrocks are the better team, and to prove it, held them to a tie on Wednesday night in Bowmanville, Spring cannot be far away, Soccer and Baseball enthusiasts are busily talking about practises, banquets, and players, This intermediate protest seems to be rather elusive. Toronto papers are maintaining a discreet silence, although Secretary Tackaberry of the O.H.A., the only man who should 'know any- thing about it, is on the Mail and Empire staff, It was slated to come up for consideration yesterday, and The Daily Times was in- formed that as the Kitchener defense had not been filed, nothing definite would be done until today, How long has a team to file a defense? And it is hard to reason what the Kitchener team will have to offer regarding Mr, Ruppel's pads, The O.H.A, does not like protests as is natural, it interferes with the schedule, and if undue judicial powers were brought to bear on the inquiry, more than the necessary amount would he on hand. Still, as Murray Johnson so aptly remarks, "Why should not Dick Smith come out next year with pads that cover the goal mouth?" Tentative arrangements have heen made by Dane Found for a inter-city championship sudden death game with Kew Beach, the Toronto senior T.H.L. champions, and Simcoes, who captured the City League title here, The game is slated for next Tuesday, PORT COLBORNE IN FINALS Niagara Falls, Ont.,, March 1.-- Port Colborne O. H. A. intermedi- ates advanced into the finals here tonight, defeating Toronto Park- views 2 to 1, It was the team's home game, and Port Col- borne, who earned a four-goal lead on Monday night, thereby win hy five goals on the round. Port Col- horne now meets the winner of the Newmrarket-Kitchener series for the championship. Newmarket in- vades Kitchener tomorrow night carrying a three-goal lead from the first game. IEEEEEEN' REGENT Starting Today LON CHANEY 'London After Midnight" TIT IITIL has! New Martin Starting Today BUCK JONES -- in -- "The Branded Sombrero" and Darragh was Capt, Roy Worters whose cage play fairly shone. Burke McCaffrey and Cotton also merit honorable mention for labors in ad- vancing the Pirate defensive prog- ram. Duncan stood out splendidly in the Toronto line-up, with Rodden, Keel- ing and Cox likewise much jn the limelight. OOBB SIGNS CONTRACT Philadelphia, Pa., March 1.--Ty Cobb has signed a contract to play with the Philadelphia Athletic: again this season, Manager Con pie Mack announced tonight in o telegram from the Athletics' train- ing camp in Fort Myers, Fla. "I have come fo terms with | Cobb," said Manager Mack's tele- gram, "and Ty will play in the Athletic outfield again this year." Toronto | | | O.H. A, Bulletin 0.H.A, BULLETIN | The O.H.A, senior finals will be played between University of Tor: | onto and Kitchener, with the first |zamre at Kitchener, Saturday, March 3rd, and the ret gnuprame March 3rd, and the return game at Toronto Arena Gardens,' Tues- G.M.C. SOCCER TEAM START TRAINING MONDAY, MARCH 5 . The G. M. C. Soccer Club are start ing training on Monday, March 5, and all prospective players are asked to turn out for these first workouts of the season. They will meet in the Lunch Room, at William street, at 7-27.30 and are rehuested to come pro- vided with running shoes. Any play- ers who are working late will be ac- comodated from 9 to 10 o'clock, A meeting of the G. M. C, Ladies' Auxiliary will be held in the Lunch Room on Tuesday at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be devoted principally to business re-organization. MARLBOROS AND NEWMARKET MEET IN JUNIOR FINALS Toronto, Mar. 2--St. Michael's Col- lege sang their swan song of the 1928 season when they were eliminated in another glorious ice struggle last night at the Arena, by Marlboros, the doughty Dukes winning the sec- ond game of the O.H.A. semi-final series by 4 to 2, and the round by 8 to 3. The fans are sorry to see this colorful little Irish team pass into the limbo of the eliminated. When the current junior campaign is reviewed, this series between these two local teams will probably go down in hockey history as the most bitterly fought of the Winter. It is a tribute to the gallant college lads that, despite the almost impossible barricade of goals they were asked to surmount in the second engage- ment, fullly three thousand fans at- tended last night's contest than saw the initial encounter, HEENEY AWARDED DECISION OVER Madison Square Garden, N.Y., March 1. Tom Heeney was award- ed the decision over Jack Delaney at the end of fifteen rounds here tonight before a crowd numbering 18,000 persons and for a gate which totalled $174,444, Tom got the verdict but Jack the applause. The decision was booed and when Delaney left the ring he was given an ovation. It started off in savage fashion and for four rounds was an amaz- ing battle. After that Delaney tired from his own efforts to bring the stolid New Zealander down. Tom took everythinge that Jack day, March 6, total goals scored in the two games to count. Neutral goal umpires and time keepers will be appointed by the O. H. A, The junior finals are scheduled for Monday, March 6, and Wed- nesday, March 7, at the Arena Gar- dens with Marlboros and Newmar- ket as the competing teams, Th winning team in this series will play the N.O.H.A. junior champi- ons, either Soo Greyhounds or Iroquois Falls at Arena Gardens next week, The intermediate finals also will be played next week. If Newmar- let is one of the finalists the games will be played Tuesday and Thurs- day, March 6 and 8, and the win ning team will meet South Poren pine, N.O.H.A. champions, in 8 two- game serles, Guy Smith of Hamilton will ref- eree both games of the senior fin- als between Varsity and Kitch had and still was coming for more , when it ended, Heéney weighed 198 and Delaney 178%. { In the opinion of many at the ringside, Jack had earned at least a draw, He took the verdict in good part and smiled pleasantly when the crowd cheered to the echo on his leaving the ring, JACK DELANEY Victor 2D. Records Diane (Pm in Heaven When | See You Smile) The Troubadours Jesse Crawford Is She My Girl Friend Coon-Sanders Orchestra Johnny Marvin 2 Fox Trot 21148 Vocal My Ohio Home Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra PIES] Fox Trot My Blue Heaven Vocal Gene Austin 20964 Fox Trot Paul Whiteman 20828 and His Orchestra Organ Jesse Crawford 21092 Instru- Victor Salon Group 35875 mental Among My Souvenirs The big hit of the season! Roger Wolfe Kahn and His Orchestra Paul Whiteman's Concert Orchestra Fox Trot 21084 Instrumental 35877 Also the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor artists f Canada, Victor Talking Limited Machine Co. [E---- HIS MASTER S VOICE £4411 8 LINER D. J. BROWN 10 King :t. W, Phone 189 The Varsity at Kitchener senior final tomorrow night will com- mence at 9 o'clock. MANITOBA STILL IN CURLING LEAD Toronto, Mar. 2.--The big fea- ture of the third day's play in the competition for the Macdonald Brier Tankard and the Canadian single rink championship at the Granite Club yesterday, was pro- vided in the third round of the day, when Joe Heartwell's four from Rosetown, Saskatchewan, who represent the Alberta Associa- tion, administered the first defeat of the series to Gordon Hudson's Winnipeg Strathcona four, the fin- al score being 9 to 8, and it was not decided until Hudson was a trifie narrow on his last rock, The result of this game, along with the decisions fin the 14 other clashes 0 fthe day, leave the Manitoba quartette still in the lead, but they are faced with the necessity of winning from Dr. Vie McWilliams' Granites this morn- ing, to prevent the necessity of a play-off for the premier honors, As bakers, we perform with skill; Each thing we bake con- Lug 4 so as Charlie Snow's Lakeviews, and Joe Heartwell's rink are tied for second place, with six wins and two losses in the eight games to CAKES i 24 RO est | sion an opened in whirlwind fa- in the second session, shion and flashed in an early goal. $4 5 $500 Down. New six {4 room Cooksyille rug brick, hardwood floors, built-in kitchen cabinet, ironing board, re- cess for buffet, chestnut trim; up- stairs finished in white enamel, doors finished in walnut, 3-piece bath, medicine cabinet. In good location, mear Motors. This is 8 genuine sacrifice. Apply owner apd builder-- 67 Bond Street East Immediate Possession $1 Buys 2-Room Cot- tage op lot 40° x 200' op paved street with water, electric and garage, $500 Cash on mew home; brick, six rooms, floors, French doors, verandah, bath, furnace and hydro. Pric- ed right at $5,000. LY REAL ESTATE 25 King St. E. Phone 295 Better Houses Cutler & Preston Insurance, Real Estate 64 King St. W. Phone 572 New @6-Room Rpg Brick Bungalow, coal-fire mantel, well decorated, electric fix- tures, gas stove, also gas heater for hot water, gar- age; paved street jnst off King St. $700 cash, balance $38 monthly. This is a love: ly home. Price is right. Horton & French | EE Sd 6 rooms, rug $4,500 brick, chest- nut trim. Oak floors. Near G.M., Every convenience. Immediate possession, $500 cash, Balance like rent, $3 6 rooms. All conveniences. Stuces. Fixtures included. North end. A real buy with $7570 cash, Balance very easy. "Disney' 4 Phone Loans Homes Insurance built to order For Sale Our unlimited all risk Auto Policy protects you against all risks. Ask about ft. New Houses mmediate Possession URIAH JONES AL Bond St. Phone 2667 tors on the defensive for about ten min: utes, The winners were out-played, but owing to the lack of polish on the part of the locals they were unable to score. in the other periods Newmarket has the better They continued to keep the wisi- of the play. Will buy six room brick dwelling with all conven- jences in morth end of city. Terms easy. Poss- i diately. J.C. Young 4% Prince St. Phone 793 W. J. SULLEY AUCTIONEER 41 King St. W. Phone 2580 and 716) a 7 4%2 Prince St: UR AN Oshawa, Ont...

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