Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Feb 1928, p. 1

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~ or Sundave and Publ Hobdare. The Os} FA OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1928 aa Daily Times 1he Oshawa Daily Reformer et, A lA rr 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. SIXTEEN PAGES $300,000 TRAIN ROBBERY NEAR CHICAGO WANTS 10 G0 OVER FALLS IN A BARREL Police Officials at Niagara "Receive Letter from a Pittsburgh Girl , "SETS DATE JULY 4 Ades How Feat Can Be Accomplished and What She Must Do i (By Canadian Press) Niagara Falls, N.Y,, Feb, 25.-- Police officials here have received a letter from a resident of Pitts- hugh who expressed a desire to go over the Falls in a barrerl, and asksk how arrangements for the efat can be made. The name and address signed to the letter are: "Miss Marie Hall, 308 Lacack Street, Pittsburgh Pa." The letter reads in part: 'Please tell. me how I can go over the Falls on July 4 so answer soon as possible so I can get ready, I am thivty years old and sure do want to go over the Falls in a barrel, Police Superintendent Curry stated he would advise the writer that no official sanction ef such a feat could he obtained, If she attempts to make the trip she will be stopped he sald. Bobby Leach and Mrs, Annie ¥dson Taylor, who both success- full neotiated the Horseshoe Falls in barrels are dead, Leach died a few years ago from injur- ies received when he slipped on orange peel on the sidewalk, 13 DEAD. FROM NINE EXPLOSION Jenny Lind, Arkansss, in Mourping Today--All Men Accounted for , (By Associated Press) 'Jenny Lind, Ark., Feb. 25.--Its losses counted up, this little min- ing' community today was mourn- ing its thirteen dead, victims of a gas explosion in the tunnel of a coal shaft. Everyone of the 125 who were working within the reach of the fatal explosion and its fumes were accounted for and only one of these was injured, Led by the State mine inspector, rescue crews worked all through yesterday until late in the night, clearing tunnels and bringing out the bodies until the last was ac- counted for. HUNGARY SELLS GUNS AT AUCTION 2,000 Offered Against Wish- . #8 of League--Sold to Scrap Dealers (By Canadjan Press) Vienna, Feb. 25.--Hungary has sold destroyed parts of some two thousand machine guns at an aue-; tion against the wishes of the President of the (Council of the e of Nations. The guns were sold at St. Gothard, on the border | where they were seized, to Hun-| garian scrap dealers, but the gooas have not been removed. - DUCHESS OF YORK LEADER OF FASHION 1G. COMMERCE BOARD Two More Industries Sub. scribe $500 Each--Robson Leather and Oriental Tex- tile Co-operate Generous- ly -- Mrs. Conant First Woman Member -- Com- plete List of Activities Fund Pledges to Date An. 'nounced Gordon D. Conant, chairman of the Activities. Fund Committee, who has been working three or four days previous to the intensive drive for membership that will take place Monday morning, February 27, under the leadership of Col. Bob Preston and his "light infan- try" of 100 men which comprise the Sales Army, reports fine pro- gress for his committee, Before thd day is out over $6,000 will have been obtained from the industries, larges businesses, and professional men, Mr. Millichamp in his conversa- tion with the committee yesterday, giving the princely sum of $600 to the Chamber of Commerce to make for a better Oshawa said that there | were two things which actuated | his Company to give this amount, First, That he was confident that what had heen duplicated in hun- dreds of other cities in Canada and in the United States could he done here through an active Chamher of Commerce. Second, That he had abselute confidence in the men who are promoting this campaign and that he was amazed and highly gratified to know that 100 of the younger business apd professional men were so civicly minded that they they were giving both their time and money freely to boost their city, It has not been stressed hefore and perhaps the general public has not heen aware of the fact that business and professional women as well as ladies of leisure cap be- come members. Just along that line the Activities Fund Committee conversing with one of the leaders of Oshawa's younger women in a half jest asked Mrs, Gordon Con- ant why she 'did not belong. Mrs. Conant ip all seriousness put forth the argument that women should belong. Campaign headquarters was appealed to and it was then made' ¢lear that * women' are not only eligible as members hut are highly desired. Mrs. Gordon Con- ant ,by signing up an anplication card, bag the honor of being the first wonmran member enrolled in this campaign for Greater Oshawa. In many other cities it is the wom- en members of its Chamber of Commerce which take care exclu- sively of the aesthetic, intelle~tual, and moral development of their city. Chas. Robson of the Robson Leather Co., keenly interested in the development of Oshawa, wu- dorsed the Chamber of Commerce movement to the extent of $500 from his company. Mr. Robson said that the roll of the Chamber of Commerce membership should em- brace every public-spirited -man and woman who live in Oshawa No city, in Mr. Robson's opinion, in Ontario, has the possibilities of Oshawa. G. W,. McLaughlin ......-. $1,000 W. E. Phillips Co. Ltd. ... 500 Ont. Malleable Iron Co Ltd EN] Robson Leather Co. ------. 500 Oriental Textiles --. 500 Gale & Trick ..... 150 D. COBAPL mien» 100 Conant & Annis -- 100 WW. H. MODIR wr srovsmms 100 Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.P. --... 100 J. WW. BOrshRrry mmm wo A. 8. Mcleese --- 100 Williams Pjano Co. Burns Co. Id. ...... -- Geo. Hart (Oshawa Dairy) City Pure Ice Co. .nve-- H. H. Davidson Cleve Fox .... Coca Cola Bottling Works Londop,--The Duchess of York | Nut Krust Bakery ----., has become a leader of fashion in i Bale's Shoe Store the. ultra-smart younger set of London society since her Austral- tour. Whether it be a particular kind pin or brooch to fasten her fur, ' feather fan her fu feather fan to carry at any particular shape of ade of color for a dress. does the duchess appear or the other than it im- becomres the fashion and here, there and every- latest dance frocks are De- ng made rather short. th a oe train, and society Fressmak- assert it is because the duchess appeared on several occasions such a gown. WEATHER Les Melaughlin oe W. F. Bowden --_..... Waterous-Meek Ltd. L. V. Disne Uriah Jones Dr. C. 1. Tek ~reirm B. H. HaVBes .eeevwrses 098. WWRIEE .oeersspmengioeses John Bailes & Sop -- F. Flintoff & Sons .,---- D. F. Johnston ian Legion serra | DOMINION 70 REBUILD Moderate winds fair and very Cold. south- westerly winds fair with a little higher temperature. Spring and the school will be com- pleted in 1929. Total to Date wee. $ 5,000 BRANDON INDIAN SCHOOL Brandon, Man., Feb 24.--At the . meeting of Brandon Presbytery of the United Church of Canada to- day, Rev. Thompson Ferrier ~eport- ed that the Dominion Government ad set aside a portion of money for the rebuilding of the Indian School here. Work will be commenced this ACTIVITIES FUND PASSES $5,000 MARK DENY REPORTS OF CONSENT TO WEDDING FORMER MAHARAJAH (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press Bombay, India, Feb. 25--Near relatives of the two wives of Tuko- jirad, former Maharajah of Indore, taday contradicted published reports that they had consented to his marry- ing Miss Nancy Ann Miller of Seattle, Wash. They. also said that Tukojirad's stepmother and sisters are opposed to the wedding, JURY ACQUITS MAN OF KILLING FATHER Murder Trial in Newfound. land Outport Reveals Sordid Story St. John's, N. F., Feb, 25. Charles Williams, an ex-service man, resident of Peel's Grove, For- tune Bay, was acquitted Wednes- day night on the charge of mur- dering his father by adoption, Richard Nurse, of the same place, on November 21. The jury re- turned a verdict of not guilty af- ter an absence of one hour and 20 minutes. The accused in a statement read befoer the court, testified to the trouble brought into his home ay Nurse, who, according to the con- fession of his wife, had seduced her and, under threat, had com- pelled her silence and also that of her sister, with whom he also had intimate relations, For the latter offence, Nurse was placed on trial last summer, but the charge was not substantiated, Bad feeling also existed over own- ership of land. The quarrel came to a head early one morning when the two men met near Williams's store following heated words, the latter said. Nurse seized an axe and drew back to strike. Williams reached for his gun and brought it to his 'hip, when the gun discharged, the load eviering Nurse's left breast at a distance of about six yards, Death was almost instantaneous. REPORT GROTTO SHORTAGE LOWER Credit is Given to Shearer at Trial for Forming Organization Hamilton, Feb. 24.--Hearing of the arson charge against David G. Shearer, former secretary of Hin- doo Koosh Grotto, was adjourned one week in Police Court today, but the accused was committed for trial on a charge of converting $10,625 of the lodge money to his own use, Reid Bowlby represented Shearer and cross-examined the witnesses, bug did not put his client on the stand. It was admitted that Shearer was responsible for the or- ganization and success of the Grot- to and the Court was also in'orm- ed that the amount of the short- age has been considerably reduced by the production of certain docu- ments. Bail of $20,000 was renew- ed. C. C. Smye, Monarch of the Grotto, fainted during the proceed- ings and bad to be assisted from 'he Court room. ALL MILK SOLD IN NORTH TO BE TESTED FORTNIGHTLY Cobalt, Ont., Feb. 24.--Samples of the milk sold by all of the ven- dors in different towns through- out the distriet are to be sent to North Bay every two weeks for analysis for dirt and bacteria, ac- cording to instructions issued by Dr. W. E. George, Provincial Medi- cal Officer of Health, for the dis- trict. The tests will be made at the Provincial Laboratory. Some of the towns already are following this method, and the others had been notified to fall in line. ae- cording to Dr. George, South Por- cupine has the best and cleanest milk in the province. MISSING 41 YEARS FAMILY UNEASY Hamilton, Feb. 24.--Unheard of since he wrote 41 years ago to say that he was working on a railway and boarding with a family nam- ed Roach on Stuart Stret here, Miss Margaret Patterson, Kells County, Ireland, is becoming "um- easy" she states, g the whereabouts of her uncle, Peter Patterson, and today the local po- lice received a request for inform- ation. CHICKEN THIEVES ARE AGAIN ACTIVE 48 Chickens Stolen from the Farm of F. Ferguson, 335 Bloor St. West The third of a series of recent chicken thefts in the Bloor street district occurred last night, when 48 birds were taken from the farm of F, Ferguson, 335 Bloor street east. The other two thefts have occurred in this neighborhood within a week, Police are working on the case, and hope to have the thefts cleared up in a short time. The poultry stolen last night in- clude 40 hens, a rooster, four ducks and three geese. They have not yet been recovered. HIGHEST SALARIED ADVERTISING MAN IS FOUND DEAD (By Associated Press) Chicago, Feb, 256.--G, Herd Pa- lin, Los Angeles advertising man, was found dead yesterday in his hotel room, Among his effects a card was found, describing Palin as 'th ehighest salaried advertis- ing specialist in the United States' and a member of every advertising association. Death apparently was from natural causes. He is under- stood to have made one hundred thousand dollars a year by his in- genuity. THREE ESCAPE FROM ST. JEROME JAIL (By Canadian Press) St. Jerome, Que.,, Feb, 25.-- Three prisoners who were to stand trial next week at the local assizes escaped from jail here last night by loosening and 'bending one of the iron bars in 8 window in the cor- ridor of the 'building, and then making their way along the wall from which they jumped to liberty, The fugitives are: Omer Cantin, Joseph Davidson, and Arthur Day- idson, Cantin was to have been tried for rape, while Davidson's faced attempted murder charge. CAROL EXPECTS T0 TAKE THRONE Is Quoted as Saying He Will Become King in Two Months (By Canadian Press) ...Nice, France, Feb. 25.--Former Crown Prince Carol of Rumania is being quoted by friends here as having declared that within two months he will be on the Ruma- nian throne which he renouunced when he eloped with Magda Lu- pescu. END SKATING EVENTS AT VARSITY ARENA (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Feb. 25. -- Continued severe cold weather today again afforded keen ice at the Varsity stadium for the conclusion of the Canadian speed skating champjon- ship meet which started last even- ing. This afternoon the bulk of the finals will be decided, the ma- ority of heats having already been run off, BLOCK DESTROYED $300,000 LOSS Three Score Guests Driven from Hotel at Sharon, Pennsylvania (By Associated Press) Sharon, Pa., Feb, 25--Fire destroy- ed an entire business block with a loss unofficially estimated at nearly half a million dollars here early to- day, and drove three score guests of the Shenango Hotel from the build- ing . The hotel was one of four structures destroyed. While a maid employed had not been accounted for, it was not ascertained whether she stayed at the hotel during the night, PRAISES YOUTH OF THE DOMINION Governor-General Delivers a Patriotic Talk to Ottawa Teachers (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Feb, 25.--"You have great material with which to déal," sald Viscount Willingdon, address- ing the Ottawa Teachers' Institute here last night. 'Bring up these young people with the great love of their country and determina- tion to do everything they can to serve her, with devotion to his Majesty and a great pride to the British Empire. Train them to be well fitted for any publie service or profession. Above all train them to be men and women of highest possible principles to lead on tneir great country to the destiny that lies in store for her." RENEWED EFFORTS MADE TO FIND MISSING WOMAN Winnipeg, Feb. 24.--Firm in their opinion that Mrs. Lottie Ad- ams, St. Vital woman, who disap- peared from her home here Thurs- day of last week, was the vietim of foul play, local police have se- cured the aid of the provincial po- lice, In their search for the wom- an. Police are scouring the thick- ly wooded area around the wom- an's home in the hopes of locating Mrs. Adams, (By Toronto, Feb. 25. -- There are only seven sight-saving classes in Capada for the education of child- ren with seriously defective vision, and at least two hundred more are needed, declared Mrs. Winpifred Hathaway, of New York associate director of the . National Society for for Prevention of Blindness, addressing the International Need 100 More Sight-Saving Classes in Canada, Only Seven Now, Says New York Woman Canadian Press) Council for education of exception children here today. Three of the classes are in Toronto and one each in Hamilton, London, Hali- fax and Winnipg. Approximately three hundred such classes are maintained in the United States, where five thousand more are needed, the speaker said. traction to the City Hockey On the eve of the Chamber of Commerce whi we appeal to every citizen While we are confident btaini pb Oshawa To the Citizens of Oshawa: of Oshawa for support to this movement. From our close association with the organiza- tion campaign and examination into Chamber of Com- merce work generally, we believe that a Chamber of Com- merce in Oshawa can accomplish a great deal to the benefit of every merchant, manufacturer, property owner, profes- sional man and employed person in the City of Oshawa. that the Campaign will succeed in sufficient to enable a Chamber of generally may assist in the dev: ~ W. McLAUGHLIN, , Ont., Feb. 25th, 1928 ign for Membershi will commence on in the nday, Chairman G. D. CONANT, Vice-Chairman L Fire Fifty Shots to Intimidate Guards and Passengers-- On Leaving Bombed Rear End of the Car -- Blew Open Safe MADE GETAWAY IN MOTOR CAR Money Obtained in Robbery Was Consigned to Harvey Banks While a Good Por- tion of Payroll Consisted of Cheques -- Robbery Staged Near Evergreen Park, Southwest of City (By Associated Press) Chicago, Feb, 25,--Three pay- rolls reported to total $300,000 were taken from the Grand Trunk local train today by five robbers who stopped the train near Ever- green Park, southwest of Chicago, bombed the rear end of the mall car and made thelr escape. i The train was stopped by half a dozen men who flagged the engin- | eer at St, Mary's Cemetery, a quar- ter mile from Evergreen Park, The four men, two mail clerks and two, government agents, were reported, in the mail express car. Firing more than fifty shots to intimidate the guards and about one hundred passengers, the rob- bers entered the mail and express car, blew the safe, scooped up the currency and mrade their es- cape in an automobile parked near by, The train proceeded to Harvey. Later, nies robbed said | cheque and any money obtained in the robbery was consigned to Har- vey banks, Officials of one of the banks estimated his bank had lost about $53,000 and that anotaer bank there had lost as much more, The Federal Reserve Bank in Chi- cago had shipment of $80,000 to the First National Bank of Har- vey. There was no other Federal Reserve Bank money on the train. There was a similar robbery at the same point a year ago in which about $95,000 was obtained. W. B. LEEDS SAVES WIFE FROM PRESS Former Princess Xenia is Spared Questioning About Grand Duchess New York, Feb. 26.--The seven- league hoots of modern transporta- tion enabled William B. Leeds to meet his wife, the former Princess Xenia, at quarantine Wednesday, al- though he was in San Francisco the ! day before. The quick crossing of the continent officials of three compa- they paid by, the West Coast to Chicago, transfer- ring to a fast train there and char- tering a tug at the Battery. Because her husband met her at quarantine and took her aboard the tug Mrs. Leeds was spared question- ing by reporters about the reputed Grand Duchess Anastasia who re cently arrived from Germany and who is said to be recognized as the daughter of the Czar by the former princess, BOMB FACTORY 1S DISCOVERED Lisbon Arrests Number of Alleged Communists After Explosion (By Canadian Press) abi Lisbon,, Portugal, Feb. 25--Inves- tigating the explosion in the prov- ince of Algarve in which two per- sons were killed, police today made a series of searches and discovered a bamb factory. A number of alleg- ed communists were arrested, PERU AIDS MATCH MONOPOLY BANS AUTOMATIC LIGHTERS Lima, Peru, Feb. 24.--Auto- matic lighters are forbidden in Peru bécause of the match " monopoly granted to Sven Karrell by the Government. Mine owner are protesting the order and have petitioned the Ministry of Finance to permit the use of lighters in the mines as a measure of safety, : was done by chartering a plane from od Three Payrolls Taken From Mail Car by Five Bandits Who Escaped J MOTION PICTURE SHOWS A BULLET BARELY MOVING (Br Associated Press) New York, Feb, 25--Moving pictures taken at the rate of twenty thousand exposures a sec ond, showing a bullet arent. ly barely moving as it shattered a glass bulb were shown to a meeting of official society of America last night. FRENCH FLIERS T0 TEST MOTOR Costes and LeBrix Will Make Flight New York to San Francisco (By Associated Press) Mitchellfield, N.Y., Feb, 25--Dieu- donne Costes and Joseph Le Brix, French round the world fliers, an- nounced today that they would take off tomorrow on a short trial flight to test the new motor installed in hteir plane, Nungesser Colli, in which they flew over four continents their plane, Nungesser Colli, in ther conditions are favorable, Le Brix said, they will leave New York by the end of next week in a cross country flight to San Francisco. NOTED TENOR NOW NAMED PAPAL COUNT (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Rome, Feb. 25--The Vatican today confirmed the news that John Mec- Cormack, noted tenor had been named Papal Count. His qualifica- tions for the honor are stated to he that he was a celebrated Catho- lic artist and a generous contributor to Catholic charity. NURSES RESIGN OUT OF SYMPATHY Two Quit When Two of the Guelph Strikers Are Not Reinstated Guelph, Ont.,, Feb. 25.--Possibility of another general strike of General Hospital nurses receded into the dis- tance tonight. Everything is normal at the hospital, and Miss Shortreed, superintendent, announced tonight that two, and not four, nurses had resigned out of sympathy for Miss Marjorie Rowen and Miss Grace Sun- ley, of Guelph, whose applications for re-admission were refused. These two were Miss Joyce of Mil- ton and Miss Wilkin, a junior. Miss Shortreed claims that the latter re- signed because "she had decided that she didn't want to be a nurse." The statement this afternoon that four bad resigned was untrue, she declar- NO TRACE OF SURVIVORS OF VESSEL An Italian Steamship and Russian Boat Collide in Dover Straits ONE THOUGHT LOST Toverish May | Have Gone Down With Hundred Cadets (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Dungeness, Kent, Eng., Feb, 25--With no trace found of any survivors of the Italian steamship Alcantara, which was in collision with the Russian training ship, Toverish, inp a fog which enshrouds ed the Straits of Dover yesterday, the Kentish coast was beginning to worry about the fate of the Tover. * ish today. Although the vessel was reported to he trying to make Southampton, there is considerable anxiety as to her present wheres abouts since no wireless has been received from her since the 8, 0, 8, calls were sent out after the collis sion. Fear is expressed in some quarters that the Russian ship may have sunk with the one hundred cadets she carried. HUNT FOR SLAYER AT A STANDSTILL Police Thought Killer Was a Social Leader But Theory Doubtful (By Associated Press) Bernardsville, N.J., Feb, 25, Search for the slayer of Miss Mars garet Brown, New York governess who was burned to death near here Monday night, was apparently ai a standstill today. Even the identi» ty of the killer, whom the police believed at first to have been "Doge tor Huff" or "Hoff" known to have been a suitor of the forty-year-old spinster, was clouded in doubt by conflicting clues. A statement attributed to Captain Lamb of the New Jersey State Po- lice, that the killer was known and was a- socially prominent New Yorker, was dened by him later in the day. He eaid he did not know the slayer's identity, : HINKLER NOW AT QUEENSLAND Missing 24 Hours--Premier Arranges Escort for Last Stages of Flight (Cable Service To The Times By Statements made to the local press of grievances, Miss Shortreed de- clared "entirely false." They claim that they were refused admittance because of personal reasons, and the superintendent says that the reason was because the girls themselves stat- ed that they would not return "un- less the rules were changed." { It is possible that a meeting of the board of directors of the hospital will be held to-day to consider the situation. Series of Little Wrongs. Even the nurses who left the in- stitution are reticent about the griev- ances which led up to the strike. The only information secured so far is a brief interview given by one of the girls on the understanding that her name would not be used. She con- tended that the nurses were not la- boring under one big wrong, but a series of smaller ones. Unjust pun- ishments, menial duties and constant nagging were charges she made against the superintendent. BUDGET DEBATE STILL CONTINUES (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Feb. 23. -- In' Parlia- ment today----The Budget debate will be resumed in the House of Commons by Thomas McMillan, derson Park). Mr. Famsher moved the Progresssive party's sub-amend- ment to the Budget. ress) Sydney, Australia, Feb. 25--Bert Hinkler, who flew with clock like regularity more than eleven thousand miles from England to Port Darwin arrived at Camooweal, Queensland, today after being missing for more than 24 hours. Melbourne, Queensland, Feb, 25 Queensland Authorities do not intend to lose Bert Hinkler again as he flies over their territory and Premier Mc- Cormick has arranged for an escort of planes to accompany the Austral. fan fier on the last stages of his ight. CHIROPRACTOR INJURED Campbeliford, Ont., Feb. 24.--H, T. Scott, chiropractor of Campbells ford, was injured near Stirling Sta tion this afternoon when the sedan he was driving was struck by a west bound freight. He was taken to Peterboro Hospital, where his condition is considered - serious, The other occupants of the car, Wilbert Rogers and William Blue, escaped with a severe shaking up, CONTINUE DEBATES PARLIAMENT MONDAY Toronto, - Feb. 25--VYesterday in legislature--report of the committee on privileges and elections stating that deadlock had been reached in investigation into the alleged lost ballots was presented to the House. The dcbate was adjourned until Monday . Ottawa, Feb. 25--In Padiament Monday--R. .C. Matthews, (Cons. Toronto, EC.), will speak first. Yesterday the debate on the Bud get continued.

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