+A DAILY [Me ¢'TURDAY, FEBRUA..Y 25, 1928 GENERAL MOTORS makes an Important CInnouncement regarding the New OLDSMOBILE SIX When the new Oldsmobile Six was presented at the New York Automobile Show, there was created a new standard of excellence in a fine car of low price-- --for this bigger, finer and more beautiful car ts the greatest single step that Oldsmo- bil has ever taken in carrying out its *policy pledged to progress", Setting new standards of beauty , . . creating new standards of performance , , . and offer- ing a galaxy of features that eloquently attest its advanced engineering--this impressive car is the subject of animated discussion wherever it has been exhibited. And, very naturally, this discussion is centered around Oldsmobile's ability to provide a car of vancement among automobiles of comparable cost ? These, in substance, are questions that have been asked over and over again by persons inspecting the new Oldsmobile, And the answer to every question is the same: . Oldsmobile is a division of General Motors! In designing the new Oldsmobile chassis, Olds- mobile engineers had the constant co-operation of the engineering staffs of every other General Motors division--and of the scientists in the General Motors Research Laboratories, In proving its performance, stamina and econ- omy, the General Motors Proving Ground was used consistently for more than two years -- with a total of more than a million miles of testing, The creation of the distinguished new bodies was a co-operative endeavor between Oldsmobile and the master designers of the Fisher Body Corporation, And finally, in the actual production of the car, various other General Motors divisions were employed to produce such units as radiators, bearings, spark plugs, air cleaners, oil filters, speedometer, steering wheels, warning homs and starting, lighting and ignition equipment, The constant availability of all these General Motors resources has given to Oldsmobile many vital manufacturing advantages--has made it ible for Oldsmobile to an atitomo- ile so outstanding in beauty, performance and ~ quality that it sets an entirely new standard of General Motors is of the new Why is it that Oldsmobile can build an automobile so outstanding in its Oldsmobile--not only because it exem- plifies the General Motors policy of keeping with General Motors' policy of progress, the new Oldsmobile Six has been developed with the thought in mind of giving the public the dis- which G | M tinctive appearance, exceptional performance and ad gl Nigh dollar valde: that provides 3 fie va at low price Ing ddvaiasaens ooo oe Pali . + field for size, distinction and comfort? Why is it that Oldsmobile is distin guished by coach work so masterly in conception and execution? Why is it that Oldsmobile's perform- ance marks such a revolutionary ad- "GENERAL MOTORS of CANADA mies "A car for every purse and purpose" CHEVROLET . PONTIAC . OLDSMOBILE . OAKLAND . McLAUGHLIN-BUICK . LASALLE . CADILLAC All with Body by Fisher GENERAL MOTORS TRUCKb progress--not only because it furnishes another example of the promptness with