Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1928, p. 23

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EFA" ACTION of Income Tax Favored By ed BE AF Ottawa, Feb.. 23.--Conservative members of the House were in eAueus Monday morning discuss- 'ing the Budget and considering the of an amendment to be . While this can be dome at almost stage of the debate te Probable that it will be mov-- ed by C."H. Cahan at the conelu- sion of speech Monday after- noon, Exceptions will likely be taken both to what the budget Proposes' and to what it fails to provide, Mr, Oahan is not limited to 40 minutes, as the new rules do not impose any restrictions upon a member, or minister making the main reply to a measure or mo- tion that 1s presented. It is a case ot: some divided opinion, however, as to whether or not in this debate party leaders are lim- to 40 minutes when the prin- cipal speeches in moving the bud- get and in' replying to it will have bepn made by others, In all probability the Conserva- tive a ent will be supple- mented iby another from the U.F, A, as is possible under the rules, The thing which this group is most igclinde to criticize is the reducti in income taxes, al- though ifault is 'also found be- cause the-tariff reductions do not 80 further, + The, dispussion may occupy a fortnight, and some life is expect- od to develop. So far the ses- slon has been inordinately quiet, but .there are intimations that during the week certain speakers on the Opposition side, propose to stir things up a bit, se Sales Tax Ottawa, Feb, 22, -- Complete abolition of the sales tax before the end of 1928 will be advocated fn the Conservative amendment to the budget, The amendment will be mpved in the House of Commons early this afternoon on behalf of the Opposition by C. H, Cahan, Conservative, St. Law- yence-St, George, The amendment prepared at to- bers and senators will express re: gret that "nbd attempt" has been Tea for two in the cogy tea room of Hotel Fort Shelby In equipping its 22- story i Hotel Fort has been mindful of the comfort not Valy.of ia men guests of that o the ladies also. Tuereare thoughtfully salient come. forts for every guest, 'The atmosphere of the t rooms [all Servi- ipped] is quiet, homelike, Skilled attendants der liver guests' cars withe out service charge, theaters, is practically at the door. Whether your choice be 2 $2.50, $3 or $4 room or one the especially large np pred i city, river and Canadien shore, you enjoy a par ticular sense of value in th Fort Shelby, Brochure on request, HOTEL FORT SHELBY "BETRE TF -- WATCH TOMORROW'S OSHAWA DAILY TIMES for IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe St. N. NEW PRAYER BOOK Darwen Congregation Pre- Darwen, England, Feb. 22.--An unprecedented demonstration of protest in connection with the An- glo-Catholie dispute in the Chureh of Emgland occurred at St. Cuth- bert's Church here Sunday when 7,» 000 persons massed around the vi- car, Rev, E, B, Lauria, outside the edifice, The vicar, uninjured, was resocu- ed by the police. Two persons were injured. Prior to the demonstrations, the congregation of 1,100 interrupted the service and prevented deliver- ance of the sermon, The congregation for two hours continued its tactics, singing 88 hymns, coughing and talking while the pastor attempted to begin his sermon. Undaunted by the incidents at the morning service, Hr, Eauria de- cided to hold the evening service as usual, Curate Crawshaw moun- ted the pulpit to preach, The con- gregation agalp, rose and for an hour and 10 minutes continued the same tactics they had engaged in Phone 251 made by the Government to bring about increased employment in Canada, the return of Canadians to their native land, or the pres- ervation of our domestitc markets for 'Canadian farm and dairy products, The amendment will also ex- press its regret 'that no at- tempt" has been made by the Government to prevent immigra- tion to the United States or for the eflicient development of our natural resources, UNEMPROYMENT IS WORRY OF SMITH N.Y. Governor Suggests Speeding Up Public Im- provements -- WRITES TO MAYORS -- Sends Copy of Report Com- piled by Industrial Commissioner Albany, Feb, 22.--Speeding up of public improvements in cities and counties to relieve the unem- ployment situation has been urged by Governor Alfred E, Smith in a letter to mayors and county otfi- cials throughout the state, Smith sent with each letter a copy of a report op unemployment conditions compiled at his request by Indus- trial Commissioner James A, Hum- ilton, "It may be pointed out that the evidence at hand indieates an ex- tensive amount of unemploynrent and that the serious distress has been caused," the report stated, Hamilton wrote that "one has to go back to 1921 to find an unem- ployment situation rivaling the present." : New York City, with a steady in- crease of unemployment, was de- clared to offer the greatest prob- lem. In a survey of conditions, Ham- ilton found that in Buffalo, with a population of 538,016, the unem- Heved nunrber from 35,000 to 40,- 000. It was estimated that 10,000 are out of work in Rochester, which has a population of 316,786. Syracuse reports a 4 per cent de- crease in unemployment since Jan- uary, 1927, "No man can safely predict the future," Hamilton wrote in sum- marizing conditions, "but it is cer- tainly true that if the present con- dition is mot relieved, distress will increase," ---- SPECIAL SERVICES AT TIHMINS, ONT, Citizens Honor Memory of Hollinger Mine Disey'er Dead Timmins, Ont, Feb, 22.--On the First Sunday since the fatal Hol- linger fire, memorial services were held for 89 victims yesterday, In all the city churches special prayers were said and requested. The Salvation Army, . their Cit- adel on 'Fourth avenue, held a special service for William Lind- say, who went back to his death after reaching the top safely on that memorable Friday, The United Church, St. An- thony's Roman Catholic Church, the Church of the Nativity, the Anglican and the Baptist Church- es, as well ms at the Ssivation Aris Citadel special services were he! In spite of the stormy weather, which greeted Timmins after 2a cold spell of twenty-four hours, all services were well attended, giv- ing certain evidence of the esteem in which the men had been held. SAVAGE TRIBAL BATTLE ON THE BORDERS OF IRAK Basra, Irak, Feb, 21.--A tribal bat- tle occurred yesterday morning on the Irak border, sixty miles south- west of Basra, There were many casualties on both sides, Two thousand Wahabi warriors crossed the Irak border and attack- ed the encampment of the Jowarin tribes, A fierce engagement follow- ed, lasting several hours. The Akh- wans lost sixty dead and 200 wound- ed. The casualties of the Iraqui tribe were even heavier, and they also lost all their cattle and flocks Air force machines from Ur pur- sued and bombed the raiders and in- flicted severe punishment, one plane was shot down and the pilot killed. The Wahabi leader is reported to he Ibn Akhwan, who carried out a raid at Koweit in January, INCREASE REQUIREMENTS FOR QUEBEC TAVERNS Quebee, Feb, 21,--Hencetforth tav- ern licenses will not be granted by the Quebec Liquor Commission until commission officers have approved plans of each proposed tavern, ven- tilation and sanitation facilities, etc. The order has just been passed by the Cabinet, the morning, Vicar Lauria again had to close the service--the sermon went un- delivered both tinves. Religious feeling in Great Bri- tain has been stirred since the in- cident at St. Paul's Cathedral as 3 has not been stirred in centur- es. Those in the church wnose mot- to is "Save England for Protestan- tism" saw in the Praver Bnok changes a step toward Catholicism, There was bitter opnosition to the ALBERTA MAN 13 HELD FOR MURDER Farmer is Alleged to Have Killed Another Hired Druniheller, Alta, Feb, 22.-- Lewis F. Franklin, formerly em- plbyed at the farm of Walter Wat- son, near Rosebud, is in the police cells here awaiting a hearing on revisions. After the House of T.ords pasced the revised hook. the House of Commons deferted it, After the turn of the new vear the Pope issued en enevel'ral which sa'd worldwide Christ'an the,eharze of murdering Ray unity could be attained only if dis- Sholtz, a hired man at the Wat- Sidents retnrned to the Church. of Rome. This wag an answer to ef- son farm. The alleged murder was forts at Christian reconciliation Reg. $1.50 $1.00 KEATING'S Specials for Dollar Days Neckwear ; Hose Specials Reg. $1.00 2 for 1.00 KEATING' 27 Simcoe St., S. Reg. 95c and 75¢ Your Choice 2 for $1.00 All Hats Reduced for Dollar Days * Phone 688 committed Saturday night when made during the famous Malines Franklin found his wife In the ronversat'ons between the late company of Sholtz, Franklin sur-! Cardinal Mercier and prominent rendered to the police at Rosebud | Anglo-Catholics. and is alleged to have confessed, Arain Protestants declared that Franklin, who is 44 years old; |the Church of England should .re- came from Kansas City Mo., and | main Protestant and take on ne had been employed at the Watson vestige of Catholicism. farm until recently when he went Finally, the te=t of the Mallnes (to work on a farm near Calgary,|eonversations was published. They | leaving his wife 2' the Watsons, | ghowed that Fnelish participants A ghot gun, w' A is alleged to'in those conversations, including have been the any uged, is In Yord H-l'tax--the English de'eca- possession of the {ton had the tacit approval of the Ee - Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the English Church--had admit- ted the supremacy of the Pope and the correctness of the doctrine of transubstantiation. This aroused another storm of Protestant opinion, The action at Darwen today may be considered as an extreme ex- pression of Protestant opinion In the religious controversy. MANITOBA IS COMMITTED Winnipeg, Feb. 21.--A motion pre- sented by S. J. Farmer, Labor, Win- nipeg, urging a comprehensive plan | ficits. hydro-electric development, wus | adopted, In discussing the motion previous to the vote, Hon. W, R. Clubb, Min- ister of Public Works said: "We will extend the hydro service as fast as | he C of | the municipalities ask for it and can afford to pay, but the utility must stand on its own feet, and not rely on the public treasury ior any de- TO HYDRO DEVELOPMENT Building a city is a hig bus! youy business 1uagh ness. You advertise 'he'p us advertize your eit) amber of Commeres, Complete Philco A, B. Socket Power, $240 T Batteryless Complete MARCONI ACHIEVEMENT IF THE LATEET RADIO 1 he Marvel of the Season Duo-tone Walnut Cabinet Walnut Paoels. A model of Si WES he : \ iS Borl ompage / Complete with Batteries 190 McLagan Cabinet in Duo-tone Walnut with Burl Waloue Panels, Built-in speaker. A beawsiful creation of fusnis or with Philco A. B. Socket Power. In- stalled in your home, complete, $220 IRI " $210 HE Marconi is so constructed to the most careful electrical and mechanical measurements, that each instrument's in- dividual tone, the timbre of each singer's voice is repro duced with bell-like clearness, When another station is desired a twist of the single dial brings it in without interference. Ask for a demonstration, Our stock consists of a complete line of Batterys, Speakers and Accessories, The MARCONI RADIO SHO BEEEEEEESEEREERREE A. N. SHARP, Mgr. ERRRRERERREREECZEEE DON'T FORGET THE BIG A. C, STRICTLY BATTERYLESS CONSOLE MODEL NO, 10 $325 Complete Designed for Canadian Reception Marconi batteryless models No. 10 are equipped with Baldwin unit and large sounding chambers, Corner King & Celina Sts.

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