fo Mer 1 » 1H if i "ship to + Man cannot accept life in parts, He * trreliglous, that man is H. L, Menc- "Nving, and asks what is move pre- " 'as & whole, and that ia religious. oo "Yam : minister, tell you that it ia not very 'important whether you believe in Tames TORTIE re mt Fr : St. John's, Nfld, Feb, 19. --Colin Campbell, Canadian plane which is to be used wn scout- ing over the ice fields in search of the sealing fleet, left St. John's at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, and las safely at Port aux Basques at 3.43 o'clock Saturday afternoon. jeovering a direct distance of 320 miles, according to word received here today. DR. CHANONHOUSE DBs a Richmond, Feb. 19.--Dr. Robert ing physicians of Carleton County, died at his home here Friday, aged 61 years. - i £ il ! | ski aviator, in a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1928 GOAL OF PACHAGH London Envoy Believes the British Would Support His Aims London, Feb, 20.--An independent Iraq. free from British control, is the goal of Muzahim Beg Amin Al Pach- achi, the Iraq diplomatic agent to London, who was recently recalled to Bagdad. In an interview with the Daily Express. published last week, Pach- achi was quoted as saying that ne intends to found a new mational party to fight for Iraq's complete in dependence and the severance ot British control. He renounced the recent Anglo Iraq treaty as "dangerously éxtend- ing Iraq's obligations and closing her just aspirations for at least an- other five years." He said, according to the inter- view, that he would urge absolute FOUL PLAY THEORY Windsor, Feb. 19. -- That Geo. Holmes, 21 years of age St. Lou- is Avenue, Sandwich East, whose bpdy was found in a ditch on Te- camseh Road early Saturday morning, was the victim of a hit and run automobile driver, was the opinion expressed tonight by Dr. Paul Poisson, Coroner, who will hold an inquest next Saturday afternoon in Sandwich East Town all. freedom from external domination. Hall Pachachi believes a plebiscite in Great Britain would result in a sweeping majority of votes in favour of Iraq independence. Jafar Pasha will succeed Pachachi in London. I ---- The regular Winters fire de- partment was on the sceme with surprising alacrity, arriving before the fire was out.-- Winters, Cal, An autopsy performed by Dr, J. P. G. Morgan shows that death was due to a double fracture of play was scouted by Dr. Poisson, who pointed out there seemed to be no motive for slaying, as a big proportion of the pay received Fri- ay by Holmes was found in the clothing. ---- PAGE SEVN HITS, DAGGERS, NAILS AND KNIVES FAIL ------ TO DRAW BLOOD; DOTORS WATCH Vienna, Feb. 19.--Hundreds of physicians gathered at headquar- ters of the Austrian Cociety for Psychic Research and watched in amazement as Paul Diebel, thir- ty-year-old Silesian miner, who has been showing himself in Eu- rope, had daggers, nails and knives thrust into his body with- out evincing indication of pain or producing a flow of blood. The spectators included many women, some of whom leaned forward with opera glasses to catch a better view of the miner as he was pierced. Others faint- ed at the sight. This was the first time a group of qualified scientific men had witnessed his astonishing exhibi- tion. They pronounced it genu- ine. Diebel, the spectators asserted, thrust a dagger through his fore- arm so that the instrument pro- truded on the other side. He fhowed his arm around the room before he withdrew the dagger. Not once did he wince and he did not shed a drop of blood. The miner next, "by comcentra- tion of will power," caused drops of blood to trickle through the wall of his stomach, following the expulsion of blood from the knee. His most dramatic act was to make a large cross in blood ap- pear on his back, the blood being forced to the surface apparently by uncanny exercise of will pow- er. Diebel concluded his exhibition by allowing ome of the spectators to shoot a large metal belt into his chest by means of a catapult. He then calmly withdrew the mis- sile with no show of palin and permitted physicians to examine the bloodless wound produced. Florida has a town called "Cork- screw", which, no doubt, has a pul- ling power on tourists fran "he North.--St. Catharines Standard, There is only one pupil ib « rue ral school in Lanark. a snap that youngster has in leading nis class each month.--~Peterboro* Examiner. § g iEsEey § i sisi pt I | : HL : power to complete his relation mankind and the universe. "Surely, He says that life is not worth posterous than living, what mere rational than suicide? Is he irrelig- ious? Yes, and religious too, For he has taken an attitude toward liZe may be surprised wien I, a i "Sum Bao otttng cal escape Vv I You cannot get rid of CAN ERADICATE LIQUOR EVIL "Ge Forward" was the Shallonse to perance workers issued lai hb Ls John Buchapan, To.onto, Dominion Councillor of the Royal Templars of Temperance, at a mass meeting in King street United Church, Despite the blustery weather, the meeting, which was held after evening church service, was largely attended. Rev. W, P. Fletcher, D.D., pastor of the local Christian Church, was chairman, The Cristian people can eradic- ate the intemperance evil, if-they realise thelr own strength and ability, was Mr. Buchanan's state- ment, The speaker drew a striking comparison between the statements made in the Ontario Public School Hy , and the liquor stores estabMshed by the same govern- ment which authorized the book. The text states that alcohol lessens self control, makes the persop lose the fine eoordination of his move- ments, and thet its excessive use is a cause of crime, disease, and misery. There is more nourishment in a glass of milk than in a barrel of alcohol, the h,glene proceeds, and advises that it is foolish to pave anything to do with alcohol. Which will have the greater effect, she teaching of the text book or the daily of men and eveR Women of sll of society Jurchasing the wery liquor, in a store bas been made respectable becsuse is is under government auspices? 's question, 'marked, der Couneil and be. "Boral Templar Order, which this year celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Other men on the platform were E. Brintnell, To- ponto, Dominion Vice-Councillor, i general men- rance people ying six per cent on the How aquor stores will be DOLLAR DAL EDITIO Of The Oshawa Daily Times Twin Dollar Day Stores will be con-spicuous by the Display of Pink Pennants--the Bar- gains in the various Stores will be thereby making the Shopping Problem an easy ome. Note to Merchants Copy will necessarily have to be in the hands of the Printer not later than tomorrow--Phone 38. Friday and Saturday W ill Be Twin Dollar Days featuring---- Oshawa Merchants are making Special Arrangements to take care of the Extra TO BE PUBLISHED THIS WEEK hopping Dollar Day News! of Prominent Oshawa Merchants THE GREATEST GENERAL CLEARANCE OF THE SEASON Thousands of People will visit Oshawa this Veek-end --- and will Partake in the Many Big Savings that will be Offered---Let's Go! Demands by Enlarged Service er concluded.